Fundamentals Of Computer Science MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 6

1 - We can organized files by storing them in?


2 - We can print drawing through?


3 - We can print images through?


4 - We can use ____ or erase to delete the file.


5 - What allows you to print on both sides of the printer?


6 - What are the concentric circles on floppy disks know as?


7 - What are the individual dots which make up a picture on the monitor screen called?


8 - What are the names of two basic types of plotters?

Flatbed and drum

9 - What are the two types of monitors?


10 - What decimal of an hour is a second?


11 - What device prevents power interruptions resulting in corrupted data

Battery Back up unit

12 - What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other generation computers?

Technological advancement

13 - What digits are representative of all binary numbers?

Both A and B

14 - What do the abbreviations VAB stand for?

Voice answer back

15 - What do you call a single point on a computer screen?


16 - What do you need for an ink jet printer?

A cartridge

17 - What do you see if you hover the mouse over a chart object?


18 - What does a light pen contain?

Light sensitive elements

19 - What does a system bus do?

connects various components within the computer

20 - What does BCC means in EMail?

Blind Carbon Copy

21 - What Does BIOS Stand For?

Basic Input Output System

22 - What does DRAM stand for?

Dynamic Random Access Memory

23 - What does FTP stand for?

File Transfer Protocol

24 - What does HTTP stands for?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

25 - What does MAR stand for?

Memory Address Register

26 - What does that acronym EGA stand for?

Enhanced Graphics Array

27 - What does the COMPUTER stand for?

Commonly Operated Machines Used in Technical and Educational Research

28 - What does the SMTP in an SMTP server stand for?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

29 - What does the term page orientation refer?

Whether a page is laid out vertically or horizontally.

30 - What folder is used to resend an email message?

Sent items

31 - What information would be safe to include in a public profile on a social networking site?

Date of birth

32 - What is a portion of memory that serves as a temporary repository for data as it waits for a given action?


33 - What is a web browser?

All of these

34 - What is access time?

Time required for a computer to locate and transfer data

35 - What is an integrated circuit?

Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

36 - What is backup?

Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination

37 - What is Cache RAM?

Fast memory used for data that is accessed often

38 - What is called hybrid computer?

Characteristics of both analog and digital computers

39 - What is dedicated computer?

Which is assigned one and only one task

40 - What is meant by a dedicated computer?

Which is assigned one and only one task

41 - What is meant by a dedicated computer?

Which is assigned one and only one task

42 - What is meant by computer literacy?

Knowing what a computer can and cannot do

43 - What is meant by Junk Mail?

Spam Emails

44 - What is object of UPS?

Provides backup power

45 - What is PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)?

A type of system bus

46 - What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?


47 - What is the abbreviation of Http?

Hypertext transer protocol

48 - What is the acronym for Single In-Line Memory Module?


49 - What is the acronym of WORM?

Write once read many

50 - What is the alternative name for a diskette?

Floppy disk

51 - What is the backgound for a chart called?

Chart area

52 - What is the best way to protect your hard drive data?

Regular backups

53 - What is the binary value of 200?


54 - What is the clip board?

A temporary storage location for items that have been cut or copied.

55 - What is the correct association between a hardware component and a computer function?

Mouse > input

56 - What is the definition of Chip?

Piece of Silicon on which integrated circuits are fitted

57 - What is the drawback of analog computers?


58 - What is the example of analog to analog conversion?


59 - What is the filename extension for an Outlook data file?


60 - What is the first Indigenously developed Super Computer of India?


61 - What is the full form of e-mail?

Electronic mail

62 - What is the full form of LAN?

Local Area Network

63 - What is the function of MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Reader)?

Reading characters which have written in magnetized ink

64 - What is the function of print manager?

All of the above

65 - What is the function of X button placed at right side of the window?

Close the window

66 - What is the input for a compiler?

Machine language

67 - What is the latest write-once optical storage media?

Digital paper

68 - What is the legal page size?

8.5×14 inches

69 - What is the main advantage of magnetic core memory over semiconductor RAM memory?

non volatile

70 - What is the minimum number of operations required, for a microprocessor with 8 data pins, to read a 32-bit word?


71 - What is the most common tool used to restrict access to a computer system?


72 - What is the most likely cause of an erratic mouse cursor?

A dirty ball and roller in the mouse

73 - What is the name for a Web Page address?


74 - What is the name for a webpage address?


75 - What is the name given to the specialized storage element in the processor unit of a computer which is used as a "scratch pad" during processing operations?

cache memory

76 - What is the name given to the weapons which use computerised guidance system?

Smart weapons

77 - What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the Internet?


78 - What is the name of biggest computer hardware company?

Apple Inc

79 - What is the name of biggest software company in the world?


80 - What is the name of most common cyber crime activity?


81 - What is the name of the chip which has more than once processor on it?


82 - What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper printout?

Hard copy terminal

83 - What is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing of music?


84 - What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention?

Reverse video

85 - What is the name of the display feature that highlights areas of the screen which require operator attention?

Reverse video

86 - What is the name of the earliest calculating machine which was based on concepts found in modern computers but was unfortunately never built?

Babbage's Difference Engine

87 - What is the name of the logic circuit which can add two binary digits?

Half adder

88 - What is the name of the memory card which is conceptually related to the smart card but is similar to the video disk?

Laser card

89 - What is the name of the printer which prints all the A's in a line before all the B's?

Line printer

90 - What is the name of the reading device which mades use of photosensors and laser technologies to interpret printed, typed or even hand-written data directly from the source documents?


91 - What is the name of the storage device which is used to compensate for the difference in rates of flow of data from once device to another?


92 - What is the name of the temporary data storage area between a peripheral device and the CPU which compensates for the difference between their speeds?


93 - What is the name of the visible silver rectangle which separates the take-up portion of the magnetic tape from the data recording portion?

Load marker

94 - What is the name of world first computer programmer?

Ada Lovelace

95 - What is the number of bit patterns provided by a 7-bit code?


96 - What is the number of bits needed for an address in a 4K memory?


97 - What is the number of read write heads in the drive for a 9 track magnetic tape?


98 - What is the other name of 3D printing?

Additive Manufacturing

99 - What is the output of a compiler?

Source program

100 - What is the resolution of ink jet printer?

300-720 dpi

101 - What is the second largest search engine of Internet?


102 - What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having windows?

Ctrl + P

103 - What is the standard code the computer industry created to represent characters?


104 - What is the storage capacity of a Hollerith card which is organized into nibbles?


105 - What is the Super Computer developed in India


106 - What is the term used for unsolicited e-mail?


107 - What is the term which represents the use of links between information of all sorts whether text, graphics, video oi audio-based?


108 - What is time sharing computers?

More than user can operate the system at one time

109 - What is URL?

Address of webpage

110 - What is usually used for displaying information at public places?

Touch screen kiosks

111 - What is Windows XP?

Operating System

112 - What language does a browser typically interpret to display information from the World Wide Web?


113 - What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste?


114 - What should follown the sheet name in a 3-D formula?

Exclamation Point

115 - What technology of memory is Cache RAM usually?


116 - What term describes a picture that has been resized by a percentage?


117 - What term describes shaped text?


118 - What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?

Bus arbitration

119 - What type of device a transistor have?


120 - What type of language was supported by the second generation of computers?

High level language

121 - What type of memory is not directly addressable by the CPU and requires special software called EMS (expanded memory specification)?


122 - What type of signal maintains orderly transmission of data in parallel processing?

Control signals

123 - What was the computer conceived by Babbage?

Analytical Engine

124 - What was the era of 3rd generation of computers?


125 - What was the first general-purpose electronic computer?


126 - What was the first version of Window?

Window 1.0

127 - What was the name of first microprocessor?

Intel 4004

128 - What was the name of the first commercially available micro-processor chip?

Intel 4004

129 - What was the name of the first stored program electronic computer which was built in 1949 at Cambridge University in England?


130 - What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which company?

48, Remington Rand

131 - What we call the speed with which an instruction is executed?

Clock Speed

132 - What we call user interface of an Operating System?


133 - What would be the best way to move around a 3Denvironment?

Use a tracker ball

134 - What would you not use with a flatbed plotter?


135 - When a computer starts __ checks all the devices and loads their drivers so that devices can work properly.

Operating system

136 - When a file is saved for the first time then?

It must be given a name to identify it

137 - When a logic bomb is activated by a time-related event, it is known as a:

Time bomb

138 - When Blaise Pascal invented adding machine?


139 - When Charles Babbage invented Analytical engine?


140 - When Charles Babbage invented difference engine?


141 - When customers of a Web site are unable to access it due to a bombardment of fake traffic, it is known as:

A denial of service attack.

142 - When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?


143 - When first minicomputer was built?


144 - When installing ______ The user must copy usually decompress program file from CDROM or medium to the hard disk.

Programming software

145 - When microsoft was founded?


146 - When sending an e-mail, the _____ line describes the contents of the message.


147 - When sound is included in the animation it becomes?


148 - When the pointer is positioned on a _____ it is shaped like a hand.


149 - When the Reviewing pane is open the title of that pane is?


150 - When two people collaborate on an online document at the same time, they are collaborating?

By Tracking

151 - When used with I/O devices, the term intelligent implies

feature to support offline and online tasks

152 - When was Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market?


153 - When was MS Windows operating system introduced?


154 - When was punched-card equipment used for the first time to process the British census?


155 - When was the first electronic machine computer was developed?


156 - When was the first e-mail sent?


157 - When was the IBM XT microcomputer released in the market?


158 - When was the world's first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?

Epson, 1981

159 - When was X window system was launched?


160 - When Web Crawler , the oldest search engine came in to the market?


161 - When you are working on a document on PC, where is thedocument temporarily stored?


162 - When you press the __ key by itself it opens and closes the Start menu?


163 - When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice, you are :


164 - Where are silicon chips manufactured in India?


165 - Where data is kept for a very long period is called which type of memory?

Secondary memory

166 - Where data permanently stored in computer?

Hard Disk

167 - Where does a computer add and compare data?

CPU chip

168 - Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?

Hard Disk Drive

169 - Where have the program and data to be located before the ALU and control unit of a computer can operate on it?

Internal memory

170 - Where IBM was founded?

New York, US

171 - Where is computer's BIOS stored?


172 - Where is the headquarters of Intel located?

Santa Clara, California

173 - Where microsoft was founded?

New Mexico, US

174 - Where programs and data stored when the processor uses them?

Main memory

175 - Where registers are located in the computer?

Inside CPU

176 - Where was the car-garage in which HP company was started?

Palo Alto, California

177 - Where was the India's first computer installed and when?

Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955

178 - Where would you find a magnetic strip?

Credit card

179 - Where would you find the letters QWERTY?


180 - Which is not a factor when categorizing a computer?

Where it was purchased

181 - Which of the following is true concerning personal computers?

The electronic spreadsheet has been a primary reason for their popularity

182 - Which 32-bit microprocessor is used in IBM's PS/2 model-80 computer?


183 - Which 8-bit chip was used in many of Tandy's TRS-80 computers?


184 - Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape


185 - Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?


186 - Which among following required large computer memory?

All are correct

187 - Which among the following is the first free web based email service?


188 - Which among the following is the hardware?


189 - Which among the following is the largest storage?


190 - Which among the following is used as a primary storage device


191 - Which among the following is used to create visual presentations with the help of audio and video clips?

Multimedia software

192 - Which Bus communicates between CPU and Memory?

Address bus

193 - Which can be used for marking a multiple choice test?

Optical mart reader

194 - Which can be used to send emails to a large group at once?


195 - Which command is used to copy a picture of the screen to the clipboard?

Print screen

196 - Which communication protocol is used by the internet?


197 - Which company first of all manufacture computers for commercial use?

Remington Land

198 - Which company is nicknamed "Big Blue"?


199 - Which company is not a microprocessor manufacturer?


200 - Which company is not a PC manufacturer?


201 - Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?


202 - Which company produces processors for the Apple Macintosh?


203 - Which computer company is called Big Blue?


204 - Which computer company was born in a garage at 367 Addison Avenue?

Hewlett Packard

205 - Which computer company was founded in one car garage?


206 - Which computer has been designed to be as compact as possible?

Micro computer

207 - Which could tell you the price of a bar of biscuit?

Bar code reader

208 - Which country engineer invented Mouse?


209 - Which country have more computers in the World?


210 - Which device can be used to directly image printed text?


211 - Which device is used to transmit digital data over telephone lines?


212 - Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?


213 - Which device uses much less computer time than the light pen and gives resolutions equal to that of the CRT display.

Data tablet

214 - Which disk interface standard includes support for up to eight peripheral devices?


215 - Which facilitates data processing capabilities at the location of the end-user.


216 - Which feature of ROM makes it useful?

Data in ROM is non-volatile, it remains there even without electrical power.

217 - Which flag indicates the number of 1 bit that results from an operation?


218 - Which function is used to remove decimal values?

Fix function

219 - Which function is used to reverse your last change?


220 - Which function key is used for help?


221 - Which function key is used for Printing?


222 - Which function key is used for spelling checker in MS Word document?


223 - Which function removes the decimal portion of a value?


224 - Which functional component of a computer is responsible for the computing?


225 - Which functions performed by mouse?

All of the above

226 - Which gate only sends one through if neither of its terminals receives a pulse.


227 - Which gate sends on a pulse when it receives one at either or both of its terminals.


228 - Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964-77?


229 - Which generation support structured programming languages?


230 - Which helps user to locate, move, rename, copy and delete files?

File Manager

231 - Which hole is used to mark the location of the first sector in a soft-sectored disk.


232 - Which Indian IT expert started web-based email service HOTMAIL in 1996?

Sabeer Bhatia

233 - Which input device is able to scan & interpret an entire page that is typed in a special font

Page reader

234 - Which interface transmits one bit at a time?


235 - Which is a basic technique, using activity networks.


236 - Which is a Common-Business oriented language.


237 - Which is a grid of individual pixels that collectively compose an image?

Bitmap or Raster Graphic

238 - Which is a machine-oriented high-level language for the GEC 4080 series machines.


239 - Which is a non-standard version of a computing language?


240 - Which is a swapping device is used to hold the images of pages in main memory.

Paging drum

241 - Which is a unit representing the no bits of discrete.


242 - Which is also known as mechanical agent?


243 - Which is an electronic device that can store temporarily a single bit of data.


244 - Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?


245 - Which is another name for functional language?

Application language

246 - Which is biggest search engine now in the world?


247 - Which is not necessary when using bar codes in supermarkets?

Price on the shelf

248 - Which is part of a computer system, enables human operators to communicate with the computer.


249 - Which is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world?


250 - Which is the acronym for Algol extended for design.


251 - Which is the device that converts computer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line?


252 - Which is the first compiler-level language developed by a team of IBM programmers led by John Backus and unveiled in 1957?


253 - Which is the interface between user and the computer system?


254 - Which is the measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access?


255 - Which is the simplest method of implementing hardwired control unit?

State Table Method

256 - Which is true for the digital computer?

It represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits

257 - Which is used for manufacturing chips?


258 - Which is used for manufacturing chips?


259 - Which is used to draw pictures, 3D images and animations?

Graphic software

260 - Which is used to store firmware.


261 - Which key is used to open the microsoft windows NT security dialog box?


262 - Which key on keyboard of a computer does not have its name printed on the key?


263 - Which keystrokes updates a bibliography field?


264 - Which kind of devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?

Expansion slots

265 - Which kind of storage device can be carried around?

Floppy disk

266 - Which language has been selected as the basis for the Japanese "fifth generation" computers.


267 - Which language is used in the areas of pattern recognition, artificial intelligence & for simulation of games.


268 - Which language uses the computer power to convert into machine codes?


269 - Which language was created by Charles H. Moore at National Radio Astronomy Observatory.


270 - Which language was devised by Dr. Seymour Aubrey Papert?


271 - Which language was used in the third generation of computers?

High level language

272 - Which major development led to the production of microcomputers?

Integrated circuits

273 - Which memory among following needs refreshing?


274 - Which memory is non volatile and may be written only once?


275 - Which memory is non volatile?


276 - Which memory is nonvolatile and may be written only once?


277 - Which memory is programmed at the time it is manufactured?


278 - Which memory must be refreshed many time per second?

Dynamic RAM

279 - Which memory stores the values of variables.


280 - Which method is of reading the characters & providing input to a computer.

Optical character reader

281 - Which method is used to connect a remote computer?


282 - Which monitor provides the highest level of performance?


283 - Which most popular input device used today for interactive processing & for the on line entry of data for batch processing.

Visual display terminal

284 - Which network protocol is used to send Email?


285 - Which of the following are input devices?

Any of these

286 - Which of the following are not likely to be found on a PC main circuit board

LCD clocks

287 - Which of the following are often used to ensure that data has been accurately input to the computer?

input controls

288 - Which of the following are the building blocks of all the circuits in a computer.

Logic gates

289 - Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

control unit and ALU

290 - Which of the following are types of ROMs?


291 - Which of the following are used to quickly accept, store, and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU?


292 - Which of the following can be output by a computer?

All of the above

293 - Which of the following can store information in the form of microscopic pits on metal disks.

Laser disks

294 - Which of the following can't spread virus

A plain text mail

295 - Which of the following circuit is used as a 'Memory device' in computers?

Flip Flop

296 - Which of the following circuit is used as a 'Memory device' in computers?

Flip flop

297 - Which of the following command is given to reboot the computer?


298 - Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?


299 - Which of the following contains startup instructions of the computer and information about its hardware devices?


300 - Which of the following data types automatically generates a consecutive number?

Auto Number

301 - Which of the following describes the correct format of an input instruction?

IN 82

302 - Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?


303 - Which of the following does not affect the resolution of a video display image?

screen size

304 - Which of the following file organizations is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity?


305 - Which of the following functional components of a computer is responsible for the transient or temporary storage used by the CPU?


306 - Which of the following functions is a database function?


307 - Which of the following has the most capacity?


308 - Which of the following high speed non-impact printers are fast enough to print the entire book in about 1 minute.


309 - Which of the following holds data and processing instructions temporarily until the CPU needs it?

main memory

310 - Which of the following holds the ROM, RAM, CPU?

Mother Board

311 - Which of the following Indian companies designs and manufactures super- computers?


312 - Which of the following is a communication network that is devoted to carrying computer information.

Data network

313 - Which of the following is a computer memory that can be programmed once, but not reprogrammed.


314 - Which of the following is a data communication link that connects more than two stations, nodes etc

Multipoint line

315 - Which of the following is a firmware built into the computer system?


316 - Which of the following is a machine for reading documents that are encoded in a way that is readable by person and machine.

Document reader

317 - Which of the following is a non-impact printer?

Laser printer

318 - Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

319 - Which of the following is a pointing device?

Touch screen used for computer input.

320 - Which of the following is a secondary memory device?


321 - Which of the following is a set of general purpose internal registers?

scratch pad

322 - Which of the following is a special purpose language used to describe to a computer's operating system.


323 - Which of the following is a system programming language for micro-computers in the Intel family.


324 - Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory?

Random access memory

325 - Which of the following is also known as SOROBAN


326 - Which of the following is an example of connectivity?


327 - Which of the following is another type of computer software?

Application software

328 - Which of the following is associated with networks?

Both (A) and (B)

329 - Which of the following is called internal processing memory?


330 - Which of the following is correct option for sending dame letter to multiple persons?

Mail Merge

331 - Which of the following is different from other


332 - Which of the following is directry controlled from a keyboard.

Card punch

333 - Which of the following is fastest?


334 - Which of the following is form of semi conductor memory in which it is possible to change the contents of selected memory locations by applying suitable electrical signals.


335 - Which of the following is intended to be used in all applications runs on mainframe computers.


336 - Which of the following is Mozila Firefox?

Web Browser

337 - Which of the following is non-impact printer?

Laser printer

338 - Which of the following is non-volatile storage?


339 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?


340 - Which of the following is not a factor affecting the processing capability or performance of a PC system?

The revolutions per minute of the printer disk

341 - Which of the following is not a function of the Input Unit?

It makes the data into user understandable format

342 - Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?

It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing

343 - Which of the following is not a major reason for an email bounce?

Stale file handle

344 - Which of the following is NOT a primary storage device?

All of the above

345 - Which of the following is not a Search engine?


346 - Which of the following is not a sequence storage device?

Magnetic disk

347 - Which of the following is not a storage device?


348 - Which of the following is NOT a type of broad band internet connection?


349 - Which of the following is not an advantage of magnetic disk storage?

None of the above

350 - Which of the following is NOT an advantage of open-sourceoperating systems over proprietary versions?

Availability of technical support

351 - Which of the following is not an alternative name for primary memory?

Mass storage

352 - Which of the following is not an example of a pointing device?

Bar Code Reader

353 - Which of the following is not an output device of a computer?


354 - Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?


355 - Which of the following is not one of the three primary functions that on-line direct-access systems can serve?


356 - Which of the following is not true of immediate processing?

It can occur with either sequential of direct-access files

357 - Which of the following is not used as secondary storage

Semiconductor memory

358 - Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?

Semiconductor memory

359 - Which of the following is not used for storage purposes with main frame computers?


360 - Which of the following is page orientation?

Both A & B

361 - Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?


362 - Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?

Control unit

363 - Which of the following is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer?

Operating System

364 - Which of the following is still useful for adding numbers?


365 - Which of the following is temporary storage are for data before and after it is processed?


366 - Which of the following is the 1's complement of 10?


367 - Which of the following is the expansion of EBCDIC

Extended binary coded decimal interchange code

368 - Which of the following is the fastest


369 - Which of the following is the fastest?


370 - Which of the following is the largest and most powerful computer manufacture in the world


371 - Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

Terabyte (TB)

372 - Which of the following is the most powerful type of the computer?

Super computer

373 - Which of the following is the product of data processing?


374 - Which of the following is the upgraded version of the machine language?


375 - Which of the following is the user programmed semiconductor memory?


376 - Which of the following is true about primary storage?

All of the above

377 - Which of the following is true?

All of the above

378 - Which of the following is true?

Eight-digit binary number is called a byte

379 - Which of the following is used as "Input device" for the computer?

Light pen

380 - Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?


381 - Which of the following is used as storage locations both in the ALU and the control section of a computer?


382 - Which of the following is used for input and output both

Teletype terminal

383 - Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips?


384 - Which of the following is used for serial access storage only?

Magnetic tape

385 - Which of the following is used in main memory?


386 - Which of the following is used to check for errors in RAM chips?

Parity chip

387 - Which of the following is used to insure the high quality of computer output?

output controls

388 - Which of the following is used to make a programs run when the computer is switched on.


389 - Which of the following is used to store data in database?


390 - Which of the following is usually a special one-time operation that must be completed over a limited time period?


391 - Which of the following isn't a type of computer facility?


392 - Which of the following isn't used in the storage phase of a computer-based information system?


393 - Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)


394 - Which of the following language needs translator?

High and low level languages

395 - Which of the following languages is more suited to a structured program?


396 - Which of the following languages is often translated to pseudo code?


397 - Which of the following languages is the most widely used?


398 - Which of the following layout does not display footer and header?


399 - Which of the following machines are characterised by electronic tube circuitry, delay line, rotating or electrostatic memory.

First generation

400 - Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

Dynamic RAM


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