Concepts of Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Allah is the absolute reality of the universe", it is believed by Shah Wali Ullah and it is related to which philosophy?


2 - "Child Centered Curriculum" is at center of which philosophy of eduation?


3 - "curriculum should compromise on both the rational and imitative sciences for the purposes of balanced and comprehensive personality of the student." who stated this?


4 - "Education is a process of development.........from infancy to maturity, the process by which he adopts himself gradually to his physical and spiritual environment." Who defined Education in these words.

T. Taymont

5 - "Education is a purposive act and it should perform the function of social reformation." who proposed this statement about the function of education?

Shah Wali Ullah

6 - "Education is life itself, not a preparation for life", which philosophy of eduation proposed that?


7 - "Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body" who described about the features of Education?


8 - "Education is the process of development of child's individuality in the natural environment" who defined education in these words?


9 - "Learning to do by doing" is the definition of education by whom?

John Dewey

10 - "Life is a continuous changing process" is the of center in which philosophy?


11 - "Permanence is more real than change" which philosophy has this dictum?


12 - "Reconstruction of Religious thought in Islam" was authored by?

Allama Iqbal

13 - "Reforms are necessary in all walks of life" is the famous dictum of which philosophy?


14 - "Renaissance of Sciences" was written by?


15 - "The actual knowledge is one that has the ability to accomplish human needs", according to Shah WaliUllah that relates to?


16 - A continuous process aims at transmitting information, skills, and cultural heritage from one generation to another is called?


17 - According to _______that there are four elements of himan nature; the Sage (intellect), the Pig (lust), the Dog (anger), and the Devil (brutality)?


18 - According to _____the business of education is to 'discovered aptitudes and to train them for social use'.


19 - According to Al-Ghazali human beings occupy a position "midway between animals and angels and his distinguishing quality is______?


20 - According to Al-Ghazali which is the foundation of objective of education?


21 - According to Allama Iqbal the valid and authentic knowledge is that which derived from?

Human senses

22 - According to Allama Iqbal what are sources of knowledge?

All of these

23 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun there are two main streams of knowledge. What were these?

Obtained and revealed knowledge

24 - According to Iqbal which of the following is the form of government in which the heads are counted is called?


25 - According to Maulana Maududi secondary education should comprised how many years according to Maulana Maududi?


26 - According to Maulana Maududi the concept of knowledge was?

All of these

27 - According to Maulana Maududi what were the aims of education?

All of these points are correct

28 - According to which Muslim thinker 'man is the Supreme creation of the creator of the universe'?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

29 - According to which philosophy "Human nature remains the same everywhere hence education should be same for everyone?


30 - According to which philosophy of eduation "Learning should be directly related to the interest of the child?"


31 - According to which philosophy of eduation Experimental knowledge is real?


32 - According to which philosophy Schools should be run on democratic lines?


33 - According to whom "Education refers to the process of discovering the principles of Truth, Beauty, and Good and acquiring the individual with them?"


34 - According to whom "man is the best creation of Allah. He has been given freedom of thought, choice, expression and action?"

Maulana Maududi

35 - According to whom education is the primary source of the promotion of human values such as justice, tolerance, truthfulness, equality, and steadfastness etc?


36 - According to whom the acquisition of Divin Will is the foremost aim of human life. Allah is the creator all human beings?


37 - According to whom the aim of education is to prepare the children to take part in politics in adult life?


38 - According to whom there are two types of good; positive good and negative good. Positive good refers to do good deeds and negative good means to avoid bad deeds?


39 - According whom education is the culture which each generation purposely gives to those who are to be its successors?

J. S. Mill

40 - Aesthetics and Ethics are the real components of which philosophy?


41 - Al-Ghazali defined education in these words, "Education is the activity of enabling an individual to recognize God and discriminate between good and ______?"


42 - Al-Ghazali is commonly known in Europe as Algazel, is one of the most Muslim illustrious scholars who became famous for his vast learning. He taught at Madarasa Nizamiyah. Where it was located?


43 - Al-Ghazali is highly influenced by the thoughts of which Greek philosopher?


44 - Al-Ghazali was born at?


45 - Al-Ghazali wrote a book for royal guidance. What is the name of the book?

Tibrul Masbuk

46 - Al-Ghazali wrote 'Tibrul - Masbuk' for royal guidance and was meant for Ghiyathud-Din-Abu Shuja Muhammad, son of his patron?

Malik Shah

47 - Allama Iqbal received his early education from which college?

Murray College, Sialkot

48 - Allama Iqbal studied in Govt. College Lahore with a world renowned Orientalist, Philosopher and Scholar?

Thomas Arnold

49 - Allama Muhammad Iqbal presented the following teaching methodology?

All of these

50 - Allama Muhammad Iqbal rejected which type of idea?

Western ideal of nationalism

51 - Axiology in philosophy deals with:


52 - Being a science of wisdom, Philosophy search for?


53 - Bentock, Hutchins, and Adler are the major exponent of which philosophy?


54 - Distance learning is a significant part of which type of educational programs?

Non-formal educational program

55 - Education which planned with the particular end in view is called?

Formal education

56 - Education which refers to the learning generated from the social experiences and observations of an individual is called?


57 - Electronic and print Media are utilized in the execution of which educational programs?


58 - Epistemology in philosophy deals with:


59 - Every system of education always based on?

Ideology of a nation

60 - Expected life outcomes getting from education are called?


61 - Formal Education has well defined ______?


62 - Ibn-e-Khaldun is renowned for his famous book?

Muqaddma e Tarikh

63 - Ibn-e-Khaldun retired as a Judge and he is known as the Father of?


64 - Ibn-e-Khaldun said, 'Acquisition of God's will'. It is the concept of?


65 - Ibn-e-Khaldun stated that the revealed knowledge is the real knowledge. It is the concept of?


66 - In the derivative sense, the term 'education' is considered as educare and?


67 - In the philosophy of Progressivism the lrogressivist teacher focuses on?

Practical education

68 - In the teaching learning process the experienced members of society guide the immature (new generation/students/children) for which purpose?

Adjustment of life

69 - Informal education has

No rules of entry and exit

70 - Informal education is?


71 - John Dewey (1859-1952) was one of the most important _______philosopher?


72 - Latin word "Educere" means?

To draw out

73 - Like the renowned Western Educationist Rousseau, who the other that was not satisfied with the methods of instruction of his time?


74 - Metaphysics is an educational Philosophy which deals with?


75 - Ontology in philosophy deals with:


76 - Ontology in philosophy is also referred as?


77 - Pedagogy is the study of?

Teaching merhods

78 - Perenialism is an educational philosophy of _______values?


79 - Rigid rules of entry and exit has features of which type of eduation?


80 - Shah Wali Ullah proposed taht the acquisition of piety and virtue are highest goals of human life. This concept of education is related to which philosophy of life?


81 - Shah Wali Ullah was born in which city of India?


82 - Study of great books is the center of which philosophy?


83 - The basic subject of Philosophy is?

To seek truth and reality

84 - The books "Fozul Kabir, Hijatul Baligha, Tafheem e Ilahia, Mussaffa, and Aftaf ul Qudus" are authored by?

Shah Wali Ullah

85 - The concept of "Mard-e-Momin" associated with which philosopher?

Allama Iqbal

86 - The Desirable change in behavior is the_____of teaching?


87 - The education which is confined to educational institutions is called?

Formal education

88 - The educational programs in which individuals are educated through distance learning methods and means of communication is called?

Non-formal education

89 - The epistemological concept of Al-Ghazali is found in his famous book "Ihya-ul-Aloom al-Din" which means in English?

The regeneration of Sciences

90 - The name of Ibn-e-Khaldun is associated with whom?


91 - The objectives of Education always derived from?


92 - The philosophers of "Essentialism" mainly focussed on?

Mental discipline

93 - The Philosophy of Eclecticism refers to?

Borrowing beliefs from different philosophies

94 - The Philosophy of Essentialism/Essentialists would get their aim of education from?


95 - The Philosophy of Perenialism deals with?

Everlasting reality

96 - The primary objectives of Education always derived from which field?


97 - The process of education which is conducted in the schools, colleges, and universities of the state according to the planned and organized procedure?


98 - The process of education which refers to the education that happens outside of the context of a formal structured educational institution?


99 - The process of learning, which enables an individual to adjust himself to the environment is called?


100 - The process of training and developing the abilities of the individuals in a certified program is called?

Formal education

101 - The renowned books "Tafheem ul Quran and Khalafa-tu-Malokiyat" were written by?

Maulana Maududi

102 - The sum total of curriculum and co-curricular activities is called?


103 - The Useful culture and skills are mainly focused in which philosophy of eduation?


104 - The word "Educare" is taken from which language?


105 - The word "Education" has its origin in the Latin word_______?


106 - The word "Education" is derived from a Latin word?


107 - The word "Education" is derived from which two words?

Both A&B

108 - The word "educatum" composed of two terms:


109 - The word "Educere" is also from which language?


110 - The word "Philosophy" is derived from which two Greek words?

Phila and Sophia

111 - What are the primary characteristics of Maulana Maududi's philosophy of eduation?

All of these included

112 - What are the sociological aims of education?

All of these

113 - What is an important question of Philosophy to seek truth?

What is the Universe?

114 - What is called those patterns of learning which bring about changes in human behavior?

Modes of education

115 - What is the curriculum that presented by Allama Iqbal should include?

All of these

116 - What is the literal meaning of Philosophy?

Love of Wisdom

117 - What is the meaning of the word "Educare"?

All of these

118 - What is the meaning of the word "Educere"?

Both A&B

119 - What is the name of a prominent French philosopher, scientific, and Mathematician was profoundly influenced by Al-Ghazali?

Blaise Pascal

120 - What is the name of the Muslim philosopher who is famous for his services in the subjects like History, Education, and Sociology?


121 - What is the primary source of educational objectives?

Human experience

122 - What is the purpose of the application of Philosophy in education is the selection of?


123 - What were the primary objectives of Shah WaliAllah 's educational philosophy?

All of the above

124 - When Allama Iqbal received the title of 'Sir'?


125 - When was Shah Wali Ullah born?


126 - Which education is not pre-planned?

Informal education

127 - Which is the most important element of Non-formal education?


128 - Which is the process that the manifestation of the perfection that already exists in human beings is called?


129 - Which of the educationists said "Man is superior to all other creatures by virtue of knowledge?


130 - Which of the following are assessed and evaluated in the educational process?

All of these

131 - Which of the following are the features of Non-formal education?

All of the above

132 - Which of the following characteristics of formal education?

All of these options are correct

133 - Which of the following educationist define "Education refers to the acquisition of excellences and transmission to the next generation?"

J. S. Mill

134 - Which of the following educationist/philosopher presented this definition of education, "Education is the Reconstruction or reorganization of experience which adds to the meaning of experience and which increases to direct the course of subsequent experie

John Dewey

135 - Which of the following given methods of teaching and instructional techniques were presented by Ibn-e-Khaldun?

All of these

136 - Which of the following is concerned with the society rather than Formal or Non-formal educational settings?

Informal education

137 - Which of the following is the best definition of education?

The growth resulting from experiences

138 - Which of the following is to determine the quality, value and worth of anything is called?


139 - Which of the following Philosopher declared "Education as experience"?

John Dewey

140 - Which of the following Philosopher defines education in these words "Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his responsibilities."

John Dewey

141 - Which of the following Philosopher who was translated Quran firstly in Persian?

Shah Wali Ullah

142 - Which of the following Philosophers of education who said, "Philosophy and Education are two sides of a coin?"


143 - Which of the following Philosophers/Thinkers who said, "Knowledge is Virtue?"


144 - Which of the following points represent an outline of the epistemological concept of Al-Ghazali?

All of these points are correct

145 - Which of the following was the thinker who stressed the importance of religion for the state and the connection between religion and power?

Both Ibn-e-Khaldun and Machiaveli

146 - Which of the following were the important things about the curriculum according to Shah WaliUllah?

All of these

147 - Which of the following were the subjects at elementary level curriculum according to Maulana Maududi?

All of these should be included in the curriculum

148 - Which of the followings who proposed that education should strive for the accomplishment of the major objects of human life?


149 - Which of the is called the Father of Political Economy?


150 - Which type of eduation has flexible rules of entry and exit?


151 - Which type of eduation is mostly imparted through correspondence?

Non-formal education

152 - Which type of eduation that refers to a process of change/development in behavior which happens outside of the context of Formal and Non-formal educational programs?


153 - Which were the subjects included in the curriculum of secondary level according to Maulana Maududi?

All of these

154 - Who believed that the true aim of education is the attainment of happiness which is possible only through Perfect Virtue?


155 - Who claimed that Divine recognition is the major objective of education?


156 - Who defined "Education is the process of training man to fulfill his aims by exercising all the faculties to the fullest extent as a member of society. This aim is discovered by intellect and by his freewill?"


157 - Who defined education as a manufacturing, enterprise which produced men capable of performing social liabilities?


158 - Who emphasized in the superiority of the religious Sciences over the rational Sciences?


159 - Who gave the superiority of the religious sciences over the rational sciences?


160 - Who is authored the famous book 'Dinyat'?

Maulana Maududi

161 - Who is called "Poet of East" (Shair e Mashriq)?

Allama Iqbal

162 - Who is the responsible to determine the aims of education?


163 - Who said "Education is the activity of instructing humanity to the individuals?"


164 - Who said education is a process of acquainting mankind with the universal truths?


165 - Who said that Education is a process of developing the sense of good and evil so that an individual can choose the good and reject the evil? "

Shah Wali Ullah

166 - Who said, "acquisition of knowledge is not only human nature but also male/female's fundamental right?"


167 - Who said, "Education is the activity of acquisition of revealed knowledge that has been delivered to us by Prophets?"


168 - Who said, "Education is the activity of integrated and gradual development of individual's abilities?"


169 - Who said, "Education is the process of development of the mind and the body of man so that he/she eagerly pursues the ideals perfection of citizenship?"


170 - Who said, "Education is the process of preparation for making life pleasant and acquaintance with right principles of life?"


171 - Who said, "Education means to recognize God and understanding Self?"

Allama Iqbal

172 - Who said, "Experience leads to the scientific approach"?

John Dewey

173 - Who said, "the purpose of formal education is to make students active and constructive members of society?"

Crow and Crow

174 - Who said, 'Acquisition of knowledge (education) is a fundamental right of all individuals'?


175 - Who says, "War is a necessary evil, and no nation and no race is free from it?"


176 - Who stresses the self-actualization or self-realization aspects of education is called?


177 - Who thinks that education is a process, which leads to the formation of character?


178 - Who was the tutor of Allama Iqbal?

Maulvi Syed Mir Hassan

179 - Who wrote the 'History of Berbers?'



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