Educational Philosophy MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - A bad philosophy can be substituted by

Better philosophy

2 - â€Å“Achieve heaven through charity for a whole month,” is a statement which can be classified as


3 - â€Å“Child is more important than all kinds of books”. This viewpoint of Tagore represents his faith in the following aims of education

Individual aims

4 - â€Å“Education is the process of natural development of the child into an enjoyable, rational, harmoniously balanced, useful and hence, natural life”. Which school of philosophy of education believes that


5 - â€Å“Human institutions are one mass of folly and contradiction.” Whose statement is this?


6 - â€Å“Next to Nature the child should be brought into touch with the stream of social 'behaviour”. By saying this Tagore is trying to emphasize following aims of education

Social aims

7 - According to Advaita Vedanta, the nature of liberation can be explained as

All of these

8 - According to Atma Manovadin, Charvakas self is


9 - According to ethicists, values are concerned with

All of these

10 - According to Existentialists, the essence of existence means

Tensions and contradictions which condition loneliness and anxiety

11 - According to materialism, the only valid pramana is


12 - According to Pranvadin Charvakas the nature of self is

Vital principle

13 - According to psychologists, value is primarily concerned with:

All of these

14 - According to the theory known as Avacchedavada, causation means


15 - According to Vivekananda's philosophy of education, the prime aim of education is

Fullness of perfection already present in the child

16 - According to which educational philosophy, socially useful labour must form the central pivot of the entire school?


17 - According to which philosophy of education, childhood is something desirable for its own sake and children should be children?


18 - According to which school of philosophy of education, exaltation of individual's personality is a function of education?

Idealism and Marxism both

19 - Advaita Vedanta theory of liberation is based upon


20 - Aims of education are determined by human being for the good of the

Both (a) and (b)

21 - Anuma knowledge according to Nyaya is


22 - As an educationist, Gandhiji was

Naturalist, an Idealist and a Pragmatist all together

23 - As Huxley pleaded for the introduction of â€Å“a complete and thorough scientific culture” into schools, he is claimed to be

A Realist

24 - As one of the Indian constitutional values, secularism means

Equal respect for all religions and no discrimination in any matter on the ground of religion

25 - Axiological judgement shows the characteristics of

All of these

26 - Beauty can be classified as having the value of


27 - Buddha's attitude towards self can be said to be


28 - Buddha's theory of self is known as

Theory of no-soul

29 - Buddha's theory of self is similar to the theory propounded in the West by

William James

30 - Charvaka criticism of scriptures has been challenged by

All of these

31 - Charvaka philosophers have been classified into

Both (a) and (b)

32 - Charvakas have rejected the validity of scriptures on the basis of

All of these

33 - Development of which of the following is not an aim of democratic education?

Scientific and technical education

34 - Education, according to the Pragmatist is

Wholly purposive

35 - Evaluate the viewpoint â€Å“The child knows better than any educator what he should learn, when and how he should learn it”?

Correct, but not practical

36 - For strengthening democracy as a constitutional value through education, it is necessary to ensure that

People learn large-hearted tolerance, mutual give and take and appreciation of ways in which people differ from one another

37 - Goodwill, according to Immanual Kant, is

Intrinsic value

38 - Harmonious development of the child aim of education means

The state is superior to the individual transcending all his desires and aspirations

39 - Health can be classified as having the value of


40 - If a student failed in any class what should be done to him?

He should be given a chance to improve and sent to the next class after he improves

41 - In Democracy educational pattern is planned after the interests of the many because

There are always too many illiterates in a democracy

42 - In evolution self aims at

All of the above

43 - In Indian philosophy the theory of error has been mostly utilised in the field of

All of these

44 - In India's constitutional values equality applied to education means

To equalize the external or material circumstances of obtaining education

45 - In the light of relevant past events, contemporary events and their understanding should find a place in the teaching of history. Who maintained this principle?


46 - In which year the University Grants Commission was established?


47 - In whose methodology of teaching â€Å“Experimentation” is the key-note of?


48 - Indian education can promote national consciousness by

All of these

49 - India's constitutional value of â€Å“equality of all” is founded on several assumptions. Which of the following is not among these?

All men are alike by nature

50 - Knowledge according to Jain philosophers can be called

Both (a) and (b)

51 - Knowledge according to Mimamsa philosophy, is

both (a) and (b)

52 - Knowledge according to Nyaya, can be properly described as


53 - Knowledge arising out of similar cognition or perception is known as


54 - Knowledge of name, shape, quality etc is known as


55 - Learning by Project Method is technically known as

Incidental learning

56 - Liberation after death, according to Samkhya philosophy, can be termed as


57 - Liberation and bondage, according to Samkhya philosophy, are of the nature of

Practical reality

58 - Liberation in Buddhist philosophy is known as


59 - Liberation, according to Buddha, means


60 - Liberation, according to Charvaka, can be said to be

None of these

61 - Liberation, according to Jaina philosophy can be classified as

Both (a) and (b)

62 - Liberation, according to Jaina philosophy, is

All of these

63 - Liberation, according to Jaina, can be achieved by

All of these

64 - Liberation, according to Samkhya, can be attained by:


65 - Liberation, as becoming a part of God, according to Ramanuja is known as


66 - Liberation, as nearness to Ishwara according to Ramanuja is known as


67 - Literally the term philosophy means

Love of knowledge

68 - Man, according to Buddha, can be said to be


69 - Man, according to Charvaka philosophy, is

The physical body

70 - Marxist educational philosophy is closer to


71 - Naturalist's conception of man is

Nature would have them children before they are men

72 - Nirvana cannot be described as

Both (a) and (b)

73 - Nirvana in Buddhist texts has been described as

All of these

74 - On what depends the values of an educational experience in the eyes of the idealist?

Whether or not it preserves accepted institutions

75 - On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education?

Different philosophies expressed different points of view on every aspect of education

76 - On whose philosophy is based the current primary education in India?


77 - Perception coming through the contact of external senses with objects according to Charvaka is known as

Both (a) and (b)

78 - Philosophers are, â€Å“Those who are lovers of the vision of truth.” This was said by


79 - Philosophical activity is concerned with

All of these

80 - Philosophical thinking is characterised by

All of these

81 - Philosophising requires the processes of

All of these

82 - Play way method of teaching has been emphasised in the scheme of the education of


83 - Pragmatism has a greater sense of responsibility than Naturalism with regard to moral training because

The free activity which pragmatic- system of education entails does not mean licence; rather it means a guided activity

84 - Prama literally means the experience which is


85 - Prama, according to Vedanta, is the knowledge which is


86 - Pramanas, according to Jaina's include

Both (a) and (b)

87 - Pramanas, according to Vedanta, can be classified as

All of these

88 - Preparing the child for future life as an aim of education is preparing child for

Facing all kinds of emergencies and situations of future life

89 - Project method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of


90 - Rabindra Nath Tagore was a Naturalist because he said about children that

They should be given full freedom to live in natural environment and learn by doing

91 - Ramanuja's theory of causation is known as

Brahman Parinamavada

92 - Ramanuja's theory of causation is known as

Brahman Parinamavada

93 - Realism in education was born out of

A cleavage between the work of the schools and the life of the world outside that occurred during the 19th century

94 - Rebirth, according to Buddha, is connected with self as


95 - Religion and philosophy meet in:


96 - Religious education is strongly advocated by


97 - Rigid system of state-education is justified on the basis that the state

Has a right and a bounden duty to mould the citizen to a pattern which makes for its own preservation and enhancement

98 - Samkara has utilised the Adhyasa to explain

Nature of world

99 - Samkara's theory of self is based upon


100 - Samkhya theory of self has been criticised on the basis of

Confusion between Jiva and Atman

101 - Self, according to Samkara, is


102 - Sentences pertaining to objective existence are known as


103 - Social aims of education imply the training of

The individuals for the purpose of serving the needs of the society

104 - Statements concerning the Mode of Performance of religious activity are known as


105 - Tagore was an Idealist because he emphasized

Moral and spiritual development of the child

106 - The aim of education according to the Existentialists is

Humanitarian and humanist self- realization

107 - The aim of the study of Vedanta scriptures is:

All of these

108 - The arguments presented in favour of the Vedas include

All of these

109 - The basis of the classification of scriptural words according to Nyaya can be

Both (a) and (b)

110 - The best theory of liberation in Indian philosophy has been advanced by

Advaita Vedanta

111 - The best theory of Pramanas in Indian philosophy has been presented by


112 - The causal relation, according to Samkara is

Unreal change

113 - The cause of bondage of the Jiva in the world, according to Samkara, is


114 - The cause of suffering, according to Samkhya, philosophy is


115 - The cause of the power of Maya, according to Samkara, is


116 - The cause, according to Indian philosophy, can be classified as

All of these

117 - The Charvaka theory of self can be termed as


118 - The Charvakas deny the existence of

All of these

119 - The Charvakas have challenged the validity of

Both (a) and (b)

120 - The chief arguments to prove the existence of self advance by Samkhya philosophies are

All of these

121 - The chief characteristics of purusa in Samkhya philosophy is

All of these

122 - The chief characteristics of the self according to Samkhya philosophy, is

Pure consciousness

123 - The chief differences among thinking beings are


124 - The contemporary trend in philosophical method is


125 - The diversity of philosophical conclusions shows


126 - The existence of soul in Indian philosophy has not been accepted by the schools known as

Both (a) and (b)

127 - The extrinsic values mainly include

All of these

128 - The false knowledge, according to Samkara, is known as


129 - The famous preaching of Nirvana to king Milinda were given by


130 - The final state of liberation, according to Samkhya philosophy, is


131 - The fundamental basis of Samkara's theory of self is


132 - The goal of philosophy can be properly defined as


133 - The identity of the subject and object consciousness adopting the form of external object is known as


134 - The imagination of quality in a thing which has been the subject of imposition of the object having that quality leads to the error known as


135 - The immediate knowledge according to Mimamsa is known as


136 - The immediate knowledge of the nonexistence of an object is known as


137 - The important aspects of philosophical problems are

Both (a) and (b)

138 - The important characteristics of philosophy are

All of these

139 - The important forms of Nirvana include

Both (a) and (b)

140 - The important means for achievement or liberation, according to Samkara, is

All of these

141 - The imposition of an object upon another due to illusion is known as


142 - The imposition of some external objects upon the self, according to Samkara, means


143 - The imposition of some quality in a thing where it is not, is known as


144 - The indirect proofs for the existence of self, according to the Jain philosophers, are

All of these

145 - The influence of both philosophy and religion in the life of the human individual and society is

Both (a) and (b)

146 - The intimacy between philosophy and religion can be seen in the field of

All of these

147 - The invariable relation between the Hetu and the Saddaya in Nyaya Philosophy is known as


148 - The Jains have refused the Charvaka view of self on the basis of

No evidence

149 - The knowledge gained through the testimony of the reliable statement of scripture is known as


150 - The knowledge known as Pramana is gained by


151 - The knowledge of a thing by means of Hetu, according to Jain's is known as


152 - The knowledge of the qualities of the Paksha through the Hetu is known as


153 - The knowledge of the relation between a name and the thing named in Nyaya is known as


154 - The knowledge which results by the past impressions based upon the awareness of concomitance is known as


155 - The knowledge which the Jiva attains without any help is known as


156 - The liberation by living, according to Samkhya philosophy, can be termed as

Both (a) and (b)

157 - The liberation in Advaita Vedanta is known as:


158 - The main objection against Samkhya concept of liberation is based upon

All of these

159 - The main theories concerning the intrinsic values are

Both (a) and (b)

160 - The material and the efficient cause, according to Samkhya philosophy, are related as


161 - The materialists define value as


162 - The meaning of the terms philosophy and Darshan are


163 - The Mimamsa theory of causation is known as

Theory of energy

164 - The most effective method of character- formation is

Rewarding virtuous behaviours and presenting high character models in the schools

165 - The most important characteristic of self, according to Samkara is

All of these

166 - The most important difference between philosophy and science is


167 - The most important element in the Jain theory of Pramanas is


168 - The most important means for achieving Nirvana, according to Buddha, is


169 - The most important pramana, according to Advaita Vedanta, is


170 - The most important source of knowledge according to Mimamsa is


171 - The most important source of knowledge according to Nyaya philosophy is


172 - The most important theory of self in Indian philosophy has been advanced by


173 - The most important thing to keep in mind for a teacher according to Realism in education is

The value and significance of what is taught

174 - The most important trait of philosophy is


175 - The most, important source of knowledge, according to Indian philosophy is

All of these

176 - The nature of Avidya, according to Samkara, can be described as

Both (a) and (b)

177 - The nature of perception according to Charvaka can be said to be

Both (a) and (b)

178 - The nature of philosophy can be explained as

All of these

179 - The nature of Vedic words can be described as


180 - The nature of world as illusion has been accepted in Indian philosophy by

all of these

181 - The only valid Pramana according to Charvaka is


182 - The perceptual knowledge, according to Mimamsa, can be classified as

Both (a) and (b)

183 - The philosopher is more concerned with


184 - The philosophers who have condemned Charvaka, challenge to Vedas include

All of these

185 - The philosophical attitude includes

All of these

186 - The philosophical effect can be seen upon

All of these

187 - The philosophical method includes,

All of these

188 - The philosophical thinking in a philosopher is


189 - The plurality theory of self in Indian philosophy has been accepted by

All of these

190 - The postulation of a fact by the impossibility of its opposite is known as


191 - The pragmatists are against

Breakdown of knowledge into separate subjects

192 - The Pramana of Upmana in Indian philosophy has been accepted by

All of these

193 - The proper cause of adhyasa, according to Samkara, is

All of these

194 - The proper means of anumana according to Nyaya is


195 - The proper nature of Adhyasa can be explained as


196 - The Realist's aim of education is

Happy and moral development

197 - The reflection of Brahman as according to Samkara, is due to

All of these

198 - The relation between the Jiva and Brahman, according to Samkara, can be explained as


199 - The relation of subject and object in perception, according to Vedanta, is


200 - The relationship of the ultimate reality with the world in Indian philosophy has been explained by the theory of


201 - The right knowledge, according to Samkara, is known as


202 - The sage Vatsyayan belongs to the Charvaka School of


203 - The Samkhya theory of self, is based upon

The Vedas

204 - The self in Samkhya philosophy is known as


205 - The self is proved on the basis of the psychological tendencies of

All of these

206 - The self, according to Samkhya is different from

All of these

207 - The self, according to Samkhya theory is

All of these

208 - The social aims of education imply that

The state has to give not to take anything from the individual

209 - The spiritualists define value as


210 - The state of Jivan mukti is included in

Bhava moksha

211 - The term â€Å“progressive education” related to


212 - The theory known as Satkaryavada includes


213 - The theory of causation advanced by Samkara has been proved by

All of these

214 - The theory of causation known as Parinamavada in Indian philosophy has been supported by

Both (a) and (b)

215 - The theory of imposition of a mental concept upon the external world is known as


216 - The theory of liberation has been rejected in Indian philosophy by the school known as

The Charvaka

217 - The theory of Naya is based upon


218 - The theory that the effect is already implicit in the cause, is known as


219 - The Theory that the effect is not implicit but super-imposed upon cause, is known as


220 - The theory, that the effect is only the apparent of the cause, is known as


221 - The theory, that the effect is the real result of the cause, is known as


222 - The true nature of philosophy can be explained as

All of these

223 - The ultimate aim of education, according to Gandhiji, was to help the individuals to be

Able-to grow into a divine human being by realizing Godliness

224 - The ultimate good includes

Intrinsic value

225 - The ultimate human values are of the nature of


226 - The unitary theory of self in Indian philosophy has been supported by

Advaita Vedanta

227 - The validity of scriptures has been challenged by the Charvakas in the field of

Imperceptible things

228 - The Vedas teach us that creation is

Without beginning and without an end

229 - The Vedic statements, according to Mimamsa, can be classified as

Both (a) and (b)

230 - The words which are given to the seers through the God himself are known as


231 - The world as suffering has been postulated by

All of these

232 - The world, according to Samkara, is


233 - The world, according to Samkara, is the result of


234 - To contribute to India's national integration education should

Make children familiar with all aspects of national life

235 - Uncontradicted knowledge arising out of the sense object contact is known as


236 - Under whose leadership is founded the University at Pondicherry?

Sri Aurobindo

237 - Valid knowledge according to Mimamsa includes

Both (a) and (b)

238 - Value can be properly defined as

All of these

239 - Value has been closely linked with interest. This statement has been given by


240 - Value is accompanied with

All of these

241 - Values can be classified as

Both (a) and (b)

242 - Values have been classified as

Both (a) and (b)

243 - Vivekananda included study of "religion, philosophy, Upnishadas and Puranas” to achieve

Development of intellect of the child

244 - Vivekananda's philosophy of life was derived from

Vedanta philosophy

245 - Vyapti can be properly defined as

None of these

246 - What are the three components of the educational process?

Teacher, student and education

247 - What did Gandhiji's philosophy of education stress as aim of education?

A synthesis of individual and social aims

248 - What do you mean by curriculum?

Indicates the course to be taught by the teachers to the students throughout the year

249 - What does the individual aim of education imply?

Education must secure for everyone the conditions under which the individuality is most completely developed

250 - What is called education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place?

Informal Education

251 - What is correct about the nature of philosophy in relation to science?

Philosophy is the science of science

252 - What is development of human potentialities in education?

Individual aim

253 - What is development of social sense and cooperation among the individuals through education?

Social aim

254 - What is not associated with Pragmatism?

Education for self-realization

255 - What is teaching through deductive method?

From general to specific

256 - What is the compulsory element of learning?

Tendency to know

257 - What is the goal of education according to Idealism?

Realisation of moral values

258 - What is the main centre of informal Education?

All of the above

259 - What is the meaning of lesson plan?

To read the lesson before teaching it

260 - What is the place of principal in an educational institute?

Manager of the school

261 - What is the view point of progressive educators regarding the issue of liberal vs. vocational education?

Liberal arts subject should proceed vocational training

262 - What should be done so that the school is to be the guardian of democracy?

Democracy should, actually, be lived in the school

263 - Which among the following does not fit into the scheme of educational goals of the Idealists?

Care of body

264 - Which among the following is not an acceptable criticism of social aims of education?

They are anti-individual

265 - Which among the following is not emphasized by the individual aims of education?

Development of values of tolerance and non-violence

266 - Which among the following is not essentially desirable in the project method?

The task of the project should be full of message for the children

267 - Which among the following is the most correct view about social and individual aims of education?

Individual and social aims are only two sides of the same coin

268 - Which among the following statements is not a characteristic of Marxism?

Its major objective is the development of child's personality

269 - Which branch of philosophy deals with knowledge, its structure, method and validity?


270 - Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature of â€Å“reality” ?


271 - Which educational activity is most desirable to the pragmatist?

Approximates the goals which educational scientists have set up

272 - Which is a great disadvantage of the project method?

It leaves gaps in the knowledge of the child

273 - Which is not an aspect of mind according to the Realists' theory of knowing?


274 - Which is not Naturalism's aim of Education?

To inculcate ethical and moral values in the pupils

275 - Which is not the nature of philosophy?

It is the totality of man's creative ideas

276 - Which is the characteristic of the project method?

Used for all-round-development of child's personality

277 - Which is the first school for a child's education?


278 - Which is the most widely accepted method of education, according to the pragmatists?

Learning by doing

279 - Which of the following characteristics is common to Pragmatism, Naturalism and Existentialism?

Emphasis on the individual

280 - Which of the following claims of the pragmatists is not acceptable?

The free activity of the pupil is likely to result in permanent attitudes of initiative and independence and moral discipline

281 - Which of the following does not contribute to India's national integration?

Teaching history compulsorily in the school

282 - Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education?

Spiritual development

283 - Which of the following has been asserted about schools by Marxist educational philosophy?

They should function as deliberate instruments of state policy

284 - Which of the following is ideal of education, according to idealism?

Self Realisation

285 - Which of the following is more generally acceptable by modern educationists?

Education is bound to have several aims since its concerns are several such as the individual, the society, the family, the nation and so on

286 - Which of the following is not a national objective to be achieved through education in India?

Increasing children's creative ability

287 - Which of the following is not criticised by realism in education?

Organizing schools in a way that is conducive to practical training in citizenship

288 - Which of the following is said about the idealists?

They are satisfied neither with â€Å“briars” nor with â€Å“roses”

289 - Which of the following is the contribution of Rousseau to education?

Education for Freedom

290 - Which of the following philosophies held that 'Men in the world feel lonely and anxious, being unsure of their meaning and fearful of their annihilation' ?


291 - Which of the following represents 'communist ideal' of education?

Education for State control

292 - Which of the following represents fascist ideal of education?

Education for Nationalism

293 - Which of the following statements does not go in favour of the individual aims of education?

Society is supreme and all individuals are only parts of it

294 - Which of the following statements is correct?

To some extent it is art and to some extent it is science

295 - Which of the following types represents Aurobindo's contribution to education?

Integral Education

296 - Which of the following types represents M.K. Gandhi's contribution to education?

Basic Education

297 - Which of the following types represents Vivekananda's contribution to education?

Education for man making

298 - Which of the following was not suggested as a method of education by Vivekananda?

Guided readings

299 - Which one of the following education systems supports scientific progress?

Realistic Education

300 - Which one of the following sentences is correct about the nature of teaching?

All the above statements are correct

301 - Which philosophy maintained â€Å“The soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter”?


302 - Which philosophy of education considers psychology as an incomplete study of and an inadequate basis of educational theory?


303 - Which school believes that all knowledge comes through the senses?

Sense Realism

304 - Which school held the view, â€Å“God makes all things good; man meddles with and they become evil” ?


305 - Which school maintained self-expression with the accompanying cries of â€Å“no interference”, â€Å“no restraints”?

Extreme form of Naturalism

306 - Which school maintained: â€Å“Natural impulses of the child are of great importance and are good in themselves” ?

Biological Naturalism

307 - Which school of philosophy of education advocated Project method of teaching?


308 - Which school of philosophy of education regrets dualism between cultural, and vocational curriculum?


309 - Which school of philosophy of education stresses the direct study of men and things through tours and travels?

Social realism

310 - Which school of philosophy very strongly advocates that education should be vocational in character?


311 - Which school raised the slogan â€Å“Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words” ?


312 - Which statement about truth is not correct according to the philosophy of Pragmatism?

It is eternal

313 - Which statement is most acceptable to the academicians about â€Å“Bread and butter aim” of education?

It is only partly acceptable

314 - Which statement is not correct about Naturalism?

A reaction against a mere study of books and linguistic forms

315 - Which system of education was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi?

All of these

316 - While Nyaya admits as many as five stages in the process of inference, Samkara has admitted


317 - While, according to Samkhya, Philosophy effect is the real modification of cause, according to Samkara, it is


318 - Who among the following is not a follower of Pragmatic Philosophy?


319 - Who believe that â€Å“Objects have a reality independent of mental phenomena”?


320 - Who emphasised realization of Truth, Beauty and Goodness as the aims of education?


321 - Who emphasized that education should be a social process?


322 - Who raised the slogan â€Å“Back to Nature”?


323 - Who said that the aim of education should be to develop in children feelings of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?

R. N. Tagore

324 - Who said, â€Å“No fixed aims of education and no values in advance”?

Progressive educators

325 - Who said, â€Å“Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right” ?


326 - Who said, â€Å“Without caring for all that is believed, reason it all out and having found that it will do good to you and all believe it, live upto it and help others to live upto it”?


327 - Who was the founder of Shanti Niketan ?


328 - Who was the nineteenth century founder of Existentialism?

Soren Kierkegaard

329 - Who was the supporter of Naturalism in Education?


330 - Who was twentieth century Existentialist?

Jean Paul Sartre

331 - Whose is the ultimate concern-â€Å“What is existence”?

Existentialists and Idealists both

332 - Why are curriculum activities used in teaching?

To assist the teacher

333 - Words according to Nyaya can be classified as

Both (a) and (b)

334 - Words created by ordinary human beings are known as



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