Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 2

1 - Bhakra Nangal Project is constructed across which river?


2 - Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is located in which state?


3 - Bhim Tal is a

Strike valley

4 - Bhutan is surrounded by which of the following Indian States?

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim

5 - Biman' is the airline of :


6 - Bin Qasim is the seaport of:


7 - Biodegradable wastes can usually be converted into useful substances with the help of:


8 - Biome represents ________.

A large ecological region characterised by similar vegetation and climate

9 - Biospheric ecosystem consist of two major components e.g.

Biome and Habitat Component

10 - Bishkek's old name is:


11 - Black cotton soil of the Deccan region of India is associated with ________ rocks.

Volcanic rocks

12 - Black forest is found in


13 - 'Black Gold' refers to


14 - Black soil derived from volcanic rocks with humus is suitable for growing


15 - Black soil is favourable for cultivation of-


16 - Black soil is formed due to ________ :

Eruption of volcanoes

17 - Black soils are ideal for cultivation of cotton as

They can retain moisture

18 - 'Blight' the disease of potato can be cured by

Bordeaux mixture

19 - Blizzards are more frequent in

Antarctic region

20 - Blue Mountain (peak) is located in ________.


21 - BOAC' is the airline of :


22 - Boll-Weevil is a pest that attack the ________ crop.


23 - Bore is caused by:

Rising tide with meeting river currents

24 - Borobudur in Java is famous for

ABuddhist Temple

25 - Boswash is a __________ :

Super City in USA

26 - Botswana was formerly known as


27 - Boundaries between different states are shown in _______ :

Political Map

28 - Bowl shaped depression created as a result of glacial erosion high on a mountain side is called ________


29 - Brazil has become the world's largest producer of coffee mainly because ________

The "terra-rosa" soil is very fertile

30 - Brazil's parliament is:

National Congress

31 - Breaking down of rock in situ is known as ________


32 - Bridgmanite is

Earth's most abundant mineral

33 - Bristol' is the seaport of:


34 - British Airways' is the airline of :


35 - BSS' is the news agency of:


36 - BT seed is related to


37 - Budapest is situated on the bank of the river


38 - Buenos Aires" is the seaport of:


39 - Burkina Faso is the new name of ________ Republic.

Upper Volta

40 - Burkina Faso is the new name of:

Upper Volta

41 - By 2030, 80% of the total urban population will be in _______ countries:


42 - By December 2008 ________ % of world population will be urban:


43 - By what name is India's eastern coast known?

Coromandel Coast

44 - By what name is the Ganga known in Bangladesh?


45 - By what name the Third World Countries are now commonly referred to?

Developing countries

46 - Calcutta is situated on the bank of ________ river:


47 - Caldera is a feature associated with ________


48 - Canada is the ________ largest country of the world:


49 - Canal irrigation is most important in the Northern Plains of India because ________

The sources of canals are perennial rivers

50 - Canals serve as passage of communication in the city of ________ in Italy.


51 - Cape Town" is the seaport of:

South Africa

52 - Carbonaceous rocks which produce coal and of belong to the category of rocks called


53 - Cardiff' is the seaport of:


54 - Caribbean is a large gulf of western Atlantic, which region is bordered by Caribbean Sea?

Central America and North America

55 - Cathy Pacific' is the airline of :

Hong Kong

56 - Caucasian people account for ________ per cent of world population.


57 - Cavacasian countries include:

None of these

58 - Cement industry is generally known as:

Source of raw material

59 - Central and western part of California experience climate ________


60 - Central place theory was given by _________ :


61 - CFC" is continuously destroying the ____ layer:

Ozone layer

62 - CGWB stands for:

Central Ground Water Board

63 - Ch de Gaulle' is the airport of :


64 - Chad is in which part of Africa?


65 - Chad's city N'Djamena is the new name of:

Fort Lamy

66 - Chaklala' is the airport of :


67 - Chamberlain is a beautiful waterfall located in:


68 - Chandra and Bhaga the two streams join to form ________ river.


69 - Chang Jiang is the longest river of Asia flows in:


70 - Chemical composition of rock does not change in:

Mechanical/Physical weathering

71 - Chemical weathering includes ________

Solution, oxidation and reduction

72 - Chemical weathering is a name given to

Chemical interaction of oxygen, carbon dioxide or water with the minerals in the rocks

73 - Chennai receives less rainfall by South-West Monsoon than other places, because

Above all

74 - Cherapunji receives more rainfall than Shillong because ________

The air of different densities and temperature tends to converge towards Cherapunji from different direction during the rainy season

75 - Chhota Nagpur plateau is called the heart of industrial India because it is ________

Rich in minerals and power fuels

76 - Chicago, one of world's largest steel centres, is located on the southern tip of the lake.


77 - Chihuuahuan desert is located in:


78 - Chihuuahuan desert is:


79 - China is the largest ______ of wheat in the world:

Both (a) and (b)

80 - China type of climate prevails in ________

Central China, North China and Southern Japan

81 - China's parliament is:

National People's Congress

82 - Chipko Andolan is related to whom?

Conservation of Forests

83 - Chitagong' is the seaport of:


84 - Choose the correct option with the correct sequence of the layers of atmosphere

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere,Exosphere

85 - Choose the correct statement about Sedimentary rocks ________

These rocks have been deposited in layers

86 - Choose the crops which were cropped by using high yielding seeds in India during Green Revolution?

Rice, wheat, jowar, millet and maize

87 - Choose the incorrect statement

The Sun's rays are vertical at all places on the days of the equinoxes

88 - Choose the incorrect statement ________

Absolute humidity is expressed in grams per cubic metre of air

89 - Cinder cones are built from lava fragments called:


90 - Cinder cones are chiefly formed by:

Strombolian Euroption

91 - Cinder cones' example is:

Paricufin in Mexico

92 - Civilization started in _______ for the first time:


93 - Clack soil is formed due to _________ :


94 - Clay ________ water to perculate as compared to other type of soils:


95 - Climate change resulting in the rise of temperature may benefit which of the countries/regions?

Russia and Northern Europe

96 - 'Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people used to be nomadic hoarders'. For which region is this statement correct?

Central Asian Steppes

97 - Cloud burst means ________

Abnormally heavy downpour of rain, associated with a thunderstorm

98 - Cloudiness is shown by ______ :


99 - Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds

Reflect back the heat given off by earth

100 - CNS' is the news agency of:


101 - Coal is an example of

Sedimentary rocks

102 - Coal, which is almost pure carbons which hardly has any impurities, which is smokeless and which finds use in the steel industry is called

Coking coal

103 - Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa often face natural disasters due to ________


104 - Coastline formed by a drowned river mouth is a


105 - Cocos and Rivera, both are ____.

Oceanic crust plates

106 - Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are

Fish varieties

107 - Cold currents have cooling effect on the shore of ________


108 - Collective Farm of Ukraine is also known as


109 - Colorado in U.S.A is famous for this landform ________

Grand Canyon

110 - Colorado is a river flows in:


111 - Comets are celestial bodies moving about the solar system in

Elliptical orbits usually accompanied by a long shining tail

112 - Comets are celestial bodies moving around the solar system in:

Eliptical or hyperbolical orbits, usually accompanied by a shinning tail

113 - Comets moves around the


114 - Comets revolve around

The Sun

115 - Comets revolve around ________


116 - Comets revolved around:


117 - Commercial sources of energy purely consist of

Power, coal, oil, gas, hydro-electricity and uranium

118 - Compared to other slopes in the northern hemisphere which is the warmest?

South facing

119 - Composite volcanoes are also known as:


120 - Composite volcanoes usually erupt in explosive way as, when the viscuss magma rise to a surface it usually cbqs the _____ so in the result _____ will increase resulting in an explosive eruption:

Crater pipe, pressure

121 - Concept of environmental determinism was given by _______ :

Both (a) and (b)

122 - Condensation is a process which occurs when

Relative humidity becomes 100% and more

123 - Condensation occurs when

The air is cold

124 - Congo is a famous river located in:


125 - Congonhas' is the airport of :


126 - Coniferous forests are in the region of ________

Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year

127 - Consider the following astral bodies: (1) Sirius (2) Venus (3) MarsThe correct sequence in decreasing order of their brightness is

2, 1, 3

128 - Consider the following cities: 1. Bhatinda 2. Jamnagar 3. Mangalore. Which of the above has/have oil refineries?

2 and 3

129 - Consider the following countries: 1. Algeria 2. Morocco 3. Mauritania. Which of these borders is/are the Mediterranean Sea?

1 and 2

130 - Consider the following crops: 1. Cotton 2. Groundnut 3. Maize 4. Mustard. Which of the above are the Kharif crops?

1, 2 and 3

131 - Consider the following mountain ranges: 1. Ladakh Range 2. Karakoram 3. Greater Himalayas 4. Zanskar Range What is the correct sequence of these from south to north?

3, 4, 1, 2

132 - Consider the following pairs: a. Chambal - Narmada, b. Son - Yamuna, c. Manas - Brahmaputra. Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched

c only

133 - Consider the following pairs: Tributary River Main River : 1. Chambal Narmada 2. Sone Yamuna 3. Manas Brahmaputra. Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?

3 only

134 - Consider the following percentages regarding the world's water resources: (1) Oceans and lakes - 95% (2) Frozen as ice - 4% (3) For man's use - 1%. Which of the above are correct percentages?

1, 2 and 3

135 - Consider the following problems being faced by the Indian Coal Industry : I. Poor quality of coal and bottlenecks in the coal movement II. Low utilisation capacity of washeries III. Growing dependence on the import of coking coal IV. Administered prices

I, II, III and IV

136 - Consider the following railway zones: 1. North-Eastern Railway 2. Central Railway 3. North-Western Railway 4. South-Eastern Railway. Which one of the following is the correct order of locations of the headquarters of the above railway zones from west to


137 - Consider the following rivers: 1. Betwa 2. Kosi 3. Gandak. Which of the above joint(s) Yamuna river?

1 only

138 - Consider the following rivers: 1. Ganga 2. Brahmaputra 3. Godavari 4. Krishna, Which of these rivers build a common delta?

1 and 2

139 - Consider the following seaports ________ . 1. Chennai 2. Machilipattinam 3. Nagapattinam 4. Tuticorin The correct sequence of these ports as one moves from north to south is ________

2, 1, 3, 4

140 - Consider the following statement and identify with the help of the code the tree with which the statement is related to? The branches of this tree root themselves like new trees over a large area. The roots then give rise to more trunks and branches. Beca


141 - Consider the following statements : (1) Greenland is an overseas territory of France. (2) Bermuda, an overseas territory of UK, is situated in Western Atlantic. (3) State of Bahrain is situated in the Persian Gulf. Which of these statements is/are correc

2 and 3

142 - Consider the following statements : I. Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest National Park of India. II. It was one of the nine Tiger Reserves created at the launch of the Project Tiger in 1973. III. Initially it was named as 'Haile National Park'.Which

I, II and III

143 - Consider the following statements- 1.NTPC has entered in the area of hydro-power, 2.Power Grid Corporation has entered in TelecomIndustry,Which of the above statement is correct?

1 and 2

144 - Consider the following statements about anticyclones: 1. The winds are divergent, and spiral out from the centre of high pressure 2. The air moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in Southern Hemisphere 3. It is accompanied by heavy

2 and 4

145 - Consider the following statements about rocks: (1) Shale becomes slate through metamorphosis. (2) Shale is converted to slate when it is subjected to tremendous pressure and high temperature.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Both 1 and 2

146 - Consider the following statements about the 'Roaring Forties': 1. They blow uninterrupted in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres 2. They blow with great strength and constancy 3. Their direction is generally from North-West to East in the Southern Hemis

2, 3 and 4

147 - Consider the following statements associated with Mediterranean climate: 1. It is so named because it occurs extensively in the periphery of Mediterranean sea. 2. These lands are exposed to hot, dry, land winds during the summer months. 3. The seasonal ra

1, 2 and 3

148 - Consider the following statements concerning United Arab Emirates: 1. Oman is one of the seven Emirates which form the United Arab Emirates. 2. Dubai is the capital of United Arab Emirates. 3. Fishing and tourism are the key industries of United Arab Emir

3 only

149 - Consider the following statements regarding general characteristics associated with tropical cyclones (1) Tropical cyclones move with very low velocity over the oceans but become strong while moving over the land areas. (2) They are confined to a particul

2 only

150 - Consider the following statements regarding the distribution and pattern of isotherms 1. In the northern hemisphere, isotherms bend sharply equator-ward over the continents during winter. 2. Temperature gradients are greater in summer than in winter in th

1 only

151 - Consider the following statements: 1. Cherrapunji is located on the south side of Garo hills. 2. Cherrapunji is about 1700 m above mean sea level. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Both 1 and 2

152 - Consider the following statements: 1. Germany and America are the two largest producers of wind-power 2. America has nuclear energy generation capacity of around 100,000 MW 3. America has more nuclear reactors than any other country in the world. Which

1, 2 and 3

153 - Consider the following statements: 1. Rainfall in the doldrums is of convectional nature. 2. Convectional rainfall is highly localized and is associated with minimum cloudiness. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

154 - Consider the following statements: (1) A hurricane acquires its spin from the Coriolis effect. (2) The diameter of the hurricane decreases as it moves away from low latitudes. (3) The diameter of a hurricane is never below 150 km. Which of the statements

1 and 3 only

155 - Consider the following statements: (1) Bermuda situated in Western Atlantic Ocean is a United Kingdom Overseas Territory. (2) 38th Parallel divided boundary between North and South Vietnam before unification (3) Bahamas situated near Florida is one of the

Only 1

156 - Consider the following statements: (1) Falkland Islands are situated in Pacific Ocean (2) Red Sea separates Sudan from Egypt. (3) England, Norway, Denmark surround North Sea. Which of these statements is/are correct?

3 only

157 - Consider the following statements: (1) Mistral is a cold wind blowing in North America. (2) Sirocco is a hot dry wind blowing across the North African coast. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

2 only

158 - Consider the following statements: (1) Nearly 99 percent of the total mass of the atmosphere lies within 30 km of the Earth's surface. (2) The proportion of ozone in the atmosphere increases to a maximum at about 60 km from Earth's surface.Which of the st

1 only

159 - Consider the following statements: (1) On the planet Earth, the fresh water available for use amounts to about less than 1% of the total water found. (2) Of the total fresh water found on the planet Earth, 95% is bound up in polar ice caps and glaciers. W

Neither 1 nor 2

160 - Consider the following statements: (1) Temperature of surface water is comparatively higher in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. (2) The isotherms in the southern hemisphere are not regular and do not follow the latitudes while they

1 only

161 - Consider the following statements: (1) The acid lava usually melts at a relatively higher temperature as compared to basic (basaltic) lava. (2) The acid lava solidifies into glass-like sheets and the basaltic lava solidifies into rough surfaces.Which of t

Both 1 and 2

162 - Consider the following statements: (1) The albedo of an object determines its visual brightness when viewed with reflected light. (2) The albedo of Mercury is much greater than the albedo of the Earth.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

163 - Consider the following statements: (1) The annual range of temperature is greater in the Pacific Ocean than that in the Atlantic Ocean. (2) The annual range of temperature is greater in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere. Which o

2 only

164 - Consider the following statements: (1) The Benguela current had its influence in the formation of Kalahari Desert. (2) The Agulhas current has its influence in the formation of Thar Desert. (3) The currents of Northern Indian Ocean change their course of

1 and 3 only

165 - Consider the following statements: (1) The monsoon climate is found in Northern Australia. (2) The China type climate is found in Argentina. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

2 only

166 - Consider the following statements: (1) The variation in an average annual range of temperature at 15° latitude of Southern Hemisphere is much less than that at 15° latitude of Northern Hemisphere. (2) At latitudes poleward of 35° the incoming radiation

1 only

167 - Consider the following statements: (1) Troposphere varies in its thickness between equator and poles. (2) Stratosphere does not experience Normal Lapse Rate. (3) Ozone layer occurs in the Mesophere. (4) Ionosphere lies between Stratosphere and Mesosphere

1 and 2

168 - Consider the following statements: 1. Balaghat is known for its diamond mines. 2. Majhgawan is known for its manganese deposits. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Neither 1 nor 2

169 - Consider the following statements: 1. Biodiversity hotspots are located only in tropical regions. 2. India has four biodiversity hotspots, i.e., Eastern Himalayas, Western Himalayas, Western Ghats and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Which of the statements g

Neither 1 nor 2

170 - Consider the following statements: 1. Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower latitudes as compared to the higher latitudes, 2. Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity is normally greater in the lower altitudes as compared to the higher altitudes

Both I and 2

171 - Consider the following statements: 1. Chikmagalur is well-known for sugar production. 2. Mandya is well-known as a coffee-producing region. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Neither 1 nor 2

172 - Consider the following statements: 1. Either of the two belts over the oceans at about 30° to 35° N and S Latitudes is known as Horse Latitude. 2. Horse latitudes are low pressure belts. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

173 - Consider the following statements: 1. Gondwana coal is a laminated, bituminous coal. 2. Gondwana coal is completely free from moisture, sulphur and phosphorus. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

174 - Consider the following statements: 1. In India, Red Panda is naturally found in the Western Himalayas only. 2. In India, Slow Loris lives in the dense forests of the North East. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

2 only

175 - Consider the following statements: 1. In the tropical rainforest of Brazil, the average diurnal range of temperature is much greater than the average annual range of temperature. 2. In the humid subtropical climate of Kyushu island of Japan, the rainfall

Both 1 and 2

176 - Consider the following statements: 1. India is the original home of the cotton plant. 2. India is the first country in the world to develop hybrid cotton variety leading to increased production.Which of these statements is/are correct ?

Both 1 and 2

177 - Consider the following statements: 1. India ranks first in the world in fruit production. 2. India ranks second in the world in the export of tobacco.Which of these statements is/are correct?

Both 1 and 2

178 - Consider the following statements: 1. Longitude of Jabalpur's location is between those of Indore and Bhopal 2. Latitude of Aurangabad's location is between those of Vadodara and Pune. 3. Bangalore is situated more southward than Chennai.

2 and 3

179 - Consider the following statements: 1. Tamil Nadu is the only area which receives about half of its rainfall from north-east monsoon winds. 2. Kerala is the only state receiving very heavy rainfall from the south-west monsoon winds. 3. In India, the south-

1, 2 and 3

180 - Consider the following statements: 1. The boundaries of a National Park are defined by legislation. 2. A Biosphere Reserve is declared to conserve a few specific species of flora and fauna. 3. In a Wildlife Sanctuary, limited biotic interference is permit

1 and 3 only

181 - Consider the following statements: 1. The movement of the isotherms is greater over the land than it is over the oceans. 2. Coastal regions have a smaller range of temperature than do continental interiors. Which of these statements is/are correct ?

Both 1 and 2

182 - Consider the following statements: 1. The south-west monsoon causes heavy rainfall in the Shillong plateau. 2. The north-east monsoon causes the rainfall over Orissa coast during winter. Which of these statements is/are correct ?

1 only

183 - Consider the following statements: 1. Tides are of great help in navigation and fishing 2. High tide enables big ships to enter or leave the harbour safely 3. Tide prevents siltation in the harbours 4. Kandla and Diamond Harbour are tidal ports Which of t

1, 2, 3 and 4

184 - Consider the following statements: 1. Tropical cyclones have circular isobars. 2. Tropical cyclones originate entirely within the tropical air mass. 3. The intensity and magnitude of hurricanes generally exceed those of typhoons. 4. Tropical cyclones are

1, 2 and 4

185 - Consider the following statements: I. Suez Canal is an important link between developed countries and developing countries. II. It joins the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez III. It is not a sea level canal. Which of the statement given above is/a

I and II

186 - Consider the following: 1. Mahadeo Hills 2. Sahyadri Parvat 3. Satpura Range What is the correct sequence of the above from the north of the south?

1, 3, 2

187 - Consider the following: 1. Chilika Lake 2. Pulicat Lake 3. Vembanad Lake. Which of the above is/are lagoon(s)?

1, 2 and 3

188 - Considering the location of mountains in India which one of the following is in right sequence from south to north?

Dodabetta, Vindhyachal, Dhaulagiri, Kailash

189 - Continental crust accounts only about ______ of the earth's global surface.


190 - Continental crust consists of _______ rocks.


191 - Continents have drifted apart because of ________

Tectonic activities

192 - Contours' are lines connecting places having ________

Equal height

193 - Contours are lines showing

Places on earth at the same altitude

194 - Cooperative farming is well-developed in: I. Denmark II. Belgium III. Russia IV. Sweden

I, II and IV

195 - Copper alloys with tin to give


196 - Coral reefs are formed by ________

Tiny colonial marine animals which construct limestone skeleton material

197 - Core has a pressure of ______ times greater than the atmospheric pressure ______ billion.


198 - Cork is chiefly produced in ________

Cadiz (Spain)

199 - Correct pair of the state and its capital is

Jharkhand - Ranchi

200 - Corsica Island is related to

Napoleon Bonaparte

201 - Cotopaxi, the highest volcano in the world is situated in


202 - Cotton in India grows best on:

Black Soil

203 - Cotton requires __________ soil and frost free climate for cultivation:


204 - Countries favourably influenced by Westerlies are ________

All of these

205 - Country peopled almost by migration is


206 - Creep movements become faster on:

Both (b) & (c)

207 - Critical criteria for the location of an aluminium plant in India are the availability of bauxite and ________


208 - Crop rotation refers to ________

Growing different crops in succession

209 - Crude oil is generally found in

Sedimentary rocks

210 - CSTK' is the news agency of:


211 - Cuba is an island located in:

Caribbean Sea

212 - Cuba is situated in _______ Sea:


213 - Cuban economy is based on

Sugarcane cultivation

214 - Cuba's parliament is:

National Assembly of People's Power

215 - Cultivation of rice demands at least ________ inches of rain fall:


216 - Cut off loops of rivers are known as

Oxbow lake

217 - Cyclone is a system of wind blowing ________

Spirally towards low pressure region

218 - Cyclones are called as hurricanes in

Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

219 - Cyprus's parliament is:

House of Representatives

220 - Czechoslovakia's parliament is:

Federal Assembly

221 - Damascus is the capital of


222 - Dammam' is the seaport of:

Saudi Arabia

223 - Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is in which state?


224 - Darling is the name of:


225 - Darling Murray is the river of longest one:


226 - Darwin's book 'Origin of Species' was published in ______ :


227 - Day and night are formed

Due to the speed of rotaion

228 - Days and nights are caused by :(1) rotation of the earth on its axis (2) revolution of the earth around the sun (3) inclination of the earth's axis

Only 1 is correct

229 - Days and nights are caused by:

Rotation of the earth on its axis

230 - Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when sun is above:


231 - Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above:


232 - D-Day is:

A day on which something important to happen

233 - Deapest point in sea is Mariana Trench in ______ Ocean:


234 - Death Valley in California (USA) is famous for:

Hottest area

235 - Death Valley is in


236 - Decaying vegetation produces organic acids which causes a breakdown of minerals. This is ________

Chemical weathering

237 - Deciduous trees

Lose their leaves every year

238 - Deciduous trees are those ________

That shed their leaves during a certain season

239 - Deforestation results in : 1. flora destruction 2. fauna destruction 3. ecological disbalance

1, 2 and 3

240 - Delhi gets winter rainfall due to

Western distubances

241 - Deliquescence rises in

Warm, Moist and Airy Condition

242 - Deltas are formed where the shores are free of

Hard rocks

243 - Density of the Earth's atmosphere is highest in the


244 - Depositional work of glaciers along the sides of it is known as ________ :


245 - Desert building can be prevented by

Forming Protective Belts

246 - Desert Tatlamakan is situated in _______ :


247 - Deserts such as Sahara are generally found between 20° and 30° latitudes in western parts of the continents. This is because these regions ________

Have offshore winds throughout the year

248 - Dew point is ________

A temperature at which a given sample of air becomes saturated

249 - Dharan, Abquiq , Quatif, Ain Dar, Ghawar and Safanija are the chief oil fields (petroleum regions) located in:

Saudi Arabia

250 - Dhaulagiri peak in the Himalayan Range is located in


251 - Diamond mines are found in

Panna, Madhya Pradesh

252 - Diego Garcia is

A river in S. America

253 - Diego Garcia is in ________

Indian Ocean

254 - Diego Garcia is US military base in _________ :

Indian Ocean

255 - Dip of rock is always:

At right angle to strike

256 - Distances on earth are measured in 'statute miles' whereas in the sea they are measured in 'nautical miles' because

There are no milestones in the sea

257 - Diu is an Island

Besides Gujarat

258 - Dogger Bank, Rockfall Bank, Wales Bank and Sand Bank are located in

North East Atlantic

259 - Doha' is the seaport of:


260 - Doldrum is an area of ________.

Low pressure

261 - Doldrums are ________

Equatorial zone with low pressure

262 - Doldrums are belts of low atmospheric pressure obtained in the regions adjoining the equator to a distance of ________

5 degree latitude towards north and south

263 - Doldrums is/are

Low pressure belt of calm and light surface winds near the Equator

264 - Doldrums pressure belts lies in between which of the following latitudes?

5°N to 5°S

265 - Dolomite is a/an

Sedimentary rock

266 - Dolomite:

Calcium magnesium carbonate

267 - Domestication of Plants and animals is known as _________:


268 - Dorval' is the airport of :


269 - Dr. Waldimir Koppen - the great climatologist of Austria suggested in his new scheme of climatic classification:

Five major types of climate.

270 - Dry farming in India is extensively practised in

Deccan Plateau

271 - Dry summers great sunshine and rainy winters are characteristics of which of the following types of climates?


272 - Dry winds (Harmattan) blows in Sahara Desert from

East to West

273 - Due to gravity, acceleration at the Equator is

Less than acceleration on poles

274 - Dul Hasti Project and Salal project are located at:

River Chenab

275 - Dum Dum' is the airport of :


276 - Duncan passage is located between

South and Little Andaman

277 - Duncan Passage is situated between ________

South Andaman and Little Andaman

278 - Durand line is the border common to which two countries?

Pakistan and Afghanistan

279 - During Lunar eclipse, which of the following is at the centre?


280 - During the early period of Industrial Revolution industries were located primarily

Near coal fields

281 - During the monsoon season rainfall decreases from the Ganga delta to the Punjab plains. It is because ________

Monsoon current moves westward along the Ganga plain and becomes drier

282 - During the period of ________ , the production of food crops specially wheat increased very sharply


283 - During the South-West Monsoon, Tamil Nadu remains dry because

It is located in rain shadow area

284 - Dwellings are of _______ types:


285 - Ear rot is a disease which Infects


286 - Earth flows normally take place:

In humid regions

287 - Earth Quakes are most frequent in the zone:

Pacific ocean

288 - Earthquake can also cause:

Volcanic eruption

289 - Earthquake of October 2005 was due to ______ of two plates:

None of these

290 - Earthquake of Quetta was due to _______ of Indo-Australian and Iranian plate:


291 - Earthquake waves _______ in velocity upon entering the mentle.


292 - Earthquakes and volcanoes occur mostly in ________

Folded and faulted region

293 - Earthquakes and volcanoes occur mostly in:

Folded and faulted region

294 - Earthquakes are caused by:

Eruption of volcanoes

295 - Earthquakes are caused by:

Tectonic plates below the earth surface

296 - Earthquakes can also produce by:

All of them

297 - Earthquakes occur due to ________

Movement of plates of earth, which float on the hot volcanic mantle below the earth's surface

298 - Earthquakes occur frequently in

All of the above

299 - Earthquakes occur frequently in ________

All of the above areas

300 - Earthquakes rarely occur in ________


301 - Earthquakes waves are of two types namely:

Body waves and surface waves

302 - East African Valleys stretching from East Africa through Red Sea to Syria is an example of

Rift valley system

303 - East Timor was the _______ country of UNO:


304 - Economic trade centers and their associated types of trade are shown in _________ :

Economic and Commercial Map

305 - Economically exploitable gypsum occurs in


306 - Economically exploitable lignite occurs in

Tamil Nadu

307 - Economically the most important forests of India are

Tropical deciduous forest

308 - Economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on ________


309 - Edible crops include

Foodgrains, Pulses, Oilseeds

310 - Elbe is a famous river located in:


311 - Emirates' is the airline of :


312 - ENA' is the news agency of:


313 - Equator is

Imaginary line which rotates around the Earth

314 - Equator represents

Imaginary line passing round the Earth

315 - Equinox occurs when the Sun is vertically above


316 - Erosion of soil by a river mainly depends upon ________

Its speed at which it flows

317 - Erratics are formed due to _______ work of glacier:


318 - Eskimos belong to

Mongoloid race

319 - Ethiopia's parliament is:

National Assembly

320 - Euphrates is a river located in:


321 - European Turkey is separated from its Asian part by

All the above

322 - Evergreen forests are found in

Equatorial region

323 - Everyday the moon rises about ________ minutes later than the previous day


324 - Evidence suggests that life on Earth has existed for about ________.

3.5 billion years

325 - Example of Isthmus is:


326 - Example of shield volcanoes is:

None of these

327 - Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to pollution will cause

Earth's temperature to rise

328 - Excluding Australia, generally treated as a continent, which is the largest island in the world?


329 - Excluding the moon, the celestial object that generally appears bright in the sky is


330 - Exfoliation is a type of:

Physical Weathering

331 - Exposure of rock to the changes of temperature is the cause of ________

Mechanical weathering

332 - EXTEL' is the news agency of:


333 - Extensive agriculture is found in __________ :

U.S.A., Australia, Canada

334 - Extensive deserts occur in the western tropical regions of continents because

Of the effect of both the offshore easterly

335 - Extensive mechanized wheat cultivation is carried out in

Temperate grasslands

336 - Extensive subsistence agriculture is found in:

All of these

337 - Extrusive igneous rocks have

Grains which are not visible

338 - Factory farming is the characteristic of

North-western Europe

339 - Fairy is a beautiful waterfall located in:


340 - Farakka barrage is a major reason for contention between India and ________.


341 - Farakka Barrage was commissioned to ________

Save Kolkata port

342 - Farus desert is located in:


343 - Fertile crescent is _________ :


344 - Fetheer is a beautiful waterfall located in:


345 - FIDES' is the news agency of:

Vatican city

346 - Fiji is a country in the

East Pacific

347 - Find the incorrect pair

Peanut - Bihar

348 - Find the odd

Dead Sea

349 - Find the odd one


350 - Find the odd one


351 - Find the odd one


352 - Find the wrong pair

Periyar National Park - Andhra Pradesh

353 - First Metro Railway was inaugurated in Kolkata:


354 - First national park of India that was established in 1936 was named as

Hailey National Park

355 - First railway line in the world, was laid in ________

North-East England

356 - First wave of urbanization started in ________ :


357 - Fish farming is practised in


358 - Fishing grounds are concentrated in the high latitudes. The reasons are: (1) great length of indented coastline (2) extensive continental shelves (3) water temperatures lower than 20°C (4) sparse population

1, 2 and 3

359 - Fjords abound the coast of


360 - Fjords are usually found in:

Both (a) and (b)

361 - Foehn is a local wind of ________.


362 - Fog can be classified as a

Low Stratus cloud

363 - Fog is an Example of

Gas in dispersed liquid

364 - Fog is common around Newfoundland coast because ________

Warm and cold currents meet

365 - Fog, clouds, mist are examples of ________.


366 - Fogs formed along, the sea-coast are due to ________


367 - Fold mountains are formed due to forces born out of


368 - Folding is the result of

Orogenetic force

369 - Following are the characteristics of an area in India: (a) Hot and humid climate (b) Annual rainfall 200 cm (c) Hill slopes up to an altitude of 1100 metres (d) Annual range of temperature 15 degree C to 30 degree C Which one among the following crops


370 - Foot and mouth disease is common among

Cattle, goats, sheep and other hoofed animals

371 - For a time difference of two hours, the longitudinal distance will be equal to ________.


372 - For every 108 feet descent bellow the surface of earth temperature rises for ________.


373 - For short-term climatic perdictions, which one of the following events is associated with occasional weak monsoon rains in the Indian sub-continent?

El Nino and Southern Oscillations

374 - For short-term climatic predictions, which one of the following events, detected in the last decade, is associated with occasional weak monsoon rains in the Indian subcontinent?

El Nino and southern oscillations

375 - For the cultivation of which crop is black soil most suitable?


376 - For the first time oil was discovered in ______ in _______ :

1759, USA

377 - For the first time, IRRI was cultivated in ________ :


378 - For the formation of rainfall which of the following is not essential?


379 - For the study of climate which of the following is not relevant?

Flash point

380 - For transporting large quantities of crude oil on land, over long distances the most economical mode is

By pipelines

381 - Forest Research Institute is at


382 - Forest soils are

Rich in organic matter

383 - Formation of a rift valley is due to ________

The forces of tension in the earth's crust

384 - Formation of magma along the bedding plane results in ________


385 - Formation of pot holes in river beds is an example of ________


386 - Fornebu' is the airport of :


387 - Fortworth' is the airport of :


388 - Foucault experiment is proof of which one of the following?

Rotation of Earth

389 - Four of the five most populous countries are also among the five largest countries in the world by area. Which is the fifth largest by area?


390 - Freely moving bodies are ________

Deflected to their right in the northern hemisphere

391 - Friendship Bridge on Oxus river connects:

Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

392 - From east to west, which one of the following sequences of cities of Canada is correct?

Quebec – Montreal - Ottawa -Toronto

393 - From north towards South, which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given rivers in India?

Zaskar - Shyok - Sutlej - Spiti

394 - From of Agriculture in which farmers move from place to place in search of better land is called _______ :

Shifting Cultivation

395 - From West to East, what are the three main island groups in the Pacific called?

Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.

396 - From where does the heat come in the environment?


397 - From which language is the word "Monsoon" derived?


398 - From, the point of view of international trade, Bahrein islands are noted for petroleum and ________

Pearl fishing

399 - Frontal rain is caused by ________

Cyclonic activity

400 - Ganga beyond Farakka when it enters Bangladesh is known as



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