Islamic Studies: "Ghazwats and Sariyas" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - The Ghazwa _____ was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharba.


2 - Ghazwat Widdah was fought in _____ Hijrah year.


3 - In ________ Hijrah year, Ghazwat Salim, Banu Nuzair, Ohad, Hamara-al-Asad and Ghatfan were fought.


4 - In _________ Ghazwa Hudaibiya was fought.

7 AH

5 - Catapult was used for the first time by the Muslims in _______ battle.


6 - In _____ month Of 1 Ah, Ghazwa Widdah was fought.


7 - The battle in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) participated personally is called _______.


8 - _____ was the first Ghazwa of the Holy Prophet (SAW)


9 - _________ was fought against Bani Saqiaf.


10 - In the Holy Quran, ________ Ghazwat are mentioned.


11 - ________ was the religion of Banu Quraizah.


12 - The religion of Roman Emperor was ________.


13 - ________ tribe became an ally of the Quraish.

Banu Qainqa

14 - There was a famine in _______ in 9 AH.


15 - _______ chewed Hazrat Hamza's liver.


16 - Ghazwa ________ was fought against Bani Salba and Bani Muharab.


17 - Ghazwa Widdah, Bwat, Zel-ul-Shera, Ohad, Hamra-ul-Asad, Badr-e-Asghar, Ahzab and Aam-ul-Fatha were fought against _____.


18 - Ghazwa kariza, Banu Nuziar, Quraiza and Khyber were fought against _____.


19 - ________ Ghazwa was fought against the Syrian tribe.


20 - Ghazwa Tabook took place in _____.

9 AH

21 - The last Ghazwa of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was _____.


22 - _________ Muslims left Madina and encamped at Tabook.


23 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) stayed at Tabook for _____ days.


24 - The last military expedition was _____ in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) personally took part.


25 - The Battle after which the siege of Taif was laid was _____.

Tabook Expedition

26 - Tabook expedition is also called _____ in the Holy Quran.

Expedition of Straightness

27 - Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) Donated all his property in the Ghazwa _____.


28 - In Ghazwa _____ Muslims came back without fight.


29 - The main reason for the battle of Tabook was _____.

Mischief of Romans

30 - Ghazwa _____ was fought against Romans.


31 - Tabook is situated between _____.

Madina & Damascus

32 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) came in Madina in _____ after Ghazwat Tabook.

9 AH

33 - The Flagman of Islamic army was _____.

Hazrat Umar (RA)

34 - The age of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Battle of Tabook was _____ years.


35 - The battle of Mota took place in _____.

8 AH

36 - _____ swords were broken by Khalid bin Waleed (RA) in Ghazwa Mota.


37 - _____ title was awarded to Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) in Ghazwa Mota.


38 - The tribes, ________, accepted Islam after the battle of Mota.

Ashja & Ghatfan

39 - The colour of Islamic flag was _____ in the battle of Mota.


40 - Ghazwa Mota took place in _____.


41 - After the death of Hazrat Jaffar (RA), the leader of the Muslim army was _____ in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA)

42 - After the death of Zaid bin Harith (RA) the leader of the Muslim army was _____ in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Usman bin Zaid (RA)

43 - Mota is situated in _____.


44 - The enemy was defeated under the leader ship _____ in the battle of Mota.

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

45 - ________ was fought between Quraish and Hawazin.

War of Fijar

46 - The Battle of Hunain was fought in _____.

8 AH

47 - _____ persons were made prisoners in the Battle of Hunain.


48 - _____ was the tribe of enemy in the Battle of Hunain.

All of them

49 - _____ thousand Muslims participated in the Battle of Hunain.


50 - In Ghazwa _____ Muslims were in majority as compared to enemy.


51 - In 9 AH, there was famine in _____.


52 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) remained alone in _____.


53 - Ghazwa _____ was fought against the Arab tribes.


54 - Khyber is situated _____ miles from Madina.


55 - Khyber is located near _____.


56 - Khyber was captured in _____ days.


57 - The Jews agreed to give _____ of produce to the Muslims after the Khyber expedition.


58 - _____ companion (RA) accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) against the Jews of Khyber.


59 - The center of Jewish population in Arabia was _____.


60 - The Tribe which settled in Khyber after leaving Madina was _____.

Banu Nuzair

61 - In the Battle of Khyber a famous wrestler _____ was murdered by Hazrat Ali (RA).


62 - _____ tried to create disruption between the two main tribes of Madina, the Aos and the Khazraj.


63 - The tribe of Jews which broke the treaty was _____.

Banu Qainqa

64 - The Jewish tribe(s) is/are _____.

All of them

65 - The Battle of Trench was fought in _____.

5 AH

66 - _____ is also called Ghazwa Ahzab.


67 - The tribe which broke the treaty with the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Battle of Trench was _____.

Banu Quraizah

68 - _____ Sahabas (RA) worked along with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to dig up the trench.


69 - The Battle of Trench took place in _____.

627 AD

70 - _____ took place after the battle of Ohad.

Battle of Trench

71 - In Ghazwa _____ Hazrat Safia (RA) killed a jew.


72 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) took part in _____ battles.


73 - _____ weeks were spent in digging the trench in the Battle of Trench.


74 - In _____ battle many salats were missed and offered later on.


75 - The diplomatic efforts of Naeem bin Masood were successful in the Battle of _____.


76 - _____ proposed to dig a trench.

Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA)

77 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered for digging of trench on the border of _____.


78 - The Battle of Trench is also called _____.

Battle of Ahzab

79 - The meaning of Ahzab is _____.


80 - The piercing blast of cold wind blew in the _____.

Battle of Ahzab

81 - The religion of Banu Quraizah was _____.


82 - After the Battle of Trench the Banu Quraizah agreed to abide by the decision of the man of their won tribe namely _____.

Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA)

83 - Saad bin Maaz (RA) consulted the _____ to take decision in the Battle of Trench.


84 - _____ Muslims participated in the Battle of Ohad.


85 - Ohad is a _____.


86 - Ohad is located _____ miles away from Madina.


87 - In _____ direction of Madina, Ohad is located.


88 - The daughter of Utba was _____ who accompanied the army of Pagans in the Battle of Ohad


89 - _____ Muslims were pasted to pretect the pass in the Ohad mountain.


90 - In the Battle of Ohad, _____ pagans of Makkah participated.


91 - _____ Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Ohad.


92 - Khalid bin Waleed belonged to _____ tribe.


93 - In _____ Battle,Muslim ladies provided first aid to the Muslim fighters.


94 - In the Battle of Ohad, _____ was the commander in chief of infidels.

Abu Sufyan

95 - _____ was the leader of "Teer Andaz Dasta" at Jabal-e-Yahene in the Battle of Ohad.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RA)

96 - Ghazwa-e-Ohad took place in _____.

3rd Hijrah

97 - The teeth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were martyred in the Battle of _____.


98 - _____ was the Battle in Which Muslims suffered heavy losses.


99 - Hazrat Hamza (RA) was martyred in the Battle of _____.


100 - Abdullah bin Ubai was _____.


101 - _____ persons were accompanied with Abdullah bin Ubai.


102 - Umma-e-Hakam was _____.

The Granddaughter of Abu Jehl

103 - The leader of the enemy cavalry, in the Battle of Ohad was _____.

Khalid bin Waleed

104 - _____ the uncle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was martyred in the Battle of Ohad.

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

105 - _____ was another name of Hazrat Talha (RA).


106 - The flagman of Makkans was _____.

Banu Addar

107 - Hazrat Rafy bin Khadaij (RA) participated in the Battle of Ohad at the age of _____ years.


108 - _____ fought against the Muslims in the battle of Ohad.

Abu Amir

109 - In the battle of Ohad, the leader of Quraish was _____.

Abu Sufyan

110 - Hazrat Hamza (RA) was martyred by _____.

Wahshi bin Arab

111 - Hazrat Hunzulla was martyred by _____.

Shaddad bin Oas

112 - Hazrat _____ was martyred by Khalid bin Waleed.

Abdullah bin Zuabiar (RA)

113 - The Battle of Badr took place in _____.

624 AD

114 - There were _____ infidels in the Battle of Badr.


115 - Badr is located _____ miles away from Madina.

60 miles

116 - _____ infidels were killed in the Battle of Badr.


117 - Badr is a _____.


118 - Ghazwa _____ is named as Youm-ul-Furqan.


119 - In the battle of _____ Abu Jehl was killed.


120 - In the battle of _____ Abu Jehl was killed.


121 - _____ prisoners were captured in the Battle of Badr.


122 - Another name of the Battle of Badr is _____.

Ghazwa kubra

123 - _____ was the brother of Hazrat Ali (RA) who was taken as prisoner in the Battle of Badr.

Aqel bin Abi Talib

124 - _____ was the oldest in age and was in the front line in Battle of Badr.

Hazrat Ubaidah (RA)

125 - The colour of the Flag of the Islamic army in Ghazwa Badr was _____.


126 - _____ was an important event that took place on the 17th Ramazan, 2nd Hijrah.

Ghazwa Badr

127 - Ghazwa Badr was fought _____ times


128 - _____ was the leader of pagans in the Battle of Badr.

Abu Jehl

129 - The Battle of Badr took place in _____.

2 AH

130 - There was _____ Muslims in this battle.


131 - Ghazwa Badr was fought during _____ the Islamic month of _____.


132 - The Battle of Badr is mentioned in Surah _____ of the Holy Quran.


133 - In Surah _____, God has promised to sent angels for the help of the MUslims in the Battle of Badr.


134 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) prayed at _____ for the blessing of Ahl-e-Madina.


135 - The young martyr in the battle of Badr was _____.

Hazrat Umar bin Abi Waqas (RA)

136 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) appointed _____ to know about the carvan coming from Syria.

Hazrt Talha bin Ubaidullah (RA) and Hazrat Saad bin Zaid (RA).

137 - The first martyr of the battle of Badr was _____.

Hazrat Mahuj bin Saleh (RA)

138 - The first pagan killed by the Muslims was _____.

Asad bin Makhzoomi

139 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) Ordered to kill _____ in the Battle of Badr.

Nazr bin Harith and Aqba bin Abi Moeet

140 - _____'s dagger was preserved.

Hazrat bin Awam

141 - The protective shield of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was _____.


142 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) was welcomed at _____.


143 - Tha age of the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time of Battle of Badr was _____.

54 years

144 - The first Pagan killed by Hazrat ALi (RA) in the Battle of Badr was _____.

Al-Waleed bin Uttba

145 - The Muslims Recieved a a war booty in the Battle of Badr.

10 horses and 150 camels

146 - _____ resembled to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Hazrat Masab bin Umair (RA)

147 - The best orator in the prisoners of the battle of Badr was _____.

Sohail bin Amr

148 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) styed for _____ days in the battle of Badr.


149 - The leaders of Quraish who participated in the battle of Badr were.

Abu Jehl and Utba bin Rabia

150 - _____ angels helped the Muslims in the Battle of Badr.


151 - The name of Sahabi about whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, "The Paradise is due for you" is _____.

Hazrat Talha bin Abdullah (RA)

152 - Utba bin Rabia, Sheeba bin Rabiya, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, Hakeem bin Hazin, Naufyl bin Khwaild, Haris bin Amir, Taieema bin Addi, Nazr bin Haris, Zuma bin Aswad, Umayya bin Khuluf, Sohail bin Amr, Amr bin Abd and Abu-al-Bohturi were the leaders of Quraish w


153 - Hazrat Ubaida bin Haris (RA), Hazrat Umair (RA), Hazrat Umair bin Abd (RA), Hazrat Amr (RA), Hazrat Aqil (RA), Hazrat Mahuj (RA), Hazrat Sufwan (RA), Hazrat Saad (RA), Hazrat Mubshir (RA), Hazrat Harissa (RA), Hazrat Auff (RA), Hazrat Umair Bin Humam (RA)


154 - _____ is called the battle in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) did not participate personally.


155 - Ther were _____ sariyas fought by the Muslims.


156 - Sariyas Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) and Basheer bin Sa'ad (RA) were fought at _____.


157 - Sariyas; Abdur Rehman bin Hajsh (RA) and Umair bin Addi (RA) were fought in _____.

2 AH

158 - Sariyas Abdullah bin Anees (RA), Abu Salma bin Abu Alasad (RA), Manzoor bin Amr (RA) and Mursad bin Abi Mursad (RA) were fought in _____.

6 AH

159 - Sariya khalid bin Waleed (RA) and Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) were fought in _____.

10 AH

160 - _____ was the leader of Sariya fought at Bani Salim in 6 AH.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA)

161 - The leader of Sariya fought at Bani Saad bin Bakr, Yemen and Bani Ja'ai was _____.

Hazrat Ali (RA)

162 - ____________ was the leader of Sariya fought at Turba in 7 AH.

Hazrat Umar (RA)

163 - ______________ was the leader of Sariya fought at Al-Taif Hasma, Al-Jandal, Al-Qura and Al-Iraq.

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

164 - ____________ was the leader of Sariya fought at Bani Kalab in 7 AH.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

165 - The leader of Sariya fought at khizera and Batan Azem was ___________ .

Hazrat Abu Qataba bin Rabi (RA)

166 - __________ was the leader of Sariya fought at Al-Jandal in 6 AH.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA)

167 - The last Sariya was fought in _______.


168 - In __________ sariyas Akasha bin Musalma Ansari, Abdullah bin Rawaha Abdur Rehman bin Aof, Abdullah bin Ateeq, Kurz bin Jabr, Umro bin Umaytha, Zaid bin Harith, Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah and Muhammad bin Musalma Ansari (RA) were fought

6 AH

169 - Sariyas Umar Farooq, Abu Bakr, Ibn-e-Abi Alawja, Bashir bin Saad and Ghalib Abdullah (RA) were fought in ___________.

7 AH

170 - Muhammad bin Musalma Ansari (RA) sariya was fought in ___________ .

1 AH

171 - The first Sariya was fought near _____.



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