Islamic Studies: "Hadeeth-e-Nabvi (SAW)" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - Hadith is ______.

Saying of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

2 - There are ______ methods for the compilation of Ahdith.

None of these

3 - The narrator of Hadith is Known as ______.


4 - The number of most authentic books of Hadith is ______.


5 - The meaning of Hadith is ______.

To Inform

6 - Hadith compiler introduces each Hadith with its own Isnad which means the series of authorities. It may be called ______.

All of the above

7 - What is lesser than authentic Hadith, although it is not false or a favrication?

Zareef Hadith

8 - The meaninf of Sahih is ______.


9 - The meaning of Zaeef is ______.


10 - The second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn is ______.


11 - Sunnah is ______.

Actions of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

12 - The literal meaning of Sunnah is ______.

All of the Above

13 - ______ is the writer of Kitab-ul-Aasar.

Imam Abu Hanifa

14 - The earliest attempt to collect Ahdith was made in ______.


15 - Ahdith have ______ parts.


16 - The earliest attempt made for the collection of Ahdith was ______.

At the End of the 1st Century of Hijra

17 - There are two parts of Hadith. One is Sanad and other is ______.


18 - The most authentic books of Ahadith are called ______.


19 - The word Sanad means ______.


20 - There are ______ classes in Hadith based on tradition.


21 - The best source to test the authenticity of Hadith is ______.


22 - Matan means ______.

Matter of Hadith

23 - Which term is applicable for the transmission of a Hadith?


24 - Name the classes of Hadith ?

All of the above

25 - The author of Al-Kafi is ______.

Muhammad Ali bin Babvia

26 - The Hadith comprising an action or practice of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called ______.


27 - The silent approval of the action or practice by the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called ______.


28 - Abu jaafar Muhammad bin Al-Hasan died in ______.

460 AH

29 - ______ is the author or Al-Istabsar.

Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Hasan

30 - Isolated traditions are called ______.


31 - ______ is used to prove the genuineness of the sanad of Hadith.


32 - ______ is used to prove the genuineness of Matan of Hadith.


33 - The literal meaninf of Dirayet is ______.


34 - The first century of Islamic tradition was ______.


35 - ______ is the best interpreter and explanatory of the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

36 - ______ were used to write down every word of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) speech.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA)

37 - ______ is the first authority for the compilation of Ahadith.

Imam Maalik

38 - ______ was the first to conceive the idea of compiling the authentic Ahadtih.

Imam Muhammad bin Ismaeel al-Bukhari

39 - Imam Bukhari's compilation of Ahadith is known as ______.

Sahih Bukhari

40 - Imam Bukhari was born in ______.

194 AH

41 - The second best book, after the Holy Quran for the Muslim world is ______.

Sahih Bukhari

42 - Al-Musannaf contains _____ Ahadith.


43 - ______ was the compiler of Al-Musannaf.

Imam Abd-Al-Razzaq Al-Nisai

44 - Muhammad bin Ismaeel Bukhari was born in ______.

803 AD

45 - Imam Bukhari died in ______.

869 AD

46 - The author of Ibn-e-Maja is ______.


47 - ______ work of Hadith is next to Bukhari.

Imam Muslim

48 - The complete name of Imam Muslim is ______.

Abdul Hasan Muslim Al-Nishapuri

49 - Imam Muslim was born in ______.

817 AD

50 - Imam Muslim was born in ______.


51 - Imam Muslim Ibn-e-Hajjaj compiled ____ Ahadith.


52 - The collections by Bukhari and Muslim are known as _____.


53 - _____ was the contemporary of Imam Muslim.

Imam Bukhari

54 - The compelete name of Nisai is _____.

Abdul Rehman Al-Nisai

55 - A Hadith, explained in both Bukhari and Muslim is called _____.

Hadith-e-Muttafiq Alaih

56 - The meaning of Muttafiq Alaih is _____.

Agreed Upon

57 - The book of narration which Abdullah bin Umar wrote is named as _____.


58 - The author of Al-Sunan is _____.

Abu Daood

59 - The most famous compilation in Musnad is ______.

Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

60 - Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal contains ______ Ahadith.


61 - The compiler of Al-Mautta is ______.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

62 - Al-Mautta contains ______ Ahadith.


63 - The founder of the Maaliki school of thought was ______.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

64 - ______ formed a society called Ahl-e-Hadith to collect traditions.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

65 - ______ was the teacher of Muhammad Ibn-e-Yahya.

Imam Maalik bin Anas

66 - ______ got a wide reputation as a traditionalist.

Imam Abu Daud

67 - The complete name of Ibn-e-Maja is ______.

Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazeed Al-Maja

68 - Ibn-e-Maja also wrote ______.

Kitabal al-Tafsir

69 - Imam Ahmad was the founder of the ______ school of law.


70 - ______ got the fifth place in the history of the collectors of Hadith.


71 - Tirmizi was born in ______.

831 A.D Transoxiana

72 - The author of Kitab-ul-Sunnah is ______.


73 - who was the author of Kitab-ul-Shamayel?


74 - Kitab-ul-Shamayel relates to ______.

Life of the Holy Prophet (SAW)

75 - The author of Al-Jami is ______.



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