Information And Communication Technology in Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - "Dpi" stands for:

Dots per inch

2 - .............. is a type of memory circuitry that holds the computer's start-up routine.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

3 - _______ is a protocol used by e-mail clients to download e-mails to your computer.


4 - A Compiler is a software which converts

high level language to machine language

5 - A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed

High-level language

6 - A computer program that translates a program statement by statement into machine languages is called a/an


7 - A Gigabyte is equal to

1024 Megabytes

8 - A hard disk is divided into tracks which is further subdivided into


9 - A key-board has at least:

101 Keys

10 - A Personal Computer uses a number of chips mounted on a circuit board called

Mother Board

11 - ALU stands for

Arithmetic Logic Unit

12 - An ASCII is a character-encoding scheme that is employed by personal computers in order to represent various characters, numbers and control keys that the computer user selects on the keyboard. ASCII

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

13 - An electronic bill board that has a short text or graphical advertising message is referred to as:


14 - An E-mail address is composed of:

two parts

15 - An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipient at once is a


16 - Binary equivalent of decimal number 35 is


17 - bit stands for

binary digit

18 - CD ROM stands for:

Compact Disk Read Only Memory

19 - Chandrayan I was launched on 22nd October, 2008 in India from:

Sri Harikota

20 - Commercial messages on the net are identified as


21 - Communications bandwidth that has the highest capacity and is used by microwave, cable and fibre optics lines is known as:


22 - Complex of colleges is called .................... .

Federal University

23 - Computer Virus is a


24 - Computers on an internet are identified by

IP address

25 - Corel Draw is a popular:

Illustration programme

26 - CSS stands for

Cascading Style Sheets

27 - Data can be saved on backing storage medium known as :

Compact Disk Rewritable

28 - Digital Empowerment means

All of the above

29 - DNS in internet technology stands for

Domain Name System

30 - Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

31 - Encoding or scrambling data for transmission across a network is known as


32 - Errors in computer programmes are called:


33 - GIF stands for

Graphics Interchange Format

34 - gif, jpg, bmp, png are used as extensions for files which store

Image data

35 - High level programming language can be converted to machine language using which of the following?


36 - How many schedules are there in IT Act 2000?


37 - HTML is basically used to design:


38 - HTML is used to create

web page

39 - HTML stands for

Hyper Text Markup Language

40 - Identify the IP address from the following

41 - If the binary equivalent of the decimal number 48 is 110000, then the binary equivalent of the decimal number 51 is given by


42 - In a Computer a byte generally consists of:

8 bits

43 - In Computer Networking, HTTP is referred to as a stateless protocol as servers do not maintain any information about past client requests. HTTP is an acronym for

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

44 - In the hypermedia database, information bits are stored in the form of:


45 - In web search, finding a large number of documents with very little relevant information is termed:

poor recall

46 - Information and Communication Technology includes:

All of the above

47 - Information, a combination of graphics, text, sound, video and animation is called:


48 - Internal communication within institutions done through


49 - Internet explorer is a type of


50 - IPv4 and IPv6 are addresses used to identify computers on the internet. Find the correct statement out of the following:

Number of bits required for IPv4 address is less than number of bits required for IPv6 address.

51 - IT Act 2000 amended various sections of which of the following Acts

All of the above

52 - LAN stands for:

Local Area Network

53 - Line access and avoidance of collision are the main functions of:

network protocols

54 - Major amendments to IT Act 2000 was introduced in the form of IT (amendment) Act 2008, which came into effect on

2009 October 27

55 - Manuel Castelle was the first to use the term

Network society

56 - 'Micro Processing'is made for:

Digital System

57 - Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to


58 - MOOC stands for

Massive Open Online Course

59 - NMEICT means

National Mission on Education through ICT

60 - On the keyboard of computer each character has an "ASCII" value which stands for:

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

61 - POP3 and IMAP are e-mail accounts in which

One only has to be connected to the server to send and receive email

62 - RAM means:

Random Access Memory

63 - Random Access Memory (RAM), a form of computer storage, is a ............. memory.


64 - S/MIME in Internet technology stands for

Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

65 - Symbols A-F are used in which one of the following?

Hexadecimal number system

66 - TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the


67 - The accounting software 'Tally' was developed by:


68 - The acronym FTP stands for

File Transfer Protocol

69 - The 'brain' of a computer which keeps peripherals under its control is called:

Central Processing Unit

70 - The concept of connect intelligence is derived from:

value added networks

71 - The date on which Supreme Court of India invalidated Section 66A of IT Act 2000:


72 - The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is _______.


73 - The first virtual university of India came up in

Tamil Nadu

74 - The first Web Browser is

World Wide Web

75 - The following punishment is mentioned in which section of IT Act 2000 '3 years of imprisonment and/or 5 lakh repees penalty for first conviction & 5 years of imprisonment and/or 10 lakh rupees penalt

Section 67

76 - The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols

0 – 9 , A – F

77 - The initial efforts for internet based communication was for

Military purposes

78 - The Internet ethical protocol is called


79 - The octal number system consists of the following symbols :

0 – 7Â

80 - The post-industrial society is designated as

Information society

81 - The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as


82 - The process of laying out a document with text, graphics, headlines and photographs is involved in

Desk Top Publishing

83 - The set of computer programs that manage the hardware/software of a computer is called

Operating system

84 - The software used to navigate through the web is known as

Web Browser

85 - The statement â€Å“the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer Hardware” refers to

Information Technology (IT)

86 - The term DNS stands for

Domain Name System

87 - Transfer of data from one application to another line is known as:

Dynamic Data Exchange

88 - Use of an ordinary telephone as an Internet applicance is called:

voice line

89 - Using websites to pour out one's grievances is called:

cyber venting

90 - Video transmission over the Internet that looks like delayed livecasting is called:

real-time video

91 - Virtual memory is

an illusion of extremely large main memory.

92 - Virtual reality provides

Participatory experience

93 - What is blog?

A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal

94 - What is the maximum penalty for damage to Computer, Computer systems, unauthorized access, download of data, infecting with virus, denial of access etc as per Section 43

Rs.1 crore

95 - What is the penalty for destroying computer source code

Three year imprisonment or 2 lakh rupees penalty or both

96 - What is the penalty for publishing images of a person's private parts without consent, as per IT Act 2000?

3 years imprisonment or 2 lakh rupees penalty or both

97 - What is the proposed punishment for Cyber Terrorism in IT Act

Life Imprisonment

98 - What is the punishment for hacking of computers

Three year imprisonment or 5 lakh rupees penalty or both

99 - What is the punishment for identity theft in IT Act

Three year imprisonment or 1 lakh rupees penalty or both

100 - When a computer is booting, BIOS is loaded to the memory by


101 - When IT Act 2000 came into effect?

2000 October 17

102 - Where does a computer add and compare its data?

Hard disk

103 - Which Act in India focuses on data privacy and information technology

IT (amendment) Act 2008

104 - Which are the section of the IT Act deals with Credit card fraud?

43, 66, 66C, 66D

105 - Which are the sections of IT Act applicable for Cyber pornography?

67, 67A, 67B

106 - Which is an instant messenger that is used for chatting

Google Talk

107 - Which is the Act which provides legal framework for e-Governance in India

IT Act 2000

108 - Which is the largest unit of storage among the following?


109 - Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?


110 - Which of the following enables us to send the same letter to different persons in MS Word?

Mail merge

111 - Which of the following is a social network?


112 - Which of the following is an instant messaging application?

All of the above

113 - Which of the following is an open source software?

Mozilla Firefox

114 - Which of the following is correct statement?

All of the above

115 - Which of the following is not a Computer language?


116 - Which of the following is not a programming language ?

Microsoft Office

117 - Which of the following is not an input device?


118 - Which of the following is not an output device


119 - Which of the following is not open source software

Internet Explorer

120 - Which of the following is not related to information security on the Internet?

Information Retrieval

121 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a computer?

computer is an electrical machine

122 - Which of the following is the appropriate definition of a computer?

Computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative data quickly and accurately.

123 - Which of the following is the appropriate format of URL of e-mail?

124 - Which of the following is type of LAN ?


125 - Which of the following operating system is used on mobile phones?


126 - Which of the following represents one billion characters


127 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Modem converts the analog signal into digital signal and vice-versa

128 - Which of the following statements is correct?

Virus is a part of software

129 - Which of the following statements is NOT correct ?

Computer is capable of processing only digital signal

130 - Which of the following statements is true ?

Smart cards and PCs use some operating system.

131 - Which of the following statements regarding the features of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is/are true?

Both (a) and (b)

132 - Which one of the following is an example of Operating System?

Microsoft Windows

133 - Which one of the following is different from other members?


134 - Which one of the following is not a linear data structure?

Binary Tree

135 - Which one of the following is not a network device?


136 - Which one of the following is not a search engine?


137 - Which one of the following is not a/an image/graphic file format?


138 - Which one of the following is not an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

Infotech India Ltd.

139 - Which one of the following is not an Operating System?


140 - Which one of the following is not the same as the other three?

IP address

141 - Which one of the following represents the binary equivalent of the decimal number 25


142 - Which part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs calculation and makes decisions:

Arithematic Logic Unit

143 - Which section of IT Act 2000 propose a punishment of life imprisonment

Section 66F

144 - Which section of IT Act deals with Child pornography

Section 67B

145 - Which section of IT Act deals with Cyber terrorism?

Section 66F

146 - Which section of IT Act deals with Hacking of computer systems and its penalties?

Section 66

147 - Which section of IT Act deals with the appointment of Controller of certifying authorities

Section 17

148 - Which section of IT Act deals with the legal recognition of electronic records?

Section 4

149 - Which section of IT Act was invalidated by Supreme Court of India

Section 66A

150 - Which was the first company to launch mobile phone services in India?


151 - With regard to e-mail, what does Bcc : mean ?

Blind Carbon Copy : - The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the e-mail and see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.

152 - www represents:

world wide web

153 - WYSIWYG - describes the display of a document on screen as it will actually print:

What you see is what you get


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