Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 1

1 - Assam shares a border with Bhutan and Bangladesh. (2) West Bengal shares a border with Bhutan and Nepal. (3) Mizoram shares a border with Bangladesh and Myanmar. Which of the statements given above are correct?

1, 2 and 3

2 - "Alexandria" is the seaport of:


3 - "Blue Revolution" is related to

Fish production

4 - "Caldera" is a feature associated with:


5 - "Dark Continent" is


6 - "Europe point" is

The southern most tip of Gibraltar

7 - "Golan Heights" belonging to a country A were captured by a country B. The countries A and B are ________

Syria and Israel

8 - "Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest Coral reef is located in


9 - "Haneda" is the name of the international airport in


10 - "Himadri" is the term by which the ________ are known.

Greater Himalayas

11 - "Indira Gandhi Canal", which is around 450 km long, provides irrigation facility mainly to which of the following states?


12 - "Jhoom" is

A type of Cultivation

13 - "Konkan" is a region of which one of the following States?


14 - "Loktak" is a


15 - "Mulching" is the term used for the process of

Covering the roots of plants with loose material, dung, etc. in order to protect them from soil erosion etc.

16 - "Mumbai High" is related to


17 - "Panna" is an important place in Madhya Pradesh. It is famous for

Diamond mines

18 - "Panna" is an important place in Madhya Pradesh. It is famous for mines of


19 - "Rail Bandhu" is

A magazine available of Indian rail available in all Rajdhani/ Shatabadi/ AC Duranto Trains

20 - "Reserved Forests" are forests

Reserved for commercial exploitation and prohibited for grazing

21 - "Terra Rossa" is a Latin word which means?

Red Landscape

22 - "The Dowlaiswaram Anicut" is an important canal system in the

Godavari Delta

23 - "They are people of yellow complexion, oblique eyes, high chick bones, spare hair and medium height," The reference here is to


24 - "Tsunami" is the name given to which of the following?

Tidal Waves

25 - "Venice of the East" is the name given to


26 - "Yellow Revolution" in India is related to

Oilseed production

27 - ______ has higher population growth rate than ________ :

Village, City

28 - ______ is the densest of all layers

The core

29 - ______ waves move objects at right angles to their direction of motion.


30 - _______ absorbs energy which is transferred to the atmosphere from the earth's surface and maintains temperature for life:


31 - _______ cause a typical land form known as fjord:


32 - _______ glacier is the largest continental glacier:


33 - _______ has divided the entire earth into two broad divisions.

Arthur Holmes

34 - _______ has oxides of iron, magnesium and silicon.

Lower mental

35 - _______ in 1939 proposed that movement of land mass is due to heat-sustained convection cells.

Arthur Homes

36 - _______ is the arm-chair type shape of the hollow, caused by glacier:

Both (a) and (b)

37 - _______ is the largest river with respect to the volume of water:


38 - _______ is the longest moutain range in the world:


39 - _______ is the most refined type of soil:


40 - _______ is wedged between South Pacific plate to the east and pacific plate to the west _____ plate.


41 - _______ Maps show both natural as well as cultural features:


42 - _______ of outer layer prevents the core from becoming a liquid or gas.

Great weight & pressure

43 - _______ photos are taken with the camera lens as nearly perpendicular to the earth's surface as possible:


44 - _______ proposed that the moon was torn from the earth in the pacific basin.

F.B. Tylor

45 - _______ revolution brought about urbanization:


46 - ________ affect the rate of humus formation of soil.

Flora & Fauna

47 - ________ and ________ are called the 'Low countries' of Europe.

Holland and Belgium

48 - ________ are also known as destructive boundaries.

Convergent plate

49 - ________ are defined as the mass movement of rock, debris or Earth down a slope.


50 - ________ being the 5th largest producer in the world is the only exported of wheat in Europe:


51 - ________ canal is gateway to the Pacific.


52 - ________ canal lies on one of the world's largest of trade routes connecting Europe and Far East.

The Suez

53 - ________ determines colour, texture, chemical properties, mineral content and permeability of soil.

Parent rock

54 - ________ forms the western boundary of the Indian sub-continent.


55 - ________ grasses are known as elephant grasses.


56 - ________ is 5th largest nation of the world according to area as well:


57 - ________ is a cold desert lying in the Great Himalayas.


58 - ________ is a land locked country.


59 - ________ is a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streams of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole


60 - ________ is an example of intrusive igneous rock.


61 - ________ is called "the land of thousand lakes".


62 - ________ is called island of Pakistan:


63 - ________ is called the 'land of a thousand lakes'.


64 - ________ is called the 'low country' of the earth.

Holland (Netherlands)

65 - ________ is famous for its rubber production.


66 - ________ is known as the Queen of the Arabian Sea.


67 - ________ is not situated on the banks of the Ganga.


68 - ________ is termed as liquid black gold:

None of these

69 - ________ is the first known city of the world:


70 - ________ is the largest city in Canada and is the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway.


71 - ________ is the largest desert of Asia:

None of these

72 - ________ is the least rigid sometimes described as plastic in nature.


73 - ________ is the only country of Middle Est which is among the top 25 producers of the world:

Saudi Arabia

74 - ________ is the time taken by the Earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to a fixed star.

Sidereal year

75 - ________ is the wearing away of the landscape by different agents like water, wind and ice.


76 - ________ Map shows natural flora:

Vegetation Map

77 - ________ maps are drawn to register the ownership of landed property:


78 - ________ of mental material produces convection currents beneath the surface of the earth.

Circular motion

79 - ________ Oilfield of India has the largest quantity of recoverable reserves.

Mumbai High (off shore) Oilfield

80 - ________ provides earliest flying conditions:


81 - ________ river is sometimes referred to as "Dakshin Ganga".


82 - ________ rocks are there in oceanic crust.


83 - ________ shaped valley is the characteristic associated with glaciers:


84 - ________ stands at the head of Chesapeake Bay which is known for oysters.


85 - ________ State has the biggest area in India.


86 - ________ strait is located between Malaysia and Indonesia:

None of these

87 - ________ strait separates India from Sri Lanka:

None of these

88 - _________ is the mega city having highest growth rate of 10%:


89 - _________ is the most primitive type of agriculture:

Slash and Burn

90 - _________ river is located in Canada:

River Fraser

91 - __________ % of Agriculture depends upon canna irrigation system:


92 - __________ is the first Pakistani genetic seed:


93 - _______is the largest desert of the world:

None of these

94 - 1. The Shivaliks have tropical moist deciduous flora. 2. The Bundelkhand plateau has thorn and scrub forest type of vegetation. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Both 1 and 2

95 - 17th Parallel separates ________

North and South Vietnam

96 - 1-degree of latitude is equal to

111 Km

97 - 28.38 N. and 77.12 E are the respective latitude and longitude of which one of the following places?


98 - 90% of the world rice is cultivated in __________ :

Monsoon Asia

99 - 95% of the lithosphere is composed of:

Igneous Rocks

100 - A block of the earth's crust that has remained in position while the ground around it has subsides is known as ________


101 - A broad, low embankment built up along the banks of a river channel during floods is called


102 - A canyon is a large form of:


103 - A continuous belt of urban population progressively linking several cities is known as


104 - A country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass is


105 - A cyclone is a system of wind blowing

Spirally outwards a low pressure region

106 - A devastating Cloud Burst swept over Leh on August 2010. Which one of the following statements with regard to Cloud Burst is not correct?

Cloud Burst occurs only in hilly areas

107 - A drainage pattern where a river is joined by its tributaries approximately at right angles is


108 - A fertile soil, suitable growing common crops, is like to have a pH value of

Nine to ten

109 - A few showers of rain during the months of December and January are beneficial to the rabi crops because they

Protect the crops from frost

110 - A form of condensation which reduces the visibility and causes breathing problems, is

Smoke fog

111 - A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth's surface is


112 - A geographic region has the following distinct characteristics: 1. Warm and dry climate 2. Mild and wet winter 3. Evergreen oak trees. The above features are the distinct characteristics of which one of the following regions?


113 - A geographical mile is a measure of length equal to one sixtieth of a degree or one minute (1') of latitude. It varies with latitudes, but is approximately equals

6080 feet

114 - A group of interconnected islands is known as


115 - A group of populations of different species living in the same habitat and interacting with one another is called:

Ecological Community

116 - A heavenly body which takes nearly the same time to complete one rotation and one revolution is


117 - A huge mass of ice fed by snow on a high mountain slowly sliding downhill before it starts melting is called:


118 - A huge muss of ice fed by snow on a high mountain slowly sliding downhill before It starts melting is called


119 - A Hydro Power Project on Lake Loktak is situated in which state


120 - A landform composed of sediments brought by a river and found where it enters a main valley or emerges from a mountain on to a plain is called a/an

Alluvial fan

121 - A landscape which is caused due to the fissure in the earth along which one side has moved down with reference to the other is known as?

Rift Valley

122 - A large loop like bend in a river is called

A meander

123 - A large number of species are found within a small unit of area of ________

Wet evergreen equatorial forests

124 - A layer in the Earth's atmosphere called Ionosphere facilitates radio communication. Why? (1) The presence of ozone causes the reflection of radio waves to Earth. (2) Radio waves have a very long wavelength. Which of the statements given above is fare cor

Neither 1 nor 2

125 - A layer located in stratorphere which absorbs ultraviolet rays of sun called _______:

Ozone layer

126 - A layer of Ions inside the mesosphere is called _______ :


127 - A level of atmosphere which is composed partly of Electrons and Positive Ions is called


128 - A line drawn on a weather map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunshine are


129 - A microscopic organism playing a vital role in nitrogen cycle is:


130 - A narrow inlet of sea between cliffs or steep slopes, especially associated with Scandinavia is


131 - A narrow passage of water that connects two large bodies or water is known as


132 - A narrow strip of land bordered on both sides by water, connecting two large bodies of land is known as ________

An isthmus

133 - A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is called


134 - A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is known as


135 - A narrow strip of land, connecting two large areas of land is called

An Isthmus

136 - A one-day Cricket match between India and England starts at 10.00 A.M. in London. The direct telecast of the match will begin in India at ________

3.30 P.M.

137 - A pass in Himachal Pradesh is


138 - A passenger, on his transcontinental railway journey in Europe comes across the cities. What is the sequence in which he touches these cities in his east to west journey? 1. Belgrade 2. Vienna 3. Sophia 4. Prague

3, 1, 2, 4

139 - A person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called a ________


140 - A person wants to visit the national parks in Ranthambhor, Gir and Bandipur located in three different states of India. To which one of the following states does he need not go in this connection?


141 - A piece of land surrounded by water from all sides in an ocean, sea, lake or river, is called

An island

142 - A place having an average annual temperature of 27°C and an annual rainfall of over 200 cm. could be ________


143 - A place where two plates usually an oceanic plate and a continental plate collides is called:

Subdiction zone

144 - A place with shallow water in it near a sea is known as


145 - A planet whose mass and radius is twice the Earth's will accelerate due to gravity

4.9 m/sec2

146 - A prominent break in the continuity of the Sahyadris is

Palghat Gap

147 - A rain shadow zone is present in India

Along the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats

148 - A rainshadow region gets

Scanty or no rainfall

149 - A rainy day as defined by the Indian Meteorological department is a day when the rainfall at a point received is

Above 2.5 mm in 24 hours

150 - A rift valley is formed mainly due to ________

The subsidence of the floor of a river valley

151 - A river drains the water collected from a specific area which is called its:

Catchment Area

152 - A river erodes by

All the above

153 - A Seismograph is an instrument used to detect


154 - A settlement in which majority of the people are involved in primary activity is called as:


155 - A settlement of less than _______ people is termed as hemlet:


156 - A sextant is a scientific instrument for measuring

Curvature of earth's surface

157 - A ship met with an accident at 30C and 35N. The ship was sailing in the ________

Mediterranean Sea

158 - A short cut sea route between the European and-Asian countries was provided by

Seuz Canal

159 - A sierra is a/an

Mountain range

160 - A source of renewable minimum cost is power which can be developed with

Biomass power

161 - A stony desert is termed as ________ and sandy desert as ________.

Reg, erg

162 - A strait is:

A narrow stretch of sea connecting two extensive areas of sea

163 - A stretch of sea water, partly or fully separated by a narrow strip from the main sea is called


164 - A sudden fall in the barometric reading indicates ________


165 - A temperature inversion is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions?

Calm, clear and cool winter night

166 - A terrestrial planet is a planet of:

A dense, rocky body

167 - A tropical deciduous plant special to the Deccan plateau is ________.


168 - A type of rainfall which occurs when wind rises up along a hill or mountain barrier is called ________


169 - A valley with steep, parallel walls along the faultlines, formed by the subsidence of a part of earth's crust is known as ________

Rift Valley

170 - A V-shaped valley is a feature produced by ________

Youthful river

171 - A weathering process in which layers of rocks peel off as expansion alternates with contraction, is known as ________


172 - A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a


173 - A wind which reverses seasonally is known as wind:


174 - Aaitakama desert is located in:


175 - AASI' is the news agency of:


176 - 'Abadan' is well known as

The main oil terminal in Iran

177 - Above surface between 50 and 80 km the layer of decreasing temperature is called ______:


178 - Abyssinia is the old name of:


179 - According to a recent study, by December 2008 world population will grow up to _______ billion:


180 - According to a study more than ______ % of world population is urban:


181 - According to census of 1915, population of Karachi was __________ million:


182 - According to economists, one power driven machine replace almost _________ workers:


183 - According to historical geography Bharata Varaha is a part of


184 - According to Jaffery's division the 3rd layer is made up of _________.

Diorite & Thicklite

185 - According to Malthus theory of population, population grow:


186 - According to Malthus theory of population, resources grow __________ :


187 - According to UN at least _______ population size is compulsory to be termed as urban settlement:


188 - Accumulation of rock fragments at the foot of the slope is:

Scree slope

189 - Accumulation of soil and rock debris through water in the form of one mass is called:


190 - Acre" is the old name of:


191 - Adam's bridge connects ________

Dhanushkodi (Rameshwaram) and Talaimannar

192 - Addis Ababa is the capital of


193 - Afforestation is the process of


194 - AFP' is the news agency of:


195 - After 1947 _______ million people migrated to Pakistan:


196 - After creation of Pakistan ________ million people emigrate from Pakistan to India:


197 - After leaving the forest man shifted to _________ :

River Valleys

198 - After rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences:


199 - After Sun, which is the closest star to the Earth?

Proxima centauri

200 - After the break-up of USSR, the largest country in the world is:


201 - Agricultural commodities are graded with


202 - Agriculture involving both crops and livestock is known as

Mixed farming

203 - Agriculture started ________ years ago:

10,000 - 20,000

204 - Ahmedabad is situated on the river bank of


205 - Air Canada' is the airline of :


206 - Air France' is the airline of :


207 - Air India' is the airline of :


208 - Air travel has become very important for the north eastern part of India mainly because _________

Surface transport routes have to go around Bangladesh

209 - Alaskan current is found in

North Pacific

210 - Albedo is defined as ________

The amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth's surface

211 - Albert Canal links ________ and ________

Antwerp and Liege

212 - ALD' is the news agency of:


213 - ALI' is the news agency of:


214 - Alitalia' is the airline of :


215 - All example of a mineral occurring as layers in sedimentary rocks is


216 - All of the following types of climates occur in the southern hemisphere except ________


217 - All the watches of a country are set according to ________

Standard time of the country

218 - Along the coasts salinity is


219 - Along which one of the following meridians did India experience the first light of the sunrise of the new millennium?


220 - Alpine lacier is also known as ______ glacier:


221 - Alps mountains are spread over

France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria

222 - Although hot deserts have a very low annual rainfall, occasional heavy rain storms do occur and these sometimes produce steep-sided, flat-floored valleys called ________


223 - Although the equatorial regions have the highest annual average temperatures, the salinity in the oceans is highest near the tropics because: 1. equatorial areas receive heavy rainfall 2. salinity is not affected by temperature 3. equatorial oceans experi

1, 2 and 4

224 - Among foodgrains, international trade of rice is quite small because ________

Major producer regions are major consumers also

225 - Among sources of power India has largest of


226 - Among the following areas, the widest continental shelf of India is found ________

Off the Krishna and Godavari deltas

227 - Among the following cities, which one is at the highest altitude above mean sea level?


228 - Among the following cities, which one is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer?


229 - Among the following countries, which one is the most densely populated?

The Netherlands

230 - Among the following crops which one occupies the largest area in India?


231 - Among the following places, the average annual rainfall is highest at ________


232 - Among the following places, which one receives comparatively lowest average monsoon rainfall from June to September?

Western Uttar Pradesh

233 - Among the following regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of annual rainfall?

North-eastern Rajasthan

234 - Among the following States of India, which one has the oldest rock formations in the country?


235 - Among the following states, in which one is the percentage of forest area to total geographical area the highest?

Arunachal Pradesh

236 - Among the following States, which one has the highest amount of Nickel Ore resources?


237 - Among the following States, which one has the largest forest area?


238 - Among the following States, which one has the most suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation of a large variety of orchids with minimum cost of production, and can develop an export oriented industry in this field?

Arunachal Pradesh

239 - Among the following the most urbanised community in India is


240 - Among the following Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size?


241 - Among the following which planet takes maximum time for one revolution around the Sun?


242 - Among the following, the deepest sea is:

Caribbean Sea

243 - Among the planets of the solar system, the one which has the longest period of rotation is:


244 - Among the Union Territories which has the highest literacy rate?


245 - Among the world oceans, which ocean is having the widest continental shelf?

Arctic Ocean

246 - Amongst the following Indian States which one has the minimum total forest cover?


247 - Amongst the following, the oldest observatory is:

Copenhagen, Denmark

248 - Amongst the following, which is the largest island?

New Guinea

249 - Amravati, Bhavani, Hemavati and Kabini are tributaries of which one of the following rivers?


250 - Amritsar and Shimla are almost on the same latitude, but their climate difference is due to

The difference in their altitudes

251 - Amritsar and Shimla have the same latitude yet Shimla is cooler than Amritsar because it ________

Is at a higher elevation

252 - Amsterdam is the seaport of:


253 - Amu Dar'ya is a river flows in:


254 - Amur, one of the longest rivers in the worlds is in


255 - An active volcano Mauna Loa is located in:

Hawaii U.S.A.

256 - An active volcano was reported at ________ India in 1991.

Barren Island, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

257 - An aeroplane takes off from 30° N latitude, 50° E longitude and lands at the opposite end of the earth. Where does it land?

30° S Lat., 130° W Long

258 - An area with less than _________ inch annual rain fall is called arid or desert:


259 - An artificial navigation channel is called


260 - An atoll is

A coral reef in the shape of a horse shoe

261 - An average depth of Sial varies from ______ km.


262 - An estimated fraction that each year the rivers contributed in the ocean is:

5.4 x 10 -

263 - An estuary is a place where

Fresh and salt water mix near the mouth of a river

264 - An extension of Juan de Fuca plate in the South is _______ .


265 - An extensive inlet penetrating far into the land (a large, deep bay), is known as

A Gulf

266 - An Igloo is a

Dwelling house of an Eskimo

267 - An important gas in the atmosphere that absorbs sun's ultraviolet rays is


268 - An important river of Indian desert is


269 - An observer at a point on the earth where only the penumbra region of moon's shadow will move past, will observe a:

Partial solar eclipse

270 - An ox-bow lake is a ________

Lake formed due to cut off meander

271 - An upper air wind system with very high velocities in certain parts of the atmosphere is called ________

Jet stream

272 - ANA' is the news agency of:


273 - Anamalai Tiger Reserve is in which state?

Tamil Nadu

274 - AND' is the news agency of:


275 - Andaman and Nicobar Islands are separated by which of the following?

Ten degree channel

276 - Angel waterfalls located in:


277 - Angola's parliament is:

National People's Assembly

278 - ANGOP' is the news agency of:


279 - Anjuna, Baga, Colva, Majorda, and Miramar are beaches in


280 - Ankaleshwar and Navagaon are two oil fields in ________


281 - Ankaleshwar in India is known for the production of ________


282 - Ankara is the old name of:


283 - Ankleshwar Basin (offshore) oil-fields is located in:


284 - Another name of Green Revolution in India is

Seed, Fertilizer and Irrigation Revolution

285 - ANSA' is the news agency of:


286 - ANTARA' is the news agency of:


287 - Antarctica is situated in the:

South Pole

288 - Anticline is a type of which of the following?

Fold Structure

289 - Anticyclones are caused by ________

Winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre

290 - Anticyclones are so-called because

They move in a direction opposite to that of cyclones

291 - Antipodes are ________

Places diametrically opposite on earth's surface

292 - Antipodes are:

Places diametrically opposite on earth surface

293 - Antwerp' is the seaport of:


294 - Any wind blowing down the slope of a mountain is called:

Katabatic Wind

295 - Apart from Tamil Nadu, lignite is found in ________


296 - Application of modern technology to increase the yield is due:

Green Revolution

297 - Approximate area of Okhotsk Sea is:

15,89,700 sq. km

298 - APS' is the news agency of:


299 - Aqba' is the seaport of:


300 - Arabic Sea is located in Indian Ocean, what is its length?

5,030 meters

301 - Arable lands refer to

Cultivable land

302 - Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in ________


303 - Aravalli ranges are an example of ________

Residual mountains

304 - Area of Russia is 17 km, being _______ of the world:


305 - Area of the world is _______ million square km aprox:


306 - Areas outside the plate-contact zones are free from:

Seismic Hazord

307 - Argentina's parliament is:

National Congress

308 - Arrange the following cities in an order from North to South- (1)Bhubaneshwar(2)Chennai(3)Hyderabad(4)Cochin


309 - Arrange the following cities in decreasing order of the rainfall they receive from the south-west monsoons in summer months: (1) Allahabad (2) Kolkata (3) Delhi (4)Patna

2, 4, 3, 1

310 - Arrange the following countries of southAsia in their descending order of literacy of people- 1. Bangladesh, 2. India, 3. Pakistan, 4. Srilanka


311 - Arrange the following gases of the atmosphere in increasing order by volume: I. Nitrogen II. Oxygen III. Carbon dioxide IV. Argon


312 - Arrange the following geographical regions in proper order: I. Tundra II. Shrub III. Taiga IV. Deciduous


313 - Arrange the following hill ranges in order from north to south: I. Nallamala Hills II. Nilgiri III. Anaimalai IV. Cardamon Hills


314 - Arrange the following hills of southern India from north to south ________ (1) Nilgiri (2) Cardamom (3) Nallamala (4) Anaimalai Select the correct answer using the code given below ________


315 - Arrange the following Himalayan peaks in order as they occur from west to east: I. Kanchenjunga II. Mt. Everest III. Nanda Devi IV. Dhaulagiri


316 - Arrange the following oil refineries of India from west to east: 1. Koyali 2. Bongaigaon 3. Mathura 4. Haldia

1, 3, 4, 2

317 - Arrange the following places from north to south of Kashmir region : (1) Srinagar (2) Gilgit (3) Kargil (4) Banihal

2 - 3 -1 - 4

318 - Arrange the following ranges in order as they occur from north to south: I. Pir Panjal II. Karakoram III. Zanskar IV. Ladakh


319 - Arrange the following rivers from South to North: 1. Cauvery 2. Krishna 3. Godavari 4. Mahanadi

1, 2, 3, 4

320 - Arrange the following rivers in descending order of their length: 1. Ravi 2. Cauvery 3. Sutlej 4. Yamuna

4, 3, 2, 1

321 - Arrange the following soil particle by size in the descending order: I. Gravel II. Clay III. Silt IV. Sand


322 - Arrange these places in decreasing order of their atmospheric pressure on their ground surface: 1. Shimla 2. Gangtok 3. Mumbai 4. Delhi

4, 3, 2, 1

323 - Artesian wells are common in:


324 - Artesian wells are found in ________

Sedimentary rocks

325 - As per 2011 census data lowest decadal growth rate (state) has been registered in :


326 - As per 2011 Census of India the state which registered lowest sex ratio (female per thousand males) is:


327 - As per the classification by agriculture ministry, how many agroclimatic zones are in India?


328 - As seen from the earth, which planet passes through phases similar to those of the moon?


329 - As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming large bends known as


330 - As we move from the Pole to the Equator along the longitude, what is true of the variety of crops and animals?

Both increase

331 - Asia accounts for nearly ________ percent of world population.


332 - Asia is the largest continent of the earth, it has the area:

44,579,000 sq. km

333 - Asia's first underground Hydel Project is located in which of the following States in India?

Himachal Pradesh

334 - Asiatic black bear and snow leopard is found in which of the following places?

Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks

335 - Assemblage or ideas, beliefs, skills, institutions is represented by


336 - Asteroids have their orbits between the planets ________

Mars and Jupiter

337 - Asteroids have their orbits between the planets:

Mars and Jupiter

338 - At 12 noon of December 21, you observe that you cast no shadow as you stand in bright sunlight. So you must be, somewhere near ________

The Tropic of Capricorn

339 - At a latitude of 45

1120 km/h

340 - At low elevation which among the following clouds are to be found ?


341 - At present biosphere reserves that are included in world Heritage:

Above all

342 - At the core of the earth, the temperature is estimated to be around:


343 - At the point of Himalayas Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate ______ together:


344 - At the summer solstice, which one of the following latitudes will have the longest night?


345 - At what height from the earth's surface is the stratosphere found?

8-18 km

346 - At which height, the gaseous surrounding has covered the Earth's atmosphere?


347 - At which of the following places is the demographic distribution not uneven?


348 - At which one of the following places is the monkey called Lion-tailed macaque naturally found?


349 - At which particular place on earth are day and nights of equal length always?


350 - At which particular place on earth are days and nights of equal length always?


351 - At which place will you find maximum sunlight in December?


352 - ATA' is the news agency of:


353 - Atacama is a


354 - Athens is the new name of:


355 - Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by ________ canal


356 - Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to ________

Gravitational pull of the earth

357 - AUP' is the news agency of:


358 - Australian Indian plate meets the Eurasian plate of _________ .


359 - Australia's parliament is:

Federal Parliament

360 - Austria's parliament is:

Federal Assembly

361 - Auturo Benitez' is the airport of :


362 - Average surface temperature of Alantic Ocean between the parallels of latitude is:


363 - Babul-Mandab is a gateway to enter:

Red Sea

364 - Bad Lands develop as a result of

Sheet erosion

365 - Badland topography is characteristic of

Chambal valley

366 - Baffin is a famous island located in:

Atlantic Ocean

367 - Baghdad is located on the bank of river _______ :


368 - Baghdad is the capital of


369 - Bahrain's parliament is:

National Assembly

370 - Baltoro glacier is located in

Karakoram mountain range

371 - Bandar Bushehr's is the seaport of:


372 - Bandaranaike' is the airport of :


373 - Bandhavgarh National Park is located in which state?

Madhya Pradesh

374 - Bandipur National Park is in which state?


375 - Bangkok lies on river


376 - Bangladesh does not share its border with which Indian state?


377 - Bangladesh's parliament is:

Jatiya Sangsad

378 - Bara (kral) is used for which of the following

Village of Maasai shepherd

379 - Barkhans are

Depositional features of wind action

380 - Basphorus strait connects black sea and ______ sea:


381 - Batholiths and Laccoliths are formations of ________

Igneous rocks

382 - BATRA' is the news agency of:


383 - Bauxite is the ore of


384 - Bay is opposite to ________ :


385 - Bay of Cambay is situated in ________ :

Arabian Sea

386 - Beas flows through the State of

Punjab and Haryana

387 - Beaufort scale is an internationally recognised scale for describing

Wind speed

388 - Beaufort Scale is used to measure ________

Wind velocity

389 - Because of which one of the following factors, clouds do not precipitate in deserts?

Low humidity

390 - Before occupation of Indonesia in 1975, east timor was a colony of:


391 - Before the creation of Pakistan ________ was the largest city:


392 - Beijing is the new name of:


393 - BELGA' is the news agency of:


394 - Belizie is a country situated in _________ :

North America

395 - Belt of Doldrums exists in which of the following regions?

Equatorial region

396 - Berlin is situated on the river canal


397 - BERNAMA' is the news agency of:


398 - Bethlehem is associated with:

Jesus Christ

399 - Between the valley of Narmada river in the north and the Tapti in the south lies:

The Satpura Range

400 - Between which one of the following pairs of islands is Duncan Passage located?

Little Andaman and Car Nicobar Island


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