Fundamentals Of Computer Science MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 5

1 - Processor works like human?


2 - Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must have

All of the above

3 - Program execution time would be minimum if the programs are written in

Machine Language

4 - Program instructions are executed by?


5 - Program which disturbs normal working of computer is called?


6 - Programmed instructions to the computer is known as


7 - Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as

Application software

8 - Programs prepared by an outside supplier & privided to a user in a machine readable form is known as

Canned program

9 - Programs that converts low and high level languages into machine language are called?


10 - Properly arranged data is called?


11 - Protocols are

Sets of rules

12 - Punched cards are associated with the name


13 - Punched-card equipment was first introduced in Britain in 1904 by a small company. What was the name of that company?

The Tabulator Ltd.

14 - QWERTY is used with reference to


15 - RAID stands for __________

Redundant array of independent disks

16 - RAM chips

allow the computer to store data electronically

17 - RAM is also known as

Read/Write memory

18 - RAM is measured in?

Both A & B

19 - Ram is the example of which type of memory?

Main memory

20 - RAM is which type of memory?

Volatile Memory

21 - Reading data in magnetic disk is performed by?

Read Write leads

22 - Regarding a VDU, which statement is more correct?

It is a peripheral device

23 - Registers which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are known as


24 - Reliable communication is?


25 - Resolution of laser printer is specified in terms of


26 - Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym?


27 - RGB indicates what in monitor technology?

Three guns of red, green and blue colors

28 - Robot is a machine which is controlled by a software contained in a chip is used in the field of?

All are correct

29 - ROM is also known as?

Programmed chip

30 - ROM is needed for storing an initial program called _______.

Bootstrap Loader

31 - ROM is?


32 - ROM tells the computer to-

start up the operating system

33 - Rudolf is the example of a computer?


34 - Saving data and instructions to make them readily available is the job of __________

Storage Unit

35 - Scanner is which type of device?

Input device

36 - SDLC stands for?

Software development life cycle

37 - Search engine used software called __ to search different documents on internet.


38 - Second generation computers are made of


39 - Sending data from one place to another, by physical or electronic means is

Data transmission

40 - Sending fraudulent emails to someone for getting information like user name and password of computer, credit or debit card information and get money is called?


41 - SEO stand for what?

Search Engine Optimization

42 - Sequential file organization is most appropriate for which of the following applications?


43 - Serial access memories are useful in applications where

data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form

44 - Set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel form is called?


45 - Shutdown option exist in?

Start menu

46 - Silicon chips used for data processing are called?

PROM Chips

47 - Single character of data can be stored in?


48 - Single entry and only a single entry point is one of the characteristic of ____ programming language.


49 - Single primary storage location in processor is called?


50 - Small or Separate manageable part of a software is known as?


51 - Smallest unit of memory is?


52 - SNA is an example of?

De Facto protocol

53 - Software instructions intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called _____.

Applications software

54 - Software is also called?

A computer program

55 - Software mistakes during coding are known as?


56 - Software programs that close potential security breaches in an operating system are known as:

Security patches

57 - Software that behaves like a traffic police?

Operating system

58 - Software that's loaded into a computer primary storage area is known as

Memory-resident package

59 - Sometime data are gathered over a period of time and collected into a group before entering them into a computer for processing. What type of processing is it called?

Interactive processing

60 - Source program written in which language?

High level language

61 - Speed of CPU measured in?

Both of the above

62 - SPSS stands for

Statistical Package for Sociai Science

63 - SSI and _____ IC's were used in third generation computers.


64 - SSL stands for?

Secure socket layer

65 - Standard arrangements of keys on the keyboard is called?


66 - Standardization of Microsoft programs and the Windows operating system has made the spread of viruses:


67 - Storage capacity of a computer is measured in which format?


68 - Storage capacity of a sector can be?

512 Bytes

69 - Storage on PC allows you to store files until something erases it, but memory loses its contents whenever its _____ is lost


70 - Strong passwords are used and recommended when using internet banking. A strong password is one which is difficult to guess. Which of the following would be the Strongest password?


71 - Structured programming supports is in ___ generation.


72 - Structured programming was applied in?


73 - Suitable ports for computers is?

All of the above

74 - Super computers are mainly useful for

Mathematical intensive scientific applications

75 - Super computers are primarily useful for

Mathematical-intensive scientific applications

76 - Super-computers

Are not fast enough for some applications

77 - Support for loop and branches provides which of the following language?

Structured programming

78 - Surface of a hard disk is divided into?

Pie shaped sectors

79 - Surgeons can perform delicate operation by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually. this technology is known as-


80 - Symbol which separates parts of e-mail address is?


81 - Tab, shift, alt and enter keys are the examples of which keys?

Navigation Keys

82 - Tape speed is measured in which of the following?

Inch per second

83 - Temporary storage location to keep data in a computer is called?


84 - Term describes a picture that has been resized by a percentage?


85 - The ............ operating system was initially created in the early 1970s at AT & T's Bell Labs.


86 - The __ program compresses the large files into a smaller file.


87 - The __ toolbar provides access to file management.


88 - The _____ key will launch the start buttons.


89 - The _____ of a system includes the programs or instructions.


90 - The _____ provides a path between the CPU and peripheral devices, which are connected via interface cards.

expansion bus

91 - The _____ tells the computer how to use its components.

Operating system

92 - The ______ cells involve creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.


93 - The ______ storage on ROM chip, is responsible for loading the operating system from its permanent location on the hard drive in to RAM.


94 - The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called Binary Digits or


95 - The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or _____


96 - The 2's complement number of 110010 is

None of the above

97 - The 2's complement of a binary no. is obtained by its 1's complement.


98 - The 7-bit ASCII code widely used

For data communication work

99 - The ability of a computer system to remain operational despite various failures is


100 - The ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same time is called .........


101 - The access method used for cassette tape is


102 - The accuracy of the floating point numbers representable in two 16 bit words of a computer is approximately

6 digits

103 - The address bus is


104 - The ALU and control unit of most of the microcomputers are combined and manufactured on a single silicon chip. What is it called?


105 - The ALU gives the output of the operations and the output is stored in the ________


106 - The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage elements called


107 - The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

Control section

108 - The amount of data that a disk may contains known as the disk's?

Storage capacity

109 - The analog computer measures dimensions and its circuits use the differential and integral equations of continuous variables. The digital computer counts units and its circuits use

Boolean algebra

110 - The area of computer science which is concerned with the display of pictures is


111 - The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called:


112 - The ASCII code for the character J is:


113 - The attribution of human form or qualities to things such as machines or computers is called


114 - The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is ________ .

Rotational delay

115 - The AX register is used for __ operations.


116 - The basic architecture of computer was developed by

John Von Neumann

117 - The basic components of a modern digital computer are :

All of the above

118 - The basic input/output system (BIOS) is storage in-


119 - The basic unit within a computer store capable of holding a single unit of data is

Store location

120 - The benefit of using computers are that

Computers are very fast and can store huge amounts of data

121 - The best tool to use to create a hierarchical flow chart in word is?


122 - The binary equivalent of the Hexadecimal number 7BD is


123 - The binary system uses powers of


124 - The binary system uses powers of?


125 - The bitwise complement of 0 is ___________


126 - The brain of any computer system is


127 - The browser __ keeps a list of web pages you have visited during the current session.


128 - The bubbles in a bubble memory pack are created with the help of?

Magnetic field

129 - The card which is used for internet is?

Modem card

130 - The central processor of a modern digital computer consists of

control unit and primary memory

131 - The code for a Web page is written using _____ .

Hypertext Markup Language

132 - The code that should be adequate for present and anticipated data processing both for machine and human use is


133 - The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is:


134 - The complete picture of data stored in database is known as


135 - The computer code for interchange of information betweenterminals is


136 - The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is


137 - The computer industry uses prefixes of Greek origin to measure large amounts of data. Which term describes 1024 bytes.


138 - The computer translates the condition of each switch to a number. What number is represented by the OFF state?


139 - The computer translates the condition of each switch to a number. What number is represented by the ON state?


140 - The computers that we use are digital whereas we live in an analog world which means that we have to translate analog data into digital data. What is the name of the circuit which helps us in this conversion?

A/D converter

141 - The control of the jobs running within a system is

Job monitoring

142 - The conversion of all types of data into binary numbers is called __.


143 - The CPU is made up of control unit ALU and


144 - The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts best exemplifies the processing mode of:

Batch processing

145 - The data bus in 8080A/8085 microprocessor is a group of

eight bidirectional lines that are used to transfer 8 bits between the microprocessor and its I/O and memory

146 - The data processing job expected to further decrease in the 1996s is that of:


147 - The decimal equivalent of the binary number 11100001111 is


148 - The device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the


149 - The device that can both feed data into and accept data from a computer is

Input-Output device

150 - The device that converts video images to digital form and saves them in computer's memory is called?

Digital Camera

151 - The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ____________


152 - The difference between memory and storages is that memory is _____ and storage is _____

Temporary, permanent

153 - The disadvantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is

need to refresh the capacitor charge every once in two milliseconds

154 - The disk concept for reducing time lost from rotational delay is:

staggered addressing

155 - The earliest device that qualifies as a digital computer is


156 - The essential difference between an operating system like Linux and one like Windows is that

any programmer can modify Linux code, which is not permitted with Windows.

157 - The essential features of a number system are

Both A & B

158 - The estimation of the value of a function at a point beyond the interval in which the data lies is called known as


159 - The examination and changing of single bits or small groups of his within a word is called

Bit manipulation

160 - The fastest type of memory from the following list is

semiconductor memory

161 - The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is _______.


162 - The first adding machine was invented by who?

Blaise Pascal

163 - The first computer made available for commercial use was


164 - The first computer mouse was built by

Douglas Engelbart

165 - The first computer used to store a program


166 - The first electronic digital computer contained?

Electronic valves

167 - The first electronic general purpose digital computer built by Mauchly and Eckert called ENIAC did not work on the stored program principle. How many numbers could it store in its internal memory?


168 - The first generation of computers available was based on the bit micro processors.


169 - The first IBM PC did not have any

Disk drive

170 - The first large scale electronic computer which became operational in 1946 and contained approximately 18000 vacuum tubes and could perform 300 multiplications per second was known as


171 - The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:

Mark I

172 - The first mechanical calculating machine was made by

Blaise Pascal

173 - The first mechanical calculator was invented in


174 - The first microprocessors produced by Intel Corpn. and Texas Instruments were used primarily to control small


175 - The first movie with terrific computer animation and graphics was released in 1982. What was its name?


176 - The first network is called?


177 - The first part of a complete URL is the __ needed to access the web resource.


178 - The first practical form of Random Access Memory was the __________

Williams Tube

179 - The flow and timing to data to and from the microprocessor is regulated by

control pins

180 - The following are the examples of data types except?


181 - The following sentence was typed using a word processor program. Love all, trust a few; do wrong two nun …. How many errors the spell checker will detect?


182 - The function of CPU is

to read, interpret and process the information and instruction

183 - The growth of WAN is distinguishing feature of?

6th generation computers

184 - The hardware in which data may be stored for a computer system is called


185 - The -heart of the processor which performs many different operations _____________

Arithmetic and logic unit

186 - The horizontal and vertical lines on a spreadsheet are called:


187 - The 'IC' chip, used in computers, is made of


188 - The IC was invented at Texas instruments in year 1958 by

Jack Kilby

189 - The imitation of one device or system by another is


190 - The information you put into the computer is called?


191 - The input and output devices are located away from the central computer facility in which particular type of processing.

Batch processing

192 - The input for analysis are?

Program requirements and specifications

193 - The input machine which originated in the United States around 1880s is a ___________


194 - The input unit of a computer

feeds data to the CPU or memory

195 - The keys at the right of the keyboard similar to those on a calculator are called?

Numeric Keys

196 - The keys on the top of keyboard as F1, F2………F12 are called_________?

Function keys

197 - The language that is an input for statement translation is called

Source language

198 - The language that the computer can understand and execute is called

Machine language

199 - The languages which are above the assembly languages are belonged to which of the following generation of computers?


200 - The latest PC keyboards use a circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitance. What are these keyboards called?

Capacitance keyboards

201 - The least expensive OCR units can read


202 - The length of a word in computer is measured in:


203 - The light pen was developed in


204 - The list of coded instructions is called

Computer program

205 - The magnetic disks and drums are like recirculating shift registers because

stored data is available for reading over and over again in the same order.

206 - The main purpose of the off line device is

To save computer time

207 - The main purpose of the offline device is.......

To save computer time

208 - The main purpose of time sharing techniques used in computers is to make the best use of the


209 - The main storage area of a computer, to which processor has immediate and very fast access is called?

Main memory

210 - The major division of a computer system is?

Hardware and software

211 - The majority of computer crimes are committed by:


212 - The memory sizes in mainframe computers and advanced technology micro computer are expressed as


213 - The memory sizes in mainframe computers and advanced technology micro computers are expressed as


214 - The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured


215 - The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured is


216 - The memory which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable is


217 - The methods used by COBOL to define that structure of a data item in terms of characters, digits, etc. is


218 - The microcomputer, Intel MCS-80 is based on the widely used Intel

8080 microprocessor

219 - The microprocessor 1001 is developed by?

Ted Hoff

220 - The microprocessor of a computer cannot operate on any information if that information is not in its.

main storage

221 - The minimum number of MOS transistors required to make a dynamic RAM cell is


222 - The minimum time delay required between the initiation of two successive memory operations is known as

memory cycle time

223 - The most advanced form of ROM is?


224 - The most common binary code in use today is the 8 bit ASCII code. What do the letters ASCII stand for?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

225 - The most common input device used today is


226 - The most common type of storage devices are_________?


227 - The most common types of storage devices are?


228 - The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in Electronic Data Processing system is called


229 - The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetched from:

cache memory

230 - The most important advantage of a video disk is

Potential capacity

231 - The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is _____

Network server

232 - The most popular language for interactive use is


233 - The most popular language used with microcomputers and time-shared mini computers, is an easy-to-use high level language.


234 - The most recent version of the Mac OS is based on the......... operating system.


235 - The MS-DOS operating system is a .....

command-driven interface, single-tasking operating system

236 - The no of logical records in a physical record is

Blocking factor

237 - The number system that contains numbers as well as some alphabets is called __ number system.


238 - The OCR stand for?

Optical character recognition

239 - The octal equivalent of the number 11010.1011 is


240 - The operating system does all of the following except-

Enable users to perform a specific task as document editing.

241 - The operating system is the most common type of ______ software.


242 - The operating system manages

All of the above

243 - The operation of a digital computer is based on _____ principle.


244 - The OR, XOR & AND functions can be performed by _____ of the computer in a CPU.


245 - The organization and interconnection of the various components of a computer system is


246 - The original ASCII code used _____ bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking.


247 - The output quality of a printer is measured by

Dots per inch

248 - The output received on the display screen or in the audio or video form is called________?

Soft Copy

249 - The person contributing the idea of the stored program was

John von Neumann

250 - The personnel which deal with the computer and its management put together is known as

Human ware

251 - The personnel who deals with the computer & its management put together are called


252 - The physical components of a computer system is


253 - The physical equipment made oi various metals, silicon and plastic components that make up the parts of a computer is called


254 - The pieces of equipment which are attached to the CPU of a computer and which it can access are called


255 - The primary advantage of key-to-tape data-entry systems is:

The tape is reusable

256 - The primary memory of a personal computer consists of:

Both ROM and RAM

257 - The primary purpose of software is to turn data into _____


258 - The printer which can print one complete line at a time?

Line Printer

259 - The process of communicating with a file from a terminal is


260 - The process of copying data from a memory location is called


261 - The process of division on memory spaces is called ______________


262 - The process of entering data into a storage location

is destructive of previous contents

263 - The process of fetching and executing instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing addresses is known as

straight line sequencing

264 - The process of producing useful information for the user is called ___________


265 - The process of putting data into a storage location is called


266 - The process used to set up a programs once the system is operational is

Boot strap

267 - The processing capability of a microcomputer can be enhanced with the help of

expansion cards

268 - The processor which performs arithmetical and logical operations is called


269 - The proper definition of a modern digital computer is

an electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers

270 - The protocol used for the internet is?


271 - The punched card used in the IBM System/3 contains

96 columns

272 - The purpose of an application program is to

Meet specific user needs

273 - The radian of a number system

Equals the number of its distinct counting digits

274 - The radix of binary number does not __ in the memory.


275 - The range of frequencies available for data transmission is known as


276 - The real business and competitive value of information technology lies in:

The capabilities of software and the value of the information a business acquires and used.

277 - The receiver is called also ___ in the data communication.


278 - The register which keeps track of the execution of a program and which contains the memory address of the instruction currently being executed is known as

Program counter

279 - The report card and merit list forms the

Output data

280 - The request and release of the resources are?

System calls

281 - The row and column range of carriage refers to __ in dot matrix printers?


282 - The rules that dictate how the various parts of a formula are written in a table and elsewhere are called:


283 - The scrambling of code is known as:


284 - The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions

Control unit

285 - The selection of language for a program depends upon which of the following?

Program requirements and specifications

286 - The shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is


287 - The sign ++ in C++ represents?

Net level of C language with some additional features

288 - The size of commonly used floppy disk is


289 - The smallest logical data entity is called a data item or data


290 - The SMTP is a __ protocol.


291 - The software used to convert source program instructions to object instruction is known as

Language processor

292 - The software which controls operation of the computer system is called?

Word Processor

293 - The Speed of CPU is measured in_______?

Both A & B

294 - The storage unit in ALU is called?


295 - The symbols used in an assembly language are


296 - The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:


297 - The taskbar is located?

At the bottom of the screen

298 - The technique designed to support the effective access of micro-filmed data is:


299 - The term "memory" applies to which one of the following


300 - The term "red book", "yellow book" and "orange book" refer to?

CD-ROM standards

301 - The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following


302 - The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following:


303 - The term MIPS refers to _____

millions of instructions per second

304 - The term 'Pentium' is related to what?


305 - The term referring to evacuating the content of some part of the machine is known as


306 - The term SS/SD refers to the?

Storage capacity of a floppy disk

307 - The term that we use to describe physical components of the system


308 - The term USER INTERFACE refers to-

What the user sees on the screen and how they interact with it.

309 - The terminal device often used in checking charge cards that offers both a limited keyboard input and visual output is the:

Video display terminal

310 - The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of:

Memory or disk space

311 - The third generation of computers covers the period:


312 - The three parts of an IF function are separated by?


313 - The time for which a piece of equipment operates is called

Effective time

314 - The time required for the fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is

CPU cycle

315 - The time taken for the read/write head to move to the correct track on the magnetic disk is called

seek time

316 - The total number of messages handled by a computerized telephone system on a daily basis is an example of:


317 - The tracks on a disk which can be accessed without repositioning the R/W heads is


318 - The transistorized computer circuits were introduced in the

Second generation

319 - The two basic types of memory in a computer are ________

Primary and Secondary

320 - The two basic types of record-access methods are:

sequential and random

321 - The two kinds of main Memory are:


322 - The two main components of the CPU is

Control unit and ALU

323 - The unique identifier that is used when a Word form is connected to a database is called:

A tag.

324 - The unit of a computer system that executes program, communicates with and often controls the operation of other subsystems of the computer is known as


325 - The unit of hardware an operator uses to monitor computer processing is the:


326 - The use of Ic's give which of the following advantage?

Both of A & B

327 - The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called.


328 - The word 'Computer' usually refers to the Central Processor Unit plus

Internal memory

329 - The working principles of today's computers were provided by an English mathematician

Charles Babbage

330 - There are __ phases SDLC have.


331 - There are historical evidences to prove that abacus was first used in


332 - There are how many types of plotters?


333 - There are two different ways to insert content from one application into another embedding and?


334 - Thinking power was initiated in which of the following generation computers?


335 - Third generation computers

Were the first to use integrated circuitry

336 - Third generation computers

None of the above

337 - Third generation of computers uses which of the following technology?

Integrated circuits

338 - Third generations of computers introduced the concept of?

Both A & B

339 - This feature recognizes and corrects commonly misspelled words:

Auto Correct

340 - This is the part of the computer system that one can touch?


341 - Till the fourth generation, the computers lacked which of the following?

Artificial Intelligence

342 - Tim Berner created?

WWW(World Wide Web)

343 - Time division multiplexing is used to combine?

Digital signals

344 - Time during which a job is processed by the computer is

Execution time

345 - Time during which a job is processed by the computer is:

Execution Time

346 - Time during which a job is processed by the computer is?

Exucution time

347 - Tiny rings made of magnetic material that can be polarised to represent binary 1 or 0 is called

Magnetic core

348 - To __ the text you select it hold down the mouse button and move the mouse.


349 - To add an internal card to a computer it must have an open?

Expansion Slot

350 - To add numbers in Between 10,000, the number of rows of an Abacus should be?


351 - To create web pages we used a term called?


352 - To delete an incorrect character in a document, ______ to erase to the right of the insertion point.

Press the delete key

353 - To display or hide the start menu which key is used?

Windows Logo key

354 - To display start menu which key is used?


355 - To display the contents of a folder in windows explorer?

Click on it

356 - To have your macro available to all new documents you create, store it in?

Normal Template

357 - To locate a data item for storage is


358 - To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the _____ key.


359 - To open print dialog box which key is used?


360 - To prepares a file for processing which statement is used?


361 - To print high quality graphic ____ is used.


362 - To produce high-quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a(n)


363 - To save an existing file with a new name or to a new location use __ command.

Save as

364 - To save important files and items which folder is best suited?

My document

365 - To select the corresponding options when a dialogue box is open which shortcut key is used?

Alt+underlined letter

366 - To send data and information we need?

Sending device

367 - To set a register or counter to the all-zero-state is


368 - To switch between the open items which shortcut key is used?


369 - To transfer files which protocol is used?

File Transfer Protocol

370 - To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location?

The clipboard

371 - Touch screen is the example of?

Pointing device

372 - Transformation of input into output is performed by?


373 - Transistors were used in which generation computers?


374 - Transmission and presentation of text and graphics is called

Video text

375 - Two or more computers connected to each other of sharinginformation form a _____ .


376 - Two types of main memory in computer?


377 - Type of computer program that is designed to run a computer hardware and application programs is called?

System software

378 - UNIVAC stands for?

Universal Automatic Computer

379 - UPC stand for what?

Universal product code

380 - USB is a type of-


381 - USB stands for ________?

Universal Serial Bus

382 - Use of icons and windows are characteristic of a .......... interface.


383 - User can understand which of the following language easily?

High level language

384 - VAB is the abbreviation of?

Voice Answer Back

385 - Vacuum tubes used in first generation of computers was developed by?

Lee Deforest

386 - Variation of ROM is?

Programmable read only memory

387 - VB and Javascript are examples of which of the following languages?


388 - VDU stands for __________

Visual Display Unit

389 - Vector graphics is composed of?


390 - VGA is the abbraviation of?

Video graphics array

391 - Video display adapters that takes 1024 × 768 pixels are?


392 - Violating privacy, stealing information, stealing control of computer or network from other users is called?


393 - Virtual memory is-

A form of RAM

394 - VIRUS stands for

Vital Information Recourse Under Siege

395 - Viruses are called that because

They can copy themselves and spread.

396 - Viruses are often contained in email attachment. The virus infects the computer when attachment is opened. Which of the following attachment is least likely to carry a virus?

A text file

397 - WAN stands for?

Wide Area Network

398 - WAV file format is associated with what type of files?


399 - We can convert image to text easily by which of the following software?


400 - We can get __ of any binary number simply by replacing 1's with 0's and 0's with 1's.

1's complement


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