Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 5

1 - Pastoral nomadism is the typical occupation of the people of

South east Australiia

2 - Pceans are most important for us because:

They provide the most convenient like between the continents

3 - Pearl Harbour, (the target of Japanese attack on the American fleet) is in

Hawaiian Islands

4 - Peaty soil is found in ________


5 - Pedology is a science of the study of


6 - Penang' is the seaport of:


7 - Penicillin is produced at


8 - Pentagon is:

A large building housing the Ministry of Defence of USA

9 - People living in South India generally have more features of


10 - People living in Sweden generally belong to


11 - People of North Africa are generally


12 - Perihelion is

The place at which the Earth is farthest from the sun

13 - Periyar Wild Life Sanctuary is located in ________ State.


14 - Persian Gulf is located in Indian Ocean, which other name is also given to it?

All of these

15 - Perspiration is maximum when temperature is ________

High and air is humid

16 - Peshawar is nearer to which of the following?

Khybar Pass

17 - Petroleum is generally found in ________

Folded marine sedimentary rocks

18 - Petrology is the study of


19 - Physically North America extends from the Arctic Ocean to the:

Isthmus of Panama

20 - PIA' is the airline of :


21 - Pilgrim Fathers are the earliest migrants to

North America

22 - Pipri's new name is:

Bin Qasim

23 - Pits, formed by the deflating action of wind are called


24 - Plains formed by the deposits brought by glacier are

Drift plains

25 - Planets nearest to the sun are:

Mercury and Venus

26 - Plantation agriculture is a specialised form of agricultural practice carried out in

Tropics and subtropics

27 - Plants are associated with the social forestry programmes in India?


28 - PNA' is the news agency of:


29 - Po river flows through


30 - Pochampat irrigation project lies on:


31 - Podzol is a type of soil which is characteristic of a region under the cover of ________ forest.


32 - Pole Star is always seen at one point in the sky whereas other stars are not; this is because ________

Pole star lies in the axis of spin of the earth

33 - Political affiliation of South Island is:

New Zealand

34 - Population growth rate of Russia is ________ %:


35 - Population of _________ was out numbered by refugees:

None of these

36 - Population of Punjab is ________ % of the country:


37 - Population size of more than 20000 is termed as ________ :


38 - Population wise Pakistan is at ______ rank:


39 - Port Blair - the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which one of the following islands?

South Andaman

40 - Port Said' is the seaport of:


41 - Possiblism is theory of a French historian named as _________:

Lucien Febver

42 - Postaz are temperate grassland in ________


43 - Power minerals are

Coal, oil, natural gas

44 - PPI' is the news agency of:


45 - Prairies are

Temperate grasslands of North America

46 - Precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow is called


47 - Precipitation takes place when ________

Temperature of moisture in air suddenly increases

48 - PRELA' is the news agency of:


49 - Primary activity:

Forestry and Fishing

50 - Primary producers may be labeled as:

Red Collar Workers

51 - Primitive agriculture started probably in ___________ :

Middle East

52 - Prince, Victoria and Alexandria are the three important and busy docks at


53 - Processes of cooling the ocean water include:

All of them

54 - Production of vegetables and fruits is termed as:

Truck Forming

55 - Prognathiam rerers to

Protruding jaw

56 - Project Tiger in India was started in:

The year 1973

57 - Project Tiger, one of the premier conservation efforts in the country was launched on:


58 - PS' is the news agency of:


59 - PTI' is the news agency of:


60 - Pulsar are

Rapidly rotating stars

61 - Punjab has a large number of inundation canals drawing water from

Sutlej river

62 - Put in chronological order the origin of the following industries in India : I. Jute II. Cotton Textile III. Steel IV. Cement


63 - Put in descending order of area with the following soils in India: I. Red soils II. Black soils III. Laterite soils IV. Alluvial soils


64 - Put the following ores in descending order of their iron content: 1. Haemetite 2. Magnetite 3. Limonite 4. Siderite

2, 1, 3, 4

65 - Put the following states in the decreasing order by length of surfaced roads: 1. Maharashtra 2. Karnataka 3. Tamil Nadu 4. Uttar Pradesh

1, 3, 4, 2

66 - Pygmies are people living in

Congo forests

67 - Pykara hydroelectric power project is located at:

Pykara River

68 - Pyranees form a the boundary between

France and Spain

69 - Qantas' is the airline of :


70 - Quartz is a ______ rock:


71 - Quartz is a:


72 - Quartzite is metamorphosed from


73 - Quartzite is metamorphosed from:


74 - Quinine is obtained from the

Cinchona plant

75 - Rabi crop is sown in

October - November

76 - Radius of solid inner core is _____ miles.


77 - Rail coach factory is located in:

Kapurthala (Punjab)

78 - Railway passenger coaches are manufactured at


79 - Railways are best suited for

Freight traffic for bulky commodities

80 - Railways are more in North Indian plains because

All the above

81 - Rain shadow effect is associated with

Orographic rainfall

82 - Rain shadows are associated with

Orographic rainfall

83 - Rainfall caused by intense evaporation equatorial areas is called ________.

Convectional rainfall

84 - Rainfall from the south-west monsoon reaches ________

Delta region of Mahanadi

85 - Rainfall in the doldrums is of the nature of ________

Orographic precipitation

86 - Rainfall related to mountains is:

Orographic rainfall

87 - Rajasthan receives very little rain because

The winds do not come across any barrier to cause the necessary uplift to cool the winds

88 - Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award is given for outstanding contribution to:

Contribution in the development of Neat technology

89 - Rana Pratap Sagar Plant (Rajasthan) is associated with ________


90 - Raniganj in West Bengal is concerned with


91 - Rate of urbanization in ________ countries is higher than other world:


92 - Rayalaseema is a region of which one of the following States?

Andhra Pradesh

93 - Reasons change due to

All of the above

94 - 'Recycling' is a method for conserving the resources of


95 - Red Data Book provides an account of

Endangered plants & animals

96 - Red Indians called this local wind Ice Eater?


97 - Red Sea is located in Indian Ocean. What is its total area?

438,000 sq. km

98 - Red soil is normally found in India in which regions?

Eastern & southern part of the Deccan Plateau

99 - Relative humidity of the atmosphere is directly affected by ________

Change in atmospheric temperature

100 - Residual hill in the desert region is known as ________


101 - Rhine is a famous river located in:


102 - Rhodesia is now called:


103 - Ribbon Waterfall is located in:


104 - Rice crop needs

Annual rainfall of about 150 cm, high temperature and humidity

105 - Rice in Myanmar is cultivated along the deltas of ________ river.


106 - Rice is a staple food in ________:


107 - Rihand Valley Project is located in the state of

Uttar Pradesh

108 - Ring of Fire is found commonly in

Pacific Ocean

109 - Riode Janeiro' is the seaport of:


110 - Riparian forest is found ________

Along the banks of rivers and other wetland

111 - River Cauvery flows through the state of

Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

112 - River Damodar is a tributary of:

River Hoogly

113 - River Damodar is called 'Sorrow of Bengal' because it ________

Gets flooded often causing havoc

114 - River Fuphrates and River Tigres merge together forming _______ :

River Shatul-Arb

115 - River Godavari flows through ________

Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh

116 - River Indus originates from

Kailash range

117 - River Luni drains into

Rann of Kachchh

118 - River Mississippi Falls into ________ :

None of these

119 - River Nile falls into _______ :

Mediterranean Sea

120 - River Rhine of Europe drains into

North Sea

121 - 'Roaring Forties' are

Westerly winds blowing through out the year over the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere between 40 and 60 South

122 - Rockey mountains are located in _______:


123 - Rocks differ from one another in these respects except:


124 - Rocks of oceanic crust have a density of:

3.0 g/cm3

125 - Rocks which are formed by the solidification of lava on the earth's surface are ________


126 - Rome is the capital of


127 - ROMPRESS' is the news agency of:


128 - Rotation of crops mean

Growing of different crops in succession tomaintain soil fertility

129 - Rotational axis of which of the following planet is highly tilted?


130 - Rotterdam' is the seaport of:


131 - Rubber is the coagulated Juice or latex or an equatorial tree called


132 - Saar is a famous field in:


133 - SAARC Human Resource zDevelopment center is located at


134 - Sabarmati, Mahi, Narmada and Tapti rivers form:


135 - Sabena' is the airline of :


136 - Saddle peak the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is located in

North Andaman

137 - 'Sagar Samrat' is

An oil drilling platform in Mumbai High

138 - Sahara is located in:


139 - Saikan, the longest railway tunnel, is located in


140 - Sal' is a very important tree of ________

Tropical dry deciduous forest

141 - Salinity of Black sea is:


142 - Salinity of red sea is high and amounts to:


143 - Salinization occurs when the irrigation water accumulated in the soil evaporates, leaving behind salts and minerals. What are the effects of salinization on the irrigated land?

It makes some soils impermeable

144 - Salisbury is now called:


145 - San Francisco' is the seaport of:


146 - Sand stone, Conglomerate, Limestone, Shale, Chalk and Coal are example of:

Sedimentary Rocks

147 - Sandstone is which type of rock?

Sedimentary Rock

148 - Sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, shalepotash, loess, geyserites, chalk, coal, chert, halite are the examples of:

Sedimentary Rocks

149 - Santa Cruz' is the airport of :


150 - SAPA' is the news agency of:

South Africa

151 - Sardar Sarovar dam is being built on the river


152 - Sargasso sea is located in ________

North Atlantic Ocean

153 - Sariska and Ranthambore are the reserves for which of the following?


154 - Savanna is a


155 - Scandinavia is a suitable country for exploiting hydroelectricity because of the presence of


156 - Schiphol' is the airport of :


157 - Schist is the metamorphic equivalent of ________.


158 - Schwechat' is the airport of :


159 - Science dealing with study of soil is called


160 - Scotia plate is present at the ________ end of South America.


161 - Scunthorpe and Frodingham are:

The main mining centres of Britain

162 - Sea floor spreading results from ________ .


163 - Sea of Japan is famous for:


164 - Sea tides show variations because of ________

Different phases of the moon

165 - Sea water is saltier than rain water because ________

River wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea

166 - Sea-cow is found in which of the following biospherereserve of India

Gulf of Mannar

167 - Seasonal contrast in temperature are minimum in the equatorial region because ________

Sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year

168 - Seasonal movement of people and their herds from valley to mountain and vice-versa is known as:


169 - Seasonal variation is the least:

In the Arctic Circle

170 - Seasons on earth are caused by:

Revolution of earth round the sun and its axis tilted at 66

171 - Seattle' is the seaport of:


172 - Second Agricultural revolution came during:

Middle Age

173 - Secondary Activity:


174 - Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of ________

Both (b) and (c)

175 - Sediments are carried by various water bodies. You will find maximum sediments in a/ an


176 - Seine is a name of river located in:


177 - Seirra Medre Oriental mountain range is situated in _______ :


178 - Seismic waves are helping in knowing about the:

Interior of earth

179 - Seismic waves are the result of:

Seismic activity

180 - Seismic zone from Himalays to the Arabian Sea along the entire length of Pakistan parallel to the Indus River is due to ______ of Indo-Australian and Iranian plate.


181 - Select the correct answer from the following: 1. Melting of polar ice caps and subsequently rise in the sea level is the most important effect of global warming. 2. The sea level is likely to rise by one meter by 2070 AD if the present level of global wa

1, 2, 3 and 4

182 - Select the correct sequence in the decreasing order of contribution to the forest cover on India ________

Open forest - Dense forest - Mangrove forest

183 - Select the following correct statements regarding Andaman and Nicobar Islands: (1) It enjoys equatorial climate (2) This is the only place in India where a volcano is located (3) This is the only place in India where coral bed is found

1 and 2

184 - Selvas is a word denoting

The equatorial rain forest of the Amazon basin

185 - Selves are dense tropical rain forest of:

South America

186 - Sendi desert is located in:


187 - Sense of time is due to:

Rotation of earth

188 - Several glaciers merge to form _____ type glacier:


189 - Sextant is an instrument used in which of the following?


190 - Shachal Sarmast tomb is located in _________


191 - Shaheen Airlines' is the airline of :


192 - Shale is metamorphosed into which of the following rocks?


193 - Shale is metamorphosed into:


194 - Shallow-rooted trees are associated with ________

Equatorial climate

195 - Sharp jagged crests caused by adjacent glaciers are known as _______ :


196 - Sheremetyevo' is the airport of :


197 - Shield volcanoes are _____ in size:


198 - Shield volcanoes are built by many layers of lava which spills out of a central vent or group of vents, so gently formed a sloping cones and this is caused by the fluid called:

Basaltic Lava

199 - Shield volcanoes refer to ________

Repeated lava flows

200 - Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in


201 - Shifting cultivation is found in ______ :

Both (a) & (b)

202 - Shivasamudram falls is situated on the bank of which river


203 - Shivpuri National Park of Madhya Pradesh is famous for which of the following?

Leopard and Spotted deer

204 - Shortest air route from New Delhi to Vancouver will be ________

New Delhi - Bangkok - Tokyo - Vancouver

205 - Shwedagon pagoda is located in


206 - Shyok is a tributary of ________


207 - SIA' is the airline of :


208 - Siachen glacier is a _______ type glacier.


209 - Siachen is a famous glacier of _____ range:

Trans Himalays

210 - Siam is the old name of:


211 - Silicon found in earth crust________.


212 - Silk production in the world has declined because of

Growing competition from man-made fibres

213 - Silk textiles are mainly produced in ________

China and India

214 - Simla is cooler than Amritsar although they are on the same latitude. This is because

Shimla is at greater height above sea level than Amritsar

215 - Simlipal Tiger Reserve is in which state?


216 - Simpson Sturt Stony is located in:


217 - Singareni Coal fields is located in :

Godavari Valley

218 - Singhbhum is famous for ________

Both (b) and (c)

219 - Sink hole is a phenomenon of ________ topography


220 - SIP' is the news agency of:


221 - Sivasamudram is an island formed by the river


222 - Sivasamudram waterfalls is on the river


223 - Siwaliks are ________

Foothills of Himalayan ranges

224 - Skhalin Islands are claimed by:

Japan and Russia

225 - Sky Scrappers usually cannot be found in Japanese Archipelagoes because it lies in _____ .

Seismic zone

226 - SLENA' is the news agency of:


227 - Slide movements and mud flow are distinguished by their:


228 - Sloeskan is a beautiful waterfall located in:


229 - Slumping is a _______ process according to its speed:


230 - Small daily and seasonal range of temperature, comparatively cool summer and comparatively warm winter. This would be the characteristic climate of ________

An island

231 - Smallest country of South Asia is:


232 - Smallest River of the World _______ River:

North Fork

233 - Smog is a Mixture of

Smoke and Fog

234 - Smog is likely to occur ________

Near the industrial areas

235 - Snow is formed by the process of


236 - Snow line is ________

The altitude above which snow never melts

237 - Soil erosion can be prevented by ________

Growing plants on a large scale to form soil cover

238 - Soil erosion in desert area can be prevented

By forestation

239 - Soil factors are also known as

Edaphic factors

240 - Soil having high content of aluminum and iron oxide is also known as ________.

Pedalfer soil

241 - Soil maps are very useful in _______ planning:


242 - Soil of Western Rajasthan have a high content of


243 - Soils of volcanic origin, where weathering is actively breaking down lavas and liberating the essential plant foods, are most favoured for the cultivation of


244 - Solar eclipse occurs when ________

Moon comes between sun and earth

245 - Solar eclipse occurs when:

Moon comes between sun and earth

246 - Solar energy received to earth takes:

Eight Minutes

247 - Solar system was discovered by:


248 - Some large lakes in temperate latitudes have a moderating influence upon the climate of adjacent land surfaces. Such an influence may develop when ________

Prevailing out-blowing winds cross the lake in winter

249 - Some of the most important salts in the table are:

All of them

250 - Some people in Manipur live in houses bunt on floating islands of weeds and decaying vegetation held together by suspended slit. These islands are called


251 - Some riven and canals have locks across them in order to

Control the level of water

252 - SOPAC-NEWS' is the news agency of:


253 - South western border of Asia is common with seas like:

None of these

254 - Southern coasts of the continents Asia are banded by:

All of them

255 - Southern tip of which continent is close to Antarctica:

South America

256 - South-west winds are attracted to Indian subcontinent in rainy season by which of the following?

Low air pressure in north-western India

257 - Soyabeans are rich in


258 - SPA' is the news agency of:

Saudi Arabia

259 - SPK' is the news agency of:

Phnom Penh

260 - Spot the odd item in the following

Mt Everest

261 - Spot the odd item.

Mt Godwin Austin

262 - Spring tides occur when

Sun, moon and earth are in a straight line

263 - Spring tides occur when ________

The moon, the sun and the earth are in the same line

264 - Sri Lanka is located in:

Indian Ocean

265 - Sriharikota, an important unit for the Indian Space Research Organisation is located in which state?

Andhra Pradesh

266 - St Andreas Fault passes close to the US city of

San Francisco

267 - Stait in between Australia and Tasmania is:

Bass Strait

268 - Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double stars when observed by a telescope, are known as ________


269 - Starting point for a city is known as ________ :

Down Town

270 - Statuc of Liberty' is near to which of the following cities?

New York

271 - Stobatch is a beautiful waterfall located in:


272 - Strait of Florida runs in between ________

Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

273 - Strait of Gibraltar connects which of the following?

Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean Sea

274 - Strait of Gibraltar connects:

Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean

275 - Strait of Malacca separates ________

Sumatra and Malaysia

276 - Stratovolcano forms impressive, snow-capped peak which is often exceeding ______ in height, ______ in area and ______ in volume:

2500 m, 1000 sq. km. 400 km8

277 - Study the following diagram and say which of the given statements is not correct regarding it ________

All parallels in the northern hemisphere have days equal to nights

278 - Subang' is the airport of :


279 - Subsistence forming is found in:

Central Africa

280 - Subtropical deserts are ______ with parched terrain:


281 - Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases ________

If high rainfall occurs during the period of growth of the plant

282 - Sues Canal connects ________ and ________.

Port Said and Suez

283 - Suez Canal connects

Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

284 - Suez Canal has reduced the distance between London and Mumbai by about

7000 km

285 - Suez canal is between:

Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

286 - Suez Canal joins ________

Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

287 - Suez Canal links

Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

288 - Suez Canal route handles more traffic than the Panama Canal route mainly because

Suez Canal links developing nations of Asia with the developed nations of Europe and North America

289 - Sumatra is an island located in:

Indian Ocean

290 - Sumatra Island is the part of:


291 - Summer rains in Australia broadly decreases from

North to south

292 - Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere occurs on ________

21st December

293 - Summers in Western Europe are warmer than those in Eastern Europe because of ________

The influence of the warm ocean current

294 - Sun Temple is situated in the state of


295 - Sunda Trench lies in ________

Indian Ocean

296 - Sundarban was declared a World Heritage Site because of its:

Mangroves Forests and Biodiversity

297 - Sun's halo is produced by the refraction of light in

Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds

298 - Sun's rays can make right angle only up to 23(1/2) and South latitudes because:

Earth is inclined at an angle of 66(1/2) on its axis.

299 - Sunspots generally wax and wane over a/an

11-year cycle

300 - Super Nova is ________

A dying star

301 - Supernova is:

A dying star

302 - Suppose if we measure the time lapse between the two Sunsets by sitting in the beach, from this we can estimate

The radius of the Earth

303 - Surat is located on the bank of which river?


304 - Sweze canal connects Red Sea and:

None of these

305 - Swissair' is the airline of :


306 - Symbiotic Bacteria responsible for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen are present in


307 - Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with ________


308 - Taiwan is the new name of:


309 - Taking into account the amount of rainfall occurring from June to September, which one of the following is the correct order of cities in terms of rainfall?

Kolkata > Allahabad > Ahmedabad

310 - Takla Makan Desert is located in:


311 - Takla Makan desert is situated in


312 - Talcher is important for which of the following?

Heavy Water Plant

313 - Tananarive (Madagascar) is the old name of:


314 - TANJUG' is the news agency of:


315 - Tanks are manufactured at


316 - TAP' is the news agency of:


317 - Teak and Sal are the principal trees in the forests known as ________

Tropical moist deciduous

318 - Tectonic force is related, with the building of various features of:

Earth's crust

319 - Tectonic process takes place of ________ .

Plate boundaries

320 - Teesta forms a part of which major river system?


321 - Tehri Hydro Power complex is constructed on which of the following river


322 - Temperate cyclones bring along with them ________

Mild rainfall

323 - Temperate grasslands in South America are found on the ________ part of the continent.


324 - Temperate grasslands of Eurasia are called:


325 - Temperate lows are ________

Sub-polar low pressure belts

326 - Temperature generally decreases towards the poles because ________

Progressively lesser solar energy per unit area falls on the earth's surface as we move to polar regions

327 - Temperature of ______ ranges from 3000


328 - Temperature of atmosphere decreases in _______ :

Both (b) & (c)

329 - Temperature:

Increases towards the interior of the earth

330 - Ten Degree Channel is between ________

Little Andaman and Car Nicobar

331 - Term GHETTO points towards __________ :

All of these

332 - Terminator is a genetic seed of __________ :


333 - Thames is a famous river located in:


334 - Thar is the desert of:


335 - The "Central India Teak" is an Example of

Moist Deciduous Forest

336 - The "cradles of civilization" have been


337 - The "Horn of Africa" includes ________

Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia

338 - The "Ring of Fire" is found along the margins of the:

Pacific Ocean

339 - The "Valley of Flowers" is located in which state?


340 - The ______ Layer circumscribes the entire planet but is exposed only in ocean basins.


341 - The ________ current is a cold water current.


342 - The ________ Lake of India has very high salinity.

Sambhar (Rajasthan)

343 - The ________ mountains crossing the Great Plains and the ________ Sea further south separate Europe from Asia.

Ural, Caspian

344 - The ________ railway is the longest railway route in the world.


345 - The ________ river with its tributaries drains the state of Sikkim.


346 - The ________ route is the busiest ocean route of the world.

North Atlantic

347 - The 38th parallel separates ________

North Korea and South Korea

348 - The 90 East Ridge lies in the ________ Ocean.


349 - The 99% mass of earth atmosphere is confines to the height of:

32 Km from the Earth’s surface

350 - The Abhors are

A tribe of Mongoloid blood

351 - The absence of which among the following causes the temperature of the atmosphere to decrease with ascent along with decreasing density of air?I. VegetationII. WaterIII. Carbon dioxideIV. OxygenV. Nitrogen

II and III

352 - The actual amount or moisture contained in the air is known as

Absolute humidity

353 - The advantage of micro-hydel projects is that they

Involve less cost

354 - The age of a tree can be estimated by

The number of concentric rings on a cross-section of its trunk

355 - The air transport industry was nationalized in the year


356 - The airport of Mumbai is called


357 - The alignment of the lines of beginning and end is expressed by


358 - The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to :

Atmospheric refraction

359 - The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to ________

Atmospheric refraction

360 - The Amazon forests are a type of?

Tropical Forest

361 - The amount and intensity of monsoon rainfall is determined by the frequency of

Tropical depressions

362 - The amount of actual water vapour of air is known as ________

Absolute humidity

363 - The amount of dew is measured by


364 - The amount of insolation received at a place on the surface of earth depends on:

Its climate

365 - The amount of insolation received at a place on the surface of the earth depends on ________

Both (a)and (b)

366 - The antipodal position of a place located at 35° south and 80° west is

35° north and 100° East

367 - The Appalachian highland of North America are economically important mainly because of ________

Rich mineral wealth forming the basis of flourishing industries

368 - The approximate age of the Aravillis range is

670 million years

369 - The approximate depth of the Mariana Trench or the Pacific Ocean is

11030 m

370 - The approximate diameter of the earth is ________

12,800 Km

371 - The approximate diameter of the earth is:

15600 km

372 - The approximate distance between the Earth and the Moon is

380000 km

373 - The approximate distance between the Earth and the Sun is

150000000 km

374 - The approximate length of Indus River is:

2897 km

375 - The approximate radius of the Earth is

6400 km

376 - The approximate surface temperature on the sunlit side of the earth is:


377 - The Arabian Sea lies to

South-West of India

378 - The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean and many oceanographers consider it to be a sea of Atlantic. What is its total area?

14.1 sq. km

379 - The area marked by internal drainage is


380 - The area of Atlantic Ocean is:

824,00,000 sq. km

381 - The area of East China Sea:

12,49,000 sq. km

382 - The area of food crops in total area of cropping in India is

60% - 70%

383 - The area of India is ________ times larger than the area of Pakistan


384 - The area of Mediterranean Sea is:

29,65,000 sq. km

385 - The area of Pacific Ocean is:

1,65,760,000 sq. km

386 - The area of Tasmania is:

67,817 sq. km

387 - The area of the Earth's total surface is of the order of ________.

510 million square kilometres

388 - The area of the Honshu Island is:

2,27,414 sq. km

389 - The area or the Indian Ocean is approximately ________.

74 million sq km

390 - The Asian and North American continents almost meet at the narrow and shallow Bering Strait, only ________ kilometres across.


391 - The association of certain crops with particular countries then it is called _________ :

Cash Crop

392 - The asteroids are between

Mars and Jupiter

393 - The Aswan Dam is located in


394 - The atmospheric layer farthest from the Earth's surface is known as


395 - The atmospheric pressure near the sea level is

0.10 kg/cm2

396 - The atomic power station in Rajasthan is situated at


397 - The Australian Indian plate meets the pacific plate in _______ .

New Zealand

398 - The Australian state which is an island is ________


399 - The autumnal equinox occurs on:


400 - The average annual temperature is 19°C. An average annual rainfall of about 120 cm is distributed throughout the year, Late summer and autumn are the dreaded seasons of hurricanes and typhoons. These are the climatic conditions of ________

China type


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