Variety of Life MCQs The Most Important

Variety of Life topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Variety of Life Chapter# 5, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 60 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Variety of Life . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Variety of Life covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Which of the following category is most general with its members lest resembling with each other than the other categries:


2 - Solanum tuberosum is a scientific name of:


3 - Allium cepa is the scientific name of :


4 - Those organisms which can prepare their own food from simple inorganic material and can store energy are called


5 - Which of the Euglenas (a Protoctista) character resembles that of animals:

Both a and b

6 - The word which E-Chatton suggested for bacteria and blue green algae was:


7 - Organisms of which of the following kingdom have absorptive mode of nutrition:


8 - Which of the following organisms have Chitin as a major structural component of their cell wall:


9 - Five kingdom classification was proposed by :

Robert Whittaker

10 - Amoeba belongs to which kingdom:


11 - Kingdom Protoctista includes:


12 - Other name for Kingdom monera is:


13 - The word virus is derived from Latin word venome meaning

Poisonous Fluid

14 - DNA or RNA of viruses is enclosed in ______ coat:


15 - Vaccine Was discovered by :

Edward Jennar

16 - The name Bacteriophage was coined by:

D Herelle

17 - The size of smallest virus is:

20 nm

18 - The size of poxvirus is:

250 nm

19 - Viruses are ______ smaller than bacteria

10 - 1000 times

20 - Which of the statement about viruses is incorrect :

They can synthesize their nucleic acid

21 - Protein subunits of capsid is called the capsomeres is a characteristic of each virus. Their number in Herpes virus is:


22 - Protein coat the capsid of adenovirus is :

Surrounding genome

23 - The agent of controversial nature causing mad cow infection is:


24 - A virion is :


25 - An isolated virus is not considered living since it:

Can not metabolize

26 - Bacteriopahage that infect E. coli are called:

T type

27 - Attachment of the bacteriophage with the receptor site on the bacterial cell wall involves:

Week chemical unior between them

28 - In life cycle of bacteriophage which step occur after attachment of prophage with the receptor site of the bacterial cell wall:


29 - Which of the following is incorrect for the lysogenic cycle in life cycle of bacteriophage:

Lysogenic bacteria may get infected by the related phage.

30 - In lysogenic cycle the process of spearation of phage DNA from the hosts chromosome and initiation of lytic cycle is called:


31 - In the lytic cycle of bacteriophage the host DNA is:

Digested into its nucleotides

32 - In the Lysogenic cycle the DNA of the bacteriophage:

Joins the bacterial chromosomes.

33 - Temperate phage may exist as :


34 - Tobacco mosaic virus is :

Rod Shaped

35 - Which of the following is an RNA virus:

Influenza virus

36 - An enzyme which can convert single stranded RNA into double stranded viral DNA is called:

Reverse Transcriptase

37 - Which of the following virus has special affiliations with the tumor production:


38 - Which of the following is the smallest known virus:

Polio virus

39 - Complex symptoms like severe pneumonia vascular tumor sudden weight loss swollen lymph nodes and immune deficiency are features of:


40 - Which of the following statement about AIDS is incorrect:

An infected mother cannot pass the virus to her baby.

41 - Mode of transmission of hepatitis A is :


42 - Which one of the following specially result in chronic liver disease leading to hepatic failure:


43 - For which of the following no preventive vaccine is available



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