History of Education in Greece MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Brightest minds should made political decisions of state." Who made this statement?


2 - "Education" the word is derived from a Latin word "Educere" which means?

To lead

3 - "Peri Psyche/Physics /Metaphysics /Politics /Rhetoric /Economics". Who wrote these books?


4 - "Questions on new topics" reflected which type questions?


5 - "Repeating the questions" is a primary focus of what type of Socrates' questions?


6 - "To judge the performance at the end (of any program)" is the basic function of what type of questions?


7 - According to Aristotle when an infant schooling should be started?

0-6 years

8 - According to Plato higher education started from the age of 21 years and lasted till?

35 years

9 - According to Plato the ancient Greek philosopher that pre-education must be started from 0 to 6 years. What type of pre-education was?


10 - According to Plato what was the duration of elementary school education in Athens?

7-18 years

11 - According to the Aristotle's curriculum the students' schooling at the age of 15-21 should be taught, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, grammar, literature, poetry, rhetoric, ethics and what was the last?


12 - Aeschylus(389-314 BC) was a renowned poet and dramatist of which country?


13 - After 14 years old children of which families had the option to atend secodary education?


14 - After how many years of Ephebe training was finished by the Spartan soldiers?


15 - Aristotle emphasize on what type of experience as the beginning of knowledge?


16 - Aristotle was a realist and Plato was an_______?


17 - Aristotle was born on 384 BC. When he was died?

322 BC

18 - Aristotle was concerned only with______education?


19 - Aristotle was the pupil of Plato and was the tutor of whom?

Alexander the Great

20 - Aristotle's educational plan differed from that of Plato in respect to provision for making the home:

A real training center

21 - At the age of eighteen women were taught to____?

All of these

22 - At which age the students get philosophers training to become rulers and philosophers?

36-50 years

23 - At which stage boys and girls are separated and learned basic education?


24 - Athens was the major state in Greece in the past. What was the other major state?


25 - Elementary education was started from 6 years to_____?

14 years

26 - For the Greeks which was a key component of a person's identity?

Intellectual education

27 - For whom the sensory knowledge/sensory experiences/sensations are the root of knowledge?


28 - Formal education was very expensive in old Greeks, it was only provided to riches. Who was not received formal education?

Poor & slaves

29 - Good relationship helps to control which situation?


30 - How can be forgetting minimized through?


31 - How many developmental levels/stages presented by J. J. Rousseau?


32 - How many important types of questions were presented by Socrates in his question answer method?

4 types

33 - How many in numbers the stages of education presented by Plato the most important ancient Greek philosopher?


34 - How many levels of John Dewey's curriculum consisted of?


35 - How many types of education were in ancient Greece?


36 - In ancient Greek, the formal education was primarily provided to the males and ______?


37 - In ancient times in Greece, the young people could learn alongside a philosopher or_______?


38 - In ancient times most of the education was achieved through __?


39 - In the early Athenian education system the "Paidagogos" was called a?


40 - In which edcatinal system in ancient Greek focused heavily on training the entire personality of a person?


41 - Old Athenian Education differed from Spartan mainly in extent of the:

Intellectual element

42 - Only the Spartan male persons provided gymnastic and special warfare education with real weapons. What was the age of that training?

20 years

43 - Physically fit body was given extremely important to the Greeks. Where the children were trained physically?


44 - Plato believed that reality exists in the realm of pure ideas and Aristotle held that exists as______?


45 - Plato doubted whether a standard method of teaching existed for all subjects, and he argued that morally neutral education would corrupt most citizens. He preferred the_______method over the Sophists' rhetorical pedagogy.


46 - Plato founded Philosophy of Idealism and his pupil Aristotle established which philosophy in opposition?


47 - Plato said that before the starting of school education, children must spend time with whom for moral education?


48 - Plato thought that boys and girls needed to be separated but play tighter until they reached which level of education?


49 - Plato was a Greece philosopher. He was born on 429 BC. At which date he was died?

347 Bc

50 - Plato was the pupil of which philosopher?


51 - Plato's philosophy mostly stressed education as a means of preserving the:


52 - Post-secondary education was started from 19-20 years. What type of that education was?


53 - Primary education was started at the age of?

0-6 years

54 - Secondary education included subjects such as natural sciences, rhetoric, geometry, sophitry, and astronomy. What was the another important field of study?


55 - Secondary education was provided from 15 years to___?

18 years

56 - Socrates mostly stressed in which excellence ?


57 - Socrates was born in 469-BC in the outskirts of____?


58 - Socrates was the teacher of whom?


59 - Spartan education had little or nothing in common with early Athenian education except the:

Simplicity of its educational aim

60 - Spartan women received a formal education under the supervision of ____?

The state

61 - Students were ready to become rulers or philosophers and apply their knowledge practically after______years?

50 years on ward

62 - The basic process of attaining knowledge, skills, values, attitudes is called?


63 - The children learned fron the private tutor. What was called that private tutor in Greek?


64 - The education was provided by an unpaid tutor and it can be occurred in a non-public setting is called?


65 - 'The linking with the previous knowledge of students.' This statement is related to which type of questions presented by Socrates?


66 - The military education in told Greek was called?


67 - The old eductaion system in Greek cosisted on two types formal & non-formal but is also divided into two major parts, one was physical and what was the other?


68 - The period of classical Athens was started on 503 BC and ended at which year?

322 BC

69 - The primary aim of______to change in behavior and attitude in human being.


70 - The Socratic method refers to the method of developing concepts through:


71 - The special teachers who taught the youths to fight like Hoplites and trained them on the waepons are called________?


72 - To Socrates and Plato the aim of education was "to get/attain knowledge" but to Aristotle what is the aim of education?

Happiness or goodness

73 - Traditionally the Greek education system gave more importance to what?


74 - What is the "Quadrivium" means?

Arithmetic, music, astronomy, and geometry

75 - What is the life span of Socrates?


76 - What is the name of the modern philosopher who developed Pragmatic philosophy and applied it to education?

John Dewey

77 - What is the name of the subject that was give to the children when they were able to read the whole works?


78 - What is the physical education that mirrored the ideals of the military?


79 - What is the primary age they were prepared for war?

Young age

80 - What should be taught to the students at the age of between 7-14 years according to Aristotle?

All of these

81 - What type of eductaion was attained through attendance to a public schools or also provided by a hired tutor?


82 - What was called the slaves that came with the boys to school?


83 - What was the age of Athenian children to start their elementary education?

7 years

84 - What was the age of training of young people in Athens?

18 years

85 - What was the essential thing to teach the Athenian children?


86 - What was the institute that was started by Plato?

The academy

87 - What was the major contribution of Rousseau to the modern education?

Philosophy of naturalism

88 - What was the major contribution of the ancient Greek to modern education?

Emphasize upon the development of individual personality

89 - What was the name of an Athenian philosophical school which founded by Aristotle?

The Lyceum

90 - What was the name of an Athenian leader who encourged the poor peoplr to provide vocational education to their children?


91 - What was the name of the school Aristole created

The lyceum

92 - What was the permissive educational environment of Frobel's Kindergarten included?

All of these

93 - What was the Plato's belief that a child's education should start at the age of?

7 years

94 - What was the primary aim of Greek eduaction that was the cause of the develoment of?

All of these

95 - What was the primary focus of Greek education on?

All of these

96 - What was the Spartan of ancient Greek educational system as an extreme form of military boot camp?


97 - What was the type of eduation unable to receive the children of poor people?


98 - When the Greeks gained citizenship? When they learn how to _______

All of these

99 - Where the most Athenian children were taught?

At home

100 - Where the Spartans strictly trained the boys and girls?

In barracks

101 - Where was the only primary education imparted to the girls?

At home

102 - Where were the Sophists and philosophers uaually taught?


103 - Which is the basic emphasis philosophical thought of Frobel's philosophy?

All of these

104 - Which is the process to enable a person to read and write?


105 - Which method of teaching was presented and mostly used by Socrates to motivate, stimulate students, and encourage healthy discussions?

Questions answer method

106 - Which methods Aristotle used to find out knowledge?

Inductive and deductive

107 - Which of the following does not include with this group?


108 - Which subjects were taught to the students of 21 years to onward?

All of these

109 - Which was not learned in the "Didasealeum"?

Gymnastic exercises

110 - Which were the two famous educational systems in ancient Greek?

Formal & non-formal

111 - Who believed that women were intellectually inferior to men?


112 - Who developed the idea that the educators who relate schooling to social purposes?


113 - Who established "The Lyceum" (Peripatic School)?


114 - Who has developed object lesson which emphasized sensory learning?


115 - Who is the famous philosopher that conveyed his educational philosophy through his famous novel, "Emile"?


116 - Who is the writer of the book "Republic"?


117 - Who presented the idea of Ideal State?


118 - Who said, "virtue lies in the attainment of happiness"?


119 - Who suggested that girls should be trained to perform the household and child rearing duties necessary for their future roles as wives and mothers?


120 - Who was a classical Greece philosopher who studied under Socrates in Athens?


121 - Who was believed that the children must be free from the society's imprisoning institutions?


122 - Who was said that knowledge is truth?


123 - Who was said that knowledge is truth?


124 - Who was the first philosopher the first to formulate the logic of inductive and deductive procedures?


125 - Who was the Greek philosopher that presented the philosophy of Idealism?


126 - Who was the most influential figure over Greek education system?

All of these

127 - Who were taught the formal programs within Higher Education and charged for their teaching?


128 - Whwn Education was vastly 'Democratized' in Greek?

5th BC

129 - Why was the the Spartan educational system strict for females?

To train future mothers of soldiers

130 - Young girls were also taught to sing, dance, play instruments, poetry, writing and ______?

War education


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