Geography MCQs for Job Test Preparation Chapter: 7

1 - The inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane is:


2 - The incoming short-wave solar radiation is balanced by an equal amount of long wave radiation from Earth going back to space. This is known as:

Heat balance of earth

3 - The incoming short-wave solar radiation is balanced by an equal amount of long-wave radiation from earth going back to space. This is known as ________

Heat balance of earth

4 - The index which refers to moisture deficit or surplus in an area is called:

Moisture Index

5 - The Indian city famous for glass bangle industry is


6 - The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) were created in:


7 - The Indian Ocean receives the rivers like:

None of these

8 - The Indian peninusula as compared to the north Indian plains is

All the above

9 - The Indian river of the Indus Basin are

Sutlej, Beas and Ravi

10 - The Indian state of Sikkim does not share a border with which neighbouring country?


11 - The Indian States which have common borders with Pakistan are

Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and Rajasthan,

12 - The Indian sub-continent lies

Wholly in the northern hemisphere

13 - The Indian sub-continent was originally part of a huge landmass called

Gondwana continent

14 - The Indian Wild Ass (Ghor-Khur) is found in ________

The Rann of Kachch

15 - The India's highest annual rainfall is reported at

Mawsynram, Meghalaya

16 - The indigenous people living in Fiji and Papua New Guinea belong to ________

Melanesian group

17 - The Indira Gandhi canal gets water from which river

Sutlej and Beas

18 - The Indo-Gangetic Plains of India are fertile due to

Alluvial soils brought by the rivers from the mountains

19 - The Indonesia's parliament is:

People's Consultative Assembly

20 - The Indus Valley Civilization was based on the racial stocks of


21 - The industrial region of India which has the predominance of metal industries is:

Chotanagpur Region

22 - The inequality between day and night becomes greater or more marked as one travels from ________ to ________.

Equator, Poles

23 - The inner planets include:

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

24 - The innermost layer is the core with a radius of about ________ km.


25 - The Institute of Petroleum Reservoir Studies is located in


26 - The instrument to measure the area on maps is called


27 - The instrument used for finding out wind-direction is ________

Wind vane

28 - The instrument used for measuring earthquake is:


29 - The instrument used for measuring relative humidity in air is ________


30 - The instrument used for recording tremors of earth, is known as:


31 - The instrument which measures the intensity of solar radiation is called:


32 - The instrument which records the seismic waves generated by the occurrence of earth-quakes is called:


33 - The instrument, used for recording earthquake waves is ________


34 - The Integral coach factory is in

Perambur (Chennai)

35 - The intensity of earthquakes is measured on:

Richter scale

36 - The interior layer of the earth which is subjected to great heat and pressure is known technically as the barysphere. Which part of the earth does it refer to:

The Core

37 - The international air route from West Europe to East Asia passes through India because ________

India is a busy centre situated between the two places

38 - The International Date Line makes slight deviation from 180° meridian so that it ________

Does not divide a group of islands under the same administration

39 - The International Date Line passes through ________

Bering strait

40 - The International Date Line refers to

The international boundary between North and South

41 - The International Dateline deflects to a side to avoid ________

Aleutian Islands

42 - The International Date-line is an imaginary line extending from pole to pole along the places on the earth's surface and lies along the:


43 - The International Date-line is located in the:

Pacific Ocean

44 - The International Date-line makes slight deviation from 180

Divides the Pacific ocean into two equal halves

45 - The International Date-line passes through the:

Florida Strait

46 - The International Rice Research Institute is located in:


47 - The internationally recognised scale for describing wind speeds is ________.

The Beaufort Scale

48 - The Island of Sakhalin is also called :


49 - The Islands of Lakshadweep are

Of coral origin

50 - The islands of Seychelles are located in the ________

Indian Ocean

51 - The January isotherm taken as a basis for dividing India into tropical and subtropical zones is ________

15° C

52 - The Jawar mines of Udaipur are famous for


53 - The jet aircrafts fly very easily and smoothly in the lower stratosphere. What could be the appropriate explanation? (1) There are no clouds or water vapour in the lower stratosphere. (2) There are no vertical winds in the lower stratosphere. Which of the

Both 1 and 2

54 - The Jog Falls are situated on the

Saravathi river

55 - The joint river valley venture of India and Nepal is


56 - The Karakoram Highway connects which of the following pairs of countries?


57 - The Kiel Canal links the ________

North Sea and Baltic Sea

58 - The Koal Project is aimed towards

Irrigation, flood control and power generation

59 - The Konkan Coast stretches between ________

Goa and Cochin

60 - The Kowada Nuclear Park project is proposed to be setup in which State?

Andhra Pradesh

61 - The lake created by Aswan Dam in Africa is


62 - The lake Ontario and St. Lawrence of USA and Canada lie to the south-east of

Hudson Bay

63 - The Lakshadweep are an example of

Coral Islands

64 - The Lakshadweep Islands are situated in ________

Arabian Sea

65 - The land mass of lndia has an area of ________ million square km.


66 - The 'land of eternal spring' are certain parts of

Hot Wet Equatorial region

67 - 'The Land of the Morning Calm' is


68 - The land-locked country in South East Asia is


69 - The land-locked natural harbour along the east coast of India is


70 - The lapse rate in Troposphere is:

6.5C/1000 m

71 - The large natural ecosystem comprised of abiotic (land, air , water and soils of the concerned habitat) and biotic (plants, animals and micro-organisms) is called:


72 - The large States of India in the order of area are

Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra

73 - The largest amongst the following seas is ________.

The South China Sea

74 - The largest amont of reflection of the solar radiant energy which is reflected back into space before reaching the earth's surface is due to:


75 - The largest and the busiest inland waterways in the world is ________

The Great Lakes and the rivers St. Lawrence in U.SA

76 - The largest and the most important soil group of India contributing to the country's major agricultural production is


77 - The largest area under plantation in India is in


78 - The largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is located at:


79 - The largest coal reserves of India are found in ________


80 - The largest coffee, producing country in the world is


81 - The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of which one of the following countries ?


82 - The largest delta of the World is

Ganga Delta

83 - The largest desert in the world is the


84 - The largest desert of the world is:


85 - The largest exporter of cotton textile in the world is ________


86 - The largest fish exporting region in the world is ________

The North - West Pacific Region

87 - The largest fresh water body (volume-wise) in the world is lake


88 - The largest Indian mammal is:


89 - The largest irrigation canal in India

Indira Gandhi canal

90 - The largest island in the Indian Ocean is ________


91 - The largest island in the World is:


92 - The largest island of Atlantic Ocean is:


93 - The largest jute producing country in the world is


94 - The largest lake in Africa is ________

Lake Victoria

95 - The largest latitude circle on the earth is:

The equator

96 - The largest man-made canal in the world is the

Suez Canal

97 - The largest man-made canal in the world is:

Suez Canal

98 - The largest mica producing country in the world is


99 - The largest Muslim country in terms of area:


100 - The largest Muslim country in terms of population:


101 - The largest ocean is

Pacific Ocean

102 - The largest ocean of the world is:

Pacific Ocean

103 - The largest ocean of the world is:

Pacific Ocean

104 - The largest of all plates is _____ plate.


105 - The largest of the planets is


106 - The largest planet of the solar system is:


107 - The largest port of India is:

Mumbai Port

108 - The largest producer of coffee in the world is


109 - The largest producer of diamond In India is:

Madhya Pradesh

110 - The largest producer of Lac in India is


111 - The largest producer of manganese in the world is


112 - The largest producer of rubber is


113 - The largest producer of Sugar in India is

Uttar Pradesh

114 - The largest producers of coffee in the world is:


115 - The largest quantities of bauxite is found in ________

Tropical latitudes

116 - The largest railway station of the world is ________

Grand Central Terminal, Chicago

117 - The largest reserve of fresh water on the earth's surface is in

South America

118 - The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth's surface is in ________

North America

119 - The largest river of South America and second largest river of the world is:


120 - The largest satellite in the solar system is:


121 - The largest solar power plant in India is located at

None of the above

122 - The largest southernmost single island in India is ________

Great Nicobar Island

123 - The largest state of India(area wise ) is:


124 - The largest sugarcane producing country in the world is


125 - The largest Tea producer in the world is


126 - The largest urban agglomerations exists in ________ :

Less Developed

127 - The largest volcano crater in the world is ________

Toba (Indonesia)

128 - The last three digits of a PIN code represent ________

Sorting district

129 - The Laterite soil is found in

Dry and humid tropical areas

130 - The Laterite soil is found in which of the following state?


131 - The latitude also known as the

Arctic Circle

132 - The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of


133 - The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of:


134 - The latitude which passes through Sikkim also passes through


135 - The latitudes of main land of India extends between

8°4' N and 37°6' N

136 - The latitudes that pass through Sikkim also pass through


137 - The law which states that wave-length of maximum radiation is inversely proportional to the absolute of the emitting body is known as:

Wien̢۪s Displacement Law

138 - The layer of atmosphere which reflects radio waves is


139 - The layer of ocean water between the depth zone of 300 m- 1000 m characterized by sharp change of temperature in the vertical section of sea water is called:


140 - The layer of the atmosphere which provides ideal conditions for flying on jet aeroplanes is ________


141 - The leading producer of "bort" variety of diamond in the world is ________


142 - The leading producer of coal in former Soviet Union is

Donetz basin

143 - The leading producer of sulphur is ________


144 - The leading producer of tea which accounts for about 28% of total production in the world is:


145 - The leading producer of wind-power in the world is:


146 - The leading states in the production of cotton in India are ________

Maharashtra and Gujarat

147 - The least densely populated country among the following countries of Europe is ________


148 - The Lena river passes through which country?


149 - The length of a shadow at noon would be the same all the year round at

The Equator

150 - The length of India's coastline is about ________

7500 km

151 - 'The length of its day and the tilt of its axis are almost identical to those of the earth'. This is true of ________


152 - The length of the Amazon River is:

6296 km

153 - The length of the Suez Canal is approximately

190 km

154 - The light coming from stars gives the idea of their ________


155 - The light coming from stars gives the idea of their:

Rotational speed

156 - The light of Sun takes how much time to reach to Earth

8 minutes 20 seconds

157 - The limit of clouds is up to _______ :


158 - The line at which a day is lost or gained is called:

International Date line

159 - The line dividing North Korea and South Korea is

38th parallel

160 - The lines joining places of equal earthquake intensity are:

Isosessinal line

161 - The Llanos and Campos of South America are examples of ________

Savanna regions

162 - The local time of a place is known with reference to its:

Longitudinal position

163 - The location of a cement industry is mostly based on ________.

Availability of raw materials

164 - The location of a place A is at 60° E longitude and 30° S latitude while the location of B is at 60° E longitude and 45° N latitude. Time at B will be ________

The same as that of A

165 - The longest circle which can be drawn on the earth's surface passes through ________


166 - The longest dam in India is

Hirakund Dam

167 - The longest distance covered by one Broad Gauge train in India is between

Kanniyakumari and Jammu Tawi

168 - The longest inland waterways in the world is ________

Mississippi river system

169 - The longest of all the Indus tributaries is the


170 - The longest optical fiber cable of the world is laid between:

Singapore and Marseilles

171 - The longest railway platform in India


172 - The longest railway platform is ________

Kharagpur (India)

173 - The longest river of Europe and the longest river of Russia is:


174 - The longest river of Europe is


175 - The longest river of peninsular India is ________


176 - The longitudinal valley lying between Lesser Himalaya and the ________ are known as Duns.


177 - The longitudinal, transverse and surface waves in an earthquake originate from

The focus within the body of the earth

178 - The low flat central area of a basin of inland drainage is called:


179 - The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by humid climate with high temperature throughout the year. Which one among the following pairs of crops is most suitable for this region?

Paddy and Jute

180 - The lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere is called


181 - The lowest part of the earth is:

Dead Sea

182 - The lowest point of Africa is:

Assal Lake

183 - The lowest point of Dead Sea is lying between:

Israel and Jordan

184 - The lowest point of Europe is:

Caspian Lake

185 - The lowest point of North America is:

Death Valley

186 - The lowest point of South America is:

Valdes Peninsula

187 - The lowest winter temperature in the northern hemisphere is of ________


188 - The magma not able to reach the surface crystallizes to form:

Plutonic Rocks

189 - The magma not able to reach the surface crystallizes to form:

Plutonic Rocks

190 - The 'Mahe region' located on the western coast of India is politically a part of the Union Territory of ________


191 - The main area of production of icebergs is found in .

The West Coast of Greenland

192 - The main cause of earthquakes is:

All of the above

193 - The main cause of the origin of an earthquake is

Volcanic eruptions

194 - The main constituent of soil is

Weathering rocks

195 - The main hydroelectric power potential of the Indus river system lies in India and not in Pakistan because

The mountain stages of these rivers lie in India

196 - The main mineral constituents of the continental mass water ________ and alumina.


197 - The main mineral found in upper Brahmaputra valley is


198 - The main part of water in coastal areas of ocean which is located near the main region of continents are called

Continental Shelf

199 - The major cause of the decrease in population of rural areas as compared to the towns is ________

Migration of people from villages to the urban areas in search of better facilities and employment

200 - The major oil producing area in U.S.A. is ________

Texas-Louisiana belt

201 - The major peaks like Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Mansalu, Chooyu, Nanga Parbat and Annapurna all are situated in:

The Greater Himalayas (Himadri)

202 - The major thermal power station fed on natural gas is at


203 - The majority of Earth's crust is composed of which rock?


204 - The majority of the coal reserves found in India are of

Gondwana formation

205 - The mangrove forests are present in

The Sunderbans

206 - The Mangrove forests of Ganga delta are known as


207 - The Map showing the speciality of the surface of any area is called as

Relief Map

208 - The mapping of which of the following is most difficult ?

Interior of the Earth

209 - The mass of Jupiter is almost

One Thousandth of the mass of the Sun

210 - The Matatilla Project is

A joint venture by Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh

211 - The material carried by the glacier such as rocks big and small, sand and silt gets deposited, which are called glacial ________.


212 - The material that comes out of a volcano at the time of eurption is:

Solid and liquid

213 - The maximum amount of energy in the present day world is provided by ________


214 - The maximum biological magnification of DDT through food web is seen in:


215 - The maximum depth of Bering Sea is:

4,773 metres

216 - The maximum depth of Pacific Ocean is:

11,033 metres

217 - The maximum fixation of solar energy is done by:

Green plants

218 - The McMohan Line is a boundary between

India and China

219 - The mean distances on the perihelion and aphelion is:

149.5 km

220 - The mean radius of the earth is approximately:

6400 kms

221 - The mean thickness of oceanic crust and continental crust is around:

5 kilometer and 30 kilometer respectively.

222 - The mean thickness of oceanic crust is:

5 kilometer.

223 - The Mediterranean region is known for heavy rain

In winter

224 - The mediterranean region specialises in fruit culture because ________

The long dry summer favour drying and packing of fruits for export.

225 - The Mediterranean type of climate is found in mid-latitudes on the

Western side of the continents

226 - The meeting or warm and cold currents in the ocean gives rise to


227 - The melting down of glacier is normal event regarding the rising sea level. Most of the glaciers are found in

South Pole

228 - The metallic minerals are

Iron ore, copper, lead

229 - The Metamorphism of Shale occurs in which of the following rocks?


230 - The method of soil conservation in which bare ground between plants is covered with layer of organic matter like straw is called?


231 - The middle zone of the earth with a thickness of 2780 km having an average density of 5.6 is known as:


232 - The Milky way extends through a distance ________

105 light years

233 - The milky way extends through a distance of:

105 light-years

234 - The minimum fore at cover necessary to maintain ecological balance is

33% of the total land area

235 - The minor planets revolving between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called


236 - The moat abundant element in sea water is


237 - The mode or life or people living in Monsoon regions is

Intensive subsistence cultivation

238 - The modern iron and steel industry in India had its beginning in 1870 when Bengal Iron Works Company was established in:


239 - The Mohorovicic (Moho) Discontinuity separates

Crust and Mantle

240 - The monsoon has well-developed cycle in ________

South and South East Asia

241 - The moon does not fall onto the earth despite the attraction between the earth and the sun because of

The centrifugal reaction

242 - The moon is a


243 - The Moon is showing its same face to the Earth because

Its periods of rotation and revolution are the same

244 - The Mopplah are to be found in


245 - The more destructive movements are:


246 - The most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere is


247 - The most abundant metal in the Earth's Crust is


248 - The most common element by weight in the earth's crust is


249 - The most common igneous rock is


250 - The most dangerous consequence of excessive deforestation is:

Soil erosion

251 - The most dangerous effect of excessive deforestation is

Destruction of habitat of wild animals

252 - The most effective farming method for returning minerals to the soil is

Crop rotation

253 - The most fertile region of India is

the Indo-Gangetic plain

254 - The most ideal conditions for the chemical weathering are found in ________

Hot and humid regions

255 - The most ideal region for cultivation of cotton in India is

The Deccan Plateau

256 - The most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India is

the Deccan plateau

257 - The most important breed of wool producing sheep in the world is:


258 - The most important coal field in India is:

Jharia Coalfield

259 - The most important commercial forests of India are

Tropical deciduous

260 - The most important factor in thunderstorms development is ________

Atmospheric instability

261 - The most important item of export among marine products from India is ________


262 - The most important layer for all biological activity in the atmosphere is:


263 - The most important navigable river in, Central Europe that provides a link between seven countries-Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Rome, Russia and Yugoslavia is ________


264 - The most important oil producing area of the USA is

The Texas-Louisiana belt

265 - The most important uranium mine of India is located at


266 - The most rigid and crystallize part of earth is _______.


267 - The most salty basin in the world is the

Dead Sea

268 - The most salty sea in the world is:

Dead Sea

269 - The most servere earth quake experienced in America at:

Mississippi Valley

270 - The most typical Australian tree which sheds its bark instead of leaves is


271 - The most urbanised community in India is that of the ________


272 - The most valuable cash crop of Brazil is


273 - The mountain building in Himalayas began

both (a) and (b)

274 - The Mountain Peak located where the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra river takes a hairpin bend from West-East trend to North-South trend is

Namcha Barwa

275 - The mountain range which stretches from Gujarat in west to Delhi in the north is the ________


276 - The Mountain system of Alps, Carpathians, Transylvanian, Balkans are located in:


277 - The mountain which separates Asia and Europe is?

Ural Mountain

278 - The movement inside the Earth's crust is studied by ________


279 - The movement inside the Earth's crust is studied by which of the following?


280 - The movement inside the earth's crust is studied by:


281 - The movement of denser plate inwards towards the enterior of earth during collision is called _______ .


282 - The multipurpose project irrigating maximum area in India is


283 - The Naga hills form the watershed between India and ________


284 - The Nagarjuna Sagar dam is constructed on the river


285 - The Nagarjunasagar Project is an important multipurpose project on the river ________ in the ________ district of Andhra Pradesh.

Krishna, Nalgonda

286 - The Nagarjunsagar Dam project is located on:

Krishna River

287 - The name Albania's parliament is

Kuvend Popollore

288 - The name Ireland's parliament is:

Dail Eireann

289 - The name of Algeria's parliament is:

People's National Assembly

290 - The name of Ghana's parliament is:

National Assembly

291 - The name of India's biggest irrigation canal is

Indira Gandhi Canal

292 - The name of Mexico's parliament is:

National Congress

293 - The name of New Zealand's parliament is:

House of Representatives

294 - The name of Norway's parliament is:


295 - The name of Oman's parliament is:

Consultative Assembly

296 - The name of parliament of Switzerland is:

Federal Assembly

297 - The name of parliament of UK is:

House of Commons

298 - The name of Qatar's parliament:

Advisory Council

299 - The name of Spin's parliament is:


300 - The name of Spin's parliament is:

Parliament Council

301 - The name of Sweden parliament is:


302 - The name of the parliament of Zambabwe is:

National Assembly

303 - The name of the parliament of Zambia is:


304 - The Narmada river originate in

Maikal Range

305 - The narrow meandering bands of swift winds which blow in the midlatiludes near the tropopause and encircle the globe are known as:

Jet Stream.

306 - The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) is located at


307 - The National Geophysical Research Institute is located in


308 - The National Highway - 1 connects Delhi to


309 - The National Highway-1D connects Leh to Kashmir Valley through the ________ pass.

Zoji la

310 - The National Metallurgical Laboratory of India is at


311 - The national Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) was set up in:


312 - The nations, separated by McMohan line are

China and India

313 - The natural habitat of Rhinoceros in India is


314 - The natural region which holds the Indian subcontinent is


315 - The nature of the winter rainfall in north western India is ________


316 - The navigable European rivers are

Danube, Rhone, Seine and Elbe

317 - The nearest star to the sun is

Alpha Centuari

318 - The network of the series of vertical and horizontal lines is known as

Geographical Coordinates System

319 - The new alluvial deposits found in the Gangetic plain are known as ________


320 - The New name of Burma is Myanmar and its capital is


321 - The new name of East Pakistan is:


322 - The new name of Lyallpur is


323 - The new name of Malagasy is:


324 - The Niagara Falls is in

North America

325 - The Nilgiris are part of the

Western Ghats

326 - The North and South Equatorial currents are caused by:

The prevailing trades

327 - The North Atlantic Sea route is regarded as an important internationsl trade route because

It connects two industrially developed parts of the world

328 - The north flowing rivers of Siberia are not of much use for navigation mainly because

The lower courses remain frozen for many months

329 - The North Pole is always in the light

From March 21 to September 23

330 - The North Star is a part of the constellation:

Little dipper

331 - The northern part of the west coast in India is known as

Konkan coast

332 - The northern part of the west coast is known as ________

Konkan coast

333 - The Northern plain of India has been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems, namely the Indus, the Ganga and the ________.


334 - The northern plain of India is formed of ________.

Alluvial soil

335 - The north-western India receives substantial rainfall during winter months because of ________

Westerly disturbances

336 - The NTPC has decided to set up its first coal-based power plant in which of the following North-Eastern States?


337 - The nuclear power plant in India which will provide power mainly for agriculture is located at


338 - The nuclear reactor, where the leak of radioactive substance was detected in Japan following the tsunami of March 11,2011 ,are in


339 - The number of earthquakes that occur each year is about


340 - The number of economic minerals associated with sedimentary rocks is

Less than that associated with igneous rocks

341 - The number of major and minor plates is _______ respectively.


342 - The number of major ports in India is


343 - The number of women per thousand men is called

Sex ratio

344 - The objective of Biosphere Reserve is

All of the above

345 - The Ocean currents transfer heat from ________

Lower to higher latitudes

346 - The ocean surface currents follow clockwise circulatory paths in the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to the ________

Coriolis force

347 - The oceanic current named as 'Kuroshio - Kurile and Alaskan' are located in

North Pacific Ocean

348 - The official residence of the Pope is in:

Vatican City

349 - The ogigin of Agriculture is from ________ :

Central China

350 - The oil-gas fields Dighboi, Naharkatiya and Moran are located in:


351 - The 'Old Faithful' in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming is a/an


352 - The old name of Afghanistan is:


353 - The old name of Denmark?


354 - The old name of Kamataka is:


355 - The old name of Libya is:


356 - The old name of Oslo is:


357 - The old name of Sahiwal is:


358 - The oldest basis of existence all over the world was:


359 - The oldest inhabitants of India are considered to be ________


360 - The oldest mountains in India according to geographical history are ________


361 - The oldest mountains in India are


362 - The oldest nuclear power plant at Tarapur is located on the border between

Maharashtra and Gujarat

363 - The oldest oil field in India is the ____ field, in ____

Digboi, Assam

364 - The oldest oil refinery in India is at

Digboi, Assam

365 - The oldest oil-field in India is in


366 - The oldest river valley project in India is


367 - The oldest rocks in India are reported from

Dharwar region, Karnataka

368 - The oldest/earlier cities of the world is:


369 - The only cereal crop which originated in America is


370 - The only land-locked country in South-East Asia is


371 - The only planet whose period of rotation is longer than the period of revolution around the Sun?


372 - The only port in erstwhile Soviet Union that is ice free throughout the year is


373 - The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at


374 - The only sanctuary where kasturi stag is found is


375 - The only South American nation through which both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn pass through?


376 - The only state in India that produces saffron is

Jammu and Kashmir

377 - The only State which produces saffron in the Indian Union is

Jammu and Kashmir

378 - The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is

Southern zone

379 - The orbit along which the earth revolves is:


380 - The orbit in which of the following planet is nearest to the Sun?


381 - The orbits of planets around the sun, or of satellites around the earth can be:

Circular and elliptic

382 - The orbits of planets around the Sun, or of satellites around the Earth, can be ________

Circular and elliptic

383 - The original home of the gypsies was


384 - The originating in the Himalayan mountain complex consists of how many distinct drainage systems of the Indian Subcontinent?


385 - The originating point of river Godavari is


386 - The Outer Himalayas correspond with

The Shiwalik range

387 - The outer Himalayas lie between

the lease Himalayas and the Indo Gangetic plain

388 - The outer most range of Himalayas is called ________.


389 - The outermost layer of Sun is called ________


390 - The outermost layer of the sun is called:


391 - The outflow of Indus River is:

Arabian Sea

392 - The outflow of River Brahmaputra is

Ganges River

393 - The outflow of Yang tze Kiang River is:

China Sea

394 - The Ozone hole is detected in the atmosphere, where is it located?

Above Antarctica

395 - The Ozone hole over Antarctica was discovered in


396 - The Ozone Layer protects the earth from

Ultra-violet rays

397 - The Pacific terminal of Trans-Siberian Railway is


398 - The Paithan (Jayakwadi) Hydro-electric project, completed with the help of Japan, is on the river


399 - The paleomagnetic results obtained from India indicate that in the past, the Indian landmass has moved


400 - The Palk Bay lies between

Gulf of Mannar and Bay of Bengal


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