Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 8

1 - The Panama Canal links ________

Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean

2 - The part of atmosphere which contains constant gasses with known composition called:


3 - The part of atmosphere which is consisted on variable gasses with unknown composition is called _______:


4 - The part of India receives maximum insolation.


5 - The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali rivers is known as

Kumaon Himalayas

6 - The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called

the Palghat gap

7 - The Patkai hills belong to which mountain ranges?


8 - The pause between stratosphere and thermosphere is called _______ :

None of these

9 - The pause between troposphere and stratosphere is called ________ :

Tropo pause

10 - The Peninsular Plateau of India extends upto

Maghalaya Hills

11 - The Peninsular rivers which do not join the Arabian Sea are

Godavari and Krishna

12 - The pennines (Europe), Appalachians (America) and the Aravallis (India) are examples of

old mountains

13 - The percentage of earth surface covered by India is


14 - The percentage of India's total population employed in agriculture is nearly


15 - The percentage of irrigated land in India is about


16 - The percentage of literates in India is ________

Higher among males than females

17 - The period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy is called ________

Cosmic year

18 - The Periyar Game Sanctuary in Kerala is renowned for

Wild elephant

19 - The permanent tilt of the earth's axis and the revolution of the earth in its orbit together cause: I. deflection of winds and ocean currents II. differences in time between places on different meridians III. varying length of day and night at different t

III and IV

20 - The Persian Gulf region is rich in ________.

Crude oil reserves

21 - The phase of the moon during an eclipse of the sun is


22 - The phenomenon known as the "Midnight Sun" is caused by

Inclination of the Earth's axis

23 - The phenomenon of an opening in the earth's surface through which a jet of hot water and steam is forced out regular intervals is called:


24 - The phenomenon of an opening occurring in the Earth's surface through which a Jet of hot water and steam is forced out at irregular intervals is called


25 - The phenomenon of an opening occurring in the earth's surface through which a jet of hot water and steam is forced out at regular intervals, is called


26 - The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiations from ________


27 - The phenomenon of 'trade winds' takes place due to

Convection of heat

28 - The piligrims of Kailash Mansarovar have to pass through which pass to enter into Tibet?

Lipu Lekh

29 - The place in India receiving the lowest rainfall is


30 - The place of greatest known depth of India Ocean is:

Sunda Trench

31 - The place of greatest known depth of Red Sea is:

Off port Sudan

32 - The place of greatest known depth of Sea of Japan is:

Central Basin

33 - The place of origin of an earthquake is called

Seismic focus

34 - The place on the Earth's surface above the focus is called the


35 - The place Sabarimala is situatad in which of the following states?


36 - The place to receive annual rainfall below 50cm is

Leh in Kashmir

37 - The place where individual lives is called:


38 - The place which experiences minimum and maximum temperature of - 28.3°C and 15°C respectively is ________


39 - The place which has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December is:


40 - The place which has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December, is ________


41 - The place/city located at the confluence of river Euphrates and Tigris is:


42 - The places Alwaye, Koyna and Korba have

Aluminium Industries

43 - The places which attract people from a surrounding area because of service availability are called:

Central Place

44 - The plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere is known as ________


45 - The Planet amongst the following (other than Saturn), that shows a faint ring is ________.


46 - The planet having five moons is:


47 - The planet having the largest number of satellites in the solar system is:


48 - The planet having thirteen moons is ________


49 - The planet Mercury is difficult to be observed most of the time because ________

It being too close to the Sun, gets hidden by the glare of the Sun

50 - The planet that has no satellite is:


51 - The planet that is nearly comparable to Earth as regards its size and mass is


52 - The Planet which comes close to the size of Earth is ________.


53 - The planet which has maximum number of satellites is:


54 - The planet with the maximum number of satellites is ________.


55 - The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by ________

Gravitation and centrifugal force

56 - The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by:

Gravitation nad centrifugal force

57 - The Planets that have no natural satellites are ________.

Mercury and Venus

58 - The Plannetary winds variously known as roaring forties, furious fifties and stormy syxties are


59 - The Plantation agriculture produces?

Plantation Crops

60 - The plantation in a huge manner to prevent soil erosion is called

Shelter Belts

61 - The plateau rich in minerals in India is

Chhotanagpur Plateau

62 - The point below the surface where an earthquake originates is called ________.


63 - The point in the earth from which seismic waves spread out in all direction is:

Earthquake focus

64 - The point in the orbit of a moon that is farthest from the Earth and at which the moon's velocity is at a minimum, the known as ________


65 - The Point of origin of Indus River is

Mount Kailash

66 - The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than equatorial diameter by about:

43 km

67 - The polar regions are sparsely populated because of

Unsuitable climatic conditions

68 - The 'Pong Dam' is constructed on the river


69 - The population of India has of late been growing very fast because

The death rate has been dropping on account of better medical and health facilities

70 - The port commanding the largest hinterland in India is


71 - The port especially developed for exporting iron ore to Japan is ________


72 - The portion of incident radiation (energy) without heating that surface reflected back from a surface of a body is called:


73 - The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface tip to 6-8 miles and experiences decrese in temperature at a constant rate is the


74 - The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface upto 6-8 miles and experiences decrease in temperature at constant rate is ________


75 - The Portuguese possessions Goa, Daman and Diu were liberated in ________.


76 - The position of a planet when it is nearest to the Sun, is called ________


77 - The position of a planet when it is nearest to the sun, is called:


78 - The position of Indian Railways network in the world is


79 - The position of the earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the Sun causing summer in the Northern hemisphere is ________


80 - The position of the earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing summer in the Northern Hemisphere is:


81 - The powest point of Australia is:

Eyre Lake

82 - The Practice of shifting cultivation is used in


83 - The Prairies of North America are

Temperate Grasslands

84 - The prediction of storm is made, when atmospheric pressure

Decreases suddenly

85 - The predominant gases that constitute the sun are:

Hydrogen and Helium

86 - The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly in

West Bengal and Assam

87 - The present demographic transition of India is indicative of ________

Typically increasing urbanization

88 - The present forest area of India, according to satellite data, is


89 - The primary purpose of constructing the Farakka barrage is to ________

Preserve and maintain navigation

90 - The principal copper deposits of India lie in which of the following places?

Hazaribagh and Singbhum of Bihar

91 - The principal reason for the formation of metamorphic rocks is ________

Extreme heat and pressure

92 - The problem of arsenic in India is due to

Overexploitation of ground water in affected areas

93 - The problem of leaching of the soil is more pronounced in the areas where the rainfall is ________


94 - The process of solifluction is common in ________ region:


95 - The process of subduction produces a _______ in sea.


96 - The process of water getting evaporated from the surface of leaves is known as


97 - The process which leads to the formation of clouds is known as


98 - The production of natural rubber is dominated by ________

South-east Asia

99 - The proportion of ______ rocks decreases with depth.


100 - The proportion of forest to the total national geographical area of India as envisaged by National Forest Policy is


101 - The Proposed Sea way "Sethusamudram" is the canal passes through which sea-lanes?

Gulf of Mannar

102 - The pygmies are found in ________.

The Congo Basin, Africa

103 - The Radcliff Line demarcates the boundary between

India and Pakistan

104 - The Radcliffe line is a boundary between

India and Pakistan

105 - The radiant energy of the sun is transmitted in the form of:

Short waves

106 - The radiant energy received by the earth and its atmosphere from the sun is called:


107 - The radiation that heats earth's atmosphere comes from the


108 - The radius of earth is:

6,370 km

109 - The rainfall due to upward movement of air caused by convergence of cold air masses against warm air masses is called ________.

Frontal rainfall

110 - The rains along the western coast of India are ________


111 - The Rajasthan Canal (now called the Indira Gandhi Canal) draws its water from the

Sutlej and Beas

112 - The Rajasthan Canal Project cover

Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan

113 - The range that acts as watershed between India and Turkistan is


114 - The rate of fall of pressure between two points is called ______ :

Pressure Gradient/Barometric Gradient

115 - The ratio between Earth and Oceans by area is:

70.8% and 29.2%

116 - The reason behind broadening the river valley is

Soil Erosion

117 - The reason behind Earthquake is


118 - The red colour of red soil is due to


119 - The Red soils develop a reddish colour due to ________

A wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks

120 - The refineries Mathura, Digboi and Panipat are set up by

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

121 - The region famous for various types of wine and champagne is

Mediterranean Sea

122 - The region which is a water divide between the Ganga and Indus river systems is


123 - The region which is resistant to the transformation of macro structure, is called?


124 - The region with the lowest mean winter temperature (-50 C) is found in

Northern Canada

125 - The regions with the highest and lowest densities are respectively ________

Europe and Oceania

126 - The Regur soil is:

Black Soil

127 - The relative humidity or the atmospheric air

Decreases with increase in temperature

128 - The remedy for soil erosion region is- 1.Bordering the region 2.Crop regulation 3.Deforestation 4.Allowing animals for grazing


129 - The removal of rock, layer by layer due to weathering is called ________


130 - The reservoir Gobind Sagar is on which river in Punjab?


131 - The retreating monsoon withdraws from the ________

North-west India to Bengal

132 - The retreating monsoon withdraws itself from

North-West India to Bengal and then to Kerala

133 - The revelations of a satellite photograph of the earth are as follows: (1) the Southern hemisphere bulges slightly more than the Northern hemisphere (2) it is slightly pear shaped ellipsoid of rotation (3) the polar axis of the earth is slightly shorter t

2, 3 and 4

134 - The Rhur-Complex is a major Industrial centre in


135 - The Richter scale on which intensity/magnitude of a quake is measured was developed in:


136 - The Rift Valley is created

Between two rifts

137 - The right Ganga tributaries of the plain do not include


138 - The 'ring of fire' : (1) is associated with earthquakes (2) is associated with volcanoes (3) goes round the Pacific Ocean (4) is associated with forest fires

1, 2 and 3

139 - The river Cauvery flows from ________

Karnataka to Tamil Nadu

140 - The river Cauvery originates from which of the following states?


141 - The River Cauvery rises on the western edge of:

The Western Ghats

142 - The river Damodar ends in

River Hugli

143 - The river Godavari is often referred to as Vridha Ganga because

of its large size and extent among the peninsular rivers

144 - The river Irrawaddy is the life blood of


145 - The river Mahaweli flows through

Sri Lanka

146 - The river 'Nile' is in


147 - The river system which depends more on melting of snow for its water supply is the


148 - The river that runs along the USA-Mexico boundary is


149 - The river transports material in

All of these

150 - The river Tsangpo flows through before entering India?


151 - The river which joins Ganga from southern side is


152 - The roadways linking Mumbai and Agra passes through

Nasik and Gwalior

153 - The Rocks of granite are changed into which of the following due to metamorphism?


154 - The role of spines in the desert plants is ________

To save the moisture from evaporation.

155 - The Rourkela steel plant obtains: I. hydel power from the Hirakud dam II. coking coal from Jharia coalfields III. iron ore from Baba Budan hills

II and III

156 - The route is connecting Western Europe, Africa and Australia by way of the Cape of Good Hope.

Cape route

157 - The Ruhr coal fields area of ________ is a major industrial area of the world.


158 - The 'Ruhr or India' is

Damodar Valley region

159 - The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of ________


160 - The Sahyadri is another name of:

Western Ghat

161 - The Salal Project is on the river


162 - The salinity of soil is measured by

Electrical Conductivity Meter

163 - The salinity of the sea is maximum at the

Red Sea

164 - The same side of the moon always faces the Earth because ________

The period of rotation of the Moon on its axis and period of revolution around' the Earth is almost the same

165 - The same side of the moon always faces the earth because:

The period of rotation of the moon on its axis and period of revolution around the earth is almost the same

166 - The Satpura Thermal Power Station is in

Madhya Pradesh

167 - The Saturn rings were discovered by ________


168 - The Savannas or Orinoco Basin are termed as


169 - The scale on which the intensity of an earth quake is measured is named after:


170 - The scarcity or crop failure of which of the following can cause a serious edible oil crisis in India?


171 - 'The Scented Isle' in the Mediterranean Sea is


172 - The science of drawing map is called


173 - The scientific instrument Seismograph is used for recording

Earthquake shocks

174 - The Sea breeze blows during ________

Day from sea to land

175 - The Sea water is more salty than rain water because

Rivers pours salt from the soil into sea

176 - The sea with one of the highest salinities in the world is ________.

The Dead Sea

177 - The seas bounded on the north-east and south-east of Asian continent are:

All of them

178 - The season changes because of the:

Earth is revolving round the sun

179 - The second highest waterfall of the world:


180 - The second largest basin in Peninsular India is ________

Godavari Basin

181 - The second largest continent of the world by area:


182 - The second largest desert of the world is:


183 - The second largest east-flowing Peninsular river is


184 - The second largest ocean of the world:

Atlantic Ocean

185 - The second largest river basin in India is of the river ________


186 - The second largest river system in India, next to the Ganga system, is that of ________.


187 - The second most important agro based industry of India after textiles is:

Sugar Industry

188 - The series of line which connects the places of similar shocks at the same time is called

Homoseismal Line

189 - The shallow waters of continental shelves are rich fishing grounds. An example of such area is

North Sea

190 - The shape of the Himalayas is like

An arc

191 - The Sharavati Project is a/an

Hydro-electric project

192 - The share of food crops in India's total production is almost?


193 - The Shifting cultivation is still prevalent in

All of the above

194 - The Shimla Convention is an agreement that sets

boundary between India and Tibet

195 - The shipping canal that connects the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is called the ________.

Kiel Canal

196 - The shortest air route from Moscow to San Francisco is

Over the Atlantic Ocean

197 - The shortest air-route from Perth to London is ________

Perth, Aden, Paris, London

198 - The shortest day in Australia will be on ________


199 - The Siachin Glacier's melting waters are the main source of which of the following rivers?


200 - The significant shifts in Indian agriculture during green revolution include

both (a) and (b)

201 - The Silent valley of Kerala

Has rare species of Flora and Fauna.

202 - The Sivasamudram Falls is on ________


203 - The size of Kara-Kumi is:

1,35,000 sq metres

204 - The size of Sahara is:

3.5 million sq metres

205 - The size of Thar is:

1,75,000 sq. metres

206 - The size of the earth was first measured by:


207 - The slowest mass movements are:


208 - The smaller cones formed through vents, on the hanks of Hawaii's kilavea are known as:

All of them

209 - The smallest amongst the following continents is ________.

South America

210 - The smallest amongst the following islands is ________.


211 - The smallest amongst the following oceans is ________.

The Arctic Ocean

212 - The smallest country in South America is ________


213 - The smallest island country in the Indian Ocean is


214 - The smallest ocean in the world is:

Arctic Ocean

215 - The smallest planet is


216 - The smallest planet is:


217 - The smallest sea of the world is:

Baltic Sea

218 - The smallest Union Territory is ________


219 - The smallest Union Territory of India (area wise) is


220 - The snowline is the line on mountain or hill slope which

Is the lowest limit of perpetual snow

221 - The soil formed by the deposition of silt brought by rivers is ________

Alluvial soil

222 - The soil formed by wind dust in and around hot deserts is called

Loess soil

223 - The soil found in the Eastern and Western coasts of India is ________.


224 - The soil material is mainly derived from ________

Sedimentary rocks

225 - The soil of northern plain of India is formed by


226 - The soil which bleaches quickly due to rain, is called


227 - The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as ________

Loamy soil

228 - The soils of the plains have not been derived

Only from the rocks existing locally

229 - The soils which have supported agriculture for centuries without much manuring or fallowing are

Black and alluvial soils

230 - The 'Solar Corona' mainly consists of ________

Molten lava

231 - The 'Solar Corona' mainly consists of:

Molten lava

232 - The Sonapani glacier is the longest glacier of:

Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas

233 - The source of Indus River is:


234 - The source of Kaveri River lies in -

Brahmagiri hills

235 - The source of the Brahmaputra is

A glacier near the Mansarovar Lake

236 - The source of Volga River is:

Valdai Plateau

237 - The South African River draining into Atlantic Ocean is


238 - The South Alps ranges are found in


239 - The south west monsooon engulfs the entire India by

15th June

240 - The southern most point of Indian territory is in

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

241 - The southern side of Australia, there is a bight called:

Great Australia Bight

242 - The southernmost point of India is located in ________

Great Nicobar

243 - The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is

north of the Equator

244 - The south-west monsoon contributes ____ of the total rain in India.


245 - The specific gravity of the earth as a whole is:


246 - The speed of rotation of earth is:

9.72 km/sec

247 - The speed of rotation of the earth is ________

9.72 km/sec.

248 - The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest ________

Along the Equator

249 - The Srnith-tuttle comet will crash with Earth in ________

2126 AD

250 - The stagnated water in the surface of lake is known as


251 - The Standard Meridian of India is

82.5 E longitude

252 - The star which collapses of its own gravity and even light cannot come out of its sphere is called

A Comet

253 - The star-like objects at the edge of the universe are


254 - The state having a largest area of forest cover in India is

Madhya Pradesh

255 - The State having the maximum number of oil wells on its land portion is


256 - The State in India which produces the largest quantity of common salt is


257 - The state of atmosphere in relation to its water vapour content refers to:

Relative Humidity

258 - The state which produces largest number of orchids in India is


259 - The state which tops in production of mustard seed is?


260 - The state which tops in the production of rubber is


261 - The State with the largest area under waste land is ________


262 - The States of India having common border with Myanmar are ________

Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh

263 - The States which have common borders with China are: (1) Jammu and Kashmir (2) Sikkim (3) Arunachal Pradesh (4) Himachal Pradesh

1, 2, 3 and 4

264 - The Step farming is performed on

Slopes of Hills

265 - The Strait connecting Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal is ________

Palk Strait

266 - The strait that separates Tasmania from the mainland of Australia is

Bass Strait

267 - The Strait which separates Africa from Europe is ________

Strait of Gibraltar

268 - The Strait which separates Asia from North America is ________

The Bering Strait

269 - The strength of wave action depends on all these except:

Currents in the sea

270 - The strongest evidence that comets are members of our solar system comes from ________

Their composition

271 - The study of heavenly bodies is known as:


272 - The Study of Lakes is called


273 - The study of moon is called:


274 - The study of plant communities in relation to their habitats of a given ecosystem is known as:


275 - The study of relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called as


276 - The study of relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called:


277 - The study of the processes of atmosphere is called as


278 - The study of universe is called:


279 - The subduction zone is a place of ________ tectonic activity.


280 - The subject that deals with the regional distribution of human races and their history is called


281 - The sudden decline in atmospheric pressure indicates


282 - The sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh two hours before it does in Dwaraka in Gujarat. This is because the former is

Situated about 30 east of Dwaraka and the earth rotates from west to east

283 - The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which is due to

Movement of the earth on its own axis

284 - The Sun shines vertically on the equator ________

Twice a year

285 - The sun shines vertically on the Equator:

Twice a year

286 - The Sunderbans are found in

Ganga Delta

287 - The sunlight is available 24 hours on the longest day at which of the following latitudes of the Earth?


288 - The sunsports cause:

All of these

289 - The sunspots cause ________

All of these

290 - The surface of Earth that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is called ________

Torrid Zone

291 - The surface of earth that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is called:

Torrid zone

292 - The surface temperature of the Sun is measured


293 - The Symmetrical patterns in a natural region are of

Climate and Vegetation

294 - The system or shifting cultivation in the north eastern region of India is called


295 - The Tagus river flows through


296 - The Taiga belt lies between ________

Temperate grasslands and Tundra

297 - The Talcher Thermal Power Station is in


298 - The Temperate grasslands of North America are known as


299 - The temperature _____ as we go away from the equator:


300 - The temperature at the core of the earth is about

5200 C

301 - The temperature at the core of the earth is about

5200 C

302 - The temperature at which dew is formed is known as

Dew point

303 - The temperature at which the air is saturated is known as

Dew point

304 - The temperature decreases towards poles, because ________

The sun rays falling per unit area are less at poles

305 - The temperature of equator is above 26


306 - The temperature of sun's outer surface is:


307 - The temperature of the sun is maintained by

Thermonuclear heat

308 - The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is lower than that of Mumbai in May and higher than that of Mumbai in January, because ________

Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfall in summer and it is nearer to the equator

309 - The tendency of salinity increases from:

East to West

310 - The tenth biggest river of the world is:


311 - The tenth highest waterfall of the world is:

Window's Tears

312 - The term "epicentre" is associated with


313 - The term "Green Revolution" is used to show higher production of

Per hectare agricultural output

314 - The term "the land of midnight sun" is normally applied to


315 - The term 'Granary of the world' is related to ________ type.


316 - The term Mediterranean agriculture applies to a particular blend of ________ and activities and ________ is confined to regions encircling the Mediterranean basins.

Farming and grazing

317 - The term 'meteor' is applied to an interplanetary body ________

After it enters the earth's atmosphere and explodes in mid air as a ball of fire

318 - The term meteor is applied to an interplanetary body:

After it enters the earth's atmosphere and explodes in the mid air as a ball of fire

319 - The term that best describes the shape of the earth is:


320 - The term 'transhumance' means

The seasonal movement of people along with their cattle in the mountains

321 - The territorial waters of India extends up to

12 nautical miles

322 - The theory of continental drift is supported by: I. similarities between the coastline of South America and Africa II. the similarity of rocks of Central Africa, southern India, Brazil and Australia III. evidence of fossils IV. survival of marsupials in A

I, II, III and IV

323 - The theory of continental drift' ws presented by Alfred Wagener in ________ .


324 - The thermal equator is found

North of the geographical equator

325 - The thermal power plant of Bokaro is located in


326 - The third biggest river of the world is:


327 - The third highest waterfall of the world is:


328 - The third largest continent of the world:

North America

329 - The third largest island of the world:


330 - The three major cereals in India under high yielding varieties in declining order are ________

Paddy, wheat and coarse cereals

331 - The Tibetan river 'Tsangpo' enters India through the State of ________

Arunachal Pradesh

332 - The tide at its maximum height is known as ________

Spring tide

333 - The tide at its maximum height is known as:

Spring tide

334 - The tides in the Sea are primarily due to

The gravitational effect of the Moon on theEarth

335 - The time deeded for the moon to go through a complete cycle of phases is


336 - The time of Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich time Cairo is situated at ________

30° East

337 - The time required by moonlight to reach the earth is ________

1.3 sec

338 - The time required for moon light to reach earth:

1.3 seconds

339 - The tiny _______ plate will eventually disappear by subduction beneath American plate.

Juan de Fuca

340 - The tip of South America is ________

Cape Horn

341 - The top ranking country in the production of rubber is


342 - The topography of plateau is best for


343 - The total area of Africa is:

30,065,000 sq. km

344 - The total area of the earth contains:

148.94 million sq. km

345 - The total area of the earth is how many times bigger than the area of USA?

15 times

346 - The total area of the Republic of India is of the order of ________.

3.3 million sq km

347 - The total area of world the oceans contains:

61.132 million sq. km

348 - The total height of homosphere is ______ km:


349 - The total length of the oceanic ridge systems is of the order of

65000 km

350 - The total length of the river Ganga is about

2500 km

351 - The total number of layers above Earth are


352 - The total number of refinery working in Assam is/are


353 - The Town located on the confluence of river Bhagirathi and Alaknanda is


354 - The Trade winds are caused by ________

Inflowing movement of air along the earth's surface towards the equator

355 - The Trans-Andean railway connects

Buenos Aires with Valparaiso

356 - The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil water is called ________


357 - The transitional zone between the troposphere and the stratosphere is called


358 - The transport route connecting Kashmir from Leh crosses the high mountain ranges at the ________

Karakoram pass

359 - The Trans-Siberian railway links

Leningrad with Vladivostok

360 - The transverse, longitudinal and surface waves in an earthquake originate from ________

The focus within the body of the earth

361 - The trees of spruce, fir, pine, etc are found in which of the following natural regions of the Earth?

Taiga Type

362 - The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through


363 - The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through ________


364 - The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through ________


365 - The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through!


366 - The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of: 1. Gujarat 2. Jharkhand 3. Assam 4. Mizoram

1, 2 and 4

367 - The Tropic of Cancer which passes through India is ________ to/of the equator.

To the North

368 - The tropical cyclones - Hurricanes and Typhoons - develop and mature ________

Anywhere in the tropical zone

369 - The tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal are usually called


370 - The tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in summer because

It prevents loss of moisture through transpiration

371 - The Tropical grasslands are called


372 - The tropical grasslands of Africa are known as ________


373 - The Tropical Grasslands of Brazil are known as


374 - The Tropical Rain Forest or Equatorial type of climate is found in

All the above

375 - The Tropical Rain forest type of climate is characterised by ________

Heavy rain and high temperatures throughout the year

376 - The Tropical Savanna Climate located in South Brazil is mown as


377 - The two states of India, most richly endowed with iron ore, are

Bihar and Orissa

378 - The two volcanic islands in the Indian territory are ________

Narcondam and Barren

379 - The type of crop which is able to fix nitrogen from air is known as


380 - The type of igneous rocks which are formed midway between volcanic and plutonic rocks, are known as ________


381 - The type of rain in humid equatorial climate is


382 - The type of rainfall shown in figure is ________


383 - The typical area of sal forest in the Indian peninsular upland occurs

on the Malwa plateau

384 - The Umiam Hydro Power Project Dam is located few kilometres north to which of the following


385 - The Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli lies between which of the following states of India?

Gujarat and Maharashtra

386 - The unit of measuring distances betweenthe stars is known as:

Light year

387 - The United Kingdom' consists of England and ________

Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

388 - The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called ________


389 - The urban population of the world is growing faster than Its rural population. This is mainly because of

Rural-urban migration

390 - The USA is deficient in domestic supplies of


391 - The USA is largest _______ of wheat in the world:


392 - The use of the harpoon is associated with

Bushmen of Africa

393 - The Valleys of Peninsular India are generally


394 - The Veld grassland of South Africa experiences ________

The Steppe climate

395 - The Veld is the name given for the grazing grounds of

South Africa

396 - The velocity of wind is related to

Pressure gradient

397 - The velocity of winds is related to ________

Pressure gradient in the direction of their flow

398 - The Vernal equinox occurs on:


399 - The vertical speed of air is called

Air current

400 - The verticle igneous rocks inside the earth's surface are called:



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