Curriculum Development MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Curriculum" is a word of:


2 - A curriculum is blue print or pip of the school that includes experiences for the:


3 - A curriculum is the sum total of a school's t influence a child's:


4 - An outline-of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called:


5 - Application of principles of sociology to education is known as

Sociology of education

6 - Areas/sources of information for psychological foundation are:

All of the above

7 - Broad field curriculum is a modification of;

Subject centred curriculum

8 - Component of curriculum is:

All of the above

9 - Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is

activity centred curriculum

10 - Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum:

All of the above

11 - Curriculum effectiveness is determined by:

Student interest

12 - Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is:

Integrated curriculum

13 - Curriculum improvement should a ------------------ process


14 - Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:

Hilda taba

15 - Curriculum is supposed to:

Both (a) and (b)

16 - Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is:


17 - Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:


18 - Curriculum provides guidance for:


19 - Curriculum reflects the culture of:


20 - Development of a learner is linked to:

Effective development

21 - Development of curriculum at higher level and its application at different levels is:


22 - Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by:


23 - Evaluation used to improve the contents after curriculum development is:

Summative evaluation

24 - Five stages of awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption are for:

Curriculum change

25 - How many basic components of curriculum have:


26 - If two or more methods are mixed up for teaching, the teaching method will be known as:

Eclectic method

27 - Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:


28 - In planning and implementing curricula school makes its selection from:


29 - Intelligence level of gifted students is:

140 and above

30 - Knowledge is compartmentalized in:

Subject centred curriculum

31 - Learning means:

Curriculum change

32 - Major concern of curriculum is:

Change in individuals behavior

33 - Making value judgment about curriculum is:

Curriculum evaluation

34 - Mini Culture is:


35 - Percentage of knowledge gained through observation/vision is:


36 - Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with:


37 - Prior planning is characteristic of:

Subject centred curriculum

38 - Psychological foundation play its role in the development of curriculum keeping in view the:

All of the above

39 - Psychological foundations of curriculum help curriculum developers to understand the nature of:


40 - Psychomotor domain deals wit

Practical skills

41 - Repetition of concepts of same level in two consecutive classes lacks the quality of:

Vertical organization

42 - School curriculum is defined as

Experiences organized by school

43 - Sociological foundations are concerned with:


44 - Student's needs and interests are important in

Psychological foundation

45 - Subject Centered designs revolve around:


46 - Summative evaluation takes place:

At the end

47 - Syllabus is a part of:


48 - The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be can as:

Curriculum Design

49 - The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called:


50 - The category of Audio Visual Aids is:

All of the above

51 - The characteristics of Activity Centred Curriculum:

All of the above

52 - The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a:

Chariot race course

53 - The evaluation used to improve the contents during curriculum development is:

Formative evaluation

54 - The factor effecting curriculum development is:

All of the above

55 - The factors that effect the development of curriculum are called:

Foundation of curriculum

56 - The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called:

Foundations of curriculum

57 - The highest in rank in ministry of education is:


58 - The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:

Provision of latest knowledge

59 - The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to:

Help students achieve a well-adjusted personality

60 - The method used to evaluate the curriculum is:

All of the above

61 - The mirror of the Society is:


62 - The model of behavioral objectives of curriculum evaluation was presented by:


63 - The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is:

activity curriculum

64 - The outline of the Contents is;


65 - The part of the curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students is:

General education

66 - The purpose of integrated curriculum is:

Decrease in no. of books

67 - The relationship of different concepts at one level is:

Horizontal organization

68 - To select subject matter, one should consider student's:


69 - Types of individual differences are:

All of the above

70 - What the child studies in a class is decided by:


71 - When, What, Why & How, to teach is the main task of:

Educational psychology

72 - Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination:


73 - Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?

All of the above

74 - Which one is not the component, of the Curriculum



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