History of Education in Subcontinent MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - When was the Sadler Commission's recommendations presented?


2 - "Only the competent students would be admitted in the university" was proposed in which report?

Sergeant Report

3 - A separate department of education under the administration of Central Government was established in?


4 - According to Sir Thomas Minro Report 1822, the educational facilities were available to the what percentage of the people of Madras?


5 - According to the British rulers, who were the responsible for freedom war 1857?

The Muslims

6 - According to the report of a Missionary William Adam before the start of British rule in province of Bengal and Behar there were how many schools running?

Two Lac

7 - After taken over the control of India what was the strategy of East India Company in Subcontinent?

Both A&B

8 - Ala Abad University was established in:


9 - Aligarh educational institution was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in Aligarh in:


10 - Aligarh Institute Gazette was published in which two languages?

Both A&C

11 - All-India Council for Technical Education was constituted in?


12 - Anjuman e Himayat Islam was established in?


13 - As far as British Education System in India was concerned, one of the Muslim groups were of the opinion that the Muslims should?

All of these

14 - Between 1823 and 1833 new colleges were opened in Delhi and?


15 - British Education system in Subcontinent divided into how many periods?


16 - By means of politics and educational system reflected the British policy to:

All of these

17 - Dar ul Aloom Nadva Tul Ulama an educational institution was started at Lukhnow in 1898 by?

Maulana Shibli Naomani

18 - Deoband Movement was completely ________?

All of the following options

19 - Due Wood's Dispatch, grant in aid department of education took control over?

All of these

20 - During the British rule in India the Hindus were:

All of these

21 - During the British rule in India, the Missionary educational institutions were:

All of the following

22 - For how many years the East India Company can't spend one lac over the education of the Subcontinent?

10 years

23 - How many Acres of land as the donation received the college administration by the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?


24 - How many in numbers of Muslims graduate out of 846 graduates of Madras, Mombai, and Calcutta University till 1857?


25 - How many kinds of High Schools are mentioned in the Sergeant Report?

2 kinds

26 - How many the total Muslim students of the Subcontinent were enrolled in Aligarh College till 1925?


27 - How much students were enrolled in the state schools and colleges between 1852-53?

30 thousands

28 - In 1852-53, what was the number of students in the missionary schools?

Three lac

29 - In 1860-62 what was the proportion of the Muslim students in the English schools?


30 - In Deoband, which type of special attention was paid to the practical/vocational education?

All of above

31 - In his memorandum presented to the Council of Governor General, Lord Macaulay emphasized upon that?

All of these

32 - In his report, Mr. Arnold writes that:

All of these

33 - In the British Education System were:

All of these

34 - In the Curriculum of the British Education System in India:

All of the following

35 - In which commission of education the University control over secondary and higher secondary education should be abolished?

Sadler Commission

36 - In which date the Indian Universities Commission presented its report?


37 - In which educational policy proposed that Science education would be imparted in practical schools?

Sergeant Report

38 - In which fields were the graduates of the Deoband rendered services?

All of the above

39 - Indian Education Commission was constituted under the headship of:

William Hunter

40 - Into how many classes the Industrial needs are divided in the Sergeant Report?


41 - It was hoped that what approximately percentage of admissions in Sergeant Report?


42 - It was the different opinions between the Company's officials that one group claimed that the money should be spent on the promotion of Eastern knowledge (Arabic, Persian, and Sunsikrit), these were Orientalists and the other group was in favor of the spr


43 - Jamia Millia Islamia was founded by Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar in Aligarh in?


44 - Later due to the relocation, the office of the Scientific Society was shifted on which place?


45 - Lord Macaulay came to India in1833 as a?

Secretary of Public Instruction Committee

46 - Moulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi established Madarasa Deoband in Saharanpur a village of India in:

May 30,1866

47 - One of the Muslims group of India were of the opinion that:

All of these

48 - Pestalozzi is considered the father of?

Vocational education

49 - Rangoon University was established on?


50 - Sadler Commission was presented in?


51 - Sergeant Report was presented in:


52 - The Binaras University was setup in:


53 - The book "Preaching of Islam" is written by?

T. W. Arnold

54 - The books which were translated by the Scientific Society published on which subjects of?

All of the above

55 - The British came to India for the purpose of what?


56 - The British dethroned Bahadur Shah Zafar and finished - - - - - - - years old Muslim rule in India?


57 - The British Historians admitted the fact that:

All of the following

58 - The British Parliament ordered the East India Company to take steps for the promotion of Christianity on ships and in the factories in?


59 - The British people came here as traders and at last they become ______?

The rulers

60 - The education policy of Lord Macaulay (1835) is also known as________?

Bentick Resolution

61 - The educational activities of the Christian missionaries were?

All of these

62 - The establishment of The Muslim League has rooted from?

All India Mohammadan Educational Conference

63 - The Europeans claims that the literacy rate of Hindustan was same as in the ______?

European countries

64 - The first period started from 1765 AD and lasted to________?

1813 AD

65 - The Fourth period is very important in educational changes in the Subcontinent. It starts from 1905 AD and ended at which date?

1947 AD

66 - The Inter-University Board was established in?


67 - The later Madarasa Ghaziabad was called as?

Victoria School

68 - The one third population of Madrass was getting education from?


69 - The Punjab University was set up in:


70 - The religious class of Britain criticized which strategies of East India Company?

All of these

71 - The scientific society which was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. It arranged the publishing of the translation of English books into which language?


72 - The second period is ended at 1854 AD. When the second period of British education system in Subcontinent is started?

1813 AD

73 - The second period of the British Education System ranges from:


74 - The system of education, which Pakistan inherited at the time of its independence?

Both A&B

75 - The third period of British Education System in India ranges from:


76 - The third period started from 1854 AD. When the third period of British education system in Subcontinent ended?

1905 AD

77 - The Universities of Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras were established in?


78 - The Western/English Historians/Thinkers/Travellers/British Educationists are acknowledged that during the rules of the Muslims in Subcontinent the education was common and_____?


79 - To gain the favor of Pandits and Maulvis the East India Company awarded with bounties and higher titles, for this aim company established Madarasa Aalia in Calcutta on 1780 and a Sunsikrit College for Hindus in Banarass on?


80 - What are the economic thoughts according to the Western thinkers?

All of above options

81 - What is the name of the first institution that launched by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

Madarasa Muradabad

82 - What percentage was the educational tax on land revenue in 1868?


83 - What was taken the significant role of East India Company?

Political role in Lieu of trade in India

84 - What was the basic education included as per recommendations of Sergeant Report?


85 - What was the educational activities in the Missionary Schools in India?

All of the following

86 - What was the medium of instruction in Calcutta Vidyala College in India?


87 - What was the significance role played by the graduates of Deoband in the________?

All of these

88 - What was the sole purpose of East India Company?


89 - What were the aims of education declared in the Charter Act 1813?

All of the following

90 - What were the drawbacks of the British Education System in India in producing?

All of above

91 - What were the names of the institutions that established under the influence of Deoband?

All of these

92 - What were the primary aims of education of Mohammadan Educational Conference?

All of these

93 - What were the proposed trends in Wood's Dispatch?

All of the above

94 - When Bombay Education Society was setup?


95 - When did Charter Act pass?


96 - When did East India company establish?

December 1600

97 - When did Lord Macaulay come India and become the member of Supreme Council and Secretary of Public Instruction committee in Hindustan?


98 - When did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan launched his educational plan?


99 - When did the Battle of Plassy take place?


100 - When did the British Government began to look after the affairs of the Subcontinent by itself?


101 - When did the engineering classes start in The Hindu College Calcutta?


102 - When did the Medical College Calcutta establish?


103 - When did The Public Instruction Committee establish?


104 - When elementary education was declared compulsory for the children having age ranging from 6 years to 10 years?


105 - When Lucknow University was established?


106 - When the General Committee of Public Instruction decided to spend the money (One Lac) for the dispensation of Eastern Knowledge and sciences?


107 - When was Bentick Resolution passed?

March 7,1833

108 - When was Government College, Lahore established?


109 - When was Indian Education Commission constituted?


110 - When was Sergeant Report presented?


111 - When was the Aligarh Institute Gazette was started by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?


112 - When was The Calcutta Vidyala College established by the British Government in India?


113 - When was The Council of Education constituted?


114 - When was the designation of Director General of Education created?


115 - When was the Engineering College Calcutta setup in?


116 - When was the first All-India Educational Conference held in?


117 - When was the Indian Education Commission established?


118 - Where did the first All-India Educational Conference take place?


119 - Where Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an Educational Committee for the educational betterment of the Muslims?


120 - Which areas were handed over the British administration by the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam kn 1765?

All of the following

121 - Which of the following Act is the foundation stone of British Education System in the Subcontinent?

Charter Act 1813

122 - Which of the following aims of nursing education was proposed in the Sergeant Report?

Social training

123 - Which of the following educational recommendations were proposed in the strict educational policy of Lord Curzon?

All of these

124 - Which of the following institutions were set up by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan into his educational movement?

All of these

125 - Which of the following is called the Magna Carta of Educational history of India?

Wood's Dispatch

126 - Which of the following language/languages was/were included in the curriculum of Madrasa Ghazipur established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

All of these

127 - Which of the following matters was included in the the curriculum of British Education in India during the English rule?

All of the following

128 - Which of the following Muslim thinkers was associated with Jamia Nadva Tul Ulama?

All of the above

129 - Which of the following opportunities were enjoyed by the Hindus when they accepted the English Education?

All of these

130 - Which of the following organizations/Movements/Societies constituted under the influence of Aligarh Movement?

All of the Above

131 - Which of the following policy of Education of the British period is commonly known as a "Warrant of Slavery?"

Wood's Dispatch

132 - Which of the following recommendations in Indian Education Commission 1882?

All of these

133 - Which of the following recommendations related to education in The Resolution 1904?

All of these

134 - Which of the following recommendations were announced by Lord Hording in 1844?

Government services will be given to the graduates of government educational institutions

135 - Which of the following sections was included in the Charter Act 1813?

All of these

136 - Which of the following Universities was established in 1851?

All of these

137 - Which of the following Universities was established in 1922?

Nagpur University and Delhi University

138 - Which of the following was proposed in the light of Lord Macaulay's recommendations?

Bentick Resolution

139 - Which of the following was recommended actions in the Charter Act 1813?

All of the following

140 - Which of the following was the aims of Aligarh Movement?

All of the following

141 - Which of the following was the fault of the curriculum of Deoband?

All of the above

142 - Which of the following was the first government college in India?

The Calcutta Vidyala College

143 - Which of the following was the proposed sections in the Sergeant Report (1944)?

All of these

144 - Which of the following was the role of a teacher in the Muslim education system in the Subcontinent?

All of these

145 - Which of the following were the aims of British education system in Subcontinent?

All of the above

146 - Which of the following were the primary recommendations of Bentick Resolution?

All of the following options

147 - Which of the following were the recommendations of Sadler Commission?

All of the following

148 - Which of the following were the recommendations of the Wood's Dispatch?

All of these

149 - Which of the following were the special arrangements for the instruction of which sciences?

All of these

150 - Which was the primary motivational force for the beginning of Aligarh Movement?

All of the following

151 - Which was the social class that targeted by the British rulers for the propagation of Christianity?

Lower-caste of Hindus

152 - Which were the recommendations of the Sergeant Report?

All of these

153 - Who is considered the founding father (founder) of the present system of education in the Subcontinent?

Chales Grant

154 - Who is the founding father of Pakistan Movement?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

155 - Who is the researcher that in his first survey report (25 June, 1822) claimed that in the province of Madrass there was a school for five hundred people?

Thomas Minro

156 - Who is the writer of famous book "Our Indian Muslims"?

Sir William Hunter

157 - Who said "the education in Punjab was common. The Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs got education equally. But all the teachers were Muslims. Many teachers teach without any pay. For girls there separate schools are established?"

Mr. Arnold

158 - Who said "the proportion of the educated individuals of India, is similar to that of the proportion of the educated individuals in Europe?"


159 - Who strongly favoured the mother tongue as a medium of instruction/education?


160 - Who were succeeded in Plassy war in 1751?

The East India Company invade the whole of India

161 - Women University, Patna setup in?


162 - Wood's Dispatch is called the Magna Carta of which country's education system?



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