Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 12

1 - Which of the following statements about Stratosphere is incorrect?

It is not free from the violent weather changes occurring on the earth

2 - Which of the following statements about the Himalayan rivers is not correct?

They perform very little erosion activity

3 - Which of the following statements are true regarding distribution of world population? I. Only 10 percent of the total population lives in the southern hemisphere II. Nearly two-thirds of the total population live within 500 km of sea III. Nearly 80 percent of the total population lives within 500 meters altitude above sea levels

I, II and III

4 - Which of the following statements are true with regard to tropical monsoon climate? I. Temperatures range from 32°C in the hot season to about 15° C in the cool season. II. Annual rainfall varies greatly. III. The climate is best developed in the southern continents. IV. It consists of three main seasons i. e. cool, dry season; hot, dry season; hot, wet season

I, II and IV

5 - Which of the following statements are true with respect to iron ore? I. Limestone and coal are important for smelting iron ore II. More than 20% of the world iron ore deposits are in India III. Odisha and Jharkhand top in the production of iron ore IV. Iran is the largest buyer of Indian iron ore

I, II and III

6 - Which of the following statements characterize the anticyclones? (1) Anticyclones are low pressure systems. (2) They are characterized by divergent wind circulation. (3) They are indicative of dry weather conditions. Select the correct answer using the codes given below

2 and 3

7 - Which of the following statements is correct ? (1) All meridians are of the same length (2) All latitudes are of the same length (3) The Prime Meridian is the longest meridian (4) The Equator is the longest latitude

1 and 4

8 - Which of the following statements is correct?

Mica is found in Koderma

9 - Which of the following statements is correct?

All longitudes and equator are great circle

10 - Which of the following statements is false?

Coniferous forest are mostly deciduous

11 - Which of the following statements is not true?

All are correct

12 - Which of the following statements is true?

Both equator and longitudes are great circles

13 - Which of the following statements is wrong?

Roughly V-shaped isobar system with a low pressure at the centre represents a hurricanes

14 - Which of the following statements is/are correct with regard to Milky Way? (1) It is a spiral galaxy. (2) The solar system resides in one of its spiral arms.Select the correct answer using the codes given below

Both 1 and 2

15 - Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when traveling westwards (2) A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when traveling eastwards (3) International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180° meridian (4) International Date Line divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts.

2, 3 and 4

16 - Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) Cyclone is a low pressure system. (2) The wind movement is clockwise in the cyclone of northern hemisphere. Select the correct answer using the code given below ________

Both 1 and 2

17 - Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) In comparison to the Jupiter, planet Earth displays eclipses more frequently (2) On Mars, only partial solar eclipses are possibleSelect the correct answer using the code given below ________

Neither 1 nor 2

18 - Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) The major constituent mineral of granite rock is quartz. (2) The major constituent mineral of sandstone rock is feldspar. (3) The major constituent mineral of limestone rock is dolomite. Select the correct answer using the code given below

1 and 2 only

19 - Which of the following statements is/are not true? 1. Chemical weathering is most common in limestone rocks 2. Chemical weathering is most active in wet regions with higher temperature 3. Rain action is a form of chemical weathering 4. Exfoliation is a process of chemical weathering


20 - Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct? 1. The colour of the soil is-red due to ferric oxide content. 2. Red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash. 3. They are porous and have friable structure.

1 and 3 only

21 - Which of the following statements regarding the International Date line are correct? (1) It is a longitude of 180° (2) It is determined by 180° longitude but is not a straight line (3) It is a Greenwich meridian helping in fixing time and date (3) It solves the problem of time and date among the World's nations

2 and 4

22 - Which of the following statements relating to the planet Venus is/are correct? (1) It is the nearest planet from the Sun. (2) It is only slightly smaller than the Earth. (3) It has no atmosphere. Select the correct answer using the code given below:

2 only

23 - Which of the following states does not share the drainage basin of the Cauvery?

Andhra Pradesh

24 - Which of the following States does not share the drainage basin of the Krishna?

Tamil Nadu

25 - Which of the following states has the largest concentration of tea plantation in India?


26 - Which of the following States has the largest number of people belonging to Scheduled Caste?


27 - Which of the following states has the largest number of salt lakes in India?


28 - Which of the following States has the most critical problem of erosion of its coastal areas by the sea?


29 - Which of the following states has very little alluvial soil?

Madhya Pradesh

30 - Which of the following States is called the "Garden of Spices"?


31 - Which of the following States is least developed in rail routes?


32 - Which of the following states is the "Sugar Bowl" of India?

Uttar Pradesh

33 - Which of the following States of India do not lie entirely in the Tropical Zone of the Earth?


34 - Which of the following substances are found in the beach sands of many parts of Kerala? 1. Ilmenite 2. Zircon 3. Silimanite 4. Tungsten

1, 2 and 3

35 - Which of the following towns is incorrectly matched to its chief industry ?

Los Angeles-Automobiles

36 - Which of the following towns is located at easternmost?


37 - Which of the following towns is not on the "Golden Quadrilateral" being created for the roads infrastructure of the country ?


38 - Which of the following trees is not a soft wood variety?


39 - Which of the following trees shed their leaves once in a year?

Deciduous trees

40 - Which of the following tribe performs animal husbandry?


41 - Which of the following tribes and their area of inhabitance is incorrect ?

Bindibus - Algeria

42 - Which of the following tribes is not found in Central India ?


43 - Which of the following tributaries of the Ganga System flows northwards?


44 - Which of the following two states are prone to cyclones during retreating Monsoon season?

Andhra Pradesh and Orissa

45 - Which of the following types of coal represents the first stage of formation of coal?


46 - Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50° N and 70° N ?

Temperate coniferous forests

47 - Which of the following types of rainfall is often accompanied with lightning and thunder?


48 - Which of the following types of rainfall occurs at places having continental type of climate?


49 - Which of the following types of soil are mostly confined to river basins and coastal plains of India?

Alluvial soils

50 - Which of the following types of soils have a marked capacity to retain water?

Regur soil

51 - Which of the following types of soils is found throughout India in all climatic zones?

Saline and Alkaline soils

52 - Which of the following types of soils is most suited for tea cultivation?

Laterite soils

53 - Which of the following union territories of India has the highest density of population per sq km?


54 - Which of the following union territory of India has four districts but the border of its district do not meet with other district?


55 - Which of the following varieties of coal accounts for the maximum coal output of the world?


56 - Which of the following was not a purpose for building Farakka Barrage?

Facilitating navigation in Ganga river

57 - Which of the following was not one of the consequences of the policy of exporting raw materials and food grains from India to Britain?

It led to agricultural shortage and famines

58 - Which of the following will not get direct rays of sun?


59 - Which of the following wind is blowing from the Mediterranean sea to the North Western parts of India?

Western disturbances

60 - Which of the following winds changes its direction with the change of season?

Monsoon Winds

61 - Which of the following winds is incorrectly paired with the area in which it prevails?

Hurricanes - New Zealand

62 - Which of the following yield teak?

Deciduous forests

63 - Which of the following, Indonesian Territory became victim of terrible Earthquake in 2004?


64 - Which of the followings are related with "Lithosphere"?

Earth's Crust

65 - Which of the followings is not correctly matched?

North Korea - Seoul

66 - Which of the followings pairs is wrongly matched?

Sabarigiri Project - Gujarat

67 - Which of the geological phenomena cause earthquakes? (1) Development of fault (2) Movement along a fault (3) Impact produced by a volcanic eruption (4) Folding of rocks

1, 2, 3 and 4

68 - Which of the Indian states has the maximum number of common borders with other Indian States?

Madhya Pradesh

69 - Which of the nations are connected with Palk Strait?

India and Sri Lanka

70 - Which of the Organisation is mainly related with environmental planning?


71 - Which of the planets is nearest to the earth?


72 - Which of the port is not a Natural Port?


73 - Which of the river does not originate in Indian territory?


74 - Which of the rivers flow into the landlocked Caspian Sea? (1) Don (2) Syr Darya (3) Volga (4) Ural

3 and 4

75 - Which of the rock formations in India is the richest in fossil content?


76 - Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct? (1) The continental shelves of Lakshadweep are originated due to coral reefs. (2) The continental shelves of western coast are due to faulting and submergence.

Both 1 and 2

77 - Which of the statements as regards the consequences of the movement of the earth is not correct?

Rotation of the earth cause variation in the duration of days and nights

78 - Which of the statements given above are correct? (1) P - waves are the first seismic waves to reach a place (2) S - waves travel only through liquids (3) Arrival time of P and S - waves is used to locate the epicentre (4) Richter scale is a logarithmic scale

1, 3 and 4

79 - Which of the statements given are correct about the soils of India : 1. High temperature during most of the year retards formation of humus 2. Soils which have humus require regular application of chemical fertilizers to remove nitrogen deficiency 3. Titanium salts in basalt impart black, colour to the soils of the Indian plateau 4. Red soils are confined to the peripheral areas of the Indian plateau

1, 3 and 4

80 - Which of the statements given are correct? (1) Coriolis effect is zero at the Equator. (2) Coriolis effect is more towards the Poles. (3) Coriolis effects are related to the decreasing rotational velocity with increasing latitudes. (4) Coriolis effects are related to the increasing rotational velocity with increasing latitudes.

1, 2 and 4

81 - Which of the statements given are correct? (1) The equatorial forests are evergreen. (2) The Mediterranean region has deciduous forests of broad-leaved trees. (3) Taiga forests are found in Kashmir.

1, 2 and 3

82 - Which of the statements is/are correct? (1) Igneous rocks are classified into Extrusive and Intrusive rocks. (2) Sedimentary rocks are also called as Primary rocks (3) Marble is an example of Metamorphic rocks (4) Coal is a sedimentary rock

1, 3 and 4

83 - Which of the weathering agents is almost peculiar to the Indian Himalayas?


84 - Which of these countries has/have Adriatic Sea as a boundary? 1. Albania 2. Bosnia Herzegovina 3. Croatia 4. Macedonia

1, 2 and 3

85 - Which of these is a dwarf planet?


86 - Which of these is a process of transportation in a river?


87 - Which of these is not a metamorphic rock?


88 - Which of these is not a metamorphic rock?


89 - Which of these is not true of the effects of the ocean currents?

They do not affect rainfall over the coast

90 - Which of these is the longest?

All are equal

91 - Which of these is/are endangered species animals of India? 1. Crocodile 2. Elephant

Both 1 and 2

92 - Which of these oceans touches the shores of Asia on one side and that of America on the other?

Pacific Ocean

93 - Which of these statements are correct regarding the atmosphere of the earth: (1) It is enveloping the earth because of gravity. (2) Its density decreases with increasing height from the surface of the earth. (3) Its characteristic composition is same throughout its height. (4) Amount of pressure it exerts on earth's surface at sea level is called one atm sphere.

1, 2 and 4

94 - Which of these statements are correct with reference to tornadoes? (1) Tornadoes are smaller and more intense than hurricanes. (2) Tornadoes are most abundant along the eastern coast of India. (3) The average tornado lasts for less than one hour. (4) Tornadoes are most common in the afternoons in the early summer.

1, 3 and 4

95 - Which of these statements are correct? (1) Earth is the fourth largest planet of the solar system (2) Earth's circumference is about 45000 km (3) Earth's polar diameter is about 43 km shorter than its equatorial diameter (4) Earth has a total surface area of 510 million

3 and 4

96 - Which of these statements are correct? (1) Ocean currents are the slow- surface movement of water in the ocean. (2) Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance. (3) Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds. (4) Ocean currents are affected by the configuration of the ocean.

1, 2, 3, and 4

97 - Which of these statements are correct? 1. In equatorial regions, the year is divided into four main seasons. 2. In Mediterranean region, summer receives more rain. 3. In China type climate, rainfall occurs throughout the year. 4. Tropical highlands exhibit vertical zonation of different climates.

3 and 4

98 - Which of these statements are correct? (1) Ocean currents are the slow-surface movement of water in the ocean (2) Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance (3) Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds (4) Ocean current are affected by the configuration of the ocean

1, 2, 3 and 4

99 - Which of these statements is/are correct? 1. In India, the maximum part of electric energy is generated by the hydroelectric plants. 2. In India, the maximum part of electric energy is generated by the thermal power plants. 3. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. is located in Tamil Nadu.

2 and 3

100 - Which ofthe following river is beyond the Himalaya?


101 - Which one among the following best explains the reason for the eastern and western boundaries of the Pacific Ocean experiencing frequent earthquake?

These margins coincide with the plate margins

102 - Which one among the following countries is the largest producer of Bauxite?


103 - Which one among the following covers the highest percentage of forest area in the world?

Temperate Coniferous forests

104 - Which one among the following has the maximum number of National Parks?

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

105 - Which one among the following has the, largest shipyard in India?


106 - Which one among the following is a correct sequence of production of coal in the Indian States in descending order ?

Jharkhand - Madhya Pradesh - West Bengal - Meghalaya

107 - Which one among the following is a correct sequence of the Indian ports from north to south?

Kandla - Haldia - Paradeep - Kochi

108 - Which one among the following is a high cloud?


109 - Which one among the following is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer?


110 - Which one among the following is not a plantation crop?


111 - Which one among the following is not a reason for practising tank irrigation in the Peninsular India?

Most of the rivers of Peninsular India are perennial

112 - Which one among the following is not an important factor of climate of an area?


113 - Which one among the following is not correct regarding Tsunami?

Tide also play an important role in the generation of Tsunamis

114 - Which one among the following is the largest temperate desert of the world?

Patagonian desert

115 - Which one among the following is the type of the Comoros Islands which lie in the Indian Ocean between Northern Madagascar and the African Coast?


116 - Which one among the following local winds is not characteristically hot and dry?


117 - Which one among the following major Indian cities is most eastward located?


118 - Which one among the following pairs of States is the leading producer of tobacco in India?

Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat

119 - Which one among the following rivers has the largest catchment area?


120 - Which one among the following rivers is the longest?


121 - Which one among the following statements regarding India's coal is not correct?

Bituminous coal is found in both lower Gondwana rocks and in Tertiary rocks

122 - Which one among the following statements relating to a cyclone is not correct?

Wind movement towards the low pressure centre of a cyclone is clockwise in the northern hemisphere

123 - Which one among the following statements relating to an anticyclone is correct?

Anticyclone is a wind system with a high pressure centre

124 - Which one among the following states is smallest in area?

Tamil Nadu

125 - Which one among the following types of forests exhibits highest bio-diversity ?

Tropical rain forest

126 - Which one has examples of volcanoes caused by 'convergent tectonic plate, coming together?

Pacific ring of fire

127 - Which one is called 'Cap of Good Hope'?

Africa's tip

128 - Which one is greater is size?


129 - Which one is the Earth's satellite?


130 - Which one is the smallest planet?


131 - Which one of th following coasts of India is most affected by violent tropical cyclones?

Andhra Pradesh

132 - Which one of the African countries is richer than others in gold and diamond?


133 - Which one of the following activities occupies the largest area of the world?

Pastoral herding

134 - Which one of the following areas is dominant in hunting and gathering?

Tropical forest

135 - Which one of the following areas of India is covered by tropical evergreen forest?

Western Ghats

136 - Which one of the following barrages supplies water to the Indira Gandhi Canal?


137 - Which one of the following can be considered as an initial warning of an approaching Tsunami?

Rapid withdrawal of water away from the beach

138 - Which one of the following can one come across if one travels through the Strait of Malacca?


139 - Which one of the following characteristics is not associated with the tropical cyclones?

Calm conditions return when the eye of the cyclone arrives

140 - Which one of the following characteristics is not found in the convectional rainfall ?


141 - Which one of the following characteristics is NOT found in the Mediterranean climate?

Off-shore trade winds blow in the summer

142 - Which one of the following cities does not have the same clock time as that of the other three cities at any given instant?

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

143 - Which one of the following cities is associated with the river Mekong ?


144 - Which one of the following cities is not located on the bank of river Ganga?


145 - Which one of the following cities never experiences vertical rays of the sun during noon?

New Delhi

146 - Which one of the following cities will never get the vertical rays of the sun?


147 - Which one of the following climates is found in coastal areas of Californian North America, Central Chile in South America and South-West tip of West Australia?


148 - Which one of the following conditions are not favourable for the growth of coral reefs ?

Fresh water

149 - Which one of the following conditions is not necessary for precipitation to occur?

The air must be warm

150 - Which one of the following constituents of the atmosphere causes greatest changes in climate and weather?

Water Vapour

151 - Which one of the following continents has the lowest birth and death rates?


152 - Which one of the following countries celebrates Christmas festival in summer season?


153 - Which one of the following countries does not border Mediterranean Sea?


154 - Which one of the following countries does not border the Caspian sea?


155 - Which one of the following countries has the highest agricultural production in Europe?


156 - Which one of the following countries has the highest average of road length on per thousand square kilometer area basis?


157 - Which one of the following countries has the largest known reserves of oil ?


158 - Which one of the following countries has the longest international boundary with India?


159 - Which one of the following countries is land locked?


160 - Which one of the following countries is not in South America?


161 - Which one of the following countries is not land-locked?


162 - Which one of the following countries is planning to construct a rival to the Panama Canal to link the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?


163 - Which one of the following countries is situated, geographically in America' but politically a part of Europe?

Green Land

164 - Which one of the following countries makes maximum use of the geothermal energy?


165 - Which one of the following countries produces the largest amount of crude steel of the world?


166 - Which one of the following descriptions denotes the phenomenon of El Nino ?

The Anomalous widespread warming of the sea surface of the tropical east and central Pacific Ocean

167 - Which one of the following deserts is famous for its deposits of nitrates?


168 - Which one of the following does not border Panama?


169 - Which one of the following does not cause Earthquake?

Coral reefs

170 - Which one of the following does not have a unit of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)?


171 - Which one of the following does not lie in Maharashtra?

Mandav Hills

172 - Which one of the following east flowing rivers of India forms rift valley due to down warping?


173 - Which one of the following east flowing rivers of India has rift valley due to down warping


174 - Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?

Marine Ecosystem

175 - Which one of the following elements is most abundant in the earth's crust?


176 - Which one of the following European countries borders Atlantic Ocean?


177 - Which one of the following explorers discovered a new country while he wanted to reach another one?

Vasco da Game

178 - Which one of the following factors is not a determining fact of the climate?


179 - Which one of the following factors is responsible for the change in the regular direction of the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean?

Indian Ocean has Monsoon drift

180 - Which one of the following four planets is the biggest in size?


181 - Which one of the following gives the correct sequence of Himalayan peaks in the direction east to west?

Namcha Barwa, Kanchenjunga, Mt. Everest, Nanda Devi

182 - Which one of the following gives the correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India?

Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot

183 - Which one of the following gives the correct sequence of ports down the western coast of India?

Porbandar, Marmagao, Mangalore, Kochi

184 - Which one of the following groups comprises of States sharing borders with Chhattisgarh ?

Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Orissa

185 - Which one of the following groups of crops is grown in India during the Rabi season?

Wheat, barley, gram.

186 - Which one of the following groups of Indian states has a common frontier with Bhutan?

Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim and West Bengal

187 - Which one of the following has geographical position of 0 degree latitude and 0 degree longitude?

In the South Atlantic Ocean

188 - Which one of the following hydroelectric projects does not belog to Tamil Nadu?


189 - Which one of the following Indian rivers does not have a delta at its egress?


190 - Which one of the following Indian states does not have a common international border with Bangladesh?


191 - Which one of the following Indian States is the largest producer of natural rubber?


192 - Which one of the following Indian towns has the longest sea beach?


193 - Which one of the following industries is known as 'Sunrise Industry'?

Information Technology

194 - Which one of the following is a breed of cattle famous for high milk yield as well as draught capacity?


195 - Which one of the following is a famous hill station of South India?


196 - Which one of the following is a global biodiversity hotspot in India?

Western Ghats

197 - Which one of the following is a landlocked country?


198 - Which one of the following is a land-locked country?


199 - Which one of the following is a north flowing river?


200 - Which one of the following is a type of planetary wind?


201 - Which one of the following is also known as Top Slip?

Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park

202 - Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Labrador Current - North Atlantic Ocean

203 - Which one of the following is igneous rock?


204 - Which one of the following is known as hunter's paradise?

Equatorial region

205 - Which one of the following is known as the "Coffee Port" of the world?


206 - Which one of the following is located in the Bastar region?

Indravati National Park

207 - Which one of the following is most prone to earthquakes?

Young folded mountains

208 - Which one of the following is not a commercial crop?


209 - Which one of the following is not a correct example of tropical cyclone?

Nor westers

210 - Which one of the following is not a HYV of wheat?


211 - Which one of the following is not a landform which results due to rejuvenation of a river?

Oxbow lake

212 - Which one of the following is not a plant product?


213 - Which one of the following is not a satellite of Jupiter?


214 - Which one of the following is not a site for 'in-situ' method of conservation of flora?

Botanical Garden

215 - Which one of the following is not an African country?


216 - Which one of the following is not an astronomical object?

Brittle Star

217 - Which one of the following is not conducive to the formation of deltas?

Currents and Tides

218 - Which one of the following is not essentially a species of the Himalaya vegetation?


219 - Which one of the following is not the effect of the revolution of the Earth.

Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents

220 - Which one of the following is not the part of North Atlantic ocean current system?

Brazilian current

221 - Which one of the following is not the port town of Gujarat ?


222 - Which one of the following is not the result of mechanical weathering of rocks?

Breaking into boulders

223 - Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of per cent by man In the earth's crust?


224 - Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by mass in the earth's crust?


225 - Which one of the following is the characteristic vegetation of regions between the snow line and about 3000 meters above mean sea level of the Himalayan region?

Forests of oak, deodar, chestnut and maple trees

226 - Which one of the following is the cloud that is dark-grey or black, found at very low height and brings the real rain?


227 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of crop rotation with a view to increasing soil fertility?

Barley, Pea, Wheat, Potato

228 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the age of formation-from the youngest to the oldest-of the given mountain ranges?

Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western Ghats, Deccan Traps

229 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the climatic regions while going from Zaire to Netherlands? 1. Equatorial climate 2. Mediterranean climate 3. Hot desert climate 4. West European climate

1, 3, 2, 4

230 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the following topographical features found from upper to lower course of a river?

Rapids- Ox-bow lake - Estuary

231 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the four stages of water movement in a hydrological cycle?

Evaporation – Condensation – Precipitation – Infiltration

232 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given continents in the decreasing order of their percentage of Earth's land?

Africa – North America – South America – Europe

233 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given hills starting from the north and going towards the south?

Nallamalai Hills - Javadi Hills - Nilgiri Hills - Anaimalai Hills

234 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given tiger reserves of India from north to south?

Dudwa - Kanha - Indravati - Bandipur

235 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given towns of Pakistan while moving from the North towards the South ?

Peshawar - Islamabad - Gujranwala - Multan

236 - Which one of the following is the driest region in India?


237 - Which one of the following is the first company-managed major port in India?


238 - Which one of the following is the junction point of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats?

Nilgiri Hills

239 - Which one of the following is the largest country area-wise?


240 - Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of Ozone layer in the earth's stratosphere?


241 - Which one of the following is the most important port of Gujarat?


242 - Which one of the following is the most possible solution for planning improvement of a metropolitan city in India?

Dispersing the factories & industries to the neighbouring but independent location.

243 - Which one of the following is the southern-most city ?


244 - Which one of the following is the time required for the Earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to fixed star, called?

Sideral year

245 - Which one of the following islands receives convectional rainfall ?


246 - Which one of the following lakes in India has the highest Water salinity?


247 - Which one of the following layers of the atmosphere is responsible for the deflection of radio waves?


248 - Which one of the following lists four type of coal, arranged in the increasing order of their carbon content?

Peat, Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite

249 - Which one of the following longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time?


250 - Which one of the following mountain peaks of Himalayas is not in India?


251 - Which one of the following mountains is not the part of Eastern Ghats?

Elamalai hills

252 - Which one of the following natural regions is best known for the production of grapes?


253 - Which one of the following oil fields of India is the oldest and still producing oil ?


254 - Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Ukai Project - Gujarat

255 - Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Radcliffe Line : India and Pakistan

256 - Which one of the following pairs is not correct?

Hurricane - China Sea

257 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Pretoria : South Africa

258 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Landslide zone: Chhotanaqpur plateau

259 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Important Location (Industry / Mining) : State

Himgir : Uttar Pradesh

260 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Railway : Zone Headquarters

South Eastern Railway : Bhubhaneswar

261 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? States of USA Geography Division

New Jersey South Atlantic

262 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?River City

Narmada Satna

263 - Which one of the following pairs of cities have the largest annual average rain difference as compared to the other three pairs?

Mumbai and Pune

264 - Which one of the following pairs of ocean currents meet each other near Newfound land?

Gulf stream and Labrador

265 - Which one of the following pairs of sea ports and states is not correctly matched?

Kakinada : Maharashtra

266 - Which one of the following places ranks second among the coldest places in the world?

Dras (Jammu and Kashmir)

267 - Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days for rotation and revolution?


268 - Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days for rotation and revolution?


269 - Which one of the following plate movements is responsible for the formation of midocean ridge?

Divergent movement

270 - Which one of the following provides the correct sequence of occurrence of four towns/cities as one proceeds from west to east?

Bikaner, Aligarh, Darbhanga, Nowgong

271 - Which one of the following racial groups is popularly known as the Aryans?

The Nordics

272 - Which one of the following railway zones has the maximum route length in kilometres?


273 - Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three?

Land covered with fresh snow

274 - Which one of the following region is most rich in coal deposits?

Damodar Valley

275 - Which one of the following regions experiences three cropping season for rice in India (Rice Bowl of India) ?

Brahmaputra valley

276 - Which one of the following regions has Mediterranean type of climate?

Cape Town region of South Africa

277 - Which one of the following regions of India is now regarded as an 'ecological hot spot'?

Western Ghats

278 - Which one of the following regions of the world is called "the bread basket of the world"?

Temperate grassland

279 - Which one of the following rivers flow between Vindhyan and Satpura ranges?


280 - Which one of the following rivers is not the tributary of Ganga ?


281 - Which one of the following rivers thrice forks into two streams and reunites a few miles farther on, thus forming the islands of Srirangapatanam, Sivasamudram and Srirangam?


282 - Which one of the following scholars suggests the earth's origin is from gases and dust particles?

O Schmidt

283 - Which one of the following seas is without a coastline?

Sargasso sea

284 - Which one of the following sequences in the ascending order of their geographical size is correct?

Jharkhand - West Bengal - Tamil Nadu - Chattisgarh

285 - Which one of the following sequences of ocean trenches is correct in terms of the ascending order of their depths?

New Herbides Trench - Aleutian Trench - Mindanao Trench

286 - Which one of the following sequences of the oil refineries of India as they occur from south to north is correct?

Kochi - Mangalore - Mumbai - Koyali

287 - Which one of the following shipyards makes warships for the Indian Navy?

Mazagaon Dock, Mumbai

288 - Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of occurrence of the following towns/cities as one proceeds from west to east?

Pandharpur, Gulbarga, Kottagudem, Vishakhapatnam

289 - Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of places in descending order of the average summer rainfall ?

Cherapunji, Allahabad, Pune, Jaisalmer

290 - Which one of the following soil types of India is rendered infertile by the presence of excess iron?


291 - Which one of the following statement regarding shooting stars is incorrect?

They are meteors

292 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term 'Karroo' of Southern Africa?

Steppes from the coastal lowland on to the high plateau

293 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term transhumance ?

Seasonal migration of people with their animals up and down the mountains

294 - Which one of the following statements in not correct?

India is the largest producer of silk in world

295 - Which one of the following statements is correct with reference to our solar system?

The Earth is the densest of all the planets in our solar system

296 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals

297 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Mumbai port handles half of the country's foreign trade

298 - Which one of the following statements is correct?Hurricanes ________

Develop over warm ocean areas

299 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A metamorphic rock is softer and less compact than its original type

300 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

The Western Ghats are relatively higher in their northern region

301 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Cauvery River rises in Andhra Pradesh

302 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

India ranks third in the world in coal production

303 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Rainfall generally increases away from the equatorial region both northwards and southwards upto about 30° north and south

304 - Which one of the following statements is not true?

Gulfs with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides

305 - Which one of the following statements is not true?

Ghaggar's water is utilized in the Indira Gandhi Canal

306 - Which one of the following statements is wrong regarding the "Norwesters" of Bengal?

None of the above

307 - Which one of the following statements is wrong regarding the "Vale of Kashmir" ?

It is situated 'between the Pir Panjal Range and the Lesser Himalayas

308 - Which one of the following statements on biosphere reserves is not correct?

Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve is located in Madhya Pradesh

309 - Which one of the following statements regarding Shooting Stars is incorrect ?

They are a kind of a star

310 - Which one of the following states does not form border with Bangladesh?


311 - Which one of the following states does not form part of the Narmada basin?


312 - Which one of the following States enjoys ideal conditions for the development of petrochemical industries?


313 - Which one of the following states has the largest forest area to its total land area?


314 - Which one of the following States in India has the broadest continental shelf?

Tamil Nadu

315 - Which one of the following states is a Ieading producer of woollen textiles?


316 - Which one of the following States is the largest producer of black pepper in India?


317 - Which one of the following States of India is the largest producer of lignite coal?

Tamil Nadu

318 - Which one of the following States produces the maximum manganese in India?

Madhya Pradesh

319 - Which one of the following states receives the highest rainfall during winter months?

Tamil Nadu

320 - Which one of the following States shares boundaries with the maximum number of other States of India ?


321 - Which one of the following straits is nearest to the International Date Line?

Bering Strait

322 - Which one of the following towns is not situated along the Grand Trunk Road?


323 - Which one of the following towns is situated easternmost?


324 - Which one of the following types of erosion is responsible for the formation of Chambal Ravines?


325 - Which one of the following types of forest covers the maximum area in India?

Tropical moist deciduous forest

326 - Which one of the following types of plains is not formed by the action of the riven?

Loess plains

327 - Which one of the following types of vegetation is referred as Monsoon forest?

Tropical Moist-deciduous forests

328 - Which one of the following types of volcanic eruptions is not usually explosive?


329 - Which one of the following weeds is effective in controlling water pollution caused byindustrial emuents?


330 - Which one of the following would have occurred if the earth had not been inclined on its own axis?

The seasons would not have changed

331 - Which one of these places lies nearest to the Equator?


332 - Which one the following condition is not favourable for the formation of delta?

Active vertical and lateral erosion in the lower course of the rivers

333 - Which one the following is a correct sequence of rivers in terms of their total basin area, in the descending order?

Brahmaputra, Indus, Ganga, Godavari

334 - Which or the following Indian islands lies between India and Sri Lanka?


335 - Which or the following is a rift valley?

The Rhine Valley

336 - Which or the following is known as the lifelines of a country?

Modem means of transport and communication

337 - Which or the following is mainly responsible for causing discomfort to mountaineers?

Lack of oxygen

338 - Which parallel separates North and South Korea?


339 - Which part of Europe is most densely populated?

Western Europe

340 - Which part of the earth's mass is _____ water?

Much less than 1%

341 - Which part of the earth's surface receives the highest amount of insolation?

Tropical deserts

342 - Which Pass connects Malakand with Mardan


343 - Which place is said to be the Manchester of South India?


344 - Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the Earth?


345 - Which planet is called Evening Star?


346 - Which planet is called watery planet?


347 - Which planet is considered as the Dwarf planet?


348 - Which planet is known as 'Morning Star'?


349 - Which planet is known as sister of earth?


350 - Which planet is known as the Earth's Twin?


351 - Which planet is known as the Earth's Twin?


352 - Which planet look reddish in the night sky?


353 - Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?


354 - Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis as the fastest rate?


355 - Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis at the fastest rate?


356 - Which planet shows the phases like Moon?


357 - Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges?

Malwa Plateau

358 - Which ports are located on the Eastern coast of India?

Paradip and Haldia

359 - Which region in India is known as the 'Rice Bowl of India'?

Krishna-Godavari Delta region

360 - Which region in India receives substantial rain during the winter month of January ?


361 - Which ridge has examples of volcanoes caused by "divergent tectonic plates" pulling a part?

Mid Atlantic Ridge

362 - Which river crosses the Equator twice?


363 - Which river flows between Satpura and Vindhyas?


364 - Which river has the largest drainage basin?


365 - Which river in the Southern Peninsula has the second largest river basin in India?


366 - Which river is known as "Open Sewer" in India?


367 - Which river is known as Sorrow of Bihar?

Kosi River

368 - Which river is major source of Transportation in China:


369 - Which sanctuary has been selected as an alternative home for the Indian lion?

Chandra Prabha Sanctuary (UP)

370 - Which sanctuary in India is famous for Rhinoceros and in which state is it located?

Kaziranga, Assam

371 - Which sea was the main trade route of Muslim world with eastern Africa, Persia and Asia?

Red Sea

372 - Which set of two river given below together form the world's largest delta?

The Ganges and the Brahmpautra

373 - Which set of two rivers form the world's largest delta before their waters flows into the respective sea?

Ganges - Brahmaputra

374 - Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets, coasters arid dredgers?

Garden Reach Shipyard

375 - Which soil is best for the production of cotton?

Black soil

376 - Which soil is sticky when wet and develops cracks when dry

Black soil

377 - Which star is nearest to the Earth?


378 - Which state does not share a common border with Chhattisgarh?

Andhra Pradesh

379 - Which state has smallest land area?


380 - Which state has the highest percentage of forest?


381 - Which state has the largest area in India?


382 - Which state has the largest coastline in India?

Andhra Pradesh

383 - Which State has the largest reserves of Lignite Coal?

Tamil Nadu

384 - Which State has the longest coastline?


385 - Which state in India has the largest cover area of forest?

Madhya Pradesh

386 - Which state in India is known as "Rice Bowl"?

Andhra Pradesh

387 - Which State in India is known as the 'Granary of India'?


388 - Which state irrigation is done by Rihand Dam project?

Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

389 - Which state is a jute abundant state?

West Bengal

390 - Which state is the protectorate of India?


391 - Which State of India has the largest reserves of monazite, with a high thorium content?


392 - Which state of India is known as "Sugar Bowl"?

Uttar Pradesh

393 - Which State of India is leading in solar energy generation?


394 - Which State Possesses biggest coal reserve?


395 - Which statement is correct

Mahadev Mountains are in the west of MaikalMountains

396 - Which states are related with the dispute of "Mullaperiyar dam"

Tamil Nadu and Kerala

397 - Which states is the biggest producer of cashewnut?

Tamil Nadu

398 - Which states of India have a common border with Pakistan? I. Jammu and Kashmir II. Himachal Pradesh III. Punjab IV. Gujarat V. Rajasthan


399 - Which strait divides Europe from Africa?


400 - Which sugar is obtained from grapes


401 - Which three continents have the largest areas of coniferous forest?

Asis, North America and Europe:

402 - Which time of the day is generally the hottest period all over India?


403 - Which two of the followig are connected by the North South Corridor?

Srinagar and Kanyakumari

404 - Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites?

Mercury and Venus

405 - Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites?

Mercury and Venus

406 - Which type of climate is known for the maximum diurnal range of temperature?

Hot desert

407 - Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world's requirement of newsprint?

Coniferous forest

408 - Which type of lake is formed by volcanic activities?

Caldera lake

409 - Which type of lakes are created by the volcanic activities?

Volcanic Lakes

410 - Which type of rainfall leads to the formation of the windward and the leeward side?


411 - Which type of rock weathers most rapidly in a hot, moint climate?


412 - Which type of soil retains maximum water?

Clayey soil

413 - Which vegetation is called natural cattle country ?


414 - Which was the first scheme of "Biosphere Reserve Areas"?

Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

415 - Which water body surrounds the North Pole?

Arctic Ocean

416 - Which water way gives the source of terrestrial?


417 - Which, among the following countries, lies at the junction of three continents (Asia, Africa ad Europe)?


418 - Which, among the following countries, occupies the largest chunk of the Sunderban's Delta?


419 - Which, is called the 'Land of pure people'?


420 - While Venus is seen only for one to two hours either after sunset or before sunrise, Jupiter is seen for the whole night whenever it is visible in the sky. The reason for this is that ________

The orbit of Venus is inside the earth's orbit whereas the orbit of Jupiter lies outside the orbit of the earth

421 - White coal refers to


422 - White-collar work force is categorized as:

Tertiary Production

423 - Who among the following is the World's first woman cosmonaut?

Valentina Tereshkova

424 - Who demarcated the boundary line between India and Pakistan?

Cyril Radcliffe

425 - Who founded the word "Geography"?


426 - Who gave the idea that originally there was only one continent called Pangea ?


427 - Who introduced the term 'monsoon'?

The Arabs

428 - Who Invented Universal Standard Time?

Sandford Fleming

429 - Who of the following discovered the laws of planetary orbits?

Johannes Kepler

430 - Who or what are Mollweide, Bonne and Gall?

All are map projections.

431 - Who prepares topographical maps of India?

Survey of India

432 - Who proposed Continental drift theory?

Alfred Wegener

433 - Who was the first to reach the South Pole?


434 - Wht is the name of the first test-tube baby of the world?

Louise Joy Brown

435 - Why are the ports of Baltic sea opened for trade in winter?

North Atlantic warm currents flow in this region

436 - Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere?

Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere

437 - Why do Fold Mountains have enormous thickness of sedimentary rocks?

Due to accumulation of sediments in a geosyncline

438 - Why does a farmer plough his fields in summer?

To prevent the surface from becoming hard

439 - Why does temperature increase with increase in height in Stratosphere?

Concentration of ozone

440 - Why does the mercury column in the barometer fall rapidly before a severe storm? It is due to

Fall in the atmospheric pressure

441 - Why does the west coast of India receive more rainfall from south-west monsoon than the east coast?

The Western Ghats obstruct the windscausing rainfall

442 - Why does Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats both receive sufficient rainfall but Deccan Plateau receives scanty rainfall?

It is a rain shadow area

443 - Why has the Green Revolution benefitted only a small section of India?

All of the above

444 - Why have the incidents of flood risen in India recently?

Deforestation in drainage zone

445 - Why is crop rotation necessary?

To increase the fertility of soil

446 - Why is it that the Himalayan region is poor in mineral resources?

Displacement of rock strata has disturbed the arrangement of rocks and made it complex

447 - Why is that India has one of the lowest agricultural yields in the world?

Farmers being poor and illiterate do not use modern farming techniques

448 - Why is the Delta of the Indus small compared to the Delta of the Ganga?

The path of the Indus is through arid area, whereas the Ganga collects more water alone its path of the sea

449 - Why is very little rice sold in world markets?

The main producers of rice are also the main consumers

450 - Why stars look more in west than east?

Earth is moving from west to east

451 - Why the Earth is having its own atmosphere?


452 - Wien (Austria) is now called:


453 - Wild Ass Sanctuary is situated in


454 - Wild asses are found in

Rann of Kutch, Gujarat

455 - Wimbledon known for lawn tennis courts, is in:


456 - Wind erosion is common in


457 - Wind erosion is dominant in


458 - Wind in the Southern hemisphere is deflected towards left due to ________

Rotation of the earth

459 - Wind power is employed prominently in ________


460 - Window's Tears is the name of:


461 - Winds and air currents differ in the aspect that ________

Winds are horizontal movements of air while air currents are the vertical movements of air

462 - Winds blow ________

From a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure

463 - Winds blowing constantly in one direction in rocky deserts form


464 - Wine production is mainly carried out in which of the following natural regions?

Mediterranean region

465 - Winter rains in North and North-West India are generally associated with the phenomenon of ________

Temperate cyclones

466 - Winter temperature ranging from - 29° C to - 40° C, summer temperature about 10° C, total annual precipitation about 25 cm. and low humidity. These characterise the climate.


467 - With reference to a fresh water lake, consider the following characteristics: (1) Richness in nutrients (2) Rapid turnover of phytoplankton (3) Depletion of dissolved oxygenWhich of the above is/are observed in a lake after its eutrophication?

3 only

468 - With reference to convectional type of rainfall, consider the following statements 1. It is a warm weather phenomenon. 2. This rainfall is associated with cumulo-nimbus clouds. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

Both 1 and 2

469 - With reference to India, which one of the following statements is not correct?

The mountain areas account for about thirty percent of the surface area of the country

470 - With reference to Indian forests, consider the following pairs: 1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests Sandalwood (Santalum album) 2. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests: (Shorea robusta) 3. Tropical Thorn Forests: Shisham (Dalbeigia sissoo) . Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?

1 and 2 only

471 - With reference to Ocean currents consider the following statements: (1) West Australian current is a warm current. (2) North East Monsoon Drift flows in the Indian Ocean during winter season. (3) Equatorial counter current does not flow in the Indian Ocean during winter season. (4) Kuroshic current in the Pacific Ocean is like Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean.

2 and 4

472 - With reference to the area devoted to its cultivation pulses hold the third place in India. Which crops occupy the first and second places respectively?

Rice and Wheat

473 - With reference to the sub-tropical high pressure belt, consider the following statements: (1) It is affected by Earth's rotation and descent of winds from higher altitudes. (2) It is dynamically induced and characterized with anti-cyclonic conditions. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

2 only

474 - With Which activity is the Wall Street in New York, USA associated?

Banking and Finance

475 - With which country India has signed a bilateral contract for development and operations of Chabahar port?


476 - With which country, India has the longest international boundary?


477 - With which of its neighbouring country India has Kalapani territorial dispute?


478 - With which of the following countries India has no boundary ?


479 - With which of the following country, India has a land dispute near Tawang?


480 - With which one of the following industries is Coimbatore associated?

Cotton Textile

481 - With which one of the following rivers is the Omkareshwar Project associated ?


482 - Without _______ there would be no clouds or rainfall:

Water Vapour

483 - Wood pulp comes from ________

Coniferous forest region

484 - Word "Steppe" is related to which of the following biomes?


485 - World Environment Day is observed on:


486 - World forestry Day is observed on:

March 21 Every Year.

487 - World largest delta is in:


488 - World population growth rate is _________ %:


489 - World Water Day is observed on:


490 - World's highest urban density of population occurs in ________


491 - World's largest manufacturers of Motor Vehicles are ________

U.S.A. and Japan

492 - World's largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre is ________


493 - World's principal producer of silver is


494 - Wular lake of Kashmir is a ________

Lake formed by terminal morainic dam

495 - Xerophytic vegetation is characteristic feature of ________


496 - XINHUA' is the news agency of:


497 - Xinhua is the Official News Agency of:


498 - Year is longest on:


499 - Yellow Sea lies between:

China and Japan

500 - Yokohana' is the seaport of:


501 - YONHAP' is the news agency of:


502 - You are asked to import Ostrich, Platypus and Kaola Bear. To which country will you opt to go, to get all the three?


503 - You find some local people living in log cabins in

Taiga regions

504 - Zaid crops are

Substitute crops which are cropped when regularcrops fail to grow

505 - Zaire is the new name of:


506 - Zambia is a famous river located in:


507 - Zargos mountains are situated in _______ :

None of these

508 - Zebras inhabit ________

Savanna lands

509 - Zebras inhabit the

Savana lands

510 - ZIANA' is the news agency of:


511 - Zoji la pass connects

Srinagar and Leh

512 - Zozila Pass connects ________

Leh and Srinagar

513 - Zueder Zee in Netherlands is known for


514 - Zurich is a city in



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