Basics Of Pedagogy MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school". Who defined this curriculum definition?

John Kerry

2 - "Any concious activity by one person designed to enhance the learning of another", this is the definition of?


3 - "Any concious activity by one person designed to enhance the learning of another", this is definition of pedagogy is defined by?

Watkins and Mortimer

4 - "Child development is a product of social interaction", who qouted these lines?


5 - "Children actively constructed their understanding of the world", these are the lines of?

Jean Piaget

6 - "Completing a task with 80% accuracy is requirement for success" is the example of?

Criterion referenced

7 - "Education is the process of formation of the highest moral character of the individual through many sided interests", these lines qouted by?

Fredrick Herbert

8 - "Education refers to discover the universal principles of the truth, beauty and goodness which govern human conduct" was stated by?


9 - "Educational Psychology is study of teaching and learning in classroom". This definition is given by?

William James

10 - "Employees attempt to avoid responsibilities", this is one of the assumption of?

Theory X

11 - "Employees seek formal direction", this is one of the assumption of?

Theory X

12 - "Five thousands mosque schools will be opened" was the future of the National Education Policy?


13 - "How will this shy child who never speaks turn into a sociaable and talktative person", this student have which development issue?

Nature and Mirture

14 - "Teaching to the test" in the sense towards the curriculum goals suggested by?

New-Mann 1992

15 - "The best teachers in schools are shared by more students", this type of teaching is?

Hypothesis underlying team teaching

16 - "The Psychology of the child" is originally published in?


17 - "There should be such adjustment of knowledge, thinking, and activities of the person as may lead to successful performance of the work", it is the definition of?

Integrated development of personality

18 - "University of Utopia" was written by?


19 - __ can be made effective by the use of modern technology.

All of the above

20 - __ departments of education were planned to attach with universities to give professional training to graduates.


21 - __ has been called the science of activities of the individual or what the learner does.

Educational psychology

22 - __ has been defined as the profession guidance and assistance given when and where is needed.

Educational supervision

23 - __ has described "three" schools of thought for the intellectual developed in the discipline of educational psychology.

None of the above

24 - __ has universal usability as an aid in explaining and illustrating the emerging need during class teaching.

All of the above

25 - __ is an intelligent way of presenting instructional material to save time and energy for teachers.

Instructional technology

26 - __ is concerned with the teaching method.


27 - __ is measured by a test.


28 - __ is not an end itself, but means to an end.


29 - __ is self determined learning.


30 - __ is the best method to avoid guessing.

Sentence Completion

31 - __ is used to convey order of higher authority.

Order Book

32 - __ leads to the discovery of the individual abilities, interests, needs, assets and limitations.

Educational guidance

33 - __ may be defined as a process of progressive behaviour adaptation.


34 - __ method is generally applicable in teaching of languages.


35 - __ method of teaching proceeds from concrete to abstract.


36 - __ refers to a more or less permanent change in behaviour which occurs as a result of practice.


37 - __ type of educational supervision ignores potential power of the group and the individuals.


38 - __ type of test is essentially an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour.


39 - ___ are the future arrangement of programme operations.


40 - ___ is the most important factor in planning for teaching profession.


41 - ___ is the practical aspect of philosophy.


42 - ___ knowledge is restricted to the material world.


43 - ____ the the person who guides to every person according to his needs.


44 - _____ domain is associated with physical and motor skills.


45 - ______ is the social process by which encompasses all aspects of human development.


46 - ________ classify affective domain.


47 - _________ is the most important indicator of quality of education in school.

Student achievement level

48 - __________ refers to that stage of the development when an organism starts performing instinctive functions.


49 - ___________ is the science of Behaviour.


50 - _____________ develops co-operation and physical balance in the students.

Sports and Games

51 - _________________ is the basic source of educational objectives.

Human Experience

52 - ______________________ is the essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school.

Vocational Competencies

53 - 13 percent knowledge we get by which of the following sense?


54 - 75% knowledge we get from which of the following sense?


55 - A basic measure of the validity of an item to distinguish those who scored high on the total test and those who scored low is called?

Discrimination index

56 - A continuous process of human development which never comes to an end is?


57 - A continuous, creative and organized process is called?


58 - A fear in which sources of fear is vague is called?


59 - A good teacher?

Who allows students to ask relevant questions and then explain

60 - A good textbook avoids which of the following thing?

Gender biasness

61 - A great emphasis was laid on the universalization of __ education during this plan period.


62 - A head teacher should take at least periods in a week?


63 - A predetermined body of skills, knowledge and abilities are taught to all students in?

Core curriculum

64 - A process of reducing the role of central Government in planning and providing education at local or district level referred to?


65 - A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as:

Mission statement

66 - A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as?

Mission statement

67 - A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as?

Mission statement

68 - A research report have how many parts?


69 - A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the independent variable is?

The amount of salt in the water

70 - A standard that is widely accepted as truth?


71 - A standardized test measuring specific intellectual abilities or other characteristics is called?

Intelligence test

72 - A summary of a study that describes its most important aspect i-e finding, results and conclusion is known as?


73 - A systematic process of collecting and analysing data in order to make decisions is?

An evaluation

74 - A teacher asks questions from the students to?

Attract students attraction

75 - A teacher should be expert in which of the following field?

Subject Matter

76 - A teacher should be respectable and _____ also with students.


77 - A teacher should not expect the ______ response from _____ students.

same, different

78 - A test description component also called test blueprint is referred to the term?

Table of specifications

79 - A type of test used to predict future situations of the students?


80 - About __ per cent children were dropping out of school at primary level.


81 - According to __, "Philosophy is the acquisition of knowledge."


82 - According to BLOOM taxonomy of educational objectives the psychomotor domain deals with?

Manipulative and motor skills

83 - According to charter act the objective of education was?

Preaching Christianity

84 - According to constructionists what an individual knows about the world from his/her own?

Interpretations of his/her experiences

85 - According to Jean Peaget six year old child is only able to?

Symbolize the objects

86 - According to John Dewey education is?

Learning to do by doing

87 - According to John Dewey educational process has two sides:

Psychological and Sociological

88 - According to Mursell the technique of __ is one of the older and teaching device.


89 - According to realism the purpose of education is?

Overall Development

90 - Achievement is measured by a?


91 - Achievement test means?

Both A & B

92 - Activity involves which of following?

Both Mental and Physical Action

93 - Activity involves which of the following?

Both A & B

94 - Activity, subject and integration are models of?


95 - Adjusting new schemes according to old schemes is called?


96 - Aesthetics has to do with?

None of the above

97 - Ahya-ul-Uloom is written by?

Al Ghazali

98 - Al-Ghazali made the classification of?


99 - Al-Ghazali philosophy of education represents the?

Islamic thinking

100 - All forms of pay allowances or rewards going to employees in educational institutions are signified as?


101 - All of the following is true about lesson plan Except?

It is developed by students

102 - All teachers are involved in curriculum implementation at the level of?

Class room

103 - All the learning activities which are exposed during study are included in:

Modern technique of instruction

104 - Allama Iqbal Open University established under the Education Policy of?


105 - Alternate-form reliability is also known as:

Parallel forms

106 - Among following who in not curriculum practitioner?

Curriculum expert

107 - Among stake holders of profession of teaching, student is said to be?


108 - Among the following which is the scope of curriculum?

Both A & B

109 - Among the following which thing is the most important for a teacher in the class?

Teacher should have abilities to remove difficulties of the students.

110 - Among which of the following Syllabus is a part?


111 - An educational supervisor is one who?

Provides professional assistance to teacher

112 - An employee is promoted to higher grade but his salary, allowances and others stipends remains the same as before then this type of promotion is called?

Horizontal promotion

113 - An environment that releases and relates to no: of observable criteria is called?

Educational Management

114 - An important question of philosophy is?

What is education?

115 - An individual can remove present errors, adopt new attitude and know many new thing in which type of learning?

learning through doing

116 - An individual is enabled to find the solutions of problems during?


117 - An outline of the topic of the subject to be covered in specific time is called what?


118 - Analysis, validity, reliability and usability determines the __ of a test.


119 - Applying previous experiences and knowledge to learning or problem solving in a new situation is?

Problem Solving

120 - Apprenticeships during education degree means?

Both A & B

121 - Approach of individual counseling is ___ and ___.

formal, informal

122 - Aptitude tests means to predict the measurement of?


123 - Aristotle belongs to?


124 - Aristotle was the teacher of?


125 - Arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be defined as?

Curriculum Design

126 - Assessing students performance in quantitative terms is called as?


127 - At authoritarian level teaching?

Teacher centered

128 - At primary and secondary level what is the aim of education in Pakistan?

Attainment of student ability

129 - At school level which of the following body develops curriculum?

Federal Govt

130 - Attitude of successful teachers towards their students is?


131 - Audio visual presentation is which kind of demonstration?


132 - Authentic knowledge in realism is based on?

Empirical knowledge

133 - Axiology is the branch of philosophy that deals primarily with?


134 - Basement of learning is?


135 - Basic source of education objectives is human?


136 - Behaviourists are interested in studying psychological phenomenon evident in?


137 - Belonging, affection and status are best classified as?


138 - Best education definition is?

Growth resulting from experience

139 - Black board included in which group of teaching aids?

Visual aids

140 - Blackboard is?

Visual Aids

141 - Bloom digital taxonomy consists of?

Division of psychological domains

142 - Blue prints includes experiences for?


143 - BOS stands for?

Board of Studies

144 - Branch of philosophy which deals with values is referred to as?


145 - Bring together scientific ideas to bring a unique idea is called what?


146 - By putting all ideas together to form new whole is called what?


147 - By touching how many percent of knowledge is gained?


148 - By which of the following method effectiveness of the curriculum is determined by?


149 - Career education should begin?

In Kindergarten

150 - Casual leave is applied for?

Personal work

151 - Celebrates diversity in the classroom is?

Inclusive Education

152 - Change agents are?


153 - Changes due to learning are?


154 - Changing agent in our education system is?


155 - Character is developed by?

All of the above

156 - Character is developed by?

All of the above

157 - Charles Wood Dispatch was declared in?


158 - Charles Wood's dispatch 1854 recommends the __ system of education in Indo-Pakistan sub continent.


159 - Charter act was presented in?


160 - Chief source of the accomplishment of the aim of education is?


161 - Child centered pedagogy is the strength of?

Inclusive schools

162 - Child centered teaching usually related to?

Activity Based Curriculum

163 - Classical conditional was presented by?


164 - Classifying students in a statistics course by their gender is an example of what scale of measurement?


165 - Cognitive development deals with?


166 - Cognitive domain reflects ______ skills.


167 - Collection of orders from the high authorities to Government education servants and institution is found?

Education code

168 - College teachers are recruited by?


169 - Commission on National Education 1959 was formed by the Government of Pakistan on?


170 - Computer based teaching model has been developed by?

Stolurow and Davis

171 - Computer based teaching model was developed in?


172 - Condition that increases possibility of accepting a particular responses in future is?


173 - Confirmation of an employee on the job is made when he/she completes satisfactorily

3 years service

174 - Confirmation of an employee on the job is made when he/she completes satisfactorily?

Five years service

175 - Conformity with ideology, character formation and __________ were the objectives of education conference in 1947.

Economic development

176 - Congnitive domain of educational objectives by Bloom's Texonomy involve the learner?


177 - Conservative, Creative and _____ are the nature of curriculum.


178 - Conservative, Creative and _____ are the nature of curriculum.


179 - Contributions of taxpayer in primary education is in the form of?

Educational cess

180 - Correct meaning of CAI is?

Computer Assisted Instruction

181 - Correct order of steps in scientific method is?

Identify a problem, construct a hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusion

182 - Council of technical education was recommended to establish under?

First educational conference 1947

183 - Criterion reference test are used to?

Compared the achievement of a student with class

184 - Culture of society is reflected by?


185 - Curriculum at elementary level is?

Learner centered

186 - Curriculum change is done after?

Curriculum Evaluation

187 - Curriculum could not be built without which things?

All are correct

188 - Curriculum helps to achive?


189 - Curriculum means all those activities which are provided inside or outside the school in order to predetermined goal was defined by?


190 - Curriculum means?

Child Planned Experiences

191 - Curriculum means?

Overall activities of an institution

192 - Curriculum of Dars-e-Nizami was developed by?

Mulla Nizam-U-Din

193 - Curriculum plan should never be considered a finish product or a?


194 - Curriculum provides guidelines to?


195 - Cyclic activity involving a number of steps and operations is called what?


196 - Data gathering instrument through which respondent answer questions to statements in writing is called?


197 - Decisions are made by the leader after constitution of selected colleagues in?

Mashawarti Model

198 - Decisions are made by the leader after consultation of selected colleagues in?

Democratic Model

199 - Definition of a profession is related to?


200 - Delivery of ______ is concerned with learning by imitation.

Correct Punctuation

201 - Determine bad or good for something is called?


202 - Determining good or bad of something is called?


203 - Determining the aim of education is the responsibility of?


204 - Development of insight in an individual is emphasized through?


205 - Dialect method was presented by?


206 - Dimension of Educational evaluation is________.


207 - Direct contact between two persons is called?


208 - Directing, advising and encouraging subordinates is a part of?


209 - Directorate of staff development is responsible for?

Designing and Imparting in-service teacher education.

210 - Discipline is determined through proper?


211 - Distance education programs are grounded on?

Research and Theory

212 - Dramatic reduction in number of employees as per requirement is called?


213 - Dropping out from school means?

To leave the school forever

214 - Dropping out from schools means?

To leave the school forever

215 - ECE failed to succeed in Pakistan due to?

Untrained Teachers

216 - Education confined to educational institution?

Formal education

217 - Education depends on?

Life philosophy of society

218 - Education from birth to death is?


219 - Education in not preplanned in?

Informal education

220 - Education is a basic human right and the foundation for a more just and equal society is said by:


221 - Education is a process for the creation of a sound mind in a sound body is defined by?


222 - Education is a process that leads to the enlightenment of?


223 - Education is derived from a latin word?


224 - Education philosophy which asks for hands on learning activities, group work and experimentation is called?


225 - Education planned with a particular end in view is?

Formal education

226 - Education policy emphasizing islamization of knowledge was announced in?


227 - Education process ranges?

From birth to death

228 - Education psychology revolves around three areas?

All are correct

229 - Education that intended to remedy a situation is known as?

Remedial Education

230 - Educational curriculum is a __ a course which one rims to reach a goal or course of study.


231 - Educational guidance also includes?

Co curricular activities

232 - Educational leadership is a prime factor to improve school?


233 - Educational objectives are mainly derived from?

National goals

234 - Educere means?

To draw out

235 - Effect of teaching method on students learning is a type of __ study.


236 - Effective interaction with a group to guide them to accomplish a task is known as?


237 - Effective teaching demand which of the following?


238 - Effectiveness of a curriculum determined by?


239 - Elementary school teachers work under the leadership of?


240 - Elements of administration according to Luther Gulick are famous as?


241 - Elements of fear are usually found in?


242 - Emotional adjustment of students is effective in?

All of the above

243 - Emphasis is given to lecture method is philosophy of?


244 - Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with?


245 - Epistemology, Axiology and ontology are the foundation of ___ of education.


246 - Errors of ______ often indicate the need for mechanical ______.

learners, drill

247 - ESR (Early Childhood Education) is an action plan of?


248 - Essay type of examination/test encourages students how to __ their own ideas and express effectively.

All of the above

249 - Evaluation is at which level of hierarchy in teaching?

Highest level

250 - Evaluation is related to?

Value Judgment

251 - Evaluation, program and objectives are the components of?


252 - Every system of education is based upon?

Ideology of Nation

253 - Every system of education system is based on?

Ideology of nation

254 - Exceptional children can not be schooled with ____________ children.


255 - Expectations from students in different day to day situations are known as?


256 - Expected life outcomes from education are referred?


257 - Experience and structure series of learning outcomes are?

Curriculum and Teaching

258 - Experience and subject activities are planned on which of following base?


259 - F.L. Thorndike has classified intelligence into __ categories.


260 - Factor of personality is?

All of the above

261 - Fazal-Ur-Rehman presided the education conference held in Islamabad in which year?


262 - Field of study concerned with learning activities is called?


263 - First education conference in Pakistan was held in?


264 - First level of Bloom taxonomy is?


265 - First step in the process of administration is?


266 - Fixed ideas and Ball-park measurement are the qualities of?

Pseudo science

267 - Flipped learning is a?

Pedagogical approach

268 - Floor area per student at secondary level is?

1.00 Sq.m

269 - Focal point in educational guidance is?

Pupil development

270 - Focus of Bloom taxonomy is on?

Educational objectives

271 - Focus of cognitive domain is?

Intellectual skills

272 - For a good communication __ is required.

Speaking without pause

273 - For a primary teacher knowledge of child psychology is very necessary so it will help teacher?

To understand the behaviour of the children

274 - For deaf and shy students which tool of assessment did not work?


275 - For effective planning and its implementation __ system was to be established in the fourth plan duration.

Properly functional enquiry

276 - For the process of learning which factor among the following is not necessary?

Sex discrimination

277 - Formal education has?

Rigid rules of entry and exit

278 - Formal education is meant for?

Rigid rules of entry and exit

279 - Formula to determine IQ was presented by?

William Stern

280 - From the following which is kings of sound?

Consonant sound

281 - Functions of integrated curriculum for class 1-3 were to?

Enhance quality education

282 - Gestalt is a __ word which means learning of whole?


283 - Girls education should given high priority because?

Girls are capable of leading for social change

284 - Goals provide guidance in selection of which of the following?


285 - God Gifted students have ___ intelligence level.

140 and above

286 - Good drama does not include which of the following?

Vert long play

287 - Good education is helpful in?

Making a person self dependent

288 - Good teacher can become only that person who prefers _________ to teaching.

Action Research

289 - Guidance to the children is primarily the chief function of?

School teachers

290 - Head treat strictly in?

Theory X

291 - Heuristic means?

To investigate

292 - Hierarchy of needs was presented by?


293 - Higher education commission was established in?


294 - Hilda Taba is expert in?


295 - Hilda Taba is related to the field of?

Curriculum Development

296 - How can be found that, What is going on in the class room through?


297 - How considered School physical environment?

Hidden Curriculum

298 - How many basic components curriculum have?


299 - How many basic types of curriculum?


300 - How many number of branches of phonetics exists?


301 - How many number of communication skills of english language?


302 - How many number of kings of sound are?


303 - How many number of students are in the method of micro teaching?

Minimum 5 to 10

304 - How many number of vowels in english language?


305 - How many types of projects are according to "Kilpatric"?


306 - How teacher can improve the performance of low paced children?

Using educational psychology

307 - How the forms are apprehended according to Plato?

By reason

308 - Human intelligence is affected by?

Both heredity and environment

309 - Ideal and scholarly personality of a teacher help in?

To maintain discipline in classroom

310 - Identify the level at which summative evaluation should take place?

At the end of session

311 - Ideology basis of curriculum development can be derived from?

Philosophical foundation

312 - Ideology of Pakistan and ______ was the main focus of educational policy of 1978.

Islamic Values

313 - Ideology of Pakistan, Spiritual values and ________ were the objectives of National Education Commission 1959.

Individual development

314 - If a person believes that nature influence the development of a child, then he would not agree with the importance of?

Genetic factors

315 - If a student asks wrong question from the teacher in the classroom, then being a teacher what would you do?

Point out the student mistake in the question by giving examples

316 - If a student does not conform to the norms of the school, then this student will need help in?

Affective Domains

317 - If a student don't like to meet with others, then he should?

be involved in group activites

318 - If a student have not any respect for their teacher, then what should teacher do?

Ignore him

319 - If a student is aggressive in his behaviour towards his peer group, then this student needs help in?

Affective Domain

320 - If a student is continously bishaving and teacher is punishing him each time, this the policy of which of the following?

Negative Reinforcement

321 - If a student is copying material in the examination hall and He is the son of principal then what teacher should do?

Prevent the student from copying

322 - If a teacher is teaching the concept of Food Chain, then what would be the most effective method to understand the topic?

Make play cards of organisms and ask student group to arrange them to depict different food chain items

323 - If a teacher uses previous learned material in the new situation then it is called?


324 - If a teacher uses problem solving activities in teaching rather than a formal activity, which philosopher ideas he or she is applying?

John Dewey

325 - If a test is required to compare test scores to performance on some other measure in the future, the test has?

Predictive validity

326 - If ideas are changed between two or more persons then it is called?


327 - If in a class there is such a student who learns slowly, then teacher should ?

Adopt remedial measures after knowing the cause

328 - If teacher is progressivist the curriculum will be?

Child centered

329 - If the teacher is idealist then classroom environment will be?

Curriculum centered

330 - Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction is called?


331 - Important theory of moral development has been proposed by?

Laurence Kohlberg

332 - In "POSDCORB" ‘co' stands for what?


333 - In "POSDCORB" CO stands for?


334 - In __ system of education all the activities are planned.


335 - In 1947 at the time of partition, how many universities were working in Pakistan?


336 - In 1951 what was the literacy rate of Pakistan?


337 - In a class students are generally grouped as?

All are correct

338 - In all educational system teacher is the single most important element recommended by?

Commission on national education 1959

339 - In an experimental research study the primary goal is to identify the effect produced by?

Independent variable

340 - In classroom we observe?


341 - In depth study of an individual is made in?

Case Study

342 - In education process which one is evaluated?

All of the above

343 - In human resource management leaders perform?

Interpersonal roles

344 - In inductive reasoning we go from?

Specific to general

345 - In management the factor can not be empirically measured, observed for analyzed is?


346 - In Maslow hierarchy of needs the need for prestige and feeling of accomplishment is?

Esteem needs

347 - In motivation process the reward those are awarded by others as consequences of an action is:

Extrinsic reward

348 - In negative correlation means?

As one variable increases, the other variable decreases.

349 - In norm referenced test comparison is made between?


350 - In norm referenced test the comparison is between?


351 - In order to modify the undesireable behaviour of a student the most effective method is?

To find out the reasons for the undesireable behaviour and provide remedies

352 - In Pakistan teachers are generally trained about new changes in through?


353 - In Pakistan when masjid maktab(Mosque School Policy) was introduced?

National Education Policy 1979

354 - In Pakistan which body gives final approval of curriculum?

Ministry of Education

355 - In Pakistan Which body recommended to establish Text Book Board?

National Educational conference 1959

356 - In pedagogy ____________ has an active role.


357 - In pedagogy computer is used?

All of the above

358 - In POSTCORB what is meant by P?


359 - In POSTCORB what is R stands for?


360 - In schools co-curricular activities are managed under?


361 - In SOLO taxonomy to go beyond the given information is?

Extended abstract level

362 - In subject centered curriculum ___ centered methods are used.


363 - In taxonomies of educational objectives how many numbers of domains are?


364 - In teaching learning process the task of supervision is performed by?


365 - In the Britain approach of lesson planning, they more emphasis on which thing?

Teacher and content presentation

366 - In the context of education adapting and adjusting to social environment is called?


367 - In the era of General Yahya Khan which education policy was formulated?

National Education Policy, 1970

368 - In the examination hall if a student is writing the paper with the help of text book then what should teacher do?

Snatch the answer book and text book from him and give another answer book to him and report to the principal

369 - In the triangular process of teaching which is not the focal point among the following?

Teaching method/Teaching strategy

370 - In what situation teacher and student share and exchange their ideas on a topic?


371 - In which book/register of school important events are recorded?

Log Book

372 - In which city of Pakistan Education conference held in 1947?


373 - In which method teacher explains the things?

Demonstration method

374 - In which of the following country first of all inspection concept was started?


375 - In which of the following instructional procedure is the main component of?

Basic teaching model

376 - In which of the following method of teaching the students are passive?

Lecture method

377 - In which of the following non random sampling techniques does the researcher ask the research participants to identify other potential research participants?


378 - In which of the following year taxonomy of educational objectives were presented?


379 - In which register the name of new student is entered?

Admission register

380 - In which type of classroom children learn individually and in groups?

Child Centered

381 - In which type of curriculum John Dewey thought reflects?

Learner Centered Curriculum

382 - In which type of research the participants examine their own educational practice systematically?


383 - In which type of research the teachers examine their own educational practice systematically is called?


384 - In which university the micro-teaching system started in 1961?

Stanford university

385 - In which year education university was established?


386 - In which year Higher Education Commission was established?


387 - In which year Micro Teaching started?


388 - In which year Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a school in Ghazipur?


389 - In which year SOLO taxonomy was introduced?


390 - In which year Taba's model of curriculum was presented?


391 - In which year the book "The language and Thought of the Child" was published?


392 - In which year Tyler's curriculum model was presented?


393 - Inborn differences are also called what?

Heredity differences

394 - Inductive method helps to draw the conclusions from?

Specific to Concrete

395 - Inexpensive audia visual aid in presenting a lesson to the class is?

Chalk Board

396 - Informal and formal methods are adopted for conducting curricular?


397 - Informal learning is?


398 - Inspection concept started from?


399 - Institutional planning should be based on?

Aim and needs

400 - Instruction influence through experiences and activities is called what?


401 - Integrated curriculum develops for the reason?

To decrease in number of books

402 - Integration is developed between two or more aspects in which of the following level?

Rational Number

403 - Intellect means?


404 - International Teacher day is observed on?


405 - Into how many subgroups effective domain is divided?

5 Subgroups

406 - Intrinsic rewards are those rewards which one gets from the?

Work itself

407 - IQ level of gifted child is above?


408 - IQ stands for?

Intelligence Quotient

409 - Islamic education started in Spain in the?

10th century

410 - It is an outcome of teaching?


411 - It is hard fact that modern society moral and ethical values are?


412 - It is intended that __ literacy will be imparted to 5 million adults and schools leavers by the end of the plan period.


413 - It provides platform for students to acquire functional skills?

Activity curriculum

414 - It would be more fruitful to teach children in their mother tongue at primary level, due to which reason?

It helps children in learning in natural atmosphere/environment

415 - Jean Paul Sarte is __ century existentialist.


416 - Jean Piaget was a __ psychologist.


417 - John Dewey and Shiller developed the philosophy and popularized __ in the field of education.


418 - John Locke phrase of Tabula Rasa means?

Mind itself is a result of the process of evolution.

419 - Kindergarten means?

Garden of small kids

420 - Kindergarten system of education indebted to?


421 - Know worth and value of the material is called?


422 - Knowing, memorizing and recalling is concerned with?


423 - Knowledge is compartmentalized in _______ centered curriculum.


424 - Knowledge is taken as a whole in?

Gestalt Psychology

425 - Kohler experienced on ______ to propose the learning theory.


426 - Laboratory attendant is considered for leave purpose as an employee of?

Non-vacation department

427 - Leadership deals with strict discipline represent?

Theory X

428 - Leadership grants complete freedom to the members of the organization?

Laissez Faire leadership

429 - Leadership is?

The activity to inspire, manage and influence in the task of goal setting.

430 - Learning and teaching can not occur without which of the following?


431 - Learning can be more and more effective if?

If situation from real world are brought into the class and teacher facilitates and students can interact with each others

432 - Learning difficulties are investigated in?

Diagnostic Evaluation

433 - Learning has been defined as permanent change in __ due to experience.


434 - Learning in any area is conditioned by the __ readiness to learn.


435 - Lending ear to spoken words to hear and understand message is called?


436 - List of topics arranged in sequence is called which of the following?


437 - Literal meaning of Philosophy is?

Love of wisdom

438 - Logical thinking that uses induction or deduction to reach a conclusion is?


439 - Macaulay minutes were approved in?


440 - Main objectives developing integrated curriculum for classes I-III was to?

Combine all the subjects

441 - Main purpose of training is?

To shape the habits

442 - Major function of Punjab Text Book Board is?

Printing Books

443 - Major guiding principle for curriculum development is?


444 - Making good education is a thing of heart, greatly helpful is?

National language urdu

445 - Many teachers do not have enough time to make supplementary material so they just follow?

Text Book

446 - Mcqs provide broad area of?


447 - Measurement is a quantitative and standardized aspect of?


448 - Media research concerned with __________ development and improvement of different media.


449 - Mentally backward children have IQ?

Less than 70

450 - Method based on philosophy of John Dewey is?

Activity centered

451 - Method in which growth of children is studied?


452 - Methods based on the facts that students learn association, activity and cooperation is known as?

Working on Project

453 - Micro teaching is a technique which is?

Skill oriented

454 - Micro teaching is used to train?


455 - Microteaching is a technique which is?

Skill oriented

456 - Minor penalty imposed on in-disciplined employee is?


457 - Model of approach is one of conflict between existing and new strategies for example criterion reference measurement and?

Norm referenced measurement

458 - Models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of specificity is called?

Bloom taxonomy

459 - Modern educational technology includes various methods of teaching for teaching learning process?


460 - Modification of behaviour is one of the meaning of?


461 - Montessori method is introduced by?

Dr. Maria

462 - Moral is the word of which of the following language?


463 - Morals are the __ in harmony with the nature of are individual in accordance with values approved by the objectives of education.


464 - Most important element of non formal education is?


465 - Most important factor which resists the curriculum change is?


466 - Most of our classroom assessment are?

Formative assessment

467 - Most of our classroom assessments are?

Formative assessment

468 - Motivation in which done something for own sake?


469 - Motivation is related to?


470 - Mr Muhammad Ali Hoti minister of education presented the salient features in the cabinet meeting on?


471 - National curriculum is actually?

Intended curriculum

472 - National Education Association NEA belongs to?


473 - National Education Commission 1959 was established under the leadership of?

S.M. Sharif

474 - National expectations are?


475 - NCHD stands for?

National Commission for Human Development

476 - NEUPA is mainly concerned with?

Educational planning

477 - New _____ and ______ can change and increase the experimental knowledge.


478 - Non planned learning is?


479 - Normal child of 12 years of age is most likely _________.

Be eager for peer approval

480 - Norm-referenced interpretation of test results are directed primarily to the purpose of?

Discriminating among individuals

481 - NQF stands for?

National Qualification Framework

482 - Number one School Education System of the world is at?


483 - Numerical graphic, descriptive graphic and ranking are the types of?

Rating scale

484 - Numerical literacy tests are also known as ________ or Basic Mathematics test.

Basic numeracy tests

485 - Objective in maintaining school record is to?

Motivate pupil work

486 - Objectives of ____ and _____ must be harmonized.

Education, guidance

487 - Officers write their views after inspection in institution in?

Log Book

488 - Old books are preferred in?


489 - One aspect of a task or work is understood in ___ level with reference to SOLO taxonomy.


490 - One of the advantages of external examination system is that?

Transparency in marking is seen.

491 - One of the most important factor in critically examining about existence is likely to be?


492 - One of the most important features of educational policy 1972-80 is that education will be free and universal up to the class:


493 - Ontology deals with?


494 - Over learning deals with the __ of responding in problem solving.

Ease and quickness

495 - PEC is the abbreviation of?

Punjab Education Commission

496 - Pedagogy is also called ________ of teaching.


497 - Pedagogy is the ____________ activity.


498 - Perennialism is a modified form of?


499 - Permanent learning difficulties are investigated in?

Diagnostic assessment

500 - Perspectives of "Better class management" consists:

Proper decision

501 - Phillen is a Greek word which means?


502 - Philosophers deals with practical issues of human?


503 - Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with?


504 - Philosophy branch which deals with reasoning is?


505 - Philosophy is an intellectual or moral activity. This is said by?

John Locke

506 - Philosophy means lone of wisdom in its?

Literal sense

507 - Physlognomy is the association of which behaviour?

Physical traits

508 - Pilot testing is conducted for?


509 - Piloting of test mainly ensures its?


510 - Planned and systematic effort by open universities to provide the individuals with a second chance of education is called?

Non-formal education

511 - Plato was the student of?


512 - Plato was the teacher of?


513 - Plato wrote the famous book?

The republic

514 - POSDCORB was presented by?

Luther Gulick

515 - Practical knowledge of language is learnt at?

Language laboratory

516 - Practice is made in which of the following method?

Drill method

517 - Pragmatism is also known as?


518 - Private Educational institutes were nationalized under the National Educational Eonference of?


519 - Problem selection is the __ step in the process of educational research.


520 - Process by which educators are held responsible for performance or outcomes is?


521 - Process designed to ensure the cooperation , intervention and involvement of others is called?


522 - Process for gathering information about students learning is known as?


523 - Process of learning through which people learn with each other at anytime and anywhere is called?

Informal education

524 - Process of training and developing people in knowledge, skills, mind and character in a certified program is the model of education:


525 - Process through which worth of any program is determined is called?


526 - Progressivism is most strongly grounded in which of the traditional philosophy?


527 - Project method is used in?

Natural situation

528 - Providing experimental learning to students when teaching science is called?

Constructive Approach

529 - Psychological principles of development and growth at lower classes is what type of teaching method?

Play-way method of teaching

530 - Purpose of education policy is?

It is designed to answer questions about purpose and objectives of education

531 - Purpose of formal education is to?

Make students active and constructive

532 - Quality of decision is raised by?

Democratic Administration

533 - Quality of education depends upon?

Teacher Education

534 - Quality of education in schools can also be measured through?

All of the above

535 - Quality of education mostly depends on the quality of?

Teacher education

536 - Quantitative and standardized aspect of evaluation is called?


537 - Quantitative aspect or marks is called?


538 - Question answer method was developed by?


539 - Question answer teaching strategy is an old strategy also known as?

Socrates Method of Teaching

540 - Questionnaire survey method is used to collect:

Primary data

541 - Radio, Tape recorder, Television etc are the categories of?

Audio Visual Aids

542 - Reading or looking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content is the reading technique is called?


543 - Real test is achievement of?

Students learning

544 - Reason of absence and escape from school is?

All of the above

545 - Recruiting source which is not expensive in organization?

Employees Referrals

546 - Reduce Verbalization and the Stimulate self creativity are the advantage of?

Using Audio Visual Aids

547 - Research design in which effort is made to study the effect of more than one independent variables on dependent variables are called?


548 - Research design in which effort is made to study the effect of more than one independent variables on dependent variables are called?


549 - Research in education is used for?

Identification of problem

550 - Research is directed towards the solution of a?


551 - Research is the?

Activity of problem solving

552 - Researcher needs to be familiar with these three basic types of sources?

Primary references, Primary resources and secondary resources.

553 - Resourceful is a one of the quality of the teacher, What does it mean?

Teacher should be enough and adequate knowledge of the subject

554 - Robert Gagne has suggested the media of educational technology from __ teaching materials.

Concrete to abstract

555 - Robert Gagre has suggested the media of educational technology from __ materials.

Simple to advance

556 - Route learning is demerit of?

Subject centered curriculum

557 - Rule of thumb means?

Rough estimation

558 - Rules of presenting contents so to make them very easy for students is called?

Maxims of teaching

559 - Salary disbursement are recorded in?

Cash book

560 - Sample for the purpose of a research should be?

Representative of population

561 - Sampling in which not individuals but groups are randomly selected?


562 - School budget includes?

Both A & B

563 - Schools where students have positive voice in Governance and discipline matters would probably lead philosophically toward?


564 - Scope of decision making is?


565 - Seek problem during process is called?

Formative evaluation

566 - Self actualization theory was developed by?


567 - Sensory data is interpreted by?


568 - Sir William Hunter established the?

Indian Education Commission

569 - SNE stands for?

Schedule of New Expenditure

570 - Social maturity is essential for the _________ quality.


571 - Social reforms were the main topic of?

Shah Walliullah

572 - Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main centres of _______ education.


573 - Sociological foundations are concerned with?


574 - Socratic method is known as?

Question answer method

575 - Socratic method is known as?

Dielectic method

576 - SOLO is the abbreviation of?

Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome

577 - SOLO taxonomy consists of how many levels?


578 - Solo taxonomy provides systematic way of describing the learner?


579 - SOLO taxonomy was the alternative of?

Bloom Taxonomy

580 - Sophia means?


581 - Staff development means?

Training staff

582 - Staff participation in decision making means that staff should be involved in?

Both in Policy execution and policy formulation

583 - State first law of motion indicates?


584 - Statistical study of population is called?


585 - STEM stands for?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

586 - Strict discipline of education followed in?

Formal education

587 - Student can design a laboratory according to certain specification in which level of cognitive domain of educational objectives?


588 - Students are fully free in?

Child Centered Method

589 - Students centered education aims to __ learner to satisfy his needs and interests.


590 - Students discipline is developed through proper?


591 - Students pass their examination make huge amount of money etc are the aims of _______ institutions.


592 - Students portfolio is the collection of?

Student work record.

593 - Students remember which type of teacher?

Teaches students with their full understanding

594 - Students who ask questions in the class should be?

Encouraged to continue asking questions

595 - Study of Children is called?


596 - Study of great books is at the core of?


597 - Study of old books is called?


598 - Study of teaching is called?


599 - Subject centered curriculum revolves around?


600 - Subject centered design revolve around which of the following?


601 - Subject centered design revolves around which of the following?


602 - Supervision characterized as which of the following?

Imporovement of Learning

603 - Supervision is a contact between?

Supervisor and teachers

604 - Supervision is a contact between?

Supervisor and teacher

605 - Supervision is a process of?

Guidance or Inspection

606 - Supervision should be primarily?

Constructive and creative

607 - Surgical removal of the uterus or womb in woman is called?


608 - Syllabus is the outcome of?


609 - Systematic and logical examination of life is called?


610 - Table of specification helps in?

Test Development

611 - Teacher behavior ought to be?


612 - Teacher behaviour ought to be?


613 - Teacher efficiency will increase more if he is?

Able to use modern technology

614 - Teacher efforts are less in?

Subject centered curriculum

615 - Teacher is considered for leave purpose as employee of?

Vacation department

616 - Teacher made tests are majorly used as?

Formative assessment

617 - Teacher must be a man of good conduct, why?

Teacher is worthy of being imitated by the students

618 - Teacher should teach those students who are?

Should teach to all students

619 - Teacher state and perform in ___ method.


620 - Teaching adult is called?


621 - Teaching questions are in place when the __ are persuing an argument.

Class and Teacher

622 - Team teaching is a?

Teaching strategy

623 - Technical and scientific knowledge obtained through?

Observation and Experience

624 - Technical education increases?

All of the above

625 - Television is a mean of ________ education.


626 - Term best describes the assessment measures that intends to measure is?


627 - Term IQ was introduced by?

William Stern

628 - Terms "achive the objectives" and "to be organized by the school" relates to?


629 - Test is?

Measuring instrument tool

630 - Test of learning achievement is successful by?


631 - Textbook boards in all four provinces are responsible for?

Developing curriculum

632 - Textbook is an example of ______ curriculum.


633 - The ability to grasp the meaning of material by translating, interpreting and by estimating is called?


634 - The ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals is?


635 - The acquisition of knowledge, skills and behaviour is termed as?


636 - The aim of education for the __ is to bring the desired response from a learner who is given a specific stimulus.


637 - The aim of education is to secure the will of Allah, To develop cognitive abilities and to Recognize Allah. This methodology of education is given by?


638 - The basic source of educational objectives is?

Human experience

639 - The best strategy to classroom management issues is?

Engage students

640 - The branch of philosophy dealing with how we know, what we know is the science of?


641 - The child conception of numbers of Jean Peaget is originally published in which year?


642 - The child conception of physical causality is written by?

Jean Piaget

643 - The child conception of space published in?


644 - The child is active and development is discontinuous, this perspective of development belongs to which type of development?

Cognitive development

645 - The comprehensive term covering building, playground, furniture, equipment, library and laboratory is called?

School plant

646 - The concept of experimental method is to inculcate among the students to?

All of the above

647 - The concept of Perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is ___ .


648 - The content to be taught by the teacher to the pupils was derived from?


649 - The curriculum developed by the muslims used to be taught in the Western universities till the?


650 - The data which have already been collected by someone are called:

Secondary data

651 - The desired focus of assessment must be on?


652 - The determinant of teaching skill training is?


653 - The determination of meaning of different words used in different languages is called?


654 - The development of students as a basis for sensitive responsive teaching is the perspective of:

Class motivation

655 - The education minister at the __ levels will oversee monitoring committees.


656 - The educational policy 1992 was announced by the Federal Minister of education in?


657 - The empirical interpretation of intelligence that "power of good responses from the point of view of truth or fact" is contained in ______ concept.


658 - The evaluation of effectiveness of counselling services is based on?


659 - The existing role of educational guidance in Pakistan is at the:

All of the above

660 - The extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task is?


661 - The first man who introduced scientific system for recording the event of history was __ .


662 - The first phase of teacher training is need assessment and establishing?


663 - The first universal concept of free and compulsory education originated with the first word of holy Quran "to read" was?


664 - The forces that effect the curriculum development are?

Curriculum evaluation

665 - The function of education is to find out the __ of the learner.

Hidden potentials

666 - The general statement that describe national aspirations about life outcomes as a result of education are called?


667 - The goal of assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching is referred to?

Formative assessment

668 - The great contribution in promoting urdu language is on the part of?


669 - The group to which a researcher would like the results of a study to be generalizable is referred as?


670 - The highest level cognitive domain is?


671 - The hypothesis which states that there is no relationship between variables?


672 - The idea that learning is social process was given by?


673 - The ideal teacher is a friend, philospher and _______ .


674 - The ideal teacher should concentrate on which of the following?

All are correct

675 - The implementer of curriculum is?


676 - The interest of an individual is?

A learned role

677 - The learning disability consists of disorder, which may manifest itself in imperfect ability to:

All are correct

678 - The main purpose of Deoband Tehreek was to?

Protect and propagate islamic values

679 - The main purpose of educational system according to Lord Macaulay was?

To educate native people

680 - The main task of educational computer is?

All of the above

681 - The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to:

Help students to achieve a well adjusted personality.

682 - The manageable number of subordinates of a superior is called?

Span of control

683 - The method accessible for converting resources into products or services are called?

Technological dimension

684 - The method in which previous learned material is used in new situation is called?


685 - The MOOC stand for?

Massive Open Online Courses

686 - The most important aim of education in character formation was told by?


687 - The most important factor which resist the curriculum change is?


688 - The motivation which involve to do something to obtain something else is?


689 - The mutual relationship among Man, Universe and God is called?


690 - The name of Yashpal committee Report 1993 is?

Learning without Burden

691 - The objectives of education are derived from?


692 - The overall purposes of a subject for teaching are referred as?

General objectives

693 - The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic was

Martin Wagenschein

694 - The practice of using a variety of instructional strategies to an address the different need of a student is?

Individualized instruction

695 - The primary responsibility for determining the aims of education should be of?


696 - The procedure of giving direction to and providing critical evaluation of instruction task is termed as?


697 - The process in which competent personnel are taken in order to achieve the goals of an organization is called?


698 - The process of making judgement in class room teaching is called?


699 - The process of taking in new information into our previously existing schemas is known as?


700 - The process quantifying the observed performance of learner in class room is called?


701 - The process that energizes direct and sustains human behaviour is?


702 - The psychomotor domain of Bloom's taxonomy relates to?

Gross and fine motor skills

703 - The purpose of evaluation is?


704 - The purpose of helping teachers to improve instruction is named as?


705 - The purpose of integrated curriculum is to?

Decrease the number of books

706 - The purpose of tin-democratic educational administration is based upon:

Progressive values

707 - The real goal of education should be?

Acquiring skills, habits and knowledge

708 - The reasoning that uses general principles to predict specific results is called?


709 - The rewards which one gets from the work itself are called?

Intrinsic rewards

710 - The right sequence of learning levels of cognitive domain is?

Knowledge, comprehension,application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation

711 - The rules of an idealist school are expected to be based on?

Autonomous approach

712 - The sampling process in which each member of the population has an equal and independent chance to be selected is called?

Random sampling

713 - The scheme of "Pilot School" was introduced in the education policy of?


714 - The selection of instructional materials for use in the classroom should be based on which of the following?

All of the above

715 - The sequence of different learning levels of affective domain of Bloom Taxonomy is?

Receiving, Responding, Valuing, organizing and Characterizing

716 - The set of courses and their contents offered by an institution such as a school or university is called?


717 - The shared perceptions of the characteristics of the school and of its members?

School culture

718 - The shared perceptions of the characteristics of the school and of its members?

School culture

719 - The Socratic method is known as?

Question Answer Method

720 - The split-half method is used as a test of?

Internal validity

721 - The stage in which children understand the world through senses and action is?

Sensory motor

722 - The study that "How sounds are organized" is called?


723 - The systematic analysis of observations obtained from records, documents and field notes is?

Content analysis

724 - The teacher is said to be successful if?

Whose expression is effective

725 - The teacher who is a pragmatist sees himself mainly as a?

Motivating influence and facilitator

726 - The teacher who is a pragmatist sees himself mainly as a?

Motivating influence and facilitator

727 - The term bureaucracy was introduced by?

Max Weber

728 - The term GESTALT means?

The whole

729 - The test which is taken to keep student in a particular course, program or class is known as?

Placement test

730 - The testing used to identify what a student knows and does not know is called:

Formative testing

731 - The total sum of educational experiences provided by the school to itself students to bring desired change in knowledge, attitudes and skills to the children is called?


732 - The typical matching items are limited to the measurement of?

Correctness of statement

733 - The way a group of people in a society tend to learn and pass on new information is called what?

Cultural learning

734 - The word curriculum is derived from the word currere which means?


735 - Theories in which efforts have been made to identify the qualities of an effective leader are known as the theories of?


736 - There are about how many spoken languages are in the world?


737 - There are how many levels of Bloom taxonomy?


738 - There are how many levels of Solo Taxonomy?


739 - There are how many types of curriculum design?


740 - There are many misconceptions and conflicts in education system of Pakistan because?

To rigorous scientific investigation problems encountered in teaching are not amendable

741 - There were how many number of colleges at the time of partition(1947)?


742 - There would be no communication if there is no________?


743 - Thinking with the aim of producing one correct answer is?

Convergent Thinking

744 - Thorndike gives how many concepts or aspects of intelligence?


745 - Through ___ education, cultural needs can be fulfilled.


746 - Through observation __ % of knowledge is gained.


747 - Through the educational process an individual is stimulated to think, to appreciate and to?


748 - To adopt modern trends in teaching profession a teacher must be?


749 - To cover different concepts at the same level or class which type of curriculum would be developed?


750 - To ensure the participation of students the methods and techniques of teaching be __ for effective learning.


751 - To evaluate students which type of question paper is most suited?

There should be combination of all of the above

752 - To motivate the teachers about the required changes in the process of educational reconstruction, the quality aspect of __ is equally important.


753 - To promote academic and democratic culture in educational institutions __ factors be considered on priority.

All of the above

754 - To reflect the real situation in an artificial manner in teaching is called?


755 - To which level of classes Micro teaching is most fruitful?

Both A & B

756 - Total quality measurement in planning means?

Total school management

757 - Traditionally curriculum means?

Textual material for teachers

758 - Training to teachers focuses specifically on?

Skills of teaching

759 - Trial and error learning is illustrated by __ experiments.

Puzzle box

760 - Trial and error method for learning was adopted by?

Thorn Dike

761 - Trial and error method for learning was adopted by?

Thorn Dike

762 - Truest education of child is which?

Creates global attitude

763 - Try-out of curriculum development reflects the procedure of?


764 - Twenty teachers working under supervision of one head teacher is an example of organization?


765 - Two special problems received attention in the second five year plan, first the provision of facilities for girls education and second?

Revision of primary school curriculum

766 - Tyler model is used for?

Curriculum development

767 - Type of leadership that focuses to encourage and motivate staff for creative work is called?

Transformational Leadership

768 - Types of the items easiest to score is?


769 - Under this policy the examination method was changed by giving weightage of __ to multiple choice questions at secondary and higher secondary exams.


770 - Under which of the following educational conference "Council of Technical Education(CTE)" recommended to establish?

Education conference 1947

771 - UNESCO defined how many pillars of curriculum?


772 - UNESCO has proposed that a developing country must spend on education sector?

4% of GNP

773 - UNICEF organization of UNO has been working for quality of __.


774 - Variables that have only two categories i-e Yes or No:

Dichotomous variable

775 - Wastage of time, resources and work is prevented in administration by the function of?


776 - We can get 3 percent of the knowledge through the sense of?


777 - We learn __ from observation.


778 - We teach things by excluding them from the curriculum and by not teaching them is called?

Null curriculum

779 - What does E and D rules means?

Efficiency and Discipline rules

780 - What does SOLO stands for?

structure of the observed learning outcome

781 - What is a type of applied research?

Evaluation research

782 - What is ‘3Rs' stand for in education?

read, recall, review

783 - What is active learning?

Process in which learners are engaged actively in learning process

784 - What is course?

Detailed contents of a specific subject for a whole class

785 - What is discovery method?

Students fing new ideas/information themselves

786 - What is hoped to be attained is?


787 - What is meant by "Dunce"?

A person incapable of learning

788 - What is meant by Aids?

Things that a teacher uses in a class

789 - What is meant by construction of knowledge?

Link the previous knowledge and learn the concept about something with the help of this previous knowledge

790 - What is meant by horizontal organization of curriculum?

Integration of curricular contents from different knowledge domains with a particular grade level

791 - What is meant by if a child Fails?

The whole system has failed

792 - What is meant by objective assessment?

Form of questions which has a only one correct answer

793 - What is meant by peer assessment?

When learners give feedback on one another work or performance

794 - What is meant by vertical organization?

Relation of subject at different level

795 - What is the 3rd level of Bloom Taxonomy?


796 - What is the alternative of competitive models?

Cooperative Learning

797 - What is the example of information learning?

Listening to a lecture

798 - What is the fifth level of Bloom taxonomy?


799 - What is the fourth level of Bloom taxonomy?


800 - What is the highest level in the linguistics?


801 - What is the important factor in planning for teaching profession?


802 - What is the IQ level of Above average student(approximately)?

110 to 119

803 - What is the IQ level of average student(approximately)?

90 to 109

804 - What is the IQ level of below average student(approximately)?

80 to 89

805 - What is the main purpose of basic education scheme?

Basic needs of persons should be fulfilled through education

806 - What is the main purpose of the teaching?

To develop thinking power of students is the main objective

807 - What is the major purpose of curriculum?

Change in individual behaviour

808 - What is the meaning of term dictation?

Test for writing

809 - What is the meaning of transcription?

conversion of spoken words into written words

810 - What is the meaning of word Peda?


811 - What is the minimum sample size in experimental research?


812 - What is the most important element of education system among the following?

Aims of Education

813 - What is the most important element of non formal education?


814 - What is the most important function of a teacher among following?

Guide pupil growth

815 - What is the new concept of supervision?

Mentoring Teachers

816 - What is the previous stage of childhood?


817 - What is the second level of Bloom taxonomy?


818 - What is the sixth level of Bloom taxonomy?


819 - What is the type of motivation in which something done for own sake?


820 - What kind of knowledge comes from Allah through prophets?


821 - What should be the first objective to develop when teaching english?

Listening skills

822 - What should teacher do if a student perform very well?

Admire him before the class and others

823 - What teacher should do if a student do not participate in co curricular activities?

Do all above three steps

824 - What type of curriculum is of John Dewey?

Activity Centered curriculum

825 - What type of education system more suitable among the following?

Semester system

826 - What type of evaluation would be best suited in terms of immediate objectives to be achived?


827 - What type of teaching focus on competency over skills?

Micro Teaching

828 - What was the difference between theory x and theory y?

Theory x propose that employees dislike work and y proposed that work is natural for employees

829 - What was the main purpose of presenting theory x and theory y?

Both A and B are correct

830 - What was the name of monkey on which Kohler experienced the learning theory?


831 - When Bloom taxonomy was presented?


832 - When Book Emile was published?


833 - When every number of the accessible population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in a study the researcher is using?

Simple random sampling

834 - When for the first new syllabus were introduced in the Pakistan?


835 - When information and ideas are shared among the staff members it is said that there exists?

Horizontal communication

836 - When National Education Commission 1959 was established?

30 December, 1958

837 - When teacher should involved in social activities of the students?

Very frequently

838 - When, what, why and how to teach is the main task of:

Educational philosophy

839 - Where Teachers training conducted in Pakistan?

All are correct

840 - Which among is related with teaching skills?

All of the above

841 - Which article of constitution of Pakistan stated that to provide education is the responsibility of State for the children of the age group Five to Sixteen years?


842 - Which bloom's teaching objectives are achieved first?


843 - Which body in Pakistan is responsible for writing and publishing books?

Provincial Text Book Board

844 - Which body is responsible for curriculum development in Pakistan?

Curriculum Wing

845 - Which branch of philosophy deals with reality?


846 - Which come third in series in Maslow's classification?


847 - Which development has become more and more co-operative in nature?


848 - Which dictionary defines curriclum as "Chariot race course".

Oxford Dictionary

849 - Which famous term is used for the first stages of a child classroom education?


850 - Which is not a form of reliability?

Content base reliability

851 - Which is the first learning center of child?


852 - Which is vast in scope among Teaching tactics, Teaching strategy, Teaching method and teaching techniques?

Teaching strategy

853 - Which method make education psychology a Science?


854 - Which of the authority heavily relies on hierarchy rules and regulations, mandates and clearly communicated roles as a way to provide teachers with a script to follow?

Bureaucratic authority

855 - Which of the following best describes the entire change?


856 - Which of the following difficulty a student will face if He has from disorganized home?

Independent Study

857 - Which of the following expectation students have from group learning?

To attract isolated student towards the group

858 - Which of the following is a complex activity?

Learning to read

859 - Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counsellors and other professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems?

Action research

860 - Which of the following is an approach to educational planning?

Both of the above

861 - Which of the following is not a level of learning?

Differentiation level

862 - Which of the following is not a principle of a good time table?

Ruthless master

863 - Which of the following is not true about lesson plan?

It is developed by students

864 - Which of the following is produced in an individual by motivation?

All of the above

865 - Which of the following is the key factor in the selection of interests?


866 - Which of the following is true about ecological validity?

Ecological validity refers to the applicability of findings to the real world.

867 - Which of the following provides solid foundations for theoretical framework?

Literature review

868 - Which of the following types is selection type of test item?


869 - Which one is not the element of management?


870 - Which ought to be in the curriculum development refer to?

Philosophical foundation

871 - Which philosophy answer this question "How can we communicate with others without personal contradictions"?


872 - Which profession have largest membership?


873 - Which supervision operates in terms of a context of unified professional effort?


874 - Which term is not a type of remembering?


875 - Which theory states that learning takes place as a whole?

Gestalt theory

876 - Which type of classroom is characterized by a free for all?

Learner centered

877 - Which type of education has flexible rules?

Non formal

878 - Which type of relationship suit best between Student and Teacher?

Like father and Son

879 - Which view about truth is common to all pragmatists?

Truth is relative to place, time and purpose.

880 - While there is evaluation in certain then very critical area could be undertaken again and again, and the total evaluation undertaken once in 2 or 3 years depending on the speed of?


881 - While watching film how many senses a person used during this activity?


882 - Who classified the learning experience in three forms including direct experience?

Edger Dale

883 - Who considered being the father of the progressive education movement?

John Dewey

884 - Who defines seven categories to provide a framework for teacher knowledge?


885 - Who developed computer based teaching model?

Both of the above

886 - Who developed the Kindergarten system of Education?


887 - Who developed the question answer method?


888 - Who first used the term bureaucracy?

Max Webber

889 - Who give final approval of curriculum?

Ministry of Education

890 - Who headed National Education Policy 1970?

Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

891 - Who is called father of Modern education?

John Amos Comenius

892 - Who is known as "Al Muallim Al-Thani"?


893 - Who is known as the father of administrative process

Henri Fayol

894 - Who is the best teacher among the following?

Who teaches his subject or Topic with full competence and make the lesson effective

895 - Who is the father of muslim philosophy?


896 - Who is the father of Pragmatism?

John Dewy

897 - Who is the founder of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

898 - Who is the founding father of the school of psychology known as behaviorism?


899 - Who is the successful teacher among the following?

Who's expression is very effective

900 - Who is the very first teacher of a child?


901 - Who presented Bloom taxonomy?

Dr Benjamin Bloom

902 - Who presented theory x?

Douglas McGregor

903 - Who presented theory y?

Douglas McGregor

904 - Who proposed SOLO taxonomy?

Both of A and B

905 - Who said ‘Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment'?


906 - Who said ‘Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body'?


907 - Who said ‘Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfil his responsibilities'?

John Dewey

908 - Who said man is forced to learn?


909 - Who says that "Curriculum presents instructional material"?


910 - Who should established the rules for classroom?

Both Teachers and Students

911 - Who was the founder of Psychological development theory?


912 - Who wrote "Child conception of numbers"?

Jean Piaget

913 - Who wrote "Emile"?


914 - Who wrote "The Equilibration of Cognitive Structures"?

Jean Piaget

915 - Who wrote ‘child construction of reality'?

Jean Piaget

916 - Who wrote book "The child conception of space"?

Jean Piaget

917 - Who wrote Psychology of child?


918 - Who wrote the book "The language and Thought of the Child"?

Jean Piaget

919 - Who wrote the book "The Psychology of the child"?

Jean Piaget

920 - Who wrote the book ‘Genetic Epistemology'?

Jean Piaget

921 - Why Adam is superior over angles?

Due to Education

922 - Why arrange co curricular activities?

All are correct

923 - Word "iqra" is the foundation stone of ______ education.


924 - Word Peda derived from which language?


925 - Writing system is called which of the following?


926 - Your ideas, view and thinking is your?



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