Educational Philosophy MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "A problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting" is related to which philosophy of eduation?


2 - "Belief in science and scientific knowledge", which Philosophy of Education focused on this knowledge?


3 - "Body is false and soul is true" which of following philosophy advocated this idea?


4 - "Instead of working at separate subject, the pupils should be encouraged to draw freely upon all knowledge that is relevant to the activity in which they happen to be encouraged" is determined by:


5 - "Man is responsible for his action or experience" is determined by which philosophy?


6 - "No faith in eternal truth" is declared in which educational philosophy?


7 - "Purpose of evolution of society" is also the center of focus of_______?

Speculative philosophy

8 - "The best of art named as that of living is acquired by living and not by learning from books" who said?


9 - "The market place of daily life" is the main area of:


10 - "The nature must be studied through observation and experimentation" is related to:


11 - "Things rather than word" is the watchword of which philosophy of eduation?


12 - "Thinking about the several aspects of human personality" is the core figure in ______philosophy.

Speculative philosophy

13 - "What can't be thought, can't be real", said by:


14 - "What is good or bad?" which of the following styles of Philosophy deals with this question?

Prescriptive philosophy

15 - "You can't trust your senses, they are unreliable." said by:


16 - "Your thoughts control your reality", said by:


17 - ______ philosophy restores man to his proper place and educational institutions become places for learning and creating values like truth, beauty and goodness.


18 - ______, a great exponent of Idealism, conceives of the curriculum from the point of view of ideas.


19 - _________being an abstract, however, it is forceful entity and prescribes for the organization of a curriculum for the achievement of its aims.


20 - _________of discipline provides maximum freedom to Children and creates many opportunities to have self-control, the inner discipline and co-existence.

A,B & C

21 - ________doesn't explain what to teach and who should decide this, yet, he doesn't give students a voice in to debate.


22 - ________is an important means for the realization of Educational Aims.


23 - _______accepts restrain on freedom. It requires that teacher to present good examples.


24 - _______are pivot to both the learning experiences and evaluation.


25 - _______as the value related to it is the primary factoring education.

Human existence

26 - _______believe in the fullest development of personality of an individual.


27 - _______education stresses almost character-Formation and building.


28 - _______implications are given special attention in the preparation of a textbook and the selection of the content.


29 - _______is a process of determining the extent to which the aims and objectives are being attained.


30 - _______is a process of determining the extent to which the aims and objectives are being attained.


31 - _______is the integral part of any education system in the world.


32 - _______lay more emphasis on the study of Functional Subjects such as language, social studies, general science and various activities.


33 - _______Philosophy evaluates various Social Values?

Prescriptive philosophy

34 - _______takes into account the growth of the child as a whole individual and his total environment.


35 - ______also favored home education the best rather than school education.


36 - ______being the content of education may be deemed as the practical side of Philosophy.


37 - ______emphasize on the complete development of human personality.


38 - ______has a significant place in the Idealistic method of teaching.


39 - ______is in the behind necessary aspect of every type of curriculum.


40 - ______philosophy is concerned with developing theories.

Speculative philosophy

41 - ______propounds the belief that man cannot accept the ready-made concepts of existence which forced upon him.


42 - ______reflects the philosophy of life. It also reflects the philosophical pre-possessions or particular ideologies.


43 - ______scheme of education by and large pays less attention to physical, industrial, social and electronic environment of today.


44 - ______upholds belief in science and scientific knowledge.


45 - _____is not decided to accept the existence of an infinite or absolute mind as the Idealism does.


46 - _____may leads to a rigid and often totalitarian social order.


47 - _____over-emphasized Humanities and under-rated the study of science and technology.


48 - _____sets no obtainable goals and there cannot be a final goal.


49 - _____should be in accordance with the prevailing accepted social ideals, norms and standards.


50 - A belief prevalent in the past such as: "Spare the rod and spoil the child" reflects a ________contextually.


51 - A good ______must reflect the prevailing values in life fixed by Philosophy.


52 - A Reconstructionist teacher focuses on:

All of the above

53 - A_______is guided by a particular philosophy of eduation.


54 - According to ______, there is no absolute good and evil in the world.


55 - According to _______, 'whatever fulfills man' s desires, aims and develops his life, is true in sense. Truth is that generally, which provides satisfaction when it put in practice?'


56 - According to _______a teacher should inspire, influence and moulds his students to become spiritual beings.


57 - According to _____body is false & mortal whereas soul is true and immortal.


58 - According to critics, what has the major contribution of Pragmatism in educational?

The project method

59 - According to Idealism _____.

All of the above

60 - According to Idealism the teacher considered to be an _______to be emulated by his students.

Ideal person

61 - According to Idealism, discipline is not to be imposed on students. The_____has only to help them to develop Self-discipline and through that self-realization.


62 - According to Idealism, Education is a process in which "the educator as well as educed is working out his ______."


63 - According to Idealism, simple living and high thinking should be the aim of ________?


64 - According to Idealists, the development of personality means achievement of ______.


65 - According to perrenialism, Education is not imitation of life but_______?

Preparation for it

66 - According to Philosophy of Naturalism, heredity and environment effect______?


67 - According to Pragmatism, at Elementary stage what are the activities included to teach?

All of the above

68 - According to Pragmatism, the powerful and cooperative activities create virtues in children:

All of these

69 - According to Realism, which provides the best educational result for a selected pupil?

Right subjects

70 - According to Rousseau who is an eminent exponent of Naturalistic Philosophy of Education, that Training of Senses of child starts at which of the Age-group?

5-12 years

71 - According to Rousseau, in which of the following Age-group should be given Negative Education?

1-5 years

72 - According to Sense Realism, instructions should be given through which of the following teaching method?

All of these

73 - According to the modern critics and researchers, which philosophy is considered as a modern youngest philosophy?


74 - According to the philosophy of ______, values are pre-existing, ultimate and unchanging.


75 - According to the philosophy of _______, man is free agent: free in the choice of his ends and means to realize them.


76 - According to the philosophy of _______man is essentially a spiritual being: and his spirituality alone distinguishes him from animals. His spirit alone enables him to control his environment.


77 - According to the philosophy of Idealism what is the highest knowledge?


78 - According to The Philosophy of Naturalism,curriculum should be divided into how many levels?


79 - According to the philosophy of Naturalism:

All of the above

80 - According to the philosophy of Pragmatism, who encourages self-education on the part of his students?


81 - According to the philosophy of Realism, a teacher has a:

Dual personality

82 - According to the philosophy of Realism, the physical world is objective and _____?


83 - According to which educational philosophy, that scientific knowledge is final?


84 - According to which educational philosophy, the highest knowledge is that of self or that of divine, cosmic or spiritual life. That leads to the freedom of mind?


85 - According to which of the following philosophy 'a teacher is a co-worker with God in perfecting man?'


86 - According to which of the following philosophy believes that teachers who think that they may do without a philosophy of life render their methods of teaching ineffective?


87 - According to which of the following philosophy, "Values not change over time as its related truth not change?"


88 - According to which of the following practitioner of Philosophy advocated that mind has been in the course of evolution and is also a part of the universe?


89 - According to which philosophy of eduation "Body is false and Mind is true?"


90 - According to which philosophy of eduation "Ultimate reality is spiritualism?"


91 - According to which philosophy of eduation, the curriculum must reflect the capitalized knowledge and experience of the race?


92 - According to which philosophy of eduation, the process of education must lead to the deepest spiritual insight and to the highest moral and spiritual conduct?


93 - According to which Philosophy of Education: 'children should have a free choice of activities to gain first - hand experience?'


94 - According to which philosophy 'reality is constantly changing?'


95 - According to which philosophy Schools run on Democratic Lines?


96 - According to which philosophy, experimental knowledge is real?


97 - According to which philosophy, man creates his own values during the course of activity. There are no fixed values for all times even the truths are man made things?


98 - According to which philosophy, man is essentially a moral being, it requires that moral, intellectual and aesthetic aspects of his personality should be promoted?

Philosophy of Idealism

99 - According to whom education should be given through mother tongue and through sense training?


100 - According to whom, "A teacher is a friend, a Philosopher and a guide?"


101 - According to whom, that the highest idea of life was the attainment of the highest good or God?


102 - According to whom, the study of classical language is an inadequate preparation for the real life of the society?

Social Realism

103 - According to_______, Education should help the child in self-preservation.


104 - Active involvement of students is very essential in :

Philosophy of Progressivism

105 - Aesthetics activities proposed the study of :


106 - Aesthetics is concerned with beauty and enjoyment. It asks questions like:

All of the above

107 - Aim of is self-expression according to ______?


108 - All education is pleasant according to which philosophy of eduation?


109 - All values are inherent in human nature and they change with the change of time, according to which philosophy?


110 - An Idealistic Teacher utilizes which method of teaching in the class room?

All of these

111 - Analytical philosophy is related to _______?


112 - Another name of Metaphysics is:


113 - Area that deals with reality in philosophy is called?


114 - Area that deals with values in philosophy ia called?


115 - As a philosophy Realism is completely opposed to the ________of Berkley and Kant.

Subjective Idealism

116 - As Naturalism advocates the educational field by protesting against the training of children into artificial environment, similarly, realism centers the field as a protest against the narrowness of the______, sophisticated and abstruse curricula.


117 - At what Age-group, The child learns Discipline through Natural Consequences, according to the Naturalistic Philosophy of Education?

5-12 years

118 - Axiology asks the following questions like:

Both A&B

119 - Axiology divided into how many classifications?


120 - Axiology is an important branch of Philosophy which always focuses on the:

All of the above

121 - Axiology is divided into:

Both A&B

122 - Child should be given negative education', it was recommended by which philosophy?


123 - Computer literacy is very important in:


124 - Critics viewed about which philosophy that it is a backward looking approach that ignores realities of the contemporary world?


125 - Curriculum also remains confined to booklets on____?


126 - Curriculum of ______primarily consists of "Humanities or Cultural studies."


127 - Desirable models of behaviors of a society are called?


128 - Determining beauty of objects and judgment is related to :


129 - Determining right and wrong, and Good & Bad is related to :


130 - Discipline is essential thing in the_______ classroom for learning facts.


131 - Education being a planned and purposeful activity has manifold _____?

All of these

132 - Education comes through the contact of man with things is called?

Social Realism

133 - Education should aim at the redirection and sublimation of child's instincts, was related to _____?


134 - Emphasize is taken on thinking deeply and analytically in:

Philosophy of Perenialism

135 - Enjoyment of leisure be taken an important place in the scheme of education which should be the lasting experience is related to _____?

Philosophy of Naturalism

136 - Epistemology always covers and discusses the_______of knowledge.

All of the above

137 - Epistemology always revolves/explore around the following question?

All of these questions are center of focus in Epistemology

138 - Epistemology deals with_____ in philosophy.


139 - Essentialism aims to transmit:

All of the above

140 - Essentialism currently:

All of the above

141 - Ethics and Aesthetics are the components of :


142 - Ethics and Aesthetics are the primary component of which educational philosophy?


143 - Existentialism always focuses on:

All of the above

144 - Existentialism emphasizes which of the following methodology?

All of the above

145 - Existentialism is:

Both A&B

146 - Existentialists favoured the________approach to teaching mostly.


147 - For Realism, reality is objective rather than____?


148 - Higher Education has an inappropriate emphasize on developing learner's skills in:


149 - History should be taught to the students at which Age-group?

15-20 years

150 - Humanistic Realism focuses around old literature and study of______?


151 - Idealism believes in _____?


152 - Idealism gives an important position to the ______in the educative process.


153 - Idealism lays emphasize on _____?


154 - Idealism recommends a happy blending of individual and social aims of _______?


155 - Ideas are the only reliable form in:


156 - In Existentialism, who is central than teacher?


157 - In Existentialism, who is facilitator not a didactic authority?


158 - In Idealistic Philosophy the place of "violation" in ______is highly valued.


159 - In Naturalism, generally, the curriculum should be according to the _______of the child.


160 - In Perenialism, which education is the diluted part of the curriculum?

Vocational education

161 - In Perenialism, which subjects have granted higher value?

All of the above

162 - In Pragmatic philosophy of eduation a teacher is as:


163 - In Pragmatism, the field of Agriculture for boys and what is the specific prescribed field for girls?


164 - In Progressivism students would be allowed to develop naturally;

All of the above

165 - In the philosophy of Naturalism, teacher is a _______who provides educational environment.


166 - In the philosophy of Pragmatism:

All of the above

167 - In which educational philosophy, pupils are engaged in thinking beyond rote memorization?


168 - In which educational philosophy, the job of pupils is to listen and to learn?


169 - In which of the following philosophy, a teacher teach the whole class, not just particular subjects such as:Mathematics or Urdu etc?


170 - In which philosophy teachers are prohibited to call children as "Lazy", "Slow learner" etc?


171 - In which philosophy, pupil says, "it is my life, I shall do what I want?"


172 - In which philosophy, students construct knowledge from what they see, hear and do?


173 - In which philosophy, traditional methods such as direct instruction and Socratic Method are used?


174 - Individual make their own realities through the side of which philosophy?


175 - Individuality of Man' has given great importance in philosophy of?


176 - Individuality of man is the Supreme focal concerned in:


177 - Instilling the virtues of discipline and have work in:


178 - Instructions of an Idealist Teacher is_____.

Teacher centered

179 - Intellectual activities are represented by subjcts such as:

All of these included

180 - It is often criticized that Existentialist philosophy' terminologies are very ambiguous and unclear in very sense, such as:

All of the above

181 - It was considered very important that the students must be prepared for social revolution in which philosophy?


182 - J.J. Rousseau was interested in:

Both A&B

183 - Jean Paul Sartre is a 20th century existentialist philosopher. He belongs to which country?

French writer

184 - John Dewey was an American Philosophy who suggested the term "Reconstructionism" in his book?

Reconstruction in Philosophy

185 - Knowledge is not gained from books or written materials but by infact doing things. Who advocated this idea of learning?


186 - Man can't accept ready made concept of existence in:


187 - Mechanization and impersonality should be counteracted in school of?


188 - Metaphysics deals with the nature of ______.


189 - Mind and spirit are essential elements of focus in which philosophy of eduation?


190 - Modifying instructions to accommodate individuals' differences is not the top priority of :


191 - Moral activities are stressed to learn:

All of these included

192 - Moral judgment is set according to the fitness of individual not by traditional standards in philosophy?


193 - Mostly Sense Realism advocates which method of teaching/education?


194 - Naturalism advocates:

All of the above

195 - Naturalism always stresses on:

All of the above

196 - Naturalism gives central position to the _____?


197 - Naturalism is a type of Metaphysics which takes ______as the whole reality.


198 - Naturalists believed in the idea of discipline by______?

Natural consequences

199 - Naturalists believed that education should generate happiness and ______for the growing children.

Healthy mood

200 - Naturalists recommended that sciences should not be taught formally in the classrooms but it should be imparted in the field and_____?

Through exploration

201 - Negation of fixed aims of Education, is related to:


202 - Negative Education be given to child in Naturalism at age-1 to______?

12 years

203 - Ontology is also recognized as:


204 - Paulo Freire (1921-1997) and other critical theorists, such as social Deconstructionists have believed that system must be changed to cover come oppression and improve human conditions. This dictum of change related to the philosophy of?


205 - Perenialism uses what method of teaching in the classroom?

Socratic Dialogue method

206 - Philosophy becomes Speculative when we have some questions raised in our thinking about ultimate Nature: ______?

All of the above

207 - Philosophy formulates the aims of education based upon deep insight and fundamental ____?


208 - Philosophy gives _____to human experience.


209 - Philosophy is an attempt to answer all the questions of____?


210 - Philosophy of Naturalism focuses on:

All of the above

211 - Philosophy of Pragmatism favors which methods of teaching?

Learning by doing method

212 - Philosophy of Pragmatism is related to which country?


213 - Philosophy of Progressivism today focuses on:

All of the above

214 - Philosophy of Reconstructionism always emphasize:

Building a just society

215 - Philosophy of Reconstructionism is in favor of _____?

Both A&B

216 - Philosophy of Reconstructionism prepare students for_____?

Social Revolution

217 - Philosophy of Reconstructionism provides ______environment.


218 - Philosophy which stress "Mind over matter" is called?


219 - Pragmatic curriculum is:


220 - Pragmatism also advocated _______through participation in cooperative activities in the school society.


221 - Pragmatism deals all round development of an individual by physically, mentally, social, morally and______?


222 - Pragmatism doesn't favor for:

Fixing curriculum in advance

223 - Pragmatism emphasizes on :

A,B, & C

224 - Pragmatism emphasizes on Reconstruction of ______?


225 - Pragmatism favors:

A flexible and changing curriculum

226 - Pragmatism ignores subjects and activities such as:

All of the above

227 - Pragmatism is an extremely :


228 - Pragmatism neglects old and traditional methods of teaching. It utilizes:

Experimenting with new methods

229 - Pragmatism stresss on the following phenomenons?

All of the above

230 - Pragmatism stresss on:

All of the above

231 - Pragmatism uses which methods to solve the educational problems?

Project method

232 - Prescriptive philosophy always deals with _____?

All of the above

233 - Prescriptive Philosophy asks/follows the question of:

A,B & C

234 - Prescriptive Philosophy aslo called _____?


235 - Prescriptive philosophy is related to ______?


236 - Process of knowing is more important than product in:


237 - Progressivism also can be referred as:

Both A&B

238 - Progressivism focuses on:

Both A&B

239 - Rationalism is associated with which of the following philosophy?


240 - Realism describes that there is a true reality out side the_____for responding to our conception and perception.


241 - Realism in education and it dominated the education thought and practice in______?

17th century

242 - Realistic movement evolved gradually and assumed how many forms?


243 - Rigorous common core of traditional courses is taught to the students in:


244 - Self-expression, not self-realization, is an important aim of_______?

Naturalistic Education

245 - Self-imposed or Militant discipline proposed by:

Both A&B

246 - Self-preservation includes :

Both A&B

247 - Soren Kierkegaard is an 19th century existentialist philosopher. Who belongs to which country?

Danish philosopher

248 - Soren Kierkegaard presented the dilemma of the _______more than a century ago.

Individual man

249 - Speculative philosophy always deals with _____.

Developing theories

250 - Speculative philosophy is related to _____?


251 - Spirit/soul is not real, material is real, which philosophy of eduation advocated this belief?


252 - Students choose curriculum for self-directed learning in which philosophy of eduation?


253 - Students trust that the teacher knows best in which educational philosophy?


254 - Study of Reality or nature of Existence is called?


255 - Teacher dispenses knowledge and students absorb that knowledge in which philosophy of eduation?


256 - Teacher dispenses the knowledge of traditional subjects and pupils observed in the philosophy of?


257 - Teacher encourages his pupils to utilize their mind and develop the power of reasoning in which philosophy of eduation?


258 - Teacher is dominant and prominent throughout the classroom in the philosophy of _____?


259 - Teacher is dominant in_____. He is also a co-worker with God in perfecting man.


260 - Teacher is the only one source in classroom who stresses on choices, which philosophy has given this freedom?


261 - Textbooks also reflect the ______.

All of the above

262 - Textbooks always reflect______ approach to curriculum.


263 - Textbooks must be written in accordance with the philosophy of the______background of a society or nation.


264 - The best aim of individual's life is "to be that which on truly is," according to:

Soren Kierkegaard

265 - The child experiences and learns certain principles, skills and methods not formally but he learns:


266 - The child prepare himself to be a father, at which of the following Age-group according to the philosophy of Naturalism?

20-25 years

267 - The child should be given Negative Education, according to Rousseau from age-group 1 year to_____?

Upto 12 years

268 - The child should be provided a real and purposeful task to carry out in natural setting. This idea is presented by which philosophy?


269 - The child should be provided a real situation so that he can learn or solve the problems practically. Which philosophy presents this idea of learning?


270 - The child should be the object before the words or objects through the words is related to:

Sense Realism

271 - The concept of Truth is 'what works' is related to which philosophy?


272 - The curriculum of Existentialism focuses on:

Individual and relationship

273 - The essence of Naturalism lies in providing natural ________to the Children/Students.


274 - The great didactic book by John Amos Comenius represents:

Scientific Realism

275 - The great Greek Idealist Plato, however, who advocated the Socratic Method that is:


276 - The Humanities and cultural activities have no room in __________scheme of education.


277 - The idea such as: 'you can't know something that you not experienced" is related to which philosophy of eduation?


278 - The Idealists lays stress on ______?


279 - The inherent or spiritual values, according to Plato are:

All of the above

280 - The knowledge of traditional subjects is worth for?


281 - The movement of Realism can be divided later in form of:

All of the above

282 - The naturalistic school of Philosophy leads to the doctrine of ' ______.'

The natural man

283 - The Naturalists advocated discipline by:

Natural consequences

284 - The Naturalists advocated which of the following method of Teaching (education)?

Play way

285 - The philosophers of Naturalism, focus on _____rather than for Arts at higher stage of education.


286 - The Philosophy of Essentialism focuses on essential information and?

Values of past

287 - The Philosophy of Perenialism focuses on:

All of the above

288 - The Philosophy of Perenialism is:

Both A and B

289 - The Philosophy of Pragmatism emphasizes on:

All of the above

290 - The Philosophy of Pragmatism puts more emphasize on the:

All of the above

291 - The Philosophy of Realism emphasizes _______in education.


292 - The Philosophy of Realism, regards the personal wants as:

All of these

293 - The Philosophy which stresses Human development according to environment is referred as:


294 - The principle of integration is focused while finalizing the curriculum in:


295 - The Realism as movement started from 16th century and developed in the______witnessed great inventions and epoch making discoveries.

17th century

296 - The solution of problems through scientific method is proposed by which philosophical thoughts?


297 - The students learn passively by sitting in their desks and listening to the teacher in philosophy of:


298 - The students of the philosophy of Perrennailsm, focuse three types of exercises like:

Reason, memory and will

299 - The subjects should be taught at _____level which will help the child in training his senses.

First level

300 - The subjects which have linkage with physical and natural environment should be taught at______level.

Second level

301 - The task of epistemology is to consider what is meant by the psychological concepts as:

All of these

302 - The teacher is a friend and a Helper in:


303 - The teacher is in a position to foster individual's growth in which philosophy?


304 - The Teacher is in the foreground and is the center of attention in philosophy of?


305 - The teacher is the authority and he establishes rules in the philosophy of?


306 - The term "Examination" which was mainly based on essay and measured only the______.

Factual knowledge

307 - The term Examination was replaced by the new term _______.


308 - The training of intellect starts at which age - group, according to Naturalism?

12-15 years

309 - The Vocational Education is not encouraged in the philosophy of?


310 - There are basically two sides of Philosophy, one is Theory and the other is ______.


311 - There are how many areas of Philosophy of Education?


312 - There are how many sides of Philosophy?


313 - There are how many stages in Project Method?


314 - There are how many styles of Philosophy?


315 - There are 'No ultimate values', this philosophical concept is related to which philosophy?


316 - Traditional academic subjects and modern technology is considered valuable in?


317 - Traditional subjects of study are emphasized by whom?


318 - True philosophy is that which provides helpful solution of practical problems of life. Who proposed that about a philosophy should be like that?


319 - Truth, goodness & beauty: these three values determine three types of activities?

Intellectual, Aesthetics and Moral

320 - Turth is always recognized as continuously being changed and tested rather than a stable body of knowledge" is related to:


321 - Ultimate Reality is Spiritualism is related to Philosophy of _____?


322 - Ultimate Reality is Spiritualism is related to Philosophy of _____?


323 - Using laboratory, experimental instructional methods, field trips, cooperative problems solving, simulations, tips and problems solving methods in which philosophy?


324 - Usually a philosophy can be Prescriptive and________?


325 - Values are real and unchanging, is the major idea of ______.


326 - What are the aims of education according to the philosophy of Realism?

All of these included

327 - What are the basic aims of education of Idealism?

All of these

328 - What are the fundamental principles of Pragmatism?

All of the above

329 - What are the major aspects that on "Right Subjects" paid attention to?

All of the above

330 - What are the right subjects in the philosophy of Realism?

Gives the best educational results

331 - What are the three basic areas of Philosophy of Education?

Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology

332 - What is called the philosophy of common sense and also the philosophy of science?


333 - What is favorite teaching method of an Idealist Teacher?

Lecture method

334 - What is fifth and last stage of the Project Method?

Evaluation and judgment of its utility

335 - What is fourth stage of the Project Method?

The actual execution of the plans

336 - What is impractical and inapplicable in Existentialism in an industrial society?

The educational methods

337 - What is included in the curriculum of Idealistic Philosophy of Eduation?

All of these included

338 - What is included in the curriculum of Perenialism?

All of these

339 - What is included in the curriculum of Progressivism?

All of the above

340 - What is learned rather then how it is learned, is the primary focus of?


341 - What is the basis of all education, according to Naturalism?


342 - What is the brach or area of Philosophy which deals with the nature of Reality?


343 - What is the brach/area of Philosophy which deals with the nature of Values?


344 - What is the chief function of a Pragmatic Teacher in learning process?

To create real life situation

345 - What is the difference between knowing and believing? This question is mainly focused in which philosophy of eduation?


346 - What is the first stage of Project Method?

The teacher provides a real situation

347 - What is the important teaching method of Naturalists?

Role playing

348 - What is the meaning of 'Back to Basics?'

Promotion of reasoning

349 - What is the primary aim of a Realist Teacher?


350 - What is the question, which advocated by the philosophy of Ontology?

What is reality?

351 - What is the second stage of Project Method?

Chose the project

352 - What is the setting which causes the proper development of the child can take place?

Natural environment

353 - What is the stage of training of intellect, according to Naturalism?

Age-group 12 to 20 years

354 - What is the teaching method follwed by Pragmatists in educational process?

All of these

355 - What is the watchword of Naturalistic Philosophy of Education?


356 - What is third stage of the Project Method?

Plans for the execution of the selected project

357 - What isbthe basic principle of Naturalistic Education?

All of the above

358 - What was the discipline determined by the philosophy of Pragmatism?

Both A&B

359 - Which are subjects, at later stage provided to learn?

All of these are included in the curriculum of Pragmatism

360 - Which are the major areas of discussion in Ontology?

All of these

361 - Which branch or area of Philosophy that dealt with the nature of Knowledge?


362 - Which is the oldest Western Philosophy?


363 - Which is the teaching method utilized by Realism Education?

All of these

364 - Which method of teaching in classroom is practiced by Existentialist?

Child centered approach according to the interest of the children

365 - Which of the following exponent believed in freedom of man and his self-direction?

All of the above

366 - Which of the following form of Realism advocated the Participation in active social life, which can be acquired through social contacts with people, through travels?

Social Realism

367 - Which of the following form of Realism, emphasizes nature's law and phenomena not to the classics or social contacts, the basis of education must be physical and its laws?

Sense Realism

368 - Which of the following is the fundamental principle of Pragmatism?

All of the above

369 - Which of the following is the philosophy of education that de-emphasizes experiences?


370 - Which of the following Philosophers recommended Project, Problem Solving Methods, Socialized Techniques and other activities as the teaching strategies?


371 - Which of the following philosophies regards teacher as a stage manager who has to provide an educational environment?


372 - Which of the following Philosophy emphasizes present experience, interest and activities?


373 - Which of the following philosophy has the "Aims of life is self - realization?"


374 - Which of the following philosophy is anti-intellectual?


375 - Which of the following philosophy is the modern 20th century philosophy?


376 - Which of the following Philosophy of Education has proposed that 'Senses are the gateways of knowledge?'


377 - Which of the following Philosophy of Education stresses more on Education which should be practical and utilitarian?


378 - Which of the following Philosophy of Education, Neglects children's psychological nature?


379 - Which of the following philosophy prefers instinctive judgments and primitive emotions as the basis for action to reflection?


380 - Which of the following Philosophy proposed that education must equip the child to struggle to exist?


381 - Which of the following Philosophy proposed, 'everything comes from nature and return to it?'


382 - Which of the following philosophy proposed, 'Philosophy is thinking what to do in a life situation and it is brought into existence when problems occur?'


383 - Which of the following philosophy's practitioners favoured Lecture Method & Discussion Method?


384 - Which of the following were emphasized on higher values of life and prescribed the study of Ethics, Religion, Logic, humanities, and Literature?


385 - Which of the philosophy is expensive and need overhauling?


386 - Which Philosophy demonstrates learning through practice or experiments?


387 - Which Philosophy denies the Spiritual cultural values?


388 - Which Philosophy describes "the aim of education is not to produce a scholar or a professional man, but to produce a man world of affairs?


389 - Which Philosophy describes that "Existence is Ultimate?"


390 - Which Philosophy emphasizes on old things that repeated again and again?


391 - Which Philosophy is called the most inflexible & conservative philosophy in education?


392 - Which Philosophy is related to human choice and responsibility?


393 - Which Philosophy is related to human choices and responsibilities?


394 - Which philosophy of eduation raised the dictum of "Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than in words?"


395 - Which Philosophy of Education gives too much importance to the teachers?


396 - Which Philosophy presents that there is 'No ultimate values?'


397 - Which Philosophy proposed 'Teaching is a performance that evokes students leaning?'


398 - Which Philosophy represents American social background and as such, it is less practicable in Indian schools?


399 - Which Philosophy Teaches students how to make decisions?


400 - Which Philosophy view knowledge as an unchanging phenomena?


401 - Which school of Philosophy maintained that all systems of ideas are subject to verification by consequences?


402 - Which school of Philosophy of Education proposed that 'Geography should be learned in school journey and actual excursions, rather than taught from books and maps?


403 - Which style of philosophy holds/explore the view "What is the Purpose of creation of man?"

Speculative philosophy

404 - Who "stresses action rather than reflection?"


405 - Who are the main exponents of this view: 'the education should be an autonomous development of individuality as an important goal of education?'

Both A&B

406 - Who argued that human life has no purpose: existence is Ultimate and that we must choose, by choosing, we become ourselves?

Jean Paul Sartre

407 - Who believed in democracy in education or democratic education?


408 - Who believed that growth of human personality takes place because of interaction with environment?


409 - Who believes that the chief aim of education is the fullest development of the child?


410 - Who believes that the fittest alone should survive?


411 - Who creates his/her own reality, according to Existentialism?


412 - Who define Realism as 'the aim of new realism is to expound a philosophy which is not inconsistent with the fact of common life and with the development in physical science?'

John Ruskin

413 - Who defines Pragmatic philosophy in these words: "I affirm that the term 'Pragmatic' means only the rules of referring all thinking, all reflective consideration, to consequence for final meaning and test?"

John Dewey

414 - Who defines the aims of education in the following words: "the aims of education is the formation of complete man, skilled in art and industry", then the development of the whole man, physically, morally and intellectually?


415 - Who described that education should enable an individual to live in harmony with his surroundings. This process will ensure his/her health and happiness.


416 - Who does not believe in Idealistic unreal theory, which has no relation to current life?


417 - Who emphasize the selection of "right" subjects in the curriculum?


418 - Who emphasized more the value of direct studies of man and things, also advocated a period of travel and grand to, which will give real experience of varied aspects of life?


419 - Who favors "Bookish knowledge?"


420 - Who favors the truth of life and aim of life is the development from the present systematic life?


421 - Who has been defined Philosophy as an increasing effort to discern the general truth that lies behind the particular facts to discern also reality that lies behind appearance? "

T. Raymont

422 - Who has the primary concern to create suitable environment for the sake of influence the development of an individual?


423 - Who is called the Father of Existentialism?

Soren Kierkegaard

424 - Who is emphasized on freedom of choice of curriculum?


425 - Who is the exponent of Philosophy of Reconstructionism?

All of the above

426 - Who is the great exponent of Existentialism?

All of these

427 - Who is the major exponent of the Philosophy of Naturalism?

J.J. Rousseau

428 - Who is the major proponent of Perenialism?

All of these

429 - Who lay more stress on Motivation, Direct experiences and on maintaining interests of the child?


430 - Who lays emphasize on the value of experimentation?


431 - Who opposes Formalism and Artificiality in philosophy by its practical consequences?


432 - Who prepares pupils rationally and spiritually?


433 - Who proposed those experiences and subjects which gisve due consideration to the present experiences, activities, and interests of the child. Also their primary aim is physical sciences & direct experiences?


434 - Who recommended realistic and useful aims of education?


435 - Who said that Philosophy is an attempt to think truly about human experiences as a whole and to make our whole experience intelligible?


436 - Who said, "Knowledge comes primarily through senses?"


437 - Who said, "Man is essential born good. It is the society that makes him bad?"

J.J. Rousseau

438 - Who said, "Naturalism is term loosely applied in educational theory to system of training that or not dependent on school and books actual life of the educated?"


439 - Who said, "Naturalism is the doctrine that separates nature from God, subordinates spirit to matter and sets up unchangeable laws as Supreme?"

James Ward

440 - Who said, "therefore, a complete and generous education that which fits a man to perform skillfully, justly, and magnanimously fall the officers, both private and public, of peace and war?"


441 - Who said, 'Man must accept the existence of God by faith, even if it is difficult to uphold it by reason?

Soren Kierkegaard

442 - Who said, 'Philosophy and Education are Two sides of a coin?'

J. Ross

443 - Who says, 'Philosophy in order to Philosophy, should have meaning and utility in the solution of human problems. It should of human problems and in influencing the conduct of life and not a passive enquiry or contemplation? "

John Dewey

444 - Who taken to be the main founder of Existentialism?

Soren Kierkegaard

445 - Who was advocated that education should be geared to the fulfillment of economic needs of the child?


446 - Who was favored inner discipline (discipline of mind/intellect)?


447 - Who was presented Social Realism?


448 - Who was stated, "The aim of learning must be practical mastery of nature?"

Francis Bacon

449 - Who were the key exponents of Humanistic Realism in education?

All of the above

450 - Who were the main exponents of Existentialism?

All of the above

451 - Wider use of educational technology is justified by which of the following philosophy?


452 - William Bagley is the major proponent of which philosophy?


453 - William James, Dewey and Kilpatrick are the major figures of which educational philosophy?



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