History of Islamic Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - AL-GHAZALI was______a/an educationist?


2 - "Asabiya" means?

Group solidarity

3 - "Dar-ul-Baka University Delhi was founded by which emperor?

Shah Jahan

4 - "Education should be means to bring happiness in life" who stated this?


5 - "Governing the behavior and actions of human beings - the sciences of rites and customs" Al-Ghazali classified this into which sciences?

The science of transaction

6 - "If there is any difficult synthesis explain it with the help of grammar '' Who gives this advice to the teachers?

Shah Wali Ullah

7 - "Kashaf Ul Majoob" is a very popular book. Who Wrote this book?

Hazrat Daata Ghanj Bakhsh

8 - "Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Tafseer, and Grammer" according to Ibn-e-Khaldun are called?

Aloom Naqli

9 - "Students should not a forced to Memorize" who was said?


10 - "Tafseer - ul-Quran, Tuzk-e-Jahangiri, Aaeen-e-Akbri, Loyal Muhammadans of India, and Tabeen ul Kalam" were written by whom?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

11 - "The knowledge of God, His books, His Prophets, the kingdom of earth and heaven, as well as knowledge of Sharia as revealed by his Prophet" such knowledge in included in which category of knowledge according to the philosophy of Al-Ghazali?

Religious sciences

12 - "The teacher should be so Considerate and affectionate as a father on his son" which Muslim thinker/Educationists stated this statement?


13 - "To develop the ability among students to conjure the universe" who presented this aim of education?

Shah WaliAllah

14 - "To help the child to grow up with a balanced personality" who stated this?


15 - A Muslim teacher must have a mission of?


16 - A shaded area was constructed near the northern wall of the Prophet's Mosque is called?


17 - Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali was born at Ghazali near which city of Persia?


18 - Abu Ishaq Sherazi, Al-Ghazali, and Ibn-e-Mubarak were associated with which institute?

Nizamiyah Madarasa Baghdad

19 - According to Al-Ghazali a teacher what should keep in mind about the students?

All of these

20 - According to Al-Ghazali at what age the basis principles and foundations of religion are instilled into the children?

7 years

21 - According to Al-Ghazali human mind is like a what?


22 - According to Al-Ghazali knowledge has two types; Useful and what is another type of knowledge?


23 - According to Al-Ghazali learning is the real end of?


24 - According to Al-Ghazali the teachers of students must devote their attention to which education?

Religious education

25 - According to Al-Ghazali what is obligatory for a teacher?

All of these

26 - According to Al-Ghazali which are the non-revealed sciences?

All of these

27 - According to Al-Ghazali which sciences are studied according to the wishes, interests, and capacities of the students?

Optional sciences

28 - According to Al-Ghazali Which sciences must be studied by everyone, including the religious sciences and related or ancillary disciplines such as Linguistics and literature?

Obligatory sciences

29 - According to Al-Ghazali, the non-obligatory subjects are those which?

All of these

30 - According to Al-Ghazali, what is the primary aim of education?

All of these

31 - According to Al-Kindi our learning is either conveyed by the senses or acquired by the reason: which lies between them----Fency and Imagination - - is called?

Meditating faculty

32 - According to Ibn Bajah how many stages of learning divided?


33 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun "Education system should be formulated based on its_______?"


34 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun :

All of the following points

35 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun teaching process should comprises in how many stages?


36 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun the fountainhead of revealed knowledge is:


37 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun traveling is also a means of education. What he promoted for learning more?

Study tours

38 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun what are the three stages of teaching process?

All of these

39 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun which learning kill the thinking abilities of students?

Rote learning/memorization

40 - According to IBN-E-KHALDUN which subject should be compulsory to teach the students?


41 - According to Ibn-e-Sina and Imam Ghazali the child education must start from which subject?


42 - According to Ibn-e-Sina what is the aim of education?

All of these

43 - According to Ibn-e-Sina what is the aim of education?

All of these

44 - According to Ibn-e-Sina, the advanced sciences are:

All of the following

45 - According to Imam Al-Ghazali which is our 6th sense which helps to tell truth?


46 - According to Imam Al-Ghazali's view which is the true knowledge?

All of these

47 - According to Iqbal a teacher is that to child's?

All of these

48 - According to Iqbal what should education cultivate qualities?

All of the following answers

49 - According to Islam man is born as?


50 - According to Islam who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things?


51 - According to Islamic Education System the sequence of courses of study proceed from which discipline?


52 - According to Islamic Education System there are how many classification of knowledge?


53 - According to Islamic Education System who is the vicegerent of Allah (Khalifatullah) in the world?


54 - According to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan which cannot be the part of faith?


55 - According to the educational philosophy of Al-Ghazali a teacher what should do before the teaching?

Plan the lesson

56 - According to the Holy Quran, the first teaching class for Adam started soon after his creation and what was taught to Adam in that first teaching class?

All the Names

57 - According to which thinker cognition results from the action of the senses, through the help of active reason?

Ibn Bajah

58 - According to whom 'teach students according to their individual differences'?


59 - According to Zarnoogi, which of the following is the foremost education to be imparted first?

Quran and Hadith

60 - Acquired knowledge is also called?

All of these

61 - After getting his early education at home he went to a_______?


62 - Al-Beruni belongs to which king's court?

Sultan Masood

63 - AL-GHAZALI advised that marriage as soon as the sexual urge appears and ______is reached?


64 - AL-GHAZALI also advised that those who unable to marry should endeavor to cultivate discipline themselves and curb their impulses through what?

Fasting and spiritual exercises

65 - AL-GHAZALI distinguished how many types of curriculum?


66 - Al-Ghazali divided knowledge into two parts:

Both A&B

67 - AL-GHAZALI divided the philosophical series into how many categories?


68 - AL-GHAZALI favored proper clothing for children and disfavored tight and fit clothing. He also favored good and simple_____for children's physical growth?


69 - AL-GHAZALI has divided knowledge into how many types?

2 types

70 - AL-GHAZALI passed away on which of the following date?


71 - AL-GHAZALI permits how much punishment of a student?

Three sticks

72 - Al-Ghazali received his education from which Islamic institution?

Madarasa Nizamia Baghdad

73 - AL-GHAZALI said that human mind is like a slate and who can transform it?


74 - AL-GHAZALI stressed the importance of childhood in ______?

Character Formation

75 - Al-Ghazali suggested that Teachers should deal with their students with love and _____?


76 - Al-Ghazali was born at Ghazali near Tus in what A.D?


77 - AL-GHAZALI was the pupil of which greatest theologian of the age?


78 - Allah Almighty commanded education and knowledge in which revelation of the Hira (mountain)?


79 - Allah is the Creator of everything and He is the One,______?


80 - Allama Iqbal favored female education and?

Moral education

81 - Allama Iqbal favored which method of teaching?

Learning by doing method

82 - Allama Iqbal was against the mere bookish knowledge and?

Rote learning

83 - Allama Iqbal was born in the house of Shaikh Noor Muhammad on 09th November 1877. What is the name of the city where he was born?


84 - Allama Zarnoogi was a/an?

Philosopher and educationist

85 - Although Sir Syed Ahmad regarded English education necessary for the well being of the Muslims, yet he considered which education is an essential part of a Muslim's education?

Religious education

86 - Among all of the following which philosopher belonged to the fourteenth century?


87 - Among all of these Caliphs who presented the "Open door policy" for the public?

Hazrat Ali (R.A)

88 - Among all of these philosophers which is as accepted and commented upon by historians, Jurists, Theologians, Politicians, Economists, Teacher, Educator, and Environmentalists alike?


89 - Among of the following which Muslim philosopher who emphasized more on the development of ego (Tameer-e-Khudi)?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

90 - Among of which book of Al-Ghazali particularly read and translated by Jews into Hebrew in the middle Ages?


91 - As a Muslim thinker Shah WaliAllah laid stress on the basic principles of _______when he considered aims of education.


92 - At the beginning of Islam, what was the higher curriculum?

Purely religious

93 - At the last days of Ghazni Families' rulers the Scholars and writers from Ghazni were came to reside in which city of Pakistan?


94 - At the period of Nizam ul Mulk how much rupees were spent annually at education?

15 Million rupees

95 - At which date Al-Ghazali died?

19 Dec. 1111 A.D

96 - At which date among the following Sir Syed Ahmad Khan presented memorandum to Viceroy about education scheme in local language?

August 01, 1867

97 - At which famous University of Baghdad Al-Ghazali was appointed as a professor in 1091?

Nizamiyah University of Baghdad

98 - Aviceena's book "Al-Shifa" consists of how many volumes?


99 - Avicena advised his pupils:

All of the following

100 - Avicena's book 'Al-Shifa' deals with:

All of the above

101 - Before the arrival of the Muslims in the Subcontinent, who had the right to get education?


102 - Before the arrival of the Muslims, the Subcontinent was:

All of these

103 - Besides Night which of the following timing is also most appropriate for learning near Zarnoogi?

Before dawn

104 - Book "Kimiya-e-Sadaat" was written by?


105 - Book "Kimiya-e-Sadaat" was written by? Who wrote "Asbab-Baghawat-Hind''?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

106 - Caliph Abdul Maalik Bin Marwan ordered to whom write the first Tafseer of Quran?

Ibn-e- Jabair

107 - Classification of Farz-e-Ain and Farz-e-Kafaya was presented by which philosopher?

Imam Al-Ghazali

108 - Curriculum which is necessary (Farz) at all levels of Islamic Education System is the studies of:

All of these

109 - Deoband Movement was completely adopted the policy of on concern with ____?


110 - Dogmatic Knowledge is divided into how many categories?


111 - During Muslims rule in Subcontinent they gave much importance to learn which languages?

A&B options

112 - Education in Islamic Education System is always :


113 - Farangi Mahal University at Lukhnow was founded in the period of which emperor in Hindustan?


114 - Fateh-u-Allah Sherazi was received the title of 'Azad-u-Mulk' on the basis of his what contribution?

Academic superiority

115 - For Al-Ghazali, the purpose of society ia is to apply _____?


116 - For the effectiveness of teaching Ibn-e-Khaldun divides curriculum, into how many periods?


117 - From where Sir Syed Ahmad Khan got his early education?

At home by his mother

118 - Ghazali said that reasoning is the 6th sense which helps to tell ________?


119 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) emphasized teaching through examples and ____?


120 - He (PBUH) commanded that "learn from cradle to____?"


121 - He obtained his master's degree from Cambridge and his Doctor's degree from?

Munich University

122 - He suggested that the translation of Quran should be taught but not?

The translation

123 - How many days in a week the Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his instructions to females?


124 - How many factors are responsible for social dynamics according to Ibn-e-Khaldun?


125 - How many in numbers of pupils were getting education at Nizamia Baghdad during the period of Saadi Sherazi?

Six Thousands

126 - How many Madarasas were in the rule of Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq?


127 - How many students are reported to be educated simultaneously at Suffah?


128 - How many types of Aloom presented by Ibn-e-Khaldun?


129 - How were India's earliest contacts started with Islam?

Through Arab Marchants on the Malabar Cost

130 - Human education starts from the birth of:

Hazrat Adam, the Prophet

131 - I the Arabic language there in are two words used for information: (a) Khabar, (b)?


132 - Ibn-e-Khaldun a great Muslim Thinker/Scholar is famous for his contributions in?


133 - Ibn-e-Khaldun died at Cairo in?


134 - Ibn-e-Khaldun disfavored of which teaching method?

Lecture method

135 - Ibn-e-Khaldun emphasized which language should be used in primary education?

Mother tongue

136 - Ibn-e-Khaldun favoured of which teaching method?

Discussion and debates

137 - Ibn-e-Khaldun has special interest in:

All of these

138 - Ibn-e-Khaldun never favoured:

Lecture method

139 - Ibn-e-Khaldun put emphasis that teachers should impart their lessons:

All of these

140 - Ibn-e-Khaldun said that:

All of these

141 - Ibn-e-Khaldun said, primary education should be given in which language?

Mother tongue

142 - Ibn-e-Khaldun taugh at Al-Azhar and _______?

Madrassah Kamliah

143 - Ibn-e-Khaldun was against the punishment of children, he thought that it would damage the ___________students?


144 - IBN-E-KHALDUN was against which kind of learning?

Both of these

145 - Ibn-e-Sina considered learning to be proceeding from the senses which are of two kinds:

Both of these

146 - Ibn-e-Sina has divided knowledge into how many categories?


147 - Ibn-e-Sina has divided knowledge into how many categories?


148 - Imam Al-Ghazali was a/an:

All of these

149 - In 1863 at Ghazipur Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established which society?

Scientific society

150 - In every age Muslims mostly stressed to learn of which art?


151 - In Ghazipur Sir Syed Ahmad Khan also founded school on?


152 - In Islamic Education System the certificate of professional qualification was called?


153 - In Islamic Education system the knowledge may be divided into two broad categories:

Revealed and acquired knowledge

154 - In Islamic Education System the primary focal institution for universilization of education is:


155 - In Islamic Education system what kind of curriculum recommended?


156 - In Islamic Education system what kind of knowledge is believed to be absolutely true?

Revealed knowledge

157 - In Islamic Education System, according to educational perspective, Islam lays stress on:

Equality of opportunities

158 - In the Arabic language there are how many words for information?


159 - In the curriculum of Dars-e-Nizami which subjects were paid lesser attentions?

Quran and Hadith

160 - In the early stage of Islam, how many classes of teachers were held?


161 - In the education system of the Muslims:

All of the following

162 - In the Holy Prophet's period the provincial governors were responsible for providing the opportunity of?


163 - In the Islamic Education System of Subcontinent Thursday was the half day for learning and which of the following day was the day off for learning?


164 - In the Islamic Education System or Subcontinent also, Madaras were established to fulfill the needs of?

Post Maktab education

165 - In the Islamic Education System what is obligatory for all Muslims in the world?


166 - In the Islamic Education System which of the following developments of the students given top priority?

All of the following

167 - In the Islamic Theory of Knowledge, information about common happenings is called?


168 - In the Islamic Theory of Knowledge, information about some very important matters is called?


169 - In the Islamic Theory of Knowledge, the term used for knowledge in Arabic language is what?


170 - In the Islamic Theory of Knowledge, which is the term used for knowledge in Arabic language?


171 - In the Maktab Sir Syed Ahmad Khan got education of which subjects?

All of the following subjects

172 - In the Slajuk period, when a scholar come to a city the people would ____?

All of the following options

173 - In the world there is not an educational system which can be better than quality of its?


174 - In which Caliph's Caliphate the first medical college was established in Baghdad?

Haroon ur Rasheed

175 - In which emperor's period Dars-e-Nizami started?


176 - In which period of Muslim did start the explanation of Quranic verses?

Banu Umaiyah

177 - In which period of rules, separate buildings were constructed for Madarasas?

The Slajuk

178 - In which town of Iran Al-Ghazali died?


179 - Iqbal gave the concept of Mard-e-Momin for Muslims to believe Allah and restore______?


180 - Islamic Education curriculum stressed on what?

Handicraft skills

181 - Islamic Education system prefers which aspects of life?

Moral aspects

182 - Islamic Education system primarily stressed on which thing?


183 - Islamic Education System should aim at the balanced growth of total personality of man through what kind of training?

All of these

184 - Jahangir wrote "Tuzk-e-Jahangiri" his autobiography. In which language it was written by him?


185 - Jamaiya Al-Azhar is located at?


186 - Jamaiya Quraveen (جاÙ…ع قراÙˆÛŒین) is located in?


187 - Jamaiya/University Zaitona is established in which place?


188 - Khair ul Manazil University was established in the reign of which Indian emperor?

Shah Jahan

189 - Knowledge in the Western World means information about something, divine or corporal, while ilm is an all embracing term covering theory, action, and ______?


190 - Madarasa Rahimiaya is located in which city of Hindustan?


191 - Madarasa Rahimiaya was set up by Shah WaliAllah's Father. What is the name of his father and the founder of Madarasa Rahimiaya?

Shah Abdul Rahim

192 - Maktab and Madrassa Education system was initiated by th:


193 - Maktab and Madrassa Education system was initiated by th:


194 - Maulana Shibli Naomani appointed Principal of which famous Institute of India?

Jamia Milia Islamia

195 - Mean while Sir Syed Ahmad Khan written a Tafseer of the Holy Quran with a rationalistic approach that could appeal to the new young generation in the ______style?


196 - Molana Nizam ud Din Sahalvi promoted teachings of Islam according to Quran and Sunnah and remove the harmful effects of________education?


197 - Moral values can be developed in students, if the teacher himself:

Practice them

198 - Mustansariya College was built at Baghdad in?


199 - Near Zarnoogi Which of the following stage of the life is the most appropriate for learning?


200 - Nizam ul Mulk appointed whom the librarian of Nizamia Baghdad?

Abu Zakaria Razi

201 - Non-Dogmatic Knowledge are divided into how many parts?


202 - Non-Dogmatic Knowledge divided into which parts of knowledge?

All of these

203 - On the advice of Sir Thomas Arnold, Iqbal, after six years of teaching, left for Europe for Higher Studies in?


204 - On which of the following day the students copied the books and the teachers were busy in writing books?


205 - Patience, endurance, humility, and feelings of thankfulness can be classified as in the?

Democratic administration

206 - Prisoners of Battle Badr freed for the sake of teaching/reading of how many Muslim children?


207 - Quran says "We have honored the children of Adam and have carried them on land and sea and have provided them of clean things and have exalted them greatly over many of these We created?" (17:70).What does it mean?

Everything subjected to Man

208 - Qutb-ud-Din Ahmad, popularly known as:

Shah Wali Ullah

209 - Salaries were started to be given to teachers in which Caliph's period?

Hazrat Umar

210 - Scientific society translate books from which language into Urdu?


211 - Shaaikh Ali Hajveri is famous of which name?

Daata Ghanj Bakhsh

212 - Shah Wali Ullah has a deep knowledge of which thing?


213 - Shah Wali Ullah in mysticism influenced by which Muslim philosophers?


214 - Shah Wali Ullah presented his method of teaching in a practical way because he was a good teacher himself. This method of teaching was called?

All of these

215 - Shah Wali Ullah was a great teacher of:

All of these

216 - Shah Wali Ullah was born in?


217 - Shah Wali Ullah was the_______of his age?


218 - Shah Wali Ullah's genealogy can be traced back to the family of which Caliph of Islam?

Umar Farooq

219 - Shah WaliAllah gave much importance to the principles of ______for advanced learning?


220 - Shah WaliAllah suggested that the students shoul learn:

All of the following

221 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan advocated the use of which language among Muslims of Subcontinent?


222 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan stayed in Fatehpur-Sikree from 1841 to?


223 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan utilized education as a instrument for ______his nation?


224 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was against the superstitious and orthodox thinking of the ______?


225 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was born in which famous city of India?


226 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was born on?

October 27, 1817

227 - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan wrot "Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq" after visiting where and much impressed by which people's ways of lives?

West and Western people

228 - Sir Syed considered which education necessary for the social change and progress of Muslims?


229 - Suffa means a shaded area or an area covered by some form of_____?


230 - Sultan/emperor Jalal ud Din appointed whom the superintendent of Royal Library?

Ameer Khusro

231 - Superiority of any person in this world according to Islam is based on his/her?


232 - The age of the Emperor Akbar was called the age of what?

Religious freedom

233 - The basic concepts of Islamic Education is drawn from which concept?

All of these

234 - The book "Ahya-e-Uloom" was written by?


235 - The book "Muqaddma" by Ibn-e-Khaldun discusses what?

All of these

236 - The book "Taleem-ul-Mutalim" is a guid for what?

All of these

237 - The book 'Asar-us-Sandadeed' by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan gives a detailed description of the:

Historical buildings

238 - The certificate that was used to teach in specific area of expertise in history is called?


239 - The character building and actions in Islam is based on?


240 - The companions and theirs successors of Rasool Ullah (PBUH) were?

Full time teachers

241 - The concept of Prohibited Knowledge was first presented by which Muslim philosopher?


242 - The Desirable Knowledge is also divided into which categories of Knowledge ?

All of the following

243 - The famous book "Asar-us-Sandadeed" written by whom?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

244 - The famous book 'Keemya-e-Saadat was written by?


245 - The first period of higher education system of the Muslims in the Subcontinent consists of how many years?

Two Hundred years

246 - The first period of Islamic Education System after the Mabvi (Holy Prophet's) period in Muslim Arab rules consist of how many years?

Two Hundred years

247 - The Hindus proved more realistic than Muslims as they got reconciled to the prevalent ______situations during the British rule in India


248 - The Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought _______revolution in this world?

All of these

249 - The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said "Best amongst you is one who learns and teaches______?"


250 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) started educating people from the house of Hazrat:


251 - The Ideology of education takes its roots from_________of life?

Faith and philosophy

252 - The Islamic Education System put emphasis on the development of which thing of a person?

Whole personality

253 - The knowledge gained through experiments, observation, reasoning (Mathematics, Physics, logic) according to Ibn-e-Khaldun is called?

Aloom Aqli

254 - The knowledge has the source of man's imagination and his sense-experiences is called?

Acquired knowledge

255 - The knowledge of Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and interpretations of all of these is classified in which knowledge?


256 - The knowledgeable person who taught in a Madrasa, is called?


257 - The medium of instruction in Makatab (elementary schools) was?


258 - The method of Learning 'proceeding from easy to difficult' enables the learners to understand?

Easy to understand Facts

259 - The Muslims of India demanded a separate Homeland to introduce what?

Islamic ideology

260 - The needy people who had no place to go used to reside in Suffah were called?


261 - The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), trained pious Muslims and organized a society having:

All of these

262 - The pure Islamic culture is the reflection of what?

All of these

263 - The second kind of knowledge refers to scientific knowledge, which is acquired through experience, observation, and______?


264 - The social, natural, and applied sciences, susceptible to quantitative growth and multiplication, limited variations, and cross-cultural borrowings as long as consistency with the Shari'ahas the source of values ia maintained is called?

Acquired knowledge

265 - The spirit of Islamic Education generally based on:

All of these

266 - The Suffah graduates were generally called as?


267 - The teaching of Quran and Hadith, Tafsir-e-Quran, Usul-e-Din etc are the primary aims of which education system?


268 - The term 'Ideology' means what?

Science of ideas

269 - The theory of "Self Realization" has been presented which of the following Muslim thinker?

Allama Iqbal

270 - The titles "Jawaadeud-Doulah and Arif-Jang" by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan received from which King of Delhi?

Bahadur Shah

271 - The translation of Aristotle's letters in Arabic that he was written to his student Alexander at different events?

Banu Umaiya Caliphate

272 - The values in Islamic Education System are generally rooted from:


273 - The world famous teaching method: 'proceeding from easy to difficult' was presented by whom?


274 - The________has utilized many words to express ideas connected with 'Knowledge' and each has a shade of meaning different from the other.

Holy Quran

275 - Under the Muslims which art was developed the most among all of the following?


276 - Undesirable Knowledge is related to the knowledge of:

All of these

277 - What is the basic source of social values, customs, and rules of Islamic Civilization in the world?


278 - What is the complete/real name of Al-Ghazali?

Abu Hamid Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Al-Ghazali

279 - What is the general meaning of the word 'Sha 'ur' in English language?

All of these

280 - What is the goal of man according to Imam Al-Ghazali?

To achieve happiness close to God

281 - What is the knowledge, based on the Divine Revelation presented in the Holy Quran, the Sunnah, and all that can be derived from them?

Revealed knowledge

282 - What is the most authentic and necessary curriculum in Islamic Education system?

All of these

283 - What is the most essential quality of leadership in Islam?


284 - What is the name of the first Islamic educational center in the plains of Koh-e-Safa?


285 - What is the perfect code of life for Humm beings?

Quran and Sunnah

286 - What is the real name of IBN-E-KHALDUN?

Walli-Uddin Abu Zaid Abdul Rehman

287 - What kind of attitude was of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in administration?


288 - What was called the Islamic Education Center with students residence facility?


289 - What was called the small area in the Prophet's Mosque designated for the residence and educational activities of the poor, the needy and the out of the town guests)


290 - What was the age of Al-Ghazali when he was appointed as a professor at Nizamiyah Baghdad?

34 years old

291 - What was the capital of Abbasi Caliphate?


292 - What was the chief aim of education to Sir Syed Ahmad?

Both A&B

293 - What was the core curriculum of early Muslims?


294 - What was the curriculum in the Muslim elementary schools of the Subcontinent?

All of these

295 - What was the curriculum selection for the higher education of the Islamic Education System of the Subcontinent?

All of the following

296 - What was the first educational center of Islam?

Suffah in Prophet's Mosque

297 - What was the idea Iqbal presented in his Khutba Allaabad in 1930?

Separate Homeland for the Muslims of the Subcontinent

298 - What was the important subjects included in the curriculum of secondary education of the Islamic Education System in the Subcontinent?

All of these

299 - What was the main motive of the lives of those residents in Suffah?

Knowledge and worship of Allah

300 - What was the majority of the people when Holy Prophet (SAW) started preaching people embraced Islam speedily?

Poor and slaves

301 - What was the medium of instruction in the Makatab (Mosque School) of the Subcontinent?


302 - What was the medium of instruction of Moradabad school?


303 - What was the medium of secondary education in the Islamic Schools of the Subcontinent?


304 - What was the primary function of Muhammadan Educational Conference?

To popularized western education among the Muslims of Subcontinent

305 - What was the prime mission of Muhammadan Educational Conference?

To bring political wisdom in Muslims

306 - What was the reign in Subcontinent when Shah Wali Ullah died?

Shah Alam II

307 - What was the task/function of Scientific Society which was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

Translation of books

308 - What were the desired of British rulers by means of a particular system of education in Subcontinent?

All of these

309 - What were the most important things to be considered for education in Memorandum to Viceroy by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

All of the following points

310 - What were the two types of curriculum that presented by Al-Ghazali?

Both of these

311 - When and where Allama Iqbal delivered his famous Khutba for the Muslims of Subcontinent?

Allaabad, 1930

312 - When did Alight High School elevated to MAO College?


313 - When did Iqbal obtained his master's degree in Philosophy under the guidance of Sir Thomas Arnold?


314 - When did Madarasa Nizamiyah Baghdad establish?


315 - When did Muhammadan Educational Conference was started?


316 - When did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a High school in Aligarh?

24 May, 1875

317 - When did the Mangols destroy Baghdad?


318 - When he left Muradabad and went to Ghazipur because in this year he was transferred to Ghazipur?


319 - When Ibn-e-Khaldun completed his "Kiabu'l-Ibar or Universal History '' it is mainly about the Arabs and Berbers?


320 - When Ibn-e-Khaldun completed his "Kiabu'l-Ibar or Universal History '' it is mainly about the Arabs and Berbers?


321 - When Iqbal was awarded doctorate of Philosophy by University of Munich?


322 - When Jamaiya Quraveen was established in?

859 AD

323 - When Jamaiya Zaitona was set up?


324 - When Muhammad Bin Qasim came and occupied Sindh?


325 - When Shah Wali Ullah passed away?


326 - When Shah WaliAllah started new lesson, he didn't read it first but who read the lesson first?

His students

327 - When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a Madrassah Muradabad?


328 - When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan started a school in Moradabad?


329 - When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan started his famous magazine 'Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq'?


330 - When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's father died and he also left Maktab and took the responsibility of supporting his family and earning a livelihood?


331 - When was MAO College became University?


332 - When was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan appointed as a "Munsif" judge?


333 - Where IBN-E-KHALDUN was born?


334 - Where Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an Orphanage for Muslim orphan children?


335 - Where the "Suffah" (a residential educational center for students) was established?

Masjid Nabvi, Madina

336 - Where the first educational center of Islam, "Dar-E-Arqam" established by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Hazrat Arqam Bin Arqam's house

337 - Whic of the following educationists proposed that Night is the best time for learning?


338 - Which age is called the Golden age of flourishing the Islamic Culture and Knowledge?

Banu Abbasi Caliphate

339 - Which are those three factors responsible for social dynamics according to Ibn-e-Khaldun?

All of the following

340 - Which are those two categories of Dogmatic Knowledge?

Both B&C

341 - Which city was considered as a center of learning at the period of Ghaznavid?


342 - Which emperor of India founded the city of Agra which proved itself as a center of learning in coming times?

Bohlal Lodhi

343 - Which famous Muslim philosopher and educationist presented the concept of "Asabiya" (social cohesion/group solidarity)?


344 - Which is the Brilliant period in Muslim History for knowledge spread?


345 - Which is the oldest University/Jamaiya in the history of Islamic World?

Al-Azhar University Cairo

346 - Which is the Primary institution in Islam for universalization of education?


347 - Which job Sir Syed Ahmad Khan took in a court of justice?


348 - Which kind of education for females advocated by Al-Ghazali should be in accordance with the society?


349 - Which kind of teaching method used by the Rasool Ullah (SAW) to teach the people?

Simple to complex concepts

350 - Which knowledge is the extreme and the supreme of all other knowledge in the world?

The revealed knowledge

351 - Which language was stressed to learn by the Islamic Education System?


352 - Which Muslim philosopher stressed tradition is important in teaching. Tradition must be upheld for the progress of Science?


353 - Which Muslim philosopher wrote these worldly famous books "Revival of religious sciences (Ahyaul Aloom), Jewels of Quran, Alchemy of Happiness"?

Imam Al-Ghazali

354 - Which of the following Caliph introduced the salary system of the teachers from the state treasury?

Hazrat Omar Farooq (R.A)

355 - Which of the following dangers were realized by the Muslims in India?

All of these

356 - Which of the following disciplines were focused in the curriculum for Dars-e-Nizami developed and adopted by Mulla Nizam U Din Sahalvi?

Difficult books on various academic disciplines should be studied

357 - Which of the following has been the main feature Islamic curriculum?


358 - Which of the following ideologies were followed by the Deoband Movement?

Shah Wali Ullah

359 - Which of the following institutions was built at first?

Madarasa Muradabad

360 - Which of the following is not a rational knowledge according to Ibn-e-Khaldun?


361 - Which of the following is the focus of curriculum in Islamic Madaras (educational institutions)?


362 - Which of the following is the main aim of Islamic Education System?

All of the above

363 - Which of the following knowledge Hazrat Adam learnt from Allah Almighty?


364 - Which of the following knowledge is not obligatory near Al-Ghazali?


365 - Which of the following knowledge used to be imparted to the students in Madaras?

All of these

366 - Which of the following languages was the medium of instruction in the higher education system of the Muslims of the Subcontinent?


367 - Which of the following philosopher gives due importance/consideration to sensation and sense perceptions as well as human intellect as agent of learning?


368 - Which of the following steps were taken for the promotion of education among masses during the rule of Ghaznavid?

All of these

369 - Which of the following subjects are not the part of the curriculum of Dars-e-Nizami?

History and Geography

370 - Which of the following subjects Ibn-e-Khaldun taught in Al-Azhar University?


371 - Which of the following things are very important for the social and economic development in any society?

All of these

372 - Which of the following thinkers declared the compulsory subjects obligatory ones?


373 - Which of the following types of awareness was produced in the Muslims by the teachings of Shah Wali Ullah?

All of these

374 - Which of the following Umvi Caliph fixed the maximum pays for Teachers?

Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz

375 - Which of the following was the chief concern of Dars-e-Nizami curriculum?

Philosophy and logic

376 - Which of the following was the customary age of the children for starting Maktab education?

4 years, 4 months, and 4 days

377 - Which two types of Aloom presented by Ibn-e-Khaldun?


378 - Which was the first educational center of early Islamic Education System in the world?

Dar-E-Arqam, Makkah

379 - Which was the Madarasa that Allama Shibli Nomani called it the Oxford University of Hindustan?

Madarasa Firangi Mahal

380 - Which were the aspects in educational institutions of the Muslims in the Subcontinent?

All of these

381 - Which were the important steps for the promotion of education in the period of Slave Dynasty in India?

All of these

382 - Which were the two folds of leaning English language according to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?


383 - While staying in Fatehpur-Sikree Sir Syed Ahmad Khan received what titles from the King of Delhi?


384 - Who among of the following advocated moderation in the educational activities?


385 - Who among the following thinkers started Muhammadan Educational Conference in Subcontinent in the Nineteenth century?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

386 - Who built and established the education center of Islam "Suffah and Dar-E-Arqam"?

The Holy Prophet (PBUH)

387 - Who developed the curriculum of Dars-e-Nizami?

Mulla Nizam ud Din Sahalvi

388 - Who did develop the educational policy of Iran?

Allama Iqbal

389 - Who did predicted that knowledge acquisition science/technology is the only solution for Muslim people's problems?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

390 - Who emphasized Individuality (Khudi), one's precious self or ego?

Allama Iqbal

391 - Who established the Madarasa Nizamiya of Baghdad?

Nizam ul Mulk

392 - Who holds that writing of two letters with understanding is better than memorizing of two big books?


393 - Who is called the pioneer 'Instrumentalist' or 'Pragmatist' in the field of education in India?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

394 - Who is the author of the book "Taleem-ul-Mutalim"?


395 - Who is the famous Muslim Historian?


396 - Who is the Father of Political Economy?


397 - Who is the first scientific historian of the world?


398 - Who is the first teacher and the absolute guide of humanity?

Allah (SWT)

399 - Who is the writer of the following books "Asrar-e-Khudi, Bang-e-Dara, and Ilm-ul-Iqtisad?"

Allama Iqbal

400 - Who left his an indelible mark on the Sciences of Historiography and Sociology?


401 - Who opposed simultaneously learning of two languages?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

402 - Who praised the method of teaching of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in these words "I have never seen a better teacher than the Messenger of Allah. He neither reprimanded, nor beat nor insulted me"?

Hazart Muawiya Bin Hakam

403 - Who promoted Western modern education and also religious education among the Muslims of Subcontinent in the Nineteenth century?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

404 - Who revolutionized and developed the Baghdad the first Scientific Research center?

Caliph Haroon ur Rasheed

405 - Who said "Allah has sent me as a teacher"?

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

406 - Who said "Education should develop socio-economic efficiency in man to be effective member of society"?


407 - Who said "Goal of society is to apply Sharia"?


408 - Who said "I am making in the earth a viceroy"?


409 - Who said "Knowledge without practice is dangerous"?

The Holy Prophet (SAW)

410 - Who said "Show me a people's God"?


411 - Who said "The chief aim of education is acquaintance with reality"?


412 - Who said that By nature man is good and Society corrupts him?


413 - Who said that seeking knowledge is the basic right of every individual?


414 - Who says: "Unknown persons! You are studying the Greek peoples ideas and Grammer and meaning only and think it is the knowledge. Behold! Knowledge is a name of Quranic verse of Hadith. Learn the Quran. First learn the Arabic grammar then try to know the r

Shah WaliAllah

415 - Who started "Aligarh Institute Gazette?"

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

416 - Who stated "Instruction in foreign language is half instruction"?


417 - Who stated "Man is forced to learn"?


418 - Who stressed to impart the right education to the people?

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

419 - Who suggested the teacher should follow the sequence of giving knowledge?

Shah Wali Ullah

420 - Who was established Madarasa Nizamiyah Baghdad?

Nizaam ul Mulk Tosi

421 - Who was the appointing authority of the mudaras in the Madaras established by the Muslims in their reigns?


422 - Who was the Eastern Muslim thinker that prompted Western Scientific Education among the Muslims?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

423 - Who was the father of Shah Wali Ullah?

Shah Abdul-ul- Rehman

424 - Who was the first head of Dar ul Aloom Deoband?

Muhammad Yaqoob

425 - Who was the first Muslim ruler of Hindustan?

Qutb-ud-Din Aibak

426 - Who was the first Muslim thinker who differentiated between history of Islam and history of Muslims?


427 - Who was the founder of Mustansariya College?

Mustansar Billah

428 - Who was the founder of Nadvat - ul-Ulema?

Maulana Shibli Naomani

429 - Who was the founding Father of Two Nation Theory of Pakistan?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

430 - Who wrote "Hujjatual Baligha"?

Shah Wali Ullah

431 - Who wrote book "Muwtta"?

Imam Maalik

432 - Who wrote book "Revival of Religious Sciences"?


433 - Who wrote the famous book "Asar-us-Sandadeed?"

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

434 - Who wrote the famous book "Ihyaal-ulum-ud-Din"?

Imam Al-Ghazali

435 - Who wrote the famous Child Prayer "Lab pe ati hai dua ban k tammana meri?"

Allama Iqbal

436 - Who wrote the following journals 'Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq and Aligarh Institute Gazette'?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

437 - Who wrote the most famous book "Jewels of Quran"?


438 - Who wrote these following famous book "Muqaddma"?



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