Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation Mics 5

1 - In the discharge tube in which direction cathode rays travel?

Perpendicular to surface of cathode

2 - 6th period contains how many elements?


3 - The concept of Triads was presented by?


4 - Resonating structure can not be?


5 - Which technique is used distinguish between imitation and pure diamond?


6 - Hemiacetal is formed when formaldehyde adds one molecule of?

Ethyl Alcohol

7 - Free neutron decays into?

Electron, Proton and Neutrino

8 - Noble gas used in radiotherapy is?


9 - 100% pure ethanol is called?

Absolute Alcohol

10 - Which among the following gases is most toxic?

Carbon monoxide

11 - Vicinal dihalides on treatment with zinc dust gives?


12 - If we remove one hydrogen atom from an alkane we obtain?

Alkyl group

13 - The highest temperature above which a gas can not be liquefied is called?

Critical Temperature

14 - Which of the following is used as filler in tyre of rubber?

Carbon Black

15 - One of the constituents of tear gas is?


16 - Polyethene is formed from polymerization of?


17 - Free neutron decays into?

Proton, Electron, Neutrino

18 - Common name for the compound having formal NaOH is?

Caustic soda

19 - Freezer in a refrigerator is fitted near the top?

It facilitates convection currents

20 - Butter is an example of solution?

Liquid in solid

21 - Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is?

Methyl alcohol

22 - Which of the following is ozone depleting pesticide?

Methyl Bromide

23 - Which three metals are all liquid at 300 C?

Hg, Ga, Cs

24 - Plaster of paris is made partial dehydration of?

Gypsum Salt

25 - Commercial nitric acid is coloured because it contains dissolved?

Nitrogen dioxide

26 - Among following which is least soluble in water?


27 - What is the empirical formula of benzene?


28 - What is the mass of a proton?

1.0073 amu

29 - The oxidation number of Nitrogen in HNO3 is?


30 - 's' and 'p' block elements are called?

Representative elements

31 - Which element is deposited at the cathode during the electrolysis of brine in Nelson cell?


32 - Among following which organic compound have fruity smell?


33 - The temperature of oxy-acetylene flame is around?


34 - What is the most commonly used substance in fluorescent tubes?

Mercury vapour and argon

35 - Two isotonic solutions will have same?

Osmotic pressure

36 - Electrons can revolve only in those orbits which have fixed angular momentum?

mvr=[nh/2ÃŽ ]

37 - According to Lechatlier principle in a reversible reaction between solid and liquid, the amount of heat added is?

Increase of the concentration of solid

38 - Lyman series is found in?

Ultraviolet Region

39 - Which material is found in Monazite sand?


40 - A white salt is readily soluble in water and gives a colorless solution with a pH of about 9. The salt would be?


41 - The molecule which shows some common lines in the IR and Raman spectra is?


42 - Phenolphtalein is colourless in acidic medium due to?

Benzenoid form

43 - Isothermal system is one in which?


44 - Which of the following is a method of disposing of solid waste which can not be reused or recycled?

All of the above

45 - Tyndall effect is the main characteristic which distinguishes colloids from?


46 - ___ is a reduction reaction.


47 - Amount of chlorine available in water after disinfection is called?

Residual chlorine

48 - Molten KCl conduct electricity because of?

Free ions

49 - Which of the following chemical used in the processing of anti polio vaccine?


50 - The number of allotropes of phosphorus in solid state is?


51 - Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with?


52 - Number of acidic hydrogen atoms present in a molecule of an acid is called?


53 - Chemical used in photography is?

Silver bromide

54 - Molecular ions are produced by?

Both A & C

55 - A reaction in which a chemical substance breaks down to form two or more simple substances is called?

Decomposition reaction

56 - At higher altitudes boiling points of liquids?


57 - What is the empirical formula of Glucose?


58 - Non-heme iron-sulfur proteins are involved in?

Electron transfer

59 - Number of Pi electron in benzene is?


60 - Bronze is an alloy of?

Copper and Tin

61 - Why hydrogen is not found in atmosphere?

It is the lightest gas

62 - Substance most commonly used as a food preservative is?

Sodium salt of benzoic acid

63 - Photo oxidation process is initiated by?


64 - How many sulphur atoms are present in a puckered ring?


65 - The sewage obtained from water closets and urinals is known as?

Sanitary waste

66 - Who classified element first time?

Lother Meyer

67 - Modern periodic table consists of?

Four Blocks

68 - Synthetic detergents are made from?

Sodium salt of benzene sulphonic acid

69 - What is carbamide?

A Fertilizer

70 - Maximum water vapour content in the atmosphere is?

3 to 4 Percent

71 - Which of the following gases is present under pressure in soft drinks?

Carbon dioxide

72 - Which of the following is a monatomic gas?


73 - Which catalyst is used in contact process?


74 - The molar mass of H2SO4 is?

98 g

75 - For an ideal gas, internal energy (U) is a function of?

Temperature only

76 - Which among the following is a neutral substrate?

Ethyl Chloride

77 - What is iodised table salt?

A heterogeneous mixture

78 - One atmospheric pressure is equal to how many pascals?


79 - Ions gains which charge when electrons are removed?

Positive charge

80 - Gun powder consist of a mixture of?

Nitre, Sulphur and Charcoal

81 - Why ice floats on water?

Water is denser than ice.

82 - Which of the following is not a precious/semi-precious stone?


83 - Metals can form ions carrying charges?

All are correct

84 - Commercially sodium bicarbonate is known as?

Baking soda

85 - Which equation is not effected by change in pressure?


86 - Drinking soda is?


87 - "All the four quantum numbers of two electrons in an atom are not the same" It is law of?

Exclusion principle of Pauli

88 - The mass of (1) mole of substances expressed in grams is called?

Formula mass

89 - Which among the following is "Fool's Gold"?

Iron Sulfide

90 - A type of blood disease which is caused by radiation such as X-Rays and Gamma Rays is?


91 - Which among the following elements is found in maximum percentage in the human body?


92 - which of the following gas explodes on compression to a liquid?


93 - When an electronegative element combined with an electro positive element the type of bonding is called?


94 - Atomic number of Copper is?


95 - Which of the following is used in making smoke bombs?


96 - Acid used in the manufacture of synthetic fiber is?

Acetic acid

97 - ___ is an electron deficient molecule.


98 - which of the following is used as filler in tyre of rubber?

Carbon Black

99 - Size of atom in positive ion decreases because?

Outermost shell loses

100 - Element that is in highest percentage in the composition of the earth?


101 - Straight chain hydrocarbons are?

In which atoms of C are in a series

102 - Ethers show the phenomenon of?


103 - Which of the following is least polar?


104 - Which metal gives golden yellow flame on burning in air?


105 - The EAN value of Ni(CO)4 is?


106 - IR determine ___ bond.

Nature of bond

107 - Seaweeds are important source of?


108 - Among the following which is not an electrolyte?

Sugar solution

109 - The density of O2 gas at 20 Degree Centigrade is?

1.4 gdm-3

110 - Mineral containing both magnesium and calcium?


111 - The most abundant element occurring in the earth crust by weight is?


112 - Oxidation number of P in KH2PO2 is?


113 - What is the most abundant element in human body?


114 - Impure camphor is purified by?


115 - ___ is a disaccharide.


116 - A radioactive substance emits?

All of the above

117 - Which among the following is fire resistant?


118 - Existence of nucleous is confirmed by?

Alpha scattering by thin metal foil

119 - Which among following is responsible for extra strength of pyrex glass?


120 - Shared pair of electrons which links the atoms in a molecule is known as?

Covalent bond

121 - What is the number of known crystalline phases of water?


122 - Which gas diffuses fast?


123 - Function of sedimentation tank in sewage treatment is to?

Remove suspended solids

124 - Which of the following elements have the highest values of ionization energy?

Inert gases

125 - Which type of cathode is used to focus cathode rays on a platinum foil?

Concave cathode

126 - Morality is the number of moles of solute dissolved in?

1 dm3 of solution

127 - Flavour of apple is mainly due to which one of the following?


128 - Which one has zero octane number?


129 - Buckey-balls are basically the allotropes of?


130 - Almost all amides exist in?

Liquid State

131 - The unit of rate constant depends upon?

Concentration terms

132 - Order of reaction is?

Can be determined from experiment.

133 - Symbol of Potassium is?


134 - Which among the following is pure matter?

Carbon Dioxide

135 - An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is?


136 - ___ halegen have lowest electronegativity?


137 - Which of the following is a super cooled liquid?


138 - Electrostatic attraction between positive ions and the electrons of the atoms is called?

Metallic bond

139 - Aspirin is chemically known as what?

Acetylsalicylic acid

140 - Wax used for making candle is chemically a mixture of?

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

141 - Which one of the following is used to restore the colour of old oil paintings?

Hydrogen peroxide

142 - Spontaneous chemical reaction takes place in?

Galvanic cell

143 - ___ burns with brick red flame.


144 - Detergents clean surfaces on the principle of?

Surface tension

145 - Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen is called which type of reaction?

Redox chemical reaction

146 - Molecularity of reaction is always in?

Wholw number

147 - Wave equation for hydrogen atom was set up by?


148 - The gas collected at cathode is?


149 - Refrigerant "FREON" is?

Difluoro Dichloro Methane

150 - Bracket series is found in?

Infrared Region

151 - An emulsion is a colloid of a?

Liquid in a liquid

152 - The maximum number of electrons in L-Shell is?


153 - Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from?

0.1 to 1.5

154 - Sodium vapour lamps glow with yellow colour. This is due to?

The emission of excess energy absorbed by sodium atoms in the yellow region of the spectrum

155 - Strongest oxidizing agent is supported by?

High electron affinity

156 - Identify which is quick silver?


157 - A gas has 2 litre volume at STP at constant pressure, at which temperature the new volume will be 4 litre?

50 Degree Centigrade

158 - Material used to make electric heater coil?


159 - Number of proton+number of neutron is the __ of an element.

Mass number

160 - Radioactive dating is a technique which can be used to measure?

Age of rocks

161 - Why most atoms are neutral?

Number of electrons are equal to number of neutrons

162 - Anhydride of HClO4 is?


163 - Which among following have highest boiling point?


164 - Galvanized iron is made by coating iron with?


165 - Which of the following produces highest amount of energy upon oxidation?


166 - What is the color of iodine?


167 - Candle is a mixture of?

Paraffin wax and stearic acid

168 - Physisorption occur at?

Low temperature

169 - Solution contains more water?

0.25 M

170 - Average mass of natural mixture of isotopes which is compared to the mass to the mass of one atom of C-12 amu is called?

Atomic mass

171 - Alum stops bleeding in minor cuts because of?


172 - The helical structure of proteins is stabilized by which bond?


173 - Scattering of light takes place in?

Colloidal solution

174 - Which of the phosphorous has tetrahydral, tetra atomic molecules and is mol reactive?


175 - Isotope used for the production of atomic energy is?


176 - Which among the following is homogeneous?

A solution

177 - Two elements which are used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission are?

Boron and Cadmium

178 - Table salt gets moist during rainy season because?

Sodium chloride contains hygroscopic impurities like magnesium chloride

179 - What is called pressure vs temperature equation?

None of the above

180 - Which process is called inversion?

Hydrolysis of proteins

181 - ___ will show negligible effect of temperature on its solubility.


182 - The suspended particles in suspensions are generally of the size?

1200 nm

183 - Commercial vulcanisation of rubber involves?


184 - Why soap helps in cleaning clothes?

It lowers the surface tension of solution

185 - Anhydride of HClO4 is?


186 - In colourful diamond different colours are present due to?


187 - Colloidal particles are?


188 - Who opposed the idea that cell is empty space bounded by thick wall?

Robert Brown

189 - Purity of gold is expressed in carats. The purest form of gold is?

24 Carats

190 - Which among the following has not fuctional group?


191 - Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of?

Lead and Antimony

192 - One gram molecule of H2 is?

2 gram

193 - Setting of plaster of paris involves?

Hydration to form other hydrates

194 - Cement is usually a mixture of?

Calcium Silicate and Calcium Aluminate

195 - Chloro group is Ortho and para but __ withdrawing.


196 - When a multidentate ligand is surrounded it is known as?


197 - For generation of biogas materials commonly used are?

Animal wastes

198 - Ions with negative charge and extra electrons are called?


199 - Enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is?


200 - Radioactive disintegration of uranium ultimately results in formation of?


201 - PVC which is a plastic is the short name for?

Poly Vinyl Chloride

202 - An atomic clock is based on transitions in?


203 - Among following identify which is not a organic compound?


204 - ___ is Lewis base.


205 - __ is the short hand method to describing a chemical reaction.

Chemical Equation

206 - What is the name of scientist who named anode rays as proton?


207 - Which among the following is in liquid state at normal room temperature?


208 - The most important Oligosaccharides is?


209 - An example of semiconductor is?


210 - Major constituent of air is?


211 - First metal used by a man was?


212 - Reaction between fat and NaOH is called?


213 - The oxidation of all elements in free state is?


214 - Which one of the following is softest?


215 - Purest form of carbon is?


216 - What is the percentage of lead in lead pencils?


217 - Atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many are there protons in the nucleus of carbon?


218 - The number of moles of solute in 500 cm2, 3M solution is?


219 - What is the atomic mass of sulphure?


220 - which of the following compound not considered as organic compound?

Carbon Dioxide

221 - Addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetric alkene follows the rule?

Markownihoff's Rule

222 - Which is the purest form of iron?

Wrought iron

223 - Method of converting high boiling hydrocarbons into low boiling hydrocarbons is called?


224 - Air is an example of a solution of?

Gas in gas

225 - Among group VA elements most electronegative element is?


226 - Depression in the F.P is directly proportional to?

Molarity of solution

227 - The percentage value of O2 by weight in atmosphere is?


228 - Which among the following metals provides amphoteric oxide?


229 - On addition of salt to water its?

Boiling point increases

230 - Group number represents?

Same number of electron in valance shell

231 - Uric acid is found in?


232 - The necessary condition for the equilibrium for an isolated system is that its entropy shall be?


233 - Catalyst is a substance which?

None of the above

234 - Elements are represented by which of the following?


235 - During manufacturing process of cement the temperature of decomposition zone goes up to?

9000 C

236 - Theory of mutation was propounded by?


237 - Methane is used in daily life with the name of?

Natural gas

238 - The color of Hydrogen Iodide is?


239 - Which of the following is chiefly present in LPG?


240 - Which gas does not pollute air?

Nitrogen dioxide

241 - In the evaporation process liquid molecules which leave the surface of the liquid have?

Very high energy.

242 - Vertical columns in periodic table are called?


243 - Which of the following is used to iodise common salt?

Potassium iodate

244 - One of the following is used to dissolve noble metals. That is?

Aqua Ragia

245 - What is the symbol of Barium?


246 - Which among following in automobile exhaust can cause cancer?

Polycyclic Hydrocarbons

247 - Tyndall effect is not observed in which of the following?


248 - ___ element is found in most abundance in earth crust.


249 - Colloids are example of which equilibria?

Heterogeneous equilibria

250 - Milk of magnesia is a suspension of?

Magnesium hydroxide

251 - An emulsifier is an agent which?

Stabilises an emulsion

252 - Difference between particle mass and real mass is known as?

Mass defect

253 - What is the name of that system which uses radioactivity to decide the period of materials of pre historic period?

Carbon dating

254 - Carboxylic acids on reduction with HI and red phosphorous gives?


255 - Atom number of protons are equal to?

Number of electrons

256 - Technique of calculating the age of fossil organisms is?

Radiocarbon Dating

257 - Which of the following exists as as hexamers along with monomers in its vapour phase?


258 - Addition of gypsum to Portland cement helps in?

Preventing rapid setting of cement

259 - Pasteurisation of milk means?

Heating of milk to above 620 C

260 - Which of the following terms is not used for ionic compounds?

Molecular formula

261 - Which of the following element has its outermost energy level complete?

All of the above

262 - Which of the following is not a nucleon?


263 - Which of the following chemical is used for the preparation of artificial flavors and essences?

Ethyl Acetate

264 - 18 grams of H2O contains __ molecules.


265 - Which among the following have highest fuel value?


266 - Fertilizer having high nitrogen content is?

Ammonium nitrate

267 - Alkali metals belongs to?

1st group

268 - Methyl group is Ortho and P-directing because?

All of the above

269 - Bleaching action of moist sulphur dioxide is because of its?

Reducing property

270 - Triple covalent bond involves ___ electrons.


271 - Which among the following is called Hypo?

Sodium Thiosulphate

272 - Which radiations emit when slow moving neutrons hit the copper metal?


273 - the concept of four elements on earth was introduced by?


274 - Chemical formula based on actual number of molecules is called?

Molecular formula

275 - Colloidal solutions are purified by all except?


276 - Which of the following gaseous hydrides most readily decomposed into its elements on contact with a hot glass rod?


277 - A reverse reaction is not that?

Which takes place from left to right

278 - When alumina place in path of cathode rays it glows?


279 - In dry cell the electrolyte is a moist paste of?

NH4Cl and ZnCl2

280 - Petroleum is mainly a mixture of?

Saturated hydrocarbons

281 - Residue left after extracting juice from sugar beet and sugarcane is called?


282 - Replacement of hydrogen atom by €“ SO3H group in benzene is called?


283 - Identify correct statement among following?

Metallic character increases down the group

284 - Alkanes can not show cis-trans isomerism?

Alpha bond requires less energy to be rotated

285 - Butter is an example of a?


286 - Heterogenous catalysis is based on?


287 - What is the purest form of water?

Rain water

288 - Tip of the match-stick contains?

Potassium chlorate

289 - Toluene is prepared from benzene is?

Fridel craft reaction

290 - An acid that produces large number of H+ ions in aqueous solution is called?

Strong acid

291 - A reaction in which a substance burns in oxygen to produce heat and flame is called?


292 - Highest electronegative element is?


293 - Fermentation of ethanol to ethanoic acid is achieved by?

Acetic Invertase

294 - ___ protects the earth surface from ultraviolet radiations.


295 - Which individual units loose identity?

Compound Salts

296 - Amino acids are identified in paper chromatography by?

Ninhydrin Test

297 - Who gave the concept of Atom's orbit?

Neil Bohr

298 - Acid used in lead storage cells is?

Sulphuric acid

299 - Polymeric substance used to make parachute is?


300 - Nelson's cell is used to prepare caustic soda along with gases. Which gas is produced at the cathode?


301 - Least soluble in water among following is?


302 - Which of the following hydrocarbons is liquid at room temperature?


303 - Anode in a dry cell consists of?


304 - Which of the following gases is used in cigarette lighters?


305 - The polymerisation of which of the following is used in manufacturing of polythene in industry?


306 - Where does the oxygen that keeps us alive come from?


307 - Non stick kitchen wares are coated with?


308 - Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead of hydrogen gas because it is?

Non combustible

309 - Coal gas mainly consists of?

Methane and Hydrogen

310 - Alkenes are prepared from alcohols by a process called?

Dehydro Halogenation

311 - Bond which is formed by the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another atom is called?

Ionic bond

312 - Tincal is a mineral of?


313 - The four bonds of carbon in methane are directed towards the corners of?


314 - C €“ H bond distance smallest in?


315 - The oxidation number of chromium in K2Cr2O7 is?


316 - Concentration of the copper ore is carried out by?

Froth Flotation process

317 - 44 amu of CO2 is equal to?

Molecular mass

318 - What is the percentage of nitrogen in urea?


319 - Isobars are lines joining places having equal?


320 - Minst is an example of which solution?

Liquid in gas

321 - What is the atomic weight of uranium?


322 - Process of smelting and cooling converts pig iron into?

Cast Iron

323 - Which one of the following elements has chemical properties most like those of sulphur?


324 - Charge on electron was discovered by?


325 - Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

Carbon dioxide

326 - Substances having a tendancy to lose one or more protons are called?


327 - who discovered sulphuric acid?

Jabir Bin Hayan

328 - What is the name of scientist who named cathode rays as electrons?


329 - Preparation of Dalda ghee from vegetable oil utilizes which process?


330 - In laboratory urea was prepared by?


331 - One AMU atomic mass unit is equat to?


332 - Main source of carbon monoxide is?


333 - Which compound is not soluble in water?


334 - Which one is occur in whole number always?

Atomic number

335 - Which of the following alloy is used in making magnet?


336 - Who discovered elecrons?

John Thomson

337 - Metallic constituents of hard water are?

Calcium, Magnesium and Iron

338 - Freezing point of equimolal aqueous solutions will be minimum for?


339 - The maximum work that can be done by a reversible engine operating between 500 K and 200 K if 1000 J is absorbed at 500 K is?

600 J

340 - Process by which milk is converted to curd is called?


341 - Speed of slow neutron is below __ energy.

1 eV

342 - Formula of urea is?


343 - Liquid waste from kitchens and baths of residences is known as?


344 - Ozone is present in which layer of the atmosphere?

Troposphere and Stratosphere

345 - Gas responsible for swelling of bread is?

Carbon dioxide

346 - Which one of the following acids is used for the etching glass?


347 - Detergents are?

Sodium salts of sulfonic acids

348 - Earth atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending to a height of?

200 Km

349 - 4th and 5th period of the long form of periodic table are called?

Long periods

350 - Enthalphy of heat of formation of sodium ion from its atom is known as?

First ionization energy

351 - Which of the following is biodegradable?


352 - A metal does float on water gives vigorous reaction with water so much that it reacts with ice at -100 Degree Centigrade. The metal is?


353 - A double bond consists of?

One sigma and one Pi bonds

354 - The 1HNMR spectrum of ferrocene at room temperature shows?

A singlet

355 - A complete reaction is in which all Reactants changed into ____ .


356 - Presence of glucose in urine can be detected by?

Fehling's test

357 - Which neutrons are more effective for fission process?

Slow neutrons

358 - 50 Kg of caol tar on fractional distillation produces benzene amount?

0.5 to 1 Kg

359 - Attraction between the positive hydrogen and negative F, O or N is called __ bonding.


360 - Virus is?

Nucleic acid and protein

361 - All of the following are different uses of hydrogen peroxide except?

Used as fuel in space

362 - Mass of electron is __ times less than mass of proton.


363 - Chile saltpetre has the chemical formula?


364 - The periodic arrangement was the result of?


365 - e/m for positive rays is __ e/m for negative ray.

Smaller than

366 - M shell can accommodate number of electrons?


367 - Major pollutants of cigarette smoke?

Carbon Monoxide and Nicotine

368 - Which of the following is not present in German silver?


369 - Gas used in the artificial ripening of fruits is?


370 - Nucleus have?

Neutrons and Protons

371 - Aluminium bronze is an alloy which has composition of?

10% Al and 90% Cu

372 - What is the most abundant element occuring in the ocean?


373 - Oxidation number of Hydrogen in HCL is?


374 - ___ halogen has the lowest electronegativity.


375 - In sour milk which acid is present?

Formic acid

376 - Rate of chemical reaction is __ when it proceed.


377 - Substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is?

Type metal

378 - Ratio of pure Gold in 18 carat gold is?


379 - The manufacture of iron from iron ore involves the process of?


380 - Which is not a nucleophile?


381 - The alkali and alkaline earth metals can not be used as electrodes in voltaic cells based on water as the solvent because of their rapid?


382 - CO2 is a?

Covalent molecule

383 - Difference between crystalloids and colloids is known as?

Particle size

384 - Which among the following stage is suitable indicator when solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulphuric acid?

Methyl Orange

385 - In the ground state of an atom the electron is present in?

Nearest to the nucleus

386 - Which of the toxic heavy metals is found in modem tannery industries?


387 - The isomer shift in Mossbauer spectra depends upon?

s-electron density

388 - Who gave cyclic structure of benzene?


389 - Which statement is falsse about electrons?

Oriented by magnetic field

390 - which among following contains high content of lead?

High octane fuel

391 - Milk is a natural?


392 - Which among the following is not biodegradable?

Lab detergents

393 - Which of the following is a natural dye?


394 - Chemical name of common salt is?

Sodium chloride

395 - Which among the following has basic amino acid?


396 - Which one of the following compound does not explode?

Amine Toluene

397 - Ruby and sapphire are oxides of?


398 - Weakest base is?


399 - C11-L-methyl-methionine is used for?

Brain tumor and parathyroid imaging

400 - Ozone layer in the upper parts of the atmosphere serves as a protective shield against harmful?

Solar ultraviolet radiation

401 - Color of concentrated solution of KMnO4 is?


402 - Two metal ions that cause hardness to water are?

Calcium, Magnesium

403 - German silver is an alloy of?

Zinc, Copper and Nickel

404 - If the salt bridge is not used between two half cell then the voltage?

Drops to zero

405 - Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate into acetic acid and ethanol in presence of mineral acid is?

A fractional order reaction

406 - The pH of human blood is between?

7.5 to 8

407 - Substance that is added to make natural rubber strong and more bouncy is?


408 - Ultraviolet radiation striking the earth is due to the depletion of?


409 - Ions gains which charge when electrons are added?

Negative charge

410 - The splitting occurs in the Mossbauer spectrum due to asymmetric environments, it is called?

Quadrupole splitting

411 - Which is used in the hydrogenation of vegetable ghee?


412 - Among following which sulphate is not soluble in water?

Barium sulphate

413 - ___ is an example of amorphous solid.


414 - A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by?


415 - A universal solvent on earth is?


416 - What is the unit of active mass?

Gram atom per litre

417 - At dynamic equilibrium state?

The rate of forward and reverse reaction is equal

418 - Which halogen is a solid at room temperature and pressure?


419 - The lustrous non metal is?


420 - Copper forms colorless bead in borax bead test in reducing flame. The oxidation state of copper is?


421 - Chlorine and bromine give photochemical chain reaction with?


422 - In graph of atomic volume versus atomic weight the elements corresponding to peaks in the curve belong to?

Group €“ 4

423 - which of the following fibres catches fire least?


424 - Compound used in the processing of anti-polio vaccine is?


425 - Identify the molecule with double covalent bond?


426 - Sea water can be purified by the process of?


427 - To which class of compounds enzymes belongs?


428 - Which of the following compounds is commonly used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes and toothpastes?

Sodium chloride

429 - Chemical used for cloud seeding for artificial rains is?

Silver Iodide

430 - Ozone consists of?

Oxygen only

431 - Biochemistry is the backbone of?

Living organisms

432 - Philosopher's Wool is?

Zinc oxide

433 - Which of the following is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?


434 - Water that can produce good lather with soap is known as?

Soft water

435 - In which of the following substances all carbon atoms are quaternary in nature?


436 - Among following all are water borne diseases except?


437 - Long form of periodic table contains __ groups.


438 - Haber process is used to produce which among the following?


439 - Which of the following is not an inner transition elements?


440 - Major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicle which causes air pollution is?

Carbon dioxide

441 - Ether shows the phenomenon of?


442 - Inorganic natural resource of the earth is?

Mineral fuels

443 - Colour of transition metal complexes is due to?

D-D transition of electrons

444 - Substance which readily forms colloidal solution in contact with water is called?

Hydrophilic colloid

445 - Glitter of diamond is?

Due to its quality of reflecting light

446 - By which organic compound all the oils are known?


447 - Zn2++2e- €”->Zn(s). This is?


448 - Oxime is also known as?

Formaldehyde Amine

449 - After three half lives of a chemical reaction the percentage fraction of the amount left is?


450 - What is the atomic number of potassium?


451 - According to simple collision theory the Arrhenius factor A?

Independent of temperature

452 - Speed of fast neutron is __ energy.

1.2 Mev

453 - When there are two electrons in the same orbital they have?

Opposite spin

454 - Which compound decolorize KMnO4 solution but not give test with AgNO3 solution?


455 - Nuclear fuel in the sun is?


456 - A balloon filled with helium rises in air because?

Helium is less dense than air.

457 - The element which is present in liquid state at room temperature is?


458 - Electrophile in aromatic sulphonation is?


459 - Heat resistant variety of glass is?

Flint glass

460 - Which compound will have maximum repulsion with H2O?


461 - Substance used as an antifreeze in radiators of automobiles is?

Methyl Alcohol and H2O

462 - Atomic arbital needs at least __ of volume of space to find an electron.


463 - Diamond is harder than graphite because?

Difference in layers of atoms

464 - Long form of periodic table contains __ periods.


465 - Formalin is __ solution of Formaldehyde in water.


466 - Number of isotopes of hydrogen is?


467 - Who discovered protons?

Eugene Goldstein

468 - Ammonal is a mixture of?

Aluminium powder and ammonium nitrate

469 - Nuclear energy is a mineral based energy source. It is derived from?


470 - Natural source of hydrocarbon is?

Crude oil

471 - Water can be separated from alcohol water mixture by?


472 - __ is the number of positive charges in the nucleus of an atom.

Atomic number

473 - Denatured spirit is ethanol mixed with?


474 - In which of the following states maximum iron ore is found?


475 - The gas which shows deviation from ideal behaviour is known as?


476 - Gases are the lightest form of matter and their densities are expressed in the form of?

g dm-3

477 - The best disinfectant is?


478 - Pitch is black residue of?

Coal Tar

479 - Identify correct statement among the following?

Order of reaction is in fraction.

480 - Argon and which gas is used in various types of fluorescent and phototubes?


481 - In its reaction with silver nitrate, shows?

Oxidising property

482 - Which of the following acid is present in Tamarind?

Tartaric acid

483 - Gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruit is?


484 - Ratio of C:Si in their neutron ratio with atomic weight having 12 and 28 respectively?


485 - Which among the following is extensively used for sterilizing water?

Bleaching Powder

486 - 5 moles of H2O are equal to?


487 - Which bond is most polar?

C €“ F

488 - Unit of molar concentration is?

Mol dm-3

489 - Extremely used metal is?


490 - Quartz is made of?

Sodium silicate

491 - Which of the following substance is highly plastic?


492 - Which material used in the manufacturing of lead pencil?


493 - Alum is used as?

A purifier for water

494 - Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG consists of?

Butane and Propane

495 - For a Van Der Waals gas the critical compressibility factor, Ze should have the value at the critical point to be?


496 - Which of the following is not a colligative property?

Boiling point of solution

497 - Who conducted Alpha Scattering experiment?

Earnest Rutherford

498 - Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by?

Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

499 - Who discovered oxygen?


500 - Acid rain destroys vegetations because it contains?

Sulphuric acid

501 - Which one of the following metals does not react with water to produce hydrogen?


502 - Among following which is used as an explosive?


503 - The isotope c-12 is present in abundance of?


504 - Which of the following chemical materials is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?


505 - What is the chemical formula of Chloroform?


506 - Milk tastes sour when it is left in open for some time. This happen due to the formation of?

Lactic acid

507 - The brown atom is formed of which element when MnO2 and concentrated H2SO4 is added in them?


508 - Galvanization is the?

Deposition of Zinc on Iron

509 - Which of the following hybrids is highly unstable?


510 - P-Fund series is found in?

Infrared Region

511 - Cloud is a colloidal dispersion of?

Water drops in a dispersion medium of air

512 - Space rockets use fuel which is liquid oxygen mixed with liquid?


513 - Methane is slightly soluble in water due to its?

Non-polar Nature

514 - In the reaction PbO + C †’ Pb + CO?

C acts as a reducing agent

515 - Percentage of oxygen in earth crust is?


516 - Enzymes are?

Biological catalyst

517 - Most common example of corrosion is?

Rusting of iron

518 - Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?


519 - ___ disease causes diarrhea.


520 - Identify Marsh gas among following?


521 - Who discovered that nucleus is very small and have positive charge?

Earnest Rutherford

522 - Raw materials used for manufacturer of glass are?

Sand, Soda, Limestone

523 - Which of the following statement is correct about Newland's law?

He arranged all known elements in tabular form.

524 - Solder is an alloy of?

Tin and Lead

525 - Forces which holds atoms together in a molecule are called?

Chemical Bond

526 - Le Chatelier's principle states that when a stress is applied to a system in equilibrium, system will __ stress.

Adjust to reduce

527 - Electric fuse is an alloy of?

Tin and lead

528 - Main constituent of bio gas is?


529 - An atom is how much times bigger than nucleus?


530 - Positive rays produce flashes on?

Zinc Sulphide Plate

531 - Which among following is used in welding broken pieces of iron rails and machine parts?

Aluminium powder

532 - Fundamental particles present in the nucleus of an atom are?

Proton, Neutron

533 - The number of IR active bands in H2O molecule is?


534 - A primary pollutant is?


535 - In soft drink the solvent is?


536 - The three elements most needed in common fertilizers are?

Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous

537 - Why does milk curdle?

Fermentation of lactose

538 - Long form of periodic table is based upon?

Atomic number

539 - When a molecule lose or gain electron it forms a?

Molecular ion

540 - Who developed atom bomb?

J.Robert Openheimer

541 - Which of the following is caused by higher concentration of Phosphorous and Nitrogen?


542 - ___ consists of four sub shells.

N shell

543 - A beam of electrons emitted from the cathode of a high vacuum tube is called?

Cathode rays

544 - Beryllium sulphate is less soluble in water due to?

High inflammable energy

545 - Formula of Baking soda is?


546 - If a liquid has PH 7 then it must?

Be neutral

547 - When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide are heated we get?

Methyl alcohol

548 - Identify wrong statement about ionization energy.

It decreases in a period

549 - Bleaching powder used in drinking water as a?


550 - The elements which are present on the extreme left side of the periodic table are called?

Alkali Metals

551 - Which method is used for the purification of bauxite containing excess of silica SiO2 as an impurity?

Serpek's Method

552 - Entropy of the universe is?

Always increasing

553 - Which effect cathode rays have?


554 - Chief constituent of vinegar?

Acetic Acid

555 - Micro nutrients are required in a quantity ranging from?

6 to 200 g

556 - Who introduced the concept of atom with central necleus?


557 - Which of the following statements is correct about Galvanic cell?

Reduction occurs at anode

558 - The natural abundance of O16 is?


559 - Who discovered genetic material?

Fred Griffith

560 - Polymer used in making plastic crockery is?


561 - Which metal have highest electrical conductivity?


562 - Carbon dating method is used to determine the age of which of the following?

Fossils & Rocks

563 - Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of?

O3 Layer

564 - ___ is a weak electrolyte.


565 - Which of the following pairs of materials serves as electrodes in rechargeable batteries commonly used in devices such as torch lights, electric shavers etc?

Nickel and Cadmium

566 - First evidence of existence of an atom is recorded by?

John Dalton

567 - Cement is formed by strongly heating a mixture of?

Limestone and Clay

568 - Among following iron ores highest percentage of iron content is found in?


569 - When equivalent quantities of acids and base are mixed salt and water are formed. The reaction is termed as?


570 - Smaller size of cations in Lanthanides is called?

Lanthanide contraction

571 - In which of the following Zwitter ion exist?


572 - Which of the following gases will effuse out of football bladder most quickly?


573 - which of the following is the main nitrogenous waste in humans?

Uric Acid

574 - Sour taste of Coca Cola is due to the presence of?

Phosphoric acid

575 - NMR uses which source of radiation?

Radio waves

576 - Sigma bond is __ than Pi bond.


577 - __ is the branch of chemistry which deals with the carbon compounds.


578 - Process of removing calcium and magnesium from hard water is known as?

Water softening

579 - The BOD values of water indicate the?

Amount of oxygen used for biochemical oxidation

580 - Diamonds are glittering and attractive because light incident on them undergoes?

Multiple internal reflections

581 - Gas which turns into liquid at the lowest temperature among the following is?


582 - which of the following does not produce CO2 when treated with concentrated sulphuric acid?

Soda Ash

583 - The sum of mole fractions of solute and solvent is equal to?


584 - A change which alters the composition of a substance is called?

Chemical change

585 - The empirical formula of Hydrogen peroxide is?


586 - Which of the following type of the coal has the lowest proportion of volatile matter?


587 - Which of the following is a not metal that remains liquid at room temperature?


588 - Which among following elements are generally find in free state?

Group 11 Elements

589 - A metal has an electronic configuration is M+2 has 2,8,14 and its atomic weight is 56. The number of neutrons is?


590 - Boric acid can not be used in?

Soda bottles

591 - In biological system what is the function of enzymes?

Catalyze Biochemical action

592 - __ are the atoms of the same elements having same number of protons but different number of Neutrons.


593 - In benzene there are how many types of carbon atom?


594 - What is the chemical name for washing soda?

Sodium carbonate

595 - Rectified spirit is converted to absolute alcohol by the dehydrating agent?

Soda Lime

596 - Branch of chemistry which deals with radio activity, nuclear processes and properties is called?

Nuclear chemistry

597 - Which type of metal salts are preffered for performing flame test?


598 - What is Octet rule?

Attaining of eight electrons

599 - Common battery used in automobiles in?

Lead storage battery

600 - Which of the following metals form an amalgam with other metals?


601 - Which solvent used in IR spectroscopy?


602 - Which compound shows hydrogen bonding?


603 - Hypochlorous acid HClO is unstable and readily liberates:

Atomic Oxygen

604 - A cyclotron is?

A particle accelerator

605 - Who discovered Neutrons?

James Chadwick

606 - Chloroform can be used as?


607 - Isotopes of Hydrogen are?


608 - By-product obtained by soap industry is?


609 - Rule of Triad was introduced by?


610 - Silk fibre chemically is?


611 - __ is the reaction in which two or more substances combine together to form a single substance.


612 - Milk is a colloidal system in which?

Fat is dispersed in water

613 - Atomic weight of chlorine is 35. It consists of?

17 Protons + 18 Neutrons

614 - In Pakistan and other countries which of the following methods is used in manufacture of sulphuric acid?

Contact process

615 - Charcoal is used in water treatment as a?


616 - Group VIB of the transition elements contains?

Cr, Mo, W

617 - The oxidation number of nitrogen in nitric acid is?


618 - Dehydration of alcohols can be carried out with?


619 - Which among the following is radioactive?


620 - Raw materials used for the manufacture of glass are?

Sand, Soda, Limestone

621 - What is Cathode?

Cathode is negatively charged electrode

622 - substances whose aqueous solution change the blue litmus to red?


623 - What is the density of iron?

7.86 g cm-3

624 - The molality of 2% NaOH solution is approx?


625 - Bond which is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between the atom is called?

Covalent bond

626 - 98g of H2SO4 contains?

3 moles of ions

627 - Bauxite is an ore of which of the following metals?


628 - Maximum permissible concentration of total hardness in drinking water is?


629 - Mendeleeve's periodic table was based upon the?

Atomic mass

630 - During oxidation process electrons are?


631 - Fastest reaction occur in which of the following?

The AgCl formation by the reaction of AgNO3 and NaCl

632 - Lustre of the metals is because of?

Reflection of light due to the presence of free electrons.

633 - Word 'Chemistry' belongs to which language?


634 - Number of elements in fourth period is?


635 - Iodized salt is beneficial for?

Thyroid function

636 - Avagodro's number is?


637 - Atomic radius of Carbon is?

77 pm

638 - KCl is soluble in?


639 - Aluminium can be purified from?


640 - The compound which is non directional in bonding is?


641 - Petroleum is a mixture of?


642 - Which of the following is not an intensive property?

The magnetic moment of the gas

643 - Which among the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors?


644 - Saccharin is made up of?


645 - Which of the following is the petroleum wax?

Paraffin wax

646 - Word gene was firstly used by?


647 - Major gaseous pollutant of the thermal power station is?


648 - Milk sugar is?


649 - Number of groups in periodic table is?


650 - Which among the following does not have 8 valence electrons?


651 - Which of the following is used to remove rust stains on cloth?

Oxalic acid solution

652 - Cream gets separated out of milk when it is churned. This is due to?

Centrifugal force

653 - Element required for solar energy conversion is?


654 - Inversion of cane sugar into glucose and fructose is?

Slow process

655 - Ethane and ethyne can be distinguished by their reaction with?

KMnO4 solution

656 - Preparation of ice cream is?

Excessive cooling

657 - Enzymes have ___ units.


658 - A metal is exposed to the atmosphere for some time. Its becomes coated with green carbonate. The metal must be?


659 - Cathode rays were produced in discharged tube at?

High voltage

660 - Stability of nucleus is due to?

Proton and Neutron

661 - Which among the following is a carbohydrate?


662 - Bond in MgO is?

Electro-valent bond

663 - Metals commonly used for electroplating?

Chromium, Copper and Nickel

664 - Smoke is formed due to the?

Solid dispersed in gas

665 - what is the unit of ionization energy?


666 - If all bullets could not be removed from gunshot injury of a man it may cause poisoning by?


667 - Which model says that atom consists of small, dense, positively charged nucleus which is surrounded by electrons revolving around it?

Rutherford's model of the atom

668 - Which color of fluorescence is produced when cathode rays strike the walls of glass tube?


669 - The structure of H2O2 is?

Open Book Like

670 - In modern periodic table how many number of periods are?


671 - Which catalyst is used in Fridel Craft Alkylation?


672 - Zinc sulphide commonly used as?


673 - Which of the following imparts deep blue colour to glass?

Nickel oxide

674 - Which acid is present in gastric juice?

Hydrochloric acid

675 - Identify correct statement among following?

Ionization energy of calcium is lower than that of magnesium.

676 - Permanent hardness can be removed by adding?

Na2 zeolite

677 - Oxidation number of S in H2S2O7 is:



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