Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 6

1 - The average elevation of Tibetan Plateau above sea level is ________

4 km

2 - The average height of troposphere from surface is ______ km:


3 - The average of depth of Pacific Ocean is:

13,215 feet

4 - The average rainfall in India is about:

125 cm

5 - The average salinity of the sea water is ________ parts per thousand.


6 - The average time interval between one high tide and the next high tide is approximately

12 hours

7 - The axis of rotation of earth is tilted by 23.5° to the plane of revolution around the sun. The latitude of Mumbai is less than 23.5° whereas the latitude of Delhi is more than 23.5°. Which one of the following statements in this regard is correct?

At Mumbai the sun can come overhead, but it will never do so at Delhi

8 - The Barak River is a famous river of:

Manipur hills

9 - The Beas project consisting of Beas-Satluj link and pong dam at Beas is the joint venture of:

Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan

10 - The Bedouins are inhabitants of ________.

The Arabian Desert

11 - The Benguela current touches:

West African coast

12 - The best quality coal is


13 - The best representative of the acid igneous rocks is ________


14 - The best way of conservation of water resources is

All of the above

15 - The Bhadravati Steel Plant is the only plant which is managed by a State Government. Which is that State Government?


16 - The Bhakra Nangal Multipurpose Project is a joint venture of

Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan only

17 - The Bhils and the Kols live

Along the Vindhya ranges

18 - The Bhutia group of languages does not include


19 - The biggest freshwater lake is


20 - The biggest island at the tip of South America is the

Tierra Del Fuego Island

21 - The biggest lake in India is ________

Chilka Lake

22 - The biggest producer of Rice is


23 - The biggest producer of Uranium in the world is ________


24 - The biggest railway Junction in the United States is


25 - The biggest river of the world is:


26 - The black sea receives the rivers:

All of them

27 - The Black soil is related to which of the following crop


28 - The Bokaro steel plant has been set up with the assistance of

Former USSR

29 - The border of Union Territory of Puducherry does not meet with


30 - The boundary between India and China is known as

McMahan Line

31 - The Brahmaputra, Irrawady and Mekong rivers originate in Tibet and flow through narrow and parallel mountain ranges in their upper reaches: Of these rivers, Brahmaputra makes a "U" turn in its course to flow into India. This "U" turn is due to

Both (a) and (b) above

32 - The breaking up of the rocks at its place is known as


33 - The bridge of sand and rock in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka is

Adam's Bridge

34 - The bright heavenly body with a long luminous tail is called

A comet

35 - The brightest star in the sky is ________


36 - The brightest star in the sky is:


37 - The broken hill famous for zinc and lead are located in


38 - The Buckincham Canal is an inland water way in


39 - The Buckingham Canal runs through

Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

40 - The Buckingham Canal, which has been declared a National Waterway of India recently, is a canal running from

Vijayawada to Villupuram

41 - The buildings in which new material has been used but this does not changes its layout is termed as:

Modified Traditional Dwellings

42 - The busiest ocean route in the world is

North Atlantic route

43 - The busiest sea route is

The North Atlantic Route

44 - The busy port of Rotterdam is situated in ________

The Netherlands

45 - The canal that connects the upper Hudson at Albany with the Great Lakes at Buffalo is

Erie canal

46 - The Canals in Western Europe are mainly used for ________

Inland navigation

47 - The capacity of rock to allow water to pass through it is called


48 - The capacity of the Atmosphere to hold water vapour

Increases as the temperature increases

49 - The Cape Route has recently assumed some importance in the shipping world because ________

All the above

50 - The capital city of Kenya is ________.


51 - The capital of Australia is


52 - The capital of Germany is

None of the above

53 - The capital of Lakshadweep is ________


54 - The capital of Malaysia is

Kuala Lumpur

55 - The capital of South Sudan is


56 - The capital of the Ontario province of Canada situated on the Lake Ontario is the port city of


57 - The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is located ________

Partly in Europe and partly in Asia

58 - The cauliflower shape is associated with which of the following cloud formations?


59 - The cause of Earthquake is

Disturbances in Earth surface

60 - The Chambal Valley Project is a joint venture of:

Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh

61 - The change in colour of stars arises due to:

Variation in their surface temperature

62 - The characteristic of the Mediterranean climate is

Rainy winter and dry summer

63 - The chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere is ________


64 - The Chennai – Bengaluru – Coimbatore - Madurai region is ________.

A major industrial region

65 - The chief coal bearing formation in India is known as the


66 - The chief competitor of India in the field of lac is


67 - The 'Chilka lake region' lies in between the deltas of ________

Mahanadi and Godavari

68 - The circulation and movement of soluble inorganic matter (nutrients) derived from sedimentary and atmospheric phases and reservoirs through organic phase of various biotic components and finally their return to inorganic phase is collectively called:

Biogeochemical Cycles

69 - The city located on the river Yamuna is


70 - The climate best suited for horticulture is ________


71 - The 'Climate' is the average atmospheric conditions of an area over a considerable period of time. For proper conclusions, observations are needed for a minimum period of ________

31 years

72 - The climate of a place is decided by ________

All the above

73 - The climate of India is ________

Subtropical monsoon

74 - The climate of India is mainly tropical because ________

Of the location of the Himalayas in its North

75 - The clouds extending from one side of horizon to other as 3 dark grey sheet having uniform base are called ________

Stratus clouds

76 - The clouds float in atmosphere because of

Less Density

77 - The Coast line of India is


78 - The Coast of Norway is an example of

Fjord Coast

79 - The coast of which of the following country are not touched by Arabian sea?

Saudi Arabia

80 - The coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa have to face which of the following natural calamity?


81 - The Coastal terrain of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is known as


82 - The coastline formed by the submergence of mountain ridges running parallel to the coast is known as ________

Dalmation coast

83 - The cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night is known as ________

Katabatic wind

84 - The cold Labrador current brings nine months winter to ________

Eastern Newfoundland

85 - The column of atmosphere is divided into five different layers namely:

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere, Exosphere

86 - The commodity which accounts for the maximum volume of goods transported by the railways in India is


87 - The composition of laterite soil in higher areas is


88 - The concentration of large cities is called:


89 - The concept of urbanization spread from ________ :

Both (a) and (b)

90 - The Congo Basin of Africa experiences which of the following types of climate?


91 - The constellation of stars appears at different positions in the sky at different times during night mainly:

Because earth rotates about its axis

92 - The constellations of stars appear at different positions in the sky at different times during night mainly ________

Because earth rotates about its axis

93 - The construction of Panama Canal in 1913 eliminated the long and hazardous voyage

Round the stormy Cape Horn

94 - The construction of Tehri dam is done across which river


95 - The contact of two air masses differing sharply in humidity originates:

Temperate cyclones

96 - The continent through which the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn pass, is


97 - The Continents of Africa and Europe, at their close at point are separated from each other by the strait of


98 - The continents of the world are mainly composed of


99 - The continuous circulation of water among the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere is known as

Hydrologic cycle

100 - The Contour line is those imaginary line which show?

Areas of similar height

101 - The contribution of Hydropower in India's totalpower is almost


102 - The Coral reefs are a specimen of

Tropical Rain Forest

103 - The core of the Earth is also known as


104 - The core of the Earth is made up of ________

Both iron and magnesium in the plastic state

105 - The Coromandel Coast of India receives good rains from cyclonic storms in the months of

November and December

106 - The correct decreasing order of the population of the various continents is ________

Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia

107 - The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is

India, U.S.A., China, Russia

108 - The correct order of the given hills from west to east is ________


109 - The correct sequence in decreasing order of the albedo values of these ecosystem is:: 1. Taiga 2. Tropical evergreen 3. Tropical deciduous 4. Tundra

4, 1, 3, 2

110 - The correct sequence of different layers of the atmosphere from the surface of the Earth upwards is ________

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere

111 - The correct sequence of planets in the descending order of their equatorial diameter is ________

Uranus, Earth, Mars, Mercury

112 - The correct sequence of the different sections of the Himalayas in terms of their stretch (in kilometre) in the descending order is ________

Nepal Him., Assam Him., Punjab Him., Kumaon Him.

113 - The correct sequence of the eastward flowing rivers of the peninsular India from north to south is ________

Subarnarekha, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and Vagai

114 - The correct sequence of the following planets in terms of gravity, in the descending order is ________

Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn

115 - The correct sequence of these rivers when arranged in the North - South direction is : 1. Kishenganga 2. Ganga 3. Wainganga 4. Penganga

1, 2, 3, 4

116 - The countries with the lowest and worst economic conditions in the world referred to as the 'Pole of hunger' are

European Countries

117 - The country having the largest area under tea cultivation is


118 - The country that has the greatest length of the day during summer is ________


119 - The country which is commonly known as 'The Land of Golden Fleece' is ________


120 - The country which leads in the production of rubber is ________


121 - The country which tops in the production of cocoa is ________.

Ivory Coast

122 - The country with the highest density is ________


123 - The country with the highest density of population in Europe is ________


124 - The country worst affected by cyclones and accompanying floods is ________.


125 - The creek on which there is a dispute between Pakistan and India:

Sir Creek

126 - The crop most susceptible to frost is:


127 - The crop which is produced largely/mostly in India


128 - The crude Birth Rate is defined as:

No. of births per thousand populations

129 - The crust accounts for _______ of earth's mass.


130 - The crust and the upper-most part of the mantle up to a depth of 200 km from the surface of the earth is called:


131 - The crust forms what percentage of the volume of the earth:


132 - The Cudappah Ranges lie between

Godavari and Palkonda Range

133 - The current produced by upwelling of cold water off the coast of Chile and Peru is known as

Humboldt current

134 - The Damodar Valley Project concerns two states

West Bengal and Jharkhand

135 - The Damodar-Tribeni Canal which serves as an irrigation cum-navigation canal is ________ long.


136 - The darkest part of the shadow during eclipse is


137 - The deepest land locked and protected port in India is


138 - The deepest mine in Asia is

Kolar Gold mine

139 - The deepest or the Oceanic trenches is the ________ trench.


140 - The deepest part of Ocean is:

Mariana Trench

141 - The deepest part of the earth is:

Mariana Trench

142 - The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is:

Sundae Trench

143 - The deepest surface depression on earth is

Mariana Trench

144 - The deepest trench "Mariana Trench" is in:

Pacific Ocean

145 - The deepest trench of the Indian Ocean is

Java Trench

146 - The deflection of the wind to the right in the northern hemisphere and to Its left in the southern hemisphere is caused by the

Rotation of the Earth

147 - The deflection of the winds to the right in the northern hemisphere is caused by

Rotation of the Earth

148 - The dense mass of small water drops on smoke particles in the lower layers of the atmosphere is ________


149 - The Density of population in any region is measured by numbers of


150 - The denudational processes have not reduced the land masses to a level because ________

The earth movements have uplifted the landmass

151 - The depositional feature at the point where the river comes down from hills to plain is

Alluvial fan

152 - The depth of Andaman Sea is:

12,392 feet

153 - The depth of Hudson Bay is:

600 feet

154 - The depth of Red Sea is:

2402 fed

155 - The desert regions of the world occupy about ________ part of the land surface of the earth.


156 - The diesel locomotive works engaged in producing diesel locos is located in:


157 - The difference between sun and shade temperatures is largest in which of the following types of elimates?


158 - The difference between the equatorial and polar diametres of the earth is about

42 km

159 - The difference in mean temperature between the hottest and coldest months in a year is known as

Annual range of temperature

160 - The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from ________

Equator to poles

161 - The direction of ocean currents is reversed with season:

In the Indian Ocean

162 - The dispute over Siachen Glacier is between

India and Pakistan

163 - The distance between the Earth and the Sun (in million kms) is ________


164 - The distance between the earth and the sun in million kms is:


165 - The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of ________


166 - The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of:


167 - The distance between two consecutive longitudes (91° E and 92° E) at the Poles is

0 km

168 - The distance of the equator from either of the poles is ________

10,002 km

169 - The distance of the equator from either of the poles is:

10002 km

170 - The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is ________

4.2 light years

171 - The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is:

4 light-years

172 - The division of the world into major natural regions is primarily based on

Climate types

173 - The Doctor is a wind which

Is conducive to health

174 - The driest part in India is in

Jaisalmer (Western Rajasthan)

175 - The driest part of India is


176 - The driest place in India is ________


177 - The driest spot on earth is in the Atacama desert, parts of which went without rain for years. The Atacama is in ________

South America

178 - The dry wind 'Santa Ana' blows in ________


179 - The Duncan Pass is located between

South Andaman and Little Andaman

180 - The duration of the day and night is always equal at the


181 - The dwarf camels, known as Alpacas, Vicunas and Llamas are found in


182 - The earlier name of Surinam was ________

Dutch Guyana

183 - The earliest rocks formed on the earth's surface are


184 - The Earth is an oblate spheroid and not a perfect sphere. This is because 1. the Earth has a rotational motion and the rotational speed increases as one goes from the Poles towards the Equator. 2. the Equator experiences greater gravitational pull from t

1 and 2

185 - The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on ________

January 3rd

186 - The earth is not a true sphere. Then what is it?

It is slightly flattened at the Poles and bulges slightly at the Equator.

187 - The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately:


188 - The earth rotates arojnd the axis pointing towards:

The polar star

189 - The Earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of


190 - The Earth rotates-around an axis pointing towards ________

The pole star

191 - The earth rotatesaround its axis from:

West to East

192 - The earth rotation on its axis is:

West to East

193 - The earth surface of Asia covers ______ of total:


194 - The earth turns through 360

One hour

195 - The earth's annual circuit round the sun covers a distance of:

966 million km

196 - The Earth's core is made up of very heavy material mostly constituted by:

Nickel and Iron

197 - The Eastern Coast of India is known as ________

Coromandal Coast

198 - The Eastern Coastal Plain is also named as

Coromandel coastal plains

199 - The eastern Mediterranean Island Cyprus is divided between:

Greece and Turkey

200 - The edible oil commonly used in India for preparation of toilet soap is

Coconut oil

201 - The EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) of India is

360 km

202 - The energy generated through coal commercially is called

Thermal Energy

203 - The energy of Sun is vested in which of the following process?

Nuclear Fusion

204 - The epicentre of an earthquake is the ________

Nearest point to the surface from the focus perpendicular to the earth's surface

205 - The epicentre of an earthquake is the:

Nearest point to surface from the facus perpendicular to the earth's surface

206 - The equator cuts through which of the following islands ________


207 - The Equator does not pass through which of the following?


208 - The equator is:


209 - The Equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn run through the continent of


210 - The equatorial diameter of the earth is approximately:

12756 km

211 - The equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the year. The annual rainfall is generally about ________

250 cms

212 - The erupted material of volcano consists of:

Both (a) and (b)

213 - The essential feature of shifting cultivation is

Rotation of fields

214 - The evergreen trees are those which remain green through out the year. This is because

Their leaves fall in small numbers at intervals

215 - The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is ________

23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

216 - The extension of the landmass into the sea is shown as the

Continental shelf

217 - The extreme of temperature between summer and winter is quite low in southern part of peninsular India mainly because ________

The adjoining oceans moderate the temperature

218 - The factors of world distribution of horizontal temperature of oceanic water are:

Winds and latitude

219 - The factors which determine the climate of a place are: 1. Soil 2. Latitude 3. Altitude 4. Vegetation

2 and 3 only

220 - The fain factor which determines the balance of nature is:

Human activities

221 - The famous Amarnath and Vaishnodevi shrines are located in the State of

Jammu and Kashmir

222 - The famous Effel Tower is in:


223 - The Famous Kruger National Park is located in

South Africa

224 - The famous Matterhorn Peak is found in


225 - The famous Naini lake is in


226 - The Farakka Project is mainly aimed towards

Preserving the port of Kolkata

227 - The farming in which farmers grow only enough food to survive is called ________:

Substance Farming

228 - The fastest mass movements are:


229 - The fastest planet is:


230 - The features produced by glacial deposition are: (1) outwash plains (2) drumlins (3) eskers (4) levees

1, 2, 3

231 - The fertile land between two rivers is called


232 - The final boundary between the Earth and the outer space is called


233 - The finest natural harbour in India is


234 - The first Alumina plant in India is situated at

Korba (Madhya Pradesh)

235 - The first cement factory was built in India in 1904 at


236 - The first cotton mill was set up at Fort Gloaster in Kolkata in


237 - The first fertilizer plant was set up at

Sindri (Bihar)

238 - The first Hydroelectric Power Plant in India was set up at


239 - The first large scale modern machine tool factory set up in public sector is :


240 - The first machine made paper was manufactured

In 1870 near Kolkata

241 - The first man to climb Mount Everest twice was:

Nawang Gomber

242 - The first man-made object to leave the solar system was:

Pioneer 10

243 - The first marine sanctuary in India, having within its bounds coral reefs, mollusca, dolphins, tortoises and various kinds of sea birds, has been established in

Chilka Lake

244 - The first month of the 'Saka era' is ________


245 - The first multi-purpose project of independent India is


246 - The first of the fourteen biosphere reserves of India which was established in 1986 is:

Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

247 - The first oil well in India was dug at ________


248 - The First port developed after independence was


249 - The first railway line was laid in:


250 - The first range of Himalayas to the North of Ganga Plains is the


251 - The First refinery in India was established in


252 - The first river valley project started in India is

Damodar Valley Project

253 - The first satellite was launched by:


254 - The first shore-based steel plant in India is:

Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP)

255 - The first statellite sent into space was:


256 - The first steam boat was built by

Robert Fulton

257 - The first stellite was launched by:


258 - The first test-tube baby of the world was born in:


259 - The first tidal power plant in India is located in:

Gulf of Kutch

260 - The fishing grounds in the Pacific Ocean, the world's greatest fishing regions, lie between the ________

The East China Sea and the Bering Sea

261 - The fixed path along which the earth revolves round the sun is called:

The earth's orbit

262 - The flash flood is related with which of the following?

Cyclonic storm

263 - The flat temperate grasslands of the Hungarian plains are known as ________.


264 - The flood plain along river banks formed by newer alluvium is called:


265 - The flower bud which is used as spice, is obtained from?


266 - The fog that commonly occurs along the sea-coasts is of the ________ type.


267 - The following are the major oilseeds produced in India: 1. Sesamum 2. Mustard 3. Groundnut 4. Soyabean. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the descending order of the quantity of their production?

3, 2, 4, 1

268 - The following statements are made about ocean currents: (1) They are warm off the west coast of continents within the tropics (2) They move clockwise in the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere (3) They move clockwise in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere

1 and 3

269 - The forces responsible for the movements of the earth's crust, eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes are

Tectonic forces

270 - The Forest of Sundarban is called as

Mangrove forest

271 - The formation of "Mushroom Rocks" in deserts is an example of which of the following?


272 - The formation of Extrusive rocks takes place ________

By solidification of magma above the earth's surface

273 - The formation of laterite soil is mainly due to ________


274 - The four important ports of the West Coast of India, from South to North, in that order, are

Cochin, Goa, Mumbai, Kandla

275 - The four largest planets of the solar system in descending order are

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

276 - The four largest planets of the solar system in the descending order are:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

277 - The four nearest planets to the earth in order to distance are

Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter

278 - The fourth highest waterfall Sutherland is located in:

New Zealand

279 - The fourth layer of earth described by Vander Gracht is ________


280 - The full name of OTEC

Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation

281 - The Ganga plain widens from

East to west

282 - The Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain widens

From west to east

283 - The Ganges in Bangladesh is known as the


284 - The gap between birth rate and death rate per 1000 mid-year population of a given region is known as

Natural growth rate of population

285 - The gap of a Mountain which provides natural path is known as?


286 - The Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills were formed in the same age as the

Malwa Plateau

287 - The gas which is largely responsible for green house effect is:

Water Vapor

288 - The general physical relief is likely to be the boldest in

The Himalayan Mountain Complex

289 - The gentle 'seaward sloping' surface from the coasts is called

Continental shelf

290 - The geometric form of the earth is approximately that of:

An oblate spheroid

291 - The Ghatampur thermal power plant recently approved by Cabinet is to be setup in?

Uttar Pradesh

292 - The gigantic tidal waves produced by earthquakes are called


293 - The Gir Forest is noted for its

Lion Sanctuary

294 - The glacier of the Nubra Valley the longest one with a length of over 72 km is called the ________ glacier.


295 - The Gneiss is a coarse grained:

Metamorphic Rock

296 - The Gobindsagar Reservoir is in

Bhakra Dam

297 - The Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the ________ region.

North-West Atlantic

298 - The Grand Trunk road between Mumbai and Chennai passes through ________ and ________.

Pune and Bengaluru

299 - The 'Grand Trunk Road' connects ________

Kolkata and Amritsar

300 - The Great Barrier Reef is ________

Conglomeration of corals in Australian waters

301 - The Great Barrier Reef is found

Of the coast of Queensland

302 - The Great Circle routes join

London to Los Angeles and Amsterdam to Tokyo

303 - The Great Himalayan National Park is in which state?

Himachal Pradesh

304 - The great one horned Indian Rhino is round in

Kaziranga Game Sanctuary

305 - The greatest average annual precipitation is in ________


306 - The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in ________

Tropical moist forests

307 - The greatest intensity of seismic activity is found along:

Converging plate boundaries

308 - The greatest known ocean depth (which lies in the Pacific Ocean) is ________

11,021 m

309 - The greatest known ocean depth which lies in the Pacific Ocean is:

11033 m

310 - The greatest mass of ice on the earth is found in


311 - The greatest proportion of salt is found in two areas included:

Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

312 - The Green Revolution was most successful in

Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh

313 - The Greenhouse effect gases trap only the heat of:

Solar Radiation

314 - The group of languages spoken by the largest number of people in India is ________


315 - The Gutenburg discontinuity separates ________.

Inner mantle and the core

316 - The hair or Nordic races is generally


317 - The Hawaii islands are the top of submerged ________

Volcanic mountains

318 - The Hawaiian Islands specialise in the cultivation of


319 - The HBJ pipe line serves the fertilizer plant(s) at

All the three

320 - The headland in sea is called


321 - The headquarters of North Eastern Railway is:


322 - The headquarters of North Western Railway is located in:


323 - The heat from Sun to Earth is called as

Solar Radiation

324 - The heavier silicates named 'Sima' or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the ________

Ocean floors

325 - The heavier silictes named Sima on Silica + magnesium are most abundant in the:

Ocean floors

326 - The heaviest concentration of Earthquake is along the:

Both of these

327 - The heaviest mass revolving round the sun is


328 - The height of Angel is:

3281 feet

329 - The height of Gavarnie waterfall is:

1384 feet

330 - The height of the Takkakaw waterfall is:

1650 feet

331 - The height of the Tugle is:

3000 feet

332 - The highest annual precipitation occurs in ________

Amazon basin

333 - The highest coal-producing country in the world is


334 - The highest dam from the following in India is


335 - The highest glacial lake of India located at the height of 17,745 feet in Garhwal Himalaya is:


336 - The highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value, is ________


337 - The highest Himalayan peak in India is ________


338 - The highest lake above the sea level in the world is ________

Lake Titicaca

339 - The highest lake in the world is:

Titicaca Lake

340 - The highest mountain peak of peninsular India is


341 - The highest multipurpose dam built on the river Ravi is

Ranjit Sagar dam

342 - The highest navigable lake in the world is


343 - The highest part of the earth is:

Mt. Everest

344 - The highest peak in India

K2 (Godwin Austin)

345 - The highest peak in South India is ________


346 - The highest peak of peninsular India is:


347 - The Highest peak of the Karakoram Range is:

Mt. K2 (Godvin Austin )

348 - The highest percentage decadal growth rate of population as per 2011 Census was registered by:


349 - The highest plateau in the world is

Plateau of Tibet

350 - The highest point in the Aravalli range is

Guru Sikhar

351 - The highest point of Africa is:

Mt. Kilimanjaro

352 - The highest point of Asia is:

Mt. Everest

353 - The highest point of Australia is:


354 - The highest point of South America is:

Mt. Aconeago

355 - The highest point of the Nilgiri Hills is

Doda Betta

356 - The highest title in judo is:

Black Belt

357 - The highest water fall in the world is


358 - The highest waterfall in India is ________


359 - The highest waterfall of the world is ________

Salto Angel Falls

360 - The highest waterfall of the world is:


361 - The hill range that separates the state of Manipur from the state of Nagaland is known as ________

Barail hills

362 - The hill station of Coonoor is located in which one of the following states?


363 - The Himalayan forests include

All the three

364 - The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which one of the following?

Fold mountains

365 - The Himalayan Range is very rich in species diversity. Which one among the following is the most appropriate reason -for this phenomenon?

It is a confluence of different bio-geographical zones

366 - The Himalayan region is poor in mineral resources because ________

The displacement of rock strata has disturbed the arrangement of rock and made it complex

367 - The Himalayan rivers are ________

Snow fed

368 - The Himalayas are considered as ________ type of mountains.


369 - The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges of which the oldest range is ________

The Great Himalayan Range

370 - The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges. Among them which is the oldest range?

The Great Himalayan Range

371 - The Himalayas are generally divided into three ranges which do not include ________


372 - The Himalayas have snowline at 4300 m whereas in the Alps mountain, it is at 3000 m. This is because the ________

Himalayas are located in the lower latitudes

373 - The Himalayas were formed due to ________

Folding of the geo-syncline named Tethys

374 - The Himalayas were uplifted from the:

Tethys Geosynclines

375 - The Hirakud Project harnesses the water of the ________ river.


376 - The home of spices is


377 - The home or the fur-bearing animals is the

Coniferous forests

378 - The Hormuz Strait is situated at the entrance of the

Persian Gulf

379 - The hot and dry winds that help in the ripening of grapes in the Alps region is ________


380 - The hot desert of the world are generally found near ________

The horse latitude

381 - The hot dry local winds that blow on the eastern side of the Alps Mountain are known as ________


382 - The hot molten material erupted from a volcano is called:


383 - The hottest place in the world is ________

Azizia, Libya

384 - The hottest planet is ________


385 - The hottest planet is:


386 - The hourses in which modern material is used and layout is also changed are termed as:

Modernized Traditional Dwelling

387 - The house which is the perfect paramount of new technology is categorized as:

Modern Dwellings

388 - The houses built from poles and sticks are termed as:


389 - The houses in which layout, construction and appearance have not been altered are termed as:

Un-changed Traditional Dwellings

390 - The Huge deposit of uranium are found recently in

Andhra Pradesh

391 - The idea that the earth was the centre of the universe was maintained by


392 - The ideal conditions for coral growth are: I. water temperature around 20°C II. tropical waters (between 30°N and 30°S) III. highly saline water IV. adequate oxygen

I, II and IV

393 - The Idukki hydroelectric plant la on the river


394 - The igneous rocks are formed due to ________


395 - The imaginary line joining the land projecting towards the sea which is the landward limit of internal seawater is called:

Base Line

396 - The imaginary line which connects places of similar height on map, are?


397 - The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are


398 - The imaginary lines which connects the places of same temperature are called


399 - The important feature of shifting cultivation is ________

Change of cultivation site

400 - The important fishing areas called Grand Bank and Georges Bank located in the waters of which one of the following?

North-west Atlantic


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