Islamic Studies: "The Background of Islam" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - The branches of Semitic race left their original home and settled permanently on the Tigris-Euphrates in ______.

3500 BC

2 - The Muslims conquered Persia and and Rome in ______ Century.


3 - The founder of Akkad Dynasty was ______.

Sargon I

4 - M. De. Morgan discovered the "Stone of Laws" in ______.

1901-1902 AD

5 - The discovered Stone of Law is known as ______.

Code of Hammurabi

6 - The whole Babylonia was conquered by Assyrians in _______ Century AD.


7 - Sargon II captured the capital of Sumaria in _______.

722 BC

8 - Byzantine was made the capital of Eastern Rome in _______.

327 BC

9 - Alexander invaded the Persian Empire in _______.

334 BC

10 - Ardeshir was Succeeded by his son Shaper I in _______.

240 BC

11 - Arabia, the largest peninsula of the world, has area approximately _______.

350,000 sq. miles

12 - Arabia is bounded by water and is Called ______?


13 - The date-palm is the queen of tress in _______?


14 - The most fertile tract in Arabia is ________?


15 - The Dwellers of desert in Arabia are called ________?


16 - The period Preceding the rise of Islam is known as ________?


17 - Before Islam, people of Arabia were divided in ________.

Many Tribes

18 - The land of Arabia was ________.


19 - The Pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped ________.


20 - Polygamy was common in ________.


21 - The Women were in miserable condition before ________.


22 - The Jahiliyah period came to an end in ________.

570 AD

23 - The year ________ is known as Aam ul feel (year of elephant).

570 AD

24 - Dahis, Basus and Ghabra were the ________.

wars of Jahiliyah period

25 - The Islamic period of Arab History Starts from ________.

570 AD

26 - The Moderates lived in ________.

North Arabia

27 - Arab-e-Musta'riba are the forefathers of prophet ________.

Ismaeel (AS)

28 - Khusru perwaiz was Persian ________.


29 - When Abrahah invaded kaaba, the year is known as ________.


30 - Quraish family was a noble and famous branch of _____.

Ismaeeli Arabs

31 - ABdul-Mutlib was the grandfather of _____.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

32 - The date of birth of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is _____.

571 AD

33 - The mother of the Prophet (SAW) died when he (SAW) was _____ old.

6 years

34 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) married Hazrat Khadija (RA) at the age of _____.

25 years

35 - God bestowed Prophethood on Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) at the age of _____.

40 years

36 - Arabs worshipped idols before embracing _____.


37 - Due to violent behavior of Quraish, Muslims migrated to _____.


38 - The King of Abyssinia at that time was _____.


39 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Hazrat Abu Talib when he (SAW) was _____ years old.


40 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in _____.


41 - _____ was maternal grandfather of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Aziz bin Qatham

42 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lived for _____ years in Makkah.


43 - _____ borught the Holy Prophet (SAW) after the death of Hazrat Amina (RA) to Makkah.

Hazrat Umay Aimen (RA)

44 - _____ is called "Tge tears of Elephant".

570 AD

45 - _____ were the guards of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Bilal and Muhammad bin Muslima

46 - In the month _____ the Holy Prophet (SAW) was born.


47 - Abdul Mutalib died in _____.

580 AD

48 - Lat, Manat and Uzza were _____.

Big Idols

49 - Meaninf of "Feel" is _____.


50 - _____ was the first foster mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Sobia (RA)

51 - The Da'ia of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was _____.

Hazrat Shifa (RA)

52 - _____ was the Slave of Hazrat Khadija (RA) who accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Syria business tour.


53 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) surnam is _____.


54 - _____ attacked the Khana-e-Kaba to demolish it.


55 - The meaninf of Al-Ameen is _____.


56 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) married Hazrat Khadija (RA) in _____.

595 AD

57 - The meaning of Al-Sadiq (SAW) is _____.


58 - The servants of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were _____.

All of the above

59 - _____ was the real mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Amina (RA)

60 - _____ was the grandfather of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Abdul Mutalib

61 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) tribe is _____.


62 - Mother of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was buried in _____.


63 - The age of Hazrat Khadija (RA) was _____ when she got married with the Holy Prophet (SAW).


64 - Hazrat Haleema Saadia (RA) took care of the Holy Prophet (SAW) for _____ years.


65 - AT the age of _____ the Holy Prophet (SAW) Aqeeqa ceremony was held.

7 days

66 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) belonged to the _____ clan of Quraish.

Banu Hashim

67 - _____ is the father of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Abdullah (RA)

68 - The foster sister of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was _____.

Hazrat Khizafa (RA)

69 - The uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who embraced Islam were _____.

Both (a) & (b)

70 - The uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who did not embraced Islam were _____.

Both (a) & (b)

71 - Hazrat Qasim died _____.

Before Prophethood

72 - At Herb-e-Fajjar, the Holy Prophet (SAW) was _____ years old.


73 - _____ were the aunts of they Holy Prophet (SAW).

All of the above

74 - _____ were the uncles of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

All of the above

75 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) observed Seclusion in the cave of _____.


76 - _____ are the names of the foster mothers of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Both (a) & (b)

77 - _____ is the name of the friend of Hazrat Khadija (RA) who carried the message of Nikah to the Holy Prophet (SAW).


78 - _____ was the religion of Baheera.


79 - _____ os the first father0-in-law of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


80 - One Who does not believe in the Last Prophet (SAW) is known as _______.



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