Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 8

1 - " Democracy is government of the people, for the people and by the people "

Abraham Lincoln

2 - " We are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone.....middle class life within reach for more Americans.....Healthcare is a right not a privilege."Which political party would agree with this viewpoint?

Democratic Party

3 - "History without Political Science has no fruit and Political Science without History has no root."

John Seeley

4 - "I will decide my vote after watching the debate".


5 - "If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless." - Mahatma Gandhi This would represent


6 - "Man is by nature a social animal", who said this:


7 - "The revolution needs martyrs."


8 - . The strength of members of State Legislative Councils depends.....

on the basis of the member number of the Legislative Assembly

9 - ..... = the idea that one should have full freedom up until it causes serious harm to another.

Harm Principle

10 - ..... Commission purpose is to draw the boundaries of the Constituencies.


11 - ..... increases mental health and physical development.


12 - ..... is the action of doing something for someone after that person had done something for you.


13 - ..... is the CEO of NITI ayog.

Amitabh kant

14 - ..... is the most ethnically homogeneous country


15 - ..... use propaganda to get people to buy particular product(s).


16 - ..... village achieved 100% literacy rate.


17 - ..... was the President of the Constituent Assembly.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

18 - .....get to make the economic decisions under capitalism.


19 - .....has made the government more transparent.

Right to Information

20 - .....is government by the people; especially : rule of the majority : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free


21 - A Belief that the majority community is able to rule a country in whichever way it wants is

. Majoritarian

22 - Who do lobbyists represent in their attempts to influence government?

elected officials

23 - What is Propaganda?

political communications that appeal to emotions over reason, play on fears, and make use of special persuasive techniques

24 - The Republican Party Favors

less government involvement in the economy.

25 - Typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by applying their resources evenly among the states, because they must win popular votes in a majority of the

B focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college

26 - A ..... ..... is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the earth

Natural Disaster

27 - A ..... boundary is one that has been imposed on the landscape by an outside power without concern for the cultural features of the place. Many of the boundaries in Africa are a good example of this.


28 - A ..... boundary is one that no longer exists but can still be detected on the landscape.


29 - A ..... economy is a market-based system in which the government is involved to some extent.


30 - A ..... is a government type in which a king or queen shares power with a constitutionally organized government.

Constitutional Monarchy

31 - A ..... is a set of rules about how a country should be governed.


32 - A ..... is a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by one particular ethnicity which has been transformed into a nationality.


33 - A census must take place every:

10 years

34 - A competition between nations to build powerful weapons is called .....

Arms Race

35 - A defined area within a country that has a high degree of self-government and freedom from its parent country.

Autonomous region

36 - A document on which a voter will choose a candidate for election.


37 - a form of government in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a king or a queen


38 - A form of government in which the leaders control every part of society.


39 - A geographic area that contains a specific number of votes?


40 - A government in which people vote for representatives


41 - A government ruled by a person of royalty such as a king or queen


42 - A group of citizens with similar views on public issues is called.....

political party

43 - A group of lobbyists who try to convince lawmakers to create certain types of laws

Interest Group

44 - A group of people who are trying to gain power by winning elected office are called

a political party

45 - A historical term used to reference where an ethnic minority is forced to live


46 - a homogeneous ethnic group Ex: Italians


47 - A long and narrow state that can be difficult to govern regions far away from the capital


48 - A major argument between the Israelis and the Palestinians is that each side

Claims Israel as their homeland

49 - A majority government requires

a party to win over 50% of the ridings

50 - A national poll best indicates which of the following during a political election?

Where public opinion is at that moment

51 - A new approach to covering the 2003 war in Iraq was to

Embed reporters with troops

52 - A one sided point of view


53 - A party built around one policy issue is a/an

single-issue party.

54 - A political candidate who accuses his or her opponent of "reckless spending" is using the

name-calling technique.

55 - A political party is a group of people who.....

share the similar beliefs about government.

56 - a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups


57 - a preference, opinion or attitude that favors one way of thinking or feeling over another


58 - A primary in which voters do not need to declare their party preference in order to vote?

Open Primary

59 - A prime minister is the chief executive of

parliamentary government

60 - A region not fully integrated into a national state that is often marginal or undeveloped is a called a


61 - A series of statement that express a party's principles, beliefs and positions on election issues is called:

a platform

62 - a sovereign state comprising a city and its immediately surrounding countryside


63 - A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a(n)

unitary state.

64 - A state's main dipolmatic office in foreign state.


65 - a temporary alliance of several groups


66 - A written opinion of the Supreme Court is best defined as

the Court's ruling on the issue presented, its reasoning, and applicable law.

67 - According to al-Ghazali, citizens must ..... the Imamah even though he is fasiq and zalim.


68 - According to historical data, which age group has been known to have the highest voter turnout?


69 - According to Socialists competitions lead to .....

both a and b

70 - According to the Indian Constitution, every individual charged with a crime has to be given a .....-

Fair trial

71 - Africa is the world's ..... largest continent


72 - After a bill is proposed in the parliament, it goes through three readings , the 2nd reading is referred to .....


73 - All of the following are the universal criteria for voting except:


74 - All of the following have been used to keep African Americans from voting EXCEPT

federal court orders.

75 - All of the following strategies are used to evaluate campaign speeches, literature, and advertisements for accuracy EXCEPT:

Believe what you hear and read

76 - All workers should be allowed to go on strike as long as it doesn not impact the economy or essetial services.


77 - Although third parties traditionally don't win elections in America, what benefit do they provide?

They raise awareness on issues

78 - Among white voters, a large proportion of highly religious people are


79 - An economic nationalist believes that relations between states are:

A zero-sum game

80 - An example of a one-party system is:

theocracies such as Iran or the Vatican

81 - An executive agency that could have been part of the big department of defense, but is charged with exploring space to benefit all of mankind.


82 - An important way that people can participate in all levels of government is by .....


83 - An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to

grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation.

84 - an organized political community living under a single system of government commonly referred to as a country


85 - Ancient Athens during the Greek "Golden Age" developed which type of political system that is listed below?


86 - Another word for complaints is.....


87 - Another word to describe a historical boundary is .....


88 - Apathy is the number one reason that people fail to vote. What does apathy mean?

Lack of interest

89 - Apolitical party is composed of

all of these

90 - Article 371 has been amended from A to J to remove


91 - As a result of the War of 1812, the United States .....

had an increased sense of nationalism

92 - As originally enacted the preamble described the state as a .....

All of these

93 - Asserts that powers not delegated to the national government or denied to the states are reserved to the states.


94 - At 17, Ibn Khaldun's parents died because of .....

Black Death

95 - At the pleading of this 15 year old future president his parents chose not to allow a physician to amputate his leg due to blood poisoning?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

96 - Aurangzeb died in the year


97 - Bangladesh got Independence in -


98 - Being a well-informed citizen means

thinking critically about information.

99 - Belief system with a set of ideas and values about govt. & politics


100 - believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government

left wing

101 - Believes each individual has total freedom to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property.

Libertarian Party

102 - Believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society


103 - believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change


104 - Beyond the authority or jurisdiction of one national government. (United Nations, EU, NATO, NAFTA)


105 - Boundaries based on ethnicity like the former Yugoslavia or Sudan

Cultural Boundary

106 - Boundary imposed on an area by a conquering or colonizing power that in unconcerned about pre-existing cultural patterns. It ignores the existing cultures and is usually established by a higher authority to satisfy the demands of a super power.


107 - Branch given the power of Issuing Executive Orders


108 - Branch of government that can override a veto


109 - British colonists objected to the Proclamation of 1763 because they.....

Resented the limits it imposed on Westward Expansion.

110 - Brussels is the capital of


111 - Building dams is an example of?

Modifying the environment

112 - Building dams, plowing and irrigating fields, and digging mines are examples of.....


113 - Campaign money with stricter limits and given directly to a candidate

Hard money

114 - Chile is an example of a


115 - Choosing media with which one agrees with is called

selective exposure

116 - Citizens in a totalitarian government would experience -

censorship, religious laws, and repression

117 - Citizens of nondemocractic regimes may be allowed to participate in elections in order to

provide legitimacy to the ruling regime

118 - Citizens who believe that their votes will have no effect on the outcome of an election have a

D low level of political efficacy

119 - Citizens who have reached the minimum age to be eligible to vote, excluding those who are not legally permitted to cast a ballot.

Voting-Eligible Population

120 - Citizenship participation: Type of government where one person has complete control. People have no say in government.


121 - Comparative advantage is central to:


122 - Concurrent powers are those powers:

That are shared by State governments and Federal government

123 - Conflicts at the Constitutional Convention included all of the following EXCEPT:

how women would be counted in a state's population

124 - conservatism

the desire to maintain the existing or traditional organization

125 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Philippines has a closed system in terms of Social Stratification. Hobbes does not believe in Human freedom. Which of the following is/are true?


126 - Consider the following Statements: A 'government' refers to the nation as the political unit while the 'state' is a body of people that governs a nation. A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. There are more members in t

Only 3,

127 - Consider the following Statements: A money Bill is introduced in either of the houses The first-party system of the United States, which featured the Federalists versus the Anti-federalists lasted from 1789-1828. Constitution provides safeguards against a

Only 3,

128 - Consider the following Statements: Candidates tend to spend very little on campaigns, to try to avoid the influence of powerful, wealthy donors. George Washington supported the creation of political parties. A government is an organization that keeps orde

Only 3,

129 - Consider the following Statements: In some states, whichever presidential candidate receives the highest percentage of votes wins all of the state's delegates. Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Democratic-Republicans In an absolute monarchy, the king

Only 1, 2

130 - Consider the following Statements: Natural geographic borders like mountains or rivers can act as political borders It's smart to compare the information I find on a website with at least another two sources. We have temporary and permanent shops in our n

Only 1, 2, 3

131 - Consider the following Statements: Sangguniang Barangay, is the legislative council which is composed of the seven (7) members. Constitutional & Representative are examples of the types of Democracies . Analogies are when you compare 2 things that are the

Only 1, 2

132 - Consider the following Statements: The county executive committee and the state executive committee are examples of permanent organizations. Because the Electoral College has different numbers of electors in each state,sometimes candidates will campaign i

Only 1, 2, 3

133 - Consider the following Statements: The Person who wins the most votes becomes president "Political cartoons can be understood by themselves. You don't need prior knowledge to get their message." All Asteroids are at least 100 feet across Which of the foll


134 - Consider the following Statements: The political parties can be national or regional in nature. - Political parties act as a link between government and the people. Hobbes does not believe in Human freedom. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

135 - Consider the following Statements: The Republican Party favors big government One of our responsibilities as citizens of the United States is to follow all of the rules and laws of our local, state, and federal governments. Over 500,000 earthquakes happen

Only 2, 3

136 - Consider the following Statements: The voting age has been 18 since the Bill of Rights were added to the US Constitution. Former slaves were considered citizens and had equal rights There are three dominant political parties in the U.S. Which of the follo


137 - Consider the following Statements: There are three types of political culture in modern society: Participant, transitive and parochial culture. A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. There are three dominant political pa


138 - Constituencies called 'wards' are made for the election to

Panchayats and Municipal bodies

139 - Constitution created the basic structure of Texas government first after independence


140 - Constitution of India was adopted by Constituent Assembly on?

26 November, 1949

141 - Court case that created "Separate-but-equal" doctrine.

Plessy v. Ferguson

142 - Creates Bills


143 - Cuban Missile Crisis took place in?


144 - Death rate in Bihar in 1967 was .....higher than the number of deaths that occurred in the following year.


145 - Deciding who gets what, when, and how


146 - Definition: a boundary drawn by outside powers over existing borders.

Superimposed boundary

147 - Democracy is based on

All the above

148 - Democracy must be based on

Free and fair election

149 - Differences between political parties are stated in the parties -

Both (B), (C)

150 - Discharge Petition


151 - Doctrine maintains the belief of preserving the tradition of existing state of affairs and institution or keeping the status quo with a very minimal change or no change.


152 - Domestic Violence:

Injury or harm caused by an adult male against women

153 - Dr BR Ambedkar fought for the rights of .....


154 - Due to factors like improved healthcare countries with a higher GDP have what type of life expectancy?

Higher life expectancy

155 - Each of the following is a way to register to vote in Virginia except.....

at the grocery store

156 - Economics directly involves what?


157 - Election that involves voters and candidates throughout the entire country that determines the final winners


158 - Eminent domain is the governments taking of ..... for public use.


159 - Equal time rule requires media to

Sell advertising time to all candidates if they sell to any

160 - Erin lives in France. She wants to purchase a new Sony Playstation 5 for gaming. However, there are only a limited amount of Playstation 5 being imported into France. What type of trade barrier is this?


161 - Establishment

Business and education leaders in control

162 - Every citizen votes on every issue

direct democracy

163 - Every Constituency has the following number/ numbers of representatives


164 - Example: The Himalayan Mountains separate India and China.


165 - favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.


166 - Favors lower taxes

Republican Party

167 - Federal Government responsibilities are

Taxation, immigration, military, currency.

168 - Final Conference and Vote


169 - French writer who believed in freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and the separation of church and state.


170 - Full form of NITI Aayog is-

National Institution for Transforming India

171 - Generalizing people into an image.


172 - George and Martha are both candidates for mayor in Jamestown. George has been on the city council for 5 years and Martha is the city's mayor. They strongly disagree on whether Jamestown should invest in building a new ice skating rink, which is a major is

which candidate shares the voter's views on building the stadium.

173 - Getting all of a state's electors if you win is called

winner takes all

174 - government actions in the form of laws

public policy

175 - Government Corporations


176 - Government is based on force and is therefore unnecessary.


177 - Government that benefits the individual rather than society in general

Individual subculture

178 - Government w/ multiple parties in control/cooperating.

Coalition Government

179 - Gross Domestic Product measures ..... in terms of the nation's ..... of goods and service for a single....., valued in terms of market prices

economic performance, total production, single year

180 - Group of people who share the same views about the way power and government should be used in the country or society

Political Party

181 - Groups of people who share the same belief about an issue or topic and try to influence the government are called

Interest Groups

182 - groups of people who work together for similar purposes or goals

Interest Groups

183 - Guarantees the right to jury trial in civil suits involving \$20.00 or more.


184 - Happiness Index is the creation of which one of the following countries?


185 - Hmong immigrants to the US are sendiing a large percentage of their incomes back to Laos and Thailand so family members can someday join them in the US. This is an example of

Chain migration

186 - How did Hobbes sum up people's quality of life in a state of nature?

poor, nasty, brutish, and short

187 - How did Louis XVI react to his newly limited power?

He and his family tried to flee the country and escape

188 - How did Napoleon become ruler of France?

He carried out a coup d'etat

189 - How did the Industrial Revolution spur (increase) Europeans' desire to colonize Africa?

They needed more raw materials.

190 - How did the Supreme Court decide in the case Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)?

Native Americans were not citizens of the U.S. or of any other nation.

191 - How do interest groups try to directly influence people in government?


192 - How do Presidential candidates portray themselves in primaries?

more liberal if Democrat, more conservative if Republican

193 - How far out from a country's coastline does the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) go?

200 nautical miles

194 - How is a typology defined?

As a system of classification which divides states into groups or types with common political features

195 - How long is the average sound bite in the U.S.?

10 Seconds

196 - How many % of votes need the American presidential candidate to win?

over 50%

197 - How many articles in the Indian constitution?


198 - How many articles were there originally in the Indian constitution?


199 - How many electoral votes does a state get?

Same number as congressmen

200 - How many members' countries are there in Security Council of UN?


201 - How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by President of India?


202 - How many methods compasses Political Science?


203 - How many political systems did we learn about?


204 - How many total votes are up for grabs in the electoral college?


205 - How people think or feel about particular things

Public Opinion

206 - Identify the centripetal forces

Both (A), (B), (C)

207 - Identify the correct type of poll to each definition. Favorability Poll

a public opinion poll that measures a public's positive feelings about a candidate or politician

208 - Identify the correct type of poll to each definition. Push Poll

a public opinion poll that measures a public's positive feelings about a candidate or politician

209 - Identify the Third tier of Government .....

Panchayati raj

210 - Identify which agent of socialization matches with each explanation: plays a large role in early socialization. Most H.S. seniors identify as the same political party as their.....


211 - If OPEC increases the price they charge the U.S. for a barrel of gasoline, what will happen to the price citizens will have to pay at the gas pump?

The price people pay for gas in the U.S. will increase.

212 - If the majority of the Lok Sabha members say that they have 'no confidence' then ..... have to quit.

all ministers including the Prime Minister

213 - If there is an election, which type of government do you know it is NOT?


214 - If we want to know why certain social phenomena happened, such as thetelevision program Eat Bulaga's Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, this field of social science answers these occurrences.


215 - Illustrations containing political or social messages that relate to current events.

Political Cartoon

216 - In 1928, who along with eight other congress leaders?

Motilal Nehru

217 - In 2017, the Republican party passed several new tax cuts and the Trump administration decreased regulations on businesses. What party function is this?


218 - In a winner-take-all system, the candidate who wins receives -

all of the state's electoral votes

219 - In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the US Supreme Court

ruled that segregation of races in the public schools is unconstitutional.

220 - In country X, the people elect the representatives who rule the country. Country X is a


221 - In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following is NOT correct about democracy?

In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce them.

222 - In Guantanamo Bay is famous for

US naval base

223 - In Kentucky, what is the law enforcement agent assigned only to their district of the county called?


224 - In the classical Greek sense, the study of politics covered both the aspects of theoretical understanding and the ..... of the state.

Pratical affairs

225 - In the Heartland-Rimland model, what constitutes the heartland?

Much of Russia as it contains the largest concentration of the best agricultural land in the world.

226 - In the mid 1800's the Americans believed.....

It was their manifest destiny to take over all of North America

227 - In the modern political system, which of the following statements accurately portrays a major disagreement between Democrats and Republicans?

Democrats are more likely to support expensive social programs to assist the poor

228 - In the presidential election of 1796, caucuses were held. What are caucuses?


229 - In the USA the president in elected by


230 - In the year 1929 the Congress session was held at .....


231 - In this system, the key powers are divided between a national government and smaller local governments:


232 - In which ancient civilisation did democracy begin?


233 - In which of these categories can the Indian National Congress be put?

Centrist party

234 - In which part of Indian Constitution Fundamental Rights are provided?

Part 3

235 - In which year disintegration of soviet union took place?


236 - In which year Muslim League was formed?


237 - Independent voters are

Do not support a particular political party

238 - Indian Air Force Day is celebrated on .....


239 - India's ..... is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.


240 - Interest groups use riots, strikes, or assassinations in ..... access channels.


241 - is a form of government in which the people have the opportunity to participate in making governmental decisions


242 - It is described as a socio-economic structure which aims to establish a society that is classless, egalitarian and stateless.


243 - It is the the theory that individuals are born without built-in mental content or a clean slate.

Tabula rasa

244 - Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature, and be more tolerant on other people's behavior and actions.1. Its goal is to lo


245 - Judging other people in a negative way.


246 - Justices who disagree with the majority decision of the Court may choose to publicize the character of their disagreement in the form of a ..... opinion.


247 - Katia is an accountant in a government run business where she was placed after graduation.


248 - Kautilya's work relating to political science is.....


249 - king/queen (usually hereditary)


250 - Last year, country X produced one million televisions. This year, the factories invested in new, state-of-the-art, robotic technology that speeds up the production process. Because of this, country X has already produced one and a half million televisions

Investing in Capital Goods/Physical Capital

251 - Leadership is obtained by ..... in a Democracy.


252 - Leadership is obtained by ..... in a Dictatorship.


253 - legal process by which an arbiter or judge reviews evidence and argumentation including legal reasoning set forth by opposing parties or litigants to come to a decision which determines rights and obligations between the parties involved.


254 - Liberal


255 - Liberalism

Democracy, free market, and human rights

256 - Libertarians are sometimes considered a ..... party because they broke away from the Republican Party and hold slightly more conservative views.


257 - Mail propaganda, television ads, and phone calls during elections are Political Parties way of:

Educating the Electorate

258 - Many territories fight over land by .....


259 - Mark the statement that is false about the Articles of Confederation.

The Congress could create a system of currency for all the 13 states

260 - Markup


261 - Media programming aimed at a particular interest or audience is called


262 - Method of selecting from a population in which each person has an equal probability of being selected.

Random Sample

263 - Misleading information used to promote a political cause or point of view


264 - Mississippi has voted for every Republican presidential candidate except

Jimmy Carter in 1976

265 - Morgan and Madison work as lumberjacks, which business sector do they work in


266 - Most Americans consider themselves to be


267 - Most democratic countries are


268 - Most states use what plan for giving out their electoral votes?

Winner Take All Plan

269 - My friend wants to buy a condo, she will eventually have to pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Property tax

270 - Nadir Shah, sacked and plundered the city of Delhi in


271 - Name the mountains located in the east of Africa in what is known as the "horn of Africa"

Ethiopian Highlands

272 - Nation

a group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity

273 - NATO was formed in which year


274 - Natural Rights

Life, Liberty, and Property

275 - Number of states in INDIA


276 - Occurs when a nation has a state of its own but stretches across border of other states.

Multistate Nation

277 - Odd one out .....


278 - Of the following people, which one would be a member of the First Estate?

A village priest

279 - Of the main Canadian political parties which party is the most right-winged?


280 - On average how much of Texas budget is compromised of federal money


281 - One element of the Mayflower Compact's historical and political significance was that it

served as a prototype for many similar compacts.

282 - One of the 15, Huge federal departments with a great big area of responsibility created by congress, like the department of defense, which oversees all military personnel and missions, and the department of the interior, which is responsible overseeing al

Cabinet Departments

283 - One of the forms of government wherein the power in vested to only one person.


284 - One of the goals is to avoid conflict and promote cooperation.

Political Science

285 - One of the main functions are:. The approval of budgets & samitis in the district;.....

Zilla Parishad

286 - One role of the mass media in elections is to broadcast .....

different points of view

287 - One way political parties educate the voters about the similarities and and differences in candidates is.....

holding debates

288 - Only a member of the Lok Sabha including other members forms a part of it.....

Panchayat Samiti

289 - Operation Flood is related to:

Milk production

290 - Out of the following, choose the correct options in reference to environmentalism. Q) Some well known environmental groups include

Green Peace , WWF , Chipko Movement

291 - People in the media include all of the following EXCEPT:

teachers and coaches

292 - People who tend to participate in all forms of politics.


293 - Petition

A formal request for government action; or a process in which candidates who are not affiliated with one of the two major parties can get on the ballot for the general election in most states.

294 - Political parties ....., or select, men or women to run for public office.


295 - Political parties express their difference in their party's ....., a series of statements expressing the political party's principles, beliefs, and positions on the issues.


296 - Political parties try to mobilize voters. Mobilizing voters means to.....

get large groups of people to take interest in candidates, issues, and elections.

297 - Political party that believes government should control the entire economy, there should be no private ownership and goods and profits should be shared equally.


298 - Political Science has 3 primary several sub-fields of study, but focuses on 3 primary fields

American Poltics, International Relations, and Comparative Politics

299 - Political science is one of the social sciences dealing with the the.....of man.

Political activities

300 - Political Theory is defined as

includes classical political philosophy and contemporary theoretical perspectives (e.g., constructivism, critical theory, and postmodernism).

301 - Political, economic, or social equality? Universal Adult Franchise.

Political equality

302 - Poverty exists because the poor are not "fit enough" to prosper.

Social Darwinism

303 - power from force and complete control of the government


304 - Power Sharing .....

Accomadates diversities

305 - Preamble enshrines the ideals of 'Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity', inspired by the.....

French Revolution

306 - Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization


307 - President Billy Bob is speeding and he gets a speeding ticket. What Political/Fundamental Principle is at work?

Rule of Law

308 - Principle that government power over the individual is limited, that there are some personal liberties that even a majority cannot regulate, and that government itself is restrained by law

limited government

309 - Purposes of government include all of the following EXCEPT:

equalizing incomes

310 - Q2- Prudential Reason of Power Sharing stresses more on:

. All of the Above

311 - Q4- Identify the major social group that constituted the largest share in the population of Sri Lanka.

. Sinhalas

312 - Radicals are people who

believe in extreme measures

313 - Republican Party would have formed when?


314 - Right against exploitation one is not allowed to appoint any child age below


315 - Right to Information


316 - Roger is charged by his state legislature for a crime, then sentenced by the legislature to 20 years in prison. This unconstitutional practice is know as a(n).....

bill of attainder

317 - Russian invasion of Afghanistan took place in the year?


318 - Salary of the chief justice of India is

Rs. 1,00,000

319 - Select the correct option for the leader and the country that helped to reach the Tashkent agreement between India and Pakistan:

USSR, Kosygin

320 - Set of statements describing a party's views on major issues


321 - Simón Bolivar, Toussaint L'Ouverture, and Jose de San Martin are all associated with revolutions in

Latin America

322 - Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Toussaint L'Ouverture are important in Latin American history because they were

leaders of independence movements

323 - Solicitor General


324 - Someone who unexpectedly wins an election

dark horse

325 - Something necessary.


326 - Something proven to be true


327 - Special interest group that seeks to influence elections and affect public policy

Political Action Committee

328 - State party organizations are broken into 3 levels, the first level is divided into .....

congressional districts

329 - State whose capital is Bhuvneshwar


330 - States Antarctica is to be used for scientific research and exploration purposes only

1961 Antarctica Treaty

331 - Studies different political moments of society

Political Sociology

332 - Studies the way of life of rural people

Rural sociology

333 - Supranational organization formed to promote economic & cultural integration among European member countries

European Union

334 - Symbol for the Republican Party is


335 - system of government in which leaders rule with the consent of the citizens


336 - Taking control of an area that is already politically organized.


337 - Tamil speakers in Srilanka are .....


338 - Tax system by bracket in which higher incomes are taxed at a higher percentage.

Progressive Income Tax

339 - Television, radio, and the Internet are ..... media; newspapers and magazines are ..... media.

Electronic; Print

340 - The "Left" is associated with which party?


341 - The ..... is the group of people in society that represents the political party that casts votes, campaigns, and generally looks to the party for cues about what issues to support.


342 - The ..... Party favored manufacturing and trade


343 - The 5-year plans (1950's) amalgamated which of the following megaprojects?

Bhakra Nangal Dam, Steel plants , Mining , Fertilizer production and Agri techniques

344 - The ability of any court to review acts or actions on the same level or below that court by the executive or legislative branches and determine their Constitutionality.

Judicial Review

345 - The belief that people should be loyal to their nation and the people they share land, culture and history with is known as .....


346 - The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act requires that political candidates.....

report the names of individuals who contribute more than $200 in a year.

347 - The BNA Act established which language(s) as the official language(s) of Canada's parliament

English and French

348 - The branch of government that is given powers and responsibilities to enforce the laws.


349 - The capital of the United States is.....

Washington DC

350 - The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables were designed to

create a stable society

351 - The Concurrent list feature has been borrowed from which country?


352 - The conflict between the Rwandan Hutus and Tutsis is an example of


353 - The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC, has raised over \$50 million dollars, which it plans to spend on advertising in the next midterm election. It plans to target its spending in competitive districts in the days leading up to Election Day. Whi

D Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

354 - The Constitution of India was signed on


355 - The conversation below is part of a political discussion. .....- Lou: I am going to vote for the candidate who will support cutting government spending. Bob: Yes, we spend too much on some programs. .....- Which party's candidates are these voters most li


356 - The desire of people with the same language, history, and customs for self-rule is known as .....


357 - The economy is doing really well in North Korea right now. They're going through an economic .....


358 - The element that cartoonists use to show there is a "difference between the way things are & the way things are expected to be" is called:


359 - The Federalists were led by this person.

Alexander Hamilton

360 - The final outcome of the Great Compromise/Connecticut Compromise was:

each state would receive equal representation in the Senate while representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population.

361 - the first election in the process is.....

primary election

362 - The Free Soil party, the "Know Nothing" party, and the Right to Life party are all examples of

Single-issue parties

363 - The full form of PRI is .....

Institutional Revolutionary Party

364 - The government of country X wants to guarantee that its citizens are well-prepared to take on the "jobs of the future." These will be jobs that will use technology that doesn't even exist yet! In order to achieve this goal, the government has given \$50 m

Investing in Human Capital

365 - The Great Plains Region Can Also Be Called (Perceptual Region).....

Wheat Belt

366 - The Green Party is an example of a ..... party.


367 - The group that actually casts the votes that select the President/Vice President.

Electoral College

368 - The idea for ..... originally came from John Locke

The Declaration of Independence

369 - The ideals of a party make up its .....


370 - The Indian Constitution guarantees the ..... .

Fundamental Rights

371 - The Italian parliament is elected by


372 - The leader of the party that forms the government in the House of Representatives.

Prime Minister

373 - The Lok Sabha is usually elected once every .....

5 years

374 - The longest river in the world is the


375 - The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by ..... .

State Assemblies

376 - The most important single quality to evaluate a candidate by is their.....


377 - The NAACP is ..... in its concerns.


378 - The Name given to the national legislature of the United States


379 - The National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus consists of ..... chambers


380 - The opening video starred which comedian?

Jimmy Kimmel

381 - The party that loses the elections and does not form the government is called .

Opposition party

382 - The people rule.


383 - The percentage of voters who participate in presidential elections is ..... those that participate in state and local elections.

Higher than

384 - The political authority of a state to govern itself is called


385 - The political party that supported workers rights and protections in the late 1800s was.....




387 - The present composition of the Election Commission is a

Three-member body

388 - The present system should be maintained. Change should only occur when absolutely necessary, and it should be slow and careful.


389 - The presidents needs.....electoral college votes to win a presidential election.


390 - The process of changing political boundaries to gain an advantage for a particular group or political party


391 - The Reign of Terror was directed primarily at

any and all enemies of the Revolution

392 - The Republican party logo is a


393 - The Scientific Revolution can best be described as a:

period when scientists began to question the old teachings of the Church

394 - The second sector of an economy, responsible for producing finished goods.

Industrial Sector

395 - The set of values and beliefs about a nation and its government that most citizens share is called a

political culture

396 - The sum of government deficits over time.

National Debt

397 - The supremacy doctrine asserts the priority of

national law over state laws.

398 - The system of sovereign states with clear political borders originated with:

The Peace of Westphalia

399 - The Tennis Court Oath was made by .

Members of the National Assembly

400 - The tenure of the legislative Assembly is

5 years

401 - The tenure of the members of legislative council

6 years

402 - The term "horse-race journalism" refers to the tendency of the media to

B cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidates in the polls rather than the issues they discuss

403 - The term democracy means "rule by ..... ."

The People

404 - The term 'partisan' means:

A person who is strongly committed to a party.

405 - The theory that government is created by the people and depends on the people for the authority to rule (won't work without citizens)

Popular Sovereignty

406 - The third battle of Panipat was fought in -


407 - The trend today is for more national governments to be classified as


408 - The Tundra Is Located In Which Latitude Zone?

High Latitudes

409 - The two-party system developed in the United States mainly because

conflicts about the Constitution created opposing viewpoints.

410 - The two-party system favored by the Electoral College requires a candidate to win at least how many electoral votes to win the presidential election?


411 - The type of election in which members from the same Political Party challenge each other for their party's endorsement in the next election.

Primary Election

412 - The U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (France), and the English Bill of Rights impacted governments by

protecting individual rights of citizens

413 - The United Kingdom and Germany both have this type of government

Parliamentary Democracy

414 - The use of a flag flying in the background of an advertisement in as example of .....


415 - The vision to attain a decentralised & participatory local self-government led to the formation of

Panchayati Raj

416 - The vote for president happens every ..... years.


417 - The winner-take-all system in the Electoral College leads to

Candidates targeting densely populated states for campaigning

418 - The workers of Lenin Shipyard in the city of Gdansk went on a strike on


419 - There are many different ideologies within the political spectrum. An ideology that promotes a limited government role in helping individuals and supports traditional values and lifestyles would best be defined as a.....

Conservative ideology

420 - There is no rich and poor


421 - These people employ media strategies to influence the public agenda

Policy Entrepreneurs

422 - These Two cities are famous for thier Universities and thier bicycles

Cambridge and Oxford

423 - They wanted the government to be modeled after the British government.


424 - This ideology is linked with the emergence of environmental movement. It also rose as a revolt against industrialization.


425 - This interest group fights for the elderly.....


426 - This is the idea that all three branches of government have powers to keep an eye on the other branches:

checks and balances

427 - This passage is from a political party platform:"Our first priority is to promote value-based governance, which requires a fundamental shift away from our current cultural system of exploitation, excessive consumption and unregulated competition. . . Huma

Green Party

428 - This place was the center of the Feudal system


429 - This presidential role shows the president as the main architect of a nation's public policies.

chief legislator

430 - This refers to the area of land or water that is the jurisdiction of the state.


431 - This system means no laws or government


432 - This term refers to the state, government, regime, and the people and place where these things exist.


433 - This theory suggests whoever controls Eastern Europe and Western Asia has the poliical power & capital to rule the world.

Heartland Theory

434 - This type of map shows the borders between places:

Political Maps

435 - This type of shape can provide for efficiency in administration of a country.


436 - This was a law to encourage more people to participate in voting. This allowed people to register to vote while they renewed their license. The thought was that most people renew their license and thus it would give them a chance to register at the same t

Motor Voter Law

437 - This writ is issued when a higher court thinks a lower court has considered a case going beyond its jurisdiction.


438 - Thomas Hobbes believed human beings:

would always fight, no matter the circumstances

439 - To assess public opinion, political observers today rely primarily on

opinion polls

440 - to conduct activities in order to influence public officials


441 - To control the power of the king, a document was signed to ensure that he was not above the law.

Magna Carta

442 - To favor one side over another


443 - to watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose


444 - Today most people in the United states are either ..... or ..... in their ideology.


445 - Tribals in Bihar revolted against the British under the leadership of .....

Birsa Munda

446 - TV Coverage of the Vietnam war had what effect?

Exposing gov't lies about progress

447 - TV debate that makes image most important aspect of campaigns

JFK vs Nixon

448 - Type of Democracy where the majority rules

Direct Democracy

449 - Type of government with a dictator and controls by force, type of totalitarianism


450 - Type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers

Yellow Journalism

451 - Unify people

Centripetal forces

452 - Untouchability is prohibited by law according to Article.....


453 - Upholding the law and enforcing ..... is an important role of the Judiciary.

Fundamental Rights

454 - use of violence by non-governmental groups against civilians to achieve a political goal by instilling fear frightening governments into changing policies


455 - Vatican City and Mesopotamia are examples of a


456 - What advancement has had the greatest impact on mass media?


457 - What are possible results of nationalism?

Unification and separation

458 - What are rights that only US citizens have?

voting and running for office

459 - What are some countries that are examples of devolution?


460 - What are the parties which are given the special privilege of 'election symbol' and other facilities?

'Recognised' by the Election Commission

461 - What are the qualifications to become President?

35 years old, natural born citizen, lived in the US for 14 years

462 - What are the two distinguishing features of polyarchical liberal democratic regimes?

A high tolerance for political opposition and widespread opportunities for political participation

463 - What are the two main types of political viewpoints?

Liberal & Conservative

464 - What are the two most common reasons citizens fail to vote?

Lack of interest and failure to register

465 - What are the two types of democracy?


466 - What causes district lines to have be redrawn?

the census

467 - What country is London the capital of?


468 - What did Karl Marx call the Capitalist who own the mean of production?


469 - What dimension of political ideology pertains on how society should be organized.


470 - What do democracies ensure regarding decision making?

Process of transparency

471 - What do the Israelis say the West Bank Barrier is for?

For security from terrorist attacks

472 - What do we call the age where Pericles ruled over Greece?

The Golden Age

473 - What do we call the group of elected representatives that was set up by clause 12 of Magna Carta and is in charge of making laws in England?

The Parliament

474 - What do you call an explanation that uses an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events


475 - What does "bias" mean?

having a one sided viewpoint

476 - What does ballot access allow?

It allows a political party to put a candidate on the ballot.

477 - What economic sector generates research and new knowledge?


478 - What idea below was developed by Robert Owen where he believed in a "self-sufficient, cooperative community in which property was commonly owned?"

Utopian Socialism

479 - What is 25 per cent of the land revenue claimed by the zamindars?


480 - What is a campaign?

The act of running for public office.

481 - What is a platform?

a written statement of all the political views for a political party

482 - What is a reason for the rise of political machines?

Cities were overcrowded and couldn't get basic services needed for its citizens

483 - What is a system of government where political power lies with the people?


484 - What is a theocracy?

A government ruled by religious people

485 - What is an agreement between people and the government?

Social Contract

486 - What is an embargo?

A complete ban on trade with a country

487 - what is an enclosed shopping space with shops , cinemas and restaurants called?


488 - What is an example of an internal conflict

American Civil War

489 - What is an Interest Group?

A group of people who share common goals and organize to influence government policy

490 - What is classic liberalism?

Ideology founded by Adam Smith to keep government out of economy; became U.S. conservatism.

491 - What is ethnic separatism?

When an ethnic group desires to separate from larger group

492 - What is history?

the study of past events, particularly in human affairs

493 - What is Immanuel Kant's moral justification for human rights?

All humans possess human dignity. They should not be used as tools.

494 - What is Judicial Review?

The power of the Supreme Court to declare any law unconstitutional.

495 - What is legal Frame work order?

Order that amended the constitution of Pakistan.

496 - What is NOT a civic duty?


497 - What is NOT a relic boundary?

A boundary that is old and is torn down

498 - What is OPEC?

An organization that controls the price and export of oil.

499 - What is philosophy?

The study of knowledge

500 - What is political correctness?

is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society

501 - What is political efficacy?

The feeling that one's political participation makes a difference

502 - What is political science?

Political science is the study and practice of goverment and politics.

503 - What is the capital of Belgium?


504 - What is the capital of Belorussia?


505 - What is the capital of Latvia?


506 - What is the capital of Ukraine?


507 - What is the first state to have a primary election to determine a state delegate?

New Hampshire

508 - What is the form of government in which the people have a significant role in choosing their leadership?


509 - What is the formula for determining the General Election?

Tuesday after the first Monday in November

510 - What is the largest country in the world by land area?


511 - What is the main goal of a political party?

win elections to influence public policy.

512 - What is the name of the candidate who is running for reelection?


513 - What is the northmost country in Latin America?


514 - What is the Number of Rajya Sabha members?


515 - What is the official colour of the Green party?


516 - What is the official colour of the NDP?


517 - What is the oldest political party in Australia?

Labor Party

518 - What is the term for the belief about the purpose or role that government should play in society?


519 - What is the term period of Rajya Sabha?

Cannot be dissolved

520 - What is the term that deals with those attitudes held by a significant number of people on matters of government and politics?

public opinion

521 - What is the title of the person at the head of the Executive Branch in Kentucky?


522 - What is zila pacchayat

District panchayat

523 - What legal, formal means were used to prevent African Americans from voting from the 1860's through the 1960's?

white primaries

524 - What meeting acted as a "reset button" for Europe, and attempted to return absolute monarchs back to the throne after the fall of Napoleon?

The Congress of Vienna

525 - What part of the country did political machines control?

Urban (city) governments

526 - What political party values freedom (both economically and personally) above all else?

Libertarian Party

527 - What responsibility is required by law for Australians over the age of 18?


528 - What river is the longest river in China


529 - What term describes how we define ourselves, define others and make sense of the world around us, and then pass these values from one generation to the next?


530 - What term describes our relationships outside our country?


531 - What type of political leaning source is Fox News?


532 - What types of things will you see on a POLITICAL map?

state borders, state capitols, regions

533 - What was the final outcome of the French Revolution?

Napoleon naming himself Emperor of France

534 - What was the name of the man who declared a Socialist Republic?

Philipp Schiedemann

535 - What was the revolution from below?

Mutiny at Kiel and subsequent unrest

536 - What was the significance of the Election of 1796

The President and Vice-President were from two different political parties

537 - What's a basic disagreement between Republicans & Democrats?

whether Americans should pay higher taxes for public services

538 - When a candidate states that he or she is planning to run for office.


539 - when a company moves its business to a place where labor costs are cheaper or production is more efficient because workers work longer hours.


540 - When citizens give something up (taxes) to get services in return

Trade off

541 - When did the arbitrariness continues as a part of British?

Sedition Act

542 - When did women get the right to vote?


543 - When persons are treated unequally, their..... is violated.


544 - When Rowan goes door to door collecting money for his favorite candidates campaign he is .....

helping candidates win an election

545 - When USSR was disintegrated?


546 - When was the Belgrade conference, the First NAM Summit, held?


547 - When was the first peaceful transition of power between 2 different political parties?

Election of 1800

548 - When was the separation of Montesquieu's assets implemented?

in 1748

549 - Where committees set up in the House of Representatives or Senate investigate federal agencies or other problems in government, which are under the control of the executive branch (President) to ensure that they are functioning as congress intended when t

Oversight Investigations

550 - Where did the concept of a nation-state develop?


551 - Where did the National Assembly meet after the king ordered them to disperse?

At a tennis court

552 - Where in the world has economic/human development decreased in recent history

Sub-Saharan Africa

553 - Where is India's Parliament House?

New Delhi

554 - Which amendments in the constitution have to do with the rights of citizens?

The first 10

555 - Which among the following principles falls under the communist ideology?

Classless Society

556 - Which among the following statements does not reflect the objectives of NAM?

to follow a policy of neutrality on global issues

557 - Which best states Thomas Jefferson's position toward the conflict between Great Britain and Napoleon's France?

He supported the French, believing that they were fighting for democracy.

558 - Which candidate would a conservative most likely voted for in the 2020 election?


559 - Which case can be registered against Ravi for beating Samba?

Criminal Case

560 - Which day is Indian Republic Day.


561 - Which describes the government of Australia?

Federal Government

562 - Which direct democracy tool allows citizens to put their own legislation on the ballot if they receive enough petition signatures?

Direct Initiative

563 - Which direct democracy tool allows citizens to veto a law passed by the legislature and signed by the governor through a general election vote? Again, petitions and signatures must be gathered.


564 - Which document from 1689 influenced the ideas about the rights of the citizens?

English Bill of Rights

565 - Which economic system has not been very successful because the government owns most property, determines the wages of workers and sets the prices of goods?


566 - Which factor is often missing from a non democratic government?


567 - Which founding father is known as the founder of the Democratic Republican Party?

Thomas Jefferson

568 - Which Fundamental Right has Writs?

Right to Constitutional Remedies

569 - Which House of Congress has the power of Impeachment?


570 - Which is a way to become a natural born citizen?

All are correct

571 - Which is NOT a function of political parties?

Influence public policy

572 - which is not a qualification to register to vote in Virginia

pay a 10% tax

573 - Which is NOT one of the 3 units of Virginia local government?


574 - Which is true about Super PACs?

can receive unlimited donations and spend as much as they want

575 - Which issue represents a basic disagreement between Socialists and Communists?

whether all private businesses should be replaced by state ownership

576 - Which major political party believes that the government should provide a "safety net" of government programs, so that its citizens' basic needs are met?

Democratic Party

577 - Which of following is not the key feature of Our constitution -

Presidential form of Government

578 - Which of the characteristics of a good governance that gives all the opportunities to improve or maintain the people's well-being?

Equity and Inclusiveness

579 - Which of the following accurately and completely describes the scope of political science?

Study of international relations

580 - Which of the following are the principles of Panchsheel?1. Peaceful co-existence.2. Mutual protection of the environment.3. Mutual protection of indigenous population.4. Mutual non-aggression.

1 and 4

581 - Which of the following are Unlimited Government Types?

Both (B), (C)

582 - Which of the following became a revolutionary cry across much of Europe?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

583 - Which of the following best characterizes the influence of the news media on public opinion in the United States?

B They affect which issues the public thinks are important.

584 - Which of the following best describes judicial activism?

The federal judiciary should actively check the activities of governmental bodies when they exceed their authority.

585 - Which of the following countries has a Free enterprise economy?

The United States

586 - Which of the following countries is classified as a majoritarian democracy?


587 - Which of the following countries was not a NATO member


588 - Which of the following explain why a two party system exists in the U.S.?

All of the above.

589 - Which of the following factors BEST influenced the taxation of the British colonies after 1763?

the costs of defending the colonists during the French and Indian War.

590 - Which of the following features of the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the USA?1 Judicial review2 Concept of "procedure established by Law" 3 Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court4 Removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges Select the correc

1 and 4

591 - Which of the following is a basic disagreement between Socialists and Communists?

Whether all private businesses should be replaced by state ownership

592 - Which of the following is a place where citizens can go to register to vote?

Divisions of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

593 - Which of the following is a Rabi Crops sown in village Palampur?


594 - Which of the following is an example of third party?

TEA Party

595 - Which of the following is common to the method of election of the members of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha?

Every vote has equal value

596 - Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding the sources of power?

The position reflects illegitimate power

597 - Which of the following is NOT a factor in predicting who will vote?


598 - Which of the following is not a factor of production?

Purchasing power

599 - Which of the following is NOT a right of the accused?

No cruel and unusual punishments

600 - Which of the following is NOT a role of mass media in elections?

Helping candidates win elections

601 - Which of the following is NOT a type of lobbying?


602 - Which of the following is not associated with postmodernism?

Belief in objective truth

603 - Which of the following is NOT one of the dominant political parties in the U.S.?

Green Party

604 - Which of the following is not one of the top three religions in the world?


605 - Which of the following is probably NOT a reason why someone would register for a political party?

To help change the beliefs of that party

606 - Which of the following is the best description of the government structure of the People's Republic of China?

the government structure has three branches, but all branches are controlled by the Communist Party

607 - Which of the following is the best example of a nation?


608 - Which of the following put a tax on all printed materials?

Stamp Act

609 - Which of the following scenarios is most closely related to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)?

B A labor union spends millions of dollars to independently run negative advertisements about a presidential candidate shortly before the election.

610 - Which of the following situations is an example of voting fraud?

A citizen impersonates others in order to vote multiple times.

611 - Which of the following statement is correct regarding the distribution of economic benefits in democracies?

Incomes of the rich have been increasing and those of the poor have been declining

612 - Which of the following statements is not correct about Sri Lankan Tamils?

They were happy with the Majoritarian act

613 - Which of the following terms means that people are gradually moving away from both parties?


614 - Which of the following terms refers to approving something? States do this with constitutional amendments proposed by congress.


615 - Which of the followings is CORRECT regarding the sources of power?

Force reflects coercive power

616 - Which of these alliances where there in 2004 parliamentary elections in India?

All the above

617 - Which of these countries has a Parliamentary Democracy type of government?

United Kingdom

618 - Which of these is techniques makes a comparison between two unlike things in order to show a similarity between them to help make a point? (Key Word: comparison)


619 - Which of these people is the Chairman of the Democratic National Convention?

Thomas Perez

620 - Which of these Union Territories are not ruled by the central government through Lt.Governor?


621 - Which one of the following is a 'National Political Party'?

Bahujan Samaj Party

622 - Which one of the following is USSR sponsored military alliance?

Warsaw Pact

623 - Which out of the following is a state party?

Rashtriya Janata Dal

624 - Which party always won elections in Mexico since its independence in 1930 until 2000?

Mexican Revolutionary Party

625 - which party is a state party?


626 - Which party was led by Alexander Hamilton and consisted mostly of businessmen and educated people who wanted a strong federal government?

Federalist Party

627 - Which political party believes in individual freedom and believes the only purpose of government is to protect this freedom?

Libertarian Party

628 - Which political party did Bill Clinton belong to?

Democratic party

629 - Which political party is for a big government?

Democratic Party

630 - Which political party wants the LEAST amount of government involvement in public life?

Libertarian Party

631 - Which President began the practice of shaking hands with constituents, lawmakers, and the general public instead of the previously accepted bowing to citizens?

Thomas Jefferson

632 - Which purpose of government includes airport security?

national security

633 - Which regime usually develops a procedure to conduct social competition and reduce the possibility of social tensions?

Democratic regime

634 - Which regions stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes


635 - Which statement best describes the difference between political parties and special interest groups?

Political parties are focused on getting their members elected to public office while interest groups focus more on influencing those already elected to public office.

636 - Which statement best explains how third parties can have a positive effect on national politics?

Third parties often bring attention to topics that are unpopular or unknown

637 - Which step in the polling process requires pollsters to assess whether their questions are worded well since this can affect the reliability of the poll?

Prepare valid questions

638 - Which supranational organization focuses on the production of oil?


639 - Which Supreme Court case ruled that states could not regulate trade on interstate waterways and gave the federal government authority over all types of interstate commerce?

Gibbons v. Ogden

640 - Which system of government will you find shared power between state and central government?


641 - Which third party would supports programs like free health care and free college?

Socialist Party

642 - Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium

Dutch and French

643 - Which type of government do we have in the United States?


644 - Which U.S. President contracted Polio at age 39?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

645 - Whihc physical feature is a barrier between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert?

Atlas Mountains

646 - Who are called Indian Tamils?

Both 1 and 3

647 - Who are formal organizations dedicated to get their issues recognized by government?

interest groups

648 - Who are the leaders of the executive departments who advise the president?


649 - who are the ministers of Maharashtra

Both (B), (C)

650 - Who can remove the Vice-President from his office?


651 - Who controls the process of nominating candidates for office in the United States?

The Political Parties create their own process

652 - Who creates a democratic Government and decides about functioning of it?


653 - Who decides how the government will be constituted?


654 - Who developed the Organic State Theory?

Friedrich Ratzel

655 - Who did the United States side with during the war between Britain and France?

remained neutral

656 - Who elects the President of India?

All of the above

657 - Who has launched Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and Skills (SHREYAS)?

Ministry of Human Resource Development

658 - Who highlights the drawback of various policies?

Opposition party

659 - Who is a not a Social Reformer among all these.....

Mangal Pandey

660 - Who is considered as a founder of Greek Political Theory?


661 - Who is considered as the father of Indian constitution?

Dr.Rajendra Prasad

662 - who is the architect of indias foreign policy?

jawahar lal nehru

663 - Who is the chairman of Rajya Sabha?


664 - Who is the head of municipal government?


665 - Who is the head of the provincial government?


666 - Who is the head of the state in the UK?

The Monarch

667 - Who is the leader of the Bloc Quebecois party?

Yves-Francois Blanchet

668 - Who is the present Chief Justice of India?

Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde

669 - Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Nancy Pelosi

670 - Who leads in a theocracy?

Religious Leaders

671 - Who led a successful revolution in the northern area of South America, eventually having a country named after him?

Simón Bolivar

672 - Who made the constitution of India?

The Constituent Assembly

673 - Who once observed that politics envelops us like the coils of a snake and there is no other way out but to wrestle with it.

Mahatma gandhi

674 - Who owned the land in Feudal Japan?


675 - Who replaced Amit Shah as BJP National President?

Jagat Prakash Nadda

676 - Who was President Washington's Secretary of Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

677 - Who was the first indian PM to resign from office?

Morarji Desai

678 - Who was the first president of India

Dr. Rajendra prasad

679 - Who was the only president to throw out the first pitch of the Major League Baseball Season once right handed and once left handed?

Harry Truman

680 - Who was the President of India during the Emergency of 1975?

Fakruddin Ali Ahmed

681 - Who were the Telugu warrior chiefs'?


682 - Who won the Election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson

683 - Who would have agreed most with the following statement: Human beings unlike all other objects and animals, possess dignity. They are, for this reason, valuable in themselves. Even if people are poor, immoral, or dishonest, because they are human beings,

Immanuel Kant

684 - Who wrote the book "On Liberty"


685 - Who wrote the book 'Republic'?


686 - Why are Fundamental Rights not unlimited or absolute?

The government can apply "reasonable restrictions"

687 - Why are political debates important?

To see where the candidates stand on the issues

688 - Why do political scientists classify political regimes?

To aid understanding of politics and to facilitate evaluation

689 - Why do some citizens fail to vote?

Lack of interest

690 - Why is the cost of time that democracy pays for arriving at a decision worthwhile?

Decisions are more likely to be acceptable to the people and more effective

691 - Why should we limit the power of government leaders?

so that they do not violate (take away) our human rights

692 - Why was Athens a limited democracy?

Because it didn't allow women, slaves and foreigners to vote.

693 - Why would a person join one of the major political party?

personal choice

694 - Winner take all politics, whoever gets the most votes wins the election.

Plurality System

695 - Within the exclusive economic zone, countries have the right to explore for resources up to ..... miles of their shores.


696 - Women.....

Were members of political clubs

697 - You are ..... If you do not care about politics because you believe only you can help yourself


698 - You should consider exaggeration, symbolism, and labeling when looking at .....

political cartoons

699 - Young India was a journal run by .....

M.K. Gandhi

700 - Yugoslavia Had ..... Issues Because of the Different Types of People Living In Its Boarders.



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