Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation Mics 2

1 - Cement is a mixture of________________?

clay lime stone and gypsum

2 - Cement is a mixture of so many compounds roasted in rotary kiln. Which substances has greater percentage ?

Lime (CaO)

3 - Which sequence of steps is correct for the manufacture of cement ?

crushing grinding mixing heating

4 - The composition of mixture of clay and lime stone in the raw for cement material is __________________?

75% lime stone and 25% clay

5 - The important function of burning zone in the rotary kilm is __________________?

combination of different oxides like CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 and Al2O3

6 - Which of the following is incorrect statement about nitrogen importance ?

it accelerates fruits and flowers growth

7 - Which of the following is macronutrient ?


8 - Which of the following is the most suitable catalyst for ammonia synthesis ?

Fe in fused mixture of Al2O3 + SiQ2 + MgO

9 - Which of the following fertilizers is not useful for paddy rice ?

Ammonium nitrate

10 - Which of the following potassium fertilizers are more useful for horticultural crops tobacco & potatoes ?


11 - Argillaceous material does not include________________?

marine shells

12 - The nutrients which are required in very small amount for the normal growth of plants are called_________________?


13 - Which one of the following is an inorganic fertilizer ?

ammonium nitrate

14 - The potassium present in plant help the plant to___________________?

all the above statements are correct

15 - What is clinker ?

roasted calcareous and argillaceous material

16 - Phosphorus helps in the growth of_________________?


17 - Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement ?

iron oxide

18 - The sequence of zones in the rotary kiln are as____________________?

dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

19 - The rate of reaction___________________?

Decreases as the reaction proceeds

20 - The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the________________?


21 - The value of activation energy is primarily determined by_______________?

Effective collision

22 - Spontaneous reactions are_______________?


23 - Unit of rate of reaction is_________________?

Moles dm-3 sec-1

24 - Rate of disappearance of reactant is equal to_________________?

Rate of reaction

25 - For 3rd order reaction the hhalf life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants__________________?


26 - Radiations are absorbed in_______________?

Spectrophotometer method

27 - Energy of reactant higher than energy of product favours _______________?


28 - Which of the following will have very high rate of reaction ?

all of above

29 - Anything which increases rate of reaction without being involved in the reaction________________?


30 - When catalysts and reactants are in more than one phase it is________________?

Heterogeneous catalysis

31 - Biocatalytical proteins are_________________?


32 - An enzyme has its specificity due to________________?


33 - A substance which increases the reactivity of enzyme is called_________________?


34 - When the reaction completes in more than one steps rate of reaction will be determined by________________?

Slowest step

35 - Energy of activation for backward reaction is less than forward reaction for ___________ reactio?


36 - Which statement is incorrect about catalyst___________________?

it affects specific rate constant

37 - Which of the following type of reaction is 3rd order reaction_________________?

2FeCl3 + 6KI ? 2FeI2 + 6KCl + I2

38 - The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system__________________?

Increases the rate of forward as well as backward reaction equally

39 - On increasing the temperature the rate of reaction increases mainly because_________________?

Collision frequency increases

40 - Sum of exponents of molar concentration is called___________________?

Order of reaction

41 - In rate expression the concentration of reactants is negative. It shows_______________?

Concentration of reactant decreases

42 - When a graph is plotted between 1/T on X-axis and log k on y-axis a straight line is obtained with a negative slope which has two end in__________________?

II and IV quadrant

43 - Rate of reaction when concentration of reactants are taken as unity is called_________________?

Specific rate constant

44 - Which order of reaction obeys the relation t1/2 = 1/Ka____________________?

Second order

45 - Activated complex is formed due to________________?

Effective collision

46 - Energy required to form transition state is called _________________?


47 - Greater the conc. Of reactant__________________?

Greater will be dx/dt

48 - The substances that reduces the effectiveness of a catalyst are called ___________________?

Poisoning catalysts

49 - Each catalyst has_________________?

all of above

50 - A catalyst can not effect__________________?

both A & B

51 - Co-enzymes are_________________?

Non proteineous

52 - End name of enzyme is___________________?


53 - For determining the order of reaction we use__________________?

Half life method

54 - Elements in the same vertical group of the periodic table have same_______________?

Number of valence electrons

55 - Which set of elements is listed in order of increasing ionization energy ?

Sb < As < S < P < Cl

56 - Which of the p-block elements are not representative elements ?

Group-18 elements (VIII-A)

57 - Which of the following will not form crystalline structure with opporitely charged ions_________________?


58 - Periodic table provides a basic framework to study elements with respect to their__________________?


59 - Concept of Triads was introduced by_______________?


60 - Elements with similar chemical properties appear in the_________________?

Same family

61 - In modern periodic table all the leements are arranged in ascending order of__________________?

Atomic number

62 - Inner transition elements are called _________________?


63 - Non-metals usually form _________________ oxides?


64 - Best position of hydrogen in the periodic table is above I.A Group which is mainly due to_______________?


65 - Which one of the following sets consists of all coinage metals ?

Cu Ag Au

66 - Many properties of an element and its compounds can be predicted from the position of the element in the periodic table. What property could not be predicted in this way ?

Its number of isotopes

67 - The atomic radii decreases by increasing atomic number in________________?

Elements from Li to Ne

68 - An element has electronic conviguration 1s2 2s2 2p2. It belongs to__________________?

Group IV-A

69 - Which of the following ion is stable in aqueous solution ?


70 - The atoms of same element having same atomic number but different mass number are called____________________?


71 - Shielding effect across the period_________________?

Remains constant

72 - Higher value of electron affinity means__________________?

Atom will gain electron easily

73 - Melting points of VII-A group elements down the group ____________________?


74 - Which of the following possesses maximum hydration energy ?


75 - True increasing order of acidity of the oxides of Mn is_________________?

Mn2O7 > MnO2 > MnO

76 - Which one of the following element has highest oxidation state in its compounds ?


77 - Which of the following cannot exist in solution_________________?


78 - An element having low value of ionization energy and low value of electron affinity is likely to belong to__________________?

Group IA

79 - Which of the following always increases on going from top to bottom in a group ?

Metallic character

80 - Among halogens the highest boiling point is of___________________?


81 - The scientist who did not contribute in the construction of periodic table ?


82 - Which element was not known when Mendeleev proposed his classification ?


83 - Noble gases are named so because they are__________________?


84 - The longest period in the modern periodic table is___________________?


85 - Seventh period contains _________________ normal elements ?


86 - Modern periodic table has been divided in ___________ blocks?


87 - Amphoteric exides are those which possess ____________ properties?

Acidic and basic

88 - Hydrogen resembles with carbon because of having________________?

Remarkable reducing properties

89 - In which of the following pairs are elements belonging to the same group ?

Nitrogen & Phosphorous

90 - Which one of the following is not a periodic property ?

Coordination number of ions

91 - Which discovery caused a revision in the periodic law as stated by Mendeleev ?

Atomic number by Moseley

92 - The property which increases upto group IV-A then decreases on wards_______________?

Melting & boiling points

93 - Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form________________?

Heavy water

94 - Ionization energy depends upon____________________?

I.E depends upon all of the above and nature of orbital

95 - Addition of 2nd electron to a uni negative ion is always____________________?


96 - Metallic characters of alkali metals_____________________?

Increase down the group

97 - Oxidation state of an atom represents____________________?

Apparent charge in compound

98 - Halides in which halogen atoms act as a bridge between two atoms of the other element are called___________________?

Polymeric halides

99 - Iodine is solid due to_________________?

High polarizability

100 - Keeping in view the size of atom which order is correct one ?

Ba > Mg

101 - When €“ COOH is attached directly to the benzene ring the acid is called__________________?


102 - The common thing in phthalic acid and oxalic acid is that both are_________________?


103 - The acid which is used as ink remover is_________________?

Oxalic acid

104 - Which acid is the manufacture of synthetic rubber ?

Acetic acid

105 - In the formation of Zwitter ions proton goes from____________________?

Carboxyl to amino group

106 - The organic acid that does not has COOH group is___________________?

carbolic acid

107 - The test which is used for the identification of amino-acids is_________________?

Ninhydrin test

108 - Carboxylic acid reacts with ammonia to form ammonium salts which on heating produces_______________?


109 - The complete reduction carboxylic acid results in the formation of________________?


110 - Picric acid is_________________?

none of these

111 - Essential amino acids are___________________?


112 - Which of the following is not a fatty acid ?

Phthalic acid

113 - The basic hydrolysis of ethyl acetate produces__________________?

ethanol and sodium acetate

114 - Which of the following is not an ester_________________?

sodium butyrate

115 - Which of the following has orange flavour__________________?

octyl acetate

116 - Amino acids present in cheese___________________?


117 - Which of the following is an unsaturated carboxylic acid___________________?

maleic acid

118 - The common name of propane 1 3-dioic is_________________?

Malonic acid

119 - The irritation caused by red ants bite is due to____________________?

Formic acid

120 - Which of the following is the strongest acid ?

Formic acid

121 - Acidic amino acids have________________?

2 carboxylic groups and 1 amino group

122 - The term internal salt refers to_____________________?

Dipolar character of amino acids

123 - Which one of the following acids is present in lemon juice ?

Citric acid

124 - Which one of following amino acid is neither acidic nor a basic in nature ?


125 - Glycine is the name of an amino acid because___________________?

Sweet taste

126 - The organic acid that can be made from ethanol is_________________?

Acetic acid

127 - The formula of palmitic acid_________________?


128 - The aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are obtained by the hydrolysis of________________?

fats and oils

129 - An acid with unpleasant smell_________________?

butyric acid

130 - Carboxylic acid on reduction with HI / phosphorous yields_________________?


131 - The reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols in presence of cone. H2SO4 is called _________________?


132 - Which of the following is not an amino acids_____________________?

lactic acid

133 - Which of the following reaction is not shown by ketones ?

reaction with Fehling solution

134 - Which of the following substances does not give iodoform test ?

methyl alcohol

135 - Which of the following aldehydes shows rapid reaction with sodium nitroprusside ?


136 - Which of the following reaction is not shown by ketones ?

reaction with Fehling solution

137 - Which of the following substances does not give iodoform test ?

methyl alcohol

138 - Which of the following compounds will react with Tollens reagent ?


139 - Cannizzaros reaction is not given by__________________?


140 - Ketones are comparatively less reactive than aldehdye. It is due to_______________?

Both A and B

141 - Which of the following is not a use of formaldehyde ?

in making acetic acid

142 - Which of the following is not a use of acetaldehyde ?

formation of throat lozenges

143 - Formaldehyde condenses with phenol in the presence of dilute H2SO4 to yield________________?


144 - Which of the following will not give addition reaction with NaHSO3________________?


145 - Which of the following compounds has the empirical formula CH2O and reacts with sodium hydroxide ?

acetic acid

146 - Oxidation of primary alcohol gives________________?


147 - Ncleophilic addition reactions are catalysed__________________?

Both A and B

148 - Acetal on acid hydrolysis generates__________________?

Both A & B

149 - Tetrahydroborate ion is the source of_______________?


150 - Dry distillation of calcium acetate results in the formation of_________________?


151 - Cannizaros reaction takes place through the transfer of ____________________ from complex anion?

hydride ion

152 - Iodoform test can be used to distinguish between_________________?

all of the above

153 - Which of the following will have the highest boiling point ?


154 - The carbon atom of carbonyl group is__________________?

sp2 hybridized

155 - Formalin is ___________ solution of formaldehyde in water?


156 - Acetone reacts with HCN to form a cyanohydrin. It is an example of________________?

nucleophilic addition

157 - Which of the following reactions may be assoclated with aldehyde and ketone ?

all of the above

158 - Which of the following reagents will react with both aldehydes and ketones ?

Grignard reagent

159 - Which of the following do not give aldol condensation reactions ?


160 - Formaldehyde and lactose are combined to produce throat lozenges named as__________________?


161 - Formula of haloform is_________________?


162 - Formalin consists of mixture of formaldehyde methyl alcohol and water Percentage of water in it is________________?


163 - On heating aldehydes with Fehlings solution we get a precipitate whose colour is_________________?

brick red

164 - Aldehyde and ketone have same general formula for homologous series_________________?


165 - Ethanal is prepared industrially by air oxidation of ethylene using palladium chloride as catalyst and _________ as promoter?


166 - Acetaldehyele cyanohydrin on acid hydrolysis yields___________________?

Lactic acid

167 - Which one exhibits aldol condensation____________________?


168 - Which of the following is a symmetrical ketone___________________?


169 - In base catalyzed reaction of carbonyl compound the catalyst___________________?

increases the nucleophilic character of reagent

170 - A elements are named as alkali metals because_______________?

Both A & B

171 - Formula of Chile saltpetre is__________________?


172 - The oxides of beryllium BeO is_______________?


173 - Li is different from its family members due to____________________?

all of the above

174 - Carbonates of lithium are not stable like that of sodium due to________________?

Low electropositivity

175 - Which one of the following is not an alkali metal ?


176 - The element cesium bears resemblance with________________?

None of the above

177 - Downs cell is used to prepare_________________?

Sodium metal

178 - Ammonia may be prepared by heating ammonium chloride with_______________?

Aqueous sodium hydroxide

179 - Crystals of Na2CO3. 10H2O when exposed to air_________________?

Lose water and remain solid

180 - Which one of the following gives white precipitate with aqueous solution of BaCl2?


181 - The deliquescence is a property in which a solid____________________?

Absorbs moisture and turns to liquid form

182 - In diaphragm cell level of brine in anode compartment is kept slightly higher which prevents_______________?

Hydroxide ions to reach anode

183 - Alkali and alkaline earth metals impart colours when heated over burner. It is due to______________?

De-excitation of electrons from higher energy levels to low energy level

184 - First ionization potential of alkaline earth metal is greater than alkali metals because___________________?

They have smaller atomic sizes

185 - NaOH is named as caustic soda because________________?

It corrodes the organic tissues

186 - Carnalite has chemical formula__________________?


187 - Electrolysis of dilute solution of NaCl results at the anode_______________?


188 - Which ion will have maximum value of heat of hydration ?


189 - Which one is natron ?


190 - Which one is least ionic in nature and decompose on heating ?


191 - The word Alkali means__________________?


192 - Which element is necessary for normal leaf development ?


193 - Nitrates of which pair of elements give different products on thermal decomposition ?

Li Na

194 - Which of the following sulphates is not soluble in water ?

Barium sulphate

195 - The ore CaSO4.H2O has the general name_______________?


196 - Which one of the following substances conducts electricity by the movement of ions ?

Molten sodium chloride

197 - Which one of the following carbonate is water insoluble ?


198 - In diaphragm cell hydrogen is discharged by the reduction of__________________?


199 - Gypsum is applied to the soil as a source of________________?

Ca and S

200 - Which one of the following alkali metals forms only normal oxide when it reacts with O2 ?


201 - Which one of the following pairs shown diagonal relationship in the periodic table ?

Lithium and magnesium

202 - Sodium is not observed in +2 oxidation state because of its__________________?

high second ioniation potential

203 - Magnesium metal does not burn in the vessel containing_______________?


204 - Second ionization potential of alkali metals are very high due to_______________?

inert gas configurations

205 - Which one can form complex ?


206 - During sulphonation of benzene H2SO4 generates the electrophile _________________?


207 - Which compound will readily undergo sulphonation ?


208 - Which one of the following statement is not correct about benzene ?

Resonance energy of benzene is 150.5 K Cal/mole

209 - Replacement of hydrogen of benzene by alkyl group in the presence of alkyl halide & aluminum chloride is known as__________________?

Friedel & Craft alkylation

210 - Which compound form benzoic acid on oxidation with acidified KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 ?


211 - What is the molecular formula of Benzenetriozonide ?


212 - The hydrolysis of Benzenetrizonide will yield three moles of____________________?


213 - In benzene sulphonic acid the sulphonic group is attached with benzene ring through ___________________?


214 - Aniline is a derivative of benzene which contains__________________?

Amino group

215 - Nitration of chlorobenzene gives___________________?

A & B

216 - By which method the molecular mass of benzene was determined as 78.108 ?

Vapour density method

217 - Chlorination of toluene in the presence of sublight produces_________________?

Benzyl chloride

218 - Mixture of catalysts Cr2O3 + A?2O3 + SiO2 at 500?C are used when benzene is prepared from_______________?


219 - Which is fused cyclic aromatic compound _____________________?


220 - Acetophenone is a_____________________?


221 - Benzene does not undergo___________________?

Polymerization reactions

222 - Nitronium ion is___________________?


223 - Benzene is heated in air with V2O5 at 450°C it undergoes________________?

Oxidation reaction

224 - The preparation of benzene from acetylene can also be said as_________________?


225 - Ozonolysis of benzene produces___________________?


226 - Boron is non-netal whereas A1 is metal. It is due to_______________________?

Both A and B

227 - One of the outstanding features of boron is its ability to form__________________?

Molecular addition compounds

228 - Borax is a white crystalline solid and it is_________________?

More soluble in hot water

229 - Special features of borate glass is that it is_________________?

Heat resistant

230 - Aluminium oxide is_________________?

Amphoteric oxide

231 - Which electronic configuration corresponds to an element of group IIIA ?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1

232 - In network of silica (SiO2) each silicon atom is surrounded by _____________ atoms of osygen?


233 - Orthoboric acid is 2.6% soluble in water at 40?C and ___________at 107°C.


234 - Because of its ability to combine with both oxygen and nitrogen aluminium metal is used_____________?

To remove air bubbles from molten metal

235 - Silicon differ from silica by a group of__________________?


236 - Boron is non metal while other elements of IIIA group are metals. This is because______________?

all of the above

237 - The coloured glassy mass in borax bead test is due to the formation of___________________?

metal meta borate

238 - If temperature of gallium arsenide is increased then its conductivity will___________________?


239 - Which of the following will decompose to produce litharge_________________?


240 - Which of the following is metasilicic acid ?


241 - Boron in soil has been considered micronutrient for_________________?

Proper growth of plants

242 - Substance which is found in dried up lakes of Tibet and California is_______________?


243 - Which of the following does not give Borax bead test ?


244 - The metal which is used in thermite process because of its activity is____________________?


245 - Which of the following shows inert pair effect ?


246 - Tincal is a mineral of___________________?


247 - Which one of the following is not a semiconductor ?


248 - The process of aluminium extraction is called__________________?

Hall process

249 - Aqueous solution of borax above 62°C gives crystals of________________?


250 - Which of the following is not a use of silicon ?


251 - CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature?

CO2 is an independent molecule while SiO2 has network covalent structure

252 - Identify the correct statement regarding CO_______________?

it reacts with red blood cells of haemoglobin

253 - Boric acid cannot be used__________________?

In soda bottles

254 - Which element can form tripositive ion ?


255 - Which of the following is different with respect to physical appearance ?


256 - Compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus are mostly________________?


257 - SO3 is not absorbed in water directly because__________________?

Reaction is exothermic

258 - Which of the following will give phosphoric acid one reaction with water_________________?

All of the above

259 - Phosphorus is a Greek word and it means_________________?

Light bearing

260 - Allotropic form of phosphorus that is poisonous is___________________?


261 - Acetic anhydride can be obtained by treating ethyl alcohol with___________________?

Both A and B

262 - Phosphorous acid upon thermal decomposition yields phosphoric acid and____________________?


263 - P2O5 is a hygroscopic powder which sublimes at______________?

360 °C

264 - Phosphoric acid is a weak acid and its basicity is____________________?


265 - All the elements in group VIA are ___________________ in nature?


266 - Which allotropic form of phosphorous is the most stable ?


267 - The chemical composition of cinnabar is__________________?


268 - Oxygen and sulphur resemble in all except________________?

Show same oxidation state

269 - Arsenic oxides are removed by passing through_________________?

Ferric hydroxide

270 - When sulphuric acid is treated with ethanol sulphuric acid behaves like________________?

a dehydrating agent

271 - Which one of the followings possesses melting point below 0°C?


272 - The most electronegative element among the following is_________________?


273 - Phosphene gas will be produced if phosphorous acid is subjected to___________________?

Both b & c

274 - Which one of following is not a property of pure quartz ?

Coloured solid

275 - Which of the following does not contain phosphorus ?


276 - Which one of the following is not the use of graphite ?


277 - The composition of brown ring in nitrate test is_________________?


278 - Which one of the following compounds usually smells like garlic ?


279 - The element of group VIA which is a non-metal is________________?


280 - Which of the elements show passivity when treated with conc. HNO3?

All of the above

281 - The gas which cannot be dried by conc. H2SO4 ?


282 - FeSO4 forms brown ring with________________?


283 - Oxygen does not react with all except_________________?


284 - In which compound nitrogen has maximum oxidation state____________________?


285 - Among the halogens the rare element is________________?


286 - Vander Waals forces are stronger in_______________?


287 - The most powerful oxidizing agent among the halogens is__________________?


288 - The halogen which reacts spontaneously with gold (Au) to form Au+3 is ________________?


289 - The halogen which reacts very slowly with halogen is________________?


290 - The halogen having highest electron affinity is_____________________?


291 - Bromine can be liberated from KBr solution by the action of _______________?


292 - Consider the following reaction- 2KCIO3 + H2C2O4 + H2SO4 ? K2SO4 + 2H2O + 2CO2 + Oxide Which oxide of chlorine is produced in the above reaction ?


293 - Consider the following reaction- 3Cl2 + 6NaOH ? NaClO3 + 5NaCl + 3H2O This reaction is_______________?

Disproportionation reaction

294 - Which of the halogen can displace other three elements ?


295 - The chemical formula of sodium hypochlorite is________________?


296 - Bleaching powder is not used for bleaching________________?

Costly fabrics

297 - Which of the following is not use of compounds of Fluorine________________?

None of the above

298 - Photographic plates are coated with a thin film of _________________?


299 - Indicate the correct statement__________________?

I2 is a volatile solid

300 - Which one of the following halogens is present in Teflon________________?


301 - Which is the paramagnetic oxide of chlorine ?


302 - The colour of chlorine gas is_______________?

freenish yellow

303 - Which of the following statements is incorrect about fluorine_______________?

both B and C

304 - Which one of the following is the weakest acid in water__________________?


305 - Which of the following represents the correct electronic configuration of VII A group elements in the ground state ?


306 - Which is the strongest acid ?


307 - Bleaching powder is an example of________________?

Mixed salt

308 - Which of the following oxides of iodine is used for quantitative analysis of CO ?


309 - Which of the halogen has highest electronegativity ?


310 - Which of the following statements is incorrect about halogens ?

All the halogens react with noble gases to form their halides

311 - Fluorine can react with_________________?

All of the above

312 - Which of the following is the weakest reducing agent ?


313 - In which compound of Xenon the oxidation state of Xenon is + 6?


314 - The anhydride of HCIO4 is_________________?


315 - Alkanes containing a methyl group on main chain at 2nd carbon are called________________?


316 - Alkanes are also known as________________?


317 - Hydrogenolysis results in the formation of________________?


318 - Removal of CO2 is called_____________________?


319 - Molozonide is unstable and changes into ozonide on_________________?


320 - R-Mg-Br is called___________________?

Both A & B

321 - Which of the following is the most reactive_________________?


322 - Introduction of nitro group in a molecule is called___________________?


323 - The gas used in manufacturing of urea fertilizer__________________?


324 - Which of the following will be acidic_____________?

all of the above

325 - Alkenes are produced from dehalogenation of________________?

vicinal dihalo alkane

326 - In unsaturated hydrocarbons electrons favour___________________?

addition reactions

327 - Which one is Chloroform_________________?


328 - Which is used for artificial ripening of fruit ?


329 - Preparation of vegetable ghee involves_________________?


330 - Which is methyl cyanide_________________?


331 - When one hydrogen atom of alkane is removed then it is called________________?


332 - Sabatier Senderns reaction involve _____________ in presence of Ni?

Aalkene & H2

333 - Clemmensens reduction infolves the reduction of___________________?


334 - Soda lime is a mixture of____________________?

CaO and NaOH

335 - Dehalogenation of ethyl tetrahalide will give____________________?


336 - Upto ___________________ C atoms alkanes are gases?


337 - Incomplete oxidation of methane in the limited supply of air forms ?


338 - Order of ease of halogenation in alkane is________________?


339 - General formula of alkyne is______________?

CnH2n - 2

340 - Removal of halogen and hydrogen atom is_________________?


341 - Reactivity due to pi-electrons is present in_________________?

both B & C

342 - Raney nickel is prepared from ______________________ by treating with caustic soda?

Ni-Al alloy

343 - Vinylacetylene combines with HCI to form___________________?


344 - Which C-X bond has the highest bond energy per mole ?


345 - Ethyl chloride with nascent hydrogen produces_________________?


346 - The number of molecules taking part in the rate determining step is called___________________?

Order of reaction

347 - What will be the order of reaction of a reaction whose rate can be expressed as R = K [A] [B] ?


348 - What is the order of kinetics in the SN1 mechanism ?


349 - The rate of E1 reaction depends upon______________________?

the concentration of substrate

350 - Elimination bimolecular reactions involve____________________________?

second order kinetics

351 - Grignard reagent is reactive due to___________________?

the polarity of C-Mg bond

352 - The ether used in Wurtz synthesis is__________________?


353 - Which one of the following species is not an electrophile ?


354 - Which one of the following alcohols will be formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetone ?

tertiary alcohol

355 - Which one of the following molecules does not form alcohol when reacts with Grignard reagent ?


356 - In primary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to how many carbon atoms__________________?


357 - The best method of preparation of alkyl halides is a reaction of alcohol with__________________?

SOCl2 / Pyridine

358 - 50% inversion of configuration of molecules take place in a___________________?

SN1 - reaction

359 - Which alkyl halide has the highest reactivity for a particular alkyl group ?


360 - Which one is not a nucleophile ?


361 - Which alkyl halide out of the following may follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanism ?

(CH3)2 CH - X

362 - When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether what will be formed ?

1 mole of butane

363 - When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis the product formed is _________________?

propanoic acid

364 - SN2 reaction can be best carried out with__________________?

primary alkyl halide

365 - For which mechanisms the first step involved is the same ?

E1 and SN1

366 - Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophile because_________________?

they have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group

367 - Which one of the following reactants will be required to form straight chain alcohol by using Grignard reagent________________?

both A & C

368 - Ethylene epoxide treated with Grignards reagent followed by acid hydrolysis yield __________________?

primary alcohol

369 - Alkyl halides undergo a type of reaction_________________?

both A & C

370 - Which one of the following is termed as benzul alcohol ?


371 - Which one of the following is also known as tartaric acid ?

2 3-dihydroxy butance 1 4 -dioic acid

372 - The residue obtained after the crystallization of sugar from concentrated sugar cane juice is called__________________?


373 - The process of fermentation of starch involve many enzymes the sequence of enzymes used are____________________?


374 - K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 generate____________________?

Nascent oxygen[O]

375 - Which alcohol will undergo elimination reaction to give alkene in the presence of acidic potassium dichromate ?

Tertiary alcohol

376 - Which compound is also known by the name of carbolic acid ?


377 - Heating phenol with Zn will yield_________________?


378 - Treating phenol with formaldehyde in the presence of dilute base forms Bakelite. The process involved is_________________?

condensation polymerization

379 - Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by_________________?


380 - Methanol can be obtained from_________________?


381 - Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit is treated with__________________?


382 - Phenol was isolated by Runge from________________?


383 - The hydrogenation of phenol in the presence of Ni and heat gives_________________?


384 - Ethanol and methanol can be distinguished by a__________________?

Iodoform test

385 - Which one of the following alcohol has greater boiling point___________________?


386 - Water gas heated at 450?C and 200 atm pressure in the presence of ZnO+Cr2O3 will produce________________?


387 - The formula of starch is__________________?


388 - The rectified spirit contains________________?

95% alcohol

389 - The oxidation of isopropyl alcohol will yield___________________?


390 - The distinction test for primary secondary and tertiary alcohol required to react each of them is_________________?

Cone. HCI and anhydrous ZnCl2

391 - The given dissociation constant (Ka) value 1.3×10-10 is of_________________?


392 - When phenol is heated with concentrated nitric acid the product is________________?

Picric acid

393 - Which compound shows hydrogen bonding ?


394 - Methyl alcohol is not used__________________?

As a substitute for petrol

395 - An alcohol which can be prepared by fermentation is_________________?

CH3 - CH2 - OH

396 - When alcohol reacts with phosphorous halides it geive____________________?

alkyl halides

397 - Which one of the following compound does not have €“ OH group___________________?

ethyl acetate

398 - Ethers show functional group isomerism with __________________?


399 - Which one of the following is also known as lactic acid ?

2-Hydroxy propanoic acid

400 - The easy way of balancing the chemical equation is_________?

First we balance Metal than non-metal than Hydrogen than Oxygen.

401 - Which of the following noble gases is not present in atmosphere?


402 - Which of the following noble gases is abundant in air?


403 - Which law states that €œequal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules?

Avogadro€™s law

404 - Which law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at constant pressure is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature?

Charles- Law

405 - Which law states that the rate of the effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its density?

Graham-s Law

406 - The valency of carbon Atom is __________ ?


407 - What is the Chemical formula of Zinc Hydroxide _________ ?


408 - Permanent hardness of water due to sulphate of metals can be destroyed by the use of ________ ?


409 - Which among the following is not a property of Ionic bond _________?

Sharing of electrons

410 - Sum of protons and neutrons in an atom gives off _________ ?

Both A and B

411 - What is the molecular weight of Ammonia (NH3) ________ ?

17.031 g/mol

412 - The absolute value of charge on electron was determined by ________ ?

Robert Millikan

413 - The discovery of neutron became very late because _______ ?

It does not carry any charge

414 - What is the molecular formula for Nitric acid ________ ?


415 - What is the molecular Weight of Nitric acid (HNO3 ) ?

63.012 g/mol

416 - The Branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling is called _______ ?


417 - The science of fermentation is called _______ ?


418 - The reciprocal of the coefficent of viscosity is called__________?


419 - For a given mass of a gas at constant temperature, if the value V becomes 3 times, the pressure will becomes__________?


420 - A theoretical link between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics is_________?

Statistical thermodynamics

421 - Stainless steel contains___________?


422 - Carbon in wrought iron is present as_________?

Iron carbide

423 - If steel is heated to a temperature well below red heat and is then cooled slowly, the process is called_________?


424 - The substance used in cancer therapy is___________?


425 - Transition elements, in general, exhibit the following properties, except one. Name that property?

Natural Radioactivity

426 - Which of the following alloys contain(s) Cu and Zn?


427 - Which of the following is soluble in water?


428 - The maximum oxidation shown by manages is_________?


429 - Colour in transition metal compounds is attributed to____________?

Incomplete (n-1) d sub-shell

430 - Which of the following statements is false about transition metals?

All transition metal compounds are paramagnetic

431 - The by-product of the process of Saponification is___________?


432 - Polyethylene Glycols are used in the preparation of which type of detergents?

Non-ionic detergents soap

433 - _____________ surfactants perform well over a wide range water hardness and PH?


434 - Commercial detergents contain mainly _____________?


435 - Which one of the following is caustic potash?


436 - The carbon-carbon bond strength is maximum in__________?


437 - Which of the following effects best explains that o-nitrophenol is insoluble in water?

Intermolecular H-bonding

438 - Which one of the following is most acidic?


439 - Chlorine Cl when attached to benzene has________?

-1 and +R effect

440 - The criteria for aromaticity is presence of_________?

Presence of 4n+2Ï€ electrons

441 - The bond angle between hybrid orbitals in methane CH3 is___________?

109.5 °

442 - The bond length of C=C is___________?


443 - The stationary and mobile phases in paper chromatography are____________?


444 - Beillstein test is used for________?


445 - Presence of nitrogen in organic compounds is tested as__________?


446 - The molar mass of an organic acids is determined by____________?

Volumetric method

447 - The IUPAC suffix used for _______ NC group?


448 - The IUPAC name of ethylene oxide is__________?


449 - The IUPAC name of HCONH2 is___________?


450 - The compound (CH3)3COH according to IUPAC is known as ___________?


451 - The PH of the 0.0032 M H2SO4 is__________?


452 - The PH of the 1.3 × 10-4 NH4Cl is__________?


453 - The PH of milk is __________?


454 - The PH of Tears is __________?


455 - The PH of pure water at 25°C, kw=1×10-4____________?


456 - When 0.01 moles of NaOH are added to a buffer solution, its PH changes from 4.745 to 4.832. What is its?


457 - Alpha particles can be detected by using___________?

Zinc sulphide screen

458 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence according to atomic weights?

Co > Ni > Fe

459 - Generally the limit of visible spectrum is__________?

3800 to 7600 A°

460 - If R is the Rydberg constant for hydrogen, then wave-number of the second line in the Lyman series is _________?


461 - Magnetic quantum number specifies___________?

Orientation of orbitals

462 - Azimuthal quantum number defines___________?

Angular momentum of an electron

463 - The energy of one mole of photons of radiation, whose frequency is 4×10 14 Hz, is ___________?


464 - Which of the following gases shows more ideal behaviour at 0°C___________?


465 - In a closed vessel, a gas is heated from 300K to 600 K. The kinetic energy becomes__________?


466 - Pressure remain constant, at which temperature the volume of gas becomes twice of what it is at 0°C?

546 K

467 - The density of a gas is 1.964 g dm-3 at 273 K and 76 cm Hg. The gas is _________?


468 - Which of the following haloalkane is hydrolysed by SN1 mechanism?


469 - Hydrocarbon is formed when Grignard reagent is treated with___________?


470 - Grignard reagent gives carboxylic acid with____________?


471 - The law of traids is applicable to__________?

Cl, Br, I

472 - The concept of telluric helix was developed by___________?

A.E de Chancourtois

473 - Which group contains elements that exist as monoatomic molecule?


474 - The element having electronic configuration [kr] 4d10, 4f14,5s2,5p6,5d1,6s2 belongs to __________?


475 - Which one of the following is a bridge element?


476 - Which of the following aqueous solutions would have the highest boiling point?

0.15 m CaCl2

477 - The mass of 3.2 moles of ammonia (NH3) gas?

54.4 grams

478 - How many moles are in 22.2 grams of Calcium chloride, CaCl2?

0.2 moles

479 - What is the mass percent of silver in silver notrate, AgNO3?


480 - A sample of an iron and oxygen ore has a mass of 35.8 grams. The iron in the compound has a mass of 27.9 grams. What is the percent iron in the ore?

78% Fe

481 - A compound is determined to have an emperical formula of C2H6O and a molar mass of 138 g/mole. What is the molecular formula?


482 - A substance is analyzed and found to have an emperical formula of CH2 and a molar mass of 56g/mole. What is the molecular formula of the compound?


483 - The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver (atomic weight = 108) are same as the molecules in__________?

12 moles of KMnO4

484 - The molecular formula for cholesterol is C27 H46 O. What are the degrees of unsaturation for this compound?


485 - What is the density ofargon gas at a temperature of 30°C and a pressure of 1.05 atm?

1.68 g/L

486 - The formula C6H5-CO-CH3 represents_______ ?


487 - Poisonous gas present in the exhaust fumes of a jet plane is__________?

Carbon monoxide

488 - The O-O linkage is present in__________?


489 - The number of lone pairs in XeOF4 is_________?


490 - Argon gas was discovered by_______?


491 - SO2 reacts with Cl in sunlight to form__________?

Sulphuryl chloride

492 - Oxidation state +1 for phosphorous is found in___________?


493 - Electric bulb filament is made of__________?


494 - Tetraethyl lead is used as______?

Petrol Additive

495 - The average salinity of sea water is________?


496 - The chemical (Ethyl Mercaptan) added to the otherwise odourless LPG cooking gas for imparting a detectable smell to the gas is a compound of:_______?


497 - Marsh gas is_______?


498 - Potassium Permanganate is used for purifying drinking water, because_________?

It is an oxidising agent.

499 - Find the PH of a 0.001 M solution of Nitric acid HNO3?


500 - Which set of quantum numbers is not allowed?


501 - The purpose of Smelting an ore is to________?

Reduce it

502 - Which Oxide of Manganese is amphoteric?


503 - A process used for the Concentration of Ore is________?

Forth flotation

504 - Which metal is used as a reducing agent in Smelting______?


505 - Parke-s process is used in the extraction of________?


506 - In melting of iron, which of the following reactions takes place in Bladt Furnace at 400°C- 600°C________?

Fe2O3+ 3CO€”€”€“> 2Fe+ 3CO2

507 - Gypsum is______?


508 - Basicity of orthophosphoric acid is________?


509 - Ce58 is a member of__________?


510 - Electronic Configuration of Calcium (Ca) atom may be written as________?

Ar, 4s2

511 - A 10 volume solution of H2O2 means_______?

1mL of solution of H2O2 liberates 10 mL of O2 at STP

512 - The volume strength of 1.5 N H2O2 solution is_______?


513 - The structure of H2O2 is_______?

Non- polar

514 - Which of the following element has the maximum electron affinity_____?


515 - The type of hybridisation of boron in diborane is______?

Sp- hybridisation

516 - Which of the following shows electrical conduction_____?


517 - Cassiterite is an ore of_______?


518 - Percentage of lead in lead pencil is________?


519 - In borax bead test which compound is formed_________?

Meta borate

520 - Water molecule is________?


521 - I3( Tri-iodine) has shape_________?


522 - BeCl2 has the hybrid orbitaks of type_______?


523 - Molecular orbital Theory is also called_________?


524 - Formula of Galena is________?


525 - Ethylene diammine is ligand________?

Bi dentate

526 - The amount of Zinc (at. Wt=65) necessary to produce 224 ml of H2 by the reaction with an acid will be______?


527 - Which of the following compounds is not soluble in HNO3___?


528 - Following are the anions of soap which form Ca and Mg ions which we see as curd in water

Both A & B

529 - The hybridization of nitrogen atom in pyridine is_______?


530 - The IUPAC name of pyridines is__________?


531 - How many isomeric aldoses are possible for the molecular formula C6H12O6?


532 - The systematic name of sucrose is_______?

1-α-D- glucopyranosyl-2-β-D-fructopyranoside

533 - Treatment of sucrose with conc. HNO3 gives__________?


534 - Alpha (α) particles are helium (He) nucleus with a charge of __________ ?


535 - Elements which emit natural radioactivity are known as __________ ?

Radioactive elements

536 - A helium nucleus comprising of two protons and two neutrons with a charge of 2e is _________ ?

Alpha particle

537 - In SI base units, 1 Bq is equal to __________ ?

1 disintegration per second

538 - Chromatography is used to separate _________ ?


539 - In a group, atomic radii increase due to successive increase of _________ ?

Electronic shells

540 - Distance at which attractive forces of hydrogen overcome repulsive forces is __________ ?


541 - Quantum numbers are __________ ?

Numerical values

542 - Column of manometer which faces liquid is __________ ?


543 - Process used to separate insoluble particles from liquids is ___________ ?


544 - Effective volume is usually taken for ____________ ?

1 mole of gas

545 - In whole Periodic Table which element Is Most Reducing Agent ?


546 - One fathom is equal to:__________?

6 feet

547 - What are the metal bearing rocks called?


548 - Soil pollution is caused by:_________?

Acid rain

549 - Radiations are harmful as it:___________?

Causes skin cancer

550 - The practical problem in Hydrogen production is it:______________?


551 - The number of ions produced by [Pt(NH3)]Cl2?


552 - Which of the following is solid?


553 - Barret esophagus is good example of__________?


554 - Which gas is used for artificial ripening of green fruit ?


555 - Phonon is Quantum of___________?

Elastic wave

556 - The concept of ensemble was introduced by____________?


557 - Which molecule have stronger London dispersion forces?


558 - Urea as a fertilizer contains:____________?

46% N

559 - The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is :


560 - Which of the following acts as promoter for iron in Haber's process?


561 - One property of ammonia is

Its aqueous solution turns red litmus blue

562 - Which one of the following is used for dating very old objects of archaeological importance?


563 - In which of the following substances all carbon atoms are quaternary in nature ?


564 - Cooking gas is a mixture of

Butane and propane

565 - Thermal electricity is generated by using which of these ?

Coal, Natural Gas and Petroleum

566 - Which of the following is the major constituent of LPG?


567 - Which variety of coal contains recognisable traces of the original plant material ?


568 - Which of the following processes is used for the production of Biodiesel ?


569 - Which of the following is used in welding broken pieces of iron rails and machine parts?

Aluminium powder

570 - Of the following commonly used materials, the one that is not an alloy is


571 - The manufacture of iron from iron ore involves the process of


572 - The manufacturing of iron from iron ore involves the process of


573 - The important ore of aluminium is


574 - The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in


575 - Equal masses of oxygen, hydrogen and methane are kept under identical conditions. The ratio of the volumes of gases will be


576 - The mass number of an atom is equal to

the number of nucleons

577 - The water pollution in river is measured by the dissolved amount of


578 - Ultraviolet rays can be used in water treatment as


579 - Tar roads get damaged if there is

Stagnation of water on road

580 - Aerated water contains


581 - The BOD values of water indicate the

Amount of oxygen used for biochemical oxidation

582 - The most reactive among the halogens is


583 - Which one element has the lowest electronegativity value


584 - Which one element has the highest electronegativity value


585 - The element with highest ionization potential is


586 - Which of the following has no unit?


587 - Which of the following vegetable oils does not contain essential fatty acids ?

Sunflower oil

588 - The example of oligosaccharide is


589 - Number of hydrogen atoms in a Glucose molecule is


590 - The residue left after extracting juice from sugarbeet and sugarcane is called


591 - Nitrogen is an essential constituent of all :


592 - A subshell with l = 2 can take up

10 electron

593 - Two electrons in an orbital are differentiated by which of the following ?

Spin quantum number

594 - When cathode rays strike a target of high atomic weight, they give rise to


595 - How many electrons can be accommodated in d-orbital?


596 - The scientist who experimentally proved the existence of positron is


597 - Which of the following phenomenon is considered responsible for Global Warming?

Greenhouse effect

598 - The nucleus of an atom consists of

protons and neutrons

599 - The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its


600 - The most electronegative element among the following is



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