Educational Sociology MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Educational Sociology is the study of the interaction of the individual and his cultural environment.” This was stated by


2 - A child develops a self-concept when he is able to see himself as an object. He develops a concept of himself as he

Thinks about himself and his own behaviour

3 - A group in which one has a “we feeling” is called a

Primary group

4 - A group of individuals having essentially the same social status in a given society is called a

Social class

5 - A level in society made up of people similar in certain respect is known as

Social class

6 - A role conflict occurs when

The ego occupies two conflicting roles

7 - A school is a miniature


8 - A situation where a student is expected by his parents to study his lessons and is expected by his room-mates to visit a movie- house illustrates

Role conflict

9 - A social institution is defined as

The totality of relationships processes and facilities which people develop to meet a specific social interest or need

10 - A social system invariably has a

All of these

11 - A society is a network of

Inter-personal relationships

12 - A state has a large population, but not sufficient territory. What among the following it cannot do?

Destroy all the new-born

13 - A territorial community refers to an area that has a geographical location and which is a source for all the social and cultural needs of its members. Which of the following is not true of a territori

It is a formal organisation

14 - “Birds of the same feather flock together” refers to the idea of a socialising process known as


15 - “Education is the most powerful factor in making men modern”. This was said by

Alex Inkeles

16 - “Group defined by a sex relationship, sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and up-bringing of children”— this definition given by Maclver refers to


17 - “Religion has an indispensable place in the good life and the good society.” This is not supported by the argument that religion

Alone can prevent wars in the world and bring peace as a consequence

18 - “Religious education” and “education about religions” are

Little different from one each other

19 - “Women must always be honoured and respected by father, brother, husband and brother-in-law who desire their welfare” was a statement made by

Mahatma Gandhi

20 - According to Muslim law “khula” is the form of divorce which is

Granted by the religious heads

21 - According to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, a wife can seek divorce if her husband

Is guilty of adultery

22 - According to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, which of the following is a legal ground for divorce?

Insanity for more than three years

23 - According to the Hindu Marriage Act. 1955, the minimum age of marriage for boys is

21 years

24 - Advisory committee on social and moral hygiene was set up in 1954 under the chairmanship of

Rukminidevi Arundale

25 - All human beings have to interact with the other human beings in order to


26 - Almost all societies, at some stage or the other, of their development have passed through

Rural conditions

27 - Among the scheduled castes of India, which is the main cause of social mobility?


28 - An example of formal norm is


29 - An individual starts learning from

Mother's wom

30 - An individual who tends to withdraw from association with others is called

Very suggestible

31 - Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with one another, is called a/an


32 - As a social institution, the essential function of the family is

Rearing of children during their immaturity

33 - Both nature and necessity compel man to live in


34 - Caring for the cultivation of emotional health of children is as important for the schools as caring for the cultivation of their intellect, not because

There cannot be any other social institution which can be entrusted with this job

35 - Characteristic of society is


36 - Characteristics of the urban industrial family are

All of these

37 - Communities do not exert pressures on educational systems in the following way

Through revolts

38 - Control of the Government over education is unavoidable because

Education costs money; and money can be provided by the government only

39 - Cooley's “face-to-face” group refers to

A formal group

40 - Cultural diffusion means

All of these

41 - Culture is

The characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people

42 - Custom is an important

Social control

43 - Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act was passed in the year


44 - Earlier educational values were lower and less wide-spread in an agrarian than in an industrial society. This was not because

Education served no purpose for them as they needed no knowledge

45 - Education provided to the child by the schools is


46 - Educational Sociology deals with which aspect of education?


47 - Educational sociology is study of those phases of sociology that are significance for educative processes, specially the study of those point to valuable programmers of learning & control of learning

T.P. Munn

48 - Educators must have a good understanding of the social forces because

Education is influenced by the social forces

49 - Every caste is limited to

Linguistic area

50 - Example of a community is a/an


51 - Family is said to be a primary social institution because

There is high degree of face-to-face relationship within this

52 - Function of educational structure is

Socialisation of new population

53 - Function of political structure is

Replacement of population

54 - George Simmel classified human aggregates units


55 - High degree of inter-dependence between education and the rest of the society is very much emphasised, not because of

Man's social nature

56 - Hindu Marriage Act was passed in the year


57 - Hindu Woman in a joint family has

Lack of freedom

58 - Human nature develops in man as a

Member of a society

59 - Human society differs from animal society because of

Cultural heritage

60 - Identify a quasi-group among the following,


61 - Identify the forms of marriage widely prevalent in Tribal society

Probationary marriage

62 - If in a social set up people are working against others in order to obtain possession, they are said to have


63 - In early Hindu society, widow remarriage was


64 - In India, education is the responsibility of

Both (a) and (b)

65 - In public opinion, there is no higher court than that of the


66 - In recent times, inter-caste marriages are increasing because of

Education and enlightenment

67 - In simple societies, deviations from an appropriate day to day behaviour are corrected by such social controls as

All of these

68 - In the absence of law, which of the following help in maintaining social order in simple societies?

All of these

69 - In the traditional arsha type of marriage among Hindus

The father gives his daughter to a person as kanyadana

70 - In which of the following respect, a group and crowd differ from each other?


71 - In which of the following works, the theory of Social Contract was first propounded?


72 - Indian education in future should fight as the first priority against

Dangers of communal and caste fragmentation

73 - Indian government's legislation concerning educational opportunities for the weaker sections of the society is an evidence which brings into focus the

Political nature of education

74 - Indian society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not one of those?


75 - Individual and society are considered as


76 - Internalization means that the individual

Has standards to judge his own behaviour

77 - International women's year was celebrated during the year


78 - It is implied in the “Social nature” of education that it

Ensures desirable socialisation of the child

79 - It is industrial rather than other types of economy which most enhances the regard for education, because

Modern industry has become extremely technical, science-based, knowledge- based; and scientific and technical knowledge is gained only through education

80 - Land Reforms have brought

Drastic changes in urban areas

81 - Main distinguishing factors between rural and urban societies in India is

Differences in the density of population

82 - Main function of economic structure is

Replacement of population

83 - Main function of Religious structure is

Maintenance of a sense of purpose

84 - Man's behaviour in society is determined mainly by two forces, namely

Formal and informal

85 - Mark out the reason that made Jawaharlal a great leader.

His personal qualities

86 - Mehar given by husband to the wife immediately after marriage is known as

Muwajjal Mehar

87 - Modern urban industrial families are usually based upon

Paternalistic relationships

88 - Modernisation implies mobility which may be of any kind except

Physical mobility

89 - Modernization as a process of social change requires

Increased structural differentiation

90 - National Policy on Eduction (1986) makes a recommendation (8.1) that “The existing schism between the formal system of education and the country's rich & varied cultural tradition needs to be bridged"

There is insufficient progress, of education in India

91 - Norms are society's expectations or rules specifying appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. Which of the following is not a norm?

Keep to the left on the road

92 - Of the following kinds of marriages, which one is the result of mutual love and affection of bride and bridegroom?

Gandharva marriage

93 - Of the following, the definition of personality is most appropriate, according to the text would be

The personal qualities which tend to emphasize how different people really are

94 - On whose help are the educational institution depend maximum?


95 - One of the basic principles of socialing individuals is


96 - One of the most important functions of the state is to

Maintain law and order in a complex society

97 - One of the several features of Indian education promoting divisive tendencies and thwarting national integration is

Rivalry among teachers being encouraged by teachers' associations

98 - Our social institutions are frequently in conflict with one another. Which is not the possible reason?

They are established by people for meeting their needs

99 - Out of the following four branches of psychology, with which sociology has got maximum linkage?

Social Psychology

100 - Panchayatraj system is based on the principle of

Democratic decentralisation of administration

101 - Political aim of education is


102 - Religion is an institution because

It imparts moral and-spiritual education to people

103 - Religious education in some forms is essential because it

Develops essential values in children

104 - Resolving children's conflicts caused by contradictory value systems of the home and the schools is

Difficult but not impossible

105 - Rural society is

Small in size

106 - Schools are social institutions because they

Are established by the society

107 - Sexual intercourse by a person with the wife of another man amounts to offence of adultery liable for punishment according to

I.P.C. Section 350

108 - So thoroughly have norms become a part of human mode of existence that they are to a high degree


109 - Social classes and their sub-cultures are most interesting and most important to a student of education because

Social classes differ from one another in many ways which are important for education

110 - Social equality is supported by


111 - Social structure, culture and personality combined together to form

A social system

112 - Socialisation is a process of converting a biological organism into

Social man

113 - Society preserves our


114 - Sociology of education is

An analysis of sociological process involved in the institutions of education

115 - Some of the modern changes which have taken place in the Hindu Marriage are

Widow Remarriage permitted

116 - Specialisation and further distinctions in making a living within a given economy, within an industrial economy makes

A demand for specialized courses and training programmers such as management training, etc.

117 - Standard of living has maximum relationship with one of the following factors. Which is that?


118 - Suggestion is one of the basic principles of


119 - Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act was passed by Indian Parliament in the year


120 - The abolition of ‘Sati' system was mainly due to the efforts of

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

121 - The act of adopting oneself, and one's behaviour, to the conditions and requirement of the community in which one lives is called social


122 - The analysis of human society must certainly be carried out on the level


123 - The concept of role involves

Performing rights and duties which derive from the function to be performed

124 - The concept of the looking-glass self may be summarised as follows

What ego thinks, alter thinks, ego is

125 - The difference between the pace of progress of material and non-material culture in case of a developed material culture is known as

Cultural lag

126 - The difference between the social groups, in the degree of cultural development; or the degree of antipathy manifested by individuals belonging to one group towards individuals belonging to the other


127 - The educational institution is a


128 - The essence of secondary group experience is

Casualness of contact

129 - The essence of secondary group experience is

Casualness of contacts

130 - The essential attributes of a state are

All of these

131 - The fundamental unit of human society is known as


132 - The future of education in India depends on


133 - The idea of society's division as proletarian and bourgeoise is given by


134 - The law forbidding dowry is ineffective because

It cannot be easily enforced

135 - The laws of Muslim marriage are based on


136 - The least hindrance in the way of the optimum development of child's personality is

Free education for all and equal opportunity

137 - The least important challenge to Indian education today is presented by the

Poverty of the masses

138 - The maximum contribution to the process of socialization, in general comes from


139 - The members of the society share sentiments highly favourable to


140 - The most important characteristic of a society is

Interpersonal relationship

141 - The most potent instrument of social development is


142 - The nature of the differences in socioeconomic strata of the society such as the wealthy, middle class and the poor is that it

Runs quite frequently at cross purposes in the demands they make on education

143 - The notion of in group and out group was first used by


144 - The notion of the “I: me: Generalised other” was developed by

Morton Robert

145 - The preferences and aversions amongst the various members of a group is shown by

Interactional analysis

146 - The preferential feeling which individual have for their own group is called


147 - The price paid to the Muslim bride is called


148 - The process of acting in awareness of others and adjusting responses to the way others respond is called

Social interaction

149 - The process which aims to destroy the opponent is


150 - The progress for education of women in India was initiated by

Iswar Chandra Vidya Sagar

151 - The rapid progress in women's education took place

During last 25 years

152 - The realization of the aspirations of the people of India involves

Change in the knowledge, skills, interests and values of the people as a whole through education

153 - The rewards and ensure conformity called


154 - The role of caste in village is

Very much significant

155 - The role of religion in rural society

Is of greater importance even today

156 - The role that an individual plays in the development of social phenomenon is studied by


157 - The schools help the people to

Assimilate culture

158 - The social institution that men create should be the best because

Poor schools, poor churches, weak and indecisive government will have a negative effect on the society which brings them into being

159 - The Special Marriage Act was passed in the year


160 - The state is a National Institution, was maintained by

Herbert Spencer

161 - The study of Human society involves the study of


162 - The study of society is nothing but study of


163 - The technique of measurement of the patterns of social behaviour in a group is known as


164 - The term “oral dependency” means

A stage of child's dependency on mother

165 - The understanding and analysis of any social organisation like restaurant becomes possible and relatively simple by knowing

Functional imperatives

166 - To which type of culture belong attitudes, religious beliefs, moral beliefs and etiquettes?

Non-material cultureÂ

167 - Today agrarian society calls for considerably more schooling than formerly because

Agriculture has become a science which together with its mechanization calls for scientific knowledge

168 - Transformation of the educational system means

Improving the socio-emotional climate of the schools

169 - Usually rural people's behaviour is

Very simple

170 - Value conflicts in the minds of school children are often created by

Conflicting value systems of the home and the school

171 - What is more crucial for bringing about a desired social change in India?

Development of social resources

172 - What is not involved in leadership?

The supremacy based on personality cult

173 - What is the nature of man, according to Aristotle?


174 - What is the origin of the word Education?

'E' and 'Catum'

175 - What is the result of the existence of different socio-economic strata in the society with various class interests?

Setting up mutually incompatible tensions in the educational programme

176 - What is the status of political interference in education?

Both (a) and (b)

177 - What type of education the family imparts to the child?


178 - What type of society is rural society?

Homogeneous society

179 - When a group of clans get merged together, then the resultant grouping is called


180 - When the child is able to judge the response of a group as a whole, he is responding to a

“Generalised other”

181 - When we try to explain the behaviour of an individual, we find that his social environment is

Both a necessary and sufficient total explanation

182 - Which aim of education is most useful for the community?


183 - Which among the following is the advantage that does not come to the followers under a specific leadership?

The goal achievement satisfaction

184 - Which article of the Indian Constitution proclaims that “untouchability is abolished”?

Article 17

185 - Which Indian economy is based on village economy?


186 - Which institution has maximum control over education?


187 - Which is incorrect about the school as a social institution?

It stands for the professional ideals of the community rather than the ideals it practices and tolerates

188 - Which is not a threat to the desired social change in India pertaining to national unity and social progress?


189 - Which is not characteristic of modernisation?


190 - Which is not relevant for achieving vertical social mobility?


191 - Which is the most correct statement?

Modernisation is the outcome of social change

192 - Which is the most important factor which seems to be acting to reduce class differences in India?

Rise in standard of living of the working class

193 - Which is the most important social factor that has adversely affected the examination reforms in India?

Unethical behaviours of students and teachers

194 - Which is the pattern of modernization through education?

Both (a) and (b)

195 - Which of the following Acts has legalised divorce on certain grounds?

Hindu Marriage Act of 1955

196 - Which of the following can serve as the suitable example of the primary group?


197 - Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?

Its members must have a high rate of interaction with one another

198 - Which of the following does not describe a norm?

It is behaviour that is most often followed

199 - Which of the following does not influence the process of education?

The upper middle class of the society

200 - Which of the following is a dynamic organisation of purposive individuals?


201 - Which of the following is a norm?

Simple living and high thinking is a great virtue

202 - Which of the following is an example of an aggregate?

Air-line passengers

203 - Which of the following is inevitably involved in the exercise of competent authority in any social group?

The right to exact obedience

204 - Which of the following is normative integration in a group?


205 - Which of the following is not a correct statement about children's education in the family?

Criminality is taught to children by their parents

206 - Which of the following is not correct about schools?

They are potential agents of conflicts and disintegration

207 - Which of the following is not correct about the role of government in schooling?

It will be affected by neither of the foregoing conditions

208 - Which of the following is the best example of what Cooley referred to as a quasi-primary group?

A mother and her child

209 - Which of the following sanctions can be applied for an offence by an individual in simple societies?

All of these

210 - Which of the following sections of I.P.C. makes a person liable for 2 years imprisonment if he assaults or uses criminal force on a woman?

I.P.C. Section 354

211 - Which of the following simple societies possess distinct political institutions?

All of these

212 - Which of the following statements is not true about the family?

It is the only institution of society which caters to the development of child's personality

213 - Which of the following statements is not true about the members of a social group?

They are a casual collection of people

214 - Which of the following type of economy places higher value on education?

Industrial economy

215 - Which one of the following does not distinguish urban communities from rural ones?


216 - Which one of the following is not strictly speaking, one of Freud's stages of psycho sexual development?


217 - Which one of the following social institutions of India does not have a profound effect on education?

The business class organisation

218 - Who gives the system of education in India?


219 - Who said, “Western education leads to the modernisation of perspectives in traditional, non- industrial societies” ?

Michael Armer and Robert Youtz

220 - Zamindari system of village administration was first introduced byA



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