Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation Mics 4

1 - Water can be separated from alcohol water mixture by


2 - In addition to hydrogen, the other abundant element present on Sun€™s surface is


3 - The most abundant element by number in the living system is :


4 - What is the element required for solar energy conversion ?


5 - The mass number of a nucleus is

the sum of the number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus

6 - The inexpensive and commonly used variety of glass is called soda glass. It is called so because

is made using soda(sodium carbonate)

7 - The gas used in the manufacture of vanaspati from vegetable oil is


8 - The ionic radii of N3-, O2-, F- and Na+ follows the order

N3- > O2- > F- > Na+

9 - The graphite rods in the nuclear reactor

convert fast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons

10 - The new strain of bacteria produced by biotechnology in alcohol industry is

Pseudomonas putida

11 - Molasses a by-product in the manufacture of sugar, is converted into


12 - Denatured spirit is ethanol mixed with


13 - Rectified spirit is :

95% ethyl alcohol

14 - The reaction intermediate formed during the preparation of diethyl ether from ethanol by treatment with H2SO4 is


15 - Which one of the following acids is used in battery ?

Sulphuric acid

16 - Which of the following is the strongest base in aqueous solution ?


17 - Which of the following acids serves as an electrolyte in a lead storage battery?

Sulphuric acid

18 - Which is known as carbolic acid?


19 - Citric acid is present in free form in


20 - Depletion of ozone layer causes

Skin cancer

21 - Nitrification is the biological process of converting

Ammonia into nitrite

22 - Besides CO2, the other green house gas is


23 - The greenhouse effect is caused by the higher level of which gas in the atmosphere ?

Carbon dioxide

24 - The atmospheric gas that is mainly responsible for green house effect :

Carbon dioxide

25 - Wood spirit is

Methyl alcohol

26 - When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide are heated, we get

Methyl alcohol

27 - Which of the following metals causes Itai-Itai disease ?


28 - Which component referred to as 'Milk sugar'?


29 - Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given belowList-I (Vitamin)List-II(Chemical compound)F.Vitamin A1.ThiaminG.Vitamin B12.RetinolH.Vitamin C3.Ascorbic acidJ.Vitamin E4.TocopherolCodes :FGHJA.4132B.2314C.4312D.2134


30 - The oil used in the froth floatation process is

pine oil

31 - The number of waves in n x 10th Bohr's orbit are


32 - The mass of one Avogadro number of helium atom is

4 x 6.02 x 1023 gram

33 - The items amenable to detection by soft x-rays are

genuine coins from counterfeit coins

34 - The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a


35 - What is the mass percentage of oxygen in carbon dioxide (CO2)?


36 - Number of 6.023 × 1023 atoms present in one mole of a gas at STP is

6.023 × 1023

37 - The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonium sulphate is :


38 - The value of Avogadro Number is

6.023 × 1023

39 - Aqua regia is a 1 : 3 mixture, by volume, of

Conc. nitric acid and conc. hydrochloric acid

40 - Which of the following statements are correct about chloroform? a. Liquid fuel b. Anaesthetic in nature c. Produces phosgene d. Fire extinguisher

B, C

41 - Which of the following is an antidiabatic drug?


42 - Tear gas used by the police to disperse the mob contains


43 - Which of the following is also used as a Bio fertilizer?

None of these

44 - The advantage of detergents over soaps is

Detergents give lather even with hard water

45 - Which one of the following is an example of a gel ?

Face cream

46 - A substance which readily forms colloidal solution in contact with water is called

Hydrophilic colloid

47 - Peptization is a process of

Dispersing precipitates into colloidal solution

48 - What do you understand by the term Espuma ?


49 - Cloud is a colloidal dispersion of

Water drops in a dispersion medium of air

50 - Which gas does not form the part of atmosphere ?


51 - Which one of the following statement is correct ?Ozone is found in the earth's atmosphere mostly between

20 and 50 km

52 - Which one of the following is not a €˜green house gas€™ ?


53 - Green house effect is accelerated by

All of these

54 - Smoke is formed due to

Solid dispersed in gas

55 - The components of water can be separated by

Chemical methods

56 - Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?

Conversion of water into steam

57 - Chemical formula of washing soda is


58 - What is the chemical name for €˜Baking Soda€™ ?

Sodium bicarbonate

59 - The chemical name of €˜Common salt€™ is

Sodium chloride

60 - When a lead storage battery is discharged,

Sulphuric acid is consumed

61 - Which of the following pairs of materials serves as electrodes in rechargeable batteries commonly used in devices such as torch lights, electric shavers, etc. ?

Nickel and cadmium

62 - In a Carbonyl group a carbon atom makes double bond with


63 - Williamson's synthesis is widely used in the laboratory preparation of


64 - German silver, an alloy, does not contain the metal


65 - Colour imparted to the Bunsen flame by strontium salt is

Crimson red

66 - An oxidising agent is a

An electron acceptor

67 - Silver gets corroded due to ________ in air.

Hydrogen Sulphide

68 - Which of the following causes the rusting of iron? a. Oxidation b. Reduction c. Chemical reaction with oxygend. Chemical reaction with CO2

A and C

69 - Photo-oxidation process is initiated by


70 - Galvanised iron is made by coating iron with


71 - Slag is a name given for

Molten alumina

72 - Solder is an alloy of

Tin, lead

73 - Solder is an alloy of

Tin and lead

74 - Solder metal is an alloy of

Lead and tin

75 - The lightest gas which is non-inflammable is


76 - Preparation of €˜Dalda or Vanaspati€™ ghee from vegetable oil utilizes the following process :


77 - Which among the following is pure matter ?

Carbon dioxide

78 - The National Chemical Laboratory (India) is located in


79 - Who is known as the 'father of modern chemistry'?

Antoine Lavoisier

80 - Ozone depletion in the atmosphere is mainly caused by


81 - Ozone depletion in the stratosphere is mainly caused by


82 - Which of the following is not a gaseous air pollutant?


83 - Which of the following is ozone depleting pesticide ?

Methyl bromide

84 - Threshold limit value of copper in the atmospheric air is

1.0 mg/m3

85 - In which of the following states maximum iron ore is found ?


86 - Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because

Zinc is more reactive than tin

87 - Cinnabar is an ore/mineral of


88 - The percentage of carbon in cast iron is :

3 to 5

89 - Brass is a solution of molten copper in

Molten zinc

90 - Which one is the simplest form of alkane?


91 - Which of the following is not a natural source of hydrocarbon?


92 - The element with highest first ionisation energy is


93 - In a period from Li to F, ionisation potential

Cannot be predicted

94 - In the periodic table of elements, on moving from left to right across a period, the atomic radius


95 - The chief constituent of vinegar is

Acetic acid

96 - Vinegar made by fermentation from cane sugar contains

Acetic acid

97 - Which one of the following is found in Vinegar ?

Acetic acid

98 - Which of the following is not a derivative of barbituric acid?


99 - Which of the following substance's smell is similar to Ethanoic acid?


100 - High concentration hydrocarbon pollutants in atmospheric air causes


101 - Which one is not a primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere?


102 - Which of the following is secondary air pollutant ?


103 - Sullage water is €“

Waste water released from kitchen

104 - The gas liberated in the Bhopal gas tragedy was:

Methyl isocynate

105 - Which one of the following elements is an example of noble gas ?


106 - Helium gas is filled in balloons because

It is lighter than air

107 - The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing is


108 - At room temperature, the metal that remains liquid is:


109 - A metal is exposed to the atmosphere for sometime. It becomes coated with green carbonate. The metal must be


110 - Which of the following is a natural polymer?


111 - Plastic is a type of


112 - Polythene is polymer of


113 - Glycol is used to manufacture which of the following ?


114 - Silk fibre chemically is :


115 - The chemical used for cloud seeding for artificial rains is

Silver Iodide

116 - Which of the following is used as anesthetic ?


117 - Aspirin is chemically known as

Acetylsalicylic acid

118 - Gypsum is used for improvement of:

Saline soils

119 - Which of the following laser types is used in a laser printer?

Semiconductor laser

120 - 0.01 mole of NaOH is added to 10 liters of water. The pH of water changes by


121 - Which of the following methods is used in determining the number average molar mass of a macromolecule?

Osmotic pressure

122 - Molality of pure water is


123 - A solution is

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances

124 - Which one is the most dense liquid from the below?


125 - Indane gas is mixture of

Butane and propane

126 - The charcoal used to decolourise brown sugar solution is

Animal charcoal

127 - The major component in the LPG is


128 - Domestic cooking gas consists mostly of

Liquified butane and isobutane

129 - Which one of the following is known as the 'brown coal'?


130 - Which among the following is not a characteristic of transition metals?

Tendency to gain electrons

131 - The most electronegative element among the following is


132 - Total number of halogen elements found in the periodic table is


133 - Ionisation energy of nitrogen is greater than that of oxygen because nitrogen has

Stable half filled 2p sub level

134 - The elements with atomic numbers 9, 17, 35, 53, 85 are all


135 - Baryllium Sulphate is less soluble in water due to

High inflammable energy

136 - Chile saltpeter is the common name of:

Sodium nitrate

137 - Setting of plaster of paris involves

Hydration to form other hydrates

138 - Find the odd one:

Slaked lime

139 - The chemical name of 'Plaster of Paris' commonly used for setting broken bones is

Calcium sulphate

140 - Entropy of Universe is always


141 - In a reaction of the type A+B -> C+D one could ensure it to be a first order reaction by :

Increasing the concentration of a reactant

142 - Kinetics is the study of:

All of these are correct

143 - Bhopal gas tragedy is associated with leakage of

Methyl isocyanate

144 - The function of sedimentation tank in sewage treatment is to:

Remove suspended solids

145 - During fermentation of sugar, the compound which is always formed is :

Ethyl Alcohol

146 - If a buffer solution is diluted its pH

Remains same

147 - 'Vinegar' is a commercial name of

Acetic acid

148 - The apparatus used to test acidity of aqueous solution is

PH meter

149 - Which one of the following organic compound is used to remove stains of iron compounds?

Oxalic acid

150 - Atoms having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called :


151 - Chemical properties of isotopes

Must be same

152 - Which of the following does the nucleus of an atom consists of?

Protons and neutrons

153 - The nucleus of an atom consists of

Protons and Neutrons

154 - The mass number of a nucleus is

Sometimes more and somtimes equal to its atomic number

155 - The chemical that is used to ripen mangoes is

Calcium carbide

156 - Exposure to mixtures of chemicals are greater than expected on the basis of effects of exposure to each chemical individually. This is known as


157 - Which of the following is used to remove ink and rust stains on cloth?

Oxalic acid

158 - KMnO4 can be used as a/an


159 - The chemical name of 'laughing gas' is

Nitrous oxide

160 - Bleaching action of moist sulphur dioxide is because of its

Oxidising property

161 - Sulphur dioxide bleaches colouring matter by :


162 - Which one of the following is commonly used for pulp bleaching in the paper industry?

Hydrogen peroxide

163 - In upper layer of atmosphere ozone is formed by

The action of ultraviolet rays on oxygen

164 - Which one of the following is used to restore the colour of old oil paintings ?

Hydrogen peroxide

165 - The metal used to galvanise iron to protect it from rusting is


166 - Iron is prevented from rusting by coating with zinc. This process is called as


167 - An electric iron has a heating element made of :


168 - The metal chiefly used for galvanising iron is :


169 - The anode in a dry cell consists of


170 - Stains of rust on clothes can be removed by :

Oxalic acid

171 - One of the constituents of tear gas is


172 - The element used for making solar cells is


173 - DDT and BHC may act as


174 - Gunpowder consists of a mixture of

Nitre, sulphur and charcoal

175 - Which of the following is not a noble gas ?


176 - Milk is a


177 - Mixture can be

Both A and B

178 - Which one out of the following helps in burning ?


179 - Except mercury which is the other metal that is liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure?


180 - Synthetic detergents are made from

Sodium salt of benzene sulphonic acid

181 - Commonly used antiseptic 'Dettol' is a mixture of

Chloroxylenol + terepineol

182 - The gas used in the artificial ripening of fruits is


183 - The common refrigerant in domestic refrigerator is


184 - The chemical used in embalming biological materials is

Formaldehyde in water

185 - The drug €˜Marijuana€™ is a


186 - The Refrigerant 'FREON' is

Difluoro Dichloro Methane

187 - The chemical(s) most commonly used for cloud seeding or €˜artificial rainmaking€™ is/are

Silver Iodide

188 - 'Fire-fighting clothes' are made from


189 - Trinitrotoluene is

Used as an explosive

190 - Ferrous sulphate is used in water treatment as a/an

Coagulant aid

191 - Charcoal is used in water treatment as a/an


192 - Which of the following is a secondary pollutant ?


193 - Ultraviolet radiation striking the earth is due to the depletion of


194 - Many people died in London in 1952 as result of air pollution producing


195 - Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of copper sulphate using copper electrodes gives

Copper at cathode and oxygen at anode

196 - Aluminium can be purified by


197 - The aqueous solution of potassium chloride is

A strong electrolyte

198 - Sodium is produced by the electrolysis of

Molten sodium chloride

199 - Bleaching powder is prepared by passing :

Chlorine over slaked lime

200 - Which of the following gases is present under pressure in soft drinks?

Carbon dioxide

201 - If we burn graphite,

No residue will be left

202 - Lead pencil contains


203 - Highest percentage of carbon is found in which form of coal?


204 - The main source of carbon monoxide is


205 - Which among the following is used to dilute oxygen in the gas cylinders used by divers ?


206 - Which one element from below list is liquid at room temperature?


207 - Which among the following elements is found in maximum percentage in the human body ?


208 - Iodine can be separated from a mixture of Iodine and Potassium Chloride by


209 - The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing is:


210 - The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ (Z = 26) is not equal to that of

p-electrons in CI(Z = 17)

211 - The metallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called


212 - The molecules of which gas have highest speed?

H2 at -73oC

213 - The oldest rocks in the earth's crust were once molten, and came from deep inside the earth. The molten rock, called magma, spewed out in volcanic eruptions during the earth's early life and solidified into hard rock's called

igneous rocks

214 - The law which states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure is

Henry's law

215 - Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and which acid?

Terephthalic acid

216 - The material known in commerce as Terylene is a

Synthetic fibre

217 - Nylon is a type of


218 - Nylon is made up of :


219 - Nylon threads are made of

Polyamide polymer

220 - For generation of biogas, the materials commonly used are

Animal wastes

221 - The main constituent of natural gas is


222 - Which of the following is biodegradable ?


223 - Which of the following is a commercial source of energy?

Natural gas

224 - Which of the following is not a commercial source of energy?


225 - The alkaloid naturally found in coffee, cocoa and cola nut is


226 - Formic acid is produced by

Red ants

227 - Which one of the following is most acidic?


228 - Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to the formation of

Lactic acid

229 - ________ is used for making vinegar.

Acetic acid

230 - When there are two electrons in the same orbital, they have:

Opposite spin

231 - The antiparticle of an electron is


232 - Nucleons are regarded as composites sub-particles known as


233 - Conduction band electrons have more mobility than holes because they

Experience collision less frequently

234 - Which one of the following has greatest mass ?


235 - The polymer obtained by the condensation of hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid is :

Nylon 66

236 - Neoprene is prepared by polymerisation of which of the following

2-chloro-1, 3-butadiene

237 - Neoprene is a polymer of


238 - Silicone is a polymer of

Dialkyl dichloro silane

239 - The monomers of dacron are

Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid

240 - The metal that is usually extracted from sea water is


241 - The method of concentrating the ore which makes use of the difference in density between ore and impurities is called


242 - The inert gases are ____ in water.

sparingly soluble

243 - The molecular formula of phosphorous is


244 - The names of the scientists, Newlands, Mendeleev, and Meyer are associated with the development of

periodic table of contents

245 - Atoms of same element having different mass numbers are called________


246 - How many neutrons does iron have?


247 - The electronic configuration of an atom having atomic number €˜20€™ is

2, 8, 8, 2

248 - Nucleus of an atom consists of.

Proton and Neutron

249 - Which of the following is not a nucleon?


250 - The purest form of Iron is :

Wrought iron

251 - Which one of the following contains maximum percentage of carbon ?

Cast iron

252 - Stainless steel is an alloy of

Chromium, carbon and iron

253 - Iron is extracted from


254 - Which is the purest form of iron?

Wrought iron

255 - Which among the following metals provides amphoteric oxide ?


256 - Impure camphor is purified by


257 - Iron filings can be separated from a heterogeneous mixture using the technique of :


258 - Electric bulbs are filled with :


259 - The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is


260 - The strongest acid of the following is


261 - Methanoic and ethanoic acids can be distinguished by the action of

Tollen's reagent

262 - Which of the following alkali metals has highest specific heat?


263 - Among the fuels given below, the one with highest calorific value is

Natural gas

264 - Which of the following is the best fuel in terms of energy released per gram of fuel?


265 - The most volatile of the given liquids is

Liquid He

266 - The three elements most needed in common fertilisers are :

Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous

267 - Liquid Nitrogen boils at

77 kelvin

268 - Which one of the following is not a fertilizer?

Calcium sulphate

269 - Which of the following gases is mixed with oxygen for breathing by divers in aqua lungs?


270 - Bauxite is used as raw material by which industry ?


271 - Brass contains

Copper and Zinc

272 - Brass is a

Homogeneous mixture

273 - Brass is an alloy of

Zinc and copper

274 - Brass is an alloy of :

Cu and Zn

275 - The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is


276 - Zone refining is used for the purification of


277 - The main chemical constituent of the oil of cardamom which is responsible for flavour of this oil is


278 - The molecule which has the highest percentage of ionic character among the following is


279 - The high reactivity of fluorine is due to

its high electro negativity

280 - Diamonds are glittering and attractive because light incident on them undergoes

Multiple internal reflections

281 - If lime water is kept in the air, it turns milky due to presence of :

Carbon dioxide

282 - Diamond is harder than graphite because of :

Difference in layers of atoms

283 - The gas used to extinguish fire is

Carbon dioxide

284 - Which among the following coal contains 90 per cent of carbon?


285 - Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fetiliser?


286 - Which one of the following is used as a sowing agent in the preparation of soft drinks?

Phosphoric acid

287 - Pyrethrin used in mosquito coil is obtained from

A seed plant

288 - What is a common name for the substance which irritates lachrymal glands ?

Tear Gas

289 - The material used in solar cells contains


290 - The nuclear particle having no mass and no charge, but only spin is


291 - The orientation of an atomic orbital is governed by

Magnetic quantum number

292 - 'Atomic theory' of matter was given by


293 - The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is :


294 - The total energy of revolving electron in an atom

Can never be positive

295 - Hamburger effect is otherwise known as€“

Chloride shift

296 - The inert gas used as beacon light is


297 - The noble gas used in radiotherapy is


298 - Inert gases are

Chemically unreactive

299 - Which one of the following does not form oxyacid ?


300 - What is the chemical symbol of mercury?


301 - Which of the following is a monoatomic gas?


302 - The purest form of water in nature is

Rain water

303 - In drinking water supply, which of the following treatments is not involved


304 - The two metal ions that cause hardness to water are:

Calcium, Magnesium

305 - The iron ore magnetite consists of


306 - The ionisation energy of hydrogen atom in the ground state is x KJ. The energy required for an electron to jump from 2nd orbit to 3rd orbit is


307 - The major constituent of air is


308 - The main chemical constituent of clay is

aluminium silicate

309 - The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is


310 - Two moles of an ideal gas expand freely into vacuum. The work done by the gas is


311 - The Fungus which is used in the alcohol industry is


312 - Which of the following is used to denature ethanol ?

Methyl alcohol

313 - Ethanol containing 5% water is known as

Rectified spirit

314 - Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is :

Methyl alcohol

315 - London smog is found in

Winter during morning time

316 - Photo chemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among

NO2, O3 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight

317 - The gas involved in Bhopal incident was

Methyl isocyanate

318 - Which of the following chemicals is responsible for depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?


319 - Which of the following is a method/process of disposing of solid waste which cannot be reused or recycled ?

All the above

320 - Sour taste of €˜Coca Cola€™ is due to the presence of

Phosphoric acid

321 - An acid having basicity one is

Disodium hydrogen phosphate

322 - The acid present in red ants is

Formic acid

323 - Bee sting contains

An acidic liquid

324 - Sweat contains water and ________


325 - The main use of salt in the diet is to

produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food

326 - The monomer of polythene is


327 - The luster of a metal is due to

presence of free electrons

328 - The number of water molecules present in a drop of water (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature is

6.023 x 1019

329 - The most malleable metal is


330 - The most pure form of Carbon among the options is


331 - Carbon footprint can be reduced by

All of these

332 - Which of the following gases is most toxic ?

Carbon monoxide

333 - Why is water not suitable for putting out a petrol fire ?

Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns

334 - Which of the following is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?


335 - Which of the following is used in making smoke bombs?


336 - Water gas is the mixture of

Carbon monoxide and hydrogen

337 - In electro-refining, the pure metal is deposited on


338 - Which of the following electrodes is used in strongly alkaline solution?

Mercury - mercuric oxide electrode

339 - The laws of electrolysis are given by


340 - Global warming may result in

All of the above

341 - Oxygen which is vital for life is a product of photosynthesis and comes from


342 - Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas ?

Carbon dioxide

343 - Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment by

Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide

344 - The €˜Green House effect€™ is produced due to the presence of excess amount of


345 - Which one is the most reactive gaseous element?


346 - Which of the following metals occurs in free state ?


347 - The €Å“King of Metals€ is :


348 - Which of the following metals is used in Space Crafts to withstand high temperatures ?


349 - Phosphorus is kept in water because

Its ignition temperature is very low

350 - Most commonly used bleaching agent is


351 - The acid which is secreted by the glands in the stomach wall is

Nitric acid

352 - Hydrochloric acid is also known as

Muriatic acid

353 - Heating of a ore below its melting point in the absence of air is known as


354 - Stainless steel is usually made by alloying the steel with

Chromium and nickel

355 - Which one of the following mineral does not contain oxygen ?


356 - Which mineral is the ore of aluminium ?


357 - Which of the following is a metallic ore ?


358 - Magnalium is an alloy of

Aluminium and Magnesium

359 - Magnetite is


360 - Atomic number of an atom gives the number of which of the following ?


361 - The chemical bahaviour of an atom depends upon

The number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus

362 - Which one of the following has a maximum tendency to form M3 ion ?


363 - A matured mammalian cell without nucleus is


364 - Which of the following metals can displace copper from copper sulphate solution ?


365 - Which type of radiations are absorbed by the upper layer of the atmosphere?


366 - Sulphur dioxide level in the atmosphere can be reduced by using

Low - sulphur fuels

367 - The term 'brown air' is used for

Photochemical smog

368 - The sewage obtained from water closets and urinals is known as

Sanitary waste

369 - Which one amongst the following is not a Green House gas?


370 - Main pollutant present in automobile exhaust is


371 - The liquid waste from kitchens and baths, of residences is known as :


372 - Most poisonous pollutant in water is


373 - Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India? Select the correct answer using the code given below.(A) Arsenic (B) Sorbitol (C) Fluoride (D) Formaldehyde (E) Uranium

A, C and E

374 - Smog is

A combination of smoke and fog

375 - Asbestos is formed of :

Calcium and Magnesium

376 - Bayer's reagent is

Alkaline potassium permanganate

377 - Bone ash contains

Calcium phosphate

378 - Cement is made hard with

Hydration and dissociation of water

379 - 'Plaster of Paris' is made by partial dehydration of

Gypsum salt

380 - Chemical name of common salt is

Sodium Chloride

381 - Nitrogen forms a variety of compounds in all oxidation states ranging from

€“3 to +5

382 - What is the covalency of nitrogen in ammonia molecule


383 - What is 'milk of magnesia' chemically?

Magnesium hydroxide

384 - Which one of the following is a micro-element ?


385 - When lime juice is dropped on baking soda, brisk effervescence takes place because the gas evolved is

Carbon dioxide

386 - Which of the following is used as filler in tyre of rubber ?

Carbon black

387 - The open ""Sigrees"" or coal stoves often require fanning to sustain burning because of

Tendency of carbon dioxide to form a layer along with dust smoke

388 - 24 carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

389 - 1 carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

390 - The metal ion present in Vitamin B12 is


391 - The metal present in vitamin B12 is


392 - Which of the following is not present in RNA


393 - The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is :


394 - The fat of a common mussel-secretes a sticky glue that can be used to make heart implants. The unique chemical compound present in the glue is:

Dihydroxy phenyl alanine

395 - Freon used as refrigerant is chemically

Chlorofluoro hydrocarbon

396 - The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruit is


397 - Which one of the following vegetable oils is used in the manufacture of paints?

Linseed oil

398 - KMnO4 can be used as


399 - A detergent is a

Cleansing agent

400 - Oxygen has (+) oxidation number only in


401 - The oxidation number of nickel in K4[Ni(CN)4] is


402 - How many neutrons are there in 92U238 atom ?


403 - The number of neutrons present in an element having mass number 226 and atomic number 88 is :


404 - Who modified Bohr's theory by introducing elliptical orbits for electron path?


405 - Which of the following is the petroleum wax ?

Paraffin wax

406 - The hottest part of the gas flame is known as

Luminous zone

407 - Water is not effective in extinguishing a fire caused by petrol because

Water and petrol are immiscible with each other and petrol which forms the upper layer continues to burn

408 - The temperature of oxy-acetylene flame is around


409 - Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead of hydrogen gas because it is


410 - Which acid is used in Lead storage battery?

Sulphuric acid

411 - The acid used in lead storage cells is

Sulphuric acid

412 - The acid used in lead storage cells is

Sulphuric acid

413 - Milk tastes sour when it is left in open for some time. This happens due to the formation of

Lactic acid

414 - The compound used in prickly heat powder to prevent excessive sweating is

Boric acid

415 - The constituents of automobile exhaust that can cause cancer is/are :


416 - The acid rain destroys vegetations because it contains

Sulphuric acid

417 - Of the following, which one pollutes the air of a big city ?


418 - Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city ?


419 - Which of the following is usually not an air-pollutant?

Nitrous oxide

420 - The function of skimming tank in sewage treatment is to remove

Oil and fatty substances

421 - Acid rain is caused due to emission of which of the following into the atmosphere ?

Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

422 - The depletion of Ozone layer is mainly due to


423 - Chemical name of vinegar is

Acetic acid

424 - Which one of the following organic compounds has fruity smell?


425 - The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word because

this acid was first obtained by the distillation of ants

426 - The ore which is found in abundance in India is


427 - The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by

DNA molecules

428 - The heat energy produced when the human body metabolises 1 gram of fat is

39 KJ

429 - What are the number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g of oxygen?

0.5 mole

430 - Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire ?

Foam type

431 - Man dies in the atmosphere of CO, because it

Combines with the haemoglobin of blood, thereby making the later incapable of absorbing O2

432 - It is dangerous to leave the car engine running in a closed garage, because it may cause serious pollution due to poisoning by emission of


433 - Which gas is used as fire extinguisher ?

Carbon dioxide

434 - The process which does not evolve CO2 in air is


435 - Galvanization is the :

Deposition of zinc on iron

436 - Which one of the following metals is used to galvanise iron ?


437 - A non-electronic conductor is

None of these

438 - The anode of a dry cell is made up of


439 - The coating of a thin layer of zinc on steel or iron objects is known as


440 - Element 106 was discovered by


441 - The gas used for filling weather balloons is


442 - The most abundant element is


443 - A balloon filled with helium rises in air because

Helium is less dense than air

444 - Which one of the following is also known as solution ?

A homogeneous mixture

445 - A powerful eye irritant present in smog is

Peroxyacetyl nitrate

446 - Which of the following is not a natural source of air pollution ?

None of the above

447 - CNG used in automobiles to check pollution, mainly consists of


448 - What are the major pollutants of cigarette smoke?

Carbon monoxide and nicotine

449 - Which of the following metals is not a pollutant ?


450 - The first metal used by a man was


451 - White phosphorus is generally kept under


452 - Which metal is extracted from sea water?


453 - The rusting of iron is a/an

Electrochemical change

454 - When iron rusts, its weight


455 - Highly toxic gas which causes headache, visual difficulty, paralysis and even death is


456 - Water gas is the combination of

CO and H2

457 - The gas that causes suffocation and death when coal or coke is burnt in a closed room is

Carbon monoxide

458 - Which one is not a pure form of carbon?


459 - Which one is the purest form of carbon?


460 - For a spontaneous chemical process, the free energy change is


461 - When a bond is formed between two atoms, the energy of the system will

Remain the same

462 - The minimum energy required for an effective collision is

Activation energy

463 - Which of the following produces highest amount of energy upon oxidation?


464 - Which of the following has least negative electron gain enthalpy?


465 - The increasing abundance of green house gases in atmosphere has led to the following effect except

Oxygen fertilization effect

466 - The source of energy that causes the least global warming is

Geothermal energy

467 - Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution?


468 - Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to ________ .


469 - The elements in the modern Periodic table are arranged according to their

Atomic number

470 - The chemical name of quartz is

Sodium silicate

471 - What is the most common salt in sea water ?

Sodium chloride

472 - Fertiliser having high nitrogen content is :

Ammonium nitrate

473 - Which one of the following is found in kidney stones?

Calcium oxalate

474 - Which one of the following is not present in cement ?


475 - Which could be used as fuel in propellant or rockets?

Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen

476 - When ethene is passed through a dilute solution of KMnO4 the pink colour changes to?


477 - Acid ferric chloride FeCl3 solution reduces to ferrous chloride FeCl2 solution by?

Nascent Hydrogen

478 - Tyndall effect is due to?

Scattering of beam of light

479 - Atom having positive charge is called?


480 - Pure iron is obtained by the reduction of which of the followings in the blast furnace?

Iron Oxide

481 - Which of the following metal causes Itai-Itai diseases?


482 - Why pure water is non conductor of electricity?

Water is almost unionized

483 - The energy of the rotational level with J=10, in wave number cm-1 unit is?

110 B

484 - White phosphorus is always kept under?


485 - Atomic number of Aluminium is?


486 - ___ is an electron deficient molecule?


487 - In benzene all carbon atoms are __ hybridization.


488 - LPG is a hydrocarbon consisting of a mixture of?

Propane and Butane

489 - Water is not effective in extinguishing a fire caused by petrol because?

Water and petrol are immiscible with each other and petrol which forms the upper layer continues to bum

490 - Law of Octaves was introduced by?

John Newland

491 - Example of corrosion is?

All of the above

492 - Which of the following salt is fairly soluble in water?


493 - An inorganic reagent which reacts in pyridine solvent forms an alkyl halide when treated with?


494 - What is Anode?

Cathode is positively charged electrode

495 - Cathode of a lead storage battery is made up of?

Lead oxide

496 - Number of replaceable OH€“ ions present in a molecule of base is called?


497 - Aqua regia is a 1:3 mixture by volume of?

Concentrated Nitric acid and concentrated Hydrochloric acid

498 - A given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by mass is the statement of?

Law of definite proportions.

499 - When electricity passed through neon it glows?


500 - A reaction between an acid and base produces?

Salt and water

501 - Ions with fewer electrons and positive charge are called?


502 - When 4 gm of NaOH is dissolved in 10 litres of solutions the pH is?


503 - Which type of glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic?

Fiber Glass

504 - Cement is made hard with?

Hydration and Dissociation of water

505 - The repetition of properties after regular intervals is called?


506 - Which gas does not form the part of atmosphere?


507 - Amount of energy required to separate nucleons is called?

Binding energy

508 - Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it?

Prevents freezing of petrol

509 - When reactants are added then rate of reaction?


510 - Glacial acetic acid is miscible with?

All of the above

511 - In the lime kiln the reaction CaCO3€”>CaO+CO2 goes to completion because of?

CO2 escapes out continuosly

512 - Carbon atom of a carbonyl group is?


513 - A proton is identical with?

Ionized hydrogen molecule

514 - Silver halides are used in photographic plates because they are?

Reduced by light

515 - Tetraethyl lead TEL is?

An antiknock compound

516 - Al-Razi divided chemical substances on the basis of their?


517 - Substance which donate the pair of electrons for bond formation are known as?


518 - Carbon monoxide is an inflammable gas. Which one of the following is also inflammable?


519 - Which one of the following elements is a metalloid?


520 - Milk of magnesia is an example of?


521 - who discovered phenomenon of diffusion of gases?


522 - When ethyl alcohol is produced by fermentation process the gas which escapes in the form of bubbles is?

Carbon Dioxide

523 - Mortar is a mixture of water, sand and?

Slaked lime

524 - Most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is?


525 - Metals are good conductors because?

They contain free electrons

526 - 'Greenhouse effect' is produced due to the presence of excess amount of?


527 - An atomic pile is used for?

Conducting nuclear fission

528 - Pasteurisation is the process in which milk is heated to?

630 C for 30 minutes

529 - Ethanol containing 5% water is known as?

Rectified spirit

530 - Metal constituent of chlorophyll is?


531 - Bond which is formed by one sided sharing of pair of electrons is called?

Co-Ordinate Covalent bond

532 - Toluene is a compound in which benzene has a substituent?

533 - Which isotope of hydrogen is radioactive?


534 - ___ is not an amorphous solid?


535 - Process in which a solid directly changes to vapours is known as?


536 - Neil Bohr presented the atomic model in?


537 - Which among the following coal contains 90% of carbon?


538 - Most suitable vessel for storing concentrated sulphuric acid is?

Glass vessel

539 - Electric bulbs are filled with?


540 - The molar mass of H2SO4 is?

98 amu

541 - Isotopes differ in?

Properties which depends upon mass

542 - Which of the following vegetable oils does not contain essential fatty acids?

Sunflower oil

543 - In silvery paints the main constituent present is?

Aluminium Powder

544 - In sp2 type hybridization the three equivalent sp2 orbitals lie in the same plane and at angle of?

120 Degree

545 - The chemical formula of rust is?


546 - Who discovered Neutron?


547 - How much percentage of earth crust consist of silicon?


548 - Salts that is formed by the reaction of strong acidic with weak base are?


549 - Force which holds atoms together in a molecule or crystal is called?

Chemical bond

550 - Longest period of periodic table?


551 - Acids which contain one acidic hydrogen are called?


552 - Advantage of detergents over soaps is?

Detergents give lather even with hard water

553 - With the rise in temperature the solubility of a gas?


554 - Wave numbers of spectral lines __ from P-fund series to Lyman.


555 - Which substance is known as oil of vitriol?

Sulphuric Acid

556 - Carborundum is a compound of?


557 - Mass number of an element is represented by?


558 - Identify correct statement among the following?

Catalyst influence on the rate of forward and backward reaction equally.

559 - Shape of s-sub shell is?


560 - Laughing gas is?

Nitrous oxide

561 - Which among the following is not a radioactive element?


562 - Which compound is slightly soluble in water?


563 - Fehling's test and Tollen's test are used for the identification of?


564 - Melting point of mercury is?

-39 Degree Centigrade

565 - Total number of sigma bonds found in the CH3-CH=C=CH-C ‰¡C-H compound are?


566 - General formula for alkenes is?


567 - Metal extracted from seawater is?


568 - Which cell consists of three sub shells?


569 - Hamburger effect is otherwise known as?

Chloride shift

570 - Number of protons are equal to the number of __ in a neutral atom.


571 - Which among the following has highest melting point?


572 - Which variety of coal contains recognizable traces of the original plant material?


573 - When concentrated H2SO4 is added to dry KNO3 brown fumes are involved. These fumes are due to?


574 - Quantum number which represent shape of orbital of electron is called?

Azimuthal Quantum Number

575 - Which isotope of hydrogen is radioactive?


576 - Atom which accepts a lone pair of electron is called?


577 - Which indicator is not used in conical flask?

External indicator

578 - Which one of the following does not give Lassaignes test for nitrogen?


579 - PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of?

Vinyl Chloride

580 - Acetic acid is prepared by?


581 - Galena is a mineral of?


582 - Magnalium is an alloy of?

Aluminium and Magnesium

583 - Temperature of the system decreases in?

Adiabatic expansion

584 - Atomic number of sodium is?


585 - What is the mathematical formula for s-sub shell?

m = 0, l = 0

586 - Among the follwing non metals which is extremely hard?


587 - Ca(OH)2 is commonly known as?

Slaked Lime

588 - The number of elements in Sixth period is?


589 - Which of the following represents the correct electronic configuration of the outer most energy level of an element of VIIA in the ground state?


590 - Atomic number of Neon is?


591 - Which among the following shows Brownian movement?


592 - Which is used for silvering of mirror?

Silver Nitrate

593 - Among following which is organic mineral?


594 - e/m values in cathode rays?

Do not depend upon nature of gas

595 - Which is the hardest known natural mineral?


596 - Which of the following substance is a weak electrolyte?


597 - Aerosol is?

Suspended solid particles in air

598 - Number of moles of solute present in 1kg solvent is called?


599 - Which of the following alkali metals has highest specific heat?


600 - An ionic compound that is formed when an acid neutralizes a base is called?



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