Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 3

1 - Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Cauvery, Narmada, Godavari and Krishna are extensive areas of

Inland fisheries

2 - Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary is located in:


3 - Gatwick' is the airport of :


4 - Geostationary orbit is at a height of:

3600 km

5 - Geothermal energy may serve as an important source of energy in

Ladakh District

6 - Germany's parliament is:


7 - Gersoopa is a beautiful waterfall located in:


8 - Gersoppa waterfall is located in:


9 - Given below are names of four oceans smallest to the biggest in terms of area is: (1) Atlantic (2) Arctic (3) Indian (4) Pacific

2, 3, 1, 4

10 - Given here are four places situated on the banks of the Narmada : 1. Jabalpur 2. Mandla 3. Amarkantak 4. Bharuch. In which order do these places occur from the source of the river to its mouth?

3, 2, 1,4

11 - Glasgow' is the seaport of:


12 - GMT differs from PST. The latter is

5 hours plus GMT

13 - Gobi is the desert of:

Cold winter

14 - Gobson desert is located in:


15 - Godwin Austin is a


16 - Golan Heights belonging to country A was captured by country B. Which of the following A and B respectively?

Syria and Israel

17 - Gold is mined in:


18 - Gold Mines in India are located mainly in


19 - Gold-collars workers fall in:

Quinary Activity

20 - Golden Fibre refers to


21 - Golden Quadrilateral Comprising National Highways connects:


22 - Golden Quadrilateral Project for the development of National Highways was initiated by

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

23 - Gomardha Wildlife Sanctuary is located in:


24 - Gondwana coalfields are found in

Madhya Pradesh

25 - Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar which has the distinction of being the largest man-made lake in Asia, forms part of

Chambal Project

26 - Grand Bank, Sable Bank, Middle Bank and Jeffery Bank are the major fishing grounds of

North West Atlantic

27 - Granite and Basalt are the examples of:

Igneous Rocks

28 - Granite display standing quartzite zone because?

These rocks are resistant to all kinds of erosion

29 - Granite is a:

Plutonic rock

30 - Granite is famous as:

Acid Rock

31 - Grasslands are called Pampas in

South America

32 - Grasslands in Australia are known as the


33 - Grasslands which not support any trees are called ________


34 - Gravitational force is maximum at which of the following place?

At Poles

35 - Gravitic rocks belong to which of the following rock types?


36 - Great Bear is a ________


37 - Great divide range is present in ________ :


38 - Green Hose Effect" means:

Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide

39 - 'Green House Effect' means ________

Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide

40 - Green House Effect means:

Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide

41 - Green Index has been developed by:

United Nations Environment Programme

42 - Green revolution came in __________ :


43 - Green revolution is pertaining to __________ :

Bulk production

44 - Green revolution started in _________ :


45 - Greenland is the largest island of the world. It is an integral part of


46 - Greenwich Mean Tiem (CMT) is the standard time of which of the following countires?


47 - Growing a leguminous crop in rotation

Improves the fertility of the soil

48 - Growing agricultural crops between rows of planted trees is known as

Taungya system

49 - Guernica is

The name of a Basque town in northern Spain

50 - Gujarat is noted for the cultivation of


51 - Gujarat is the largest producer of salt in India because

It has extensive dry coast

52 - Gulf Stream carries:

Warm equatorial water to the western coast of Europe

53 - Gulf Stream, the most important current of the Atlantic Ocean, takes Its birth from the Gulf of Mexico. Its importance lies in its

Warming effect

54 - Guwahati is situated on the bank of the river


55 - Gypsum is found in


56 - Haematite is an ore of


57 - Haindal is a beautiful waterfall located in:


58 - Halim Perdana Kusumah' is the airport of :


59 - Hamburg' is the seaport of:


60 - Hammada is the name given to ________.

A stony desert

61 - Hampi is in


62 - Hanging Valley is very common in

Glaciated areas

63 - Hanging valleys are formed by the action of:

Moving ice

64 - Hazaribagh district in Jharkhand has rich deposits of


65 - HBJ pipeline transports

Natural Gas

66 - Heat gain through insolation and heat loss through terrestrial radiation are equal approximately at which latitude?

40° North and South

67 - Heat received by earth from the sun is known as:


68 - Heathrow' is the airport of :


69 - Heavenly bodies are shown by _______ :

Astronomical Map

70 - Heavy rainfall during the months of October andNovember is received by

Coromandel Coast

71 - Heavy water plants are generally located near

Fertilizer plants

72 - Heligoland is an archipelago of which of the following nations?


73 - Hellenic' is the airport of :


74 - Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are

Fibre crops

75 - Heri Tiera Fomes (sundari tree) is a type of which of the following plants?

Tidal Forest

76 - HHA' is the news agency of:


77 - Hidkal Dam is on the river


78 - High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed all over the year) are the characteristic features of the

Equatorial region

79 - High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed all over the year) are the characteristic features of the ________

Equatorial region

80 - High tides occur when

The earth, the moon and the sun are in a straight line (the moon being in the middle)

81 - Highest birth rate is found in _________ :


82 - Highest mountain of Europe is:


83 - Highest Mountain of North America:

Mount Michenly

84 - Highest Mountain of South America:


85 - Highest peak of the world is _________:

Mount Everest

86 - Highest percentage of carbon is found in which form of coal?


87 - Highest point of South Asia is _________ :

None of these

88 - Highest population growth rate can be observed in __________:

Middle Eat

89 - Himalayan mountain range falls under which type of mountains?

Fold Mountain

90 - HINA' is the news agency of:


91 - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is in


92 - Hindustan Machine Tools has its factories at

All the three places above

93 - HMT industries are set up at

All of the above

94 - Hokkaido is located in:

Sea of Japan-Pacific

95 - Honolulu' is the seaport of:


96 - Horizontal transfer of heat is known as


97 - Hormoz strait connects Persian Gulf with ________ :

Aranian Sea

98 - Horse Latitude is a belt between the

40° - 60° S Lat

99 - Hotspot volcano is also found else where is the solar system especially on:

Rocky planets and moons

100 - Hotspot volcanoes can be found on the islands like:


101 - How are alluvial plains formed?

By rivers depositing their sand and silt on the land during floods.

102 - How are heights of land expressed?

In feet or metres above the sea level.

103 - How are the caves of the world's greatest fold mountains formed?

Compressional movement

104 - How can soil erosion be controlled on hill slopes?

Linear contour ploughing

105 - How can the classification of climate based region be done

Distance from Equator

106 - How do dust storms in summer affect the temperature?

Decrease it

107 - How do the Central Asian highlands affect the Indian climate?

The atmospheric pressure in this region has an impact on the onset of monsoon in India

108 - How do the western disturbances affect the crops in north India?

They are beneficial to the crops by causing winter rain

109 - How is density of population usually heasured?

Persons per sq. km.

110 - How many continents are in the earth:


111 - How many days in one year on mercury?


112 - How many degrees north and south are the Tropics?

47 degrees

113 - How many Earthquakes caused more than one million causalities?


114 - How many Indian states share their boundaries with Nepal?


115 - How many islands are there in Lakshadweep?


116 - How many lines of latitude are there on the globe?


117 - How many major ports are there on the east coast of India?


118 - How many people were died in East China's Earth Quake?


119 - How many ports are there in India?


120 - How many principal planets are there in the Solar System?


121 - How many satellites does the largest planet have?


122 - How many States and Union Territories are there in India?

28 States and 9 Union territories (including National capital territory-1)

123 - How many time zones has the world been divided into?


124 - How many times does the Earth move round the Sun in a year?


125 - How many years does Pluto take in revolving around the sun?

248 years

126 - How much is the difference of time between any two consecutive longitudes?

4 minutes

127 - How much part of Earth's surface is desert?


128 - How old is Earth, It is decided by which of the following processes?

Radiometric Dating

129 - How would you increase the yield of maize crop?

Evolve high yielding varieties of seeds to suit different agroclimatic regions

130 - Huang Ilo is also called:

Yellow River

131 - Huge congregation of stars that are held together by the force of ggravity are known as:


132 - Humidity in the air is measured in a


133 - Hurricanes are

Tropical cyclones of the West Indies

134 - Hurricanes or typhoons (tropical cyclones) develop and mature

Over water bodies only

135 - Hyderabad (in Telangana) is located on the bank:

Musi River

136 - HYV is also known ________ in India.

New agricultural policy

137 - I.R.20 is a high yielding variety of which of the following


138 - ICF (Integral Coach Factory) is at


139 - Identify from the following states of India through which the Tropic of Cancer passes and arrange them from east to west: (1) Gujarat (2) West Bengal (3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Jharkhand (5) Madhya Pradesh (6) Bihar (7) Chhattisgarh


140 - Identify the biggest island:


141 - Identify the correct descending order of production of wood pulp of the following countries: 1. USA 2. Sweden 3. Japan 4. Canada

2, 4, 1, 3

142 - Identify the famous strait located in Mediterranean Sea?

Strait of Gibraltar

143 - Identify the largest sea:

Mediterranean Sea

144 - Identify the largest strait of the world:

Malacca strait

145 - Identify the world largest city (in area):

New York

146 - Identify the World smallest state by population:

Vatican City

147 - If a place is located at 20°N, 80°E in which of the following continents does it lie?


148 - If a solar eclipse occurs when the moon is quite far from the earth, the eclipse would likely to be ________


149 - If a truck has to carry goods from Delhi to Bhopal via Gwalior, by National Highways (NH) following the shortest route, which one of the following groups of National Highways it has to go by ?

NH 2, NH 3, NH 12

150 - If all the plants of the World die, all the animals will also die due to shortage of:


151 - If an earthquake occurs at 0 degree P and S waves are recorded everywhere to ______ degrees from its source.


152 - If I wanted to reach the South Atlantic from the South Pacific while touching South America, I would have to use

Magellan Straits

153 - If India adopts two time zones based on 75°E meridian for western India and 90°E meridian for eastern India, which one among the following states of eastern India will be benefitted most?


154 - If it is 4 P.M. on Monday at 150°W, what will be the time at 150°E ?

12 Noon on Tuesday

155 - If it rains only for two months which of the following will yield maximum crop per hectare?


156 - If J stands for Jupiter, N for Neptune, P for Pluto, S for Saturn, and V for Uranus, the order of the outer-planets from the earth is

J, 5, V, N, P

157 - If one watches a distant ship coming towards the shore through a telescope one first sees

Its mast

158 - If the atmospheric air is cooled because of expansion, the cooling is known as


159 - If the difference in time between two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitude would be:


160 - If the difference in time between, two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitudes would be ________


161 - If the earth's direction of rotation is reversed, what would be the IST when it is noon at the International Date Line?

06.30 hrs

162 - If the original day sediments are subjected to high temperature and pressure, they successively change into rocks, the correct order of which is ________

Shale, Slate, Schist

163 - If the usual rule of calculation of time were applied for the extremes of Gujrat and Arunachal Pradesh, then approximately time ________

At Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by about 2 hours

164 - If there is no Sun, the colour of the sky would be ________


165 - If there is no sun, the colour of the sky would be:

None of these

166 - If you travel along the Suez Canal from Port Said to Suez, you will come across several lakes. Which of the following lakes is not on this Canal?

Lake Gatun

167 - Igneous rocks are formed from molten rock material. Which one of the following is not an igneous rock?


168 - Igneous rocks are said to be acidic when they contain high proportion of ________


169 - Ilalley's comet appears once in a period of:

76 years

170 - Imaginary lines connecting places in oceans having equal salinity are called


171 - In "Zargos Mts Range" Seismic zone is due to ______ of Iranian and Arabic Plate:


172 - In ________ forest, trees shed their leaves in a particular season.


173 - In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered four moons of which planet?


174 - In 1947 Pakistan's total population was 32 million out which _______ % was urban:


175 - In 1947 population of Karachi was ___________ :


176 - In 1980 AD only _______ % of the world population was urbanized:


177 - In 1980, just 200 years ago 100 Agrarian people could hardly produced surplus food for _______ people:


178 - In 1990 India ratified the world Heritage Convention of 1977 identifying four natural sites of outstanding universal value namely:

All of these

179 - In an area with more than 200 cm annual rainfall and slopy hills, which of the following crops can be cultivated best?


180 - In an artesian well, in what order the rock-layer are generally found? (from bottom to surface)

Non-permeable, permeable and non-permeable

181 - In ancient times the name Ratnakar denote

Arabian Sea

182 - In Asia, five important rivers drain into inland seas:

None of these

183 - In astrophysics, what is the name of hole in outer space which emits stars and energy?

White Hole

184 - In Basin accumulated ice turns hard known as:

Both (a) and (b)

185 - In both the hemispheres the trade winds blow towards the


186 - In Britain the Grand Union Canal is running from

West Midlands to the London area

187 - In context of population, which of the following describes the correct meaning of "Sex-Ratio"

Number of females per 1000 males

188 - In demographic features, India is sorted out in which of the following stage of population cycle?

Late expanding stage

189 - In due course of time the meander loop cuts off from the river and forms a cutoff lake, also called an ________ lake.


190 - In Ease Asia, the earth quake that cost the largest no. of lives, happened in:


191 - In Germany the Mittle Land Canal runs from the

Rhine to the Oder

192 - In how many parts the shadow of Earth is divided during solar or lunar eclipse?


193 - In how many time zones has the world been divided?


194 - In hydro power station, the motion produced in turbines is due to

Flow of water

195 - In India economically exploitable lignite deposits occur at

Neyveli, Tamil Nadu

196 - In India the most important source of energy is


197 - In India the percentage of population below poverty line is:

Less than 30%

198 - In India the problem of utilisation of agricultural wastes is in

Conversion of cellulose into sugar

199 - In India the State with the largest area under very dense forests is

Arunachal Pradesh

200 - In India the yield per hectare is very low in

Extensive farming

201 - In India, diamonds are found at

Panna (MP)

202 - In India, during the last decade, the total cultivated land for which one of the following crops has remained more or less stagnant?


203 - In India, the Black Revolution is related to the manufacturing of which product?

Crude petroleum

204 - In India, the highest rainfall occurs along:

The West Coast, North-East and hills of Meghalaya.

205 - In India, there are many coal fields found in

Damodar Valley

206 - In India, which type of forest among the following occupies the largest area?

Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest

207 - In Jaitapur, which one of the following power plants is being set up?

Nuclear based

208 - In May-June each year, the monsoon winds approach the southern tip of India from ________

South-westerly direction

209 - In Mid oceanic ridges, the intensity of eqrthquake is:

Less severe

210 - In northeast India,river flows out of the country is


211 - In our country, the Tropic of Cancer passes through the

Central part

212 - In population, high growth rate is a characteristics of

High birth and Low mortality rate

213 - In spite of the very high temperature at the Earth's centre, the inner core is not in a molten state because the

Great pressure at the centre raises the melting point of the rocks

214 - In terms of area, which of the following Indian state has the largest forest cover?

Madhya Pradesh

215 - In terms of money, which spice is exported most from India?

Dry Red Chilli

216 - In Thanjavur delta ________ crop is cultivated three times in a year.


217 - In the agricultural resources, cereals comprise

Rice, wheat, millets

218 - In the Andaman Islands live the


219 - In the atmosphere of the primitive earth there was no ________


220 - In the coastal lowland of Kerala two crops of rice is grown per year because of: 1. high temperature in winter 2. adequate rain throughout the year 3. adequate irrigation facility 4. presence of water retentive clayey loam soil

1 and 2

221 - In the composition of earth, aluminum is:


222 - In the context of exports, which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?

Perth : Rice and corn

223 - In the context of 'time' GMT means

Greenwich Mean Time

224 - In the decreasing order of the length of the rivers, the correct sequence is ________

Brahmaputra - Ganga - Godavari - Narmada

225 - In the earliest days when life originated on earth, the atmosphere contained ________

Oxygen bound to carbon

226 - In the earth's atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure ________

Decreases with height

227 - In the Himalayas the melting or the snow is more on the

Southern slopes

228 - In the history of earthquakes which country was mostly affected by earthquake in Asia?


229 - In the mid-1960's agricultural scientists developed high yielding varieties of ______ :

Rice and Cotton

230 - In the northern hemisphere, currents are deflected to their right due to ________

Coriolis force

231 - In the northern hemisphere, the wind blowing from the Horse latitudes to the Doldrums is called ________

Trade wind

232 - In the north-west, India shares its land boundaries with which country?


233 - In the ocean, water moves horizontally over vest areas due to:

Density difference

234 - In the realm of coal production in the world, India ranks ________


235 - In the transformation of vegetative matter to coal the first product is.


236 - In tropical zone, the temperature is _______ in eastern parts and _________ in the western parts of ocean due to prevailing trade winds:

Less, More

237 - In USA rice is grown

In Texas

238 - In USA, which one of the following regions Receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Wester lies?


239 - In what units is rainfall usually measured in Pakistan?


240 - In which area are Zoroastrians concentrated?


241 - In which country is 'Takla Makan' desert situated?


242 - In which country will you find the river Po?


243 - In which direction is the Tropic of Capricorn in relation to the Equator?


244 - In which form can the cultivable land be defined?

Total fallow land + net sown land

245 - In which layer, temperature increases dramatically?


246 - In which month are the kharif crops sown?


247 - In which movement water plays a crucial role:

Flow movement

248 - In which of the area of India, Non-Irrigated Farming is performed?

Deccan Plateau

249 - In which of the following areas is Konkani spoken as the local language?

Maharashtra and Goa

250 - In which of the following areas of India is there an overlapping plantation of tea and coffee?


251 - In which of the following areas, the "Midnight Sun" can be seen?

Arctic and Antarctica circle

252 - In which of the following cities of India the diurnal range of temperature is maximum?

New Delhi

253 - In which of the following City, Hindustan Machine and Tool Industry is located?


254 - In which of the following countries, has maximum damage to the forest been caused by acid rain?


255 - In which of the following countries, is the ratio of hydroelectric generation to the total electricity generation the highest?


256 - In which of the following country has the maximum population of Muslims?


257 - In which of the following country, the first iron bridge was constructed?


258 - In which of the following crops Uttar Pradesh is not the largest producer in India?


259 - In which of the following grouping of states of India is rubber grown on a commercial scale?

Kerala-Tamil Nadu-Karnataka

260 - In which of the following is knowledge of underlying rocks least essential:

Weather studies

261 - In which of the following places, power is generatedthrough hydro power?


262 - In which of the following places, steel and iron industry was set up with the help of Germany?


263 - In which of the following products has Bangladesh emerged as the main competitor of India in the world market?


264 - In which of the following region, it rains throughout the year?


265 - In which of the following states are the Aravalli mountains located


266 - In which of the following States is Dampa Tiger Reserve situated?


267 - In which of the following states is Rosa Power Plant located?

Uttar Pradesh

268 - In which of the following States is Sambhar lake located?


269 - In which of the following states would you not find Bhils?

Uttar Pradesh

270 - In which of the following states, retreating monsoon has more effect?

Tamil Nadu

271 - In which of the following states, Teesta Urja hydro-power project is proposed to be set up?


272 - In which of the following types of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°C throughout the year?

Tundra Climate

273 - In which of the following units is atmospheric pressure measured?

Kilograms per square metre

274 - In which of the following wild life sanctuary of India, where project of conservation of Rhinos is underway?


275 - In which of the ocean is Sargasso Sea?

Atlantic Ocean

276 - In which one of the following districts, have large reserves of diamond-bearing kimberlite been discovered in the recent past?


277 - In which one of the following is Malta located?

Mediterranean Sea

278 - In which one of the following is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located?

Sutlej valley

279 - In which one of the following oceans is Diamantina Trench situated?

Indian Ocean

280 - In which one of the following places electricity generated from hydel power?


281 - In which one of the following States are Namchik-Namphuk Coalfields located?

Arunachal Pradesh

282 - In which one of the following States, Mangla, Bhagyam and Aishwarya oil fields are located?


283 - In which one of the following Union Territories, people of the Onge tribe live?

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

284 - In which part of Africa, Sahara desert is located?


285 - In which part of India is Dogri spoken?

Jammu and Kashmir

286 - In which part of the world would you find the Veld?

South Africa

287 - In which region China type climate is found?

All of the above

288 - In which river is "Grand canyon"?


289 - In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal maximum?

After summer

290 - In which state is Jog Falls located?


291 - In which state is the Guru Shikhar Peak located?


292 - In which state is the Kanger Ghati National Park?


293 - In which state, Salal Hyro Power Project is located?

Jammu and Kashmir

294 - In which state, the Koyna Hydro-Power Project is located?


295 - In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?


296 - In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found?

Old Igneous

297 - In which type of topography, water recharge pores are found?


298 - In winter the Eskimos of the Tundra region live in


299 - INA' is the news agency of:


300 - Inain is a beautiful waterfall located in:


301 - Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes ________

Rise in earth temperature

302 - India broke away from Australia and Antarctica and started moving north in the period of ________


303 - India conducted its first nuclear explosion at


304 - India established Durgapur, Rourkela and Bhilai steel plants in collaboration with:

Britain, Germany and Russia respectively

305 - India has a land boundary of about ________ km.


306 - India has an endless growing season because

Temperatures throughout the year are favourable for growth of plants

307 - India has eight coastal states but more than half the sea salt is made along the Gujarat coast because

Low rainfall and relative humidity are ideal for the production of salt through evaporation of sea water

308 - India has longest international border with which country?


309 - India has one land-locked and protected port which is at


310 - India has the second largest concentration of tribal people in the world. Which of the following countries is the first in this regard?


311 - India has the world's highest road which connects

Leh and Manali

312 - India is developing Chabahar Port in which of the following countries?


313 - India is divided into:

Nine Postal Zones.

314 - India is particularly poor in reserves of

Non-ferrous metals

315 - India is the largest country in the world


316 - India is the largest producer and consumer of


317 - India is the largest producer and exporter of ?


318 - India is the largest tea producing country in the world. It is grown in which of the following states mainly?


319 - India is the seventh largest country in the world and it covers a total area of approximately ________

3200000 sq. km

320 - India is the seventh largest country in the world and occupies:

2.4% of world area

321 - India lies

Entirely in the northern hemisphere

322 - India mainly exports iron ore to which country?


323 - India provides ideal conditions for air travel because

Its climatic conditions are favourable

324 - India shares its border with China along the Himalayan range. Which of the following states touches the border of China?

Arunachal Pradesh

325 - India shares maximum length of the border with:


326 - Indian desert is known as


327 - Indian monsoon is marked by seasonal shift caused by ________

Differential heating of land and sea

328 - Indian Standard Meridian passes through the states of UP, MP ________

Orissa and AP

329 - Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by

5.30 hours

330 - Indian state known as garden spice is:


331 - Indian subcontinent was mainly a part of


332 - India's biggest super Thermal power station is located In:

Koradi near Nagpur

333 - India's Biosphere Reserve 'Nanda Devi' (UNESCO) is located in which state?


334 - India's first Atomic power plant is:


335 - India's first marine national park is located in:

The Gulf of Mannar

336 - India's first Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange was established in:


337 - India's forest sponge iron plant is at


338 - India's indigenous pigs generally give birth to ________ young ones at a time.

4 to 6

339 - India's latitudinal and longitudinal extent measured in degrees are almost the same, but its north-south extent measured in km is greater than its east-west extent. This is due to the fact that

The distance between latitudes remains the same but the distance between longitudes is greatest at the Equator and nil at the poles where all longitudes join

340 - India's longest tunnel Jawahar tunnel is located in which state?

Jammu and Kashmir

341 - India's neighbour country with minimum area is


342 - Indira Gandhi Zoological Park is located in:


343 - Indonesia's old name is:

Dutch east Indies

344 - Indravati Tiger Reserve is in which state?


345 - Industrial location theory is a brain child of:


346 - Infant mortality rate is ________

Number of deaths of children below 1 year of age per 1000 of the population

347 - Inland waterways have many disadvantages. Among them the most common is

Seasonal freezing and drying up of rivers

348 - Inner core of the earth contains:

Iron and Nickel

349 - Insolation heats up the land masses more quickly than the water bodies because:

Water needs more energy to warm

350 - Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called ________.


351 - Instrument for measuring rainfall is called


352 - Intensive agriculture is commonly found in:


353 - International date line is a/an

Zigzag line

354 - Into which sea does the Volga river flow?

Caspian Sea

355 - Inversion of temperature refers to ________ temperature with height.

Increase in

356 - Ionian Sea is the part of _______ Sea?


357 - IR-20 and RATNA are two main variety of


358 - Iran's parliament is:

Majlis-e-Shoora Islam

359 - IRNA' is the news agency of:


360 - Iron ore mining in the former Soviet Union are in

Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin

361 - Iron ore produced from the mines of Kudremukh is exported from which of the following?


362 - Irrawardy is a famous river flows in:


363 - Island of Ellesmere is located in:

Arctic Ocean

364 - Isobar lines show


365 - Isobar tells _________ :


366 - Isohel tells about ________ :


367 - Isolines are lines Joining places having

Equal salinity

368 - Isopleth for depth is ______ :


369 - Isopleth for rainfall is called _______ :


370 - Isopleth for salinity is ________ :


371 - Isotherms are lines on a map which join the places having the same

Mean temperature

372 - Israel has common borders with ________

Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan

373 - Israel's parliament is:


374 - Istanbul' is the seaport of:


375 - Istanbul's old name is:


376 - It is six months long day in the northern polar region and six months long night in the southern polar region because ________

Earth is inclined towards its orbital plane

377 - ITIM' is the news agency of:


378 - Jadugoda is famous for?

Mining of uranium

379 - Jaffna is in the ------------- part of Sri Lanka


380 - Jamshedpur city is located at the confluence site of rivers

Subarnarekha and Korkai

381 - Japan experiences frequent earthquakes because it is located

In the volcanic belt

382 - Japan experiences frequent earth-quakes because it is located ________

On the meeting point of two plates of the earth's crust

383 - Japan is called 'land of the rising sun' because ________

Japan being the Eastern most country in the World, it has the earliest sunrise

384 - Japan is called 'the land of rising sun' because:

Japan being the eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise

385 - Japan's parliament is:


386 - Japan's total land is about ________ that of India.


387 - Java is located in:

Indian Ocean

388 - Jeddah' Aires" is the seaport of:

Saudi Arabia

389 - Jeddah' is the airport of :

Saudi Arabia

390 - Jharkhand does not share boundary with ________

Madhya Pradesh

391 - JIJI' is the news agency of:


392 - Jinnah International' is the airport of :


393 - Johar strait separates:

Singapore and Malaysia

394 - Jupiter is larger than the earth by about:

10 times

395 - Jurollo volcano, Mexico is an example of ________ type of volcano.


396 - Just beneath the rigid lithosphere a soft layer of upper mental is called:


397 - Jute fibre is obtained from which part of the Jute?


398 - Jute requires

Hot and humid climate

399 - Kaitak' is the airport of :

Hong Kong

400 - Kalahari desert is located in:

South Africa


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