History of Education in Europe MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Democracy and Education /Experience and Education, Art as experience, School and Society, Reconstruction in philosophy, Philosophy of John Dewey" who wrote these books?

John Dewey

2 - "Learning by Doing Method of Teaching" presented by?

John Dewey

3 - A teacher who is self - critical of his teaching is called?

Reflective teacher

4 - According to Friedrich Froebel a teacher should be:

All of these

5 - According to John Dewey the learner is involved in a__________that truly interests him or her?

Genuine experience

6 - According to John Dewey what is the primary purpose of education to contribute to a person's?


7 - According to Maria Montessori which age is very important of children?

1-6 years

8 - According to Plato what is the primary function of education is to develop?

Power of thinking

9 - According to Plato's philosophy took education as means of preserving what?

The state

10 - According to whom the Aim of life is Self-expression?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

11 - Against the concept of ideal state of his teacher Plato, Aristotle made home a real:

Training center

12 - Among all of these which philosopher was most inspired from Rousseau's ideas (philosophy) and his famous novel "Emile"?


13 - Among all of these which philosophy is presented by John Dewey?


14 - Among all of these who is the called the father of Modern Education?


15 - Among all of these who was the most attentive reader of Rousseau's Emile and agreed with Rousseau that human are naturally good but spoiled by a corrupt society?

Johnn Heinrich Pestalozzi

16 - Antioch College was coeducational and____?


17 - Art of speaking and writing effectively is called what?


18 - As a physician Montessori worked with which type of children regarded as?


19 - By 1860 there were how many normal schools in America?


20 - Classrooms of Dalton Plan were called?


21 - Common School of Horace Mann were for:

Students learning

22 - Dalton Plan was introduced by which philosopher?

Helen Parkhurst

23 - Dialogues to resolve conflict between two parties on a specific topic is called?

Dialectic Method

24 - Dividing pupils /students into groups according to their abilities is called?


25 - Educational program of Rousseau was for the people of :

Upper class only

26 - Enlarged students concepts of time and space through projects that involved them in history and geography is?

The second level

27 - For what purposes Pestalozzi established schools at Bergdorf and Yverdon?

To educate children and prepare teachers

28 - For which purposes Montessori designed Didactic materials to develop ?

All of these

29 - Fredrick Froebel is awarded the credit of establishing the idea of:

The Kindergarten (KG)

30 - Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) was a German educator is famous for his pioneering work in developing a school for early childhood education:


31 - Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) was a/an _____educationist?


32 - Friedrich Froebel was basically a/an____?

Philosophical idealist

33 - Froebel's philosophy of Education rested on how many basic components?


34 - Helen Parkhurst (1887-1973) was a/an_____educationist?


35 - Helen Parkhurst was a student of which Italian Educationist?

Maria Montessori

36 - Horace Mann (1796-1859) was a/an ______educationist?


37 - Horace Mann edited which journal?

Common School Journal

38 - Horace Mann improved education by advocating successfully the establishment of free___?


39 - Horace Mann started Common School Movement in America. What was his another contribution to the field of teaching?

Normal Schools

40 - How many Horace Mann wrote Annual Reports of Common School Journal which later became very popular?


41 - How many years Horace Mann served as First Secretary?

12 years

42 - How much period of time is required Dalton Plan conference?

25-45 minutes

43 - How to introduce alphabet to the children in Montessori's types of activities?

Tracing movable sand paper letters

44 - In 1853 Horace Mann assumed the Presidency of_______in Yellow Springs, Ohio?

Antioch College

45 - In Dalton Plan, "The House" Plays a more integral role than a "home room" does in:


46 - In the CASA DEL BAMBINI school Montessori Fashioned which environment?

Specially prepared environment

47 - In the curriculum of The Kindergarten School the material such as: clay, sand, cardboard, and sticks are called?


48 - In the Dalton Plan education system, the word"_______" refers to the one to one discussions between the children and teachers of subject like science and mathematics about such issues as how to approach homework tasks.


49 - In the Dalton Plan system who plays the role of an extra parent for children?

The house advisor

50 - In The Dalton Plan who outlined the the weekly assignments?


51 - In The Kindergarten School objects with fixed form, such as spheres, cubes and cylinders are called?


52 - In the Montessori Method of teaching the teacher acts as_______, who provide environment and materials.

Facilitator and guide

53 - In the Sensory Object approach children learned the common objects in their environment:

All of these

54 - In which level of Dewey curriculum Science subjects such as biology, chemistry, and social studies were taught to the students?

The third level

55 - It is stated that John Dewey has taken which theory from Herbart?

Theory of interest

56 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was a/an ______educationist?


57 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed of what type teaching method?

Child centered education

58 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote Social Contract, Discourse on Political Economy and what is the name of his famous educational novel?


59 - John Dewey (1859-1952) was one of the most important _______philosopher?


60 - John Dewey established Laboratory School in:

Chicago University

61 - John Dewey saw knowledge not as mere information but as an instrument to:

Solve problems

62 - John Dewey wa the director of which school from 1896 to 1904 where he tested his Pragmatic Educational Philosophy?

John Dewey

63 - John Dewey was American philosopher belonged to which century?


64 - John Dewey(1859-1952) was a/an_______educationist?


65 - Johnn Heinrich Pestalozzi's approach to teaching can be organized into "general" and_________methods?


66 - Keenly aware of the technology's power to transform society, John Dewey wanted it used for what purposes?


67 - Kindergarten School was for which age of children?

4-5 years

68 - Like Pestalozzi and Rousseau, Montessori also believed that children's early experiences have an important influence on their _____?

Later lives

69 - Like Rousseau which was the educationist who based his learning method on natural principles and stressed the importance of human emotions?


70 - Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was a/an_______?


71 - Maria Montessori belongs to which country?


72 - Maria Montessori preferred what method of teaching?

Didactic (pre-planned teaching)

73 - Maria Montessori was awarded the degree of :


74 - Montessori curriculum included three types of activities and experiences:

All of these

75 - Montessori educators are called _________rather than teachers?


76 - Motor Expression meant:

Learning by doing

77 - Normal School of Horace Mann were for ____training?


78 - Permissive environment of Froebel's Kindergarten (KG) included in:

All of these

79 - Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a/an_______educationist?


80 - Pestalozzi emphasized child centered approach, individualized, self-paced, self - directed. What was the other important one?

Activity-based learning

81 - Philosophy of Naturalism in education was presented by whom?

J. J. Rousseau

82 - Pragmatic Educational Philosophy was developed by which American philosopher?

John Dewey

83 - Rousseau said that man born good. But what makes him/her corrupt?


84 - Socrates utilized which technique to develop the concepts?


85 - Socrates was the teacher of which ancient Greek famous philosopher?


86 - Students progress in the Dalton Plan was shown by:


87 - The children in The Kindergarten School utilized the material to design, shape, manipulate and construct castles, cities, and mountains is belong to which category of curriculum?


88 - The concept of "House" was taken from Japanese idea of a:

Home room

89 - The Dalton Plan divided each subject in the school's curriculum into monthly :


90 - The Dalton Plan has three parts, which are based upon three parts, which are based upon the two principles of freedom and ______?


91 - The first half of the century which was full of reforms in the educational methods?


92 - The first Normal School for Teachers was established in Lexington, Massachusetts, in 1839 through the efforts of _____?

Horace Mann

93 - The general method created a permissive and emotionally healthy ______learning environment?


94 - The Kindergarten School's curriculum included "gifts" and ______?


95 - There were how many levels in Dewey's curriculum?


96 - Tick the write basic component of Froebel's philosophy of eduation:

All of these

97 - What are the basic three parts of the Dalton Plan?

House, lab, assignment

98 - What is essentially an "allocation of study," something akin to homework?


99 - What is the level that deals sensory and motor skills and socialization through collaborative group projects?

Making and doing

100 - What is the life span of Italian educationist Dr. Maria Montessori?


101 - What is the meaning of the ancient Greece word "Ephebe"?

Young man

102 - What is the name of an American philosopher who presented the method of Learning - by- Doing Method of Teaching?

John Dewey

103 - What is the name of an Italian educationist Who said "Play is the work of child?

Maria Montessori

104 - What is the other name of Dalton Plan?

Children University

105 - What is the third level of curriculum of John Dewey?

Science subjects

106 - What method was introduced by Dewey for students?

Project method

107 - What Pestalozzi applied to Education?

Modified naturalism

108 - What philosophy of Aristotle was developed and presented in ancient Greece?


109 - What type of environment was of The Kindergarten School by Friedrich Froebel?


110 - What was called the wrestling school of ancient Greek?


111 - What was originally The Dalton School called?

Children's university school

112 - What was taught at the First Normal School for Teachers?

All of these

113 - What was the essential parts of Kindergarten school's early childhood education?

All of these

114 - What was the name of world's first book of Psychology which was written by Aristotle?

Peri Psyches

115 - What were the formal skills and subjects included in Montessori's curriculum?

All of these

116 - When and where Froebel founded The Kindergarten School?

1817 in Brandenburg

117 - When Fredrick Froebel established first Kindergarten (KG) School in?


118 - When John Dewey established Laboratory School?


119 - When Maria Montessori established a children's school, the CASA DEL BAMBINI, for impoverished children from the slums of Rome?


120 - When the Dalton Plan was established in New York?


121 - Where John Dewey established his Laboratory School which emphasis lab experiments to learn?


122 - Which American educationist advocated the Dalton Laboratory Plan?

Helen Parkhurst

123 - Which are the greatest men in educational history were contemporaries in the 19th century ?

All of these

124 - Which educationist wanted to pedagogical reform and against the traditional schooling (memorization and recitation)?

J. Heinrich Pestalozzi

125 - Which Froebel's activity set the direction of children's development and enable them to be activity creative and social participants?


126 - Which kind of environment is favoured by Pestalozzi in schooling?

All of these

127 - Which method was utilized to solve the problems by the learner in Dewey's Laboratory School?

Scientific method

128 - Which teaching method was devised by J. H. Pestalozzi fo children to learn in loving and unhurried manner?

Group instruction

129 - Which things were utilized to teach measuring and counting in Montessori's types of activities?

Colored rods

130 - Which was an American Educationist who presented "Dalton Plan"?

Helen Parkhurst

131 - Which was the educationist who said that education should be provided by well trained teachers?

Horace Mann

132 - Which was the most important teaching and learning method that advocated by John Dewey to solve the problems?

Scientific method

133 - Which were the instructional strategies of Pestalozzi?

All of these

134 - Who accepted the position of First Secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts on 1837?

Horace Mann

135 - Who believed at the slow, precis e learning in a loving environment?

J. H. Pestalozzi

136 - Who believed that every child's inner self contained a spiritual essence that stimulate self-active learning?

Friedrich Froebel

137 - Who believed that knowledge is continually reconfigured or reconstructed?

John Dewey

138 - Who considered that the child at his/her birth by nature good?


139 - Who developed and presented the Dialectic Method?


140 - Who developed his pioneering Experimental philosophy of eduation against the backdrop of the Social, political, scientific, and technological changes taking place in the United States in the first half of the 20th century?

John Dewey

141 - Who disfavored book reading (rote learning), formal and social education, formal discipline, and habit formation?


142 - Who emphasized on individualized instruction, self - reliance and pupil - led teaching?

Helen Parkhurst

143 - Who emphasized on Nationalism, Idealism, and child freedom in his philosophy of eduation?


144 - Who emphatically said "Man is born free and everywhere he/she is in chains"?

J. J. Rousseau

145 - Who established "The Kindergarten School" in Germany?

F. Froebel

146 - Who gave the idea that children learn right and wrong through experiencing the consequences of their acts rather than through physical punishment?


147 - Who has pioneered The Laboratory School in America?

John Dewey

148 - Who has presented this famous moto "Learning by head, hand, and heart"?


149 - Who introduced "object lesson", which stressed sensory learning?

J. H. Pestalozzi

150 - Who is called the father of American Education system?

Horace Mann

151 - Who is called the father of American public school education?

Horace Mann

152 - Who is called the pioneer of Elementary Education Reforms?


153 - Who is considered the education as a Negative Process?


154 - Who is exclaimed that education must be free, non-sectarian, and publically funded?

Horace Mann

155 - Who is the author of these books: Montessori Method /Discovery of child /Secret of childhood /Absorbent mind?

Maria Montessori

156 - Who is the Father of Common School Movement? In which he/she promoted free public education.

Horace Mann

157 - Who is the Father of Vocational Training education?


158 - Who is the founding father of Functional Psychology (Functionalism)?

John Dewey

159 - Who is the writer of the book "Pedagogous of Kindergarten"?

Fredrick Froebel

160 - Who is the writer of these two books: (1) Education of the man, (2) Pedagogics of Kindergarten?

Fredrick Froebel

161 - Who presented the idea of Negative Education in which child himself set free, wander here and there in natural way to learn by dancing, running, and playing?


162 - Who presented the Kindergarten method to teach children in playful environment?


163 - Who presented the Pragmatic Educational Philosophy by using it as the foundation for children's learning activities and projects?

John Dewey

164 - Who promoted Democracy in education?

John Dewey

165 - Who put forward The Dalton Plan is the education method in 1908 in the United States?

Helen Parkhurst

166 - Who said "play is the engine of real learning."?


167 - Who said "Virtue lies in the attainment of happiness"?


168 - Who said that all the children have potential to learn?

Fredrick Froebel

169 - Who stated "Play is the engine of real learning"?


170 - Who stated that learning unit knowing, feeling, and doing?


171 - Who stated that the knowledge comes from inside is real?


172 - Who was the 19th century forerunner educationist of the Psychological Movement in education?


173 - Who was the American educationist which established School District Libraries (free)?

Horace Mann

174 - Who was the American philosopher which wanted schools as democratic institutions should be open to and used by all?

John Dewey

175 - Who was the first woman doctor that graduated from University of Rome?

Maria Montessori

176 - Who was the first women in Italy which she has been studied at University of Rome and to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine?

Maria Montessori

177 - Who was the philosopher that preferred in education sense of discrimination and physical activities?

J. J. Rousseau

178 - Who worked with disabled children and presented Montessori Method of teaching?

Maria Montessori

179 - Who wrote "Letters of Early Education and The Education of Man"?


180 - Who wrote the book " Social Contract"?

J. J. Rousseau

181 - Who wrote the famous book "On the Art of Teaching"?

Horace Mann

182 - Who wrote the famous book "Reconstruction of Philosophy"?


183 - Who wrote the first book of Psychology in the world?


184 - Who wrote these famous educational books: Lectures on education, Slavery, On the art of teaching?

Horace Mann

185 - Who wrote this book "Discovery of Child"?

Maria Montessori


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