Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 9

1 - The very thing which permitted people to settle permanently in oen location with the assurance of food is:


2 - The Vindhyan system of rocks is important for the production of

Precious stones and building materials

3 - The Vindhyas belong to which class of mountains?

Block mountains

4 - The Volcanic activities are found more in


5 - The volcanic region "Ring of fire" surrounds:

Pacific Ocean

6 - The volcanoes formed by the alternating layers of lava and rock fragments are called:

Compostite volcanoes

7 - The water content in the atmosphere ________

Decreases as temperature increases

8 - The Water Fall with the highest fall in India is the

Jog Falls, Karnataka

9 - The water of the Luni river is

Fresh in upper reaches and salty in the lower reaches

10 - The 'Water table' refers to ________

The upper limit of the zone of saturation

11 - The waterfall 'Victoria' is associated with the river


12 - The watershed between India and Myanmar is formed by

the Naga hills

13 - The weather map depicting the weather at ______ hours gives the rainfall received during 9 hours:


14 - The weather office predicts "depression" over a certain area. It means

Atmospheric pressure in that area is lower than that in the surrounding areas

15 - The well-defined zones of seismic activity in the world where the largest number of earthquakes originates is ________

Circum Pacific Belt

16 - The western coast of India receive very high rainfall in summer mainly due to

Western Ghats

17 - The western disturbances which cause winter rain in India originate in

West Asia

18 - The Western Ghats are also known as:

The Sahyadris

19 - The wet hill forest are found in the ________


20 - The wettest place in the world is Cherrapunji (Assam). The Hottest place is

Azizia (Libya)

21 - The width or the broad gauge track in Indian railway is

1.676 m

22 - The winter rain in Chennai is caused by

North-East Monsoons

23 - The winter snow-house or Eskimos is known as


24 - The winter temperatures of north-western Europe are higher than those of eastern Europe in the same latitudinal zone because ________

It lies under westerly winds which blow over the Gulf Stream Drift

25 - The word "Isoneph" represents the lines of equal


26 - The word "tsunami"belongs to:


27 - The word 'lithospheric plates' denotes their _________ .


28 - The word now used to describe the shape of the earth is

Oblate spheriod

29 - The word used to describe the shape of earth is ________

Oblate spheroid

30 - The world famous bridge Golden Gate is situated in:

San Francisco

31 - The world largest active volcano Mauna Loa is located in:

Hawaii (USA)

32 - The world largest deposit of cosmic dust has been discovered in:


33 - The world largest producer of natural gas is:


34 - The world used to describe the shape of earth is:

Oblate spheres

35 - The World's biggest concrete structure "Three Gorges Dam" is located in which of the following countries?


36 - The world's biggest island is:


37 - The world's busiest inland waterway is:


38 - The world's deepest trench is in:

Pacific Ocean

39 - The World's highest habitable building is:

Sears tower, USA

40 - The world's highest hydel power project 'Rongtong' is located in ________

Himachal Pradesh

41 - The world's highest rail bridge being constructed in the State of Jammu & Kashmir will be on which of the following rivers?


42 - The world's highest waterfall is in ________


43 - The world's largest delta system is the ________.

Ganges-Brahmaputra, India/Bangladesh

44 - The world's largest inland sea is ________.

The Caspian Sea

45 - The World's largest island is


46 - The world's largest lake is ________

Caspian Sea

47 - The world's largest lake is:

Caspian Sea

48 - The world's largest monolithic statue of Buddha was installed in December 1992 in:


49 - The World's largest producer of lac is


50 - The world's largest reserves of petroleum are located in

Saudi Arabia

51 - The world's largest river is


52 - The World's largest shipping canal is ________

Suez in Egypt

53 - The world's longest masonry dam is


54 - The World's longest river is ________


55 - The World's major commercial fishing grounds are located in the ________

Cool waters of the northern hemisphere in comparatively higher latitudes

56 - The world's major fishing grounds are located along the eastern shores of continents between 40 N and 50 N latitudes where cool and warm currents converge. An example or such area is

The Grand Banks off Newfoundland

57 - The world's most humid continent is

South America

58 - The worst affected state of India by the menace of sea erosion is


59 - The worst Earthquake in the history of Pakistan was of:


60 - The Yamuna and the Sone are the tributaries of the river


61 - The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, is known as


62 - The year ____ is called a Great Divide in the demographic history of India.


63 - The Yellow Stone National Park is in:


64 - The yield or food grain per man is high under

Extensive cultivation

65 - The young fold mountains have been formed by:

Continental plate convergence

66 - The youngest mountain range in the world is ________


67 - The youngest rivers in India originate from


68 - The Zasker range, the Ladakh range, the Kailas and the Karakoram Range are the main ranges of:

The Himalayan system

69 - The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to

red soils

70 - The zone of Earth's atmosphere immediately above its surface up to a height of about 16kms above equator and 8kms over the poles is known as


71 - The zone of low atmospheric pressure and ascending air located at or near the equator is called:

Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

72 - The zones of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the year correspond to ________


73 - There are two types of crusts - the continental and the oceanic. The continental crust is

Thicker below the mountains than below the plains

74 - There is a continual daylight or summer in the Arctic regions from ________

21st March to 23rd September

75 - There is a project in India which is similar to T.V.A. (Tenacy Valley Authority) of USA,it is

Damodar Valley Project

76 - There is always shortage of electricity in India for a long time, because

Demand for electricity is increasing while itsgeneration and distribution has not beenincreased

77 - There is cut off signal when NASA rocket reaches in the region of ______ :


78 - There is heavy rainfall on the western coast of India but very little in the Deccan because

The Deccan plateau is situated in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats

79 - There is no glacier in ________ continent:


80 - There is rainfall more than 200cm. In a sloppymountainous tract of India. Which of the following crops can be farmed there?


81 - These "rivers of ice" are always slowly on the move. What is their corect name?


82 - Thickness of core is:

3470 Km

83 - This is the only sanctuary where Kashmiri Deer are found?


84 - Though coffee and tea both are cultivated on hill slopes, there is some difference between them regarding their cultivation. In this context, consider the following statements: 1. Coffee plant requires a hot and humid climate of tropical areas whereas tea

1 only

85 - Though 'Malneutrition' and 'Undernutrition' in Pakistan, abnormal intake of _______ is commonly observed:


86 - Three European cities viz Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade lie on the river


87 - Three European cities viz, Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna, are located on the banks of the river


88 - Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are

Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej

89 - Through which of the following States the Ganga does not pass?

Madhya Pradesh

90 - Through which one of the following countries the Tropic of Cancer does not pass through?


91 - Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass?

Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia

92 - Through which one of the following Indian states the Tropic of Cancer does not pass?


93 - Through which one of the following Straits does a tunnel connect the United Kingdom and France?

Strait of Dover

94 - Throughout the Ages the maximum number of streams of people came to India via

The western Himalayan passes

95 - Tibet, the highest plateau in the world, is a

Intermontane plateau

96 - Tides are caused by the gravitational forces of

Of Sun and Moon on Earth

97 - Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the

Sun and Moon on the Earth

98 - Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the:

Sun and the moon on earth

99 - Tides are complied and they vary from place to place because of ________

All of the above

100 - Tides are the highest:

When the sun, moon and earth are in line

101 - Tides in the ocean are caused by

Attraction of the moon

102 - Tides in the sea have stored in them ________

A combination of all the above three forms of energy

103 - Tilaiya Dam, Konar dam, Maithon Dam and Panchet Hill Dam have been constructed under:

The Damodar Valley Project

104 - Tin Bigha Corridor is an issue, between India and


105 - Tinanmen square" is located in which of the following countries?


106 - Titagarh, Amlai and Nepanagar are known for:

Paper Industry

107 - To a space traveller on moon, the lunar sky during day time appears ________


108 - To check the expansion of Thar desert which one of the following methods is expected to yield the best results?


109 - To which group do belong?


110 - To which group do the tribals of central and southern India belong?


111 - To which kind of rock does marble belong?

Metamorphic rock

112 - Tobacco was introduced into India by the


113 - Tocentins is a famous river of:


114 - Tochi, Gilgit and Hunza are tributaries of


115 - Tonle Sap is the biggest fresh water lake in South East Asia. It is located In


116 - Topography of an area refers to its _______ :


117 - Tortous' is the seaport of:


118 - Total area of North America is:


119 - Total height of atmosphere is _______ km.


120 - Total number of biosphere reserves in India are


121 - Towards north, Asia is bounded by seas:

None of these

122 - Trans-continental railways have played an Important role in

Development of resources in the interior of continents

123 - Transfer of surplus heat from the lower latitudes to higher latitudes is done by :I. ocean currentsII. planetary windsIII. tidesIV. waves

I and II

124 - Tran-world Airlines' (TWA) is the airline of :


125 - Trincomalee is a port situated on the

East coast of Sri Lanka

126 - Tripoli' is the seaport of:


127 - Triton is the Moon of which planet?


128 - Tromalbatch is a name of neautiful waterfall located in:


129 - Tropical deciduous or monsoonal forests occur in ________

Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

130 - Tropical deserts are rich in ________ resources.


131 - Tropical evergreen forests remain evergreen because ________

Shedding of leaves and simultaneous growth of new ones takes place throughout the year

132 - Tropical moist deciduous vegetation is to be found in Sahyadris, north-east plateau of the Peninsula and in the Shiwaliks. Which of the following is not a tree species of this group?


133 - Tropical rain forests appear in which or the following regions?

North and South of the Congo Basin

134 - Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because

It is heated by the Earth's surface

135 - Troposphere is the most warm part of the atmosphere because

It gets warm from the heat of the surface ofthe Earth

136 - Truck farming is ______ :

Cultivation of Vegetables

137 - Tsunami is a large sea wave caused by an earthquake experienced along the coasts of ________


138 - Tsunami is:

Earthquake in ocean crust

139 - TT' is the news agency of:


140 - Tubyeoran is a waterfall located in:


141 - Tullamarine' is the airport of :


142 - Tungbhadra Multipurpose Project is a joint undertaking of:

Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka

143 - Turkey's parliament is:

Grand National Assembly

144 - Turpentine oil is obtained from

Pine tree

145 - Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac are ________

A group of stars

146 - Two important rivers - one with its source in Jharkhand (and known by a different name in Odisha), and another, with its source in Odisha - merge at a place only a short distance from the coast of Bay of Bengal before flowing into the sea. This is an impo


147 - Two ionic layers are present in:


148 - Two main cold currents in the North Pacific Ocean are known as

Oyashio and California currents

149 - Two or more aretes join to form _______:

All of them

150 - Two parts of the crust are:

Continental crust and oceanic crust

151 - Types of volcanoes are:

All of them

152 - Umiam Multipurpose Power Project is located in:


153 - Uncontrolled industrialisation leads to acid rain. It is mainly contributed by:

Nitrous and sulphur oxide

154 - Under normal conditions, which one of the following is the correct sequential developments of features made by fluvial action?

Waterfalls - River terraces – Meander bars - Oxbow lakes

155 - UNI' is the news agency of:


156 - Unlike other parts of the Indian Coast, fishing industry has not developed along the Saurashtra coast because

of overwhelming dependence on agriculture and animal husbandary

157 - UPI' is the news agency of:


158 - UPP' is the news agency of:


159 - Uraniu found in Ladakh is an example of which type of resource?

Potential resources

160 - Uranus takes ________ years to orbit the Sun.


161 - Urbanization is very low in:

South Asia

162 - Urea is prepared by the chemical reactions of

Ammonia and carbon dioxide

163 - 'Ursa Major' is the scientific name for one of the constellations of stars. Its common English name is

The Great Bear

164 - USA is divided into time zones.


165 - U-Seymight is a name of waterfall located in:


166 - Valaparaiso' is the seaport of:


167 - Valparaiso is an important port of


168 - Variation in duration of day and night is due to: (1) rotation of earth on its axis (2) revolution of earth around the sun (3) inclination of earth at an angle of 66%.

2 and 3

169 - Vasco da Gama, who discovered the sea route to India, first reached


170 - Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is located in:

Tamil Nadu

171 - Vembanad Lake is located in:


172 - Venus has atmosphere made up of

Carbon dioxide

173 - Vernal equinox falls on:

21st Mar

174 - Vernal equinox occurs on the

21st March

175 - Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions are called ________


176 - Vetes Forse is a beautiful waterfall located in:


177 - Victoria desert is located in:


178 - Victoria Falls in Africa is located on:

River Zambezi

179 - Victoria is an island located in:

North Sea

180 - Victoria is the island of:

Arctic Ocean

181 - Vijayawada is located on the bank of which river?


182 - VNA' is the news agency of:


183 - Volcanic erupted material when inside the hill/earth/mountain it is called ______ and after it coming out it is called _______.

Magma, lava

184 - Volcanic eruption does not occur in the

Baltic Sea

185 - Volcano forms by the stretching earth's crust and the crust goes this this phenomenon is called:

Non-hot interpolate

186 - Volcanoes are usually located on:

All of them

187 - Volcanoes can also be caused by ______ so called 'hot spots'.

Mantle plumes

188 - Volcanoes can also form where there is stretching of the earth's ______ and where the _____ goes thin.

Crust, crust

189 - Wainganga river is a tributary of:


190 - Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies are known as ________


191 - Water exists in how much part of the world?


192 - Water plays a lesser role in:

Slide movements

193 - Water vapour beyond the dew point results in ________


194 - Wavy hair is characteristic or

Nordic race

195 - West Bengal makes borders with how many countries?


196 - West Bengal shares boundaries with how many foreign countries?


197 - Westerlies are

Cold winds

198 - Westerlies in southern hemisphere are stronger and persistent than in northern hemisphere. Why? (1) Southern hemisphere has less landmass as compared to northern hemisphere. (2) Coriolis force is higher in southern hemisphere as compared to northern hemis

1 only

199 - Wha Degree meridian is the International Date Line?

The 180 Degree meridian.

200 - What are 'Igloos'?

A dome-shaped house or a hut, built of blocks of hard snow, in which the Eskimos live

201 - What are Sun spots?

Dark patches on the surface of the Sun resulting from a localised fall in the temperature to about 4000 K

202 - What are the Doldrums?

A low-pressure belt round the Equator where there are very light winds and calm seas.

203 - What are the five main indicators of global climate change of our planet?

Arctic ocean ice, carbon dioxide, globaltemperature, sea level, surface ice

204 - What are the imaginary lines encircling the Earth horizontally called?


205 - What are the name of the seismic sea waves which reach to coast at a very high force?


206 - What are those smaller rivers that flow into a large, main river called?


207 - What can be the maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse?

7 minutes 40 seconds

208 - What causes earthquakes?

Volcanic eruptions

209 - What causes snowfall?

When condensation takes place below 0° C and precipitation occurs in the form of flakes

210 - What colour is laterite soil?


211 - What could be the main reason / reasons for the formation of African and Eurasian desert belt? 1. It is located in the sub-tropical high pressure cells. 2. It is under the influence of warm ocean currents.Which of the statements given above is/are correct

1 only

212 - What do isobars indicate?

The atmospheric pressure in a particular area.

213 - What do isotherms indicate?

The temperatures in particule areas.

214 - What do Mauna Loa, Krakatoa and Stromboli have in common?

All are volcanoes

215 - What do the USSR, China, Brazil, India, and the USA have in common?

They are the five most populous countries.

216 - What do you call a narrow neck neck of land that connects two larger landmasses?


217 - What do you mean by 'reserved forest' ?

Reserved for commercial exploitation

218 - What do you understand by the term 'Advection' ?

Heat is transferred horizontally by both winds and ocean currents

219 - What do you understand by the term 'Doab' ?

Land between two tributaries of a river

220 - What does a braometer indicate?

Changes in atmospheric (air) pressure.

221 - What does acid rain contain which destroys plants?

Sulphuric Acid

222 - What does 'Roaring forties' refer to?

The region between latitudes 40 and 50? S where the prevailing westerly winds blow over the open oceans with great regularity and strength

223 - What does the 17th parallel separate?

South and North Vietnam

224 - What happens to tropical soils when the rain forest is cleared?

Clearing interrupts the critical nutrient cycle and leads to soil leaching

225 - What helps to maintain the heat budget on the surface of the earth?

Incoming insolation in short waves and terrestrial radiation in long waves

226 - What is "Supernova"?

Black Hole

227 - What is a "shaft mine"?

Amine dug deep into the earth

228 - What is a chronometer?

Al highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime

229 - What is a cloudburst?

It refers to sudden and copious rainfall over a small area which often lasts for only a few minutes

230 - What is a graticule?

The network of intersecting parallels and meridians on a map

231 - What is a more precise geogrphical name for a tableland?

A plateau

232 - What is a narrow waterway separating two bits of land called?

A Strait

233 - What is a prairie?

A large, flat grassland in North America.

234 - What is a typhoon called in the Atlantic?

A hurricane

235 - What is an Axis?

An imaginary or real line joining pole-to-pole of a sphere

236 - What is an oasis and where would you find it?

A small area of green and water in a desert.

237 - What is another name for the "Cold deserts" of the world?


238 - What is approximately the quantum of the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level?

One kg per sq mtr

239 - What is Bailadila famous for?

Iron ore

240 - What is Bandipur Sanctuary situated in Karnataka particularly noted for

Spotted Deer

241 - What is changed in metamorphic rocks?

(1) and (2) both

242 - What is coral island?

Terrestrial Sea

243 - What is Graticule?

The complete network of parallels an Degree meridian on the earth

244 - What is Green Peace?

An organisation that stresses the need to maintain a between human progress and environmental conservation

245 - What is known as Soil-free Farming?


246 - What is meant by 'brain drain'?

The migration of highly qualified or skilled people to better places of employment

247 - What is meant by Equinox?

Day and night are equal

248 - What is meant by solstice:

When sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator

249 - What is multiple cropping?

Dividing a field in two or more parts and then sowing different crops in each part

250 - What is Obra?

Super thermal power project in Uttar Pradesh

251 - What is peninsula?

A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides.

252 - What is Pimpri, a place in Maharashtra, known for


253 - What is significant about the town of Greenwich?

The 0? (Zero Degree meridian passes thrrough it and therefore the world sets its time by it.

254 - What is subway?

Underground passage

255 - What is the "cloud burst"? It is

An abnormal heavy downpour of rain

256 - What is the age of earth?

5500 million years

257 - What is the alternate name for contour lines?


258 - What is the another name of Greater Himalayas?


259 - What is the approximate African equivalent of the prairie?


260 - What is the approximate circumference of Earth?

40,000 Km

261 - What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?

40,000 Km

262 - What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?

40000 km

263 - What is the approximate Russian equivalent of the prairie?


264 - What is the area of Adriatic Sea?

132,000 sq. km

265 - What is the area of Caribbean Sea:

27,18,200 sq. km

266 - What is the average salt content in a litre of sea water?

35 gm

267 - What is the average salt content in a litre of seawater?

35 gm.

268 - What is the best source of pure cellulose?

Cotton fibre

269 - What is the capital of Belgium?


270 - What is the capital of East Timor ?


271 - What is the capital of Kenya?


272 - What is the capital of Rwanda?


273 - What is the correct decreasing order of the share of different salts in sea water?

Sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium sulphate

274 - What is the correct order of occurrence of the following places as one moves from east to west? (1) Murshidabad (2) Gorakhpur (3) Bhopal (4) Bhavnagar


275 - What is the correct sequence of hill stations according to height above mean sea level in descending order?

Shimla, Kodaikanal, Darjeeling and Mahabaleshwar

276 - What is the correct sequence of the following in the context of the age of the earth since its origin? (1) Cenozoic (2) Mesozoic (3) Palaeozoic (4) Protozoic

4, 3, 2, 1

277 - What is the correct sequence of the following ports from north to south? 1. Karaikal 2. Machilipatnam 3. Paradeep 4. Visakhapatnam


278 - What is the correct sequence of the following zonal pressure belts? (1) Subpolar low (2) Equatorial low (3) Polar high (4) Subtropical high

2, 4, 1, 3

279 - What is the correct sequence of the given clouds from low to high altitudes?

Cumulonimbus, Stratus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus

280 - What is the correct sequence of the river Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada and Tapi in the descending order of their lengths?

Godavari – Narmada – Mahanadi – Tapi

281 - What is the correct sequence of the rivers- Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada and Tapi in the descending order of their lengths?

Godavari - Narmada - Mahanadi - Tapi

282 - What is the correct sequence of these areas in descending order of their coal reserves? 1. Himalayas 2. Chhotta Nagpur 3. Chhattisgarh 4. Son Valley

2, 3, 4, 1

283 - What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass?


284 - What is the cupshaped mouth of volcanoes?


285 - What is the date of summer solstice in Northern Hemisphere?

21st June

286 - What is the difference between a fulf and a bay?

Both are part of the sea that extend considerable into the land, but bay usually has a wider entrance than a gulf.

287 - What is the difference between a lake and a tank?

Both are land-enclosed water bodies, but the latter is a manmade.

288 - What is the difference between asteroids and comets? (1) Asteroids are small rocky planetoids, while comets are formed of frozen gases held together by rocky and metallic material. (2) Asteroids are found mostly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, whi

1 and 3 only

289 - What is the difference between the Indian Standard time and Greenwich Standard Time?

5 Hour and 30 minutes

290 - What is the difference between the Local time and Greenwich time one degree longitude?

4 minutes

291 - What is the distance around the earth at the Equator?

18,600 km.

292 - What is the full form of ITCZ?

Inter Tropical Convergence Zone

293 - What is the Gulf Stream?

A warm sea current from the Gulf of Mexico.

294 - What is the incident of movement of landmass and rockfalls?


295 - What is the International Date Line?

It is 180 Meridian from Greenwich

296 - What is the interval between a high tide and low tide at a given place?

12 hours 26 minutes

297 - What is the largest gorge in the world?

Grand Canyon, USA

298 - What is the longitude of a town if its local time is 6 pm when Greenwich time is 4:00 pm?


299 - What is the main activity of Eskimos during the short period of summer season?


300 - What is the main attraction of Kaziranga Sanctuary located in Assam?

One horned Rhinoceros

301 - What is the main cause of Tsunami?

Earthquake on Sea Surface

302 - What is the main natural cause of disruption of road in hilly areas?


303 - What is the major cause of 'October Heat'?

High temperature associated with highhumidity

304 - What is the major role of a greenhouse gas that contributes to temperature rise of the Earth's surface?

Lets incoming sunlight pass through but stops outgoing infrared radiation

305 - What is the maximum length of a day on the poles?

6 months

306 - What is the meaning of "Cloud Burst"

Very heavy rain with heavy storm

307 - What is the meaning of "Midnight Sun"?

Shining of Sun in Arctic and Antarctica circle

308 - What is the meaning of Willy-Willy?

Tropical Cyclone near Australia

309 - What is the most important characteristic of the islands (Indian) located in the Arabian Sea?

They are all of coral origin

310 - What is the most important edible crop of Australia?


311 - What is the most important geographic use of the Himalayas to India?

They prevent the monsoons from crossing to the north and also serve as a reservoir of water from which our perennial rivers flow

312 - What is the name given to the widened river mouth found at the point in river enters the sea?


313 - What is the name of India's permanent research station in southern hemisphere Antarctica

Dakshin Gangotri

314 - What is the name of India's Southern Tip?

Indira Point

315 - What is the name of the deadly volcano in Indonesia that erupted again in May 2016?

Mount Sinabung

316 - What is the name of the disputed coastal area located far from Gujarat coast in between India and Pakistan?

Sir Creek

317 - What is the name of the highest summit of Nilgiri Hills?


318 - What is the name of the largest coffee producing state in India?


319 - What is the name of the layer above Earth's surface which is located at the height of 8km from poles and 16km from the equator?


320 - What is the name of the layer closest to the Earth?


321 - What is the name of the maps, natural and manmade, portray the large forms?

Thematic Maps

322 - What is the name of the sand mound formed by high speed of wind?


323 - What is the name of the soil, rich in Calcium?


324 - What is the name of the temperate grassland of South America?


325 - What is the narrow strip which connects two water bodies or Sea or Ocean?


326 - What is the nature of monsoon rain from Guwahati to Chandigarh?

Diminishing Nature

327 - What is the new name of Bombay?


328 - What is the new name of Ceylon?

Sri Lanka

329 - What is the new name of Laningrad?

St. Petersburg

330 - What is the official language of Nagaland?


331 - What is the old name of Bangkok?

Krugn Thep

332 - What is the old name of China?


333 - What is the old name of Cologne?


334 - What is the old name of Myanmar?


335 - What is the other name of Sahyadri Range?


336 - What is the parliament of Denmark?


337 - What is the parliament of Egypt?

People's Assembly

338 - What is the percentage of Indian population engaged in agriculture?


339 - What is the percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere of the Earth?


340 - What is the point below the epicentre of the Earthquake?


341 - What is the predominant type of Indian agriculture?

Subsistence agriculture

342 - What is the rank of India in milk production in the world?


343 - What is the reason of degradation of climate of Maldives?

All of these

344 - What is the reason of duration of cold wave in America?

Polar Vortex

345 - What is the right combination of the following in the order of increasing distance from the outermost planet?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

346 - What is the science of making maps called?


347 - What is the shape of the Earth?


348 - What is the shortest route from Moscow to San Francisco?

Moscow to Europe; crossing Atlantic and East Coast of North America

349 - What is the similarity between Milwaukee Deep, Java Trench and Challenger Deep?

They are the deepest points of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, respectively

350 - What is the source of natural energy of the hot springs at Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh?

Geothermal Energy

351 - What is the standard time of India with reference to Greenwich Mean Time?

5.5 hours fast

352 - What is the temperature of the sun estimated at approximately?

6000 degrees F

353 - What is the time difference for every degree of longitude?

Four minutes

354 - What is the total area of Australia?

7,687,000 sq. km

355 - What is the total area of Europe?

9,938,000 sq. km

356 - What is the total area of South America:

17,819,000 sq km

357 - What is the triangular landmass that forms at its mouth when a river splits into several branches just before entering the sea


358 - What is the usual altitude of the plains?

Less than 500 metres above sea level

359 - What is total area of Antarctica?

13,209,000 sq,km

360 - What is true with regard to Jet Streams? (1) High velocity winds (2) Blow from west to east (3) Blow in upper troposphere near the tropopause (4) Blow in the mesosphere

1, 2 and 3

361 - What is Weathering?

Breaking up and disintegration of rocks

362 - What kind of weathering takes place on the Valley side above the surface of the glacier?

Frost shattering

363 - What percent of Indian terrain receive annual rainfall below 75 cm.


364 - What percentage Africa has out of the total area of earth?


365 - What percentage of earth area does water occupy?


366 - What percentage of insolation is received by the earth surface?


367 - What percentage of insolation is received by the earth's surface?


368 - What percentage of World's fresh water is stored in the form of glacier ice


369 - What percentage or all water available on the Earth is contained in the oceans?


370 - What process takes place during the youthful stage of a river?

Valley deepening

371 - What separates Daman and Diu?

Gulf of Khambat

372 - What type of farming is practised in the densely populated regions of the world?

Intensive farming

373 - What type or vegetation is associated with Australia?


374 - What type or vegetation is associated with South Africa?


375 - What was the primary purpose of constructing the Farakka Barrage?

Preservation and maintenance of Kolkata port for navigation

376 - What will be the difference in time of two cities situated on the same longitude but one in northern and the other in southern hemisphere?

No difference

377 - What will be the effect of global warming on Mangrove forests?

Big area of mangrove forest will be submerged

378 - Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in

Lower Yangtse Basin

379 - When a descending air contracts and its volume decreases, what happens to its temperature?

Its temperature increases

380 - When a high area of land drops steeply, especially into the sea, what is the land formation that results called?


381 - When a ship crosses Date line from west to east ________

It gains one day

382 - When almost all the elevated portions are worn down by river erosion reducing an area to almost a plain region, it is termed as


383 - When and where did the concept of the Earth Hour started?

March, 2007 in Sydney, Australia

384 - When can one record the lowest temperature of air?

Just before sunrise

385 - When cirque filled with water is known as _________ :


386 - When dew point is reached it is said that at that temperature

All the above

387 - When dew point is reached it is said that at that temperature

The atmosphere is said to be saturated with water vapour

388 - When did India adopt the International Tsunami Warning System


389 - When does the Sun shine vertically on the Equator?

Twice a year

390 - When does tides rise in sea?

Full Moon and half Moon

391 - When does winter solstice occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

22nd December

392 - When due to tensional forces simatic crust below and sialic crust above are pulled apart _____ is formed

Rift Valley

393 - When earth and moon are farthest:


394 - When earth and moon are nearest that position is called:


395 - When GMT is 3 AM., the local time of a place is 6 AM. The longitude of that place is


396 - When harder rocks are eroded by sea water ______ are formed:

Sea caves

397 - When humidity is expressed in terms of percentage then it is known as

Relative humidity

398 - When it is 12 noon at Greenwich, what is the time at New York (74° W) ?

7.04 a.m.

399 - When it is 12.00 noon at Delhi (77° 10'E), people at another place on earth take their 6 o'clock morning tea. The longitude of that place is ________

12°50' W

400 - When it is 12:00 noon in India, the time in San Francisco (USA) would be closed to ________

8 : 30 p. m. of previous day


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