Educational Psychology MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Educational Psychology often defines both a science and as well as an art." Is it true?


2 - "Gestalt" is a German word, which means?


3 - "Theory of Psychosocial Development" was proposed by?


4 - ______means the children tend to see the world & experiences of the others from their point of view.


5 - _____in Cognitive Development Theory is referred as the belief that environmental characteristics can be attributed to human actions or interventions.


6 - _____mind comprises of the thoughts that focus on our attention presently now to which we are completely aware of them?


7 - _____takes place when the organism uses some object in the environment in the course of its activity.


8 - ____based on moral and ethical principle which we learn from our parents & society?


9 - ____occurs when the new (information) is drawn into the old behavior pattern and becomes part of the child's inner organization.


10 - ____refers to adjusting the old pattern to account for the new one.


11 - A mental process that starts when a child adjusts new information is called :


12 - A search for mental balance between cognitive schemes & information from the environment is referred as:


13 - Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are belonged to school of psychology?

Humanistic psychology

14 - According to _____Educational Psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth through old age.

Crow and Crow

15 - According to _____function of nervous system develop habits.


16 - According to famous philosophers, teaching is a/an


17 - According to Functionalism, Structuralism doesn't reveal anything, what Mind_____?


18 - According to J.B Watson the method of Introspection is?


19 - According to Jean Piaget, an infant doesn't differentiable between the ______?

Self and the world

20 - According to John Dewey, educational process has two sides:

psychological and sociological

21 - According to John Dewey, which side of the educational process is the basis?


22 - According to modern psychology, all education is considered as:


23 - According to Psycho-analysis theory, the treatment of people helps making them______?

Unconscious to conscious

24 - According to psychology, Most optimistic view of human nature is associated with?

Humanistic Psychology

25 - According to Roger's theory, who is the most important in solving the problem?


26 - According to Sigmund Freud, we are born with what?


27 - According to Sigmund Freud's theory, what are the components of personality?

All of these

28 - According to Socrates, physical objects and events are __________ of their ideal form.


29 - According to the earliest psychologists what are the functions of psychology?

All of the above

30 - According to the Eighth and Final psychological stage, older adults review their lives, and think what they have done. If their lives are successful or evaluations are positive, they feel good and develop a sense of integrity. And if they couldn't accompl

Integrity vs Despair

31 - According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) material world is a/an __________ of the real world.


32 - According to Titchener consciousness or experience can be analyzed into how many basic elements?


33 - According to Titchener, who is a renowned Structuralist, according to him, Images can be broken into:

Memories & Dreams

34 - According to which psychological thoughts Dreams are the royal road to unconscious?

Psychodynamic development theory

35 - According to whom Function of mind is important than structure?


36 - According to whom, nature and structure shapes personality & learning?


37 - According to whom, the boundaries of educational psychology are unlimited and changing?


38 - According to William James, understanding the activities of mind for adjustment to the environment is important rather than the composition, is studied in the school of:


39 - Adaptation has how many types?


40 - After the Childhood what period followed through one can attain Puberty (sexual maturity) and is capable of reproduction?


41 - An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called

Summative assessment

42 - An independent variable in research applied to which group of study?


43 - An organized cluster knowledge about a particular object or sequence of events is called as:


44 - Another characteristic of Pre-operational Stage children are_____?


45 - Arranging objects in sequence according to one aspect is:


46 - As a Therapy psycho-analysis is a lengthy process which takes how much time?

2-5 session per week

47 - As an academic discipline Educational Psychology covers which of the following investigations?

All of the above

48 - Assuming that others experience the world the way an individual do is:


49 - Attending more than one aspect of situation is called?


50 - Basic structure or framework that exists in a person's mind to organize and interpret data or information is called as:


51 - Behaviourism gave rise to new ideas and innovations in the field of learning and instruction like programmed learning and individualized self instructional programmes involving teaching machines and _____?

Computer-assisted Instruction

52 - Behaviourism helped in extending the scope of educational psychology to include the study of animals as a way to learn more about _______?

Human nature

53 - Behaviourism highlights the role of _______?


54 - Besides scientific method Behaviourists introduced new ideas of:

All of the above

55 - Between _____to____children assume that everything that moves by itself is alive.

Eight to Ten years

56 - Binet is famous for his Intelligent theory when he published his first test?

Drill upon learning

57 - Bloom's taxonomy is a set of __________ learning domains.


58 - By which level of personality development we understands that other people have needs, desires and sometimes being selfish can hurt us for long time?


59 - Carl Jung has replaced the concept of 'Sex Urge' by ____?

Both A&B

60 - Children able to solve Abstract Problems in logical fashion in:

Formal operational stage

61 - Children become more Scientific in Thinking in which cognitive developmental stage?

Formal operational stage

62 - Children begin to look at the future, career, relationships, family etc & begin to identify their world. Sometimes they can't clear and having confusion (I don't know what would be in my future?) in which stage?

Indentity vs Role Confusion /identity confusion

63 - Children between four to six years of age, regard everything to be alive unless it is _____or____?

Broken or damaged

64 - Children develop a sense to make use of Imitation, memory and to recognize that objects don't cease to exist when they are hidden in which cognitive developmental stage?

Sensorimotor stage

65 - Children develop the ability to solve concrete (hands-on) problems in logical fashion and understand reversibility in which cognitive developmental stage?

Concrete operational stage

66 - Children gradually develop to use language logically and ability to think in Symbolic form in:

Preoperational stage

67 - Children like to do good work to get approval of others. When the people say that he/she is a good girl/boy then they feel good because they do good thing (Interpersonal orientation/good boy/good girl) is referred which stage of Moral developmental theory


68 - Children like to perform activities which are beneficial for them. They emphasis more importance to self - interest (self-interest orientation) in which stage of Moral developmental theory?


69 - Children move from reflex actions to goal-directed activity in:

Sensorimotor stage

70 - Children think according to their own poin of view (it can be self-centered or selfish) is referred as ____in Cognitive Development Theory.


71 - Children understand the laws of Conservation and are able to classify and seriate things in:

Concrete operational stage

72 - Children up to ____years regard everything that moves to be alive.

Seven years

73 - Children's act of Imitation or copying others around them is referred as?


74 - Concrete operational process involves using ___?


75 - Concrete operational stage starts from _____to_____years.

7-11 years

76 - Crisis stage, Trust vs Mistrust starts from 0-1 year. It consists of what developmental tasks that confronts him/her?

All of these

77 - Deductive Reasoning is:

Deriving rules from general to specific

78 - Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by


79 - Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through

reasoned arguments

80 - During _________stage, development of language is another characteristic.

Preoperational stage

81 - Education is a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred

from a few persons to the next generation

82 - Educational psychology is concerned with the scientific study of

human learning

83 - Ego includes ______aspects of personality.


84 - Enviornement is the major factor that shapes behavior, according to whom?


85 - Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of


86 - Erickson described what stage of development as the feeling of having done nothing to help the next generation?


87 - Focusing on only one aspect is called?


88 - Formal operational stage starts & lasts for how many years?

Both A&B

89 - Funcitonalism was against which of the following the school of psychology in education?


90 - Function of mind is important than structure in which school of thought?


91 - Function or practice according to environment is important in:


92 - Functionalism is regarded more scientific & practical system of Psychology than______?


93 - Functionalism opened the way for the study of Psychology in terms of the _______?

Adjustment of the organism to its environment

94 - Functionalists utilize_______in the methods of teaching which opened the way for the discovery of new methods and devices in the teaching-learning process.

Learner centered approach

95 - Generativity means transmitting something positive to the ______?

Next generation

96 - Generativity vs Stagnation is also referred as:

Middle adulthood

97 - Generativity vs Stagnation is the Seventh stage of development in Erickson's theory which starts from:

40/50 to 60 years

98 - Gestalists laid great stress on the role of_____in any type of learning.

All of the above

99 - Gestalt' is a German origin word which means?


100 - Gestalt psychology provides ___________method of problem solving based on the cognitive abilities of the learners.

A scientific and progressive method

101 - Identity vs Role Confusion is____ stage of Psycho-Social development theory.


102 - In Behaviourism individual difference in behaviour based on different _______of learning.


103 - In Cognitive Development Theory, children' focus on only one aspect of situation or focusing on one dimension & neglecting others is called?


104 - In concrete operational stage, categorizing the objects by shape, size or weight is referred as?


105 - In concrete operational stage, sequencing or categorization the things according to shape, size, & weight etc is called?


106 - In concrete operational stage, when an infant able to reverse the things into previous pattern is referred as?


107 - In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of

facilitator and delegator

108 - In cooperative method teachers act as a delegator means the teacher act as a/an ________ to the students.


109 - In direct instruction method or lecture method the teacher is considered as

formal authority

110 - In John Dewey's student-centered approach of learning, the role of the teacher is of a


111 - In level third psychologists analyze the Social Contract orientation and universal principal orientation which refer to the different rules, values, opinions, beliefs and children obey these rules in order to maintain good social standards. What is the th

Post conventional

112 - In order to avoid punishment, child becomes obedient and follows other (obedience & punishment orientation) refers to which level of Moral Developmental Theory by Lawrence Kohlburg?


113 - In Preoperational Stage, between the ages____, most children enlarge their vocabulary from 200-2000 words.

Preoperational stage

114 - In Sensorimotor stage, an infant develops:

All of these

115 - In what stage children develop relationship with peers, friends, people, family members, relatives and feel confident. If they fail to develop such relationship then feel Isolation and loneliness?

Intimacy vs Isolation

116 - In which cognitive developmental stage, infant sees the objects but when it disappeared they forget the object?

Sensorimotor stage

117 - In which stage of cognitive development, the thoughts of an infant are chaotic, disorganized and unpredictable?

Sensorimotor stage

118 - In which stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory, the child shows his curiosity to know the world/environment?

Sensorimotor stage

119 - In which stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory, the infant experience the view of objects as "Out of sight out of mind?"

Sensorimotor stage

120 - In which stage of Psycho-Social development, the child intimate different activities & feels confident or secure but if he/she fails to do so then he/she feels guilt or afraid of taking initiative and showing the lack of confidence?

Initiative vs Guilt

121 - In which stage Symbolic thoughts develop but operational thoughts don't yet present?

Preoperational stage

122 - In which stage the children cannot understand the principles of Conservation?

Preoperational stage

123 - In which stage, an individual move beyond reasoning only about concrete experiences and think in more abstract, Idealistic, and logical ways?

Formal operational stage

124 - In which state, the children unable to reverse things into previous position or order?


125 - In______method a person can analyze his own behavior when he is exposed to different current situation like stimuli such as: color, light, sound etc.


126 - In______psychology stress is being laid on an inter-disciplinary approach in education.


127 - Indentity vs Identity confusion or Role Confusion is the Fifth stage. It is also defined as Adolescence period of an individual which starts from:

10 to 20 years

128 - Industry vs Inferiority is fourth stage of development. It is also called Middle and late childhood (Elementary school years). It starts from?

6 years to 10 years (puberty)

129 - Integrity vs Despair is the Eighth crisis stage of Psycho-Social development theory of Erickson. It is also called _____which starts from 60/65 onword.

Late adulthood

130 - Integrity vs Despair is the last stage of Erickson's theory of Psycho-Social development which is also called as:

Late adulthood

131 - Integrity vs Despair starts from what age of an individual?

60 years to onword

132 - Intimacy vs Guilt is the third stage of development. It is also referred as Early childhood which starts from?

3-5 years

133 - Intimacy vs Isolation is referred as Early Adulthood which starts from:

20/30 to 40 years

134 - Introspection method is rejected by which theory of psychology?


135 - Introspection Method is used in which patient describes its unconscious feelings in which school of psychology?

Psychoanalysis psychology

136 - Intuitive thought refers as?

Don't have reason to believe

137 - Jean Piaget presented the theory of?

Cognitive development

138 - Law and order orientation is such development of a child who becomes aware of different rules and obey the laws and also respect the authority, in which level of Moral developmental theory?

Conventional level

139 - Learning by Insight theory is also called?

Gestalt psychology

140 - Learning by insight theory is also referred as what?

Gestalt psychology

141 - Listening to a lecture is

information listening

142 - Maslow and Carl Roger were associated with which school of psychology?

Humanistic Psychology

143 - Max Wertheimer, Koffka, Kohler and Lewin are associated with which psychological thoughts?


144 - Most optimistic view of human nature related to?

Humanistic psychology

145 - Old age or aging starts from:

61 years to till death

146 - On attaining maturity in all aspects such as: physical, mental, emotional and social, lasting for a long period before one becomes sensecent or begins to show signs of Aging is called?


147 - People follow ethical principal and an individual makes a personal commitment to universal principles of equal rights & respects which refers to which level of Moral developmental theory?

Universal Principal orientation

148 - Piaget's fourth and final cognitive stage is?

Formal operational stage

149 - Preoperational stage (2-7 years) having characteristics:

All of the above

150 - Pre-operational Stage is the _____stage in Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory.


151 - Pre-operational Stage is the_____?

Second Piagetian stage

152 - Pre-operational Stage lasts from 2 years to ____of age.

7 years

153 - Pre-operational Stage presents children's learning abilities and developments such as:

All of the above

154 - Pre-operational Stage start from?

2-7 years

155 - Progressive education emphasizes learning by


156 - Pschology is the study of structure of mind, according to which school of thought?


157 - Psycho-analysis is a therapy as well as:


158 - Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic development theory is also called?

Frued Structural Theory

159 - School of psychology that gives more value to human?

Humanistic psychology

160 - Sigmund Freud identify how many instincts for human beings?


161 - Sigmund Freud maintains that form birth onwards human beings experience:

Both A&B

162 - Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic theory is centered around his concepts of:

Both A&B

163 - Structuralism is tried to provide a systematic study of the mind through the study of its______?


164 - Study of whole behavior is promoted by which school of psychology?

Gestalt psychology

165 - Study of whole behavior promoted by which of the following school of psychology in education?

Gestalt psychology

166 - The â€Å“Academy” was founded in


167 - The â€Å“Apology” the Plato's recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with

not believing in gods

168 - The ability of children, relating unrelated things together is called _____(such as at barking of a dog, balloon pops etc)

Transductive reasoning

169 - The ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions is referred as:


170 - The ability to sort out the objects according to shape, size or weight - taller at top, smaller at bottom is called?


171 - The ability to use & forms symbols, words, gestures, signs, images is the feature of which stage?

Pre-operational Stage

172 - The ability to utilize symbols to refer actions or objects is:

Semiotic function

173 - The ability to work with symbols such as using the word 'bicycle' or a picture of a bicycle to represent a real bicycle that is not actually present is called?

Semiotic Function

174 - The abstract quality of Formal operational stage/thinking is evident in _____?

Verbal problem solving

175 - The affective domain involves


176 - The Analysis of own bevhavior by an individual when exposed to different stimuli is the method of:


177 - The approach of Psychology that focuses on the analysis of components of consciousness is called:


178 - The book 'Personality Development' is written by?

Jerome Kargan

179 - The changes in body structure and function over time is called?

Physical development

180 - The changes through mental processes become more complex or developed is referred as:

Cognitive Development

181 - The changes which can be orderly adaptive by an individual that go through from conception to death is called?


182 - The children develop the abilities to concern about social issues and identity in which cognitive developmental stage?

Formal operational stage

183 - The cognitive domain involves


184 - The development of listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities in children, referred as:

Language Skills

185 - The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, â€Å“Academy”, was founded by


186 - The Greek word 'Psyche' means:


187 - The Infancy period starts from:

Birth to 2 years

188 - The infant's earliest use of symbols is in pretending or____?


189 - The Intimacy versus Isolation is which stage of Psycho-Social development theory by Erickson?


190 - The Mental patterns that guide behavior is called?


191 - The method of Introspection was rejected by which philosophy of eduation?


192 - The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is


193 - The most complex skill of Bloom's taxonomy is


194 - The normative survey method makes use of several tests and techniques in the collection of data, such as standard tests, the interview, checklist, questionnaire, inventory, and anecdotal records, biographical & autobiographical records. Who has presented

John Dewey

195 - The period between the Birth and Two years is called the_____followed by the period of childhood?

Infancy period

196 - The period of Adolescence starts from:

13 year to 19 years

197 - The period of Adulthood starts from:

20 year to 60 years

198 - The period of Childhood starts from:

3rd year to 12 years

199 - The period of Later childhood starts from:

7 years to 12 years

200 - The period of Pre-childhood starts from:

3rd year to 6 years

201 - The period who is called in true sense the translation period between childhood and adulthood?


202 - The person who has worked as an educational psychologist is called a/an?

Applied Psychologist

203 - The phase of Childhood lasts for about 10 to___years?

12 years

204 - The problems in differentiating classes of different things such as dogs, goats, sheeps, cats, birds etc is called?

Class Inclusion

205 - The process of thinking about own thinking or mental processes, higher order thinking, comprehension, planning to find solution of task etc is called as:


206 - The psychological Analysis of components of consciouness is taken place in which school of psychology?


207 - The psychology, treatment in which the patient tells through free association, fantasies and dreams, and analyst induces unconscious conflicts and interpret it for solution is called?


208 - The psychomotor domain involves

physical movement

209 - The role of teacher in inquiry-based learning is of


210 - The simplest skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is


211 - The Situation where previous (prior/old) information fits in new environment (Assimilation) is called?


212 - The state when a person realizes that his/her current ways of thinking are not to understand a situation is called?


213 - The study of recalling of previous knowledge, past experience, feelings and its interpretation to resolve problem is called?


214 - The thinking about things which are not in front/present before an individual is defined as:

Abstract thinking

215 - The three domains of Bloom's taxonomy are

Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor

216 - The world famous psychologist Binet is belong to which country?


217 - This is the belief that inanimate objects (such as toys and teddy bears) have human feelings and intentions. By animism Piaget (1929) meant that for the pre-operational child the world of nature is alive, conscious and has a purpose is referred as?


218 - Through psychoanalysis as therapy, a psychoanalyst treats what?

Both A&B

219 - Titchener and Willliam Wundt belongs to which school of thought?


220 - To break information into parts and to examine the information is called


221 - To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called


222 - To influence individual's behaviour, Behaviourism introduced what?

All of these

223 - Trial and Error Experimentation" occurred in Cognitive Development Theory?

In Sensorimotor stage

224 - Unable to use previous knowledge or logic, such as A is the brother of B, B is the brother of C, so, A is the brother of C, but children fail to understand this logical sequence is called as?

Transitive Inference

225 - Using previous information (existing schema) to fit into new environment is called?


226 - Watson, Pavlov and Skinner are major exponents of?


227 - What are the aspects of Educational psychology?

All of these

228 - What are the features of Fromal operational stage?

All of the above

229 - What are the following branches of Applied Psychology?

All of the above

230 - What are the general branches of Psychology?

All of the above

231 - What are the methods used in psychology to investigate psychological effects?

All of these

232 - What are the three basic elements of consciousness or experience when Titchener analyzed them?

Physical sensations, feelings and images

233 - What are the two words of Greek language from which the word Psychology is derived?

Both A&B

234 - What includes conscious aspects of personality?


235 - What is adaptation in Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory?

Both A&B

236 - What is fourth stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory?

Formal operational stage

237 - What is meant by the analysis of the components of consciousness in the school of Structuralism?

Structure of mind

238 - What is referred as an organized cluster of knowledge about particular event?


239 - What is the basic mental pattern/structure that organize or interpret information?


240 - What is the Fourth stage of Erickson's theory of Psycho-Social development?

Industry vs Inferiority

241 - What is the meaning of the word 'Logos?'


242 - What is the most important level/element of mind according to Sigmund Freud?


243 - What is the name first book of Psychology written by Aristotle?

Peri Psyches

244 - What is the second stage of Erickson's theory of Psycho-Social Development?

Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

245 - What is the second stage of Piagetian theory of cognitive development?

Pre-operational Stage

246 - What is the Seven stage of the Psycho-Social Development theory of Erickson?

Generativity vs Stagnation

247 - What is the stage in which children love to work at their own & feel good on completing the task. If they are not allowed to do task then they feel inferior?

Industry vs Inferiority

248 - What is the third stage of Erickson's theory of Psycho-Social development?

Initiative vs Guilt

249 - What is the third stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory?

Concrete operational stage

250 - What method introduced Behaviourists to study human behavior?

Scientific method

251 - What Method is used in structurlism school of thought?


252 - What school of thought in educational psychology that was against Structuralism?


253 - What stage of development involves as parenting, raising children, establishing career, teaching and more productive role, through which adults assist the next generation in developing useful lives. And if anyone fails to do so he/she feels stagnant & unp

Generativity vs Stagnation

254 - What the mind fcuntions and how it fuctions, according to which psychological thoughts?


255 - What was the relation between Plato and Aristotle?

Aristotle was student of Plato

256 - What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?

Plato was student of Socrates

257 - When a child develops a new schemes or adopts old ones until the Equilibrium is restored. This process of restoring balance is called?


258 - When an infant able to learn the rules of conservation, this act of doing is?


259 - When Sigmund Freud wrote his famous book of Psychology, "An outline of Psychoanalysis?"


260 - Which are the two types of adaptation?

Assimilation & accommodation

261 - Which from the following is NOT a formal assessment?


262 - Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?


263 - Which from the following is termed as student-centered learning method?

Both (a) and (b)

264 - Which is called the Early childhood stage, according to Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory?

Preoperational stage

265 - Which is the School of psychology that given more value/importance to human?

Humanistic psychology

266 - Which level of personality tells us about what is wrong and right?


267 - Which method is used by Sigmund Freud to analyze the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the client in his psychological laboratory?

Psychoanalysis method

268 - Which of the following is emphasized on the study of human mind structure/experience?


269 - Which of the following is the characteristic of Pre-operational Stage?

All of the above

270 - Which Philosophy advocated the Whole is greater thatn sum of its part?

Gestalt psychology

271 - Which Psychological theory has stressed on 'free will?'

Humanistic psychology

272 - Which psychology maintains that the whole is always greater than its constituents or parts?

Gestalt psychology

273 - Which psychology theory stress on 'free will?'

Humanistic psychology

274 - Which School of psychology that focuses obserable behavior?


275 - Which theory stresses that unconscious conflicts shape human behavior & personality?

Psychodynamic development theory

276 - Which was the School of thought that William James criticizes for examining a movie frame by frame instead of seeing the motion in the motion picture?


277 - Who called the children 'Little Scientists? "

Jean Piaget

278 - Who covers the development are genetic method has been used extensively in the study of growth & development?

Educational Psychology

279 - Who defined Educational psychology in these words: "Educational Psychology is a study of teaching and learning?"

Charles E. Skinner

280 - Who described psychology is the science of consciousness or the study of experience?


281 - Who favors functional curricula, method and learning techniques?


282 - Who has defined psychology in these words: psychology as the science which studies the internal experiences? '

Wilhelm Wundt

283 - Who is another modern psychologist that advocated Functionalism other than William James?

John Dewey

284 - Who is called the Father of Experimental Psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

285 - Who is called the Father of Experimental Psychology?


286 - Who is the exponent of Behaviourism?

All of the above

287 - Who is the exponent of Transpersonal Psychology/Spiritual Psychology?

All of the above

288 - Who is the writer of the famous book "Educational Psychology?"

Skinner Charles E.

289 - Who presented 'Client Centered Therapy?'

Carl Rogers

290 - Who presented the "Theory of Psychoanalytic?"

Sigmund Freud

291 - Who presented the 'Hierarchy of human needs?'

Abraham Maslow

292 - Who said, "Man is conscious animal?"

Both B&C

293 - Who said, "Man is social animal?"


294 - Who was established, 'Analytical Psychology?'

Carl Jung (1875-1961)

295 - Who was established, 'Individual Psychology?'

Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

296 - Who was Introdcued scientific method to study behavior?


297 - Who was the first Psychologist?


298 - Who was the Founder of humanistic approach?


299 - Who was the person that established world's first lab of psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

300 - Who wrote first book of Psychology?


301 - Who wrote, 'Modern Clinical Psychology?'

Sheldon J. Korchin

302 - Whole is greater than sum of its parts is related to:

Gestalt psychology

303 - Wilhelm Wundt focuses his experiments on conscious experience involving one's:

All of these

304 - Wilhelm Wundt with his pupils conducted experiments in the psychological laboratory by using the methods of Introspection or_______?


305 - William James is associated which school of thought?


306 - William James is related to school of thought:



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