Ace Your Job Test with These Characteristics of Wood MCQs : Botany MCQs

Wood is a vital component in many industries, and a comprehensive understanding of its characteristics is crucial for success in any related job. As such, it is not surprising that wood characteristics form a significant portion of job tests in fields such as forestry, carpentry, and wood science. Wood characteristics MCQs are multiple-choice questions that test an individual's knowledge of the properties and behavior of wood. These MCQs can include questions about the anatomy of wood, its physical and mechanical properties, and how it reacts to different environmental conditions. With continued study and practice on the platform of, you'll be on your way to becoming an expert in the wood characteristics in no time.

MCQs under the topic of Characteristics Of Wood covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

1 - _ is denser than __.

late wood, early wood.

2 - _ is used as aesthetic material.

Engineered wood

3 - _ is used as building structural material.

Engineered wood

4 - __ accumulates and form wood:

secondary xylem

5 - __ announced wood could be used to become bone substitute:

Italian scientists

6 - __ are important components of most papers:

wood fiber

7 - __ are mostly made of white willow:

cricket bat

8 - __ are mostly made up of ash wood or hickory:

baseball bat

9 - __ are the elements which give strength and toughness to wood:


10 - __ burns longer.


11 - __ cells have have different morphology from the meristematic cells of the apical meristem:

cambial cells

12 - __ contains files of parenchyma cells:

horizontal/ray system

13 - __ creates less smoke.


14 - __ form strip of interfascicular cambium in madullary rays:

parenchyma cell

15 - __ is a particular type of imperfection in a piece of wood.


16 - __ is a wood that as a result of tylosis became more resistant to decay:

heart wood

17 - __ is almost invisible to the unaided eye.

diffuse porous

18 - __ is an important construction material.


19 - __ is commonly used as shuttering material.


20 - __ is excellent for fine furniture crafting.


21 - __ is made up of ash wood

baseball bat

22 - __ is made up of hickory:

bseball bat

23 - __ is the outermost wood

sap wood

24 - __ is used as a component of some synthetic materials:


25 - __ is used as carvings for millennia:


26 - __ is used as sculptures:


27 - __ is used in laminate flooring:

wood derivatives

28 - __ may be sharply distinct from the sapwood.

heart wood

29 - __ of the bundles is not continuous with adjacent bundles:

vascular cambium

30 - __ term is not derived from any vital importance to the tree.

heart wood

31 - ___ in dicots consists of an axial or vertical system and rays:

secondary xylem

32 - ___ is darker than living wood.

heart wood

33 - ___ is preferred over ___.

hardwood, softwood

34 - ___ is useful for model building .


35 - ___ perform physiological activities like conduction of water and nutrients , storage of food etc

sap wood

36 - ___is derived from its position.

heart wood

37 - __are the source of weakness to wood:


38 - _are source of weakness and __ are source of strength to wood.

vessel, fibre

39 - A dramatic colour difference does not mean a dramatic difference in the __ properties of heartwood and sapwood.


40 - A tree can thrive with its heart completely ___.


41 - A tree increase in diameter by formation of new woody layers between inner bark and existing wood this is called:

secondary growth

42 - A tree increase in diameter by formation of new woody layers between:

existing wood and inner bark

43 - Abnormal ___ of wood often denotes a diseased condition, indicating unsoundness.


44 - Abnormal discoloration of wood often denotes a diseased condition, indicating ___.


45 - Adjacent __ cells migrate into the lumens of empty vessels and form outgrowth called tylosis.

parenchyma cell

46 - All are diffused porous wood except:


47 - all are ring porous wood except:


48 - All wood in a tree is first formed as:

sap wood

49 - All xylem tracheids and vessels have lost their cytoplasm and cells are functionally dead in:

sap wood

50 - Another major plant group is called wood are the__.


51 - bamboo has considerable ___ importance.


52 - bamboo is a member of __ family.


53 - bamboo is an example of:


54 - baseball bats are made up of __

A and B both

55 - Black iron wood is the___ wood.


56 - By cell division in the vascular cambium and subsequent expansion of new cells___ takes place:

secondary growth

57 - By formation of new woody layers between the existing wood and inner bark a tree:

increase in diameter

58 - cambial cells have different morphology from the ___ of apical meristem:

meristematic cells

59 - cambial cells have forms:


60 - Cells of dense latewood have very __ cell cavities:


61 - cellulose fibres are:


62 - cellulose fibres in wood embedded in:


63 - cellulose is used as a component of__ material:


64 - certain types of musical instruments made up of:


65 - Conduction of water and nutrients is performed by:

sap wood

66 - cricket bats are mostly made up of:

white willow

67 - early wood and late wood are in:

soft wood

68 - Early wood is called:

spring wood

69 - elements of ___ undergo certain morphological changes .

heart wood

70 - elements of heartwood undergo certain:

morphological changes

71 - elements of heartwood undergo deposition of ___ and lignification of their walls


72 - fascicular cambium is present between phloem and___:

xylem tissue

73 - fascicular cambium is present between xylem and___:

phloem tissue

74 - fat lighter are sold as:

kindling for fire

75 - fat lighter are very ___


76 - For every tree species there is a range of __ for the wood it yields.


77 - Fusiform initial and ray initial are forms of:

cambial cells

78 - greater the density and strength , greater the proportion of__.

late wood

79 - Greater the proportion of__ greater the density and strength.

late wood

80 - Growth can occur in a discrete annual or seasonal pattern, leading to growth __.

Growth rings

81 - Growth ring can be clearly seen on the end of:


82 - hard woods are not necessarily __.


83 - heart wood is ___ in colour:


84 - heart wood is also called:


85 - Heart wood is filled up of all except:

xylem elements

86 - Horizontal/ray system run radically along the whole length of:

sec. xylem & sec. phloem

87 - If there is __ rapid growth or the wider the rings of growth,the heavier,harder, stronger,and stiffer the wood


88 - If there is more rapid growth or the wider the rings of growth,the heavier,harder, stronger,and stiffer the__.


89 - In __ 2010 Italian scientist announced that wood could be used as a bone substitute:


90 - In __ Italian scientists announced that wood could be used as a bone substitute but It would take 5 years:


91 - In __ woods the demarcation between rings is not always so clear.

diffuse porous

92 - In a living tree wood transfers water and nutrients to:

B and C

93 - In choosing a piece of pine the principal thing to observe is the comparative amounts of __.

late wood and early wood

94 - In growing tree it is living wood

sap wood

95 - In herbaceous dicots and monocots___ is absent:

secondary growth

96 - In January __ Italian scientists announced that wood could be used as a bone substitute:


97 - In January 2010 Italian scientists announced that wood could be used as a bone substitute but It would take__ years:


98 - In reticulate _ thickening form network:


99 - In ring porous hardwood there is a relation between the rate of growth of timber and its___.


100 - In ring-porous species,the __ are localized in the part of the growth ring formed in spring:

larger vessels

101 - In ring-porous species,the larger vessels or pores are localized in the part of the growth ring formed in:


102 - knot affect the__ properties of a wood


103 - knot is a particular type of __ in a piece of wood:


104 - knots may be exploited for__.

artistic effect

105 - late wood is __ than early wood:


106 - Late wood is also called:

summer wood

107 - lumber is also called as__


108 - Mahogany is a medium -___ hardwood.


109 - Mahogany is a medium -dense ___.

hard wood

110 - Major central non functional part forms the:

heart wood

111 - Many types of sports equipment were constructed of:


112 - Margins of multiseriate rays are always:

one cell wide

113 - Narrow peripheral part of secondary xylem is called

sap wood

114 - New domestic housing in many parts of the world today is commonly made from __ framed construction.


115 - Of much__ importance are plants such as pandanus,Dracaena and Cordyline.


116 - On the basis of types of growth rings wood is divided into how many types:


117 - once heart wood formation is complete the heart wood is__.


118 - Outer region of old trees is called:

sap wood

119 - pores are evenly sized in:

diffused porous wood

120 - pores are not small or large but are evenly sized in:

diffused porous wood

121 - Ray initials are found in:

vertical rows

122 - resins increases the strength when wood is__.


123 - resins saturated heartwood is called __.

fat lighter

124 - Ring produced in summer composed of __ proportion of wood fibres:


125 - sap wood consist of:

xylem elements

126 - sap wood is __ in colour:


127 - Sap wood is also called __.


128 - sapwood is the __ wood.


129 - secondary growth includes the formation of secondary vascular tissue and:


130 - secondary growth includes the formation of ___:

secondary vascular tissue

131 - secondary growth increases the:

vascular tissue

132 - secondary growth is absent in:

A and B

133 - secondary growth is common in:


134 - secondary growth takes place by cell division in subsequent expansion of new cells and____:

vascular cambium

135 - secondary growth takes place by cell division in vascular cambium and____:

subsequent expansion of new cell

136 - secondary growth takes place by:

cell division

137 - secondary xylem and phloem is formed by:

vascular cambium

138 - Secondary xylem are produced towards the___:

inner side

139 - soft woods are not necessarily __.


140 - some experiments on very resinous longleaf pine specimens indicate an increase in strength due to__.


141 - some softwood(e.g. yew) are harder than many ___.


142 - some species begin to form ___ very early in life so they have only a thin layer of live ____.

heart wood , sap wood

143 - some species begin to form ___ very early in life so they have only a thin layer of live sapwood

heart wood

144 - some species begin to form ___ very early in life.

heart wood

145 - some structural material roughly resembles ordinary,dicot or conifer wood.These are produced by a number of __ plants.


146 - some structural material roughly resembles ordinary,dicot or conifer wood.These are produced by a number of monocot plants.Also called _.


147 - sometimes trees grown in the open may become of considerable size of __cm or more


148 - species which show distinct difference between heartwood and sapwood,have natural colour of ___ darker than that of ___.

heart wood, sapwood.

149 - Spring wood is called:

Early wood

150 - storage of food is performed by:

sap wood

151 - strip of fascicular and interfascicular cambium form __:

vascular cambium

152 - strip of fascicular and interfascicular cambium form vascular cambium which further form:

A and B

153 - structure build of fat lighter are not attacked by__.


154 - Summer wood is also called:

Late wood

155 - The __ and nature of latewood in the ring is important but the width of ring is not important.


156 - The __ and nature of latewood in the ring is important.


157 - The __ cells of the medullary rays are present in between the fascicular cambium

parenchyma cell

158 - The __ contents make the wood softer.


159 - The __ of ring is not nearly important as the proportion and nature of the latewood in the ring


160 - The __ of ring is not nearly important:


161 - The ___ check inwestern hemlock is the result of insect attacks.


162 - The _dried wood also retains a small percentage of moisture.


163 - The black check in western hemlock is the result of ___ attack


164 - The cambial cells are highly__:


165 - The cells in wood are mostly of __ kinds, tracheids:

one kind

166 - The cells of __ latewood are thick walled:


167 - The cells of dense latewood are __ walled:


168 - The central region of the old trees is called:

heart wood

169 - The derivates of fusiform initials towards the inner side differentiate into:

secondary xylem

170 - The derivates of fusiform initials towards the outer side differentiate into:

secondary phloem

171 - The derivative of __ give rise to rays:

ray initial

172 - The greater the __ content,the greater its softening effects.


173 - The greater the water content,the greater its __effect.


174 - The more leaves a tree bears and the more vigorous its growth, the larger the volume of ___ required:

sap wood

175 - The narrow peripheral functional part of secondary xylem is called:

sap wood

176 - The oven-dried wood also retains a small percentage of__.


177 - The principal functions are to conduct water from roots to the leaves.

sap wood

178 - The rest of ring, produced in summer, is made up of __ vessels:

smaller vessels

179 - The rest of ring, produced in___, is made up of smaller vessels:


180 - The stem increases in thickness by:

secondary growth

181 - The strength is in the __ not the cavities:

walls, cavities

182 - The structure of__ is more complex.


183 - The vascular cambium of the bundles is __ with adjacent bundles:

not continuous

184 - The water conducting capability is depends on __.


185 - The water contents make the wood _.


186 - The well known balsa( a hardwood) is actually softer than any commercial ___.


187 - The wood formed first in the season have _ cavities:


188 - The wood formed first in the season have _ walls:


189 - The wood from broad -leaved trees is called


190 - The wood from conifers is called:

soft wood

191 - The wood from dicotyledons (usually broad -leaved trees e.g. oak is called _

hard wood

192 - The wood from dicotyledons is called:


193 - The wood from oak is called:


194 - The wood from pine is called:

soft wood

195 - There are no __ in coniferous wood .


196 - There are no vessels in __ wood but sees prominently in __

coniferous, ash

197 - There are no vessels or pores in __ wood:

coniferous wood

198 - There is a __ relationship between the properties of wood and the properties of particular tree that yielded it:


199 - There is a__ correlation between density of a wood and its strength.


200 - These xylems have vessels,some tracheids, fibres and axial parenchyma:

Axial/vertical system

201 - Thick sapwood is the characteristics of all except:

Osage -orange

202 - Thick sapwood is the characteristics of:


203 - thickness of stem increases by:

secondary growth

204 - Thin sap wood is the characteristics of species all except:


205 - Thin sap wood is the characteristics of species such as:


206 - totem poles carved by North American indigenous people from conifer trunk made up of:


207 - Trees grown in open become of 30cm before the formation of __.

sap wood

208 - Trees making rapid growth in the open have thicker __ for their size than growing in dense forest.

sap wood

209 - Trees making rapid growth in the open have thicker __ for their size.

sap wood

210 - vascular tissue is increased by:

secondary growth

211 - vessels are not plugged with tyloses in:

sap wood

212 - Vessels are plugged with tyloses in:

heart wood

213 - vessels are quite large and distinct in:


214 - vessels are quite large in all except:


215 - vessels are small in all except:


216 - vessels are too small in:


217 - water conducting capability is not collected in a band or row:

diffused porous wood

218 - water conducting capability is scattered throughout the growth ring in:

diffused porous wood

219 - what is present between xylem and phloem tissues:

fascicular cambium

220 - when there is no seasonal difference growth rings may be:


221 - which cambial cells are many times longer than broad and have narrow pointed ends:

fusiform initial

222 - which cambial cells are many times longer than broad?

fusiform initial

223 - which cells are nearly isodiametric?

ray initial

224 - which cells are rectangular in transverse section?

fusiform initial

225 - which gives the mechanical support to the stem:

heart wood

226 - which growth is common in gymnosperms and woody dicots:

secondary growth

227 - which growth is common in gymnosperms:

secondary growth

228 - which growth is common in woody dicots:

secondary growth

229 - which has a support function:


230 - which is hard and durable:

heart wood

231 - which is not hard and durable:

sap wood

232 - which musical instruments are made up of wood:


233 - which of the following is in the composition of wood:


234 - which of the following is not the characteristic of wood:


235 - which of the following is wedge like?

fusiform initial

236 - which one is diffused porous wood:


237 - which one is hard wood:


238 - which one is not diffused porous wood:


239 - which one is ring porous species:


240 - which one is soft wood:


241 - which one is uniseriate or multiseriate:

Ray system

242 - which one of the following is highly vacuolated:

cambial cells

243 - which pair is from intermediate group:

walnut and cherry

244 - within the knot the direction of grain is up to __ degrees:


245 - wood contains hemicellulose:


246 - wood contains lignin:


247 - wood contains microfibrils of cellulose:


248 - wood deteriorate in the presence of certain __:


249 - wood fibres are important component of most__.


250 - wood has a long history of being used as a__.


251 - wood has following uses:


252 - Wood has how many parts:


253 - wood helps woody plant in:


254 - wood is __ material.


255 - wood is composed of:

natural cellulose composite

256 - wood is produced as:

secondary xylem

257 - wood is produced in:


258 - wood is specially used in :


259 - wood is used extensively in:


260 - wood is used for:


261 - wood is used in:


262 - wood is used specially in __ construction.


263 - wood is yielded by:


264 - wood is:


265 - wood is__


266 - wood show characters:


267 - wood that is thoroughly air-__ retains from 8-16% of water in the cell walls.


268 - wood that is thoroughly air-dried retains from __% of water in the cell walls.

eight to sixteen

269 - wood to be used for construction work is commonly known as lumber in __ America:


270 - wood to be used for construction work is commonly known as:


271 - wood transfers nutrients in:

living tree

272 - wood transfers:

A and B

273 - wood unsuitable for construction is broken down into:


274 - wood unsuitable for construction is broken down __ into fibres and wood and __ into cellulose:

mechanically, chemically

275 - wood unsuitable for construction is broken down __.


276 - wood will __ in the presence of certain chemicals.

not deteriorate

277 - woods are divided into __ large classes:


278 - woody plants reach larger size with the help of:


279 - woody plants stand up for themselves with the help of:


280 - xylophone and the marimba are made mostly entire of:



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