Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 2

1 - " A communoty of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory independent of nearly so of external control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience" who defined the state as this


2 - " A man who lives outside the polis is wither a beast or a god" who said that


3 - " A state is that agency in a society that is authorised to exercise coercive control within a territory" who said

Anderson and Parker

4 - " Man is a social animal" who said that


5 - " Man's life in the state of nature was 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'?" who said that


6 - " State is a power and it is sin for the state to be weak" who said that


7 - " State is a union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self sufficing life by which we mean a happy and honourable life" who said that


8 - " State is the expansion of family" who said that


9 - " The law of the state is obeyed because there is punitive authority of state behind it" it is believed by the supporters of

Theory of Force

10 - " The state is a necessary evil" associated with


11 - " the state is an ethical institution which is indespensable for full moral development of man" whose atatement is this


12 - " The state is an unmitigated evil" is associated with


13 - " The state is expension of family" who said that


14 - " The state is prior to the individual just as a whole is prior to its parts" who ssaid that


15 - " The state is 'to hinder hindrances to good life" Who said that


16 - " Will not force is the basis of the state" who said that

T. H. Green

17 - "A man who lives outside the polis is either a beast or a God". Who said that


18 - "City States" term denotes

States of ancient Greece

19 - "consent of the people' is the basis of state" Who asserted this principle:


20 - "Family is the basis of state" who ssaid that


21 - "good citizens make a good state and bad citizens make a bad state". Who said that:


22 - "Government of the people, by the people, for the people". Whose define the democracy as this:

Abraham Lincoln

23 - "greatest good of the greatest number" principle was advocated by:


24 - "He breathes the bitterest hatred not only of individualism, but even of those elementary rights, which none but the most backward nations now deny to the individual, yet this preposterous system, consciously or unconsciously represents an exremeform of individualism" The quotation is about:


25 - "I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man, or to this assembly of men, on this condition that thou give up thy right to him, and authorise all his actions in the like manner".Who wrote these terms of social contract?


26 - "if sovereignty is not absolute no state will exist". Whose statement is this:


27 - "It is impossible to make the legal theory of sovereignty valid for political philosophy" Who said that.


28 - "Let the Sovereign but step outside the power derived from the Social Contract, and resistance becomes a natural right" Which one of the followings gives the right understanding to the above statement?

The Government exists for the good of the people, and can be removed if it violates the trust reposed in it

29 - "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" who said that:


30 - "Political freedom without economic democracy is a sham" who said that


31 - "Sovereignty is the suprime will of the state" who said that:

G.D.H. Cole

32 - "state existed for the life and continues to exist for the sake of good life" Who said that


33 - "State is an ethical institution which is indispensable for the full moral development of man" This statement is associated with the:


34 - "State is an executive committee of the exploiting class" this view is associated with:

The Marxists

35 - "state is march of God on earth" Who said that


36 - "The executive is crippled by not getting the laws it needs, and the legislature is spoiled by having to ad without responsibility, the Executive becomes unfit for its name, since it cannot execute what it decides on; the legislature is demoralized by liberty by taking decisions for which others (and not itself) will suffer the effects." About which form of government has Bagehot talked in the above statement.


37 - "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles". This expression is found in:

The Communist Manifesto

38 - "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles". Who said that:


39 - "The main function of state is to 'hinder to the hindrances to good life" Whose statement is this:


40 - "The President of the U.S.A. is both more and less than a king. He is also both more and less than a Prime Minister." Who among the following commentators had made the above statement?

H.J. Laski

41 - "The state arose not as the creator of law but the interpreter and enforcer of customs" who expressed this view:


42 - "The state comes into existance for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life" who said that


43 - "The state is a society of societies" who said that


44 - "the state is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of force, nor expansion of families but only growth" who said that


45 - "The State is nothing more than a machine' for the oppression of one class by another" Who said that:

Frederik Engels

46 - "The state is the highest embodement of morality" who said


47 - "The state is the March of God on earth" this statement is associated with:

The idealists

48 - "the state would ultimately wither away". Who asserted that


49 - A candidate for council of states must:

Not be less than 30 years

50 - A conservative party anywhere would stand for:

Private ownership

51 - A friend once observed what transpired after a child accidentally kicked a ball into Rousseau's leg. Rousseau, became enraged and chased the child, attempting to strike the youngster with his cane.


52 - A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) book is written by:

John Locke

53 - A present day state is expected:

To ensure that citizens have healthy relations

54 - A Second Letter Concerning Toleration book is written by:

John Locke

55 - A secular state:

Does not distinguish people on the basis of religion

56 - A seculat state is a state which is

Has no religious of its own

57 - A socialist state focuses on:

Economic equality

58 - A Socialist state stands for:

Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community

59 - A Socialist state stands for:

Social control of the means of production and distribution

60 - A socialist state stresses upon:

Economic equality

61 - A state should posses

Some kind of government

62 - A state, that has not its own official religion is called:


63 - A state's membership is


64 - A Third Letter for Toleration book is written by:

John Locke

65 - A very strong advocate of theory of force of origin of the state in modern times is:


66 - A Welfare state strive for:

Providing minimum living standard to all the citizens

67 - About the origin of the state the following theory is most acceptable:

Historical theory

68 - Accding to Marxists there can be no democracy in the capitalist society because:

Power is in the hands of rich classes

69 - Accding to the Marxists the state was created for:

Suppression and exploitation of slaves

70 - According to 26th US Amendment, every citizen has right to vote must be at least of:

18 years of age

71 - According to Aristotle the state was


72 - According to Aristotle, which of the following is not one of the six elements of the tragedy?


73 - According to By Shinki approach to justice:

Defence was the respobsibility of the state

74 - According to Elitist theory power is always concentrated in hands of:

A small group of elites

75 - According to elitist theory the policy formulation and implementation should be in the hands of :

An elite class

76 - According to Evolutionary theory:

State is the result of slow process of growth

77 - According to Hobbes after creation the state people continued to enjoy:

Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign

78 - According to Hobbes in the state of nature under the contract:

People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally

79 - According to Hobbes the people:

Could not revoke the contract

80 - According to Laski the government is:

Trustees of people

81 - According to Locke the individual gets his rights from:


82 - According to Locke the state of nature was:

A period of peace and reason

83 - According to Locke, the important rights people enjoyed in state of nature were:

Right to life, liberty and property

84 - According to Marx the main function of proletarian state is:

To promote Marxian ideology by regulation of education, art, culture, etc.

85 - According to Marx the modern bourgeois society is characterized by struggle between:

Capitalist and worker

86 - According to Marx the state is:

Class instrument

87 - According to Marxists the class distinctions made their presence:

After man started leading settled life and took to cultivation

88 - According to Marxists the state was created for:

Suppression and exploitation of have notes

89 - According to Marxists, before the creation of state the primitive sociities worked on the principle:

Survival of the fittest

90 - According to Rousseau the General Will was

Sum total of good wills

91 - According to Rousseau's theory of General will which one is wrong:

General Will is the will of the masses

92 - According to the Evolutionary theory Kinship was the major factor contributing for the origin of the state. Kinship means:

Belief in common blood relationship

93 - According to the Historical theory of origin of state the state is:

An outcome of gradual and continuous development of human society out of an imperfect beginning towards a more perfect organisation

94 - According to the individualists the best judge of the interests of individuals is:

The individual himself

95 - According to the individualists the state is:

A necessary evil

96 - According to the Liberals the state should promote the welfare of:

All the sections of society

97 - According to the Marx:

State arises when there exploitation of labour by capital

98 - According to the Marxist theory:

The state is based on the economic factor

99 - According to the marxists

The state is a power system

100 - According to the Marxists before the creation of state the 'primitive society' was

A classless society

101 - According to the Marxists:

State is a class structure

102 - According to the monistic theory of sovereignty:

The sovereignty resides in the state alone

103 - According to the monistic theory:

Individual and state must exist for each other

104 - According to the new constitution:

Judges were to be appointed for six years

105 - According to the organic theory of the origin of state

The state is a living oganism, rather a living spiritual being

106 - According to the patriarchal theory of origin of the state:

The eldest male member was the head of the family

107 - According to the Pluralist theory of democracy:

The power in society is shared by the government and other groups

108 - According to the pluralists the main function of the state is:

To regulate the activities of various associations

109 - According to the Pluralists:

The state is as important as the other social, economic and religious groups

110 - According to the theory of Force:

Force was the sole factor responsible for the origin of the state

111 - According to the theory of Social Contract:

State was created as a result of contract concluded by the people living in the pre-civil society

112 - According to welfare theory one of them is not a function of state:

To own the means of production

113 - After Indian Independence who represented Provisional Parliament?

Constituent Assembly

114 - All the Contractualists deal with the State of Nature, it means that:

The conditions existing prior to the creation of the state

115 - An important contribution of theory of social contract is:

It gave a death blow to the 'Divine Origin theory' and paved the way for democracy

116 - Appeals from the Court of Appeal go to:

The House of Lords

117 - Aristotle says

State is natural institution

118 - Austin gave the theory of:

Legal Sovereignty

119 - Authority in the Feudal State was rested with:

Landed classes

120 - Britain has:

Two party system

121 - Cabinet meetings in a Parliamentary system of Government are presided over by:

The Prime Minister

122 - Church had very important position in:

The Holy Roman Empire

123 - Communist Manifesto was written by:


124 - Comradely courts were:

Part of the judicial hierarchy

125 - Democracy

Has its merits as well as demerits

126 - Democracy can be succeeded in a country:

Where people have spirit toleration

127 - Democracy is based upon the principle of:

Majority rule

128 - Democracy is criticised now a days because:

It is government of the amateurs

129 - Democracy is different from dictatorship by the fact that

It is responsive to the will of the people

130 - Democracy is preferred because:

The people are participants in law making process

131 - Democracy is rule of:


132 - Democracy rose as a reaction against:

Arbitrary government

133 - Democratic Republican Party was led by:


134 - Departments in France are analogous:

To province in Pakistan

135 - Derrida argues that:

The world cannot be grasped but has to be interpreted

136 - Dictatorship of proletariat means:

Dictatorial rule of Working class

137 - Direct democracy associated with:


138 - Direct democracy in modern times is not possible because:

Of the practical difficulties posed by the size and population of modem states

139 - Due to the functions a modern state performed it is described as a:

Welfare state

140 - During the Civil War the supporters of the Sovereign came to be called:


141 - During the Holy Roman Empire the position of the Kings was rendered weak due to:

Rise of feudal lords and Popes

142 - During which period, Constituent Assembly of India worked?


143 - Edward Said argues in his book Orientalism:

Both (b) and (c)

144 - Especially for Plato's writings referring to Socrates, it is not always clear which ideas brought forward by Socrates (or his friends) actually belonged to Socrates and which of these may have been new additions or elaborations by, Plato - this is known as the:

Socratic Problem

145 - Feudalism was an inportant feature of:

The Holy Roman Empire

146 - For the first time the concept of legal sovereignty was introduced by:


147 - Founder of soviet state was:

None of them

148 - Fourth Presidential elections in France were held in:


149 - French Socialist Party was first set up in:


150 - From which language the term sovereignty derived:


151 - Generally the periphery countries are dependent on the centre for:

Manufactured goods

152 - Governments can be classified as Presidential and Parliamentary on the basis of:

Relations between the legislature and the executive

153 - Hobbes adopted:

Scientific Method

154 - Hobbes contribution to Political theory was:

Monarchical Theory

155 - Hobbes holds that in the contract:

Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract

156 - Hobbes holds that people in the state of nature enjoyed:

No rights

157 - Hobbes presented Social Contract theory with a view to:

Defend the absolute powers of the monarchy

158 - Hobbes says that the people:

Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign

159 - Hobbes's individual has the right to:

Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition

160 - How do post-modernists react to the criticism that their theories are too theoretical and not concerned with the real world?

In the social world there is no such thing as real

161 - I know that I know nothing is a well-known saying which is attributed to the Greek philosopher:


162 - Idealism was :

Totalitarian ideology

163 - Idealism was essentially:

Totalitarian ideology

164 - If political leadership fails to emerge, there is likelihood of military taking over power in developing countries. Radical student groups or labour may try to raise revolution but they are not likely to compete with the military. Military intervention, rule and withdrawal from politics is clearly related to a society's level of political development. In the context of Political Development the assumption in the above passage is that:

Military is an agent of social change

165 - In a domocracy legal sovereign is subject to answerable to:

Political Sovereign

166 - In a large state, which of the following recommendations does Rousseau make?

There should be fewer magistrates

167 - In a parliamentary form of Government for all purposes the Council of Ministers is accountable to:


168 - In a Parliamentary form of government the Cabinet is accountable to:

The legislature

169 - In a Parliamentary form of government the head of state enjoys:

Nominal powers

170 - In a parliamentary form of government the real executive power rests with:

Council of Ministers

171 - In a Parliamentary form of government:

The members of Cabinet hold office, during the pleasure of the Parliament

172 - In a parliamentary system of of a government:

The executive is responsible to the legislature

173 - In a Presidential form of government the head of the executive is representative in so far as

He is an elected representative of the people

174 - In Hobbes's social contract sovereign in effect meant that

Sovereign remained in the state of nature

175 - In Hobbes's social contract sovereign was

Above the contract

176 - In Hobbes's view man in the state of nature was

Nasty and Brutish

177 - In midern times legal notion of state is discarded because

It emphasizes only negative functions of the state

178 - In modern era the essential function of state is:

Maintenance of law and order

179 - In modern time the difference between optional and compulsory functions:

Has considerably narrowed down

180 - In modern times political rights are guaranteed to:

Adult citizens only

181 - In modern times popular notion of the state is

Welfare Notion

182 - In November of 1991, who banned the Communist Party of the Soviet Union?

Vladimir Putin

183 - In Rousseau's view the main reasom for the social contract was that

Private property came as serpent

184 - In the Constituent Assemble which words were associated with the Parliament?

Parliament of the Federation

185 - In the Constituent Assembly who proposed the name of Dr. Rajendra Prasad as President of India?

A & B

186 - In the Constituent Assembly, how many seats were fixed for House of People?


187 - In the Constituent Assembly, it was said that Parliament of the Federation shall consist of the President and what else:

National Legislature

188 - In the Constituent Assembly, when was the ad-hoc Committee appointed for the National Flag?

23rd June 1937

189 - In the development of modern states the most important factor was:

Growth of national consciousness

190 - In the direct democracy:

People take direct part in the administration of the country

191 - In the modern states the change in government carried out?

Through elections and smooth transfer of power

192 - In the Parliamentary form of government the Cabinet:

Can get the legislature dissolved before the expiry of its normal term

193 - In the Parliamentary form of government the departments are allocated to the various ministers by:

The Prime Minister

194 - In the Parliamentary form of government the principle of "Collective responsibility" means:

All the ministers are collectively responsible to the legislature

195 - In the sphere of economy, the individualists believe in:

Encourging free competition

196 - In the state of nature, Rousseau's man was

Noble savage

197 - In the terms of population which one is the largest state of the world


198 - In the terms of territory which one is the largest state of the world


199 - In the view of Hobbes people in the state of nature

Quarrelled with each other

200 - In the views of Hobbes the sovereign was:

The result of the contract

201 - In the views of individualists the best judge of individuals interests is:

The individual himself

202 - In the views of individualists:

State is a necessary evil

203 - In the views of Marxists state uses different institutions like courts, police and army for:

Promotion of the interests of the dominating class

204 - In the views of socialists one of the following is not true about the functions of state?

To promote religion

205 - In the views of Syndicalists which one of the following should take over the functions of state:


206 - In US, how many amendments have been made now?


207 - In Western democracy Parliaments are based on:

Party system

208 - In what year did Christopher Columbas explore Martinique?


209 - In what year was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics officially founded?


210 - In which of the following countries the citizens are permitted to exercise their franchise at the age of 18 years

All the above

211 - In which one of the following countries the women were granted franchise very recently?


212 - India is called a secular state because of:

Liberty of worship

213 - Initiative is a tool of direct democracy, which gives the people right:

To suggest legislative measures which the legislature is not enacting

214 - J. J Rousseau was born in


215 - John Austin explained his theory of Sovereignty in the book:

Lectures on Jurisprudence

216 - John Austin's name is associated in development of sovereignty with:

Legal theory

217 - John Locke belonged to:


218 - John Locke presented his Social Contract theory in his book named:

Two Treatises on Civil Government

219 - John Locke presented his theory in:

The seventeenth century

220 - Karl Marx was born in:


221 - Kinship, which according to the Evolutionary theory was one of the major contributory factors for the origin of state, means:

Belief in common blood relationship

222 - Laissez Faire theory is also known as:


223 - Landsgemeinde is a tool, which authorises:

The adult citizens to take direct part in the solution to the affairs facing their area

224 - Laski opposed inheritance of private property on the ground?

It encourages the children to lead life of luxury without working

225 - Lenin held that the export of capital tends to:

Arrest development in capital exporting countries

226 - Lenin's contribution to the development of Marxism was:


227 - Lenin's contribution to the development of Marxism was:

Principle of democratic-centralism

228 - Local government in France:

Another bed-rock on which the French state is built

229 - Locke's state of nature was given up because

there were some inconveniences

230 - Marsian Socialism is also known as:

Scientific Socialism

231 - Marx believe that the state promotes:

And defends the interests propertied classes

232 - Marx believed that spread of capitalism throughout the world had led to:


233 - Marx in his writings:

Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

234 - Marxian theory depicts the development of human society on the basis of:

Historical materialism

235 - Marxian theory of development was essential:

A blend of socio-economic and political factors

236 - Marxism is in favour of:

Doing away with the state

237 - Member of the council states are elected for:

Six years

238 - Membership of a person can be

Only one state at a time

239 - Mikhail Gorbachev held which position before he became General Secretary of the Communist Party?

Minister of Civil Defense

240 - Money bill can originate:

Only in the state assembly

241 - Natural resources in the primitive society, according to the Marxists were under the control of:

All the people

242 - Next to the Poliburo of the Communist Party, what other party was the most important policy-making body in the USSR?

Soviet Communist Party

243 - Nicomachus was the name of which of Aristotle's relations?

Father and son

244 - Now a days it is expected by the state to perform:

Both compulsory and optional functions

245 - Offices under feudal state were distributed in the basis of

Principle of heredity

246 - On December 9, 1991, the leaders of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian republics declared that the Soviet Union was dissolved and replaced by the:

Association of Independent States

247 - One advantage of democracy is that:

The people get political education

248 - One important condition for the democracy to be succeeded is that people should be:


249 - One important merit of democracy is that:

Develops creative thinking among masses

250 - One of the characteristics of Hobbes's theory of sovereignty was:

Its perpetuity

251 - one of the characteristics of Roman Empire was:

A Highly centralized administration

252 - One of the features of Marxian democracy is wrongly listed. Point out:

It should work through representative Parliaments

253 - One of the features of Marxian democracy is wrongly listed. Point out:

Emphasis on political freedom

254 - One of the following functions is wrongly listed in the functions performed by a welfare state. Point out:

Interference in the religion of the people

255 - One of the following groups pleeded for the establishment of a stateless society?

The Socialists

256 - One of the following is in correct about the compulsory functions of state:

Regulation of labour laws

257 - One of the following is in correct about the optional functions of state:

Maintenance of diplomatic relations

258 - One of the following is incorrect regarding the views of Individualists about the functions of state:

It should promote morality

259 - One of the main factors which has the contribution in the decline of Roman Empire was:

Challenge of bourgeoisie class

260 - One of the theories about the origin of state evoked maximum controversy?

Social Contract Theory

261 - One of the theories about the origin of state was popular during 7th and 8th centuries:

Social Contract Theory

262 - One of them is considered a proponent of modern day individualism?

Graham Wallas

263 - One of them is correct about liberal theory of state?

It is necessary evil

264 - One of them presents a good example of Presidential system of Government?


265 - One of these functions is wrongly listed as the compulsory function of the state:

Promotion of education

266 - Optional functions of the state are those which:

If not performed, the state will disintegrate

267 - Ordinarily, Congress meets at least in a year:


268 - Ordinarily, the House of Lords consists of:

Ten Lords

269 - Parties are inevitable. No free country has been without them. The above statement was made by:

Lord Bryce

270 - People in Locke's state of nature :

Had both rights and duties

271 - People in the state of nature, according to Locke, enjoyed only:

Natural rights

272 - Plebiscite in a democracy used for:

Ascertaining the views of people on a policy matter of public importance

273 - Pluralist concept of sovereignty was:

Reaction against dogmatic legalism of Austinian theory of sovereignty

274 - Point out the correct statement:

The modern state performs very extensive optional functions

275 - Point out the factor which has no contribution in evolution of the state

Natural rights

276 - Point out the optional function of state?

Opening of employment exchanges

277 - Point out the principle on which the modern democracy functions:

People have ultimate power

278 - Point out the right view of socialism about the state:

It is an end in itself

279 - Point out the theory which has the contribution in the promotion of totalitarian states in the current century:

Ethical Theory

280 - Political parties render great service to the poor people by:

Providing them necessary funds to contest elections

281 - Prehistoric art can be found in caves in one of the following:


282 - Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha is:


283 - Pressure groups are:

Specific in their aims and objectives

284 - Property restrictions to vote or to hold office were abolished in:


285 - Radical underdevelopment theory:

Opposed traditional Marxism

286 - Referendum is a tool of direct democracy, which enables the people:

To demand reference of laws passed by the legislature to people

287 - Religion helped in cultivating two qualities for the evolution of the state which are:

Reverence and obedience

288 - Religion helped in the evolution of state by cultivating following two qualities:

Reverence and obedience

289 - Rights have no validity without the recognition of:


290 - Robert Owen's Socialism is known as:

Utopian Socialism

291 - Rousseau fixed the population of a state at


292 - Rousseau was associated with

Theory of General Will

293 - Rousseau's General will is sum total of:

Real wills

294 - Rousseau's theory of Social Contract theory influenced:

The French Revolution of 1779

295 - Rule of Law as the basis of constitutional government was propounded most brilliantly by:

A.V. Dicey

296 - Russian attempts to dominate the Balkans led to a war with which country from 1827-29?


297 - Scientific Socialism is based upon the teachings of:

Karl Marx

298 - Sixth Presidential elections in France were held in:


299 - Socialism is basically a movement of:

The workers

300 - Socialism is essentially a movement of:

The workers

301 - Socialism opposed to:

Unrestricted competition

302 - Socialists define democracy as a society in which:

No body is without work

303 - Sovereign draws his authority from the people is the basic principle of liberal democracy. Who for the first time developed it:


304 - Sovereignty is an entire thing. Who said that:

John Coulhon

305 - Sovereignty is an internal power. Who said that:


306 - Sovereignty is attribute of:

All types of states

307 - Sovereignty vested in 'general will'. Who gave this idea:


308 - State of nature, in the view of Hobbes was

Post social

309 - Teo political parties emerged during the reign of:

Charles II

310 - Term "Territorial water" means

Sea water located near to the coast of a state

311 - The Act of Settlement deals with:

Protection of Judges from arbitrary removal

312 - The age of the Governor at the time of appointment must be:

35 years

313 - The area of the state consists of

Land, air space, territorial water

314 - The base of welfare theory is:

Democratic principles

315 - The Battle of Agincourt took place in 1415 in which country?


316 - The best exposition of the liberal nature of the functions of state was offered by:

John Locke

317 - The book "Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" was written by:

Frederik Engels

318 - The book written by Hobbes in which he gave the idea of Social Contract is:


319 - The Cabinet meetings in a Parliamentary system are presided over by:

The Prime Minister

320 - The Chancery Division is presided by:

The Lord Chancellor

321 - The chief proponent of Utilitarian philosophy was:


322 - The citizenship in the greek city states was available to:

All persons except the slaves and foreigners

323 - The city states which appeared before the birth of christ are associated with:


324 - The City states:

Granted freedom only to the citizens

325 - The City-states which made their appearance before the birth of Christ are generally associated with:


326 - The classical theory can be found in the writings of:

Ancient Greek Philosophers

327 - The Communist Manifesto describes the state as:

An executive committee of the bourgeois

328 - The compulsory functions of the state are those which:

If not performed, the state will disintegrate

329 - The compulsory functions of the state:

Which every state must perform to justify its existence

330 - The constitution describes national sovereignty as:

To be people of France

331 - The Court of Appeal is headed by:

Master of the Rolls

332 - The Crimean War lasted from 1853-56. Which powers did Russia fight during this war?

England, France, Turkey, Austria Hungary

333 - The difference between the modern and 19th century individualism is so far as:

It attaches greater importance to 'group' rather than 'individual'

334 - The draft constitution of India:

An elected governor

335 - The earliest territorial State was:

Oriental Empire

336 - The early Oriental Empires rested on:

Despotism of King

337 - The early Oriental Empires were located:

In the fertile valleys

338 - The early Oriental Empires were mostly located:

In the fertile valleys

339 - The Economic aspects of democracy have been emphasised by constitutionality of laws enacted by

Marxian Theory of Democracy

340 - The Elitist theory of democracy rejects the view that:

Democracy is a rule of the majority

341 - The essence of the state according to Tretschke is


342 - The evolutionary theory mainly profounded by:

Burgess and Leacock

343 - The exponent of patriarchal theory regarding the origin of state was

St. Paul

344 - The famous theory of natural rights affected:

The Conduct of Monarchs and Princes

345 - The federalists were led by:

Alexander V Hamilton

346 - The final authority in democracy rests with:


347 - The final power in Democracy rests with:

The people

348 - The first proponent of organic theory of the state


349 - The first ten Amendments passed by Congress on September 25, 1789 and ratified on:

December 15, 1791

350 - The first western writer to offer a systematic exposition of the doctrine of sovereignty was:


351 - The four essential factors which helped the state to evolve were:

Kinship, Religion, Force and Political Consciousness

352 - The four factors which helped in the evolution of the state were:

Kinship, Religion, Force and Political Consciousness

353 - The function of associational pressure groups is to:

Articulate the demands

354 - The functions of the state according to the Liberal thinkers should be:


355 - The functions of the state in the past used to be:

Police functions

356 - The government in a Parliamentary government is headed by:

The Prime Minister

357 - The Governor is appointed:

For a period of five years

358 - The group of people who believe in the division of sovereignty is known as:


359 - The group which have the opinion that some of the state functions should be performed by the guilds are:

Guild socialists

360 - The group who was in favour of the abolition of state is called:


361 - The head of state in a parliamentary form of government:

May be elected, hereditary or nominated person

362 - The idea of a welfare state is presented by:


363 - The Idealistic Theory of Rights is also known as:

Personality Theory

364 - The important function of the welfare state is.

To check exploitation

365 - The Indian Supreme Court was inaugurated :

On 26th January 1950

366 - The individualists favoured of seting the individual absolutely free because:

He knows his interest best

367 - The individualists proposed that:

The individual was the best judge of his own interest

368 - The individualists regarded the state as:

A necessary evil

369 - The islands of Martinique, Corsica and Guadeloupe are governed by which country?


370 - The largest department in France is:


371 - The leader of government in a Parliamentary government is:

Always the leader of the majority party in the popular house

372 - The legal notion of the state is that

The states make laws for the maintenaince of law and order and protection of these laws

373 - The legal sovereignty in British resides in:

The Queen-in-Parliament

374 - The legal soverignty in India lies in the:


375 - The Liberal philosophy found its best exposition in:

Both (a) and (b)E.In all (a) (b) and (c)

376 - The liberal theory regards the state:

As a means to an end

377 - The Liberalism which flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is also known as:

Classical Liberalism

378 - The main contribution of T. H Green towards the Liberal theory of democracy was:

Emphasis on collective well-being as condition of individual freedom

379 - The main supporter of patriachal theory is

Henry Maine

380 - The major contributions of Roman Empire were:

Unity, uniformity of law, sovereign organisation and world peace

381 - The Marixsts want to do away capitalist state by:

Violent revolution

382 - The Marxists believe that the capitalist state appeared:

Towards the close of eighteenth century

383 - The Marxists believe that the slave owning society:

Preceded the creation of the state

384 - The Marxists believe that the state is:

A man made institution

385 - The Marxists believe:

The states is a machine through which the ruling class imposes its will on the rest of the people

386 - The Marxists say that 'Primitive Communism' is the period.

Prior to the creation of the state

387 - The Matriarchal theory of origin of the state says that

The eldest female member

388 - The members of the Council of Ministers in Parliamentary system of government:

Are always taken from the Parliament

389 - The members of the legislative council:

Are elected by different electoral colleges

390 - The Ministers are responsible to:

Lok Sabha only

391 - The ministers in a Parliament form of government hold office:

As long as they enjoy the confidence of majority of the members of the legislature

392 - The modern democracy is also known as:

Representative democracy

393 - The modern individualism arose as a reaction against:

Extreme collectivism

394 - The modern individualism is in favour of:

Granting only co-ordinate powers to the state

395 - The modern individualists favoured the:

Welfare state

396 - The modern state is called:

A welfare state

397 - The modern state is described as:

A welfare state

398 - The modern state is known as:

A nation state

399 - The modern time supporter of theory of Force about the origin of state was


400 - The most effective guarantee against - infringement of rights is the:


401 - The most important responsibility of the state in ancient India was:

To promote dharma

402 - The most prominent supporters of the theory of Social Contract were:

Hobbes, locke and Rousseau

403 - The motive force of history according to Marx is:

Forces of Production

404 - The name of Hobbes is associated with which theory about the origin of state

Social Contract

405 - The name of Miss Follett's book is:

The New State

406 - The nation states replaced the feudal states in:

The sixteenth century

407 - The normal life of Lok Sabha is:

5 years

408 - The one who stressed upon interdiscipilinary approach for study of state's problems


409 - The opinion that state is an executive committee of exploiting class is attributed to


410 - The optional function of state is:

Opening educational institutions

411 - The organizers of which revolution were influenced by the theory of social contract of Rousseau

French revolution

412 - The Oriental Empires of earlier era rested on:

Despotism of King

413 - The other name of idealist theory is:

Metaphysical Theory

414 - The Parliamentary form of government cannot function without:

Political parties

415 - The Parliamentary form of government first developed in:


416 - The Parliamentary form of government is based on:

Fusion of legislature and executive

417 - The Parliamentary form of government is good because:

It provides a flexible form of government

418 - The Parliamentary form of government:

Secures swiftness in decision and vigor in action

419 - The Parliamentaryform of Government is usualy described as government by:


420 - The people of Locke's era left the state of nature for:

Preservation of their natural rights

421 - The period of Hobbes's state of nature according was:

Constant warfare

422 - The Pluralist theory of democracy is:

In favour of elections because they help in gauging public opinion

423 - The Pluralistic theory of democracy belongs to:

All the above three

424 - The Pluralists are in favour of:

Grant of limited sovereign powers to the state

425 - The Pluralists are in favour of:

Curtailing powers of state

426 - The Pluralists believe in:

Political sovereignty

427 - The Pluralists believe that:

Sovereignty is shared by the various social, religious, economic and political groups

428 - The political parties are generally formed on the basis of:

Common economic and political principles

429 - The political parties impart to the citizens:

Political education

430 - The Portfolios of state Ministers are allocated by the:

Chief Minister

431 - The President in Presidential form of government is dependent on:

None of the above

432 - The president of the France can replace the president of the:

Till new elections

433 - The president of the Republic is elected by:

Direct votes

434 - The Presidential form of government first originated in:


435 - The presiding officer of the state assembly:


436 - The Prime Minister in a Parliamentary form of government is generally:

A member of the popular house

437 - The primitive people, according to Hobbes, were encouraged to conclude social contract on account of:


438 - The 'primitive society' was regulated by:

Conventions and customs

439 - The principle "Survival of the fittest" is associated with:

Herbert Spencer

440 - The principle of separation of powers is applicable to which form of government?


441 - The proletarian state introduced by Marx is:

The state which will be established after the overthrow of the capitalist state as a transitory measure

442 - The proponents of elitist theory:

Do not believe in equality between ruler and ruled

443 - The proportional representation seeks to:

Secure representation to various groups in the national and local bodies in proportion to their voting strength

444 - The purpose of a Socialist state is to:

Establish a just and equitable society

445 - The Queen's Bench Divisions presided by:

The Lord Chief Jistice

446 - The religion in the secular state

Has nothing to do with politics

447 - The right statement about the socialist state is:

There should be social control both over means of production and distribution

448 - The right statement about the welfare state is:

It believes in graded taxation

449 - The Roman Empire outstandingly contributed in:

Universal code of law

450 - The senate is:

Sub-ordinate legislative chamber

451 - The sessions of House of Representatives begins every year on:

3rd of January

452 - The smallest unit of local government in France is:


453 - The Socialists views about the state is:

State promotes common good

454 - The sovereignty which is recognised by the courts of state is known as:

De-jure Sovereignty

455 - The speaker can preside the house:

But when his removal is discussed

456 - The Speaker of Lok Sabha maintains a penal of:

Six chairmen

457 - The stages of the evolution of modern states were:

Tribal state, Greek-city state, Roman Empire, Feudal state and Modern state

458 - The state according to Marx:

Promotes exploitation of poor by the rich

459 - The state becomes a state if

None of above

460 - The state executive consists of:

Governor and his council of Ministers

461 - The state has

Four elements

462 - The state has organs like individuals. Who believed in this notion

The Organic Theory of State

463 - The state is a

Compulsory association

464 - The state is a product of society at a certain stage of development when it has split into irreconcilable antagonisms, which it is powerless to dispel.' this statement belongs to the theory of:


465 - The state is basically a

Political association

466 - The state is both parent and child of law because

The state creates elaborate system iof eights and obligations

467 - The state is the instrument of exploitaion of one class by an other. Who said that


468 - The states of modern time are

Nation states

469 - The term of city state is associated with

Local government bodies in England

470 - The term of city state is associated with

Ancient Greece

471 - The term state derived from the word "status" was used by

The Teutons

472 - The theory about the origin of the state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of growth is known as:

Evolutionary Theory

473 - The theory of Marxism has advocated:


474 - The theory of Marxism lays great emphasis on:

Materialistic aspect

475 - The theory of social contract deals with

Origin of state

476 - The Theory of Social Contract deals with:

The origin of State

477 - The theory of Social Contract is based opon:


478 - The theory of Social Contract paved the way for:


479 - The theory of Social Contract replaced:

Divine Origin theory

480 - The Tribal State means:

A political organization which existed before the creation of the state

481 - The two basic principles emphasised by Locke for liberal theory of democracy, were:

Popular sovereignty and constitutional government

482 - The two persons who exercised maximum influence on Marx were:

Hegel and Feurbach

483 - The two-party system in America is due to:

The peculiar constitutional set up

484 - The very first territorial State was:

Oriental Empire

485 - The view that the form of governments changes according to a set cycle was expressed by:


486 - The Welfare state favours the:

Promotion of material welfare of the individual

487 - The welfare state of present time is consider to perform:

Both compulsory and optional functions

488 - The world 'sovereignty' derives from the word superanus which belongs to language:


489 - Theory of social contract about the origin of the state was most worthless" who said that

Henry Maine

490 - This man engineered the first Russian subway system in Moscow. The metro was subsequently named after him

Aleksey Shchusev

491 - Thomas Hobbes died in:

Derbyshire, England

492 - Those who believe that the state is an end in itself believe that:

Should be narrowed down

493 - Tribal State means:

A political organization which existed before the creation of the state

494 - Two most popular devices of direct democracy are:

Referendum and initiative

495 - Under feudalism the ownership of land rested with:

The feudal lords

496 - Union of India consists of:

7 territories

497 - Universal Adult Franchise implies a right to vote to all:

Adult citizens of the state

498 - UNR-EDT was launched in:


499 - Usualy the Cabinet members in a Parliamentary form of government are:

Taken from the same political party

500 - We travel to a city of historical importance in the life of Joan of Arc. In which city is there a memorial and a church at the site where she was burned at the stake?


501 - welfare state is for:

All the above

502 - What did Aristotle see as the central tension in ethical decisions?


503 - What is an example of "religion of the citizen"?

The gods of ancient Greece

504 - What is meant by national security?

Security largely defined in militarized terms

505 - What is meant by the electorate?

The body of citizens who elect those who govern

506 - What is meant by the Washington Consensus?

The ten point guideline to liberal economic reform for development around the world

507 - What is Surplus value:

Difference between wages and proceeds of sales

508 - What is the main role of the World Bank?

To assist countries in drvelopment

509 - What is the name of the will exercised by magistrates in their capacity as members of government?

Corporate will

510 - What was Leon Trotsky's original name?

Leon Davidovich Trotsky

511 - What was the last version of the Soviet constitution adopted?


512 - What was the most famous Soviet art museum?

Museum of Revolution

513 - What was the name of India's First Legislature?

Constituent Assembly

514 - When the voters take part in the elections of representative bodies themselves and elect the members, the system is known as:

Direct elections

515 - Which does Rousseau think is the best form of aristocracy?

Elective aristocracy

516 - Which feature of Liberal Democracy wrongly listed:

Democratic Centralism

517 - Which government operates on the principle of collective responsibility?


518 - Which group is correct

population, territory, government, sovereignty

519 - Which group stress uopn the legal notion of the State

Bodin, Austin, Hobbes and Bentham

520 - Which is a correct statement?

Parliamentary government encourages partisan feeling

521 - Which is a correct statement?

Parliamentary government is not suitable for dealing with emergencies

522 - Which is a suitable statement of the concept of liberal-democrats about the welfare state:

Provide for its citizens a minimum of material well being without destroying private initiative

523 - Which is an incorrect statement regarding the smooth functioning of democracy:

Presence of a strong propertied class

524 - Which is an incorrect statement:

Locke held that the Governmental Contract was superior to the Social Contract

525 - Which is an incorrect statement:

State can give a part of its sovereignty to society

526 - Which is an incorrect statement:

The legal sovereign enjoys only limited authority

527 - Which is correct statement?

Parliamentary government leads to neglect of administration by minister

528 - Which IS incorrect about Pluralist theory of democracy?

It is opposed to holding frequent elections

529 - Which is incorrect about socialist democracy of the Marxists?

In that judiciary will be nominated by the legislature

530 - Which is incorrect about socialist democracy of the Marxists?

In that interests of the poor will only be protected

531 - Which is not a characteristic of sovereignty?

It is delegated to some one else by the state

532 - Which is the correct statement

Society is prior to the state

533 - Which is the correct statement regarding the functions of a welfare state:

It should aim at promoting material welfare of the individual

534 - Which nephew of Aristotle was executed by Alexander?


535 - Which of following has not been included in the list of natural rights by John Locke:

Right to work

536 - Which of following is an incorrect statement

The Church Fathers used the Force Theory to demonstrate the superiority of the state over the Church

537 - Which of the followibg was borrowed by Marx from Hegel:

Dialectical method

538 - Which of the following believe that state has been protecting the interest of rich

The Marxists

539 - Which of the following has the characteristic of absence of unity:

The ancient city state

540 - Which of the following has the view that sovereignty should be extended to all the associations and individuals living in the state?


541 - Which of the following is a correct statement

Nation is a territorial community

542 - Which of the following is a correct statement

The scope of state activity is narower than the society

543 - Which of the following is a correct statement

The state is master and the government is its agent

544 - Which of the following is a correct statement

An individual has to be loyal to the state

545 - Which of the following is a correct statement ?

The legal sovereign is inferior to political sovereign

546 - Which of the following is a correct statement?

Hobbes failed to make any distinction between state and government

547 - Which of the following is Aristotle's statement

The state is a union of familites and villiages having for its end a perfect and self suficing life

548 - Which of the following is near to the nature of liberalism:

It is individualism plus democracy

549 - Which of the following is not a danger Rousseau associates with monarchy?

The corporate will and the general will might be confused

550 - Which of the following is not a feature of Liberal theory of democracy?

It does not give any power to the people to oppose the authority of the state

551 - Which of the following is the true meaning of the Right to Resist the state?

It means a moral right against a government which is guilty of grave and patent injustice

552 - Which of the following is true about society

It came prior to state

553 - Which of the following kind of law is most important?

Law derived from morals, customs, and beliefs

554 - Which of the following theories is considered correct one about the origin of the state:

Evolutionary theory

555 - Which of the followings did not favour the right to private property?

Mao Tse Tung

556 - Which of them is not an attribute of elitist theory of democracy?

Elite group tries to protect the interests of all

557 - Which one according to the Socialists is the root cause of all evils?


558 - Which one has distinguished between political sovereignty and sovereignty of the people?


559 - Which one is incorrect view about the socialist state?

It aims at promoting freedom of individual

560 - Which one is a correct statement:

The feudal state promoted unity

561 - Which one is a correct statement:

Historical and evolutionary theories are the same

562 - Which one is a correct statement:

The press in democracy must be free and impartial

563 - Which one is a state


564 - Which one is an incorrect statement

State is not a permanent association

565 - Which one is an incorrect statement:

Pluralist theory of democracy emphasises need of territorial decentralisation of authority

566 - Which one is called the first socialist state of the world?

Soviet Union

567 - Which one is correct about Presidential system of Government?

The members of the cabinet hold office during the pleasure of the President

568 - Which one is correct about the relationship of government and the state


569 - Which one is correct about the views of socialists about liberty?

It means development of all the powers latent in a man

570 - Which one is incorrect about Presidential form of Government?

In it the head of the state is only nominal

571 - Which one is incorrect?

Hobbes social contract was bilateral

572 - Which one is necessary for successful working of parliamentary system of Government?

Well organised political party system

573 - Which one is not a feature of Parliamentary system?

Separation of powers

574 - Which one is not a state


575 - Which one is not an element of the state


576 - Which one is not an Important element of association

Definite territory

577 - Which one is not an important element of sovereignty:


578 - Which one is not considered to be the function of state?

Interfering in the religion of the people

579 - Which one is not correct about presidential system of Government?

The cabinet is part of the legislature

580 - Which one is not the work of Karl Marx?

Poverty of Utopia

581 - Which one is not true about the features of elitist theory:

There is no competition and adjustment among the various elite groups existing in a society

582 - Which One is the basic feature of Pluralistic view of sovereignty:


583 - Which one is the proponant of organic thereory of the origin of state


584 - Which one is the supporter of absolute monarchy:


585 - Which one is true about parliamentary system of Government?

The cabinet includes usually people belonging to ruling party

586 - Which one is true about Presidential system of Government?

There is the system of checks and balance

587 - Which one is true about the state?

It has territorial limits

588 - Which one is wrongly listed about the essential conditions for smooth functioning of democracy:

Minority rule

589 - Which one of following is a correct statement:

Socialism is a compromise between Communism and Liberalism

590 - Which one of following is a correct statement:

A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

591 - Which one of following is a correct statement:

A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

592 - Which one of following is a correct statement:

A socialist state is in favour of nationalisation of lands and mines

593 - Which one of following is a correct statement:

Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes

594 - Which one of the following belonged to England?

T.H. Green

595 - Which one of the following born at Geneva?


596 - Which one of the following categories of persons are generally denied franchise?


597 - Which one of the following countries was the first to incorporate a 'Bill of Rights' in its constitution?


598 - Which one of the following definitions of rights is associated with T.H. Green?

A right is a power claimed and recognised as contributory to common good

599 - Which one of the following factors prompted countries like Britain, France etc, to carve out the colonial empire?

To make use of the resources of colonies for mother country

600 - Which one of the following four stages of historical evolution, as given by Marx, has been wrongly listed?


601 - Which one of the following functions is performed by a good state?

Welfare functions

602 - Which one of the following has advocated the legal concept of sovereignty:

Jean Bodin

603 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a merit of socialism?

None of the above

604 - Which one of the following has not contributed in the evolution of the state

Private property

605 - Which one of the following ideas was borrowed by Marx from Hegel?

Dialectical method

606 - Which one of the following ideas was borrowed by Marx from Machiavelli?

None of the above

607 - Which one of the following is an incorrect statement:

Socialist state perpetuates class distinctions

608 - Which one of the following is an incorrect statement:

Socialism gives more importance to individual than society

609 - Which one of the following is compulsory functions of the state:

Defend the people from outside aggression

610 - Which one of the following is incorrect about Rousseau's contribution to the Liberal theory of democracy?

General Welfare

611 - Which one of the following is not in keeping with Laski's views on property?

The property is the reward for labour

612 - Which one of the following is the most suitable expression of the role of pressure groups?

They voice the interests of particular sections

613 - Which one of the following raised the state to the highest glory


614 - Which one of the following statements has been wrongly attributed to Marx?

The state uses force for the protection and promotion of interests of the poor people

615 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Legal rights are identical with natural rights

616 - Which one of the following theories of democracy accords high priority to the political rights of citizens

Liberal Theory of Democracy

617 - Which one of the following thinkers defended right to property on the ground of its utility?


618 - Which one of the following thinkers emphasised the principles of adult franchise, representative government, freedom of press and frequent elections, which form the cornerstone of Liberal theory of democracy?


619 - Which one of the following views of socialists is correct about the functions of state?

Rights of the individual are social

620 - Which one of the following was a strong supporter of proportional representation?


621 - Which one of the following was not the part of Liberal Theory of Democracy?

Karl Marx

622 - Which one of the followings is not associated with Ideallistic or Personality theory of rights?


623 - Which one of the followings is the most acceptable theory regarding the origin of the state:

Historical theory

624 - Which one of the followings was a prominent exponent of the social welfare theory of rights?


625 - Which one of the hailed from England?

T.H. Green

626 - Which one of them is not associated with Presidential form of Government?


627 - Which one of these believed in class struggle?

Karl Marx

628 - Which philosopher worked for the cause of direct democracy?


629 - Which point is wrongly listed about the merits of democracy:

Democracy leads to frequent changes in the policy of government

630 - Which statement is attributed to the Marxists?

State is an instrument of Exploitation

631 - Which statement is incorrect?

Parliamentary Government is also known as Irresponsible Government

632 - Which statement is incorrect?

Parliamentary government prevents dictatorship of Cabinet

633 - Which statement support the views of Hobbes about nature of man

Man is selfish and quarrelsome

634 - Which theory about the functions of the state is rejected at present:


635 - Which theory is associated with the concept of stateless society?


636 - Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to economic rights of citizens?

Marxist Theory

637 - Which theory of the origin of state is very close to the theory survival of the fittest of Darwin

Evolutionary theory

638 - Which theory stresses that state is the creation of God

Theory of Divine origin

639 - Which thinker belonged to the Elitist theory?

All the three

640 - Which thinker did not criticise the social contract theory?

Karl Marx

641 - Which thinker is associated with idealist theory of state?


642 - Which thinker tried to combine the elitist theory with Marxism?

James Burham

643 - Which tsar was assassinated in 1881?

Alexander I

644 - Who is called the father of Scientific Socialism?

Robert Owen

645 - Who advocated concept of tyranny of majority in democracy:


646 - Who aithored this statement. "The evolution of economic production in a society determines its institutional and ideological superstructure".


647 - Who authored Leviathan


648 - Who believe that state has to wither away


649 - Who believe that state is necessary evil


650 - Who Believed that state is the individual magnified?


651 - Who believed that the state should protect and restrain and not foster and promote?

The Monistic

652 - Who believes that individual independent in his own way dependent on others?

The Anarchists

653 - Who connected with the concept 'power elite':

C. Wright Mills

654 - Who described political parties as 'power behind the throne'?

Herman Finer

655 - Who described the state as necessary evil?


656 - Who describes the Pressure groups as the Third House of the Legislature?


657 - Who elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the First President of India?

Constituent Assembly

658 - Who for the first time offered the systematic theoy of social contract:


659 - Who for the first time used the term state in modern sense


660 - Who fully developed the external aspect of sovereignty:


661 - Who gave the concept of popular sovereignty:


662 - Who gets prominence in a democracy :

The citizens

663 - Who in the past for the first time felt that sovereignty 'fullness of the state':


664 - Who is associated with Matriarchal theory of origin of the state:


665 - Who is in favour of traditional approach for study of the problems of the state


666 - Who of the following for the first time developed the systematic doctrine of socereignty:

John Austin

667 - Who of the following is considered proponent of direct democracy?


668 - Who of the following is regarded as the father of liberal political philosophy?

John Locke

669 - Who of the following is regarded as the father of Scientific Socialism?

Robert Owen

670 - Who of the following is the most important exponent of modern individualism?

Graham Wallas

671 - Who offered the ethical justification for individualism:


672 - Who offered the scientific justification for individualism:

Herbert Spencer

673 - Who regarded 'life, liberty and property' as Inalienable rights of man:


674 - Who said " I am the state"

Louis XIV of France

675 - Who said "The individual":


676 - Who said "Voice of the people may be the voice of God"?

Sir Henry Maine

677 - Who said 'Liberalism is a passion for liberty'?


678 - Who said Liberalism is the expression less of trend them of a temperament. It implies a passion for liberty; and that the passion may be compelling. It requires a power to be tolerant; even sceptical about opinions and tendencies you hold to be dangerous, which is one of the rarest human qualities.

Horold Laski

679 - Who said that "If a determinate human superior not in the habit of obedience to a like superior, receives habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that determinate superior is sovereign in that society; and the society (including superior) is a society political and independent."


680 - Who said that "The state is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of superior physical force, nor the creation of a resulution or convention nor a mere expansion of the family"


681 - Who said that Socialism is chameleon like creed?

Ramsay Muir

682 - Who said the Socialism as a chameleon like creed?

Ramsay Muir

683 - Who said. "A man readily forgives the nurder of his father than the confiscation of his property".


684 - Who saw a close relationship between underdevelopment and expansion of capitalism?

Radical structuralist

685 - Who was in the favour of absolute sovereignty of monarch:


686 - Who was the first Speaker of free India's first Legislature (Constituent Assembly)?


687 - Who was the high priest of sovereignty:


688 - Who was the main critic of Austin's concept of sovereignty:


689 - Who was the promonent thinker of the Pluralists from amongst the following?


690 - Who was the staunch supporter of the theory of 'Divine Origin'?

James II of England

691 - Who was the strong critic of Austin's theory of sovereignty?

Sir Henry Maine

692 - Who wrote "The Confessions"


693 - Who wrote the "Essays concerning Human Understanding"


694 - Who wrote the "Social Contract"


695 - Who wrote the 'Liberalism':

Ludwig von Mises

696 - Who wrote: "Bacon, Locke and Newton .... I consider them as the three greatest men that have ever lived, without any exception"?

Thomas Jefferson

697 - Why do states undertake protectionist measures?

To keep competitive foreign goods from flooding the market

698 - Why is 'uncertainty' so crucial to the realist account of security?

Because it leads to lack of trust in the international system

699 - Will not Force is the basis of the state' Who said that

T.H. Green

700 - Will, not force is the basis of state. Who said that



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