Group III-A, IV-A, V-A, And VI-A Elements MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - Boron in soil has been considered micronutrient for

Proper growth of plants

2 - One of the outstanding features of boron is its ability to form

Molecular addition compounds

3 - Substance which is found in dried up lakes of Tibet and California is


4 - Borax is a white crystalline solid and it is

More soluble in hot water

5 - Which of the following does not give Borax bead test?


6 - Special features of borate glass is that it is

Heat resistant

7 - The metal which is used in thermite process because of its activity is


8 - Aluminium oxide is

Amphoteric oxide

9 - Which of the following shows inert pair effect?


10 - Boron is non metal while other elements of IIIA group are metals. This is because

all of the above

11 - CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature.

CO2 is an independent molecule while SiO2 has network covalent structure

12 - The coloured glassy mass in borax bead test is due to the formation of

metal meta borate

13 - Identify the correct statement regarding CO

it reacts with red blood cells of haemoglobin

14 - If temperature of gallium arsenide is increased then its conductivity will


15 - Boric acid cannot be used

In soda bottles

16 - Which of the following will decompose to produce litharge


17 - Which element can form tripositive ion?


18 - Which of the following is metasilicic acid?


19 - Which electronic configuration corresponds to an element of group IIIA?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1

20 - Tincal is a mineral of


21 - In network of silica (SiO2) each silicon atom is surrounded by _________ atoms of osygen


22 - Which one of the following is not a semiconductor?


23 - Orthoboric acid is 2.6% soluble in water at 40Degree Centigrade and ________at 107Degree Centigrade.


24 - The process of aluminium extraction is called

Hall process

25 - Because of its ability to combine with both oxygen and nitrogen aluminium metal is used

To remove air bubbles from molten metal

26 - Aqueous solution of borax above 62Degree Centigrade gives crystals of


27 - Which of the following is not a use of silicon?


28 - Which of the following is different with respect to physical appearance?


29 - Which one of the followings possesses melting point below 0Degree Centigrade?


30 - Compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus are mostly


31 - The most electronegative element among the following is


32 - SO3 is not absorbed in water directly because

Reaction is exothermic

33 - Phosphene gas will be produced if phosphorous acid is subjected to

Both b & c

34 - Which of the following will give phosphoric acid one reaction with water

All of the above

35 - Which one of following is not a property of pure quartz?

Coloured solid

36 - Phosphorus is a Greek word and it means

Light bearing

37 - Which of the following does not contain phosphorus?


38 - Allotropic form of phosphorus that is poisonous is


39 - Which one of the following is not the use of graphite?


40 - Acetic anhydride can be obtained by treating ethyl alcohol with

Both a and b

41 - The composition of brown ring in nitrate test is


42 - Phosphorous acid upon thermal decomposition yields phosphoric acid and


43 - Which one of the following compounds usually smells like garlic?


44 - P2O5 is a hygroscopic powder which sublimes at

360Degree Centigrade

45 - The element of group VIA which is a non-metal is


46 - Phosphoric acid is a weak acid and its basicity is


47 - All the elements in group VIA are _______ in nature.


48 - Which allotropic form of phosphorous is the most stable?


49 - The gas which cannot be dried by conc. H2SO4


50 - The chemical composition of cinnabar is


51 - FeSO4 forms brown ring with


52 - Oxygen and sulphur resemble in all except

Show same oxidation state

53 - Oxygen does not react with all except


54 - Arsenic oxides are removed by passing through

Ferric hydroxide

55 - In which compound nitrogen has maximum oxidation state


56 - When sulphuric acid is treated with ethanol sulphuric acid behaves like

a dehydrating agent

57 - Among the halogens the rare element is



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