Transport in Biology MCQs The Most Important

Transport in Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Transport in Biology Chapter# 9, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 60 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Transport in Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Transport in Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - There are _______ types of nutrients needed by plants besides light to carry out photosynthesis


2 - The site/s where most of the uptake of water and minerals take place is/are

Root hairs

3 - The uptake of water in plants involves

Passive transport

4 - The membrane of vacuoles is known as


5 - The diffusion of ions along with water also takes place by mass flow system along the ______ path


6 - Active transport is dependent on


7 - In plants, the neighbouring cells are connected with one another by.

Both 'a' & 'b'

8 - In the root cells _______ pathway becomes discontinuous in the endodermis due to the presence of casparian strip.


9 - Cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell walls are known as


10 - In plants, water potential is determined by major factors.


11 - The pressure generated when water enters & inflates plant cells is called ______ potential


12 - The movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential (through membrane)


13 - _______ potential is the measure of the change in water potential of a system due to the presence of solute molecules.


14 - _______ component of cell wall has grreat affinity with water.

All of these

15 - Commonly in other plants than tall ones the speed of upward movement of water is

1 mh-1

16 - Exceptionally the positive hydrostatic pressure generated by root pressure is about

800 Kpa

17 - Cuticular transpiration is ______ of total transpiration


18 - All plants do not possess


19 - Lenticular transpiration is _________ of total transpiration


20 - Aerating openings formed in the bark through which exchange of gases takes place and water is lost in the form of vapours are


21 - Lenticels look like

Cars or small protusions

22 - Stomatal transpiration is _____ of total transpiration


23 - They function as multisensory hydraulic valve

Guard cells

24 - There are _______ hypothesis which may explain opening and closing of stomata


25 - Stomata open due to _____ of K+ into the guard cells from the surrounding epidermis

Active transport

26 - Low level of CO2 favours _____ of the stomata


27 - The opening and closing of stomata is directly controlled by the


28 - Symbionts which help plants in uptake of phosphorous and trace metals such as zinc and copper.


29 - Transport of minerals from soil to epidermal cells of roots via carrier protein molcules along their concentration gradient is called:

Facilitated diffusion.

30 - Pulling upward of water and dissolved minerals towards the leaves through the xylem tissue is called

Transpiration pull

31 - Pressure flow theory was proposed by

Earnst Munch

32 - A pressure created by active secretion of salts and other solutes from other cells into xylem sap is called

Root pressure

33 - Addition of salts and other solutes from other cells into xylem sap, _____ the water potential of the xylem sap


34 - Open circulatory system can contain

White Blood Cells

35 - Which of the following is true about hearts of earthworm?

They are present lateral to the oesophagus.

36 - Single circuit heart is found in


37 - It has been estimated that in a normal person plasma constitutes about ____ by vulume of blood.


38 - 95% of the cytoplasm ofred blood cells is the


39 - _______ give rise to macrophages, which destroy larger particles by phagocytosis.


40 - Which of the following are proteins in nature?

All of these

41 - Cooley's anemia is another name used for


42 - Tricuspid valve is present

Between right atrium and right ventricle

43 - QRS complex represents

Ventricular systole

44 - Which of the following have thickest walls?


45 - It is the measure of force with which blood pushes up against the walls of blood vessels.

Blood pressure

46 - All of the follwing are blood clots except


47 - It is the discharge of blood from blood vessels.

Cerebral Hemorrhage

48 - The flow of lymph is maintained by

All of these

49 - Introduction of vaccine within the body to produce immunity is an example of

Artificially induced active immunity


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