Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 11

1 - Which of the following country has large number of islands:


2 - Which of the following country is not a member of BRICS association?


3 - Which of the following country is not an exporter of tea?

United Kingdom

4 - Which of the following crop grown in alluvial soil requires huge amount of water?


5 - Which of the following crops are grown mainly in the irrigated areas during Zaid ?

Moong and Urad

6 - Which of the following crops is grown in India mainly by dry farming?


7 - Which of the following crops is regarded as a plantation crop?


8 - Which of the following crops needs maximum water per hectare?


9 - Which of the following current is responsible for rise in temperature in westen Europe?

Gulf stream

10 - Which of the following dams has generations of power more than irrigation as its main purpose?

Gandhi Sagar

11 - Which of the following depletion results in the increase in the UV radiation on the Earth?


12 - Which of the following deserts does not lie in the Northern Hemisphere?


13 - Which of the following determines the quality of agro-products?


14 - Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?


15 - Which of the following district of Tamil Nadu is not suitable for farming due to rising salinityin soil?


16 - Which of the following do not have a common boundary with Bangladesh?

Arunachal Pradesh

17 - Which of the following does not affect Indian climate?

Ocean currents

18 - Which of the following does not characterless 'selva'?

They have suffered the greatest destruction at the hands of man

19 - Which of the following does not have influence over the climate in India?

Ocean currents

20 - Which of the following drainage systems fall into Bay of Bengal?

Both (a) and (b)

21 - Which of the following events took place in the Cenozoic era?

Formation of the rockies, India collides with Asia and the formation of the Himalayas and the Alps

22 - Which of the following factor affects the agriculture in India?


23 - Which of the following factors are responsible for India's failure to fully exploit the inland fisheries during the last five decades? I.Silting and pollution of the inland water bodies II.Deforestation in the catchment areas of the rivers III.Lack of mar

I and III

24 - Which of the following factors are responsible for present crisis in the jute industry in India? I.The decline in overseas market II.Inadequately supply of raw jute III.Stiff competition from synthetic packing materials

I and II

25 - Which of the following factors are responsible for the rapid growth of sugar production in south India as compared to north India?I.Higher per acre field of sugarcane II.Higher sucrose content of sugarcane III.Lower labour cost IV.Longer crushing period

I, II and IV

26 - Which of the following factors does not have influence on the Indian climate?

Ocean currents

27 - Which of the following features are formed by the river in its upper course? (1) Gorge (2) Canyon (3) Meander

1 and 2

28 - Which of the following features are product of volcanicity? I. Atoll II. Caldera III. Batholith IV. Geosyncline

II and III

29 - Which of the following features is the product of vulcanicity ?


30 - Which of the following fertilisers provides maximum amount of nitrogen?


31 - Which of the following fertilizer plants is not in the public sector?


32 - Which of the following forest is grown in waterlogged areas?


33 - Which of the following forest is resistant to cyclones?

Mangrove Forest

34 - Which of the following forest is the forest with maximum bio diversity?


35 - Which of the following forms of coal is the oldest?


36 - Which of the following fruits is not grown in the Mediterranean region?

None of the above

37 - Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution?


38 - Which of the following functions performed by a forest help most in controlling drought?

Forests bring rainfall in monsoon

39 - Which of the following gases is most predominant in the Sun?


40 - Which of the following gases is most predominant in the sun?


41 - Which of the following gases is not found free in air?


42 - Which of the following generally produces the largest quantity of oranges?


43 - Which of the following geographical features have played a great unifying role in strengthening the forces of homogeneity of the Indian people?I.The expanses of water surrounding the peninsula II.The Himalayan Mountains III.The vastness of the country IV.

I, II, III and IV

44 - Which of the following geomorphic pairs is not correct?

Pores - Air

45 - Which of the following gives the correct decreasing order in numbers in the food chain pyramid? 1. Primary Producers 2. Herbivores 3. Carnivores 4. Man

1, 2, 3, 4

46 - Which of the following gives the correct descending order by length of the rivers of India?

Ganga, Godavari, Yamuna, Krishna

47 - Which of the following gives the correct match of states and concentration of religious groups? (1) Maharashtra- Zaroastrians (2) Maharashtra and Arunachal Pradesh - Buddhists (3) Rajasthan and Gujarat - Jains (4) Sikkim - Christians

1, 2 and 3

48 - Which of the following gives the correct sequence of hills in the east-west direction?

Naga, Mikir, Khasi, Garo

49 - Which of the following grades of coal has the highest carbon content?


50 - Which of the following group of people changes their house types according to seasons?


51 - Which of the following group of rivers in India are likely to show the least erosional activity?

The eastward flowing Peninsular rivers

52 - Which of the following groups accounts for over 90 per cent of India's annual coal production?

Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal

53 - Which of the following groups of rivers fall in the Bay of Bengal?

Ganga, Brahmaputra, Hooghly

54 - Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet?

Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej

55 - Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet?

Brahmaputra, Indus & Sutlej

56 - Which of the following groups of rivers originate from the Himachal mountains?

Beas, Ravi and Chenab

57 - Which of the following groups of states has the largest deposits of iron ore?

Bihar and Orissa

58 - Which of the following groups of states produce rubber on commercial scale?

Kerala-Tamil Nadu-Karnataka

59 - Which of the following has a potential for harnessing of tidal energy in India?

Gulf of Cambay

60 - Which of the following has been declared as the marine park by Indian government for the conservation of Coral Reef?

Gulf of Kutch

61 - Which of the following has to be crossed over to reach Colombo from Kanyakumari?

Gulf of Mannar

62 - Which of the following have almost the same point of beginning?

Indus and Brahmaputra

63 - Which of the following helps in the 'greening process' of crops?

Nitrogenous fertilizers

64 - Which of the following higher ground is not the part of Telangana Plateau?


65 - Which of the following Hydro Power Project is not in Tamil Nadu?


66 - Which of the following hydro-electric stations is situated in Uttar Pradesh?


67 - Which of the following important rivers of India does not originate from the Western Ghats?


68 - Which of the following Indian state does not have any coastal border?


69 - Which of the following Indian state does not share International land border?

Madhya Pradesh

70 - Which of the following Indian state is not a producer of tea?


71 - Which of the following Indian States broadly as large as the European nation Poland?

Madhya pradesh

72 - Which of the following Indian states does not lie on in 1do-Bangla border?


73 - Which of the following indicates the types of soil erosion in decreasing order of damage caused In India

Ravine erosion .and gullies, alkalinity and salinity weeds and water-logging

74 - Which of the following industries uses mica?

Electrical industry

75 - Which of the following influence the erosion of soil by water? (1) Slope of the land (2) Management practice like terracing (3) Soil salinity

1 and 2

76 - Which of the following instrument is used to measure humidity?

Sling Psychrometer

77 - Which of the following is a baltic state?


78 - Which of the following is a block mountain?


79 - Which of the following is a cash crop?


80 - Which of the following is a chemical weathering process ?


81 - Which of the following is a cold current:


82 - Which of the following is a commercial source of energy?

Natural gas

83 - Which of the following is a correct sequence of increasing depth?

Continental shelf, Continental slope, Ocean depths, Deep sea plains

84 - Which of the following is a distributary of the Ganga?


85 - Which of the following is a dormant volcanoes?

Vesuvius in Italy

86 - Which of the following is a Great Circle?

The Equator

87 - Which of the following is a hardwood tree?


88 - Which of the following is a Horticulture Crop?


89 - Which of the following is a low-density area? I. Equatorial forest II. Tropical deserts III. Eastern Asia IV. North-eastern America

I and II

90 - Which of the following is a major sugarcane-producing state in India?


91 - Which of the following is a natural harbour?


92 - Which of the following is a new bio-fertilizers?

Green Blue Algae

93 - Which of the following is a non-metallic mineral?


94 - Which of the following is a peninsular river of India?


95 - Which of the following is a post-volcanic activity?


96 - Which of the following is a rabi crop?


97 - Which of the following is a reason for the increase in population of the developing countries?

Increase in life expectancy and decrease of death rate due to medical facilities

98 - Which of the following is a river flowing from Central India and join Yamuna/Ganga?


99 - Which of the following is a small circle?


100 - Which of the following is a tropical ocean current?

Gulf Stream

101 - Which of the following is a typical feature of volcanic eruption?


102 - Which of the following is a wrong combination of location and hydroelectric projects undertaken by the NHPC?


103 - Which of the following is an east flowing river of the Peninsula?


104 - Which of the following is an east following river of Indian Peninsula?


105 - Which of the following is an example of Mid-latitude desert ?

Patagonia desert

106 - Which of the following is an important port of Eastern coast of India?


107 - Which of the following is an inland drainage area?

Rann of Kutch

108 - Which of the following is an ore of iron?


109 - Which of the following is an organic rock?


110 - Which of the following is associated with the recent discovery of tungsten by the Geological Surveyor India?

Sirohi in Rajasthan

111 - Which of the following is biodegradable?


112 - Which of the following is called "Blue Planet"?


113 - Which of the following is called "brown paper"?


114 - Which of the following is called 'Herring Pond'?

Atlantic Ocean

115 - Which of the following is called Red Planet?


116 - Which of the following is called the "Gateway to the Pacific" ?

Panama Canal

117 - Which of the following is caused by the combine deffects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun on sea levels?


118 - Which of the following is characterized by excessive dampness with a thick growth forest and a variety of wild life?


119 - Which of the following is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features of the universe?


120 - Which of the following is considered as the "forest of world heritage"?

Sundarban in West Bengal

121 - Which of the following is correctly matched?

Eskimo - Canada

122 - Which of the following is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands?


123 - Which of the following is false?

Manganese is largely used in making fertilizers

124 - Which of the following is false?

Godavari serves Madhya Pradesh

125 - Which of the following is fastest growing tree ?


126 - Which of the following is grown by plantation farming?

Both (a) and (b)

127 - Which of the following is incorrect about rain water harvesting?

It increases the harms of flow

128 - Which of the following is incorrect?

At the summer solstice the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn

129 - Which of the following is incorrect?

Black soils are rich in phosphorus nitrogen and organic matter

130 - Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

Mango-showers - Orissa

131 - Which of the following is India's military offensive against Pakistan in the Kargil war?

Operation Vijay

132 - Which of the following is India's north station?


133 - Which of the following is known as "Bio-Diversity" hotspot of India"?

Western Ghats

134 - Which of the following is known as "the cold pole" of the world?

Verkhoyansk in Russia

135 - Which of the following is known as 'golden fiber'?


136 - Which of the following is known as Sahyadri Mountain

Western Ghats

137 - Which of the following is known as the "red planet"?


138 - Which of the following is known as the "Red Planet"?


139 - Which of the following is known as the "Roof of the World"?

Pamir Mountains

140 - Which of the following is known as the morning star?


141 - Which of the following is known as the 'Pearl City'?


142 - Which of the following is largest planet?


143 - Which of the following is located at the minimum height from the Earth?


144 - Which of the following is most important for absorption of heat radiated from the Sun as well as from the Earth?

Carbon dioxide

145 - Which of the following is not a capital city?


146 - Which of the following is NOT a cash crop?


147 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of Peninsular rivers?

Meandering tendency often shifting their beds

148 - Which of the following is not a food crop?


149 - Which of the following is not a food-grain?


150 - Which of the following is not a fresh water lake?

Lake Titicaca

151 - Which of the following is not a member of SAARC


152 - Which of the following is not a minor product derived from forests?


153 - Which of the following is not a multi-purpose project involving more than one State in India?


154 - Which of the following is not a navigable river in India?


155 - Which of the following is not a part of the Great Plains?

Kerala Coastal Plain

156 - Which of the following is not a plant product?

All are plant products

157 - Which of the following is not a plantation crop?


158 - Which of the following is NOT a plantation crop?


159 - Which of the following is not a product of the 'Monsoon Forests'?


160 - Which of the following is not a proof of Earth being an oblate spheroid?

The shadow of the Earth on the Sun during solar eclipse is always curved

161 - Which of the following is not a rabi crop?


162 - Which of the following is not a result of underground water activity?


163 - Which of the following is not a satellite of Jupiter?


164 - Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?


165 - Which of the following is not a seed borne disease?

Potato mosaic

166 - Which of the following is not a species of tropical moist deciduous forests?


167 - Which of the following is not a tributary of the Ganga?


168 - Which of the following is not a tributary of the Krishna?


169 - Which of the following is not a tropical cyclone?


170 - Which of the following is not an agent which produces physical features ?


171 - Which of the following is not an effect produced by rotation of earth?

Poles have days and nights of 6 months duration

172 - Which of the following is not an Igneous Rock?


173 - Which of the following is not an important condition for growth of coral?

Wave-free salt water

174 - Which of the following is not an international airport?


175 - Which of the following is not an island?


176 - Which of the following is not commercial source of energy?


177 - Which of the following is not concerned with increased production of a food item?

Orange Revolution

178 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Periyar Karnataka

179 - Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Isohels-Lines joining areas of equal rainfall

180 - Which of the following is not helpful for delta formation?

Tidal nature of waves

181 - Which of the following is not one of the by-products of mineral oil?


182 - Which of the following is not one of the important steps in processing tea leaves?


183 - Which of the following is not one of the non-conventional sources of energy in India?

Thermal Energy

184 - Which of the following is not one of the reasons for concentration of jute mills in Kolkata?

Cheap and abundant power supply

185 - Which of the following is not one of the reasons why the northern mountains are of great importance to India

They protect the country from invasion

186 - Which of the following is not one of the three processes involved in the transfer of water between the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth?


187 - Which of the following is not one of the traditional Indian seasons (ritus)?


188 - Which of the following is not primarily a kharif crop in India?


189 - Which of the following is not primarily a rabi crop in India?


190 - Which of the following is not produced in the season of kharif?

Jau and Mustard

191 - Which of the following is not Rabi Crop in India?


192 - Which of the following is not related to solar system?


193 - Which of the following is not renowned for the manufacture of silk?

Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh)

194 - Which of the following is not true with regard to the coastal plains of India ?

The west and east coasts, have the same alluvial features

195 - Which of the following is produced by the rapid ascent of moist air?


196 - Which of the following is recognised as a season by the meteorological department of India ?

North-eastern monsoon

197 - Which of the following is smallest country?

Vatican City

198 - Which of the following is specially true of anticyclones in the southern hemisphere?

The air moves in an anti-clockwise direction

199 - Which of the following is taken into consideration while deciding a shipping route?

All the above

200 - Which of the following is the annual precipitation of an area?

All forms of precipitation converted to the quantity of liquid water

201 - Which of the following is the brightest planet?


202 - Which of the following is the busiest of ocean trade routes?

North Atlantic

203 - Which of the following is the capital of the union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?


204 - Which of the following is the cleanest source of energy?

Wind energy

205 - Which of the following is the correct order of increasing size of the grains of soil particles? 1. Clay 2. Silt 3. Sand 4. Gravel


206 - Which of the following is the deepest lake?

Lake Baikal

207 - Which of the following is the deepest landlocked protected port?


208 - Which of the following is the farthest from the centre of the earth?


209 - Which of the following is the highest peak


210 - Which of the following is the highest peak in undisputed Indian territory


211 - Which of the following is the highest plateau in the world?

Pamir Plateau

212 - Which of the following is the highest waterfall in India?

Jog falls

213 - Which of the following is the International Date line?

180° longitude

214 - Which of the following is the largest Biosphere Reserve of India?

Gulf of mannar

215 - Which of the following is the largest irrigation canal in the world?

Indira Gandhi Canal

216 - Which of the following is the largest island?


217 - Which of the following is the largest ocean that covers about one-third of the surface of earth?

Pacific Ocean

218 - Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets?


219 - Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets?


220 - Which of the following is the largest planet?


221 - Which of the following is the largest producer of copper?


222 - Which of the following is the largest river in the world?


223 - Which of the following is the largest union territory of India?

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

224 - Which of the following is the longest mountain range?

The Andes

225 - Which of the following is the longest Railway Tunnel?

Tanna (Japan)

226 - Which of the following is the longest river in India?


227 - Which of the following is the main difference between the Western and Eastern Ghats?


228 - Which of the following is the main ore for aluminium?


229 - Which of the following is the main spice producer?

Malabar coast

230 - Which of the following is the major centre of production of railway wagons?


231 - Which of the following is the major rubber producing state in India?


232 - Which of the following is the major silk producing state in India?


233 - Which of the following is the market for wheat?


234 - Which of the following is the most fertile soil in India?

Alluvial soil

235 - Which of the following is the most important factor in soil formation?


236 - Which of the following is the most important raw material for generation of power in India?


237 - Which of the following is the most important raw material for generation of power in India?


238 - Which of the following is the oldest atomic power station?


239 - Which of the following is the smallest country?


240 - Which of the following is the smallest in terms of area?

Vatican City

241 - Which of the following is true with regard to the, characteristics of the Himalayan rivers? I. Many of them have their sources in the Inner Himalayas II. They have a perennial flow III. They have a great capacity for erosion IV. They do not form gorges

I, II and III

242 - Which of the following is untraditional sources of Energy?


243 - Which of the following is wrongly matched?

Rain caused by vertical circulation of air currents - orographic rainfall

244 - Which of the following is wrongly matched?

Garo - Chhatisgarh

245 - Which of the following is/are characteristic of a depression in the southern hemisphere?I. It is a mass of air whose isobars form an oval or circular shapeII. Pressure is high in the centre and decreases towards the outsideIII. Air moves anti-clockwise

I only

246 - Which of the following is/are considered a Renewable Source of Energy? 1. Wind Energy 2. Solar Energy 3. Nuclear Energy

Only 1 and 2

247 - Which of the following is/are correct about shifting cultivation ? I. It involves no ploughing II. It is slash and burn agriculture III. It involves crop rotation IV. It is combined with transhumance

I and II

248 - Which of the following is/are correct about the Rann of Kachchh? (1) It is a flat saline marsh land (2) It is in Rajasthan (3) It is the home of the Indian Wild Ass (4) It is a unique land formation supporting several singular species of fauna

1, 3 and 4

249 - Which of the following is/are correct in matching the layer of atmosphere and its characteristic ?I. Troposphere : weather phenomenaII. Stratosphere : ozone layerIII. Ionosphere : radio waves reflected to earth's surfaceIV. Mesosphere : Aurorae

I, II and III

250 - Which of the following is/are matched correctly? (1) Earthquake's origin - seismic focus (2) Epicentre - point on earth's surface directly above seismic focus (3) S waves - similar to sound waves (4) Richter scale - severity of earthquake

1, 2, 3 and 4

251 - Which of the following is/are methods of checking soil erosion? 1. Strip cropping 2. Contour ploughing 3. Use of irrigation and fertilisers 4. Terrace farming

1, 2, 3 and 4

252 - Which of the following is/are not the characteristics of red soils? I. They are derived from weathering of old crystalline and metamorphic rocks II. They contain iron oxides III. They have high water retention capacity IV. They have high nitrogen content

III and IV

253 - Which of the following is/are 'rain cloud'? 1. Cirrus, 2. Nimbostratus, 3. Cumulonimbus, 4. Altocumulus

2 and 3 only

254 - Which of the following is/are the chief Characteristics of commercial grain farming of the middle latitude grasslands? 1. The size of farms are generally large. 2. Cultivation is highly mechanized. 3. It is a type of extensive farming. Select the correc

1, 2 and 3

255 - Which of the following is/are the examples of the sedimentary rocks? (1) Limestone (2) Dolomite (3) Breccia (4) Coal

1, 2 and 4

256 - Which of the following is/are true of world time zones? I. The world is divided into thirty time zones II. All time zones of the world are described in term of the number of hours difference between the standard meridian of that zone and the Greenwich Mer

II only

257 - Which of the following is/are wrong? 1. Bhadravati steel plant - not located near coal deposits 2. First modern steel plant in India - Burnpur 3. Bokaro and Bhilai steel plants - German collaboration 4. Durgapur steel plant - British help

2 and 3

258 - Which of the following is/are wrongly matched? I. Bushman - Kalahari Desert II. Masai - North America III. Bindibus - Australia IV. Kirghiz - Asian Steppes


259 - Which of the following Isohels are the isopleths of


260 - Which of the following items and leading producer is not correctly matched?

Ginger - Sikkim

261 - Which of the following lake is known as "Honeymoon Lake"?


262 - Which of the following latitude forms a great circle


263 - Which of the following latitudes passes through India?

Tropic of Cancer

264 - Which of the following layers of the Earth is believed to account for the Earth's magnetism?


265 - Which of the following layers of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineral materials of highest density ?

Central core

266 - Which of the following layers of the Earth's atmosphere provide ideal flying conditions for Jet aircraft?


267 - Which of the following lies on the Nile Rivers?


268 - Which of the following manmade calamities is social calamity?

Home Cremation

269 - Which of the following measures are effective for soil conservation in India? I. Avoiding crop rotation II. Afforestation III. Encouraging the use of chemical fertilizers IV. Limiting shifting cultivation

II and IV

270 - Which of the following method does not help in conservation of the fertility and moisture ofsoil?

Shifting cultivation

271 - Which of the following minerals and their ores are correctly matched? 1. Zinc-calamine 2. Platinum-iridium 3. Tin-cassiterite 4. Copper-carnolite

1 and 3

272 - Which of the following minerals is needed for generation of nuclear power?


273 - Which of the following mountain passes lies outside India ?


274 - Which of the following mountain range is located in India?

Pir Panjal

275 - Which of the following mountains are the oldest according to geological history?


276 - Which of the following natural regions has specialised in cultivation of fruit trees?

Mediterranean region

277 - Which of the following natural regions is inhabited by the Eskimos of Canada and Alaska, Lappas of Finland and the Samoyeds and Yakuts of Siberia?

Polar Tundra

278 - Which of the following natural regions is known as 'the big game country' or 'a land of safari'?

Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions

279 - Which of the following natural regions is not found in the Torrid Zone?

Temperate deserts

280 - Which of the following newly manufacturing unit is going to be established by Indian railway?

Wheel Factory, Chapra

281 - Which of the following ocean current is not found in Atlantic ocean?

Peru Current

282 - Which of the following organisations prepares topographical maps of India?

Geographical Survey of India

283 - Which of the following organization composesTopographic Map of India

Survey of India

284 - Which of the following pair is correct in context of thermal power projects?

Kawas - Gujarat

285 - Which of the following pair is CORRECT?I. Prime Meridian - Longitude,II. Tropic of Cancer - Latitude,III. Equator - Latitude

All options are correct

286 - Which of the following pair is incorrect?

0° longitude - Equator

287 - Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?

Dekke toba fish - Brazil

288 - Which of the following pairings is incorrect ?


289 - Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? Waterfall : River :: 1. Kapildhara Falls : Godavari 2. Jog Falls : Sharavati 3. Sivasamudram Falls : Cauvery

2 and 3 only

290 - Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 1. Idukki Thermal power station 2. Sabarigiri Hydroelectric project 3. Ghatprabha Irrigation project 4. Ramganga Multipurpose project

2, 3 and 4

291 - Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 1. Narmada ___ Jabalpur2. Godavari ___ Nasik, 3. Mahanadi ___ Cuttack. Select the correct answer using the codes given below ________

1, 2 and 3

292 - Which of the following pairs is correct ?

Shale-possesses laminations

293 - Which of the following pairs is correct?


294 - Which of the following pairs is correct?

Gujarat - Kandla

295 - Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Tundra region - Lichens and Mosses

296 - Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? Islands Volcanoes

Java - Merapi

297 - Which of the following pairs is incorrect ?


298 - Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

0° E or 0°W longitude – Equator

299 - Which of the following pairs is wrong?

Isohyet - Humidity

300 - Which of the following pairs of countries are the leading manufacturers of cement in the world?

China and India

301 - Which of the following pairs of metals are supposed to constitute the internal core of the earth?

Nickel and iron

302 - Which of the following pairs of states and their important crops are correctly matched? 1. Kerala-Tapioca 2. Maharashtra-Cotton 3. West Bengal-Jute 4. Gujarat-Groundnut

2, 3 and 4

303 - Which of the following passes and locations is/are wrongly matched? (1) Zojila and Burzil - Jammu & Kashmir (2) Bara Lapcha La and Shipki La - Uttar Pradesh (3) Thaga La, Niti Pass and Lipu Lekh - Himachal Pradesh (4) Nathu La and Jelep La - Sikkim

2 and 3

304 - Which of the following passes lies in the Sutlej valley?

Shipki La

305 - Which of the following Peninsular Indian river does not meet the Arabian Sea


306 - Which of the following peninsular rivers is westward flowing?


307 - Which of the following phenomenon gives an evidence for spherical shape of the earth?

Lunar eclipse

308 - Which of the following phenomenon is/are the effect of the rotation of the Earth? (1) Apparent movement of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. (2) Flatness of the poles and bulge at the Equator. (3) Occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset (4) Magnetic field

1, 2, 3 and 4

309 - Which of the following physiographic features of India is 'geologically the oldest'?

The Peninsular Plateau

310 - Which of the following place is the most humid place of India?


311 - Which of the following places are favourably influenced by the Trade winds?I. West IndiesII. BrazilIII. MexicoIV. Madagascar

I, II, III and IV

312 - Which of the following places are known for paper manufacturing industry? 1) Yamunanagu 2) Guwahati 3) Shahabad 4) Ballarpur

1, 2 and 4

313 - Which of the following places does not lie on the banks of Godavari?


314 - Which of the following places in India does not have a nuclear power plant?


315 - Which of the following planets do not have satellite?

Mercury and Venus

316 - Which of the following planets is at the farthest distance from the earth?


317 - Which of the following planets is known as "Mornong Star"?


318 - Which of the following planets is known as Earth's twin?


319 - Which of the following Planets is the brightest?


320 - Which of the following planets of the solar system has the longest day?


321 - Which of the following port caters to the export of Kudremukh iron ore?

New Mangalore

322 - Which of the following ports are on the west coast? 1. Marmugao 2. Cochin 3. New Mangalore 4. Paradeep

1, 2 and 3

323 - Which of the following predominantly acts as the agent of chemical erosion of soil?

Underground water

324 - Which of the following processes is responsible for producing the sand dunes in western Rajasthan?

Wind deposition

325 - Which of the following projects is administered by more than one State?


326 - Which of the following receive, heavy rainfall in the month of October and November?

Coromandel Coast

327 - Which of the following receives rainfall by north-eastern monsoon?

Tamil Nadu

328 - Which of the following reflects radio waves back to the Earth?


329 - Which of the following region in India is now regarded as an "Ecological Hot Spot"?

Western Ghats

330 - Which of the following region is covered by tropical evergreen forest?

Western Ghat

331 - Which of the following regions and dominant crops is wrongly matched?

Tundra-market gardening

332 - Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?

East Asia, Southern Asia, North Western Europe

333 - Which of the following regions bear mainly the Coniferous forests?

Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America

334 - Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year?

The Tundra Region

335 - Which of the following regions has almost all prevalent types of natural vegetation in India?

The Himalayas

336 - Which of the following regions of the world is most thickly populated?

East Asia

337 - Which of the following regions specializes in the cultivation of citrus fruits?

Mediterranean region

338 - Which of the following represents the process of chemical weathering?

Hydration and Hydrolysis

339 - Which of the following represents the southernmost geographical unit of India?

Great Nicobar Island

340 - Which of the following resource is abiotic and renewable?


341 - Which of the following river crosses Tropic of Capricorn twice?

Limpopo River

342 - Which of the following river does not form a delta?


343 - Which of the following river does not relate with Punjab?


344 - Which of the following river flow from south to north direction?


345 - Which of the following river flows from the sediments in India?


346 - Which of the following river is famous for changing its path?


347 - Which of the following river is known as "Dakshin Ganga"?


348 - Which of the following river is known as India's River of Sorrow?


349 - Which of the following river originates beyond Himalaya?


350 - Which of the following river originates out of India?


351 - Which of the following river stages and features is/are wrongly matched? (1) Mountain stage : waterfalls (2) Plain stage : oxbow lake (3) Plain stage : delta (4) Mountain stage : deposition

3 and 4

352 - Which of the following rivers divides the 'Deccan Tableland' from Central Highland in northern India?


353 - Which of the following rivers existed before the uplift of the Himalaya ? (A) Brahamaputra (B) Sutlej (C) Indus (D) Bhagirathi

A, B and C

354 - Which of the following rivers falls into the Atlantic Ocean? (1) Orinoco (2) Danube (3) Amazon (4) Congo

1, 3 and 4

355 - Which of the following rivers flowing through Pakistan has its source of origin in that country itself?

None of these

356 - Which of the following rivers flows between the Vindhya and Satpura ranges?


357 - Which of the following rivers flows through Maharashtra and Gujarat ?


358 - Which of the following rivers In Europe has the largest volume of traffic?

The Rhine

359 - Which of the following rivers is known as 'Vridha Ganga'?


360 - Which of the following rivers joins Ganga at Allahabad ?


361 - Which of the following rivers lies in a rift valley?


362 - Which of the following rivers makes an estuary?


363 - Which of the following rivers makes an estuary?


364 - Which of the following rivers meet Ganga in Bihar ? 1. Ghaghra 2. Gandak 3. Son 4. Punpun

1, 2, 3 and 4

365 - Which of the following rivers of India carries the most water


366 - Which of the following rivers of the Indian sub-continent covers the longest distance from its source to the sea into


367 - Which of the following rock has formed the Earth's crust?


368 - Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble?


369 - Which of the following scientist had proven that every planet has an elongated path?


370 - Which of the following sea is landlocked?

Aral Sea

371 - Which of the following sea Port is nearest to Rourkela Steel Plant?


372 - Which of the following separates Asia and Africa?

Suez Canal

373 - Which of the following separates Asia and North America?

Bering Strait

374 - Which of the following sequence is correct in their declining productivity?

Ocean, Mangrove, Lakes, Grassland

375 - Which of the following sequences of atmospheric layers is correct from below?

Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Ionosphere

376 - Which of the following sequences of clouds in ascending order would one meet 500 metres and above the mean sea level?

Stratus, Nimbus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus

377 - Which of the following set of countries are completely surrounded by land?

Mongolia, Zambia, Bolivia

378 - Which of the following set of country is known as "Golden Crescent", world's largest opium Industry?

Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran

379 - Which of the following sets of cities is located on the reference longitude for Indian standard time?


380 - Which of the following sets of three ports is on the east coast of India?

Paradeep, Kakinada, Nagapattinam

381 - Which of the following soil is most suited for tea plantation ?


382 - Which of the following soils is best suited for cotton?


383 - Which of the following soils is formed under typical monsoonal conditions?

Laterite Soils

384 - Which of the following soils is most suitable for cultivation of cereals?

Alluvial soils

385 - Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?


386 - Which of the following sources has the largest share in power generation in India?

Thermal power

387 - Which of the following south Indian rivers has the largest basin?


388 - Which of the following spice is obtained from the roots?

None of these

389 - Which of the following state does not share boundary with Myanmar?


390 - Which of the following state has become India's first carbon free state?

Himachal Pradesh

391 - Which of the following state has, the highest percentage of forest cover?


392 - Which of the following state is considered as the traditional area for tank irrigation in India?

Tamil Nadu

393 - Which of the following state is not part of Narmada valley?


394 - Which of the following state is the largest wheat producing state in India?

Uttar Pradesh

395 - Which of the following state is the member of "Seven Sisters"?


396 - Which of the following state receives rainfall due to western disturbances?


397 - Which of the following state/union territory land is situated on eastern and western coasts?


398 - Which of the following statement (s) regarding India's coal reserves is/are true ? I. Over 90 percent of total reserves are located in the valleys of Son, Damodar, Mahanadi and Godavari II. Indian coal reserves are characterised by low ash content and hig

I, II and III

399 - Which of the following statements about forests is not correct?

Forests in equatorial regions of India are less dense than the monsoon forests

400 - Which of the following statements about New Zealand is incorrect ?

Tasman Sea is a land locked sea in the South Island


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