Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation Mics 3

1 - The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is


2 - The first organic compound synthesised in the laboratory was


3 - Among the following, carbonate ore of Zinc is


4 - The metal used for making aircrafts and rockets is


5 - The compound that has the least value for octane number is :


6 - The length of double bond is _______ than single bond.


7 - ""Paramagnetism"" is the property of

Unpaired electrons

8 - The structure of NaCl crystal is

Face centered cubic

9 - Which of the following is a renewable source of energy ?

Geothermal power

10 - Gobar gas contains mainly :


11 - Gobar gas mainly contains


12 - The main constituent of biogas is


13 - An example of replenishable energy source is€“


14 - Which of the following is used as non-stick coating for cooking utensils?


15 - The fibre least prone to catch fire is


16 - Which of the following is used to make light weight, but strong plastic ?

Polyvinyl Chloride

17 - Which of the following fibres catches fire least ?


18 - Non-stick kitchenwares are coated with


19 - Which one of the following minerals is found in Monazite sand ?


20 - Which of the following is the main compound of voter ink?

Silver nitrate

21 - The heaviest naturally occurring element is:


22 - In which of the following ions , the colour is not due to d-d transition ?


23 - What is Zeolite?

Hydrated Aluminosilicate

24 - Laughing gas is

Nitrous oxide

25 - Electric fuse is an alloy of

Tin and lead

26 - Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain


27 - Which one of the following chemicals helps in fruit ripening?


28 - Which of the following chemicals is used in photography ?

Silver bromide

29 - Atomic number is the number equal to


30 - Rutherford€™s scattering experiment proved the presence of

Nucleus in atoms

31 - Number of neutrons in an atom of hydrogen is


32 - The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many are there protons in the nucleus of carbon ?


33 - An atom of an element has atomic number 17 and mass number 36. The number of neutrons in its nucleus is


34 - Which one of the following contributes largely to the €˜green house effect€™ ?

Water vapour

35 - An important green-house gas other than methane being produced from the agricultural fields is

Nitrous oxide

36 - The gas which is mainly responsible for the green house effect is:

Carbon dioxide

37 - Chernobyl disaster is the result of pollution by

Radioactive waste

38 - €˜Aerosol€™ is known as

Suspended solid particles in air

39 - The percentage of Nitrogen in Air is


40 - Air is said to be saturated when :

It contains maximum content of water vapour

41 - For extinguishing fire, we use

Carbon Dioxide

42 - Dry powder fire extinguishers contain

Sand and sodium bicarbonate

43 - Dry ice is the solid form of :

Carbon dioxide

44 - Detergents are

Sodium salts of sulphonic acids

45 - The metal compound commonly found in Sindhoor or Kumkum is based on


46 - Substance used as an anti freeze in radiators of automobiles is :

Methyl alcohol and H2O

47 - Which of the following is used to remove rust stains on cloth?

Oxalic acid solution

48 - Which is not an anasthetic agent in surgical operations?


49 - 'Acid rain' is caused due to air pollution by

Nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide

50 - Gas released during Bhopal tragedy was :

Methyl isocyanate

51 - The filter over which sewage is sprinkled is called as

Trickling filter

52 - Main source of lead pollution is from

Leaded gasoline

53 - An example of major air pollutant is

Carbon monoxide

54 - The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold the nucleons together are


55 - The mass of P4O10 that will be obtained from the reaction of 1.33 gram of P4 and 5.07 of oxygen is

3.05 gram

56 - The octane number of zero is assigned to


57 - The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is


58 - The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is


59 - Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is


60 - The amount of chlorine available in water after disinfection is called as

Residual chlorine

61 - Maximum permissible concentration of total hardness in drinking water is


62 - Which one of the following is extensively used for sterilizing water ?

Bleaching powder

63 - Assertion (A) : Synthetic detergents can lather when in hard water. Reason (R) : Synthetic detergents form soluble calcium and magnesium salts with hard water.

Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A

64 - Which one is the most reactive halogen?


65 - Who first published the periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev

66 - The most suitable vessel for storing concentrated sulphuric acid is

Glass vessel

67 - Which one of the following nonmetals shows allotropy in the liquid state?


68 - Sulphuric acid is


69 - The buffer action of blood is due to the presence of

[HCO3]€“ and H2CO3

70 - Bakelite is a co-polymer of Phenol and


71 - Which of the following is not an addition polymer?


72 - The polymer used in making plastic crockery is


73 - The polymerisation of which often following is used in manufacturing of polythene in industry ?


74 - Brass gets discoloured in air due to constant exposure in presence of:

Hydrogen sulphide

75 - Which of the following is not present in German silver?


76 - Haloarenes are more stable than haloalkanes due to

Resonance effect

77 - The unit of ionic product of water (Kw) is :

Mol2 let-2

78 - Aluminium chloride is

Lewis Acid

79 - Which of the following is not a method of preparing oxygen?

Decomposition of manganese dioxide

80 - Which one of the following statements is not correct? Vulcanisation of rubber makes it

Soft and flexible

81 - The compounds formed when hydrogen combines with p-block elements are called

Molecular hydrides

82 - In vulcanisation process, rubber can be hardened by adding


83 - The substance that is added to make natural rubber strong and more bouncy is


84 - White phosphorus is always kept under


85 - Milk is a colloidal system in which:

Fat is dispersed in water

86 - An emulsion is a colloid of a

Liquid in a liquid

87 - An emulsion is a colloidal solution of

Liquid in liquid

88 - Colloids can be purified by


89 - The tip of the match-stick contains

Red phosphorus

90 - Which of the following is a natural dye ?


91 - Poison used for killing rats is

Zinc phosphide (Zn3P2)

92 - The chemical used in developing photographic films is

Silver bromide

93 - Which one of the following is used as an anti-freeze for the automobile engines ?

Ethylene glycol

94 - A fertile soil is likely to have a pH of


95 - Litmus is obtained from


96 - The pH of lemon juice is expected to be

Less than 7

97 - Antacids are found in drugs that give relief to

Stomach ache

98 - The pH of human blood is between


99 - Petroleum is a mixture of


100 - Which of the following contains high content of lead?

High octane fuel

101 - Piped Natural Gas (PNG) is used for


102 - Petroleum consists of a mixture of


103 - White coal is

None of these

104 - Which of the following is used to iodise common salt ?

Potassium iodate

105 - A thick paste of cement, sand and water is called


106 - What is the most commonly used substance in fluorescent tubes?

Mercury vapour and argon

107 - Tear gas is :

Carbonyl chloride

108 - Tetra ethyle lead (TEL) is

An antiknock compound

109 - The chief source for the production of nitrogeneous fertilizers is :


110 - Which one of the following elements is used in the manufacture of safety matches?


111 - Zinc sulphide is commonly used as


112 - Which halide is used in making sensitive emulsion on photograhic film?

Silver bromide

113 - Detergents clean surfaces on the principle of

Surface tension

114 - Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of alloys?

Homogeneous systems

115 - Galena is a mineral of


116 - The iron ore which contains 72% of iron is :


117 - Bauxite is an alloy of which of the following metals ?


118 - Hard steel contains

0.5 to 1.5 per cent carbon

119 - Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas ?


120 - Which is abundant in Gobar gas?


121 - Concentration of a material which is lethal to 50% animal is called


122 - The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicle which causes air pollution is

Carbon Monoxide

123 - The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicles which causes air pollution is

Carbon Monoxide

124 - The element which is used for vulcanizing rubber


125 - Chemically €˜Quick Silver' is known as


126 - The weight of 6.023 × 1023 atoms of carbon is

12 gms

127 - If there is one million Mg2+ ions in MgCl2, how many chloride ions are there?

Two million

128 - What is the mass percentage of carbon in carbon dioxide (CO2)?


129 - Chemical name of bleaching powder is :

Calcium hypochlorite

130 - The chemical formula of the laughing gas is


131 - The common name for the compound having formal NaOH is

Caustic soda

132 - Philosopher€™s wool is chemically

Zinc oxide

133 - What is the atomic number of Oxygen?


134 - Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?


135 - Pollutant from motor car exhaust that causes mental disease is


136 - The most common cause of pollution of air is

Sulphur dioxide

137 - Particulates (< 1 µm size) remaining suspended in air indefinitely and transported by wind currents are called


138 - Mercury is emitted into air by

Burning garbage

139 - Iron and manganese present as pollutants in water cannot be removed by________


140 - Table salt gets moist during rainy season because

Sodium chloride contains hygroscopic impurities like magnesium chloride

141 - The unit to measure the flow of water is


142 - When water itself combines chemically with some element or mineral it is called


143 - Sea water is saltier than rain water because

Rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea

144 - Spirit in contact with body gives cool sensation because it is :

Highly volatile

145 - Which one is a sublime substance?


146 - The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following?

Methane and carbon dioxide

147 - The major constituent of gobar gas is


148 - ________ is a by product of sewage treatment and can be decomposed to produce biogas


149 - The metal does not give H2 on treatment with dilute HCL is


150 - The number of g-molecule of oxygen in 6.02 x 1024 CO molecules is

5 gram of molecule

151 - The most extensive, commercially useful source of thorium as monazite sand occurs in India at

Travancore coast

152 - The main active constituent of tea and coffee is


153 - The maximum number of isomers for an alkene with molecular formula C4H8 is


154 - The first metal used by man was


155 - The hydronium ion is


156 - The most electropositive elements among the following is


157 - The method that cannot be used for removing permanent hardness of water is


158 - The following are the half lives of four active isotopes. Which one of the following is the most dangerous to handle?

0.01 minute

159 - Which one is a soluble salt in H2O?


160 - Vinegar is ________ .

Diluted formic acid

161 - pH value between 6.5-7.5 makes the soil

None of these

162 - A pungent smell often present near the urinals is due to


163 - Ammonial is a mixture of

Aluminium powder and ammonium nitrate

164 - The heat value of combustion of Gasoline is

47000 kJ/kg

165 - Which one of the following gases has the highest calorific value?

Indane gas

166 - When a metal is heated in a flame, the electrons absorb energy and jump to higher energy state. On coming back to the lower energy siate, they emit light, which we can observe in

Emission spectra

167 - If the equilibrium constants for the systems H2 + I2 -> 2HI and 2HI -> H2 + I2 are K1 and K2 respectively, the relationship between K1 and K2 is :

K1= 1/K2

168 - The influence of temperature on reaction rate is predicted by

Arrhenius equation

169 - An example of heterocyclic compound is


170 - In organic compounds, nitrogen is estimated by

Dumas method

171 - Heavy metals got their name because compared to other atoms they have

Higher atomic masses

172 - Which one of the following elements exhibits the greatest tendency to lose electrons ?


173 - Which one is heaviest naturally occurring element of the periodic element?


174 - Activated Charcoal is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances by


175 - The molecular mass of a gas is

Twice its vapour pressure

176 - The value of gas constant R in Ergs deg€“1 mole€“1 is

8.314 × 107

177 - The absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure is reduced to half, the volume of the gas

Will increase four-fold

178 - Isobars are lines joining places having equal


179 - Which of the following could be used as fuel in propellant or rockets ?

Liquid Hydrogen + Liquid Oxygen

180 - Which gas is used for converting vegetable oils into saturated fats ?


181 - Which of the following gases will effuse out of football bladder most quickly ?


182 - The property of hydrogen which distinguishes it from alkali metals is

Its non-metallic character

183 - Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because

It is the lightest gas

184 - Which among the following is used as a catalyst in the production of high octane fuels?


185 - Catalytic converters are generally made from :

Transition metals

186 - Which of the following is colourless?


187 - Iodine value is used to estimate

Unsaturation in oil

188 - The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is


189 - Ozone layer of atmosphere absorbs:

Ultraviolet rays

190 - Air shows the property of

Both A and B

191 - The most abundant constituent of atmospheric air is :


192 - The percentage of oxygen in air is approximately


193 - The major constituent of air is


194 - Seaweeds are important source of


195 - Sea weeds are important source of


196 - The strongest oxidizing agent among the following is:


197 - Helium is added to the oxygen supply of deep sea divers because it is

Less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure

198 - Vulcanization of rubber is carried out by adding


199 - Ozone consists of

Oxygen only

200 - Ozone layer is present in


201 - The presence of ozone in the stratosphere is responsible for

Checking the penetration of ultraviolet rays to the earth

202 - The major use of sulphur is in the manufacture of


203 - Percentage of lead in lead pencils is


204 - Mark the compound which possess ionic, covalent and coordinate bonds.


205 - The most commonly used chemicals in the artificial rainmaking or cloud seeding are

Silver Iodide (AgI)

206 - Malathion is a/an


207 - The chemical name of rat poison is

Zinc phosphide

208 - Which of the toxic heavy metals is found in modern tannery industries ?


209 - The antiseptic compound present in dettol is


210 - Cement is usually a mixture of :

Calcium silicate and calcium aluminate

211 - Sodium bicarbonate is commercially known as

Baking soda

212 - Which of the following is the main nitrogenous waste in humans ?

Uric Acid

213 - Quartz is a crystalline form of


214 - Urea is a

Nitrogenous fertilizer

215 - Removal of carbon particles from air involves the principle of


216 - Physico-chemical characteristics of water in water sources undergo changes due to


217 - Sulphur dioxide present in the industrial chimney exhaust causes

All of the above

218 - Coating of solid waste with impervious material is known as


219 - Taj Mahal is greatly affected due to :

Acid rain

220 - Froth floatation process to concentrate the minerals is applicable to


221 - Chemical name of Gammaxane is

Chloro benzene

222 - Epsom salt is used

As purgative

223 - The metal extracted from Bauxite is :


224 - Among the following iron ores, the highest percentage of iron content is found in€“


225 - Natural rubber is the polymer of :


226 - The basic chemical building block of natural rubber obtained from trees is


227 - The name of plastic polymer from which combs, toys, bowls etc., can be made, is


228 - A polymeric substance used to make parachute is


229 - PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of

Vinyl chloride

230 - Water cycle refers to

Constant movement of water from ocean to land and back to ocean once again

231 - Permanent hardness of water may be removed by addition of

Sodium carbonate

232 - Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by

Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

233 - What are the components responsible for acid rain?

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

234 - Which gas emitted by power stations causes acid rain?

Sulphur dioxide

235 - Which of the following is very reactive and kept in kerosene?


236 - Which metal does not undergo corrosion due to the formation of oxide layer?


237 - The wire of flash bulb is made of:


238 - Identify the metal which is non toxic in nature.


239 - Iron rusts quickly in

Sea water

240 - Which substance is used to retard the setting action of cement?


241 - Stalactites and Stalagmites form due to the precipitation of :


242 - Which of the following is not a precious/semi-precious stone?


243 - The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is

Calcium phosphate

244 - The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is

Calcium phosphate

245 - In sugar solution,

Sugar is solute, water is solvent

246 - The metallic constituents of hard water are :

Calcium, magnesium and iron

247 - Potassium Permanganate is used for purifying drinking water, because________

It is an oxidising agent

248 - Lead in water can cause

Kidney damage

249 - Hardness of the water is commonly measured in terms of

Calcium carbonate equivalents

250 - The chief source of naphthalene is


251 - The gas that usually causes explosions in coal mines is


252 - Submarines move under water. They have engines that run on


253 - Which is the highest quality of hard coal?


254 - The main source of Naphthalene is


255 - In arc welding, Argon is used because of its

Low reactivity with metal

256 - An inert gas mixed with oxygen given to patients suffering from restricted breathing is


257 - Which of the following elements is obtained from seaweeds ?


258 - Silica gel is a

Drying agent

259 - Silicon is a


260 - The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte depends on


261 - In the electroplating of gold, the electrolyte used is

Gold sulphate

262 - The deterioration of a metal by an electrochemical process is commonly termed as


263 - Aqueous solution of which of the following is a good conductor of electricity

Ammonium acetate

264 - The cathode of a lead storage battery is made up of


265 - Oxide of sulphur present in the atmosphere are washed down by rains to cause :

Depletion of fossil fuel reserves

266 - Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of

O3 layer

267 - The pollutant responsible for ozone holes is ________


268 - Major gaseous pollutant of the thermal power station is


269 - The gas causing acid rain in an industrial area is

Sulphur dioxide

270 - Sea water can be purified by the process of


271 - A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by


272 - Which one is a naturally occuring noble gas?


273 - Total number of naturally occurring elements


274 - The coloured discharge tubes for advertisement mainly contain


275 - Natural rubber is a polymer of


276 - What is a Bakelite ?


277 - What happens when a drop of glycerol is added to crushed KMnO4 spread on a paper ?

There is a violent explosion.

278 - Silver nitrate solution is kept in brown bottles in laboratory because

Brown bottles stops the passage of light through it

279 - Which colour is produce by Arsenic during flame test?


280 - The natural resource, known as black gold is


281 - The chief constituent of natural gas is:


282 - The resources which can be used continuously, year-after-year are called


283 - The highest volume of gases in lower atmosphere is comprised of


284 - What is the maximum Water Vapour content in the atmosphere?

3 to 4 per cent

285 - Which of the process is known as nitrification?

Conversion of ammonia to nitrites

286 - Which is not a green house gas ?


287 - Formation of ozone hole is maximum over


288 - Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiations called ________ .

Ultraviolet rays (UV)

289 - Which one of the following is not a cause for present global warming and climate change ?


290 - Which one of the following elements is least likely to be found in commercial fertilisers?


291 - Which of the following is caused by the higher concentration of Nitrogen and Phosphorous ?


292 - If the sewage is fully oxidized, the nitrogen is in the form of


293 - If all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man, it may cause poisoning by


294 - Extensively used nitrogenous fertilizer is


295 - What is the atomic number of mercury?


296 - Which of the following molecules has a bond order of 2.5?


297 - An element of atomic no. 29 belongs to


298 - Which metal is the heaviest in periodic table among the following ?


299 - Ruby and sapphire are oxides of


300 - One carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

301 - Carbon dioxide is

A reducing agent

302 - Hardest allotrope of carbon is


303 - Diamond is lustrous because

Its refractive index is high

304 - Dry ice is

Solid carbon dioxide

305 - Yellow Cake an item of smuggling across border is

Uranium oxide

306 - The transuranium elements are the chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than


307 - Which of the following elements is non-radioactive ?


308 - Which of the following is used in dating archaeological findings ?


309 - German silver used for making utensils is an alloy of

Copper, zinc, nickel

310 - The coordination number of body centered atom in cubic structure is


311 - The product, 9-nitroanthracene is obtained from anthracene by the action of

Nitric acid and acetic anhydride

312 - Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because

It causes cardiac arrest

313 - Peroxyacetyl nitrate is a

Secondary pollutant

314 - What is used in storage batteries?


315 - Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the listsList-I (Green house gas)List-II(Major source)F.Carbondioxide1.Enteric fermentation in cattleG.Methane2.Burning of fossilH.Chloroflro carbons3.Mercury compound


316 - Acid rain is caused by

SO2 and NO2

317 - The Bhopal gas tragedy was caused by the gas

Methyl Isocyanate

318 - The Bhopal tragedy was caused by the gas

Methyl isocyanate

319 - Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala ?


320 - When a spoon is to be electroplated with nickel the spoon is

Made cathode and a pure nickel red, the anode

321 - Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in

A battery

322 - The process of covering water pipes made of Iron with Zinc layer to prevent corrosion is called :


323 - Galvanization of iron is carried out using


324 - The working of a dry cell is based on


325 - The addition of gypsum to portland cement helps in :

Preventing rapid setting of cement

326 - Which gas is most stable at room temperature?


327 - Which of the following is used as a preservative to protect processed food?

Sodium metabisulphite

328 - Chemical composition of cement is

Limestone, Clay and Gypsum

329 - Which one of the following elements is used in the manufacture of fertilizers ?


330 - Milk is


331 - Milk is a natural


332 - Emulsifier is an agent which

Stabilizes an emulsion

333 - An emulsifier is an agent which

Stabilises an emulsion

334 - Muddy water is treated with alum in purification process, it is termed as :


335 - Carborundum is another name of

Silicon carbide

336 - German silver is an alloy of

Zinc, copper and nickel

337 - Which one of the following does not contain Silver ?

German Silver

338 - Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of

Lead and antimony

339 - Ultra purification of a metal is done by :

Zone melting

340 - Silicon is used in

All of these

341 - Which of the inert gases can form compounds?


342 - Vulcanized rubber contains sulphur


343 - Which of the following alloy is used in making magnet ?


344 - In its reaction with silver nitrate, C2H2 shows

Acidic property

345 - Major portion of the earth€™s crust is mainly constituted by

Oxygen and Silicon

346 - In surgery, metal pins are used for joining together broken bones. These metal pins remain uncorroded in the body. What is the material of these pins?


347 - Name two elements that find wide application in transistor industry.

Silicon and Germanium

348 - Which one is the naturally occuring heaviest element?


349 - Which of the following will replace hydrogen from acids to form salts ?


350 - The main component of liquid bleach is:

Sodium hypochlorite

351 - Quartz is made of

Sodium Silicate

352 - What is the product formed when sodium bicarbonate is heated strongly?

Sodium Carbonate

353 - Cement is formed by strongly heating a mixture of

Limestone and clay

354 - Persons working in cement plants and lime stone quarries are prone to disease like


355 - Sodium vapour lamps glow with yellow colour. This is due to

The emission of excess energy absorbed by sodium atoms, in the yellow region of the spectrum

356 - Which amidst the following is not a gem stone ?


357 - Calcium salts used as fertilizer is :

Calcium Sulphate

358 - Aluminium salt commonly used to stop bleeding is

Aluminium sulphate

359 - In silvery paints, the main constituent present is

Aluminium powder

360 - Which of the following appeared to be with a significant potential for accumulation through food chains ?


361 - Higher concentration of nitrogen dioxide in atmosphere air causes


362 - Which of the following in automobile exhaust can cause cancer?

Polyclinic hydrocarbons

363 - White lung cancer is caused by


364 - Which of the following is a man-made source of air pollution ?

Automobile exhaust

365 - Which of the following pollutants is main product of automobile exhaust ?


366 - The smog is essentially caused by the presence of

Oxides of N and S

367 - The depletion in Ozone layer is caused by ________ .


368 - Which of the following is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in M-shell?


369 - Atoms of different elements have

Different atomic number and different number of valence electrons

370 - A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves. What colour change will be noticed?

From brown to blue-black

371 - An electrochemical cell which is used as a source of direct electrical current at constant voltage under standard conditions is called a :


372 - The metals commonly used for electroplating are

Chromium, Copper and Nickel

373 - In galvanization, iron is coated with


374 - The process of improving the quality of rubber by heating it with sulphur is called


375 - Which one among the following is not a mixture?


376 - The gas used to dilute oxygen for breathing by deep sea divers is:


377 - The most abundant element in the human body is


378 - The most abundant element in the earth€™s atmosphere is


379 - Select the one which is not a mixture :

Distilled water

380 - Which of these acids is not organic in origin?

Sulphuric acid

381 - Match the sourc in Column B with the product of Column A. (Product) Column B (Source)A. Formic acid1. LemonB. Citric acid 2. TamarindC. Tartaric acid3. Ants

A B C3 1 2

382 - Saline soil contains

High concentration of salt

383 - Sour milk contains

Lactic acid

384 - Basicity of boric acid, H3BO3 is


385 - The substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is

Type metal

386 - Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it

Prevents freezing of petrol

387 - Which is the heaviest metal among the following?


388 - The wire of flash bulbs is made up of


389 - Which among the following is found in chlorophyll ?


390 - Copper substances when exposed to air gains a green coating due to the formation of:

CuCO3 Cu(OH)2

391 - Browning of paper in old books is caused by

Oxidation of cellulose

392 - Catalyst is a substance which

None of these

393 - When quick lime is added to water

Heat is liberated

394 - What is the element that is in the highest percentage in the composition of the earth ?


395 - The structure of (HPO3)3 is


396 - Spontaneous change is one in which there is:

A lowering of free energy

397 - Which of the following kinds of spectroscopy can provide information on the energy difference between the initial and final states rather the energy levels involved in the transition?

UV photoelectron spectroscopy

398 - When ice cubes are made, the entropy of water


399 - Warming ammonium chloride with sodium hydrochloride in a test tube is an example of

Open system

400 - Which of the following partially miscible liquid pairs has both lower and upper critical solution temperature?

Glycerine and m-toluene

401 - The aprotic solvent is


402 - Which of the following has the highest lattice energy?


403 - Which of the following substance is highly plastic ?


404 - Soldering of two metals is possible because of the property of :


405 - Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel?


406 - Which one of the following minerals is found in pure form?


407 - What is the principal ore of aluminium ?


408 - Burning pyrites ore gives out

Sulphur dioxide gas

409 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Haematite : Copper

410 - The substance most commonly used as a food preservative is

Sodium salt of benzoic acid

411 - Curd is sour due to presence of

Lactic acid

412 - Drinking soda is


413 - Which of the following has pH value 7?

Pure Water

414 - Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of :

Lactic acid

415 - The main buffer system of the human blood is

H2CO3 - HCO3

416 - The gas present in the stratosphere which filters out some of the sun's ultraviolet light and provides an effective shield against radiation damage to living things is


417 - The most commonly used bleaching agent is


418 - The nucleus of a hydrogen atom consists of

1 proton only

419 - The heat required to raise the temperature of body by 1 K is called

thermal capacity

420 - The gas produced in marshy places due to decomposition of vegetation is


421 - Organic compounds are

Covalent compounds

422 - Vinegar is an aqueous solution of

Acetic acid

423 - Two elements which can form a large number of compounds are

Carbon and Hydrogen

424 - Alcoholic (€“ OH) group can be identified by :


425 - Which of the following vitamins is generally excreted by human in urine?

None of these

426 - The presence of Cobalt in Vitamin B12 was established for the first time by


427 - What is the second largest component in milk ?


428 - Which among the following is a carbohydrate ?


429 - How many atoms of oxygen are in a glucose molecule?


430 - The common name of sodium bicarbonate is

Baking soda

431 - Which among the following stage is suitable indicator when solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulphuric acid ?

Methyl orange

432 - Alum stops bleeding in minor cuts because of


433 - The chemical name of 'Hypo' commonly used in photography is

Sodium thiosulphate

434 - Interveinal necrotic spots on leaves appear due to

SO2 injury

435 - The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruit is €“


436 - The natural source of hydrocarbon is

Crude oil

437 - By which organic compound all the oils are known ?


438 - Which of the following elements is found in all organic compounds?


439 - Ethanol containing 5% water is known as :

Rectified spirit

440 - An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating device is


441 - Which of the following is an iron ore ?


442 - The important metal used with iron to produce stainless steel is


443 - Which of the following metals form an amalgam with other metals ?


444 - ________ gives hardness to stainless steel.


445 - When conc. H2SO4 is added to dry KNO3, brown fumes are evolved. These fumes are due to


446 - Wax used for making candle is chemically a mixture of

Aliphatic hydrocarbons

447 - Adding Cl2 to benzene in the presence of AlCl3 is an example of :

Substitution reaction

448 - Benzene cannot undergo :


449 - Which one is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon?


450 - Rock salt is a mineral containing


451 - Baking soda is :

Sodium bicarbonate

452 - Sodium Carbonate is commonly known as

Washing Soda

453 - Brine refers to :

Salt water

454 - The chemical name of baking soda is

Sodium bicarbonate

455 - Which one of the following group of gases contributes to the 'Green House Effect'?

Carbon dioxide and Methane

456 - Black lung disease occurs in people working in

Coal mines

457 - The least preferred technique in the disposal of Municipal Solid Waste is


458 - Which one of the following was used as a chemical weapon in the first world war ?

Mustard gas

459 - The depletion of ozone layer is due to


460 - Sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of which of the following ?

Citric acid

461 - pH scale ranges from

0 €“ 14

462 - Normal rainwater has a pH level of


463 - Which one of the following is used as preservative for foodstuff ?

Sodium Benzoate

464 - The acid which fails to liberate carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate is :

Sulphuric acid

465 - Which of the following chemical materials is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere ?


466 - Nitrogen fixation is a process of

Conversion of molecular nitrogen to ammonia

467 - Greenhouse effect is caused by

Carbon dioxide

468 - The lowest layer of earth's atmosphere is


469 - Earth€™s atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending to a height of

200 km

470 - The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest proportion (65%) in the body is


471 - The isomerism which exists between CH3CHCI2 and CH2CI. CH2CI is

positional isomerism

472 - The half life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6 hours what fraction of the initial quantity of the isotope will be left behind?


473 - The number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic quantum number is +3


474 - The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver (atomic weight = 108) are same as the molecules in

12 moles of KMnO4

475 - Brass is made of

Copper and zinc

476 - Bridgmanite is

Earth€™s most abundant mineral

477 - Bronze is an alloy of

Copper and Tin

478 - Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from

0.1 to 1.5

479 - Copper is refined by


480 - Where does the oxygen that keeps us alive come from?


481 - In chemical terms, what are alums used for purifying water for drinking purposes ?

Double sulphates

482 - Brown stains in vessels and clothes indicate the presence of high quantities of ________ in water.

None of these

483 - If water smells bad, then that odour can be removed by adding

Activated carbon

484 - Surface water is a better source of drinking water because it is poor in


485 - Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by:


486 - Ozone layer in the upper parts of the atmosphere serves as a protective shield against harmful

Solar ultraviolet radiation

487 - 'Bhopal gas tragedy' 1984 is related to which gas

Methyl isocyanate

488 - When a nutrient like fertilizer is present in large quantities in a water bodies, plants grow and decay in large numbers because of suffocation of pond that does not leave enough oxygen needed to support life. This type of pollution is called


489 - Which of the following is the correct sequence of countries in terms of maximum carbon dioxide emission?

China, USA, European Union, India

490 - Normal rainwater is slightly acidic due to the presence of

Carbon dioxide

491 - Global warming is mainly due to accumulation of

Carbon dioxide

492 - Main pollutants released from iron and steel industry are

CO, CO2 and SO2

493 - Which one of the following is a major green house gas?

Carbon dioxide

494 - The 'solid waste' is also known as


495 - Periodic table contains how many periods


496 - Which one is the lightest element in the periodic table


497 - Which one of the following is most electronegative?


498 - Periodic table contains how many groups


499 - Total number of elements in the Periodic table


500 - Synthetic detergents are prepared from

Hydrocarbons of petroleum

501 - What is a mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

Gun powder

502 - Iodex, a pain relief balm, has the smell of ________ .

Methyl salicylate

503 - Silver halides are used in photographic plates because they are

Reduced by light

504 - Who developed Hydrogen Bomb?

Edward Teller

505 - Bleaching powder is used in drinking water as a/an


506 - The process of removing calcium and magnesium from hard water is known as

Water softening

507 - Hard water and soft water can be distinguished by using


508 - Which method will be employed to test the hardness of water?

Formation of lather with soap

509 - The purest form of water is

Rain water

510 - The hardest form of carbon is


511 - The most important ore of aluminium is


512 - The organic reaction represented by equation CH3 - CH = O + H2NOH gives CH3 - CH - NH + H2O is an example of

a condensation reaction

513 - The number of electrons presents in H+ is


514 - The hottest part of the gas flame is known as

luminous zone

515 - Saccharin is made up of


516 - The compound to which H2 does not add is

Tetraphenyl ethylene

517 - Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer ?


518 - The pair of compounds used as anaesthetic in medicines :

Nitrous oxide, Chloroform

519 - Which of the following is used for refrigeration?


520 - L.P.G. is mostly liquefied


521 - Which one of the following is not coal variety?


522 - Which of the following is used to increase the anti-knocking property of petrol ?

Tetraethyl lead

523 - The quality of petrol is expressed in terms of

Octane number

524 - Which of the following type of coal has the lowest proportion of volatile matter ?


525 - A colloidal system in which a liquid is dispersed in a liquid is called


526 - Which is a natural colloid ?


527 - Suspension particles have the size between

10€“2 €“ 10€“4 cm

528 - Which of the following acts as best adsorbent?

Activated Coconut Charcoal

529 - Gelatin is mostly used in making ice-creams in order to

Stabilise the colloid and prevent crystallisation

530 - Which of the following compounds is commonly used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes and toothpastes ?

Sodium chloride

531 - Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with


532 - All the four quantum numbers of two electrons in an atom are not the same.' It is the law of €“

Exclusion Principle of Pauli

533 - Which of the following is not a donor atom?


534 - What happens when a chemical bond is formed ?

Energy is always absorbed

535 - Among the following the hardest metal is


536 - What material is used to make electric heater coil ?


537 - Among the following, which is always found in free-state in nature?


538 - Philosopher€™s Wool is

Zinc oxide

539 - Which of the following metals has least melting point ?


540 - Commercial nitric acid is coloured because it contains dissolved :

Nitrogen dioxide

541 - Choose the incorrect statement pertaining to organic compounds

They are not easily combustible

542 - The gas which emits from rice field is


543 - Ethylene is a ________ molecule.


544 - The next higher homologue of C6H14 is


545 - In an oxygen molecule, two atoms are united by

Two bonds

546 - How many electrons are there in a Hydrogen atom?


547 - The third shell of an atom can have a maximum of ______ electrons.


548 - Who developed the model of atomic structure ?

Bohr and Rutherford

549 - Which among the following is a covalent compound ?

Carbon tetrachloride

550 - Gold dissolves in

Aqua regia

551 - Nitric acid does not react with


552 - Nitrogen in water is commonly found in the form of


553 - Aquaregia is a mixture of the following in the ratio 1 : 3 by volume

Conc. HNO3 and conc. HCl

554 - One of the following is used to dissolve noble metals. That is

Aqua regia

555 - Aspirin is

Acetyl Salicilic acid

556 - Aspirin is common name of

Acetyl Salicylic Acid

557 - By-product obtained by soap industry is


558 - Chloroform can be used as


559 - Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because

It reduces the surface tension of solution

560 - Rusting of iron takes place due to


561 - Combustion of a candle is a/an

Exothermic reaction

562 - Which of the following is chiefly present in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) ?


563 - Candle is a mixture of

Paraffin was and stearic acid

564 - Coal is formed from

Compressed and hardened biomass

565 - Which one of the following forms of phosphorus is most reactive?

White phosphorus

566 - Limestone is a raw material used by which industry?


567 - The element absorbed both in cation and anion form is


568 - Cement containing excess amount of lime

Becomes more strong

569 - Commercially, sodium bicarbonate is known as

Baking soda

570 - All isotopes of the same element have ________

The same atomic number but different atomic masses

571 - The fundamental particles present in the nucleus of an atom are

Proton, neutron

572 - J.J. Thomson€™s proposed model of atom is generally called ________ model.

Plum and pudding

573 - What particles move around the nucleus of an atom and are negatively charged?


574 - All isotopes of the same element have ______________

The same atomic number but different atomic masses

575 - Mercury is a :

Liquid metal

576 - The lustre of the metals is because of

Reflection of light due to the presence of free electrons

577 - The non-metal found in the liquid state is


578 - Which among the following is liquid non-metal ?


579 - Metal are good conductors, because

They contain free electrons

580 - The element used in the manufacture of safety matches is


581 - This group of alumino-silicate minerals is widely used in making electrical insulators


582 - Commercial Vaseline is derived from


583 - Alum is used as

A purifier for water

584 - Antacid tablets consist of

Hydroxides of magnesium and aluminium

585 - The most important ore of lead is


586 - Steel contains

0.1 €“ 5% carbon

587 - Which is the purest commercial form of iron ?

Wrought iron

588 - The most abundant metal in the Earth€™s crust is


589 - The ore of Aluminium is


590 - Carbon monoxide is an inflammable gas. Which one of the following is also inflammable?


591 - When Hydrogen starts burning in air, it produces ?


592 - The gas which turns into liquid at the lowest temperature among the following is


593 - The gas that is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee is :


594 - Which one of the following metals does not react with water to produce Hydrogen ?


595 - The name of unreactive gas is


596 - The green colour seen in firework displays is due to the chloride salt of :


597 - In deep-sea diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and


598 - Now-a-days yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which of the following gases is used in these lamps ?


599 - Which of the following is not soluble in water ?

Zinc sulphate

600 - The material used in the manufacture of lead pencil is



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