Fundamentals Of Computer Science MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 3

1 - ____________ is the raw material used as input and __________ is the processed data obtained as output of data processing.

Data, Instructions

2 - _____is the process of finding errors in software code.


3 - _____is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

4 - 1 Nibble contains?

4 Bits

5 - 1 yottabyte = ______________

1024 ZB

6 - 1024 bytes represent a


7 - 2 Gigabyte=__ MB


8 - 2's complement of a binary number can be found by subtracting it from __ .


9 - 32000 bytes of a computer can store how many characters of data?


10 - 8 bytes can be arranged in __ combinations.


11 - 8088 is the microprocessor of?


12 - A __ connection provides a dedicated link between two devices.

Point to point

13 - A __ query locates data from one or more tables.


14 - A _____ is simply an arrangement where multiple disk drives appear as a single disk drive to the user.

disk array

15 - A ______ represent approximately one billion memory locations.


16 - A ___________________ monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems.


17 - A acronym for the organisation that publishes programming language standard is


18 - A beam of light used to record and retrieve data on optical disks is known as


19 - A billionth of a second is defined as a:


20 - A bit can be?

0 or 1

21 - A block of the text automatically added to the end of the outgoing email is called?

A signature

22 - A bus with 16 data lines can transport how many bits at a time?

16 bits at a time

23 - A byte represents a group of

8 bits

24 - A card on the top of pack of cards containing information about the cards in the pack is

Reader card

25 - A characteristic of card systems is:

all the above

26 - A circuit which can store information is known as

Memory cell

27 - A class of random access memory that requires periodic servicing in order for the contents to remain valid is

Dynamic RAM

28 - A code which uses more bits for each character then what is necessary is known as

Redundant code

29 - A collection of 8 bit is called -


30 - A collection of 8 bits is called


31 - A collection of interrelated file in computer is a-


32 - A coloured printer uses which of the following type of port?

Parallel port

33 - A common boundary between two systems is called


34 - A common use of computer in office is for

Word processing

35 - A compiler means

A program which translates source program into object program

36 - A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing hypothetical systems is known as

Data flow

37 - A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is

Data flow

38 - A computer can be classified in how many generations?


39 - A computer can have __ states behaves like electric switches.


40 - A computer can not boot if it does not have?

Operating system

41 - A computer has a 1024K memory. What does the letter K stand for


42 - A computer has no more sense than a light


43 - A computer is a box full of electronic

Switching devices

44 - A computer performs operations by comparing data items and then, depending on the results, follows predetermined course of action. What are such operations called?


45 - A computer port is used to?

Communicate with other computer peripherals

46 - A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an


47 - A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is


48 - A computer program that instructs other programs to perform a particular type of operation is

System software

49 - A computer programmer

does all the thinking for a computer

50 - A computer system consisting of its processor, memory and I/O devices accepts data, processes it and produces the output results. Can you tell in which component is the raw data fed?

Main memory

51 - A computer will function only if it

has a program in its memory

52 - A computer, by definition, is any device that computers. This broad definition includes which of the following?

All of the above

53 - A connection between two end points, either physical or logical, over which data may travel in both directions simultaneously is called _____


54 - A CPU's processing power is measured in:


55 - A daisy wheel is a type of?


56 - A data Bus is?

Bi Directional

57 - A data item which is not broken down into smaller units is _____

Elementary data item

58 - A database management system based on the concept of ownership is

Network database system

59 - A datum that indicates some important state in the content of input or output is


60 - A device can not work properly if which of the following is not installed?

Device Driver

61 - A device designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card is

Badge reader

62 - A device for converting handwritten impressions into coded characters & positional coordinates for input to a computer is

Writing tablet

63 - A device invented by Dr. Bobeck in 1966, for mass storage of data is

Magnetic bubble storage

64 - A device mounted on a communication satellite which receives, amplifies and re-transmits signals from earth station is


65 - A device or system not directly connected to the CPU is


66 - A device that both transmits and receives data, is


67 - A device that can accept data, hold them&deliver them on demand at a later time is known as


68 - A device that converts one type of signal into another is called


69 - A device that prints one character at a time is kknown as

Character printer

70 - A device that stores one item of information is

Memory element

71 - A device that transmits messages in verbal form is

Audio response unit

72 - A device used for transmission of images scanned at a transmitting point and duplicated at a receiving point is?

Facsimile FAX

73 - A device used to bring information into a computer is

Input device

74 - A device used to measure the circuit density of a chip is


75 - A device which converts human readable data into machine language is

Character reader

76 - A device which is not connected to CPU is called?

Offline device

77 - A digital device that processes data is known as

Data processor

78 - A digitizing tablet can be used for?

Tracing diagrams

79 - A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a _____ resident package.


80 - A disk storage medium in the form of an assembly containing a single rigid magnetic disk permenently is

disk cartridge

81 - A disk with usable recording surfaces on each side is known as

Double-sided disk

82 - A disk's content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and cannot be changed or erased by user is -


83 - A distinguishing feature of first generation computers was?

Vacuum Tubes

84 - A dot-matrix printer

is an output device

85 - A drive that can be removed or inserted while the computer is running is said to be?

Hot Swappable

86 - A factor which might cause an individual to consider using a computer in criminal activities is:

All the above

87 - A factor which would strongly influence a businessperson to adopt a computer is its:

All of the above

88 - A family of polynomial block codes designed to correct burst errors is known as

Fire codes

89 - A file containing relatively permanent data is

Master file

90 - A file that includes an index directory to facilitate random access is

Indexed file

91 - A form of semiconductor memory in which its possible to change contents of selected memory locations by the process of applying electric signals is called?


92 - A framework in which circuit boards can he mounted is

Card cage

93 - A fully functional computing device containing all the elements of a computer which is built around a MICROPROCESSOR is known as

Micro computer

94 - A general purpose single-user microcomputer designed to be operated by one person at a time is


95 - A generalised software package produced to meet the bugs of a variety of data processing users is known as

Application package

96 - A group of 8 bits is called?


97 - A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is


98 - A half byte is know is


99 - A hand-held device for optically reading bar codes on goods, labels & shelves is


100 - A hand-held device which reads marks or characters on paper by detecting photo-sensitivity is known as


101 - A hard copy would be prepared on a

All of the above

102 - A hashing scheme is used with

direct file organization

103 - A high level language with concept of modules is called?


104 - A high level language, processor specific with no standard version is?


105 - A high speed device used in CPU for temporary storage during processing is called

A register

106 - A hybrid computer uses a _____ to convert digital signals from a computer into analog signals.


107 - A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to:

1024 bytes

108 - A LAN is a combination of?

All of the above

109 - A language based on graphics for use in education is


110 - A language which is close to that used within the computer is

Low-level language

111 - A large computer designed to handle complex scientific calculations

may use only a firmed word-length storage approach

112 - A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected using

Communications satellites

113 - A laser printer does NOT use?

A print head

114 - A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is


115 - A list of instructions used by a computer is called


116 - A logic bomb that was created to erupt on Michelangelo's birthday is an example of a:

Time bomb

117 - A logic gate is an electronic circuit which

makes logic decisions

118 - A long narrow socket on the motherboard into which different expansion cards can be plugged in is called?

Expansion Slot

119 - A machine associated with card-based data processing is


120 - A magnetic tape volume that is used on a data processing operation without any change to its contents is

Master tape

121 - A mechanism for arranging controlled access to a shared resource is


122 - A medium for transferring data between two locations is called

Communication channel

123 - A memory bus is mainly used for communication between

processor and memory

124 - A memory in which the information is stored last is on top & is retrieved first is known as


125 - A memory space used for the temporary storage of data is

Scratchpad storage

126 - A memory that contains a fine pattern of data permanently defined is


127 - A memory that does not change its contents without external causes is known as

Static memory

128 - A memory that holds micro programs is


129 - A memory that is capable of determining whether a given datum is contained in one of its addresses is


130 - A menu-driven operating system is one which allows you to pick up from the menu of choices it displays on the screen. What is the name given to the images which are used in such image oriented menus?


131 - A message with replies on a newsgroup is often called a?


132 - A method for representing digital data analog signals by changing the phase of the analog carrier to represent the digital information is known as


133 - A micro processor chip used in a PC system

Performs the arithmetic-logic and control functions

134 - A microprocessor integrates the arithmetic logic and control circuitry of a computer into one chip. The first microprocessor was built by a group of engineers at the Intel Corpn. Can you tell who headed this group?

Marcian E. (Ted) Hoff

135 - A modern digital computer has

All of the above

136 - A monitor looks like a TV set but it does not

Receive TV signals

137 - A monitor with two colours is called?

Monochrome monitor

138 - A monitor's _____ is the distance between the holes in the mask behind the screen. This helps determine how sharp the dots appear.

dot pitch

139 - A multi programming system is one that can

share hardware resources with many programs simultaneously

140 - A name applied by Intel corp. to high speed MOS technology is called


141 - A new technology which provides the ability to create an artificial world and have people interact with it is called

virtual reality

142 - A non-erasable disk that stores digitized audio information is _____


143 - A notation for defining the form and structure of data is known as

Data definition language

144 - A notation used to express clearly on algorithm is known as

Algorithmic language

145 - A number that is used to control the form of another number is known as


146 - A number which is stored and processed but not in the standard exponential form is called

Fixed point number

147 - A one-bit signal that indicates the start of data transmission by an asynchronous device is

Start bit

148 - A packet switching network that was sponsored by the Commission of the EEC and became operational in 1979 is


149 - A part located in the central processing unit that stores data & information is known as

Core memory

150 - A path by which communication is achieved between a central processor and other devices is called


151 - A path linking 2 hardware or telecommunication units down which data and control signals can be transmitted is


152 - A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.

Light pen

153 - A phishing site is also called?

Spoofed site

154 - A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as

Address bus

155 - A prefix for billion which is equal to _____ is called as billi.


156 - A prewritten program that's sold to perform a common task is called an application


157 - A printer in which the characters are embossed on a band is


158 - A program component that allows structuring of a program in an unusual way is known as


159 - A program that converts computer data into some code system other than the normal one is known as


160 - A program that converts computer data into some code system other than the normal one is known as


161 - A program that is employed in the development, repair or enhancement of other programs is known as

Software tool

162 - A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is:

Trojan Horse

163 - A program used to detect overall system malfunction is

System diagnostics

164 - A programming language intended to solve a no. of different types of problems is

General purpose programming language

165 - A random-access data storage device which gives rapid access to data is

Disk storage unit

166 - A reflective marker that indicates the end of the usable tape is


167 - A register in which of the following that holds the current instruction while it is being executed is called instruction register.


168 - A repository for data, usually covering specific topic is


169 - A robot is a machine directed by a?


170 - A section of code that may only be executed by one process at any one time is

Critical region

171 - A section of code to which control is transferred when a processor is interrupted is known as


172 - A set of microinstructions for a single machine instruction is called ___________

Micro program

173 - A single packet on a data link is known as


174 - A six - digit card field used for postal ZIP codes is defined as

A numeric field

175 - A sizeable geographical area with communication based on the telephone system is though as

Wide area network

176 - A small film-plate which is used for microfilming the output from a microcomputer screen is called


177 - A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a?


178 - A small square or rectangular piece of silica on which several layers of an integrated circuit are etched or imprinted is called


179 - A social security number or a telephone number is considered to be this type of entry in a worksheet?


180 - A software package to implement a data base is


181 - A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is

Electronic spread sheet

182 - A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called ___________


183 - A special type of device which uses an ordinary telephone with a computer is

Acoustic couple

184 - A specific part of an arithmetic & logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is


185 - A stand-alone system which produces one page of printed output at a time is

Page printer

186 - A standard tape recorder used to save or load computer information is known as

Cassette drive

187 - A step-by-step procedure used to solve a problem is called


188 - A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is


189 - A storage area used to store data to compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is


190 - A storage system for small amounts of data is

Magnetic card

191 - A symbol that modifies an action is known as


192 - A system program which helps the execution of user programs is known as

System software

193 - A systems programming language for microcomputers in the Intel family is


194 - A technique for processing jobs on a first-come, first-served basis is known as


195 - A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as

Pulse code modulation

196 - A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as

Pulse Code Modulation

197 - A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as?

Pulse code modulation

198 - A television broadcast is an example of __ transmission.


199 - A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a:


200 - A Terabyte represents about?

1 Trillion Bytes

201 - A terminal having local processing capability is

Intelligent terminal

202 - A translator that reads the instruction and translate it before going to the other instruction is called?


203 - A TV like screen is also called what?

Cathode Ray Tube

204 - A type of channel used to connect a central processor and peripherals which uses multipling is known as


205 - A type of core store that has a lower access time than the devices used for working store in the same processor is known as

fast core

206 - A type of instruction that can produce several lines of machine language code is a


207 - A type of semiconductor memory that usually has small capacity but very fast access is


208 - A type of simulation method using random numbers to determine the evolution of a system is

Monte carlo

209 - A typical modern computer uses

LSI chips

210 - A URL is:

The address of a document or page on the world wide web

211 - A vertically aligned set of tracks on a disk pack is known as


212 - A virus replicates itself is called?


213 - A websites main page is called its-

Home page

214 - A Winchester disk is a

Disk Stack

215 - A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is ______


216 - A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is?


217 - A word in a web page that when clicked opens another document is called?


218 - A(n) ____ device is any device that provides information which is sent to the CPU.


219 - â€Å“Easier to understand than machine language" this statement is false for which of the following language?

Assembly language

220 - Access time in a computer memory is the time required to

Both locate and retrieve the data

221 - ACL is the abbreviation of?

Access Control List

222 - ADC is the abbreviation of?

Analog to Digital Converter

223 - ADF is the abbreviation of?

Automatic document feeder

224 - Adobe flash is an example of?

Multimedia software

225 - All calculations are performed and all comparisons are made in _____ unit.

arithmetic-logic unit

226 - All computers must have?

Operating System

227 - All of the following are steps involved in the boot process except-

Load application programs.

228 - All the instructions and procedures needed to start up a computer, to the point it can load an operating system, are stored in ROM chips. In IBM compatible PCs this is called the _______ .


229 - All the output which is Printed on a paper is called_________?

Hard Copy

230 - ALU in computer has?

2 Units

231 - ALU is called?

Sub unit of CPU

232 - ALU is component of processor composed of?

Both A and B

233 - ALU is termed as-

Arithmetic logical unit

234 - ALU is the place where the actual executions of instructions take place during the processing operation.


235 - ALU stands for ________?

Arithmetic Logic Unit

236 - ALU stands for?

Arithmatic logic unit

237 - Among following which extension slot has highest speed?


238 - Among following which is a digital device?

Digital clock

239 - Among following which is not an Antivirus software?


240 - Among following which is the mathematical operator which is represented by an asterisk ( ) ?


241 - Among following which one is not network topology?


242 - Among following which program is used to Browse folder, files and disks?


243 - Among the following given memory units which one is faster?


244 - Among the following identify the window application?

Ms Access

245 - Among the following identify which is not a programming language?


246 - Among the following identiy which is not a web browser?

Microsoft Outlook

247 - Among the following which is not the output device?


248 - An __ amplifies the signals.


249 - An adder in which the bits of the operands are added one after another is

Serial adder

250 - An advantage of overlapped processing activities is:

all the above

251 - An algorithm is?

Generic type

252 - An AND gate

is equivalent to a series switching circuit

253 - An AND gate

is equivalent to a series switching circuit

254 - An application suitable for sequential processing is?

Both A & B

255 - An ASK changes the __ of the carrier.


256 - An automatic machine that performs routine seemingly human tasks is


257 - An electrical inter-connection that permit 8 or more bits of data to be moved in the same instant of time is called

Parallel interface

258 - An electromechanical machine which can perform basic mathematical function and complicated calculations is called?

Mark 1

259 - An electronic circuit with about 20 transistors fabricated on a silicon chip is known as


260 - An electronic device that receives input, process and give output is called?


261 - An electronic logic gate whose output is logic 0 only when all inputs are logic 1 is


262 - An error in computer data is called


263 - An error in computer data is called


264 - An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?


265 - An error is also known as:


266 - An IBM System/38 represents the computer class of:

small-scale computer

267 - An IC contains 50 gates each of which consists of 6 components. Its belong to


268 - An identifying label on the first record of magnetic tape is

Tape label

269 - An impact printer creates characters by using?

An inked ribbon and print head

270 - An input device that converts data punched into paper lape into a binary format is

Paper tape reader

271 - An input device that is able to interpret pencil marks on paper media is known as

Optical Mark Reader

272 - An input device that uses switch contacts placed under a plastic pad which may be inscribed with symbols is known as

Touch pad

273 - An input/output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is


274 - An instruction that transfers program control to one or more possible paths is known as

Broadband channel

275 - An Integrated Circuit (IC) is

Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

276 - An intentionally disruptive program that spreads from program to program or from disk to disk is known as


277 - An internal storage consisting of arrays of small rings of magnetic material called ferrite is

Magnetic core

278 - An IPV6 address is __ bits long.


279 - An object can't be?

Passed as function

280 - An operating system intended for use on microprocessor based systems that support a single user is


281 - An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is


282 - An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is


283 - An output device that converts data from a binary format in main storage to coded hole patterns punched into a paper tape is

Paper tape punch

284 - An unauthorized user is a network ___ issue.


285 - Analog computers works on the supply of?

Continuous electrical pulses

286 - Analog computers works on the supply of?

Continuous electrical pulses

287 - Analog signal is measured in which of the following?


288 - Another term for Main Memory is


289 - Another word for a daisy wheel printer?

Golf ball printer

290 - Another word for pointer is?


291 - ANSI stand for?

American National Standards Institute

292 - Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as


293 - Any device that performs signal conversion is


294 - Any method for controlling access to or use of memory is known as

Memory protection

295 - Any piece of equipment forming an interface to a data communication system is


296 - Any program or group of programs that is designed specially for end users are called?

Application software

297 - Any storage device added to a computer beyond the immediately usable main storage is known as

Backing store

298 - Any type of storage that is used for holding information between steps in its processing is

Intermediate storage

299 - API stands for?

Application Program Interface

300 - Application softwares are also called?

End user programs

301 - Arithmetic logic unitI.   perform arithmetic operationsII.  store dataIII. perform comparisonIV.  communicate with input devicesfrom above the correct one is

I and III only

302 - Arranging data in a logical sequence is known as?


303 - Arranging data in a specific order is called


304 - ASCII stands for

American standard code for information interchange

305 - Assebler, Compiler, and interpreters are called?

Language processors

306 - Assembly language is?

Low level language

307 - AT computers have ______ microprocessor.


308 - Attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity is called?

Phishing Scams

309 - Auto clip-art is a feature in PowerPoint that_______________?

All of above

310 - AVI(Audio Video Interleave) format was developed by?


311 - Backing storage is so named because it

backs up the computer

312 - Barcode reader is an?

Input device

313 - Based on printing mechanism printers can be classified as?

Impact and non-impact

314 - Basic Building Blocks for a Digital Circuit is ______

Logic Gate

315 - Basic color used in computer graphics is?


316 - BASIC stands for what?

Beginner's all purpose Symbolic instruction code

317 - BCC stand for?

Blind Carbon Copy

318 - Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record's disk address. What information does this address specify?

All of the above

319 - Binary codes are made up of which two numbers?

0 and 1

320 - Binary numbers need more places for counting because

Binary base is small

321 - Binary numbers need more places for counting because:

Binary base is small

322 - Bit is also known as?

Binary digit

323 - Blaise Pascal adding machine was called?

First mechanical calculator

324 - Blinking symbol on computer screen is called?


325 - Bold, italics and underline are features in many programs. To which of the following items these features can be applied?


326 - Bubble memory is a

Combination of sequential and direct access devices

327 - Buying and selling the products over electronic systems like internet is called _______


328 - BX register is used for?

Social Addressing

329 - By default, your documents print in ________ mode


330 - C++ and Cobol are examples of?

High Level Language

331 - C++ is the superset of C language which is means that?

C++ is more efficient than C language

332 - C++ is the superset of?


333 - Cache memory is?

Both A & B

334 - Capacity of a storage device can be measured as?

All of the above

335 - Capacity of computer bus depends upon which of the following?

Number of data lines

336 - Cathode Ray tube is a form of?


337 - CBT stands for?

Computer Based Testing

338 - CC stands for?

Carbon copy

339 - CD is the short form of?

Compact Disk

340 - CDR (Corel Draw) is an example of?

Vector graphics

341 - CD-ROM is a

None of the above

342 - CGI stands for?

Common Gateway Interface

343 - Changing an existing document is called _____ the document.


344 - Changing to newer usually more powerful or sophisticated versions of hardware components is termed:


345 - Character readers are those devices which read the characters printed on the source documents and then convert them directly into computer-usable input. Which of the following is not a character reader?


346 - Charless Babbage analytical engine was consisted which of the following?

Store, mill, control, input and output

347 - Close, Min., and Max. are called?

Control icons

348 - Coded entries used to gain access to a computer system is called?


349 - Codes consisting of light and dark marks which may be optically read is known as

Bar code

350 - Codes which do not require to be frequently updated also promote user efficiency due to


351 - Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of:

Identity Theft

352 - Combination of 16 bits is called?


353 - Combination of instructions and keystrokes that are stored and used in documents is called?

A shortcut

354 - Combining the record from two different stored files into a single stored file is called?


355 - Common name for the crime of stealing password is?


356 - Common protocol used in WAN is?


357 - Communication satellite and microwave are examples of?

Un-guided communication media

358 - Communication that involves computers, establishing a link through the telephone system is called


359 - Communication using a modulated carrier to apply a data signal to a transmission medium in analog form is

Broad band networking

360 - Compact disk is?

Storage device

361 - Comparing operation on alphabets is the function of?


362 - Compilers and interpreters are themselves


363 - Components that provide internal storage to the CPU are ______


364 - Compression of digital data for efficient storage is


365 - Computational science software is the example which type of software?

System software

366 - Computer can not do anything without a


367 - Computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is?


368 - Computer conceived by Babbage was?

All of the above

369 - Computer hardware provides which of the following functions?

All of the above

370 - Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called

Symbolic code

371 - Computer memory consists of

All of the above

372 - Computer memory consists of?

All of the above

373 - Computer memory is basically divided into how many parts?


374 - Computer memory is basically divided into?

Main memory and secondary storage

375 - Computer Operators

Operate the devices which input and output data from the computer

376 - Computer processor can only understand which of the following language?

Machine language

377 - Computer professionals working in a computer center are?


378 - Computer scientists are exploring the possibility of culturing bacteria to create living chips which have digital electronic properties. What are these chips called?


379 - Computer software are how many types?


380 - Computer system that is very old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as?

Legacy system

381 - Computer Virus is a _______.


382 - Computers are extremely fast and have fantastic memories. However, the only thing they can remember is

Series of 1s and 0s

383 - Computers are often called __ processores.


384 - Computers done telecommunication by the use of which of the following devices?

Both A & B

385 - Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as _____


386 - Computers use the _____ number system to store data andperform calculations.


387 - Condensing output data to exhibit specific information is


388 - Connection to the internet using a modem and phone line are called which type of connection?

Dial Up

389 - Continuous line drawing are produced using


390 - Control of computer system or subsystem operation by an operator who may intervene at arbitrary times is

Manual control

391 - Control Unit of a digital computer is often called the

Nerve center

392 - Conversion of a hexadecimal number 3D16 to binary number is


393 - Conversion of a hexadecimal number 4E16 to binary number is


394 - Conversion of an octal number 1068 to binary number is


395 - Conversion of an octal number 1428 to binary number is


396 - Conversion of an octal number 208 to its binary number is


397 - Conversion of an octal number 738 to binary number is


398 - Conversion of binary number 1010101000010111 to hexadecimal number is


399 - Conversion of binary number 1011102 to octal is


400 - Convert assembly language into machine language is the function of?



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