Communication in Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - __________________ is important when a teacher communicates with his/her student.


2 - A dialogue between a human-being and a computer programme that occurs simultaneously in various forms is described as:


3 - A good communicator is the one who offers to his audience:

plentiful of information

4 - A major barrier in the transmission of cognitive data in the process of communication is an individual's

Coding ability

5 - A message beneath a message is labelled as


6 - A negative reaction to a mediated communication is described as:


7 - A smart classroom is a teaching space which has

All of the above

8 - A student helps a teacher to solve the problem while the teacher was delivering the lecture. He was

an emphatic listener

9 - All are the components of listening except


10 - All are the examples of the media of two way communication except


11 - All India Radio (A.I.R.) for broadcasting was named in the year


12 - All India Radio before 1936 was known as:

Indian Broadcasting Service

13 - All of the following are the limitations of televised Instruction except

it does not properly help the students in making the materials clearly understood

14 - An electronic bill board that has a short text or graphical advertising message is referred to as:


15 - An example of asynchronous medium is


16 - Arrange the following activities of interaction in logical order (i) Analysis of the work done (ii) Planning and preparation (iii) Presentation of material (iv) Modification and improvement

(i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

17 - As a chairman of UPSC while selecting a teacher you should, be

all of these

18 - Bengal Gazette, the first Newspaper in India was started in 1780 by

James Augustus Hicky

19 - Better classroom management means

all of these

20 - Break-down in verbal communication is described as


21 - CHEER stands for

Children Enrichment Education Through Radio

22 - Chinese Cultural Revolution leader Mao Zedong used a type of communication to talk to the masses is known as

Mass line communication

23 - Classroom communication can be described as


24 - Classroom communication is normally considered as


25 - Classroom communication of a teacher rests on the principle of


26 - Closed circuit television is useful

only for a restricted audience residing at a particular place

27 - Collection of information in advance before designing communication strategy is known as:

Opinion poll

28 - Communication becomes circular when

the decoder becomes an encoder

29 - Communication issues at the international level are addressed by


30 - Communication via New media such as computers, teleshopping, internet and mobile telephony is termed as

Interactive communication

31 - Communication with oneself is known as:

Interpersonal communication

32 - Communications bandwidth that has the highest capacity and is used by microwave, cable and fibre optics lines is known as:


33 - Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interest of:

Local audience

34 - Conversing with the spirits and ancestors is termed as

Transpersonal communication

35 - Curriculum is:

Overall activities of an institution

36 - Didactic communication is


37 - DTH service was started in the year:


38 - Educational TV was first introduced in India in the year


39 - Effective communication needs a supportive

Social environment

40 - Effectiveness of communication can be traced from which of the following

All of the above

41 - Feed-back of a message comes from:


42 - Firewalls are used to protect a communication network system against:

Unauthorized attacks

43 - Following are the experimental learning activities adopted by a teacher. Arrange them in cyclic order. (i) Accommodation (ii) Converging (iii) Assimilation (iv) Diverging

(iv), (iii), (ii), (i)

44 - Identify the correct sequence of the following:

Source, channel, message, receiver

45 - Ideological codes shape our collective


46 - If two propositions having the same subject and predicate terms are such that one is the denial of the other, the relationship between them is called


47 - In analog mass communication, stories are


48 - In circular communication, the encoder becomes a decoder when there is


49 - In communication chatting in internet is:

Parallel communication

50 - In communication myths have power but are


51 - In communication, a major barrier to reception of messages is

Audience attitude

52 - In communication, connotative words are


53 - In communication, the language is

The verbal code

54 - In India for broadcasting TV programmes which system is followed ?


55 - In mass communication, selective perception is dependent on the receiver's


56 - In the classroom, the teacher sends the message either as words or images. The students are really


57 - In the process of communication, which one of the following is in the chronological order?

Communicator, Message, Medium, Receiver, Effect

58 - In which language the newspapers have highest circulation?


59 - Level C of the effectiveness of communication is defined as:

channel noise

60 - Listening is badly affected by

all of the above

61 - MC National University of Journalism and Communication is located at


62 - Means of grapevine communication are


63 - Media that exist in an interconnected series of communication – points are referred to as

Networked media

64 - National Press day is celebrated on:

16th November

65 - Networked media exist in inter-connected:

technological environments

66 - Orcut is a part of:

Interpersonal Communication

67 - Organisational communication can be equated with

group communication

68 - Overhead projector is superior to short circuit TV in a classroom teaching because

pictures in it may be shown in a desired sequence and with a minimum of lost motion (material)

69 - Photo bleeding means

Photo colour adjustment

70 - Photographs are not easy to


71 - Post-modernism is associated with


72 - Prasar Bharati was launched in the year:


73 - Public communication tends to occur within a more

Convenient structure

74 - Recording a television programme on a VCR is an example of:

media synchronisation

75 - Referential framing used by TV audience connects media with


76 - SITE stands for

Satellite Instructional Television Experiment

77 - 'SITE' stands for:

Satellite Instructional Television Experiment

78 - Software computer can not be used

for demonstration

79 - Teaching on TV is superior to class room instruction because

all of these

80 - Telephone is an example of

linear communication

81 - Televised educational programme is useful because

all of these

82 - The aspect ratio of TV screen is:


83 - The biggest news agency of India is:


84 - The chronological order of non-verbal communication is

Signs, symbols, codes, colours

85 - The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital atmosphere is referred to as:


86 - The communicated knowledge in a classroom is considered as

cultural capital

87 - The country which has the distinction of having the two largest circulated newspapers in the world is


88 - The English word ‘Communication' is derived from the words

Communis and Communicare

89 - The first multi-lingual news agency of India was

Hindustan Samachar

90 - The function of mass communication of supplying information regarding the processes, issues, events and societal developments is known as:

content supply

91 - The grains that appear on a television set when operated are also referred to as


92 - The information function of mass communication is described as


93 - The largest circulated daily newspaper among the following is

The Times of India

94 - The latest development in the hardware technology is the introduction of

FM channels

95 - The main objective of F.M. station in radio is:

Entertainment, Information and Interaction

96 - The mode of communication that involves a single source transmitting information to a large number of receivers simultaneously, is called

Mass Communication

97 - The most important aspect of communication- listening, can be improved by

all of these

98 - The process of communication enhances through:

all of these

99 - The right to impart and receive information is guaranteed in the Constitution of India by Article:

19(1) (a)

100 - The science of the study of feedback systems in humans, animals and machines is known as:


101 - The site that played a major role during the terrorist attack on Mumbai (26/11) in 2008 was


102 - The Telephone Model of Communication was first developed in the area of

Information theory

103 - The term ‘DAVP' stands for

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity

104 - The term â€Å“TRP” is associated with TV shows stands for

Television Rating Points

105 - The term â€Å“Yellow Journalism” refers to

Sensationalism and exaggeration to attract readers / viewers.

106 - The term 'grapevine' is also known as

Informal communication

107 - The total number of members in the Press Council of India are:


108 - Transforming thoughts, ideas and messages into verbal and non-verbal signs is referred to as


109 - Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of:

Everybody having access to a radio set

110 - Users who use media for their own ends are identified as

Active audience

111 - Video-Conferencing can be classified as one of the following types of communication :

Audio-Visual two way

112 - Visualization in the instructional process can not increase

stress and boredom

113 - When communicated, institutionalised stereotypes become


114 - Which broadcasting system for TV is followed in India?


115 - Which is not 24 hours news channel?

Lok Sabha channel

116 - Which is the 24 hours English Business news channel in India?


117 - Which of the following are the characteristic features of communication

All of the above

118 - Which of the following can not be a good way of communication in promoting literacy among villagers?

Reading and writing

119 - Which of the following groups of students can be most benefited computer based education programme?

All of the above

120 - Which of the following is not a successful communicator?

One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude.

121 - Which of the following methods of communication is the most effective?

multi-media method

122 - Which of the following skills has the largest share in communication time in schools/colleges?


123 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Communicator should have fine senses

124 - Which of the following statements is not connected with communication?

Telepathy is technological.

125 - Which of the following teachers will you like most?

a loving teacher

126 - Which one of the following can be termed as verbal communication?

Prof. Sharma delivered the lecture in the class room.

127 - Which one of the following Telephonic Conferencing with a radio link is very popular throughout the world?

Video conference

128 - While designing communication strategy feed-forward studies are conducted by



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