Basic Fact of Education in India MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Anything can be taught at any stage of development", was said by ______

Jerome Bruner

2 - "Recall the face of the poorest and weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him". Who said these lines?

Mahatma Gandhi

3 - _____ is the apex institution in the area of training educational planners and administrators?


4 - ______ is the quality of a good teacher.

Good command over the subject

5 - _______ cannot be adopted for effective classroom teaching.

Teaching latest trends and advances

6 - _______ is called perceptional level learning.

Seen to unseen

7 - _______ is the apex institution involved in the planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system in the country.


8 - _______ is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure?


9 - _______ is the major cause of difference in the classroom behaviour of boys and girls.

Societal expectations

10 - ________ is not an objective of the Adult Literacy Program.

Training women entrepreneurs

11 - ________ is suitable to slow learners.

Learning by rote

12 - ________ is the process in which you identify the common aspects or basic relationships in a variety of specific situations?


13 - _________ is not an objective of Formal Education.

Self-paced learning

14 - _________ undertook the innovative project 'Lok Jumbish People's movement for Education for All'?


15 - __________means reinforcing each small step towards a desired goal or behaviour.


16 - A blackboard cannot be used for __________.

Making reports based on information

17 - A consultant or a team conducts the evaluation process in a particular way, which of the following decides that

Terms of reference

18 - A student in your class is guilty of stealing. What would you do?

Find the cause of the behaviour and explain the effects of stealing

19 - A student is 'Exceptional' when his performance is significantly ____________.

Above or below the average student

20 - A teacher should be _______ towards his students?


21 - A teacher should encourage the students to _____________________________.

Score best grades in the class

22 - All levels of education are provided from the nursery to the University stage in

Ashram at Pondicherry

23 - Annie Besant inspired the opening of schools in many cities in

End of nineteenth century

24 - Article 45 under the Directive Principles of State policy in the Indian Constitution, provides for

Education for weaker sections of the country

25 - As a principle, how would you behave with below average students?


26 - Can a teacher suspend a student?


27 - Cause and effect relationships are studied by _____ studies.


28 - Choice of a vocation depends ___________

Interest and skills of the learner

29 - Computer Assisted Instruction is based on ________ principle

Operant Conditioning

30 - Education in the Vedic period was _______.

Given in Gurukuls by a sage

31 - EFA Programme is involved in _________

Providing primary education to all

32 - Equalisation of educational opportunity is provided in ____________ of Indian Constitution.

Article 44

33 - Exams are held to _________.

Assess learners skills

34 - Following attributes would correctly define learning

Belief, creativity, and endurance

35 - For __________, 'Experimentation' the standard procedure to know the truth?


36 - For a teacher teaching a class wit large strength, which of the techniques is best?

Lecture and class notes

37 - 'Generation gap' refers to ___________________.

Difference in values of different age groups

38 - Having variety of question sets in a question paper increases it __________


39 - How can a teacher develop creativity in himself and the learners?

By playing thought provoking games

40 - How can forgetting be minimised?


41 - How do we get knowledge and how can we be sure it is true and not error? This area of philosophy is called


42 - How should a teacher be related to his peers?

Suggest each other the effective ways to teach

43 - How would you dress yourself as a teacher?


44 - How would you improve student participation in classroom activity?

By group activity and reporting

45 - How would you make your students independent?

Give responsibility to everyone

46 - If a student is rude to you, which strategy would you adopt as a teacher?

Remind the student of classroom rules

47 - If we believe in the dualistic theory of the mind versus body nature of man, have to arrive at the econsequence that

Education is purely a matter of mental training and development of the self

48 - If you want to improve the ability to observe in children, which of the following would you recommend?

Training mental faculties

49 - If your purpose is ___________, group work is not a good idea.

To identify different aspects of a problem

50 - In ancient India religions and moral aims were dominated by

Both (a) and (b)

51 - In today's society school should give

Vocational base

52 - Its your first day in a class, what would you do?

Introduce yourself to the students

53 - Learning in the mother-tongue helps a student to _________ what is being taught.

Easily comprehend

54 - Majority of the students in a class misbehave, what does it tell you?

General indiscipline amongst students

55 - 'National Policy on Education' 1986 was reviewed by ________

Ramamurti Committee

56 - NLM stands for

National Literacy Mission

57 - On which list is education in Indian Constitution?

Concurrent list

58 - Rama Krishna Mission was founded by

Swami Vivekanand

59 - Regarding co-education at the secondary stage, the 1952-53 Education Commission has suggested that

To start, resource, in several states could not afford

60 - Social change would bring a change in which of the following?

All of the above

61 - Study of _______ improves a students ability to experiment and analyse


62 - Suppose you get a Hindi Medium student who has learnt English. He is given five sentences to be translated from Hindi to English. As an evaluator, which aspect would you to try to evaluate in him?


63 - Talking and indiscipline in classroom is an indication of ____________

Boredom casued by repetitiveness

64 - The _____ amendement got "Fundamental Duties" added to the Constitution of India?

42nd Amendment

65 - The 1968 national policy teacher education adopted by the Indian Government laid stress on the following aspects of teacher's education

Adequate emoluments and academic freedom for teachers.

66 - The aim of the Charter Act of 1813 was _________

To spend money on education

67 - The concept of 'SUPW' was elucidated by _______

Ishwar Bhai Patel Review Committee

68 - The concept of totalitarian education in the West was in favour of

Making the education of the individual as an instrument for realising the ends of the state

69 - The 'Cone of Experience' was developed by ________.

Edgar Dale

70 - The development of a student's personality is affected the most by __________.

Emotional climate at home

71 - The issue of 'academic burden on students' was examined by _______ .

Yashpal Committee

72 - The major disadvantage of punishment in education is that ___________

It generates unpleasant feelings

73 - The National Educational Policy of 1979, recommended also about the public schools

suitable ratio has to be maintained for admission of middle class and poor student also.

74 - The opinion that "our aim should be to produce men who possess both culture and expect knowledge" given by

Prof. A.H. Whitehead

75 - The purpose of the textbook is to provide _________

A learning material based on a syllabus to a learner

76 - The scheme of Restructuring and Re-organization of Teachers was approved in the year?


77 - The statement by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi that a new education would made so as to "Prepare Indians for the 21st Century in the year


78 - The word â€Å“Pedagogy” means?

to lead the child

79 - To make learning effective, a goal must be meaningful in terms ______

The needs and purposes of students

80 - Vivekanand was a


81 - What advantage do objective type tests have over essay tests?

The sampling content can be wider

82 - What is the best way for a teacher to resolve the problems in a class?

Think on suggestions offered by the children and implement the good ones

83 - What is the biggest advantage of interaction between the teacher and the students?

It facilitates effective learning

84 - What is the importance of having developed senses?

Other learnings depend on them

85 - What is the main purpose of punishment to students?

Reform the offender

86 - What is the most important contribution that a teacher can make in the classroom?

Reduce tension and make learning creative

87 - What is the purpose of the assignments in the text book?

To provide practice to the learners

88 - What is the use of text book in a class?

To achieve learning objectives

89 - What makes an adolescent revolt against Authority?

His want for recognition and independence of thought and action

90 - What type of teachers are appreciated?

The one who understands the problems of students and helps them

91 - What will be the IQ of a 25 years old boy whose mental age is 16?


92 - What would you do if you find two students of your class fighting?

Punish both of them

93 - What would you do if you notice that students tend to doze off in your class?

Give a command seeking attention

94 - When is 'National Teachers Day' celebrated?


95 - When is the best time to evaluate a student's performance?

Throughout the instructional process

96 - When was the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) launched?


97 - Where is the First Central Institute of Vocational Education located?


98 - Which educational psychologist believed in the fact that 'All children have the potential to learn'?

Friedrich Frobel

99 - Which of the following affects an individual's development at a given time?

Interaction of nature and nurture

100 - Which of the following are the characteristics of a person with scientific attitude?


101 - Which of the following is Doordarshan's Educational Television Channel?

Gyan Darshan

102 - Which of the following is true about the ways of learning for students?

Each child has a unique learning style

103 - Which of the following items of information are important about students to motivate them for studies?

All of the above

104 - Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

Thorndike - Theory X and Y

105 - Which of the following policies was introduced in 1975?

Curriculum for the 10 year school

106 - Which of the following situations would the best for maximum transfer of learning?

Different tasks requiring the same response

107 - Which of the following would you use to shape the habits?


108 - Which one of the following is the most important elements in teaching?

Relationship between teachers and students

109 - Which subject explains and appreciates the contribution of the past to the present?


110 - Which subject tries to understand the role of man in changing his environment?


111 - Who became the first Minister of Education in the Indian government?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

112 - Who formed Brahmo Samaj

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

113 - Who had observed that the art of education would never attain clearness in itself without philosophy? He was


114 - Why are class tests conducted?

To evaluate educational achievement

115 - Why is Environment Awareness necessary at all stages of education?

Environment varies from region to region

116 - Why is 'learning by doing' important?

It develops interest among children

117 - Why is teacher training necessary?

All the above

118 - Why should a teacher be an idealist and set examples?

Students usually imitate teachers

119 - You are training in public speaking and debate. Which of the following characteristics can you not expect to develop?

Control over emotions

120 - You have a mixed class of boys and girls. Which method would you adopt to improve co-operation between them?

Setting tasks which have to be done together

121 - You have a student who has failed in a particular class. How will you motivate this student to study sincerely in the same class?

By psychological counselling

122 - You have an aggressive student in your class. Which of the following would you adopt to handle him?

Make him aware of the harmful consequences of aggression

123 - You want to develop cooperation and team spirit in students? Which activities would you propose?

Project work

124 - You want to ensure participation of more students in class. Which of the following methods of teaching would you adopt?


125 - Young adolescents rebel to express their ________.

Their desire for freedom


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