Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 10

1 - When it is 8 P.M. in Tokyo, what is the time at Panama Canal which is located at 180° W of it?

8.00 A.M.

2 - When it is nine o'clock in London, it will be the same time in ________


3 - When it is noon in India what would be the time in England?

6.30 AM.

4 - When it is noon IST at Allahabad in India, the time at Greenwich, London, will be

06 30 hours

5 - When material breaks away due to earth flow it normally leaves:

Scar or hill top

6 - When rain falls through a cold layer of air near the Earth's surface, raindrops get frozen into ice. This type of precipitation is called


7 - When ship crosses Date-line from west to east:

It loses one day

8 - When softer rocks are eroded by sea water _____ are formed:


9 - When temperature exceeds _________


10 - When the clock strikes 12:00 noon at Greenwich, it strikes 5:30 p.m. at place X on the same day. What is the meridian of longitude of place X ?

82°30' E

11 - When the lava is horn by expending gases into fluid hot clots ranging in size from 1 cm to 50 cm across is called:


12 - When the Moon completely covers the Sun, it is known as?

The Umbra

13 - When the moon is one the side of the earth directly opposite the sun, the moon is in the phase known as:


14 - When the relative humidity is 50 percent and air temperature is 30°C, a cooling of air mass ________

Decreases the relative humidity

15 - When the water supply is ample, mud flow moves:


16 - When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, it is called as ________

Geostropic wind

17 - When three heavenly bodies are in same line, that situation is:


18 - When total land is divided by total population, we get?

Population Density

19 - When water freezes in the polar seas the salts ________

Remain in the subsurface water that does not freeze

20 - Where are most or the Earth's active volcanoes concentrated at present?

Pacific Ocean

21 - Where are Rain forests found?

North-Eastern Himalayas and Western Ghats

22 - Where are rare plantless forest found?


23 - Where are Shevaroy Hills located?

Tamil Nadu

24 - Where are Tapovan and Vishnugarh Hydroelectric Projects located?


25 - Where are the Balearic Islands located?

Mediterranean Sea

26 - Where are the coaches of trains manufactured in India?

Kapurthala and Perambur

27 - Where are the Lepchas mainly to be found staying?


28 - Where do all meteorological incidents occur?


29 - Where do Birhors live?


30 - Where do river Bhagirathi and Alaknanda meet?


31 - Where do the Western and Eastern Ghats meet?

Nilgiri hills

32 - Where does Moraine form?

Glacial Region

33 - Where exactly is Aksai Chin?

The north-east corner of Jammu and Kashmir

34 - Where has the Geological Survey of India located most of India's Chromite?


35 - Where in India is mica mined?

All the above

36 - Where in India is the rift valley to be found?

Narmada Valley

37 - Where is "Elysee Palace"?


38 - Where is Anaimudi peak located?


39 - Where is Arvi earth station for satellite communication?


40 - Where is Copacabana Beach located?

Rio de Janeiro

41 - Where is famous "GIR" forest located?


42 - Where is India's most prized tea grown?


43 - Where is Jawaharlal Nehru Port?


44 - Where is Kandla Port located in?

Gulf of Kutch

45 - Where is Kanha National Park?

Madhya Pradesh

46 - Where is Lakshadweep Island located?

Arabian Sea

47 - Where is Lonar Lake situated?


48 - Where is Mumbai High located

Continental Shelf of Arabian sea

49 - Where is Nathpa Jhakri power Project located?

Himachal Pradesh

50 - Where is 'Ninety East Ridge'situated?

Indian Ocean

51 - Where is Ozone layer found?


52 - Where is Panchmari Biosphere Reserve located?

Madhya Pradesh

53 - Where is pearl fishing well developed in India?

Off the coast at Rameshwaram

54 - Where is Pygmalion Point also known as Indira Point?

Andman and Nicobar Islands

55 - Where is Saddle Peak in Andaman and Nicobar Island situated?

Northern Andaman

56 - Where is Silicon Valley located in?

U. S. A

57 - Where is Sunda Trench?

Indian Ocean

58 - Where is the Bandipur National Park?


59 - Where is the Black Pogoda?


60 - Where is the Forest Reserch Insititute located?


61 - Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?

Pacific Ocean

62 - Where is the greatest ocean depth found?

The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

63 - Where is the headquarters of South-Central Railway located?


64 - Where is the leaning Tower of Pisa?


65 - Where is the MIG engine manufactured in India?


66 - Where is the old and over 2 km-long 'Pamban Railway Bridge', which attracts tourists from all over the country?

Palk straits

67 - Where is the oldest working 'Refinery'?


68 - Where is the Port City of Cork located?


69 - Where is the Saltoro Range located?

Part of the Karakoram Ranges

70 - Where is the secretariat of the Conference on Biological Diversity?


71 - Where is the Torrid Zone located on the earth's surface?

Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

72 - Where is the volcanic Mt. St. Helens situated?

United States of America

73 - Where is world's deepest trench "Mariana Trench" located?

In Pacific Ocean

74 - Where was India's rocket launching station set up?


75 - Where was the first Bio-reserve established in India?


76 - Where was the first biosphere reserve established in India?


77 - Where was the first cotton mill set up in India?


78 - Where was the first Nuclear Power Plant constructed in India?


79 - Where was the world's first oil-well drilled in the nineteenth century ?

Titusville in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

80 - Where will you expect to find bamboo growing

At a very low height from sea level

81 - Where would you find Oraon, Munda, Santhal, Gonds and Asurs?


82 - Which among the following cities in India is not located in Golden Quadrilateral Road Network?


83 - Which among the following districts is not situated in the terai of Uttar pradesh?


84 - Which among the following forms of precipitation is different from the rest?


85 - Which among the following four planets is the biggest in size?


86 - Which among the following imaginary line lies at 0° latitude?


87 - Which among the following is a metamorphic rock?


88 - Which among the following is a renewable source?


89 - Which among the following is not a raw silk producing state?


90 - Which among the following is the beggest island in the world?


91 - Which among the following is the greatest inland waterway in Europe?


92 - Which among the following is the major item of export from Paradeep Port ?

Iron Ore

93 - Which among the following is the most populous city in the world?


94 - Which among the following is the smallest state area wise?


95 - Which among the following is/are the major factor/factors responsible for the monsoon type of climate in India? (I) Location (II) Thermal contrast (III) Upper air circulation (IV) Inter-tropical convergence zone

I, II, III and IV

96 - Which among the following neighbouring country of India is the largest producer of Opium in the World?


97 - Which among the following pairs of places have most marked difference in total rainfall per annum even though located approximately along the same latitude?

Ajmer and Shillong

98 - Which among the following statements about the earth is not true?

The Earth makes one complete revolution on its axis in 48 hours

99 - Which among the following statments is true regarding International Date Line?

It is 180° Longitude

100 - Which among these is a cold current

Canaries current

101 - Which among these is a metamorphic rock?


102 - Which among these Islands has coral reef?


103 - Which amongst the following pairs of organisms represents predator - prey relationship?

Tiger and deer

104 - Which amongst the following States does not cultivate wheat?

Tamil Nadu

105 - Which are of the following is wrongly characterised?

Mistral - Rhone Valley - summer – cold

106 - Which are the west-flowing rivers of southern Indian which flow into Arabian Sea?

Narmada and Tapti

107 - Which atomic power station in India is built completely indigenously?


108 - Which border line separates India from Pakistan?

Radcliffe Line

109 - Which calendar is being universally followed?

Gregorian Calendar

110 - Which chemical weathering process affects limestone the most?


111 - Which city has the longest day in the month of June?


112 - Which city is called as 'Queen of Adriatic'?


113 - Which city is called 'Brasilia of Pakistan'?


114 - Which city is called 'City of Rams'?


115 - Which city is called 'City of space flights'?

Cape Kennedy

116 - Which city is called 'Forbidden city'?


117 - Which city is called the 'City of bazaars'?


118 - Which city is called the 'City of Conferences'?


119 - Which city is called the 'City of Cosmonauts'?


120 - Which city is called the 'City of eternal spring'?


121 - Which city is called the 'City of ghosts and temples'?


122 - Which city is called the 'City of Golden Gate'?

San Francisco

123 - Which city is called the 'City of Gondolas'?


124 - Which city is called the 'City of Palaces'?


125 - Which city is called the 'City of Perpetual Spring'?


126 - Which city is called the 'City of Popes'?


127 - Which city is called the 'City of skyscrapers'?

New York

128 - Which city is called the 'Gateway of India'?


129 - Which city is called the 'Gateway of Pakistan'?


130 - Which city is called the 'Gateway of the Gulf'?

Abu Dhabi

131 - Which city is called the 'Granite city'?


132 - Which city is called the 'Land of seven hills'?


133 - Which city is called the 'Little Pakistan'?


134 - Which city is called the 'Manchester of Pakistan"?


135 - Which city is called the 'Pyramid city'?


136 - Which city is called the 'Queen of the Baltic'?


137 - Which city is known as the Cotton Polis of India?


138 - Which city is located on the banks of the river Brahmaputra?


139 - Which city is located on the banks of the river Mula-Mutha?


140 - Which city is the headquarter of two Railway zones in India?


141 - Which climatic region has the least temperature range?

Equatorial region

142 - Which continent doesn't have a permanent population?


143 - Which continent has no desert?


144 - Which continent has no river?


145 - Which continent has the highest density of population?


146 - Which continent has the largest area of Equatorial Rain Forest?

South America

147 - Which continent is called a Dark continent?


148 - Which continent is in its entirety further north of the Equator?


149 - Which country assisted India in the launching of her first satellite 'Aryabhatta'?

Former USSR

150 - Which country falls in all three natural regions : Hot desert, Mediterranean and Cool temperate type of climate?


151 - Which country has developed world's first seedless mango?


152 - Which country has greatest number of volcanoes in the world?


153 - Which country has the largest coast line?


154 - Which country is called 'Land of fertile fields'?


155 - Which country is called the "Land of Morning Calm"?


156 - Which country is known as the "Cockpit of Europe"?


157 - Which country is known as the "Emerald Isle"?


158 - Which country is known as the 'Pearl of the East?


159 - Which country is known as the 'sugar bowl of the world?


160 - Which country is not a member of Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical andEconomic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)?


161 - Which country is not the member of African Union?


162 - Which country leads the world in the export of oil?

Saudi Arabia

163 - Which country of South Asia was mostly hitted by Earthquake?


164 - Which country produces the maximum amount of timber?

United States of America

165 - Which country ranks top in the mining of gold?


166 - Which country started the cultivation of potatoes in Europe?


167 - Which dam in India has the distinction of being the longest main stream dam in the world?

Tehri Dam

168 - Which dam of India is the highest?


169 - Which district of Himachal Pradesh touches the border of China?


170 - Which Earthquake caused the greatest causalities in the history?

China (1556)

171 - Which European country has over 200 volcanoes many of them are still active?


172 - Which European country has over 200 volcanoes, many of them active?


173 - Which European country has over 200 volcanoes, many of them still active?


174 - Which expedition was the first to sail round the world and conclusively prove that the Earth is round?

Magellan's Victoria.

175 - Which factors influence ocean currents? I. Coriolis force II. Local winds III. Waves IV. Continent shape

I, III and IV

176 - Which foreign country is closest to Andaman Islands?


177 - Which form of coal is mainly suitable for producing thermal power?


178 - Which from the following rivers does not originate in Indian territory?


179 - Which from the following towns is not on the "Golden Quadrilateral" being created for the roads-infrastructure of the country?


180 - Which gas is found in maximum quantity in lower atmosphere?


181 - Which group of following states shares the boundary with Nagaland?

Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Manipur

182 - Which Gulf is the bigger one of Australia?

Gulf of Carpentaria

183 - Which hill station's name means 'place of the thunderbolt'?


184 - Which Himalayan peak is also called as Sagarmatha

Mt. Everest

185 - Which if the following river crosses the Equator twice.


186 - Which Indian state is known as 'Land of Five Rivers' ?


187 - Which industry is developed in Shahdol and Nepanagar?

Paper and Pulp Industry

188 - Which industry provides jobs to the maximum number of people?

Cotton textiles

189 - Which is a famous bird sanctuary located in Haryana?


190 - Which is a type of erosion caused by hydraulic action?

Flowing Water

191 - Which is called 'Cockpit of Europe'?


192 - Which is called 'Crossroads of western Europe'?


193 - Which is called 'Emerald Island'?


194 - Which is called 'Gift of Nile'?


195 - Which is called 'Great Britain of the Pacific'?


196 - Which is called 'Homeland of Viking Empire'?


197 - Which is called 'Horn of Africa'?


198 - Which is called 'Island continent'?

Sri Lanka

199 - Which is called 'Isle of June'?


200 - Which is called 'Isle of pearls'?


201 - Which is called 'Key to the Mediterranean'?


202 - Which is called 'Land of contrasts'?


203 - Which is called 'Land of Druk Yul'?


204 - Which is called 'Land of golden fleece'?


205 - Which is called 'Land of midnight sun'?


206 - Which is called 'Land of Queen of Sheba'?


207 - Which is called 'Land of rice and teak'?


208 - Which is called 'Land of thousand islands'?


209 - Which is called 'Land of thousand lakes'?


210 - Which is called 'Pearl of Antilles'?


211 - Which is called 'Pillars of Hercules'?


212 - Which is called 'Remnant of a mighty empire'?


213 - Which is called 'site of ancient civilization'?


214 - Which is called 'Sorrow of China'?

Hawang Hoo

215 - Which is called the "Lake District of India"?


216 - Which is called the 'Britain of South'?

New Zealand

217 - Which is called the 'City of Angels'?


218 - Which is called the city of 'Golden Temple'?


219 - Which is called the 'City of peace'


220 - Which is called the 'Flower garden of Europe'?


221 - Which is called the 'Land of amber'?


222 - Which is called the 'Land of free people'?


223 - Which is called the 'Land of golden fibre'?


224 - Which is called the 'Land of mighty rivers'?


225 - Which is called the 'Land of milk and honey'?


226 - Which is called the 'Land of morning calm'?


227 - Which is called the 'Land of mountains'?


228 - Which is called the land of rising sun?


229 - Which is called the 'Land of South Slaves'?


230 - Which is called the 'Land of white elephants'?


231 - Which is called the 'Playground of Europe'?


232 - Which is called 'White-man's grave'?


233 - Which is common to Guwahati, Barauni, Koyali, Haldia, Digboi and Mathura?

Public sector refineries, owned by the Indian oil corporation are located in these places

234 - Which is highest mountain pass in the world?


235 - Which is India's largest multipurpose river valley project?

Bhakra Nangal

236 - Which is known as thunder cloud?

Cumulonimbus cloud

237 - Which is not correctly matched?

Shimla - Uttar Pradesh

238 - Which is not the member of Asian?

None of these

239 - Which is Raisina Hills?

Where Rashtrapati Bhavan is situated

240 - Which is the best suited soil for the cultivation of rice?

Alluvial soil

241 - Which is the best variety of cotton in the world?

Sea Island

242 - Which is the biggest coffee producing country in the world?


243 - Which is the biggest Gulf of the World?

Gulf of Mexico

244 - Which is the brightest planet of the solar system?


245 - Which is the busiest ocean of the world in normal times?


246 - Which is the chief characteristic of the soil of the Indo-Gangetic plain?

It is derived from Himalayan rocks

247 - Which is the correct order of ocean currents in the northern part of Pacific ocean in clockwise direction?

North equatorial - Kuroshio - Pacific drift - North equatorial

248 - Which is the correct sequence of the given American cities from West to East?

San Francisco - Salt Lake City Pittsburgh - Boston

249 - Which is the destination of the slurry brought by pipeline from Kudremukh?


250 - Which is the first Asian country to reach the orbit of Mars


251 - Which is the first national park of India?

Jim Corbett National Park

252 - Which is the greatest archipelago on the globe?


253 - Which is the greatest archipelago on the globe?


254 - Which is the group of languages spoken by the largest number of people in India?


255 - Which is the highest country in the world?


256 - Which is the highest peak in India?

K2 (GodwinAustin)

257 - Which is the highest peak to the south of the Vindhyas?


258 - Which is the highest quality of hard coal?


259 - Which is the highest river basin of Peninsular India


260 - Which is the highest waterfall in the world?

Angel Falls

261 - Which is the home of "AIphonso" mango?


262 - Which is the home of "Alphonso mango"?


263 - Which is the hottest place on earth?

Dalol, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia / Al Aziziyah, Libya.

264 - Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?


265 - Which is the largest continent of the world?


266 - Which is the largest country (in area)?


267 - Which is the largest country of the Africa?


268 - Which is the largest desert of the world?


269 - Which is the largest fishing ground in the world?

North Sea

270 - Which is the largest forest covering 25% of world's land?

Taiga forest of Siberia

271 - Which is the largest fresh water lake in the world ?

Lake Superior

272 - Which is the largest Gulf in the World?

The Gulf of Mexico

273 - Which is the largest Gulf in the world?

Gulf of Mexico

274 - Which is the largest island of the world?


275 - Which is the largest Man Made Lake

Gobind Sagar

276 - Which is the largest Ocean?


277 - Which is the largest producer of lignite in India?

Tamil Nadu

278 - Which is the largest reservoir of sweet water?


279 - Which is the largest river of the Asia?

Yangtze River

280 - Which is the largest sea in the world?

South China Sea

281 - Which is the largest sea in the world?

South China Sea

282 - Which is the largest tiger reserve in India?


283 - Which is the longest of the following lines?

All are equal

284 - Which is the longest river in the world?


285 - Which is the longest river of Peninsular India?


286 - Which is the lowest country in Islamic world:


287 - Which is the lowest layer of Atmosphere?


288 - Which is the main competitor of India in jute production?


289 - Which is the most densely populated continent?


290 - Which is the nearest planet to Sun?


291 - Which is the proper order of seismic waves as they are received at seismograph station?

P-wave, S-wave, L-wave

292 - Which is the river known as Tsangpo in Tibet?


293 - Which is the smallest (in area) member of United Nations?


294 - Which is the smallest among the following water bodies?

Japan Sea

295 - Which is the smallest among the following water bodies?

Japan Sea

296 - Which is the smallest Country (in population)?

Vatican city

297 - Which is the specific feature of the Mercator Projection?

It exaggerates Greenland almost 25 times.

298 - Which is the world's largest desert?


299 - Which is the world's largest river?

The Amazon

300 - Which land of country is below the sea level?


301 - Which language next to Hindi is spoken by the largest number of people in India?


302 - Which metal is most abundant in the earth's crust?


303 - Which mountain is not the part of Himalayan range?


304 - Which mountainous range naturally enhances the boundaries of Europe and Asia?

All of them

305 - Which multipurpose project was taken up first of all after independence?

Damodar Valley Project

306 - Which name is repeatedly used as countries' name of the world:


307 - Which ocean current is popularly known as warm blanket of Europe?

Gulf Stream

308 - Which ocean has the world's largest number of active volcanoes and is called "Ring of Fine"?

Pacific Ocean

309 - Which of following city is situated in the farthest east?


310 - Which of the countries have common national frontiers with India

China, Burma, and Nepak

311 - Which of the country is formed of various number of islands?


312 - Which of the following absorbs the insolation from the sun and preserves the earth's radiated heat, thus acting like a blanket allowing the earth neither to become too cold nor too hot?

Water vapour

313 - Which of the following are associated with Saudi Arabia? 1. High proportion of urban population 2. Extensive agriculture pattern 3. Considerable extent of land under pasture lands. Select the correct answer using the codes given below

1, 2 and 3

314 - Which of the following are correctly matched? (1) Gneiss : Metamorphic (2) Granite : Igneous (3) Sandstone : Sedimentary

1, 2 and 3

315 - Which of the following are correctly matched? (1) Active volcano : Stromboli (Sicily) (2) Dormant volcano : Vesuvius (Italy) (3) Extinct volcano : Fujiyama (Japan)

1, 2 and 3

316 - Which of the following are factors that effect the movement of ocean currents? I. Earth's gravity II. Atmospheric pressure III. Winds IV. Salinity of the water V. Seasonal Variations

All of these

317 - Which of the following are formed due to collision of continental plates? (1) The Alps (2) The Himalayas (3) The Rockies (4) The Caucases mountains

1, 2 and 3

318 - Which of the following are included in the World-Heritage List of UNESCO? : 1. Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park 2. Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station, Mumbai 3. Mamallapuram 4. Sun Temple (Konark Temple)

1, 2, 3 and 4

319 - Which of the following are known as coastlines of submergence?

Ria coasts

320 - Which of the following are not kharif crops?

Barley and Mustard

321 - Which of the following are reasons for the chief fishing grounds being located in continental shelf areas where cold and warm currents meet? I. Warm currents are rich in phosphates and nitrates II. Plankton - the chief fish feed - thrives in these regions

II, III and IV

322 - Which of the following are related with "Red Indian"?

North America

323 - Which of the following are the components of loamy soils? I. Red soil II. Clay soil III. Alluvial soil IV. Silt soil V. Sandy soil

II and V

324 - Which of the following are the factors that are mainly responsible for the movements of surface oceanic currents? (1) Prevailing winds (2) Earth's Rotation (3) Earthquake activity (4) Bottom Topography (5) Difference in the density of seawater

1, 2 and 5

325 - Which of the following are the features of the Himalayan rivers? I. They are of youthful nature, forming deep gorges and performing intense erosional activity II. They are free to form their courses and follow a dendritic pattern III. They have very large

I, II and III

326 - Which of the following are the ideal conditions for the phenomenon of temperature inversion to occur? I. Long nightsII. Cloudy skyIII. Calm and stable airIV. Dry air

I, III and IV

327 - Which of the following are the main reasons for the origin of the south-west monsoon in India? I. Development of a low pressure in north-west India II. Deflection of trade winds III. Arrival of cyclonic stream from the Pacific Ocean IV. Heating of the Ara

I and II

328 - Which of the following are Tropical Grasslands ? I. Campos II. Pampas III. Savanna IV. Steppes

I and III

329 - Which of the following are true of the Pacific Ocean?I. It is the largest of all water bodies II. It is roughly triangular in shape III. The average depth is about 7300 m IV. Nearly 20,000 islands dot this vast ocean

I, II, III and IV

330 - Which of the following are true regarding Chhota Nagpur? (1) It is one of the former princely states. (2) It is a plateau area in Jharkhand inhabited mainly by the tribals. (3) It is a name given to the contiguous tribal areas in Bihar, West Bengal, Or

1 and 2

331 - Which of the following are true regarding equinoxes? (1) They occur on March 21st and September 23rd (2) They depict equal days and equal nights on March 21st and September 23rd on all places of the earth (3) All places on the earth have equal temperatur

1 and 2 only

332 - Which of the following are true regarding ionosphere? I. It is the uppermost layer of atmosphere II. The molecules and atoms of nitrogen and oxygen in this layer absorb a part of solar radiation and become ionized III. This layer is responsible for reflec

II and III

333 - Which of the following are true regarding Jhum cultivation in India? I.It is largely practiced in Assam II.It is referred to as 'slash and burn' technique III.In it, the fertility is exhausted in a few years

I, II and III

334 - Which of the following are true with regard to coal in India? I. Coal is found in sedimentary rocks II. The best quality of coal is lignite III. The largest and oldest coalfield in India is known as the 'Ruhr of India'. IV. The Damodar river valley is pop

I, III and IV

335 - Which of the following are true with regard to coal in India?I. Coal is found in sedimentary rocks II. The best quality of coal is lignite III. The largest and oldest coalfied in india is known as the ruhr of india IV. The Damodar river valley is popularl

I, II and IV

336 - Which of the following are true with regard to fold mountains? I. They often act as climatic barriers II. They receive heavy rain or snow which give rise to rivers III. They are rich in minerals IV. They pose no problem, to communication as they contain m

I, II and III

337 - Which of the following are true with regard to igneous rocks? I. They are formed inside the earth, under great pressure II. They do not occur in layer III. They are mostly crystalline in nature IV. They contain fossils

II, III and IV

338 - Which of the following are true with regard to temperature control of the atmosphere of a given place?I. The major temperature contrasts on earth's surface are between land masses and oceansII. During night, the water surface cools more rapidly than the l

I, III and IV

339 - Which of the following are true with respect to Indian Railways? I. It is the larqest public sector undertaking II. Indian Railway network is the fourth largest in the world III. Factories at Kapurthala and Perarnbur manufacture passenger coaches IV. The

I, II, III and IV

340 - Which of the following are true with respect to sedimentary rocks? I. The rocks are deposited in layers II. The particles of rocks are at times wholly of organic nature III. The rocks are not crystalline IV. Their structure is determined by great pressure

I, II and III

341 - Which of the following are true with respect to the Indian Peninsular Plateau? I. The southern plateau block is formed mainly of granites and gneiss II. The Deccan lava plateau is an elevated tableland consisting of horizontally arranged lava sheets III

I, II, III and IV

342 - Which of the following are true with respect to the Indian Peninsular Plateau? I.The southern plateau block is formed mainly of granite and gneiss II.The Deccan lava plateau is an elevated tableland consisting of horizontally arranged lava sheets III.The

I, II, III and IV

343 - Which of the following area of Indian subcontinent becomes the area of low pressure in summer?

North Western India

344 - Which of the following areas or regions is most prone to earthquakes?

Ganga-Brahmaputra valley

345 - Which of the following areas or regions is most prone to earthquakes?

Ganga Brahmaputra Valley

346 - Which of the following arrangements is correct according to their locations from north to south mountain ranges of Jammu and Kashmir: (1) Karakoram (2) Ladakh (3) Zanskar (4) Pir Panjal

1, 2, 3, 4

347 - Which of the following belts are associated with seismic activity? (1) Circum-Pacific Belt (2) Circum-Atlantic Belt (3) Mid-Continental Belt (4) Mid-Atlantic Belt

1, 3 and 4

348 - Which of the following best describes longitude?

The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian

349 - Which of the following best explain why the lower course of a river is sometimes choked with sediments? (1) The valley of a river is widest in its lower course. (2) The velocity of a river in its lower course is low. (3) The delta sometimes develops in a

1, 2 and 3 only

350 - Which of the following biomes is known as "Bread basket of the World"?

Mid Latitude Grassland

351 - Which of the following Bio-Reserves in India is the natural habitat for lions?

Gir Bio-Reserve

352 - Which of the following can be used to correct acidic soil?


353 - Which of the following canals is located in West Bengal?

Eden Canal

354 - Which of the following celestial bodies bear, 'The Sea of Tranquility' and 'The Ocean of Storms' ?


355 - Which of the following celestial bodies bear, 'The Sea of Tranquility' and 'The Ocean of Storms'?


356 - Which of the following celestial bodies is located farthermost to the Earth?


357 - Which of the following celestial body contains Helium-4 in abundance?


358 - Which of the following Central Asian state is enriched with the world's largest mineral resources?


359 - Which of the following characterises the desert forests?

Pointed leaves

360 - Which of the following characterises the Foehn?I. It is warmII. It is humidIII. It is common in the valleys of the northern AlpsIV. It blows in winter

I, III and IV

361 - Which of the following characteristics is not true of alluvial soils?

These are generally rich in phosphorus but poor in potash

362 - Which of the following chemicals is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?


363 - Which of the following cities is incorrectly matched to the river on which it is situated?

Alexandria - River Niger

364 - Which of the following cities is not located on a river bank?


365 - Which of the following cities lies to the western-most longitude?


366 - Which of the following cities was known earlier as 'Pearl of the Antiles'?


367 - Which of the following cities/towns does not lie on the banks of the Ganga?


368 - Which of the following city has the largest number of registered vehicles?


369 - Which of the following city is known as the "Eternal City"?


370 - Which of the following city is located on the banks of river Potomac?

Washington D.C.

371 - Which of the following city is the capital of desert country Mali?


372 - Which of the following city is the centre for manufacturing of Penicillin?


373 - Which of the following city located on Northern most Latitude?


374 - Which of the following climatic characteristic is related to tropical deserts?

Very high daily range of temperature

375 - Which of the following climatic type suffers change due to shifting of the World's Pressure Belts?


376 - Which of the following colour types do not indicate fair or fine weather?


377 - Which of the following combinations of riven and cities situated on their banks is wrong?

Vijayawada - Narmada

378 - Which of the following component was not the partof agricultural policy of Green Revolution?

Guaranteed maximum price

379 - Which of the following constituents of the atmosphere are important from the climatic point of view ? (1) Nitrogen (2) Oxygen (3) Carbon dioxide

Only 3

380 - Which of the following continent is located in Northern-Southern and Eastern-Western hemisphere of the earth?


381 - Which of the following countries are located on the Greenwich Meridian? 1. Algeria 2. Germany 3. Guinea 4. Iceland

2 only

382 - Which of the following countries does not share its border with Iraq?


383 - Which of the following countries enjoys a warm to hot and dry summer and a mild but moderate winter?

Sri Lanka

384 - Which of the following countries has got its map on its flag?


385 - Which of the following countries has the briefest constitution in the world?


386 - Which of the following countries has the greatest length of inland waterways?

The Former USSR

387 - Which of the following countries have achieved a negative growth rate of population?

Australia, Canada and Sweden

388 - Which of the following countries is associated with Magyars?


389 - Which of the following countries is included in the North-West Pacific fishing grounds?


390 - Which of the following countries is known as the 'Sugar bowl of the World' ?


391 - Which of the following countries is rich in oil?


392 - Which of the following countries is the biggest producer of mango?


393 - Which of the following countries is the largest producer of coal as per the recent available data?


394 - Which of the following countries is the largest producer of uranium in the world?


395 - Which of the following countries is the richest coal producing nation in Europe?


396 - Which of the following countries is the world's largest producer of coal?


397 - Which of the following countries is well known for diamond cutting industry?


398 - Which of the following countries leads in the production of aluminium and its products in the world?


399 - Which of the following countries share borders with Moldova? 1. Ukraine 2. Romania 3. Belarus. Select the correct answer using the code given below

1 and 2 only

400 - Which of the following countries shares the longest border with India?



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