Fundamentals Of Computer Science MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 4

1 - Correct format of an email address is?

2 - CPU controls _________.

All Input, Output and processing.

3 - CPU stands for ______ ?

Central Processing Unit

4 - CPU stands for what?

Central processing unit

5 - CRT stand for?

Cathode Ray Tube

6 - Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called __ keys.


7 - Ctrl, shift and alt keys are called?

Modifier keys

8 - Ctrl+A key is used for?

Select all text

9 - ctrl+Atl+del is used for which purpose in windows?


10 - Ctrl+Z is used for?


11 - CU is?

Sub unit of CPU

12 - CU stand for what?

Control unit

13 - CX register is used for which of the following purpose?


14 - Cyber 205, CRAY-1 and 2 are the examples of?

Super computers

15 - Cyber crime act in Pakistan called?

Prevention of electronic crimes act, 2016

16 - Daisy Wheel Printing is a example of?

Impact Printing

17 - Data can be stored on CDs by which mechanism?

Punctures and depressions

18 - Data communication requires?

All of the above

19 - Data communication system within a building, plant, campus or between nearby buildings is called?


20 - Data communications involving telegraph lines uses?

Narrowband channels

21 - Data definition language is a type of?

Query language

22 - Data division is the third division of a _____ program.


23 - Data is transmitted block by block in?

Synchronous mode

24 - Data Manipulation Language is a type of?

Query language

25 - Data System management has long-term viability as a separate business function because

An integrated database accessible to all requires independent management

26 - Data systems for planning are often called

decision support systems

27 - Data that is copied from an application is stored in the?


28 - Data transmission speed of wire pair is?

9600 bps

29 - Data which is copied from an application is stored in?


30 - Data which is written in EPROM can be erased using which type of rays?

Ultraviolet Rays

31 - Database programs are examples of which of the following type of software?

Application software

32 - Default printer mode is?

Portrait mode printer

33 - DEL is used to delete the character to the __ of the cursor.


34 - DELL is the short form of?

Digital Electronic Link Library

35 - Design qualifications do not normally include


36 - Device that operates under the control of another device is called?


37 - Device which connects multiple n nodes to the network is?


38 - Devices accepts data from outside the computer and transfer into the CPU are called?

Input devices

39 - Digital computer was developed primarily in?


40 - Digital computers are machines that respond to numbers rather than?


41 - Disk and tape drives are commonly used as?

Secondary storage devices

42 - Disk cleanup is a?

Utility program

43 - Disk Cleanup is used as a __ in Windows.

Disk Scanner

44 - Disk drive of a computer do?

Both A & B

45 - Disketts and hard disks are

Direct access devices

46 - DNS in internet technology stands for

Domain Name System

47 - DNS refers to?

Domain Name Service

48 - DOS stand for?

Disk Operating System

49 - Dot-matrix is a type of


50 - Dot-matrix, Deskjet, Inkjet and Laser are all types of which computer peripherals?


51 - Douglas Englebart invented?


52 - Do-while is an __ loop.

Exit control

53 - DR Solomon and McAfee are popular?

Anti Virus

54 - Dr. Solomon and McAfee are popular?


55 - Drive access time is measured in?


56 - Drivers of a computer system are?

System software

57 - DSL is the abbreviation of?

Digital Subscriber Line

58 - DV stands for?

Digital Video

59 - DVI stands for?

Digital video interface

60 - Each model of a computer has a unique?

Machine language

61 - EAROM is the example of?

Semiconductor storage device

62 - Easiest file management model is?

My computer

63 - EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?


64 - EEPROM stands for

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

65 - Encyclopedia is an example of which type of software?


66 - ENIAC EDAC and EDVAC are some examples of which of the following generations of computers?


67 - Ensuring that the essential peripheral devices are attached and operational is the ____ Process.


68 - Era of 2nd generation of computers was?


69 - Era of 4th generation of computers was?


70 - Era of first generation of computers was?


71 - Errors can be?

All of the above

72 - Everything computer does is controlled by its


73 - Example of non-numerical data is

Employee address

74 - Extended ASCII uses how many bytes?


75 - F2 key is used for which purpose?

Run function

76 - Facebook was launched in?


77 - Factory production lines can be automated using?


78 - Famous virus is?

Friday 13

79 - FAST stands for?

Federation Against Software Theft

80 - Fax viewer is an example of?

Utility program

81 - Fifth generation computers are based on

Artificial Intelligence

82 - Fifth generation computers are based on?

Artificial intelligence

83 - Fifth generation computers are likely to exhibit

All of the above

84 - File Allocation Table(FAT) is displayed using which command?


85 - File specification books are created primarily for the use of


86 - Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension of?


87 - Files have been moved to trash bin. The trash bin has not been emptied. Which of the following is true of these files?

Their names are displayed in a light grey font.

88 - First CAD system called AutoCAD for the PCs was announced in the year 1982. Can you tell who announced it?

Autodesk Inc

89 - First computer was programmed using?

Machine language

90 - First generation of computer was based on which technology?

Vaccum Tube

91 - First high speed printer was developed in?


92 - First version of window came in?


93 - Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?


94 - Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?


95 - Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?


96 - For criminal investigation and security systems which of the following is most commonly used?

Finger print reader

97 - For move to the bottom of a document, press ........

Ctrl + End key

98 - For selected item to display properties dialog box which shortcut key is used?


99 - For what can you use outlook tasks?

Manage to do items

100 - For what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?


101 - For which of the following purpose internet is mostly used for?


102 - Founder of microsoft is?

Both Bill Gates and Paul Allen are the founders of microsoft

103 - Fox pro is?

A computer language

104 - Foxpro is the name of a?

Computer Language

105 - Free hard disk space used to extend the capacity of RAM is termed as?

Virtula memory

106 - Frequency division multiplexing and Wave division multiplexing are used to combine __ signals.


107 - From the following which is not the function of ALU?

Controlling operation

108 - From the following which is one of the function of mouse?

Cursor on the screen can be moved

109 - Front-end processor is a _____ designed specifically to handle the communications processing task.


110 - Full adder has

3 inputs

111 - Function key F2 is used for?

Rename files and folders

112 - Function of CPU are?

All of the above

113 - General purpose computer are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its-


114 - General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its


115 - General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its


116 - Generally you access the recycle bin through an icon located?

On the desktop

117 - Gmail, a free web-based email service operated by which company -


118 - Gosub and Return are the subroutines of?


119 - GPS stands for?

Global positioning system

120 - Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder etc are:


121 - GUI stands for

Graphical User Interface

122 - Hard copy is a term used to describe?

Printed output

123 - Hard disk capacity depends upon?

Number of disk platters stacked

124 - Hard disks and diskettes are:

Direct access storage devices

125 - Hard disks and optical disks are the examples of which type of memory?

Secondary memory

126 - Hard disks are formatted in the same manner as floppy disks. However, before a hard disk can be formatted, it must first be _____


127 - Hardcopy means?


128 - Hardware _____ memory is seldom used in modern computers.


129 - Hardware or software designed to guard against unauthorized access to a computer network is known as a(n):


130 - High-level languages are not concerned with computer but with


131 - Holographic memory made on special medium similar to which of the following?

Photographic Films

132 - Hotmail was launched in?


133 - is a?

Email Application

134 - How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

Rows and columns

135 - How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

Rows and Columns

136 - How can we search any item very fast?

Specifying Address in direct access storage

137 - How did the computer mouse get its name?

Its cable looks like a tail.

138 - How many addresses are required for 25 x 40 video RAM?


139 - How many bit code is used by Murray code for TELEPRINTER machines.


140 - How many bits can be stored in the 8K RAM?


141 - How many bytes of data stored on each sector of hard drive?


142 - How many colors VGA support at 320×200 pixels?


143 - How many functions keys are there on the keyboards?


144 - How many operations per second can perform by a modern fast mainframe digital computer.


145 - How many options does a binary choice offer?


146 - How many symbols exist in Baudot code?


147 - How many types of computer memory are?


148 - How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory?


149 - How much space in minimum must be provided between columns?


150 - How read write heads of a hard disk rotates?

With constant speed

151 - How to protect website from hacking or phishing attack?

Install SSL certificate

152 - HP company was founded in?


153 - HP is the abbreviation of?

Hewlett Packard

154 - HTML is used to create?


155 - HTML viruses infect:

A Web page in the HTML code

156 - Human beings are referred to as Homosapiens. Which device is called Silico sapiens?


157 - Hyper-threading (HT) is related to-


158 - IBM 1401 is?

2nd generation computer

159 - IBM 7000 digital computer

has modular construction

160 - IBM is the abbreviation of?

International Business Machine

161 - IBM is the computer __ company.


162 - ICs are classified on the basis of?

Number of transistors

163 - IC's were used in which generation of computers?


164 - IDE (ATE) or SATA interface connect Mother board with-

Hard disk

165 - Identify hypertext language among following?


166 - Identify operation which is not performed by computer?


167 - Identify term which is not related to computer?

Frank Land Reaction

168 - Identify the odd man out.


169 - IEEE stands for ___________

Institute of Electrical and electronics engineers

170 - If the control signals are generated by combinational logic, then they are generated by a type of _______________ controlled unit.


171 - If the processor of a computer does not have a direct and unassisted access to data items, these items are said to be


172 - If upon booting up a PC you see a message that says "Keyboard error" it could very likely be?

Either A or B above

173 - If we have some data on the hard disk, then disk is called?

Output device

174 - If we retrieve data from disk then disk serves as?

Input device

175 - If you see a diskette with a piece of foil covering its notch, it is said to be


176 - If you want to create a built in cover page for your report. You go to the?

Insert Tab

177 - If you want to secure a message, use a(n):


178 - If, in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify addresses in a RAM, the number of addresses will be

Any of the above

179 - ILLIAC is a

Super computer

180 - In __ representation the number is expressed as a combination of mantissa and exponent.

Floating Point

181 - In 1830, Charles Babbage disigned a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibited?


182 - In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicized:

e-mail Virus

183 - In a client/server model, a client program _______.

Asks for information

184 - In a computer spreadsheet each cell contain a?

All of the above

185 - In a laser printer the __ transfers the image to the paper.


186 - In a network, the computer that stores the files and process the data is named as


187 - In a rich text content control field the text?

Can be formatted.

188 - In an information system, alphanumeric data normally takes the form of-

Numbers and alphabetical characters

189 - In analog computer

Input is never converted to digital form

190 - In C++ what is the size of Char data type?

1 Byte

191 - In C++ what is the size of float data type?

4 Bytes

192 - In C++ what is the size of int data type?

2 Bytes

193 - In Charless Babbage analytical Unit the mill was like?


194 - In compact disks which technology is used?


195 - In comparison with static RAM memory, the dynamic RAM memory has

higher bit density and lower power consumption

196 - In computer field BMP is the short form of?


197 - In computer term what is â€Å“CC" stand for?

Carbon copy

198 - In computer terminology a compiler means

a program which translates source program into object program

199 - In computers ,what is the smallest and basic unit of information storage?


200 - In computers where deleted items are kept?

Recycle Bin

201 - In computers, '.TMP' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

Temporary file

202 - In computing MB stands for?


203 - In digital computer, all the expressions are coded into

Binary digits

204 - In digital data transmission

None of the above

205 - In how many generations a computer can be classified?


206 - In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed

Both sequentially an parallely

207 - In microsoft Internet explorer to open the organize favourites dialogue box which key is used?


208 - In microsoft internet explorer which shortcut key is used to open the history bar?


209 - In Microsoft window 7 which of the following give information about weather?


210 - In microsoft windows to display the properties for the item which we have selected, which key will be used?


211 - In microsoft windows which key is used for copy text?


212 - In microsoft windows which short cut key is used to rename the selected item?


213 - In negative logic, the logic state 1 corresponds to

lower voltage level

214 - In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as


215 - In processing cheques which of the following I/O techniques have banks traditionally followed?

MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)

216 - In serial, asynchronous transmissions, the ____ bit is used to signal the end of the character within the data frame.


217 - In synchronous transmission data from various users

Do not require header

218 - In the IBM PC-AT, what do the words AT stand for?

Advance technology

219 - In the language of the computer profession, one thousand position of main storage is represented with the letter


220 - In video editing what is Rendering?

Final step of video production

221 - In virtual storage, program segments stored on disk during processing are called:


222 - In which area of the primary storage section are the intermediate processing results held temporarily?

Working storage space

223 - In which country digital computers was developed?


224 - In which generations computers the size was very large?

First generation

225 - In which mode, each user has a local input/output device.

Time sharing mode

226 - In which of the following computers optical devices first time was used?

Microcomputer generation

227 - In which of the following format resolution of scanner is measured?


228 - In which of the following generation computers concept of Microprocessor was introduced?


229 - In which of the following generations of computer the use of Operating system was introduced?


230 - In which of the following terminals the screen is regarded as an array of pixels, where each pixel is either on or off?

Bit map terminal

231 - In which of the following, each data item contains at most 2 points


232 - In which year Apple company was founded?


233 - In which year assembly language was developed?


234 - In which year computer misuse act was made?


235 - In which year cybercrime act passed in Pakistan?


236 - In which year Daisy wheel printer was invented?


237 - In which year Dell computer was founded?


238 - In which year first time word phishing is heard?


239 - In which year hacking started?


240 - In which year IBM company was founded?


241 - In which year IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?


242 - In which year vacuum tube was invented?


243 - In which year was the PC voted 'The Machine of the Year's by the American Time magazine?


244 - In which year were chips used inside the computer for the first time?


245 - In which year yahoo search engine was developed?


246 - In windows 2000 maximum number of characters allows for file name are?


247 - In windows operating system which is known as a file manager?

Windows explorer

248 - Information on a hard disk is usually backed-up using a?


249 - Information travels between components on the mother board through-


250 - Inner core of an optical fiber is in composition?

Glass or Plastic

251 - Input of an interpreter is?

Program statement

252 - Input to the computer in form of the words is called?

Voice recognition

253 - Instructions and memory address are represented by?

Binary codes

254 - Instructions and memory addresses are represented by

binary codes

255 - Integrated Circuits (IC) chips used in computers are made with


256 - Intel and AMD are leaders in-


257 - Intel is the largest manufacturer of microprocessor. Intel stands for?

Integrated electronics

258 - Interface between a computer and an external or internal device is called?


259 - Internet Explorer is a type of


260 - Internet is a __ which enables us to share information with other people.

Network of network around the world

261 - Internet speed measured in?


262 - Into how many areas keyboard is divided?


263 - IPV4 address consists of how many bits?


264 - It is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state. What we are talking about?


265 - 'ITS' stands for

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

266 - JPEG stands for?

Joint Photographic Experts Group

267 - Junk email is also known as?


268 - KB stands for?


269 - Keys starting from F are called?

Function keys

270 - LAN speeds are measured in

MBPS (Mega Bits Per Second)

271 - LAN stands for?

Local Area Network

272 - Language translators are the examples of the whcih type of software?

System software

273 - Language used in second generation of computers was?

Assembly language

274 - Larger capacity of a RAM make computer?

Run Faster

275 - Largest hardware company in the world for computers is?


276 - Laser beam technology is used in one of the following?

Optical Disks

277 - Laser beam technology used in which of the following?

Optical Disks

278 - LCD stands for?

Liquid Crystal Display

279 - LED is?

Output device

280 - LED printer uses ___ to cause toner adhesion to the printer drum.

An array of LEDs

281 - LED stand for?

Light Emitting Diode

282 - Light pen contains?

Light Sensitive elements

283 - Light pen is the example of?

Pointing device

284 - Light Pen is the example of?

Input device

285 - Line Printers that print one line at a time are _________

Drum Printers

286 - Linus Torvalds developed which system?


287 - Linux is a(n) ........ operating system


288 - LISP is a programming language used for?

Artificial Intelligence

289 - LISP was developed by

John Mc Carthy

290 - Locations in the main memory of a computer are called


291 - Mac is a/an:

Operating system

292 - Magnetic storage devices can represent binary 0 by the absence of?

Magnetic tape

293 - Magnetic tape can serve as

All of the above

294 - Magnetic tape is a?

Serial access medium

295 - Main circuit board of a computer is known as?


296 - Main memory is also called?

Primary memory

297 - Main memory is also called?

Primary Memory

298 - Main memory is an extension of the?


299 - Main storage is also called


300 - Main types of softwares are?

Both A & B

301 - Major database object used to display information in a printable page format is?


302 - Malicious software is known as:


303 - Measuring unit of capacity of hard drive is-


304 - Measuring unit of capacity of Hard drive is?


305 - Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time after specifying its address is called

random-access memory

306 - Memories which can be read only are called __________.


307 - Memory in which any location can be reached in a fixed and short amount of time after specifying its address is called -

Random access memory

308 - Memory used to supplement the capacity of main storage is?

Secondary memory

309 - Methods used to organise and physically store disk data are cylinder and


310 - MICR stands for what?

Magnetic Ink Character Reader

311 - Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computer?

Fourth Generation

312 - Microprocessor was invented by?

Marcian E Huff

313 - Microprocessors can be used to make?

All are correct

314 - Microprocessors can be used to make________________?

All of the above

315 - Micro-program consists of a set of microinstructions which are strings of 0s and 1s.


316 - Microsoft is the computer __ company.


317 - Microsoft Word is an example of

Application software

318 - MIPS stands for

Million Instructions Per Second

319 - Mnemoic are the abbreviation which is used by which of the following language?

Assembly language

320 - Modem stands for?


321 - Modern computer operates on?


322 - MODULA is a

Programming language

323 - Monitor is an example of?

Output device

324 - Most important advantage of a video disk is?

Potential capacity

325 - Most important advantage of an IC is its

Extremely high reliability

326 - Mouse is what type of device?

Input device

327 - mpg is the extension of?


328 - Ms Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Corel Quattro Pro are the examples of?

Productivity software

329 - MSI stand for?

Medium scale integrated circuits

330 - Multiplication of 1112 by 1012 is


331 - Name of the first guided weapon in the world which used a programmable digital computer:

Sting Ray Torpedo

332 - Name of the great muslim scientist who was consider as one of the Founder of computer?

Al Khwarzmi

333 - Name or number used to identify a storage location is called?

An address

334 - Name the computer terminal which gives paper printout?

Hard copy terminal

335 - Name the two persons who were the first to develop a model of the microprocessor chip.

Marcian Hoff and Stanley Mazor

336 - NIC stands for?

Network Interface Card

337 - No computer can do anything without a


338 - Non-volatility is an important advantage of

Both B and C

339 - Number crunchier is the informal name for

Super computer

340 - Number of address lines needed to address each machine location in a 2048 × 4 memory chip?


341 - Number of bits in ALU is _________


342 - Number of bits in the data sequence processed by a given computer is called its?


343 - Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate _____ .


344 - Offline device is

a device which is not connected to CPU

345 - Offline device is?

A device which is not connected to CPU

346 - Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of


347 - Oldest internet search engine is?

Web Crawler

348 - One advantage of dial-up-internet access is ___

It utilizes existing telephone service

349 - One byte can be used to encode any integer between 'O' and -inclusive


350 - One MB is equal to?

1024 KB

351 - One million bytes of information is abbreviated as


352 - One nibble is equal to

4 bits

353 - One of a class of storage devices that can access storage locations in any order is


354 - One of the logic oriented programming language for artificial intelligence is?


355 - One's complement of string "01010100"?


356 - Operating involved by AT & T is?


357 - Operating system is the example of which type of software?

System software

358 - Operating System is the most common type of _________ software.


359 - Output hardware is often categorized according to whether it:

produces hardcopy or softcopy

360 - Output of a compiler is?

Object code

361 - Page up and Page down keys are called?

Navigation Keys

362 - Paint program keep track of every __ placed on the screen.


363 - Part of CPU which directs operations within a computer processor is called?


364 - Part of the CPU that carries out arithmatic and logic operation on the operands is called?


365 - PC is original or Trade name of?


366 - PCI stand for?

Peripheral component interconnect

367 - PCI stands for _________

Peripheral Component Interconnect

368 - Peripheral devices for the first belongs which generation of computers?


369 - Peripheral devices which used to get information from the computer is called?

Output devices

370 - Personal computers belongs to which of the following generation computers?


371 - Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board called?


372 - Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?


373 - Personal logs or journal entries posted on the Web are known as :


374 - Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to


375 - Pick one that is not related to others?


376 - Pick out the wrong statement.

Computer main memory can be accessed only sequentially

377 - Pick the odd one out?


378 - Pick the odd one out?


379 - Pick the Odd one out?

Magnetic Tape

380 - Pick the one that does not match to others options?


381 - Pick the one that is not related to other options?


382 - Pick the one that is not related to others?


383 - Pictures or drawings, typically displayed on a VDU to allow users to select program options is called


384 - Plastic card similar to a credit card but having some memory and a microprocessor embedded within it is?

Punched paper tape

385 - Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and


386 - PNG stands for?

Portable Network Graphic

387 - Point out the odd item amongst the following


388 - Pointing stick is the example of?

Pointing device

389 - Portable Network Graphics PNG is an example of?

Raster Graphics or Bitmaps

390 - Portable program means?

Independent of platform

391 - Position of a point in mixed number can be represented either by fixed position or by __ representation.

Floating point

392 - Primary storage is _____ as compared to secondary storage.

Fast and expensive

393 - Primary memory of a personal computer consists?

Both ROM and RAM

394 - Primary storage is _____as compared to secondary storage.

Fast and expensive

395 - Printer commonly used for desktop publishing?

Laser printer

396 - Printer is an example of?

Output device

397 - Printers used with minicomputer and mainframe computers are called?

Line Printer

398 - Process of Combining strings is known as


399 - Process of finding/correcting program errors is called?


400 - Processor can process which language?

Machine language


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