Islamic Studies: "Basics of Islam" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - The literal meaning of Islam is ______.

All of them

2 - The pillars of Islam in proper order are ______.

Shahadatain, Salat, Soam, Zakat and Hajj

3 - The fundamental pillars of Islam are ______.


4 - Shahadatain is the ______ pillar of Islam.


5 - There are ______ Arkan-e-Islam.


6 - ______ a pillar of Islam is Declared as Shield against Sins.


7 - To which Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?

Prophet Dawood (A.S)

8 - Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The Sword of Allah)"

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

9 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had how many sons?


10 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had how many daughters?


11 - The real name of Imam Bukhari (R.A) is?

Muhammad Bin Ismail

12 - The Angel who delivered messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah was?

Jibrael (A.S)

13 - Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The lion of Allah"?

Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)

14 - The first Masjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is?


15 - Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Hazrat Omar Farooq (R.A)?

Hazrat Hafsah (R.A)

16 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married Khadija (R.A) at the age of?

25 years

17 - Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW):

None of them

18 - The relation between Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was?

Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

19 - What was the relation between Prophet Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S)

They were Brothers

20 - First migration of the Compaions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to?

Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

21 - Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in which Surah?

Surah Ahzaab

22 - Khadija (R.A) passed away when she was ------ and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was ---------- years old?

65 - 50

23 - The Battle of Badr was fought in?

2 Hijri

24 - The Battle of Badr was fought in the month of?


25 - Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except?

Ibrahim (R.A)

26 - Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Khana-e-Kabba in?

Shaban 2 A.H

27 - The Saiful-Bahr Mission to intercept a caraven belonging to Quraish, occurrred in?

Ramdan 1 A.H

28 - The color of the first flag, in the history of Islam was?


29 - The Nakhla Mission took place in?

Rajab 2 A.H

30 - The first invasion under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was?

The invasion of Abwa or Waddan

31 - The phase of secret preaching lasted for ------------ years


32 - Cave Hira is in the mountain?


33 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for -------- years.


34 - There were ----- men and ------ women in the first migration to Abyssinia.

12 , 4

35 - In the beginning of open preaching towards Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood up on Mount As-Safa one day and called out loudly "Ya Sabahah!". The meaning of Ya Sabahah is?

To draw attention of others to some danger

36 - During the phase of secret preaching, the meeting place of Muslims where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught newly converts, Islam and Islamic wisdom was?

House of Al-Arqam (R.A)

37 - Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was concluded in --------- Hijri.


38 - Hamza bin Abdul-Mutalib (R.A) (Asadullah) was assassinated in the battle of ?


39 - The ------- year of the Prophethood, was the year of grief.


40 - The Battle of Uhud was fought in the month of?


41 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) granted a very special privilege, He said "May my father and mother be ransomed for you" to ---------?

Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A)

42 - Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name "Ahmed" in Surah?


43 - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah is stated in Surah?


44 - Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by?

Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)

45 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a ------ seal was made.


46 - The seal was engraved with the words -----------

Allah Rasool, Muhammad-Vertically

47 - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyound Arabia calling them to Islam in ---------.

7 A.H

48 - The Khaibar was conquered in?

Muharram 7 A.H

49 - In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected ______ skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side).


50 - In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side) under the command of?

Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A)

51 - In the Battle of Uhud, Muslim army was re-attaacked from mountain (side) under the command of?

Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

52 - One of the rulers Hazrat Muhammad wrote letters was Khosro Pervaiz. He was a?

Emperor of Persia

53 - The relatives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the first migration to Abyssinia were ______.

Usman Ghani (R.A) and Ruqaiyah (R.A)

54 - The Hijra Calender was innovated by ------------

Omar Farooq (R.A)

55 - Who established Stipends for the poor among the Jews and the Christians?

Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)

56 - Makkah was conquered in?

Ramadan 8 A.H

57 - Ibrahim (R.A) was son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The mother of Ibrahim (R.A) was?

Hazrat Maria (R.A)

58 - _______ wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the mothers of all Muslims died in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


59 - Fundamentals of Islam are in number?


60 - The word "Tehlil" means?

Recitation of Kalima

61 - Namaz-e-Khasoof is related to?

Lunar Eclipse

62 - Namaz-e-Istasqa is related to?


63 - When five prayers were made obligatory during the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

At the occasion of Miraj

64 - For whom the Jumma is not compulsory?


65 - Name the two prayers which have no Azan?

Eid and Janaza

66 - Wuzu has -------- Farz.


67 - Namaz-e-Taraweeh is?


68 - When was the permission for Tayammum granted?

4 A.H

69 - The rate and method of distribution of Zakat was determined at Madina in?

2 A.H

70 - Word Zakat occurs in the Holy Quran for how many times?


71 - Who was first women Hafiz-e-Quran?

Umal Mumneen Hazrat Hafsa (R.A)

72 - If a person has _________ gold Zakat is payable.

7 1/2 tolas

73 - For payment of Zakat on silver the determined amount is?

52 1/2 tolas

74 - Injunction of utilization of Zakat is in _________.

Surah-al Tauba

75 - Number of heads for distribution of Zakat is ______.


76 - Zakat was made obligatory for the Muslims in ___________.

2 A.H

77 - Amount of Zakat cannot be used in _________.


78 - Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered with ________.

Backside of hands upward

79 - Total number of rakats in Farz prayers is ________.


80 - When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered first Eid prayer?

2 A.H

81 - How many conditions are for Namaz?


82 - How many persons at least are required for a Jamat prayer?


83 - The Holy Prophet offered first Jumma prayer in?

1 A.H

84 - Hajj means?

Be determine

85 - When Hajj was made compulsory?

9 A.H

86 - Hajj is not completed unless you go to?


87 - For whom Hajj is compulsory?

The rich

88 - Arafat is about ----------- miles from Kaaba.


89 - When did Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail rebuilt Kaaba?

4500 years ago

90 - What was the age of our Prophet (PBUH) when the Arab tribes rebuilt Kaaba?

35 years

91 - Hazrat Muhammad performed just one Hajj in 10 Hijri. How many camels did he sacrifice on that occasion?


92 - Which Surah of the Holy Quran Hajj is commanded?


93 - Umrah cab performed at anytime throughout the year except?

9th to 11th Zil-Hajj

94 - Muzdalifa is situated between?

Mina and Arafat

95 - Which one is called Masha' ar-ul-Haram?

Muzdalifa Valley

96 - What is Istelam?

Kissing Hajre Aswad

97 - Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made during Hajj at?


98 - Fast (Saum) in the month of Ramazan was made obligatory in the -------- A.H.


99 - In which Surah of the Holy Quran Fasting is commanded?


100 - Month of Ramzan is known as?

Sayyed us Shahoor

101 - _______ is the door for the fast observing people.

Bab ur Rayyan

102 - What are the Ashras of Ramazan called?

All of them

103 - How many Ghazwat were fought in the month of ramazan?


104 - Jehad became mandatory in _____ Hijra.

2 AH

105 - In Arabic the word jihad translates as a noun meaning?


106 - How many times the word jihad appears in the Holy Quran?


107 - Who collected Quranic verses in one place? He is also known as Jami-e-Quran.

Hazrat Usman (R.A)

108 - A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of?

Hazrat Zaid

109 - Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish?

Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)

110 - Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) got the Quran compiled on the advice of?

Hazrat Umar (R.A)

111 - Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _______ Ayats.


112 - Surah Saba is?


113 - In which Surah the of Holy Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain?


114 - The word Muhammad (PBUH) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only?

Four times

115 - Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice?

Al Namal

116 - The longest Surah of the Qur'an is?

Surah al Baqarah

117 - Al-Maeen is a Surah is which there are?

100 or more ayahs

118 - QUBA mosque has been mentioned in?

Surah al Tauba

119 - The "IFK" event is described in the Qur'an in?

Surah Noor

120 - MAUWAZATAIN means?

Two specific Surahs of Quran

121 - Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-Fitr was proclaimed in the year?

2 Hijri

122 - Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat?

Hazrat Usman bin Talha (RA)

123 - Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e-Mubhashera?

Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A)

124 - The tile given to the pioneers of Islam was?

Assabiqoon al Awwalun

125 - The Master of Hazrat Bilal (RA) during embracing Islam was?

Ummayia bin Khalaf

126 - Splitting of the moon occurred in?


127 - Makkah was conquered in?

8 A.H

128 - Pious-Caliphate lasted for about?

Thirty Years

129 - Who is called "saqi zam zam"?

Hazrat Abbas (RA)

130 - The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz Bin Jabal the Governor of?


131 - When law of inheritence was revealed?

Four Hijri

132 - Who was the last Commander in Chief for Sirya-e-Mautah?

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

133 - The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of?


134 - How many stages the Quran contains?


135 - What was the name of faster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

Hazrat Shima (R.A)

136 - Namaz-e-Istisqa is prayer for:


137 - What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender?


138 - Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in


139 - Who was a historian, Justice, Philosopher as well as a Politician?

Abdul Rehman bin Khaldun

140 - Ameen-ul-Umat is title of Hazrat:

Abu-Ubaida bin Al Jarah (R.A)


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