Chemical Bonding And Equilibrium MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - Reaction which proceeds in both directions is called


2 - A specie with maximum number of unpaired electrons.


3 - According to VESPR Model the geometry of molecule having 5 bond pair in outer most shell will be

Trigonal bipyramidal

4 - Addition of CH3COOH and CH3COONa gives in water

both b & c

5 - AgCl dissolved with conc (2x10-2) Ksp will be

4 x 10-4

6 - An atom loses or gains electrons to

all are accurate justifications

7 - Any substance which accepts H+ is base favours the concept


8 - At start of reaction the concentration of reactants is


9 - Bond order for N2 molecule is


10 - Bond will beionic when E.N difference of bonded atom is

Greater than 1.7

11 - By combining n atmic orbitals no. of hybrid orbitals will be


12 - By decreasing the pressure the reaction will go to that direction where

volume increased

13 - By the addition of base in waterpH will be

more than 7

14 - Catalyst used to speed up the reaction of ammonia synthesis is

Pieces of Fe crystals are embedded in fused mixture of MgO Al2O3 and SiO2

15 - Chemical equilibrium state is

dynamic state

16 - Conjugated base of a weak acid is


17 - Conversion of reactant into product in unit time is called

rate of forward reaction

18 - Elements having high I.P values are

Non metals

19 - Elements of group IA IIA are


20 - Energy of atom in compound is

Lesser than individual

21 - Energy released or absorbed when electrons are added in atom is

Electron affinity

22 - Energy required to remove electron from an atom

Ionization potential

23 - Equilibrium state is achieved quickly by the addition of.


24 - For a reaction involving only gases at 25Degree Centigrade the equilibrium constant can be expressed in terms of molarity Ke or partial pressure Kp. Which is true about the numerical value of Kp?

Kc is equal to Kp if the total moles of reactants and products are equal

25 - Force responsible to hold atoms together in a compound is called


26 - Geometry of molecule will be pyramidal if the outer post shell of the central atom has

3 bond pair one lone pair

27 - Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybrid orbital is


28 - Greater shielding effect corresponds to ionization energy value


29 - Idea of pH and pOH was put forward by


30 - If a buffer solution of higher pH than seven is to be made we use

Weak acid and its salt with strong base

31 - In a group ionic radii


32 - In a period electronegativity from left to right


33 - In a period the atomic radii


34 - In case of gases Kc is replaced by


35 - In O2 each oxygen atom is hybridized


36 - In which of the following equilibria will Kc and Kp have the same value?

N2 + O2 = 2NO

37 - Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of


38 - Ionization energy in a period generally


39 - Ka<10-3 means

Very weak acid

40 - Kc value has

Both a & b

41 - Measurement of the degree of polarity is

Dipole moment

42 - Molecular orbital which have higher energy than atomic orbitals is called

Antibonding molecular orbital

43 - Molecular orbitals are filled according to

All these

44 - Mostly ionic compound are produced in between elements of


45 - Negative log of mular concentration of H+ ions is called


46 - on sp3 hybridization

One s and 3 p-orbitals are involved

47 - Orbitals of same energy produced after mixing of orbitals of different energy are called

Degenerate orbitals

48 - Pi bonds are produced by overlapping of

Un-hybrid orbitals

49 - Product of charge and distance is called

Dipole moment

50 - Rate expression for ammonia synthesis is


51 - Sharing of 1 electron pair by one specie forms

Coordinate covalent bond

52 - Shielding effect across the period


53 - Sodium benzoate and benzoic acid are mixed in equimolar ration to form buffer if pKa is 2 what will be the pH?


54 - Solubility of any salt can be determined from


55 - Solution having the property of a very little change in pH on adding a small amount of strong acid or base is called

buffer solution

56 - Temperature for preparation of SO3 is

400-500Degree Centigrade

57 - The geometry of ammonia is

Trigonal Pyramidal

58 - The ionization energy

Generally increases from left to right in a period

59 - The Lewis acids are

Electron deficient

60 - The octet rule does not always hold for which of the following elements


61 - The pH of 10-3 mol dm-3 of an aqueous solution of H2SO4 is


62 - The pH of human blood is


63 - The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electrons in a chemical bond is called

Electro negativity

64 - Unit of dipole moment is


65 - Unit of Kc is

Kc may or may not have units

66 - Unpaired electron in a molecule gives _________ character.


67 - When sparingly soluble salt is in equilibrium with molar concentration of its oppositely charged ion when the product is called

solubility product

68 - When the value of Kc is very small then

product conc. Is maximum

69 - Which of following is not a base


70 - Which of the following have their outer most shell complete in atomic form?

Noble gases

71 - Which of the following is the best explanation that CO2 is non polar molecule

Dipole moment is zero

72 - Which of the following will have highest value of electron affinity


73 - Which of the following will not change the concentration of ammonia at the equilibrium ?

Addition of catalyst

74 - Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond


75 - Which one has maximum number of unpaired electrons?


76 - Which one is not the absolute term of the element?

Electro negativity

77 - Which one of the following aqueous solutions will be basic?


78 - Which one of the following has polar covalent bond?


79 - Which one of the following is a buffer solution?


80 - Which one shows high %age of the ionic character?



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