Chemical And Environmental Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - Which of the following is a macronutrient?


2 - Requirement of macronutrient per acre of the land is

5 to 200 kg

3 - Three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants are


4 - Which of the following is not a secondary pollutant

carbon dioxide

5 - Residence time of methane in the atmosphere is

3 - 7 years

6 - Major cause of SO2 on global scale is


7 - Hypochlorous acid is used for disinfecting the water it reacts with the dissolved ammonia producing

all of the above

8 - Acid present in acid rain may be

both a and b

9 - The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to presence of

nitrogen dioxide

10 - Which of the following is not a condition for the formation of smog?


11 - Incineration of muncipal waste is carried out in the temperature range of

900 to 1000Degree Centigrade

12 - In which of the following layer of atmosphere there is more thickness of ozone layer?


13 - Which of the following is not primary pollutant


14 - Which of the following air pollutants is more dangerous for ozone layer?


15 - Which of the following gases is the main cause of acid rain?


16 - Which statement is wrong?

the amount of ozone layer is greater in the region close to the equator

17 - Which of the following factors help to measure quallity of water?

all of the above

18 - In the purification of portable water the coagulant used is


19 - Newspaper can be recycled again and again how many times?


20 - The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the waste water is

chromium IV

21 - A single chlorine free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules?


22 - Which substance can be used for disinfecting water?


23 - Chlorination of water may be harmful if the water contains


24 - Which one of the following makes the bulk of hydrospheres content?


25 - Which of the following is used as water disinfectant to avoid the formation of toxic compounds

both b & c

26 - The percentage of suspended solid waste in raw water is removed by coagulation is


27 - Ozone hole is substantial depletion of ozone in every year during

Sep - Nov

28 - The main product of bacterial action is


29 - Pollutants have adverse effect over


30 - All the following variables are used to describle gases except


31 - Which of the following is incorrect statement about nitrogen importance?

it accelerates fruits and flowers growth

32 - The fertilizers which provide single nutrient from NPK are called ______ fertilizer.


33 - Which of the following is macronutrient?


34 - Addition of urea to the soil is _________ reaction.


35 - Which of the following is the most suitable catalyst for ammonia synthesis?

Fe in fused mixture of Al2O3 + SiQ2 + MgO

36 - The cooling of molten urea by air in the tower is called


37 - Which of the following fertilizers is not useful for paddy rice?

Ammonium nitrate

38 - DAP (Diammonium hydrogen phosphate) contains _________ plant nutrients.


39 - Which of the following potassium fertilizers are more useful for horticultural crops tobacco & potatoes?


40 - Calcarious material includes

all of the above

41 - Argillaceous material does not include

marine shells

42 - Which of the following processes is used for the synthesis of cement?


43 - Phosphorus helps in the growth of


44 - How many zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln?


45 - The nutrients which are required in very small amount for the normal growth of plants are called


46 - Which one of the following set of raw material is most suitable for manufacture of urea?

CH4 N2 and CO2

47 - Which one of the following statement is correct for urea?

it is a synthetic fertilizer

48 - The percentage of nitrogen in urea is


49 - Which one of the following is an inorganic fertilizer?

ammonium nitrate

50 - Which one of the following fertilizers provides the nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant?

diammonium phosphate

51 - The potassium present in plant help the plant to

all the above statements are correct

52 - Cement is a mixture of

clay lime stone and gypsum

53 - What is clinker?

roasted calcareous and argillaceous material

54 - Cement is a mixture of so many compounds roasted in rotary kiln. Which substances has greater percentage?

Lime (CaO)

55 - Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement?

iron oxide

56 - Which sequence of steps is correct for the manufacture of cement?

crushing grinding mixing heating

57 - The sequence of zones in the rotary kiln are as

dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

58 - The composition of mixture of clay and lime stone in the raw for cement material is

75% lime stone and 25% clay

59 - The important function of burning zone in the rotary kilm is

combination of different oxides like CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 and Al2O3

60 - Which of the following is not a heavy industry?



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