Chemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation Mics 1

1 - The radioactive isotope of hydrogen is called___________?


2 - Electron was discovered by?

J.J Thomson

3 - Sodium carbonate is produced by____________?

Amonia solvay process

4 - Which of the following is a substance?


5 - Some substances are good conductor of electricity in both the solid and liquid states. These substances are generally______________?

metallic substances

6 - All of the following substances are crystalline except_____________?


7 - Covalent network crystals have_____________?

higher melting point then molecular crystals

8 - What is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate Powdered Charcoal and Sulphur called?

Gun Powder

9 - Diameter of an atom is in the order of________________?


10 - Mass spectrometer is used to determine Mass number of isotopes and___________________?

Relative abundance

11 - The number of peaks obtained in mass spectrometry shows____________________?

Number of isotopes

12 - Empirical formula of chloroform is____________________?


13 - Molecular mass of water (18g) means__________________?


14 - Which of the following statements about isotopes is correct ?

Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number are abundant

15 - The number of isotopes of elements with even mass number and even atomic number are ________________?


16 - Which of the following terms is not used for ionic compound ?

molecular formula

17 - moles of each aluminium and oxygen react with each other to produce aluminium oxide. The amount of product formed is______________________?

0.18 mole

18 - Which one of the following has the maximum number of isotopes ?


19 - 1 a.m.u =__________________?

1.6 x 10-27 kg

20 - Which of the following are isoelectronic species ?

F- Ne Na+

21 - Molecular ions are formed by passing______________________?

All of the above

22 - Which one is true about isotope ?

Same chemical properties

23 - Which of the following ion formation is always exothermic ?


24 - The sample of isotopes of an element which needs not to be vaporized in the vaporization chamer_________________?


25 - Avogadros number may represent_________________?

All of the above

26 - Size of molecule depends upon________________?

Both A and B

27 - Which of the following terms is used for the mass of chlorine 35.5 ?

relative atomic mass

28 - Which one of the following is not the mono isotopic element ?


29 - The mass of decimole of electrons (NA) is___________________?

0.054 mg

30 - Which of the following statements is wrong about isotopes ?

they possess different position in the periodic table

31 - Qualitative analysis is carried out for _________________?

identification of elements

32 - Combustion analysis is performed to determine__________________?

Empirical formula

33 - Isotopes differ in_________________?

properties which depend upon mass

34 - Which of the following methods is used to estimate hydrogen in an organic compound ?

Combustion method

35 - The nucleus of an atom of every element will always contain____________________?


36 - When 0.5 mole of phosphoric acid is dissolved in aqueous solution how many moles of -ve and +ve ions are collected altogether ?


37 - Dempsters mass spectrometer has number of zones / parts_________________?


38 - All the following variables are used to describle gases except__________________?


39 - Methyl alcohol is not used as___________________?

a substitute for petrol

40 - Oxygen (molecular weight = 32) diffuses at a rate of 10cm3/min under the same conditions of temperature and pressure how fast will hydrogen (molecular weight = 2) diffuse ?


41 - As a substance moves from a solid to a liquid all of the following changes occur except ?

K.E of the molecules decreases

42 - The rectified spirit is________________?

95% alcohol

43 - Which of the following solids show anisotropy___________________?

None of the above

44 - Butyl chloride gives possible isomers ?


45 - Metallic crystals are soluble in________________?

Fused metal

46 - Paramagnetic behaviour of substance is measured by a balance called___________________?

Guoys balance

47 - Which of the following properties prove that cathode rays are material in nature_________________?

they possess momentum

48 - When an electron is moving with velocity of 2.188 x 106 ms-1 in the first orbit of Bohrs model of hydrogen. The de Broglie wavelength of electron is______________?

0.33 nm

49 - 1 mole of electron has mass in microgram_________________?

5.5 x 10-4

50 - The use of antifreeze in the automobile radiator is an important application of__________________?

colligative property

51 - At which electrode the reduction of the solution is occurring in Al-Ag cell_____________?


52 - In which of the following type of reactions energy of reactant is greater than energy of product________________?


53 - Which of following metals can be displaced by all other metals from its solution ?


54 - Which of the elements do not fall in stair case of the modern periodic table__________________?

None of the above

55 - Across short period the melting and boiling point increase upto __________________?

IVA group

56 - Which of the following is the formula of chrome red ?

Pb3 O4

57 - Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its___________________?

Secondary structure

58 - In the van der Waals equation (P + n2a / v2) (v - nb) = nRT which of the following statement is not true ?

at high densities the equation reduces to the ideal gas law

59 - The inhaled breath of diabetics patient contain acetone. A medical student wishes to test for diabetes by asking patient to bubble their breath through a reagent ?

alkaline aquenous iodine

60 - When aquious bromine is added to aqueous phenol a creamy white ppt is obtained. What does this reaction show ?

a hydroxy group makes the benzene ring more susceptible to electrophilic attack

61 - If a graph is plotted between temperature on x-axis and volume on y-axis for 1 mole of gas then we get straight line which cuts the temperature exis at________________?


62 - Benzene is a good solvent for__________________?

all the above

63 - Which of the following element doesnot show allotropy_________________?


64 - Purines and pyrimidines are_________________?

Nitrogenous bases

65 - All the transition elements show_________________?


66 - In solids the temperature is the measure of__________________?

Vibrational kinetic energy

67 - Fruit juices and fizzy drinks such as lemonade are often sold in aluminium cans. What is the most important reason aluminium is a suitable metal ?

aluminium is resistant to corrosion by organic acids.

68 - On heating aldehydes with Fehlings solution we get a precipitate whose colour is_________________?

brick red

69 - What is maximum number of electrons in an orbital with m (magnetic quantum number) = 3 ?


70 - Which catalyst is used in contact process ?


71 - Which of the following elements has greater 1st ionization energy__________________?


72 - Which of the following molecule is polar__________________?

none of the above

73 - Which of the following points are important in connection with equilibrium constant ?

All of the above

74 - Solubility of CaF2 is 2.0×10-4 gdm-3 then Ksp of CaF2 is_______________?

3.2 x 10-11

75 - The unit of molality is__________________?

moles kg-1

76 - A solution can be both____________________?

dilute and concentrated

77 - Consider the following redox reaction. Zn+dil HNO3? Zn (NO3)2 + N2O + H2O The coefficient number of HNO3 in the equation is__________________?


78 - Which of the following elements react with steam to produce H2 gas?

All of the above

79 - The unit of the rate constant (k) is same as that of rate of reaction________________?

Zero order reaction

80 - Acid present in acid rain may be_________________?

both A and B

81 - Which of the following elements conduct electricity and also melts below 100°C ?


82 - The compound which is added to leaded gasoline to save engine from lead oxide and lead sulphate deposits is__________________?

Ethylene bromide

83 - Isotopes differs in______________________?

chemical properties

84 - The volume occupied by 1.4g CO at S.T.P is___________________?

1.12 dm3

85 - Water absorber used in combustion analysis is___________________?

Mg (CIO4)2

86 - The type of filtering media used for filtration depending upon____________________?

Nature of precipitate

87 - A method of separation of components from its solution using Distribution law is ___________________?

Solvent extraction

88 - Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in empty container at 250?(C) The fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen is___________________?

one / three

89 - The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form__________________?

Molecular crystal

90 - Only London dispersion forces are present among the_________________?

Molecules of solid iodine

91 - Quantum number values for 3p orbitals are____________________?

n=3 l=1

92 - Which specie has unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals_______________?


93 - For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (qp) and at constant volume (qv) are related to each other as___________________?

qp > qv

94 - Solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 x 10-10 mol2 dm-6. Maximum Concentration of Ag+1 ions in the solution is__________________?

1.414 x 10-5 mol dm-3

95 - Which of the following solution has the highest boiling point ?

5.85% NaCl Solution

96 - Which of the following can be used in laptops ?

Nickel cadmium cell

97 - Which is the unit of (K) rate constant for zero order reaction ?

mol dm-3 s-1

98 - Ethy1 chloride on reduction in the presence of Zn/HCI produces___________________?


99 - For industrial preparation of CH3CHO catalytic promoter is_________________?


100 - Which of the following is not a fatty acid ?

Phthalic acid

101 - Which one of the following fertilizers provides the nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant ?


102 - Chlorination of water may be harmful if the water contains_________________?

Carbon dioxide

103 - The mass of one mole of electron is________________?


104 - The number of atoms in a molecule determines________________?


105 - Which element has same isotopes like palladium___________________?


106 - A limiting reactant is one which________________?

gives the minimum amount of the product under consideration

107 - A safe and more reliable method for drying the crystal is__________________?

Vacuum desiccator

108 - A real gas obeying vander waals equation will resemble the ideal gas if_______________________?

Both a and b are small

109 - Plasma is used in_________________?

All of these

110 - Which of the following is pseudo solid_____________________?


111 - Bohrs model is contradicted by__________________?

Heisenbergs uncertainty principle

112 - Atomic radius can be determined by_________________?

X - ray diffraction

113 - For which system does the equilibrium constant Kc has unit of (concentration)-1__________________?

2NO2 N2H4

114 - 18g glucose is dissolved in 90g water the relative lowering in vapour pressure is equal to ___________________?

one/fifty one

115 - Stronger is the oxidizing agent greater is the___________________?

standard reduction potential

116 - Which is true about Zn-Cu galvanic cell ?

Anode is negatively charged

117 - Nitrates of which pair gives different products on thermal decomposition___________________?

Li Na

118 - Keeping in view the size of atom which is in correct order___________________?

Ba > Mg

119 - Which one is not the use of silicones________________________?


120 - Chemical composition of cinnabar is____________________?


121 - When chlorine is passed through hot solution of caustic soda the reaction is said as___________________?

Disproportionation reaction

122 - In the complex [Cr(OH)3(H2O)3] the coordination number is __________________?


123 - A great variety of the organic compounds is due to its property of carbon_________________?

Exhibit catenation

124 - Vinyl acetylene combines with hydrochloric acid produces___________________?


125 - When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight the first major product is__________________?

Benzy1 chloride

126 - Which one of the following is not a good leaving group ?


127 - The process of fermentation involves all the enzymes except__________________?


128 - Which one does not exhibit aldol condensation___________________?


129 - The common name of propane -1 3-dioic acid is____________________?

Malonic acid

130 - Industrial materials thermal power stations are coated with__________________?

Epoxy paints

131 - Main source of organic compounds is__________________?


132 - Hydro carbons which burn with smoky flame are called_________________?


133 - Octane number 2 2 4-trimethyl pentane is__________________?


134 - Geometric isomerism is usually found in___________________?


135 - Organic compounds that are essentially nonpolar and exhibit weak intermolecular forces have________________?

Low melting points

136 - According to vital force theory_______________?

organic compounds cannot be synthesized from inorganic compounds

137 - A double bond consists of __________________?

One sigma and one Pi bonds

138 - Chemical properties of first member of homologous series with respect to other members are_________________?


139 - Compounds having same molecular formula but differ in structural formula are called __________________?


140 - Organic compounds are soluble in ____________________?

non-polar solvent

141 - Methane is used in power generation in chemical industries being a__________________?


142 - The precess in which larger molecule with higher molecular weight breaks down into smaller moleucles with lower molecular weight____________________?


143 - The metallic sound produced by engine due to the pre-ignition of fuel is called _______________?


144 - Which of the following can be used as anti-knocking agent ?

(C2H5)4 Pb

145 - Isomerism which is present only in alkene is__________________?

cis-trans isomerism

146 - Compound containing benzene ring in their structure are __________________?


147 - Which of the following is an amide________________?


148 - Only sigma bonds are present in__________________?

ethoxy ethane

149 - The structure of ethyne is_________________?


150 - The general formula of cycloalkene is __________________?


151 - C5H12 has the number of isomers ___________________?


152 - Octane number can be improved by________________?


153 - Octane number 2 2 4-trimethyl pentane is________________?


154 - Propene can exhibit________________?

none of the above

155 - Pentane and 2-methyl butance have the same_______________?

Percentage composition

156 - The first organic compound was synthesized in laboratory by_________________?


157 - First organic compound synthesized in laboratory was _________________?


158 - The property of carbon chain formation is called _________________?


159 - The organic compounds having very high molecular weight are called _________________?


160 - Rate of reactions of most organic compounds are____________________?


161 - Coal is produced after a long time decay of_________________?


162 - Crude oil is blackish coloured liquid produced after the decay of organic matter present between_________________?

sedimentary rocks

163 - At low temperature and pressure cracking can be done in presence of catalyst________________?

Al2O3 and SiO2

164 - Which one of the following compounds shows intense knocking ?


165 - Ether functional group can be represented as ____________________?


166 - A single atom or group of atoms which gives characteristic properties to a compound is called_________________?

functional group

167 - 2-propanol and 1-propanol show the isomerism________________?

position isomerism

168 - In sp3 hybridization the expected geometry of molecules will be__________________?


169 - In cyano group the carbon atom shows which kind of hybridization___________________?


170 - the fractional distillation of petroleum produces gasoline up to ________________?


171 - Which is not heterocyclic compound _______________?


172 - Which one is not state function ________________?


173 - If internal energy of the system is increased ____________________?


174 - A reaction has values of ?H and ?S which are both positive. The reaction __________________?

Is non-spontaneous

175 - The environment in which a system is studied is __________________?


176 - Anything which depends upon initial and final state of a system is_______________?

state function

177 - Reaction in which heat evolves is called ____________________?


178 - Pumping of water uphill is_______________?

non-spontaneous process

179 - Which one of the following is a state function ________________?

all of the above

180 - Enthalpy of a reaction can be measured by ____________________?

glass calorimeter

181 - Most of thermodynamic parameters are_________________?

state functions

182 - Two fundamental ways to transfer energy are________________?

heat and work

183 - Enthalpy change can be_________________?

both A and B

184 - Enthalpy of combustion for food fuel and other compounds can be measured accurately by________________?

bomb calorimeter

185 - When enthalpy of reactants is higher than product then reaction will be_________________?


186 - State function the macroscopic property of system depends upon________________?

initial and final state

187 - CuSO4 + Zn?ZnSO4+Cu is___________________?

Spontaneous reaction

188 - Total energy of a system is_________________?

P.E + K.E

189 - Unit of heat in SI system is________________?


190 - ________________ is study about energy of a chemical system ?


191 - Which of the following has strongest intermolecular forces of attraction ?

lodine (I2)

192 - When substance moves from a solid to a liquid state all of the following changes occur except__________________?

K.E of the molecules decreases

193 - In order to mention the boiling point of water at 110°C the external pressure should be ?

Between 760 torr and 1200 torr

194 - Vapour pressure of water at 100°C is___________________?

760 mm Hg

195 - Liquid crystal is discovered by __________________?

Fredrack Reinitzer

196 - Hydrogen bonding is involved in____________________?


197 - Forces of attraction which may be present between all kinds of atoms and molecules are _____________________?

van der Waal

198 - The quantity of heat required to convert one mole of liquid into its vapours at its boiling point is called molar heat of__________________?


199 - Water has maximum density at __________________?

4 °C

200 - Formation of vapours from the surface of a liquid is called________________?


201 - The ttractive forces between the partial positive end of one molecule and partial negative end of other molecule are called________________?

Dipole-dipole forces

202 - Vapour pressure is not affected by_______________?

Surface area

203 - Table salt crystallizes with a______________________?

body centered cubic lattice

204 - During which process empty spaces between particles become minimum ?


205 - Which one of the following has highest volatility_________________?

Diethyl ether

206 - If we provide very high amount of heat to a liquid its boiling point will__________________?

remains constant

207 - A solid may be made up of_________________?

A, B, and C

208 - Amorphous substances posses_________________?

No sharp melting points

209 - Boiling points of hydrocarbons increase with the increase in number of carbon atoms. It is mainly due to_________________?

More strength of London forces

210 - The phenomenon in which a compound exists in two or more crystalline forms is called ________________?


211 - Bucky balls is an allotropic from of__________________?


212 - Isomorphic substances have _______________?

Different physical and chemical properties

213 - The pressure during the molar heat of fusion is kept________________?

one atmosphere

214 - All the enthalpy changes are________________?

May or may not be A or B

215 - Which has strongest bonding in the solid state ?

Sodium Chloride (NaCI)

216 - When the atoms of third layer are arranged in such a way that they directly lie above the atoms of first layer then this arrangement is called_________________?

ABAB (hexagonal)

217 - Which one is false for evaporation ?


218 - Which one of the following does not show hydrogen bonding?

Diethyl ether

219 - Which one is a conductor but is not malleable ?


220 - The density of water may be__________________?

Greater than that of ice

221 - Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling water because it possesses _________________?

Latent heat of vaporization

222 - The conversion of vapours back into their liquid state is called__________________?


223 - When water freezes at 0°C its density decreases due to_______________?

Empty space present in the structure of ice

224 - The boiling point increases down the zero group element due to_________________?

London forces

225 - Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to__________________?

Adhesive forces

226 - The number of formula units in 29.25g of common salt_________________?

3.01 x 1023

227 - Liquid gets the shape of the container when it is poured into it. Which one of the following reasons justifies it ?

Liquid molecules can slide over each other

228 - Molar heat of vaporization of water is_________________?

40.7 KJ/mole

229 - Crystallites are present in_________________?

amorphous solids

230 - A malleable solid is one which can be_________________?

Converted into thin sheets

231 - Crystalline solids can be identified easily from their ___________________?

Sharp melting point

232 - The viscosity of solids is________________?


233 - Which solids are called true solids _______________?


234 - The number amino acid units for each turn of helix on average are____________________?


235 - If a physical and chemical change takes place at a constant pressure then the heat change during the process is called__________________?

Enthalpy change

236 - The amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a liquid is changed into gas at its boiling point is_____________________?

Molar heat of vapourization

237 - All of the following were theorized by Bohr in his description of the atom except__________________?

Electrons radiate energy continuously in a given orbit.

238 - The magnetic quantum number (QN) has its values determined directly by the value of_______________?

Azimuthal (QN)

239 - The maximum number of electron in a sub shell with ? = 3fs______________?


240 - When an atom absorbs energy the lines in the spectrum will appear which are_________________?


241 - Which one is not true about cathode rays ?

Cannot ionize

242 - Rutherfords planet like structure was defective and unsatisfactory because_________________?


243 - Splitting of spectral lines when atom is subjected to magnetic field is called _______________?

Zeemans effect

244 - Which one of the following explain the shape of orbitals _________________?

Azimuthal quantum number

245 - Pressure in gas discharge tube was kept________________?

0.01 torr

246 - Angle of deflection was studied by________________?


247 - Positive rays give flash on________________?


248 - The value of e/m ratio of electron is________________?

1.7588 x 1011 C/kg

249 - Planks theory says energy is emitted__________________?

Discontinuous manner

250 - 2nd orbit is ___________ away from nucleus of H-atom as compared to 1st orbit is ?


251 - The correct electronic configuration of Cu is ___________________?


252 - Atomic orbits having same energy are called________________?

Degenerate orbitals

253 - When electrons collide with heavy metals than ___________ are produced?


254 - Atom with higher atomic number produces X-rays of__________________?

Shorter wavelength

255 - Space around nucleus where finding probability of electrons is maximum is called ____________________?


256 - Electronic configuration of K is_________________?


257 - Milikan used ______________ in his atomizer?


258 - Spectrum is produced due to________________?

Different wavelength

259 - When electron jump into orbit 1 then series obtained is___________________?


260 - Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric filed is called_________________?

Stark effect

261 - Three quantum number have been derived from equation of____________________?


262 - The letters s p d and f are used to represent which quantum numbers________________?


263 - The atomic number of an element having maximum number of unpaired electrons in p-subshell is_______________?


264 - Colour of fluorescene produced by cathode rays depends upon________________?

Composition of glass

265 - Positive rays are produced__________________?

By the bombardment of cathode rays on gas molecules

266 - The relationship between energy of a photon of light and its frequency is given by________________?

Plancks Quantum theory

267 - The velocity of the photon____________________?

Is independent of wavelength

268 - Atom cannot be divided into simple unitstheorized by________________?


269 - The number of fundamental particles in an atom of the lightest isotope carbon are_______________?


270 - Increase in atomic number is observed during_________________?

Beta emission

271 - Free neutron changes into proton with the emission of__________________?

Both A & B

272 - Charge of electron was measured by__________________?


273 - Rutherford bombarded _________________ particles in discovery of nucleus?


274 - The maximum number of orbitals present in a subshell that is represented by Azimuthal quantum number = 3 will be________________?


275 - Pfund series are produced in the spectrum of hydrogen atom__________________?

when electrons jump down to 5th- orbit

276 - Sommerfelds modification in Bohrs model is_______________?

Orbit is elliptical

277 - Wavelength of electron was verified by_________________?

Davisson and Germer

278 - Quantum number which tells the energy of electron is________________?


279 - _______________ can expel proteons from paraffins ?


280 - Centrifugal forces are balanced in atom by__________________?

Attractive forces

281 - When 6d orbital is complete the entering electron goes into_________________?


282 - Neutrons moving with an energy of 1.2 MeV are called_______________?

Fast neutrons

283 - Which of the following way in used for classification of chromatography ?


284 - Which of the following technique is used for the separation of insoluble particles from liquids ?


285 - Fluted filter paper is used to__________________?

Increase the rate of filtration

286 - A substance having very high vapour pressure at its melting point on heating will show_______________?


287 - A technique of partition chromatography in which the solvent is in a pool at the bottom of container_______________?

Ascending chromatography

288 - Branch of chemistry that deals with the complete qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance is___________________?

Analytical chemistry

289 - Estimation of amounts of different components in a sample is________________?

Quantitative analysis

290 - The solid which is left over the filter paper as a result of filtration_________________?


291 - Gooch Crucibles are made up of________________?


292 - Sintered crucible is made up of________________?


293 - Separation of a solid from its hot saturated solution by cooling is called__________________?


294 - Which of the following technique is simple and efficient to purify a substance____________________?

Solvent extraction

295 - 95% ethanol is called_________________?

rectified spirit

296 - Ratio of the amount of solute in organic and aqueous solvent is________________?

Distribution co-efficient

297 - Animal charcoal adsorbs the coloured_________________?


298 - Crystallization does not involve_______________?


299 - In CCI4 I2 shows________________?

Purple colour

300 - Direct conversion of solids into vapours is called ___________________?


301 - Without suction pump filtration is __________________?

Slow process

302 - The use of CaCl2 and PCl5 in the process of crystallization is as a____________________?

drying agent

303 - In solvent extraction ether is used to separate products of organic synthesis from________________?


304 - In crystallization if the solvent is inflammable then direct heating is________________?


305 - Rate of filtration can be increased by applying gentle suction______________?

Filter paper

306 - Size of filter paper is selected according to the amount of__________________?

amount of insoluble solute

307 - The tip of funnel should touch the wall of the breaker in order to avoid____________________?


308 - The technique used to separate components of mixture in solid phase ?


309 - Identification of the components of a sample is_________________?

Qualitative analysis

310 - Different components of a mixture have different Rf values due to________________?

Their different distribution coefficients in the solvent

311 - A process controlled by Distributive law is__________________?

Solvent extraction

312 - Safe and the most reliable method of drying crystals is through_________________?

Vacuum desiccators

313 - Silica gel and alumina are used as __________________?

Stationary phase

314 - The solvent or mixture of solvents used for separation of compounds is called____________________?

Mobile phase

315 - Sintered glass is a porous material used for ___________________?


316 - Which is not related pair of term used in analytical techniques________________?

Sublimate sublimation

317 - The major steps involved in complete quantitative analysis are _________________?


318 - Selection of filter paper depends on size of particles to be________________?


319 - Which is not a sublime material_______________?

Potash alum

320 - Shaking two immiscible liquids increases_________________?

Area of contact

321 - The ionization energy__________________?

Generally increases from left to right in a period

322 - Which type of bond is formed by overlap of p orbitals _______________?


323 - The octet rule does not always hold for which of the following elements _________________?


324 - Which of the following is the best explanation that CO2 is non polar molecule __________________?

Dipole moment is zero

325 - Which one is not the absolute term of the element _________________ ?

Electro negativity

326 - In O2 each oxygen atom is hybridized_________________?


327 - Measurement of the degree of polarity is___________________?

Dipole moment

328 - A specie with maximum number of unpaired electrons ?


329 - Force responsible to hold atoms together in a compound is called ________________?


330 - In a period the atomic radius ?


331 - Energy required to remove electron from an atom______________?

Ionization potential

332 - Greater shielding effect corresponds to ionization energy value___________________?


333 - Energy released or absorbed when electrons are added in atom is_________________?

Electron affinity

334 - Elements of group IA IIA are _________________?


335 - Mostly ionic compound are produced in between elements of_________________?


336 - The Lewis acids are__________________?

Electron deficient

337 - The geometry of ammonia is___________________?

Trigonal Pyramidal

338 - By combining n atmic orbitals no. of hybrid orbitals will be__________________?


339 - Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybrid orbital is ___________________?


340 - Pi bonds are produced by overlapping of__________________?

Un-hybrid orbitals

341 - Molecular orbital which have higher energy than atomic orbitals is called___________________?

Antibonding molecular orbital

342 - Bond order for N2 molecule is __________________?


343 - Unit of dipole moment is_________________?


344 - The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electrons in a chemical bond is called _________________?

Electro negativity

345 - Which of the following will have highest value of electron affinity_________________?


346 - Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond________________?


347 - Shielding effect across the period ________________?


348 - Which one has maximum number of unpaired electrons ?


349 - Molecular orbitals are filled according to _________________?

All these

350 - Which one shows high %age of the ionic character ?


351 - Which of the following have their outer most shell complete in atomic form ?

Noble gases

352 - Energy of atom in compound is___________________?

Lesser than individual

353 - An atom loses or gains electrons to__________________?

all are accurate justifications

354 - In a group ionic radius ?


355 - Ionization energy in a period generally ___________________?


356 - Elements having high I.P values are____________________?

Non metals

357 - In a period electronegativity from left to right_________________?


358 - Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of ________________ ?


359 - Bond will beionic when E.N difference of bonded atom is ____________________?

Greater than 1.7

360 - Which one of the following has polar covalent bond ?


361 - Sharing of 1 electron pair by one specie forms_________________?

Coordinate covalent bond

362 - Orbitals of same energy produced after mixing of orbitals of different energy are called __________________?

Degenerate orbitals

363 - Geometry of molecule will be pyramidal if the outer post shell of the central atom has___________________?

3 bond pair one lone pair

364 - According to VESPR Model the geometry of molecule having 5 bond pair in outer most shell will be __________________?

Trigonal bipyramidal

365 - Unpaired electron in a molecule gives ______________ character ?


366 - Product of charge and distance is called__________________?

Dipole moment

367 - on sp3 hybridization ________________?

One s and 3 p-orbitals are involved

368 - Which state of matter has the lowest density ?


369 - The solid particles only posses_____________________?

Vibrational motion

370 - If 1/V is plotted on X-axis and pressure on Y-axis at constant temperature what should appear ________________?

Straight line

371 - One mole of an ideal gas at 546.5 K under 2 atm pressure has a volume of________________?

22.414 dm3

372 - Which one is not the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs ?

1 atm

373 - The kinetic molecular theory of gases was put forward in 1738 by _____________________?


374 - Hydrogen effuses four times more rapidly than volume of an unknown gas molar mass of unknown gas should be_______________?

32 gmol-1

375 - The processes of effusion and diffusion are best understand by________________?

Grahams law

376 - The non-ideal behaviour results chiefly from________________?

Intermolecular attractions and finite volume

377 - Linds method is employed for__________________?

Liquefaction of gases

378 - Which of these gases diffuse more quickly than oxygen ?


379 - The weakest (in strength) of the following intermolecular forces is_______________?

Vander Waals force

380 - Which of the following statements is true about plasma________________?

All of the above

381 - 0.5 mole of nitrogen gas and 0.5 mole of carbon monoxide gas at STP have same_____________?

Both B and C

382 - Which of the following option is incorrect about gases ?

All molecules move with same speed

383 - In how many forms do matter exists ?


384 - What is the abundant form of matter on earth ?


385 - For a gas where volume and pressures are 1dm3 and 2 atm respectively what should be its new volume when pressure is increased to 6 atm at constant temperature ?


386 - Which one is the right value for R ?

0.0821 atm dm3k-1mol-

387 - The partial pressure exerted by the water vapours is called_______________?

Aqueous tension

388 - The spreading of fragrance or scent in air is due to_______________?


389 - The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid is called its______________?

Critical temperature

390 - What do we call to sudden expansion of plasma ?

Joule Thompson effect

391 - What will be the pressure of 1 mole of an ideal gas maintained at 300 K and 250cm3 volume ?

98.5 atm

392 - Who made volume and pressure correction to explain deviation of gases from ideal behaviour ?

Vander waal

393 - The gases become non-ideal at ________________?

Low temperature and high pressure

394 - The pH of 10-3 mol dm-3 of an aqueous solution of H2SO4 is_________________?


395 - If a buffer solution of higher pH than seven is to be made we use___________________?

Weak acid and its salt with strong base

396 - AgCl dissolved with conc (2×10-2) Ksp will be__________________?

4 x 10-4

397 - Which of the following will not change the concentration of ammonia at the equilibrium ?

Addition of catalyst

398 - For a reaction involving only gases at 25?C the equilibrium constant can be expressed in terms of molarity Ke or partial pressure Kp. Which is true about the numerical value of Kp ?

Kc is equal to Kp if the total moles of reactants and products are equal

399 - Which one of the following aqueous solutions will be basic ?


400 - Reaction which proceeds in both directions is called_______________?


401 - Conversion of reactant into product in unit time is called________________?

rate of forward reaction

402 - Unit of Kc is_______________?

Kc may or may not have units

403 - Rate expression for ammonia synthesis is___________________?


404 - Catalyst used to speed up the reaction of ammonia synthesis is________________________?

Pieces of Fe crystals are embedded in fused mixture of MgO Al2O3 and SiO2

405 - By the addition of base in waterpH will be_______________?

more than 7

406 - Negative log of mular concentration of H+ ions is called___________________?


407 - Any substance which accepts H+ is base favours the concept___________________?


408 - When sparingly soluble salt is in equilibrium with molar concentration of its oppositely charged ion when the product is called_________________?

solubility product

409 - Addition of CH3COOH and CH3COONa gives in water_______________?

both B & C

410 - Solubility of any salt can be determined from_______________?


411 - By decreasing the pressure the reaction will go to that direction where_________________?

volume increased

412 - Equilibrium state is achieved quickly by the addition of ________________?


413 - Which one of the following is a buffer solution ?


414 - Solution having the property of a very little change in pH on adding a small amount of strong acid or base is called________________?

buffer solution

415 - Conjugated base of a weak acid is_________________?


416 - Kc value has_______________?

Both A & B

417 - Sodium benzoate and benzoic acid are mixed in equimolar ration to form buffer if pKa is 2 what will be the pH ?


418 - In which of the following equilibria will Kc and Kp have the same value ?

N2 + O2 = 2NO

419 - Which of following is not a base______________?


420 - Which set of solutes will form a buffer when dissolved in water to make 1 litter of solution ?

0.4 mole of NH3 with 0.2 mole of HCI

421 - Chemical equilibrium state is_______________?

dynamic state

422 - At start of reaction the concentration of reactants is_______________?


423 - In case of gases Kc is replaced by_______________?


424 - When the value of Kc is very small then_______________________?

product conc. Is maximum

425 - Idea of pH and pOH was put forward by________________?


426 - Ka<10-3 means______________?

Very weak acid

427 - Which of the following is a macro nutrient ?


428 - Three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants are_________________?


429 - Residence time of methane in the atmosphere is___________________?

3 - 7 years

430 - Hypochlorous acid is used for disinfecting the water it reacts with the dissolved ammonia producing___________________?

all of the above

431 - Acid present in acid rain may be__________________?

both A and B

432 - Which of the following is not a condition for the formation of smog ?


433 - In which of the following layer of atmosphere there is more thickness of ozone layer ?


434 - Which of the following air pollutants is more dangerous for ozone layer ?


435 - Which statement is wrong ?

the amount of ozone layer is greater in the region close to the equator

436 - In the purification of portable water the coagulant used is_________________?


437 - Newspaper can be recycled again and again how many times ?


438 - The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the waste water is____________________?

chromium IV

439 - Which substance can be used for disinfecting water ?


440 - Which one of the following makes the bulk of hydrospheres content ?


441 - The percentage of suspended solid waste in raw water is removed by coagulation is__________________?


442 - The main product of bacterial action is_________________?


443 - Pollutants have adverse effect over_________________?


444 - Which of the following is not a heavy industry ?


445 - Requirement of macronutrient per acre of the land is_________________?

5 to 200 kg

446 - Which of the following is not a secondary pollutant_________________?

carbon dioxide

447 - Major cause of SO2 on global scale is__________________?


448 - The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to presence of__________________?

nitrogen dioxide

449 - Which of the following is not primary pollutant__________________?


450 - Which of the following gases is the main cause of acid rain ?


451 - Which of the following factors help to measure quallity of water ?

all of the above

452 - A single chlorine free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules ?


453 - Chlorination of water may be harmful if the water contains_________________?


454 - Which of the following is used as water disinfectant to avoid the formation of toxic compounds_________________?

both B & C

455 - Ozone hole is substantial depletion of ozone in every year during__________________?

Sep - Nov

456 - Which of the following solutions of H2SO4 is more concentrated ?

1 Molar solution

457 - Which of the following is an example of liquid in gas solution?


458 - Which of the following are the conditions of colligative properties_______________?

All of the above

459 - When common salt is dissolved in water ?

Boiling point of water increase

460 - Homogeneous mixture of two or more than two compounds is called__________________?


461 - Solution with maximum concentration of solute at given temperature is called________________?

saturated solution

462 - Number of moles in 1 kg of solvent is called_________________?


463 - In partially miscible liquids the two layers are___________________?

saturated solutions of each liquid

464 - The relative lowering of vapour pressure is_____________________?

both B & C

465 - Mixtures which distill over without change in composition called___________________?

azeotropic mixture

466 - Solubility of KCIO3 gives__________________?

continuous and rising solubility curve

467 - Boiling point elevations can be measured by__________________?

Landsbergers method

468 - The compounds in which water molecules are added are called_______________?


469 - Solution of Na2SO4 will be_________________?


470 - 1 molar solution of glucose in water contains weight of glucose________________?


471 - Water of crystallization can be removed by________________?


472 - Which one of the following salt does not hydrolyzed________________?


473 - Which of the following unit of concentration is independent of temperature ?


474 - The molal boiling point constant is the ration of the elevation of boiling point to____________________?


475 - Which has the minimum freezing point ?

One molal CaCI2

476 - Which of the following substance do not show continuous solubility curve ?

Na2SO4. 10H2O

477 - Every sample of matter with uniform properties and fixed composition is called_________________?


478 - The component of solution which is in smaller amount is called_________________?


479 - 10ml of alcohol dissolve in 90ml of water unit of concentration used is________________?

% v/v

480 - 58.5g of of NaCl per 1 dm3 of solution of NaCl in water the concentration of solution will be___________________?

1 M

481 - If the volume of solution is equal to sum of volumes of its all components then the solution_____________?

will be an ideal solution

482 - The solution which distils over with change in composition________________?

zeotropic solution

483 - Concentration of solute molecule when they are in equilibrium with solid substance at particular temperature is called________________?


484 - The determination of correct molecular weight from Raoults law is applicable to_________________?

non volatile solute in a dilute solution

485 - Beckmanns apparatus is used to measure_______________?

depression in freezing point

486 - Hydration is a process in which_________________?

Both ions and molecules are surrounded by water molecules

487 - ppm means________________?

parts of solute in one million parts of solution

488 - The relative lowering of vapour pressure is directly proportional to molality if the solution is________________?


489 - If electricity is passed through CuSO4 solution by using Pt electrode then which of the following possible change occurs ?

Colour of the solution becomes fade

490 - Which has maximum oxidation number ?


491 - In an electrolytic cell current flows ?

From anode to cathode outside the cell

492 - In a galvanic cell________________?

Chemical energy is converted into electricity

493 - Molten NaCl conducts electricity due to the presence of_______________?

Free ions

494 - Electricity in voltaic cell is produced due to_________________?

both B & C

495 - In electrolytic cell electricity carries________________?

non-wpontaneous reaction

496 - In Galvanic cell electrons flow from anode to cathode through__________________?

external electric circuit

497 - For the measurement of standard electrode potential Zn is dipped in________________?

1 M ZnSO4 solution

498 - Voltaic cell can be recharged by______________?

by replacing external circuit with external source of electricity

499 - H2 gas in SHE is filled at pressure of___________________?

760mm of Hg

500 - Chemical used in salt bridge is________________?


501 - List of elements based on hydrogen scale is called________________?

electrochemical series

502 - In galvanic cell Zn acts as an anode so its value of standard reduction potential in comparison to coupled electrode would be________________?


503 - Greater value of standard reduction potential smaller will be tendency______________?

to form positive ions

504 - Lead accumulators are_______________?

both A & C

505 - Capacity of one lead accumulator cell is___________________?

2 volts

506 - The strength of solution of an element whose electrode potential is to be measured is________________?


507 - Voltaic cell is a_________________?

all of the above

508 - Percentage of sulfuric acid in lead accumulator is__________________?


509 - The half cells are interconnected through________________?

salt bridge

510 - Which of the following element act as inert electrode________________?


511 - Stronger the oxidizing agent greater is the________________?

Reduction potential

512 - Which of the following cell is not rechargeable ?

Silver oxide cell

513 - Which of the following is true in the case of Zn-Cu cell ?

Zinc acts as an anode and copper as cathode

514 - The degree of dissociation of week electrolyte increases as________________?

Dilution increases

515 - In electrolytic solution conductance of electricity is due to _____________________?


516 - Reaction at anode is called________________?


517 - Decrease in oxidation number is called__________________?


518 - Right half cell contains _____________ electrode?


519 - Salt bridge transfers_______________?


520 - E0red of an element cab be calculated by comparing it with _____________________?


521 - Potential of SHE is considered as__________________?


522 - Electrode potential of Zn is__________________?

depends on the nature of the coupled electrode

523 - The element that act as anode always have ______________ position in electrochemical cell?


524 - Greater value of standard reduction potential greater will be tendency__________________?

both B and C

525 - Secondary cell is_____________________?


526 - Density of H2SO4 in lead accumulator is__________________?


527 - In alkaline battery the anode is made up of______________________?


528 - Apparent charge on atom in molecule is___________________?

oxidation number

529 - In K2Cr2O7 the oxidation number of chromium is____________________?


530 - The reduction potential Zn is_________________?


531 - Coordination number of the transition element in [Pt Cl NO2 (NH3)4]2- is____________________?


532 - The oxidation number of central metal atom in [Ni(CO)4] is_________________?


533 - Group VIB of transition elements contains___________________?

Cr Mo W

534 - The leements in which d or f orbitals are in the process of completion are__________________?

transition elements

535 - The melting points and boiling points upto meddle of 3d- series ____________________?


536 - Pure metal__________________?

does not corrode easily

537 - The correct electronic configuration of Cr is____________________?


538 - The oxidation state of transition elements is usually _______________________?


539 - Non-stoichiometric compounds of transition elements are called___________________?

interstitial compounds

540 - The specie which donates electrons to central metal atom in coordination sphere is called____________________?

Ligand is positively charged

541 - Which of the following can form a chealate______________________?


542 - The compound or complex ion which has a ring in its structure__________________?


543 - Geometry of the complex compounds usually depends upon __________________?

hybridization of central metal

544 - In pig iron the concentration of C-atom is ___________________?

2.5 - 4.5%

545 - With impurities like P and S the open hearth furnace is lined with ?


546 - Which is sold as fertilizer ___________________?


547 - When an active metal like Al comes in contact with less active element like Cu then it produces__________________?

galvanic cell

548 - Which of the following is typical transition metal ?


549 - K2 (Cu(CN)4) which one is correct___________________?

Central atom is present in avionic sphere

550 - The location of transition elements is in between__________________?

s and p block elements

551 - Compounds attracted by applied strong magnetic field are called__________________?


552 - When light is exposed to transition element then electrons jump from lower orbitals to higher orbitals in______________________?

both A & B

553 - When a compound of transition element is dissolved in a solution of salt then it produces____________________?

complex ions

554 - The species which donate two electron pairs in a coordination compound is called__________________?

bi-dentate ligand

555 - The central atom along with ligands is called____________________?

coordination sphere

556 - In complex compounds the oxidation number is written in___________________?

Roman numeral

557 - When the central atom of coordination compound is sp3d2 hybridization the expected geometry will be___________________?


558 - In the production of wrought iron Mg Si and P are removed in the form of___________________?


559 - Any process of chemical decay of metals due to the action of surrounding medium is called__________________?


560 - Polymers described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called________________?


561 - The important monomers of acryclic resins is__________________?


562 - Industrial materials and thermal power stations are coated with______________________?

Epoxy paints

563 - Common example of carbohydrates are__________________?

Cellulose glycogen galactose

564 - Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields________________?

2-9 monosaccharide unit

565 - The process of polymerization was classified by___________________?

W. H. Carothers

566 - Protein attached to some non protein group is called____________________?

Conjugated protein

567 - Lipids are soluble in___________________?

Organic solvents

568 - Animal and vegetable fats are___________________?

Triesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids

569 - Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes called_________________?


570 - Saponification is the hydrolysis of fat or oil with an__________________?


571 - Enzymes from the same organism which catalyze same reaction but are chemically and physically distinct from each other are called______________?


572 - Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is_______________?


573 - Nucleic acids were first demonstrated in_________________?

Pus cells

574 - The mechanism by which the genetic information can be duplicated is called_________________?


575 - The nitrogenous base different in RNA as compared to DNA is_________________?


576 - A polymer in which three different monomers combine called_____________?


577 - Polyester resins are the product of the reaction of__________________?

Dihydric alcohol and dicarboxylic aromatic acids

578 - Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy compounds of___________________?

Aldehydes and ketones

579 - Nylon is obtained by heating___________________?

Adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine

580 - Amylose is__________________?

Soluble in water

581 - All proteins yield ___________ upon complete hydrolysis?

Amino acids

582 - Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its_______________?

Secondary structure

583 - Animal fats are located particularly in__________________?

Adipose tissues

584 - Lipopolysaccharides are examples of________________?

Compound lipids

585 - Orgosterol is__________________?


586 - Enzynies that catalyze the transfer of groups within molecule are called_________________?


587 - Rate of enzymatic reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of___________________?


588 - Purines and pyrimidines are__________________?

Nitrogenous bases

589 - Nucleic acids direct the synthesis of__________________?


590 - The fertility of the soil is improved by________________?


591 - The fertilizers which provide single nutrient from NPK are called ___________ fertilizer?


592 - Addition of urea to the soil is ____________ reaction?


593 - The cooling of molten urea by air in the tower is called______________________?


594 - DAP (Diammonium hydrogen phosphate) contains ______________ plant nutrients?


595 - Calcarious material includes_________________?

all of the above

596 - Which of the following processes is used for the synthesis of cement ?


597 - How many zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln ?


598 - Which one of the following set of raw material is most suitable for manufacture of urea ?

CH4 N2 and CO2

599 - The percentage of nitrogen in urea is________________?


600 - Which one of the following fertilizers provides the nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant ?

diammonium phosphate


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