Alkyl Halides Aldehydes and Ketones MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - Which of the following will have the highest boiling point?


2 - Which of the following reaction is not shown by ketones?

reaction with Fehling solution

3 - The carbon atom of carbonyl group is

sp2 hybridized

4 - Which of the following substances does not give iodoform test?

methyl alcohol

5 - Formalin is _______ % solution of formaldehyde in water


6 - Which of the following aldehydes shows rapid reaction with sodium nitroprusside?


7 - Acetone reacts with HCN to form a cyanohydrin. It is an example of

nucleophilic addition

8 - Which of the following compounds will react with Tollens reagent?


9 - Which of the following reactions may be assoclated with aldehyde and ketone?

all of the above

10 - Cannizzaros reaction is not given by


11 - Which of the following reagents will react with both aldehydes and ketones?

Grignard reagent

12 - Ketones are comparatively less reactive than aldehdye. It is due to

both (a) and (b)

13 - Which of the following do not give aldol condensation reactions?


14 - Which of the following is not a use of formaldehyde?

in making acetic acid

15 - Formaldehyde and lactose are combined to produce throat lozenges named as


16 - Which of the following is not a use of acetaldehyde?

formation of throat lozenges

17 - Formula of haloform is


18 - Formaldehyde condenses with phenol in the presence of dilute H2SO4 to yield


19 - Formalin consists of mixture of formaldehyde methyl alcohol and water. Percentage of water in it is


20 - Which of the following will not give addition reaction with NaHSO3


21 - On heating aldehydes with Fehlings solution we get a precipitate whose colour is

brick red

22 - Which of the following compounds has the empirical formula CH2O and reacts with sodium hydroxide?

acetic acid

23 - Aldehyde and ketone have same general formula for homologous series


24 - Oxidation of primary alcohol gives


25 - Ethanal is prepared industrially by air oxidation of ethylene using palladium chloride as catalyst and _____ as promoter


26 - Ncleophilic addition reactions are catalysed

Both a and b

27 - Acetaldehyele cyanohydrin on acid hydrolysis yields

Lactic acid

28 - Acetal on acid hydrolysis generates

Both a & b

29 - Which one exhibits aldol condensation


30 - Tetrahydroborate ion is the source of


31 - Which of the following is a symmetrical ketone


32 - Dry distillation of calcium acetate results in the formation of


33 - In base catalyzed reaction of carbonyl compound the catalyst

increases the nucleophilic character of reagent

34 - Cannizaros reaction takes place through the transfer of _______ from complex anion.

hydride ion

35 - Iodoform test can be used to distinguish between

all of the above

36 - When - COOH is attached directly to the benzene ring the acid is called


37 - Which one is not a nucleophile?


38 - The number of molecules taking part in the rate determining step is called

Order of reaction

39 - What will be the order of reaction of a reaction whose rate can be expressed as R = K [A] [B]?


40 - What is the order of kinetics in the SN1 mechanism?


41 - Which alkyl halide out of the following may follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanism?

(CH3)2 CH - X

42 - When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether what will be formed?

1 mole of butane

43 - The ether used in Wurtz synthesis is


44 - When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis the product formed is

propanoic acid

45 - Grignard reagent is reactive due to

the polarity of C-Mg bond

46 - SN2 reaction can be best carried out with

primary alkyl halide

47 - Elimination bimolecular reactions involve

second order kinetics

48 - For which mechanisms the first step involved is the same?

E1 and SN1

49 - The rate of E1 reaction depends upon

the concentration of substrate

50 - Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophile because

they have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group

51 - Which one of the following species is not an electrophile?


52 - Which one of the following reactants will be required to form straight chain alcohol by using Grignard reagent

both a & c

53 - Which one of the following alcohols will be formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetone?

tertiary alcohol

54 - Which one of the following molecules does not form alcohol when reacts with Grignard reagent?


55 - In primary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to how many carbon atoms


56 - Ethylene epoxide treated with Grignards reagent followed by acid hydrolysis yield

primary alcohol

57 - The best method of preparation of alkyl halides is a reaction of alcohol with

SOCl2 / Pyridine

58 - Alkyl halides undergo a type of reaction

both a & c

59 - 50% inversion of configuration of molecules take place in a

SN1 - reaction

60 - Which one of the following is termed as benzul alcohol?



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