Educational Plans and Policies Of Pakistan MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - Pilot Schools Scheme has been introduced in which educational policy/national commission on Education?


2 - "APNA GHAR" programme was introduced in which National Education Policy?


3 - "Curricula, syllabus and text-books would be revised to eliminate overloading and to emphasize the learning of concepts, skills and encourage observation, experimentation, practical work and creative expression" was proposed in which Educational policy?


4 - "Fostering loyalty to Islam" was the primary dictum of which educational policy of Pakistan?


5 - "No system of education is better than its teachers who serve it" is the dictum of which educational policy?

National Education Commission 1959

6 - "Separate set up for male and female" would be established. It was emphasized in which national educational policy?


7 - "Ten years compulsory education (primary education) with equal opportunities for boys and girls." This was proposed in which educational commission?


8 - "The actual knowledge is one that has the ability to accomplish human needs", according to Shah WaliUllah that relates to?


9 - ______and_______would be developed effective accountability mechanism including EMIS data on teachers deployment to control absenteeism & multiple job-holding.

Provincial and Area Administrations

10 - ____residence for Teachers, especially for Female Teachers would be established in National Education Policy 1978?


11 - A "National Merit Programme" shall be introduced to award the bright students in National Education Policy _____?


12 - A Bachelor degree with B. Ed shall be the requirement for teaching at elementary level and a Masters level for the secondary and Higher Secondary with B. Ed shall be ensured by _______, PTC & CT shall be finished.


13 - A Central Institute of Islamic Research would be planned to establish in which educational policy?

First Educational Conference 1947

14 - A system for ranking of primary and secondary educational institutions across the country shall be introduced in _____national education policy.

National Education Policy 2009

15 - Academic Council and Senate at University Level would be established in?


16 - Academy of Educational Planning and Management (EPM) would be established in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1978

17 - Access to Higher Education would be expanded to at least 5% of the age group in the National Education Policy _______?

National Education Policy 1998

18 - According to the first educational conference 1947, there were needed how many years are required to cope up with adult iliteracy rate?

140 years

19 - According to the National Education 2009, Government shall make efforts to provide the necessary financial aids to achieve the _______goals.


20 - According to the National Education Commission 1959, New Education Boards would be established at Peshawar, Hyderabad and-----------?


21 - According to the National Education Policy 1978, ______would be a part of Curriculum at School Level?

Computer Education

22 - According to the National Education Policy 1978, A National Center for Science Education would be established to improve _______?

Science Teaching

23 - According to the National Education Policy 1978, how much population consists of special and handicaped children?


24 - According to the National Education Policy 1978, the universal enrollment for boys would be attained by 1986 to_____?


25 - According to the National Education Policy 1978, wastage would be eliminated to achieve 60% literacy rate by______and 100% thereafter.


26 - According to the National Education Policy 1992, how many in the number of colleges would be increased from 535 to_______?


27 - According to the National Education Policy 1992, How many the number of Secondary Schools will be increased from 19000 to_____?


28 - According to the National Education Policy 2009, all children, boys and girls shall be admitted in schools by the year ______?


29 - According to the National Education Policy 2009, Literacy Rate would be enhanced up to ______by 2015.


30 - According to the National Education Policy 2009, Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) shall be extended according to the need of the area i. e. :

All of the above

31 - According to the National Education Policy 2009,the official age group above primary education shall be change ______?


32 - According to the National Educational Policy 1972-80, taht Primary education would become universal for boys by______?


33 - According to the National Educational Policy 1972-80, taht Primary education would become universal for girls by______?


34 - According to which National Education Policy decision was taken that Education System needs to be internationally competitive and Pakistan shall make efforts?

National Education Policy 2009

35 - According to which National Education Policy New Science Laboratories and Libraries would be added to the secondary schools where these were not existed?

National Education Policy 1978

36 - According to which National Education Policy, about 100 supplementary readers would be provided to each new primary school?


37 - According to which National Education Policy, Second Shift would be introduced in schools wherever feasible, in order to increase the enrollment?


38 - Admission Committee would be setup in?

National Education Policy 1978

39 - Adult Education Committee pointed out that iliteracy was high at______?


40 - Adult Education Committee pointed out that iliteracy was high at______?


41 - All primary schools would be provided teaching kits, it was recommended in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1978

42 - All Teachers would be required to undergo at least One in-service Training course during every Five Years. It was proposed in?

National Education Policy 1978

43 - All the Primary Training Instructions and Normal Schools would be upgraded to ________?

Colleges of Elementary Teachers

44 - An Education Conference in 1977 was held at Islamabad, which provided both spirit and substance to the National Education Policy _____, by Martial Law Regime?


45 - An Education Conference in 1977 was held at_____?


46 - Assessment Items and Question Banks would be introduced in National Education Policy _____?


47 - Book Bank Scheme would be re-casted in National Education Policy - - - - - -?


48 - Bureau of Placement would be established in National Education Policy of______?


49 - Center of Excellence would be established in National Education Policy _______?


50 - Cluster Center Schools would be started in National Education Policy ______?


51 - Colleges of Distance Education in Provinces would be setup in______?

National Education Policy 1992

52 - ComprehensiveSchools Scheme has introduced in which educational policy/Commission of Pakistan?


53 - ComprehensiveSchools Scheme has introduced in which educational policy/Commission of Pakistan?


54 - Compulsory physical education was stressed in which educational policy?

Educational Conference 1947

55 - Council of Technical Education for Pakistan would be established in?

First educational conference 1947

56 - Creation of the concept of Muslim Ummah in the educational policy of?

National Education Policy 1978-79

57 - Day Care Centers Near Schools would be opened in National Education Policy _______?


58 - Decentralization of educational administration is the feature of which educational policy?


59 - Demand Oriented Curriculum was designed in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1992

60 - Development of Technical and Vocational Education in the country would be decided in National Education Policy ______?


61 - Diploma in Education (D.Ed) can be used as an intermediate qualification till B.Ed teachers are available universal, this was decided in which national educational policy _______?

National Education Policy 2009

62 - Directorate of Colleges at Divisional Level would be setup, according to which National Education Policy?


63 - Divisions and classes would be abolished in which policy of education?


64 - ECE (Early Childhood Education) age group shall be recognized as comprising 3 to_____years.


65 - Education Cards to the Needy Students would be given in National Education Policy ________?


66 - Education Loan Scheme would be started in National Education Policy ______?


67 - Education Service Commission would be established in National Education Policy ______?

National Education Policy 1998

68 - Education will be free and universal up to class X. This would be achieved in how many phases?


69 - English should be taught as a functional subject at Secondary Education. This proposed in which educational policy?


70 - Establishment of University Grant Commission (UGC) now HEC was proposed to establish for the need of higher education?

National Education Commission 1959

71 - Every child, when he/she get admission in Grade 1, would be issued a unique ______that will continue to remain with the student child throughout his or her academic career.


72 - Fazal ur Rehman in his presidential address said, "He pays most importance to the _______element in education?"


73 - Federal Minister of Education announced the policy on_____1992.


74 - Finally, the Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, in a National Convention on Education, announced the salient features of the Policy on_____1998?


75 - Firstly overseas scholarships were introduced in the?

First Educational conference 1947

76 - For the enforcement of the National Education Policy 1978 ________plans were developed?

Fifth Five-year

77 - Girls students wouldn't pay any fee at_______?

Middle level

78 - Government shall establish at least one "Apna Ghar'' residential in each province to provide the free high quality of education facilities to the poor students?


79 - Grade XI and XII shall not be the part of the college level and shall be merged into the school level forming part of the existing _______School level.


80 - Guidance and Counseling Service would be introduced in the National Education Policy ______?


81 - How many Colleges of Technology will be opened, according to the National Education Policy 1992?


82 - How many Middle Schools were upgraded to High Levels in the National Education Policy 1978?


83 - How many new High School would be established in National Education Policy 1978?


84 - How many new Primary Schools were proposed to open in the National Education Policy 1978?


85 - How many Polytechnic Institutes will be opened, according to the National Education Policy 1992?


86 - How many separate administrative establishments at provincial level outside the Govt.Secretariat would be established in?


87 - How much literacy rate would be increased upto______percentage by 2002, according to the National Education Policy 1992?


88 - How much percentage budget for Literacy and Non-formal basic education shall allocate by Provincial and District governments according to the National Education Policy 2009?


89 - How much percentage were proposed to train rural population to make them productive in National Education Policy 1978?


90 - In case of girls, universalization would be achieved by _____?


91 - In Educational Conference 1947, it was proposed that the provincial languages would be the medium of instruction at which level of education?


92 - In his presidential address the education minister in the first Educational Conference said?

All of these

93 - In phase second, starting from______1979, free education would be provided to class IX and X in all schools?

1st October

94 - In the Educational Policy of 1978, Primary school enrollment would be increased that all boys of school age were enrolled by 1982 to____?


95 - In the first phase from _______1972, Education up to class VIII would be made free for boys and girls an all types of schools?

1st October

96 - In the National Education Commission 1959, Religious education was compulsory at middle level and optional at which level of education?


97 - In the National Education Policy 1972 recommended that free and universal education up to Class X for ________?

Both boys and girls

98 - In the National Education Policy 1972, military training become mandatory for:

Boys and girls

99 - In the National Education Policy 1972-80 proposed to open new BISE at________?

All of these

100 - In the National Education Policy 1972-80, new universities would be established at ______?

All of these included

101 - In which Educational policy 17000 new primary schools established?


102 - In which educational policy decided to introduce Production-Oriented Curriculum related to market requirements in all Technical and Vocational Institutes?

National Education policy 1978-79

103 - In which educational policy decision was taken to provide free and universal education up to class_____?


104 - In which educational policy it was decided that Instruction of Islamic and Pakistan Studies would be compulsory?

National Education Policy 1978

105 - In which educational policy Mobile Teacher Training Units would be started?

National Education Policy 1992

106 - In which educational policy proposed Six year free and compulsory education should be provided and should be gradually raised to Eight years in future?

First Educational conference 1947

107 - In which educational policy the Committee of Advanced Studies at each university would be setup?


108 - In which educational policy, it was decided to open new BISE?

National Education policy 1972

109 - In which Educational policy, it was referred that maximum age limit would be waived off for the recruitment of female teachers?

National Education Policy 2009

110 - In which National Education Policy proposed to establish Academies of Educational Planning and Management?

National Education Policy 1992

111 - In which National Education Policy, decided to open/establish Compulsory Community Service/Education?


112 - In which National Education Policy, Quran Nazira would be started from class 1 to 8?


113 - In which National Educational Policy recommended the 5000 mosque schools would be setup for Boys?


114 - In which of the following educational policy/Commission, Secondary Education would be Separated from University Education?


115 - In which of the following National Education Policy, Primary Directorates would be created at Federal and Provincial level?


116 - In which policy of education 3 years degree (B.A) program was started?

National Education Commission 1959

117 - In whose government the First National Commission on Education was held in 1959?

Ayoub Khan

118 - Industrial Homes for women should be established. This was the proposition of which educational policy?

First Educational Conference 1947

119 - Inter University Board would be emerged in University Grants Commission in?

National Education policy 1972

120 - Inter University Board would be established according to the:

First Educational conference 1947

121 - It was based on spiritual, social and _______education?


122 - It was decided in National Education Policy 1992 that out of 20 newly proposed universities, how many universities would be established in the private sector?

16 universities

123 - It was decided in National Education Policy 1998 that opportunities for Higher Education would be provided to at least which percentage of the youth aged between 17 to 23 years?


124 - It was decided in the National Education Policy 1972, that the students would be promoted to the next classes till class of?


125 - It was decided Integration of Technical and Science Education in which education policy?


126 - It was decided to setup Book Banks in which educational policy?


127 - It was introduced in National Education Policy 1998 that the Islamic Teacher Training Programs would also be started in:

All of these

128 - It was merged Madarasa and Traditional education in:

National Education Policy 1978

129 - It was proposed in National Education Commission 1959 that the internal examination should be conducted for how many percentage of marks?


130 - It was proposed in National Education Policy 1972 that the professional subjects would be introduced in the colleges by?


131 - It was proposed in National Education Policy 1998 that the enrollment ratio till 2002 would be increased upto ______.

90 percent

132 - It was proposed in New Education Policy 1970 that education as an elective subject should be instructed at which of the following levels of education?

Both A&B

133 - It was proposed in which educational policy of Pakistan that nearly 12000 existing schools would be equipped with necessary things?

National Education Policy 1978

134 - It was proposed in which Educational policy of Pakistan that nearly 13000 new primary schools would be opened mainly in the rural areas?

National Education Policy 1978

135 - It was proposed that in the National Education Policy 1972 that the proportion of enrollment in the science courses will be?


136 - It was proposed that National Education Policy 1972 that majority of the students get admissions in?

Arts group

137 - It was recommended in National Commission on Education 1959 that the university should conduct examination, how much percentage for external examination?


138 - It was recommended in the National Education Policy 1978 that Urdu, as an official language, would be introduced in?

15 years

139 - It was recommended in the National Education Policy 1998 that for obtaining the objectives of Elementary education______new schools would be opened.


140 - It was recommended in which educational policy, Textbooks would be supplied to all students at primary level?

National Education Policy 1978

141 - It was recommended to provide Liberal Grants to Universities, in which of the following National Education Policy?

National Education Policy 1992

142 - It was stated in National Education Policy 1978-79 that______the total children are enrolled?


143 - It was stated in the New Education Policy 1970 that the elementary education should be considered from class One to_______?


144 - It was suggested in the National Education Commission 1959 that the Urdu language should be instructed as a compulsory subject from class Six to_____?


145 - It was suggested in the National Education Commission 1959 that the Urdu language should be instructed as a compulsory subject from class Six to_____?


146 - It was suggested in the New Education Policy 1970 that the elementary education should be declared mandatory till______?


147 - It was suggested to start National Education Council in Education Policy _____?

National Education Policy 1978

148 - It was the following policy's main recommendation to Upgrade the quality of Deeni Madaras?

National Education Policy 1998

149 - Literacy Act would be implemented in National Education Policy _________?


150 - LSBE (Life Skills-Based Education shall be promoted by_______?

National Education Policy 2009

151 - Making Quranic principles and Islamic practices, as an integral part of education was proposed in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1998

152 - Masjid Maktab School Scheme was introduced in National Education Policy ____?


153 - Mathematics would be introduced as a Compulsory Subject in?

National Education Policy 1978

154 - Matric Tech in 10% Secondary Schools would be introduced in National Education Policy ______?

1998 National Education Policy

155 - Matric-Tech scheme shall be Re-introduced at______level?


156 - Merit would be the only criteria for entry into Higher Education, it was decided in National Education Policy ____?


157 - Modern Scientific Subjects has been introduced in which National Educational policy?

National Education Policy 1992

158 - Multiple Text Books at Secondary School Level would be initiated in National Education Policy _______?


159 - National Cadet Core would be setup in which of the following policy of Education?

National Education Commission 1959

160 - National Center for Science Education would be established in National Education Policy ______?


161 - National Commission on Education 1959 focuses on Character building, Science and _______?

Technical education

162 - National Council of Academic Award would be established in?

National Education Policy 1992

163 - National Council on Adult Education at AIOU would be established in National Education Policy ______?


164 - National Curriculum Bureau would be established in?

NEP 1972-80

165 - National Education Commission 1959 is also called?

Sharif Commission

166 - National Education Policy 1970 was headed by whom_________?

Air Martial Noor Khan

167 - National Institute of Educational Research would be established in National Education Policy _______?


168 - National Institute of Pakistan Studies at Islamabad University would be setup in which Educational Policy?

National Education Policy 1972-80

169 - National language would be the medium of instruction, it was proposed in which educational policy?

National Education Commission 1959

170 - National Library and Museum would be setup in:

First Educational Conference 1947

171 - National Literacy Movement would be introduced/started in National Education Policy ______?


172 - National Professorship Program would be started in which of the following Educational Policy?

National Education Policy 1972-80

173 - National Research Fellowship would be introduced in which Educational Policy of Pakistan?

National Education policy 1972

174 - National Service Core would be established in?

National Education Policy 1972-80

175 - National Service Core would be established in? Which of the following was stated in the National Education Policy 1978?

All of these

176 - National Sports Trust would be established?

National Education Policy 1972-80

177 - National Students Center would be established in National Education Policy ____?


178 - National Testing Services(NTS) scheme introduced in which National Education Policy?


179 - Nationalization of private educational institutions in National Education Policy _____?


180 - NEF programmes presently is exercising up to class 5 would be expanded up to class _____.

Grade 10

181 - New Discipline Emerging Sciences in Public Universities will be established in National Education Policy _____?


182 - New Disciplines emerging sciences would be introduced in the public sector universities according to the National Education Policy ______?


183 - NFBE is an acronym of?

Non-Formal Basic Education

184 - No new government and private colleges would be started in:

New Education Policy 1970

185 - One Year B.A (Hons) course after BA/BSc will be introduced in all colleges in the National Education Policy ______?


186 - Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) would be involved in consultations for relevant curriculum development in National Education Policy _____.


187 - Paper Schools would be abolished in National Education Policy ______?

National Education Policy 1998

188 - Participation of Students and private colleges would be started in?


189 - People's Open University (AIOU) would be established, it was decided in which national educational policy?

National Education policy 1972-80

190 - PM&DC stands for:

Pakistan Medical and Dental Council

191 - Primary curricula from class I-III would be developed in integrated form, it was recommended in the National Education Policy?


192 - Project Method of Teaching would be initiated at Secondary Schools Level in the National Education Policy _____?


193 - Project of Basic Education Community Schools (BECS) proposed to start in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1998

194 - Public Examination would be held at 7th,10th,11th and Degree classes, which is proposed in the Educational policy of Pakistan?

New Education Policy 1970

195 - Radio and Television would be utilized for Literacy improvement in National Education Policy ______?


196 - Reputed Degree Colleges would be given autonomy and degree awarding status according to which National Education Policy?

National Education Policy 1998

197 - Research Education would be compulsory at?

University Level

198 - S.M Sharif was _______at the time of National Education Commission 1959?

Secretary of education

199 - School Management Committee (SMC) would be setup in which educational policy of Pakistan?


200 - School Uniform prescribed in which educational policy?

National Education Policy 1978

201 - Selected disciplines at major universities would be transformed into "Centers of Advanced Studies and Research" in National Education Policy _____?


202 - Separate Higher Education Service Policy would be introduced in which National educational policy?

National Education Policy 1992

203 - Shariah Faculty in Islamic University would be established in National Education Policy _____?


204 - Six Thousands new Masjid Schools would be opened, it was proposed in which National Education Policy?


205 - Special Educational Stipends shall be introduced for the rehabilitation of child labourers from 14 to______year.

17 years

206 - System of Assessment of Teacher's Performance would be introduced in National Education Policy ______?

National Education Policy 1998

207 - Teacher Service Training Academy would be established in National Education Policy ____?

National Education Policy 1998-2010

208 - Teacher Training arrangements, accreditation and certification procedures shall be standardized and institutionalized in _____?

National Education Policy 2009

209 - Teacher training programs both pre-service and in-service started in National Education Policy ______?


210 - Text Boards for curriculum and text books improvement would be suggested to establish in which education commission?


211 - Text books and writing materials would be provided free to _____school children.


212 - The cabinet committee of National Education Policy 1998 appointed a subcommittee of Minister of _______?

Various departments

213 - The commission recommended to achieve 5-years compulsory schooling within the period of?

10 years

214 - The commission recommended to achieve 8 years compulsory schooling within the total period of?

15 years

215 - The committee was formulated for the development of educational proposals headed by Air Martial Noor Khan came into contact, on large scale, with the?

All of these

216 - The Comprehensive Monitoring System would be established in _______?

National Education Policy 1998

217 - The Curriculum development and review process would be standardized according to the framework of Federal Supervision of Curricula Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act________?

Act 1976

218 - The educational policy 1992 was announced by the Federal Minister of education in?


219 - The first 5 years were to be devoted to planning, teachers recruitment and their______?


220 - The first educational conference was held at Karachi from November 27th to________?

1st December

221 - The First National Commission on Education was held in?


222 - The idea of Multiple Text Book was introduced in ______?

National Education Policy 1998

223 - The Islamic Teacher Training Programs would be introduced in National Education Policy ______?

National Education Policy 1998

224 - The Library of Quaid e Azam University will be raised to the status of a___________and Technology?

National Library of Science

225 - The main features of the National Education Policy 1998 were received by the cabinet on_________, 1998.


226 - The National Education Policy 1978, maintained that the existing Four Tier System of Education namely Primary, Secondary, College and University, would be Replaced by a ______Tiers?


227 - The Participants in the first Educational conference 1947 were divided into hiw many sub-committees?


228 - The Participation rate at Primary level would be increased from 66.3% to 99.1% in____?


229 - The proportion of enrollment in the professional courses would be what percentage according to the National Education Policy 1972?


230 - The recruitment of Teachers on the base of Contract System would be introduced in National Education Policy ______?


231 - The teaching of National Language, Science and Mathematics should be received greater emphasis in which educational policy?


232 - To achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE)' was the salient feature of National Education Policy _____?


233 - Translation Houses at Provincial and Federal Level would be established in National Education Policy _____?

National Education Policy 1998

234 - Two Medical Colleges for women (one in each wing) should be established as soon as possible. It was proposed in which educational policy?

First Educational Conference 1947

235 - Universities would be autonomous in finance and administration. It was proposed in which educational policy?

New Education Policy 1970

236 - University Act/Ordinance would be amended in ____?

National Education Commission 1959

237 - University Act/Ordinance would be Replaced in:

National Education Policy 1972-80

238 - University Grants Commission (UGC) would be established in :


239 - Vocational Training Schools at District Headquarter would be opened in National Education Policy ______?


240 - What was proposed in the Educational Conference 1947, the foundation of education will be?

Ideology of Pakistan

241 - What was recommended in the National Education Policy 2009?

All of the above

242 - What was the age of free and compulsory education of pre-primary?

3-6 years

243 - What was the age of Primary Education for children respectively?

6-11 years

244 - What was the official age for primary education shall be_____?

6-10 years

245 - What were the mainly recommendations of the first educational conference 1947?

All of these included

246 - What were the Three Tiers of Education that was introduced on the place of previous existing Four Tiers?

All of these Three Tiers are included

247 - When did School Management Committee establish according to the National Education Policy 1992?

. 1994

248 - When did Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto presented National Education Policy 1972?


249 - When the first educational conference started on?


250 - Where as First Educational Conference held at?


251 - Which of the following different committees were included in the first Educational conference 1947?

All of these included

252 - Which of the following educational policies was introduced the formulation of Education Corps?

New Education Policy 1970

253 - Which of the following educational policy proposed to open National Education Core (NEC)?


254 - Which of the following Educational Policy recommended that no fees would be charged to Children at primary schools?


255 - Which of the following educational policy The Advisory Board would be established?

First Educational conference 1947

256 - Which of the following Five Year Plan was developed for the implementation of National Education Policy 1992?

Eighth Five-year

257 - Which of the following National Education Policy Linked Scientific and Technical Education?

National Education Policy 1978

258 - Which of the following National Education Policy stressed on_______education?


259 - Which of the following salient features are of New Education Policy 1970?

All of these

260 - Which of the following was characteristics of National Education Policy 1992?

All of these included

261 - Which of the following was decided in National Education Commission 1959 headed by the appointment of education counselor in?

All of these included

262 - Which of the following was decided in National Education Policy 1972?

All of these

263 - Which of the following was decided in National Education Policy 1978, The Graduates of Madaras would be eligible for______?

Government services

264 - Which of the following was decided in National Education Policy 1992?

All of these

265 - Which of the following was introduced in National Education Policy 1992?

All of the above are recommended

266 - Which of the following was proposed in National Education Policy 1978?

All of these

267 - Which of the following was proposed in National Education Policy 1998?

University teachers would be awarded extra salaries

268 - Which of the following was proposed regarding the teaching of Quran in National Education Policy 1992?

It would be made compulsory for all levels of Education

269 - Which of the following was recommended in Educational Conference 1947?

All of these options are correct

270 - Which of the following was recommended in New Education Policy 1970?

All of these are included

271 - Which of the following was recommended in the National Education Policy 1972?

All of these

272 - Which of the following was recommended in the National Education Policy 1978 about Uniform?

All of the above options

273 - Which of the following was recommended in the National Education Policy 1978?

All of the above options are correct

274 - Which of the following was recommended to remove the disparity between the Urban and Rural areas, all the children age____would be enrolled in schools, in National Education Policy 1992?

5-9 age years

275 - Which of the following was stated in New Education Policy 1970?

All of these

276 - Which of the following was suggested in the National Education Policy 1972-80?

All of these

277 - Which of the following was the National Education Policy in which Primary Directorates would be created at Federal and Provincial Level?

National Education Policy 1992

278 - Which of the following was the primary features of National Education Policy 1978?

All of these included

279 - Which of the following was the recommendations in National Education Commission 1958/1959?

All of these included

280 - Which of the following was the salient characteristics of the National Education Policy 1992?

All of above

281 - Which of the following was the salient characteristics of the National Education Policy 1998?

All of the above

282 - Which of the following was the salient characteristics of the National Education Policy 1998?

All of the above

283 - Which of the following was the salient features of National Education Policy 1972-80?

All of these are included

284 - Which of the following was the salient features of National Education Policy 1992?

All of the above

285 - Which of the following was the salient features of National Education Policy 1998:

All of the above options are correct

286 - Which of the following were nationalized according to the National Education Policy 1972-80?

Private schools and colleges

287 - Which of the following were salient features of National Education Policy 1992?

All of these

288 - Who announced National Education Policy 1998-2010?

Syed Ghous Ali Shah

289 - Who approved the National Education Policy 1992?

Syed Fakhar Imam

290 - Who is pivot of the entire system of Education?


291 - Who presented National Education Policy 1972?

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

292 - Who presided the first educational conference?

Minister Fazal Ur Rehman

293 - Who presided the National Commission on Education 1959?

S.M Sharif

294 - Who was addressed National Education Commission 1959?

General Ayoub Khan

295 - Who was the minister for education at the time of educational conference?

Fazal Ur Rehman

296 - Whose message was read before the starting of The First Educational Conference 1947 held at Karachi?

Quaid e Azam

297 - World of Work would be prepared in National Education Policy ______?

National Education Policy 1998


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