Islamic Studies: "Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Migration" Most Important and Repeating MCQs in Job

1 - _____ is the meaning of Shai'b.


2 - Hazrat Umar (RA) accepted Islam in _____.

616 AD

3 - In _____ second migration to Abyssinia took place.

616 AD

4 - The event of the Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in _____ year of Nabvi.


5 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) preached Islam secretly for _____ years.


6 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) started to started to preach Islam openly in _____.

Fourth Nabvi

7 - _____ was the animal on which the Holy Prophet (SAW) migrated to Madina.


8 - _____ was the significant event of 27th Rajab of 10th year of Prophethood.


9 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) took refuge in _____.

Cave Soar

10 - The second woman who embraced Islam was _____.

Hazrat Ummay Aimen (RA)

11 - For _____ years, the social boycott continued.


12 - In _____ years of Prophethood, a group of people from Madina met Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).


13 - _____ is the name of camel on which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration to Madina.


14 - Which group belonged to Madina ?


15 - The accord of Uqba took place in _____ years of Prophethood.


16 - The Muslims took refuge near Makkah in _____.

Shai'b-e-Abi Talib

17 - The other name of Koha-e-Safa is _____.


18 - The exact date of the Miraj event was _____.

27th Rajab

19 - What is the relation of Hazrat Hamza (RA) with the Holy Prophet (SAW) ?


20 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) visited _____ during the event of Miraj.


21 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) preached Islam openly for the first time at _____.


22 - _____ was the worst enemy of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Makkah.

Abu Jehl

23 - _____ is the name of tribe of Taif.


24 - Salat became obligatory at the event of _____.


25 - _____ accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the visit of Taif.

Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

26 - _____ had the title of Sayyed-ush-Shohdah.

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

27 - In _____ Hazrat Hamza (RA) embraced Islam.

6th Nabvi

28 - _____ had the title of Abu-e-ul Hakim.

Abu Jehl

29 - The Holy Quran was revealed in _____.


30 - Jannat-e-Mo'alla is located in _____.


31 - Waqia Miraj is also known as _____.

Waqia Assraa

32 - _____ was the important event in the year of 13th Nabvi.

Hijrah Madina

33 - _____ met Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) on the 6th Spiritual Sky at the occasion of Miraj.

Hazrat Musa (AS)

34 - _____ Muslims made Second migration to Abyssinia.


35 - _____ persons were included in the Bait-e-Uqba Oola.


36 - At the time of migration, the king of Abyssinia was _____.


37 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) met _____ at seventh spiritual sky.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

38 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) became an Imam of all the Prophets (AS) during Miraj in _____.


39 - The youngest son of Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (RA) was _____.

Hazrat Abu Talib

40 - _____ year is called Aam-ul-Huzn i.e. the Year of Sorrow.

10th Nabvi

41 - _____ persons were included in the Bait-e-Ubqa Sani.


42 - _____ is famous under the name of Jabal-e-Noor.

The Cave of Hira

43 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) firstly recited Qanoot-e-Nazila in _____.

4 AH

44 - _____ is the greatest miracle of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).


45 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) started public preaching in _____.

613 AD

46 - The migration to Abyssinia took place in _____.

615 AD

47 - _____ is the first mosque of Islam.


48 - _____ was the Old name of Madina.


49 - In _____ home, Holy Prophet (SAW) stayed at Madina.

Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA)

50 - In the Hujrah of _____ the Holy Prophet is buried.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

51 - The Charter of Madina was made in _____.

1st Year of Hijrah

52 - Mowakhat took place in _____.

1st Hijrah

53 - The inhabitants of Taif embraced Islam in _____.

9th Hijrah

54 - _____ was the last to migrate to Madina.

Hazrat Abbas (RA)

55 - _____ built Masjid-e-Zarar.


56 - The camel of the Holy Prophet sat at Madina near the House of _____.

Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA)

57 - The Roza-tur-Rasool is situated in _____.


58 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) died at the age of _____.

63 years

59 - The first work done by the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he migrated to Madina was _____.

Construction of Mosque

60 - _____ is the title of the Holy Prophet (SAW).


61 - _____ took the message of the Holy Prophet (SAW) to the Ethiopian King.

Hazrat Umar bin Umayya (RA)

62 - Mithaq-e-Madina was signed between the Muslims and _____.


63 - Jannat-ul-Baqi is a _____.


64 - Which was the First Battle fought against the Makkans ?


65 - The Battle of Badr took place in _____.

2 AH

66 - The battle of Badr took place in _____.

624 AD

67 - The Holy Prophet (SAW) sent _____ from Tabook with 400 riders to demolish Masjid-e-Zarar.

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

68 - The years of ____ is knwon as Aam-ul-Wafood.

9 AH

69 - ____ was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal.

Muhammad Rasslullah

70 - The laws about orphanage were revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in _____.

3 AH

71 - The command of Hijab (pardah) was revealed in _____.

4 AH

72 - In _____ laws about Zina were revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

5 AH

73 - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was not only kind to human beings but also to _____.

All of the above

74 - The seal of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was made of _____.


75 - The final command about the prohibition of interest was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in _____.

8 AH

76 - The laws of inheritance were revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in _____.

3 AH

77 - _____ companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) accompanied him at the time of Sulha-e-Hudaibiya.


78 - The Truce of Hudaibiya took place in _____.

6th Hijrah

79 - Biat-e-Rizwan is known as _____.


80 - The capital of whole Islamic state and Muslims countries was _____.


81 - For the first time in Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) established _____.

Revenue System

82 - Madina was Known as a center of _____.

Learning and Knowledge


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