Basic Concepts And Atomic Structure MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - ____________ can expel proteons from paraffins


2 - 1 a.m.u =

6 x 10-27 kg

3 - 2nd orbit is _______ away from nucleus of H-atom as compared to 1st orbit is


4 - Angle of deflection was studied by


5 - Atom cannot be divided into simple unitstheorized by


6 - Atom with higher atomic number produces X-rays of

Shorter wavelength

7 - Atomic orbits having same evergy are called

Degenerate orbitals

8 - Avogadros number may represent

All of the above

9 - Centrifugal forces are balanced in atom by

Attractive forces

10 - Charge of electron was measured by


11 - Colour of fluorescene produced by cathode rays depends upon

Composition of glass

12 - Combustion analysis is performed to determine

Empirical formula

13 - Dempsters mass spectrometer has number of zones / parts


14 - Electronic configuration of K is


15 - Empirical formula of chloroform is


16 - For which of the following compounds the term empirical formula cannot be applied?

It can be applied to all mentioned above

17 - Free neutron changes into proton with the emission of

Both a & b

18 - How many isotopes have odd atomic number?


19 - Increase in atomic number is observed during

Beta emission

20 - Isotopes differ in

properties which depend upon mass

21 - Isotopes of the same elements has

different number of neutrons

22 - Mass spectrometer is used to determine Mass number of isotopes and

Relative abundance

23 - Milikan used __________ in his atomizer


24 - Molecular mass of water (18g) means


25 - Mostly elements have fractional atomic masses because of

atmoic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their relative abundance

26 - Neutrons moving with an energy of 1.2 MeV are called

Fast neutrons

27 - One mole of CO2 contains.

both b & c

28 - Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is


29 - Pfund series are produced in the spectrum of hydrogen atom

when electrons jump down to 5th- orbit

30 - Planks theory says energy is emitted

Discontinuous manner

31 - Positive rays are produced

By the bombardment of cathode rays on gas molecules

32 - Positive rays give flash on


33 - Pressure in gas discharge tube was kept

01 torr

34 - Qualitative analysis is carried out for

identification of elements

35 - Quantum number which tells the energy of electron is


36 - Rutherford bombarded ______________ particles in discovery of nucleus


37 - Rutherfords planet like structure was defective and unsatisfactory because


38 - Size of molecule depends upon

Both a and b

39 - Sommerfelds modification in Bohrs model is

Orbit is elliptical

40 - Space around nucleus where finding probability of electrons is maximum is called


41 - Spectrum is produced due to

Different wavelength

42 - Splitting of spectral lines when atom is subjected to magnetic field is called

Zeemans effect

43 - Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric filed is called

Stark effect

44 - The atomic number of an element having maximum number of unpaired electrons in p-subshell is


45 - The correct electronic configuration of Cu is


46 - The letters s p d and f are used to represent which quantum numbers


47 - The magnetic quantum number (QN) has its values determined directly by the value of

Azimuthal (QN)

48 - The mass of decimole of electrons (NA) is

054 mg

49 - The maximum number of orbitals present in a subshell that is represented by Azimuthal quantum number = 3 will be


50 - The nucleus of an atom of every element will always contain


51 - The number of fundamental particles in an atom of the lightest isotope carbon are


52 - The number of isotopes of elements with even mass number and even atomic number are.


53 - The number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g of oxygen is


54 - The number of peaks obtained in mass spectrometry shows

Number of isotopes

55 - The properties of an element mosly corresponds to that isotope which has greater

Relative abundance

56 - The relationship between energy of a photon of light and its frequency is given by

Plancks Quantum theory

57 - The sample of isotopes of an element which needs not to be vaporized in the vaporization chamer


58 - The value of e/m ratio of electron is

7588 x 1011 C/kg

59 - The velocity of the photon

Is independent of wavelength

60 - The volume occupied by 2.8 g of N2 at STP

24 dm3

61 - Three quantum number have been derived from equation of


62 - Wavelength of electron was verified by

Davisson and Germer

63 - When 0.5 mole of phosphoric acid is dissolved in aqueous solution how many moles of -ve and +ve ions are collected altogether?


64 - When 6d orbital is complete the entering electron goes into


65 - When an atom absorbs energy the lines in the spectrum will appear which are


66 - When cationic molecular ions are allowed to pass through strong magnetic field in mass spectrometer which of the following ions is fallen


67 - When electron jump into orbit 1 then series obtained is


68 - When electrons collide with heavy metals than ______ are produced.


69 - Which of the following are isoelectronic species?

F- Ne Na+

70 - Which of the following ion formation is always exothermic?


71 - Which of the following is not a macromolecule?


72 - Which of the following methods is used to estimate hydrogen in an organic compound?

Combustion method

73 - Which of the following statements about isotopes is correct?

Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number are abundant

74 - Which of the following statements is wrong about isotopes?

they possess different position in the periodic table

75 - Which of the following terms is not used for ionic compound?

molecular formula

76 - Which of the following terms is used for the mass of chlorine 35.5?

relative atomic mass

77 - Which one is not true about cathode rays?

Cannot ionize

78 - Which one is true about isotope?

Same chemical properties

79 - Which one of the following explain the shape of orbitals

Azimuthal quantum number

80 - Which one of the following has the maximum number of isotopes?


81 - Which one of the following is not the mono isotopic element?


82 - 36 moles of each aluminium and oxygen react with each other to produce aluminium oxide. The amount of product formed is

18 mole

83 - Diameter of an atom is in the order of:



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